HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-23, Page 5THE EXBTER RSSES CENTRALIA IMir. ana Mrs. E. Abbott'and Mr. Chas. Fairhall have re-turnea te thair hjpme here, after spenaiijgr the winter in California, Mr, John pollard is confined his home owing to illness; Mr. <S, Baskerville, of London, visiting with. Ills brother, Mr. 'Baskerville, ' Mr, Harold Fisher, of the Sham­ rock Creamery staff, was confined to his home for a few days last week with an attack of appendicitis. Mr, Herman Hodglson, who Jias been taking a course in the O, A. C, his’ home i Baynham the week- to is G, CHA.N RED & WHITE STORES SPECIAL FOR PIES California Dried Peaches per lb. 15c.Apples ingal, tins each 25c, =s DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, HENSALL, ONT. # telephone 100 Main Street HENSALL Gardening is now the order of the (flay. Mr. Thos. Cook is confined to his liome through illness, "_ lM!r. Win. Fee visited friends in jExeter on Saturday. M /• Mr. Peter Case, of Exeter, visited lor a few days with friends in town. Mr. Harold Sherritt spent the week-end visiting relatives at Wind­ sor. miss Viola Johns, of Eliniville, •visited on Sunday with friends in town. |M!r. Milton Ortwein, of London, visited oyer the week-end with rela­ tives in town. Miss Jean Stone, of London, visit­ ed over the week-end with lier'fatlier and sister here. '.Mr. Henry Horton* purchased a a?w. Chevrolet car from Messrs. 2’assmOre & Sons. flllr. T. C. Joynt ts improving the appearance of his stores by having them nicely painted, •Mrs. Streets, of Clinton, was a re- «ent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,C. A. McDonell. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ebby, of Burl­ ington, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W- J. White Quite a pumber from here attend­ ed the dance in Watson’s Hall, Kip- jien on Wednesday night. Mrs. P. Fischer anda Miss' Fisher, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt at Brucefield. A number from here attended the services at James St. United, church Exeter on Sunday evening last. Mr; Win. Jarrott and daughter Miss- .Annje, of Hillsgreen, recently visited .With Mr., and Mrs. D. Nichol. ■The Oddfellows of Hensail Lodge antend attending the St. Paul’s Ang­ lican church on Sunday evening May 3rd. Miss Jean Russell, of Seaforth and brother of Cromarty visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hod- Sert. Mr. Jas. Smith, chief of police, of ^Kincardine, was a recent visitor at lhe home of Mir. and Mrs.- William 'Consitt. Mrl Thos. Farquhar has returned to town and lias resumed his posi­ tion as’ caretaker of the Hensail Bowling Green. ’ % The dance put on by the Hensall Orchestra was well attended on Fri­ day evening. Tlie musiic being fur­ bished iby the Hensall Orchestra. Mr. Henry Pfile has a number of anen engaged moving the barn that lie recently purchased from Mr. Hy. Howard down to his-farm at Roger- ville. ' Mr. Garfield Brown who recently moved here from Kitchener has .opened' up a boot and shoe repair shop on the south side of King/ St. jn the Hardy building. The Steele Briggs and the Rennie Sped Companies have the onion sets shipped ou‘t of their warehouses jhere and their men are now busy mowing the seed for another crop. * Mr. Wm. Dabus was arrested in Tiondon on Friday nigflit for having liquor, in his possession on the street. On Saturday morning he appeared before Magistrate Scrandrett an,d lined $100.00 and costs. Tlie Presbyterial Society will meet In the United cliurch on Tuesday, April 28tli commencing at 9.30 a.m. All W. M. S. members and all Jriends will be welcome. Mr. R. G. iLongly, of West China, will address stlie meeting,. She is a most inspir­ ing speaker and all will be helped liy hearing her message. Barns are Burned On ’Sunday Morning the barns on the farm of Geo. Armstrong, two .miles southwest of Hensall’were des­ troyed by fire., His little soil Harty .and his neice^the daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. John Coleman, of London, were . playing in the barn, with matches and set fire to the straw, a Tew minutes afterwafcl Mr. Arriv "strong noticed the blaze and sudceoct- <ed Jin getting all of the livestock out ®.f the building. The drive shed which was next to the barn was also consumed with nearly all the farm implements which were in the shed. A bean thresher on the bam floor was also destroyed also a quantity of hay and grain. The Hensall fire /department was called and (thickly responded, and succeeded in saving the house. Mr. Armstrong carried some insurance but his loss will be very heavy. Quite a number of the neighbors and friends were on the grounds on Monday cleaning up the debris and Mr. Armstrong intends erecting a new barn immediately. BYCKMAN—BOND iThe marriage took place quietly at the First Presbyterian church in Toledo, Ohio, on Thursday, April 2nd of Margaret Jean, only daughter of Mr. and1 Mrs. Avery Bond, of 144 Bruce St., Flint, (Mlioh., to Mr. Roy Ryckmah, Plim. B., son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ryckman, of Hensall, Ont. Following an extended motor trip they will reside in Flint. a ____ DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.5. x DENTAL SURGEON At offlce in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. On Friday' evening, April 24tli, Rev,, Otto Turk Institutional Mis­ sionary for Detroit, will deliver a j lecture at the Lutheran church on his j work. Rev. Turk should have a message to interest all of us. You are cordially invited to attend. There will be a silver collection to defray expenses. The service begins at 8.30 o’clock. The Fun Galore Club held their last meeting for the season at the home of Miss Catherine Finkbeiner on Wednesday evening. The even­ ing; was spent at progressive crok- inole after which the hostess served 'dainty refreshments. The next meeting will be held in September at the home of Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Miss Verna Birk, who has been vice- president will automatically become next season’s president. On Thursday. evening the Wal­ ther League of Dashwood met in the basement of the church to wel­ come to their midst the' newly con­ firmed and the church’s youth in general. Twenty two leaguers were present and about 20 visitors. The meeting was opened by the president Miss Marie Allemang who officially gram consisted of games and con­ gram consistel of games and con­ tests and also included an address by Norman Walper who will repre­ sent Dashwood League in the On­ tario District Oratorical Contest at Elmira. At the conclusion of the ev­ ening lunch was served. Messrs. Reuben Goetz and Chas. Steinlia|g,en spent Friday in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Guenther and son Donald,, of Windsor, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Mr. M. W. Schenk and sons Leonh­ ard and,Douglas spent the week-end with friends in Walkerton/ Mr. Eugene Tiernan, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Sunday with friends in London. ,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Calfas, of Sarnia, spent a few days with their friends last week. Rev. John Oestriclier, *of Rosen­ thal, is spending a few days with his parents also attending confer­ ence in Elmira last week. Miss Laura M. Reia visited friends in Walton on Sunday. Mr. E. Bejrder, of Blyth, has pur- cased the residence - of Mr. Jacob Kellerman. Mr. J. *W. Graybeil and Beatrice and' Mrs; W.‘ England attended’* the funeral of a relative in Fordwicli on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie May, Mrs. John Shipley and jMIr. Morgan, of Forest were (Sunday visitors with Mrs. Adella Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. George Mawhinney and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney, of Crediton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz. Guelph, has returned to for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs, Maxwell and son of Toronto, spent end with the former’s parents Mr, and. Mrs. George Baynham ,Sr. Mr. and, Mrs. P. Sinclair, of Wind­ sor visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson On Sunday. Mrs. George Thompson and Jean visited recently with • relatives in Brantford’. The Missionary Meeting was held in the 'basement of the church on Tuesday,'April 14tli. The devotion­ al exercises were led by Mr. T. NeM. Opening with, the use of the programme, consisting of resppnsilg readings, hymns and a. solo by* Mrs. S. Hicks. Temperance ipapers were also read by Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs. A, Mitchell, Mrs. H. Rowe, Mrs. II. Bowden, Miss I-Iarvey, iMIrs, T'. Neil. The talk on the study 'book was tak­ en by Mrs. H. Powe which concluded the interesting and instructive meet­ ing. The leader closed the meeting. CREDITON and Mrs. Wm. Finkbeiner Sunday at the home of Mrs. and._ Mrs. J. Moir,4 of Detroit, . and Mrs. G.Sunday with Mr. attended the in Elmira on F Fred Kerr spent and Mrs, Charles Mr. spent Stahl. . Mr. .spent Eiliber. , A number from here Evangelical Conference Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. E. Fahner of Kitch­ ener visited' with relatives in town last Wednesday. .Miss Janet M’cLean, of Wingham, visited with Mr. Teller last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. Kerr, of Benmiller. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sparling and son Claire, of Walkerton,’ visited Mrs. Sparling’® parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith on Sunday. • (Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eilber and daughter, Joan, of Detroit, spent Sunday with the former’s' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eilber. The Young People’s' .Society of the United Cliupcli held their regular meeting on Friday /evening, /bliss Elva Lamport gave an interesting paper on “Art” .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner and daughter Jean, of iShipka; also Mrs. Miichael Finkbeiner and daugh­ ter Luella where the gue(sts of Mrs. Stahl and family on Sunday. The Women’s Association of United church held a meeting week and decided to have their nual strawberry social on May 29tli. Further particulars later. The Huronia Male. "Chorus will give a concert in the Crediton Town Hall on Wednesday, May 6th under the auspices of the .Star Class of the Evangelical Sunday School. Pr-of. T.hos. Finkbeiner, of Na- pierville, Ill., spent .Sunday in Cred­ iton. his home town, visiting his sis­ ter Mrs. Stahl and family and other friends. He occupied the pulpit on Sunday morning in the Evangelical church in the absence of the pastor and delivered a very fine sermon which was much appreciated. the last an- CREDITON EAST son Hl ZION Mrs. Melville Hern; Mrs; Harold Hern and Mrs, R. E. Pooley are dele­ gates from the Zion W M. S. to at­ tend Presbytery which meets in the United, church, Hensalt, on Tuesday, April 28tli, ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten and Mr. and Mrs. Clias,. Godbolt, called on Mr. Chas. Vpshall in London on Sat*< ttrdny. Miss Dora Brook, who has been working for 'Mr. Jas. Earl has re­ turned to her homo and Iter place is being taken for a few weeks by Miss Alda Squire. Mr. and (Mrs. David Baird and Jack and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. spent Sunday with friends in Sarnia. Mrs. Baird’s mother, Mrs. Merner who has been visiting,.in Sarnia returning, home with them. (Mr. and1 Mrs. Roland Motz spent the .week-end wjtli the former’s sis­ ter, Mrs. Frank Sclieiding in Lon­ don’. Mr. and Mrs.,. Sam Sims and two children and Mr. Herb Schenk spent Sunday with Mrs. John Baird’ at Grand Bend. ‘Mrs. James'Kilpatrick, of Kippen, and Mrs. Kate Hedden, of Hensall, spent .Sunday with Mr. hnd |Mlrs. J. Sinis. Mr and1 Mrs. ,Sani Rollins and son Fred, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jonah .Sims. IMIrs, Hy. Motz received word from Berwyn, Alberta, of the , Serious ill­ ness of her brother, Mr. Paul Mess­ ner who is in the hospital there suf­ fering with asthma of the heart. Mr. Paul Messener was a former resi­ dent of Crediton but who left for the West some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis and1 baby of near Brinsley, spent Sunday with Mr .and’ Mrs, Harry Lewis. KHIVA MJss Catherine Walker returned home from Detroit accompanied by her sister and Mr. and Mrs. Comtek, of Detroit. fortune never smiles on, because ho is a joke, R. Me- a man each 39c.GOOD BROQMS> five string LIFEBUOY SOAP, try it for the bath 3 cakes for 23c?t BEST PRICES ON SUGAR, DOMINION OR REPPATH FALCON TOMATOES 2 large tins for 19c HAWE’S FLOOR WAX lb. tin 43c.; 1-2 lb. tin 23c Mother’s Baby Soap 3 for 16c. 4 GOOD PRUNES 2 lbs. for 19c. Red & White TOMATO JUICE 2 tins for 19q. CORN SYRUP" No. 5 tin each 33c HAWE’S LEMON OIL Large bottle 23c. WAXTITE SODA BISCUITS lb. package for 15c. FRY’S COCOA Large tin 23c. Golden Spray CHEESE Per Jb. 29c, Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP Per bottle 14c.' BEST QUALITY RICE 2 lbs, for 15c. GOOD QUALITY PEAS 2 for 15c/ Golden Wax Beans 1 each 14c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—LETTUCE, CELERY, RA DISH, GREEN ONIONS, POTATOES, SPINACH, NEW CARROTS, NEW CABBAGE, PINEAPPLES, HARVEY & HARVEY * Phone 102 We Deliver II? ELIMVXLLE The monthly meeting of tlie W. M. S. was held in the church Wed­ nesday afternoon. Mrs. J. ' Prance very icapably led the meeting. Eleven memberships were presented and roll call was answered with an Easter message. Mrs. Chas. Godbolt led in prayer then Temperance Readings were .given by Mrs. Prance, Mrs; T. Bell; Mrs. Godbolt, Mrs. Fk. Brock and Mrs. Everett ,Skinner.< My Easter iThankoffering was read 'by Mrs F. Ford and Mrs. Ed. Johns reading the Scripture' lesson. A letter from Miss Annie Lawrence, Seaforth, was read urging attendan­ ce at the Presbyterial to be tyeld at Helisall in the United' church on April 28th. Mrs. Richard Johns and Mrs. Everett Skinner were appoint­ ed as delegates. Some other busi­ ness was- discussed and arrangements made .for entertaining -.Zion Auxil­ iary Jnext month when all members are requested to be present. Mrs. Rev. White closed with prayer. Mr Garnet Johns Was in‘Toronto during the week-end. Mr. Franklin Skinner and his mother, Mrs Wm. Skinner were in London last Sunday to visit with the latter’s sister, Miss Bertha Andrew who ' underwent Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Patricia visited Bannerman in St Marys last Sunday. Mrs. iM.cFalls visited her sister Mrs. W. Horne this week .■Mr. Philip Murcli is taking over tlie Eliniville store this week. Mr. and’ -Mrs Fred Wright and children and Miss S Smale intend moving to Lbndon shortly where Mr. Wright lias been employed for s'ometime. Several in the vicinity have confined to their beds with flu ingi the past week. Quite a few of the farmers •finished seeding at time of writin. while many will be through this week. The very fine weather has been made the most -of but the rain is very badly needed. The sympathy of the neighbours and friends is extended to iMr. and Mrs. Will. Brooks and family in their bereavement. , Miss“Ruth Skinner of Exetei' was home on Sunday. ' Mrs. Jonathan Cooper has return­ ed to her home after spending over three months vzitfi her daughter, Mrs. Fred Ford Con. 2. Mr. Chas. UpshAll, who recently moved from this 'community is at present in the hospital undergoing treatiiient for facial trouble. His friends here hope that he will re­ ceive permanent benefit therefrom. ReV.^.White’s brother visited Sunday last. THAMES ROAD Moodie and Mrs. Roy acceptab- church Sunday afternoon sacrament was adminis- Mrs. Benson Tuckey and Russell, of Seaforth, Mr. Wm. Fletcher sang a duet very ly at Roy’s where the tered. Mr. and Master Ross were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen. Miss Jean was a} visitor with Mr. and Mrs. K. McNico-l last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Knight attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Gunn­ ing of Whalen on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Stone is visiting with her sister Mrs. Moffat at Orono. Mr. Elmer Hilburn lias returned to Toronto after vesting among rel­ atives here. Mrs. Ed. Pollen and Mrs. Benson W. Tuckey, of Exeter, visited, with (Mil’s. Parsons, quite of- Munroe, who sick th& past week. is to in HARPLEY of Detroit, the week-end at his Hickey, who has been, his fattier in Fair has returned home. Murray left this com- Mr. Herman Hayter, Mich., spent home here. Mr. Nelson visiting!, with Grove, Mich., Mr. ^Hector munity to take a position in Sarnia. Miss Chrystal Hayter called on Miss Beulah Hodgins on Sunday while going to visit her sister, Mrs. C. Sherritt. M.rs. A. Hayter has gone to visit for .sometime with her s»on, Mr. A, Hayter, of Detroit. SHIPKA an operation Lloyd Johns with Mr. and last and Mrs. been dur- have s here on WINCHELSEA Seeding has been in full swing the past , week and a number of the far­ mers are through. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis of Kirk­ ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley on Sunday. 'Mr. wm. Pym, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mr, John Hinds, of. Exeter, called on friends in the community Sunday, Mrs, David Alexander, of Thames Road spent last week with Mrs. G. Davis, jiMlss Lila McCullough is sporting a ne.w Ford <$oacl)> Miss Inez Creery, of Forest High School staff spent the Week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J, E, Creery* KIRKTON Miss Eliza Shier has returned her home after visiting friends Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Arnos Doupe spent Sunday with Mrs. Doupe’s brother, Mr. Wm. Kirk, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. McLellan, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jas. Allen. * Mr; and Mrs. .Nathan Doupe and Mr. Anderson motored to iMlitcliell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Gilfillan, of St. Marys, visited her son William Gilfillian re­ cently. The Horticultural Society have de­ livered their premiums to the mem­ bers the past week. Sirs. John Hannah Dies Once again death has visited our community claiming Mrs. John Han­ nah, who passed away suddenly on Wednesday morning, April 15th. Deeceased, whose maiden name was Martha Ann Kirk had not well for some time, but was able to go about her work, death was due to heart failure. She was a daughter "of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kirk and spent all her life around here. She. was in her 7'6tli year of a quiet disposition and was a member of the United church. Besides/, the. bereav­ ed husband she is survived by one brother,. Joseph Kirk, 'of Saskatoon and one sister Mrs. Josiah Shie'r, of Corona, B. C. 'The funetal on Fri­ day afternoon was largely attended Interment in the Uniop. cemetery and was conducted by Rev. T. A. Bell. Prof. Thos. Finkbeiner, from Na­ perville, Bl., spent (Saturday* with his brother Mr. C. Finkbeiner. Mr. and1 Mrs. Wes. Jones- from Crediton spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Simith. Miss B. Baynhani who has 'been in Windsor for a few weeks has re­ turned to her home. \ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wrexler, of Sarnia, are spending a few days at the home of Mr.- and' Mrs. J. Gower. Mr. and Mrs. McAdams and Mr. Bassow, of Zurich, spent .Sunday at the home Sweitzer. of >Mr. and Mrs. William GREENWAY Woodrow and Miss Olive HURONDALE good attendance of members < • A marked the meeting of the Huron- dale Institute held recently at the House of Refuge at Clinton with the president Mrs. R. Kestle in -the chair. ‘The meeting opened by singing the “Maple Leaf for Ever” followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The program inicluded a duet by Mr. Hess and Mr. Bolton; recitation by Grace Beckler; piano solo, Miss R, Oke; solo, Mrs. Frayne; Violin solo, Mr, Harry Strang; reading Mrs* A. Rundle; trio, Miss Maybelle iStrang, 'Mrs. R. Kestle and Mrs. E. Mitoliell; duet, Mr. Hess and Mr, Bolton; solo by Mrs. A, Morgan; reading, Mrs. R. Kestle; solo, Mr, Clarence Down; piano solq, Miss L. Bym; duet Mr. Hess1, and Mr, Bolton, KeV. Mr, Hawk of Clinton then thanked the Institute for visiting the heme as they enjoy these pro*, grams very much. The meeting then closed by singing the National Anthem. Mr. j. Armstrong visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. Purdy, of Hensall, last week. The members of the executive of the United church school met at thfe home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones last Wednesday evening. At the conclu­ sion of the business session the hos­ tess served lunjcli and all enjoyed a social hour. 'These executive meet­ ings have proved a., great help in maintaining interest in the work of the scrool. At the regular meeting of the W. A. held last Wednesday, Mrs. C. Woodburn was elected second vice- president in place of Mrs. W. Young who resigned because of having acr cepted the office of .treasurer. Mrs. Fred Steeper’s class of intermediates girls was appointed to take charge of the south flower bed while the Laura Secord class has the care of* the north one. These flower' Beds add very materially to the appear­ ance of the chur/eh property. The W. M. S. met on Wednesday., and made plans for a special Sunday service on May 'Jrd and app-Sinted” Miss Laura Leask as delegate to the Huron Presbyterial which con­ venes in Hensall* on April 28th morn­ ing and afternoon. Mrs. Sherritt and Miss Young are ex-offico delegates. Next .Sunday Rev. S. J. (Mothers, XYill speak on the subject, JJTlife Se­ cret of Successful Service. Seeding! Gardening! House­ cleaning. Oh, yes, everybody’s do­ it®. ’em. The death of Mr. Thomas Jennings last we,ek removes another of out .honored pioneers from this district. During the many years of his lito ho has made many friends and in extending .sympathy to his ;ed wife and family. “How is your getting along?*’ “Fine we had terday.*-*' ' , vegetable all join her ’av­ garden it for lunch yes- * A lot of folks make the news and then try to make the^edltor keep it out of the paper, ,