HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-23, Page 24 with 6, 1931, author- debentures pro­ of extensions to Telephone Sys- THVHSPAY, AVRIL 2Sv.l, J031 Now *4 % of Hay Municipal Telephone be head three times and passed. By-law No. WITH ALL THE OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Canadian Prosperity by eating J/We keep expenses Shredded Wheat" *sI’ve foynd one way of get­ ting better breakfasts for loss money. I serve Shredded Wheat. I don’t know any­ thing else that gives so much nourishment and costs so' little. It’s so easy to digest that every one likes it, too— especially when I cover it with fresh fruit. Shredded Wheat is whole wheat, and with milk it contains every food element we need for growth and good health.” THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD BRAN TWO “Shredded Wheat” Biscuits a day. i j * ED FilOM BACKACHES When Doing Her Housework Mrs. Geo. Dennis, Leask, Sask., writes:—“I suffered, for four years, from backaches when I was doing my house­ work. A friend told me about Doan’s Kidney Pills. I have taken five boxes and am now feeling fine again; lots of ambition to do my own work, washing, etc. The pains in my back are completely gone, and the puffiness under my eyes has disappeared. I recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills to all suffering women.” Price, 50 cents a box at all drug and general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co J Ltd., Toronto, Ont.1 CANADA'S GREATEST S THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting*®?: the council of the Township of Hay met at the town hall, Zurich, on Monday afternoon* April 6th, 15131, with all the members 'present. The minutes of the previous meeting were heard and adopted as read- A communication from the De« partmenf, of Public Highways was laid before the council showing that the grant on Township Road ex­ penditure for 193Q amounted to $4743,3.3 and treasurer stated that cheque for same had been received. The following, resolutions were passed; That By-law No. 5, 1931 provid­ ing for new regulations governing renters System finally That izing the issue of viding for the cost the Hay Municipal tem during 1930 amounting to $2,- 013.50 be read three times and fin­ ally passed, That By-law No. 7, 1931 provid­ ing for the expenditure of $8700,00 on Township Roads during 1931 lie read three times and finally passed. That By-law No, 8, 1931 provid­ ing for the separation of Lot number and concession 10, Harrington Fink- beiner. owner, from tS. S. No. 6 and adding same to ,S. S. No. 8, be read three times and finally 'passed, That By-law No. 9, 1931. provid­ ing, for loan from Bank of Montreal, Zurich, for the funds to cover cur­ rent expenditures 'be read three times and 'finally passed. That the rate of pay for work; per­ formed on Township Roads during 1931, except hauling gravel, 'be fix­ ed as follows: Man and team, 40c. per hour; man only 20c. per hour, and commissioner 25c. an hour. All gravel hauling to be ipaid at the same rate as truck hauling would cost. This reduction will allow the Council to reduce the 'Township rate in 1931 to 2 mills on the dollar. The following accounts were pass­ ed: , Township Roads—Elm pre Datars, pay list Rd-. 10 $5.40; A. L. Sree- nan rd. 18, $4.90; JM>. M. Russell, rd. 1. $13.29; C. Aidworth, rd. 2, 13, $4.82. Telephone accounts—N. Electric Co., cable, etc., $1282.85; Stromberg-Carlton, Tele. M-fg. Co., material $35.41; G. J. Thiel cartage $8.00; Zurich central, switching 5 weeks $8|5.00; Dept. Highways, trailer licenses $2.00;5Bell Tele. Co., tolls Jan. and. Feb., $62.01;, Econo­ mical Fire Ins. Co., insurance $8.20; Wrn. Uttley, labor $3; P. Mclsaar. salary 3 months $500.00; H. G. HeSs labor, etc. $9 6.57; Ontario Railway M. <& R. Board, re debenture by-law etc. $20.00. General accounts—; Treasurer, Stanley Township, bal-2 afice due rd. IS for 1930 $153.7,4.;’ Ontario Hospital, re C. Rupp, three month $39.00; F. E. Ducharme; school attendance officer fees $1.75; Serving by-laws drains $6.00; Bal- ^CYLINDER VALUE ’ THE Jt ftfl < DURANT y sa l I CYLINDER V LOW PRICEA QUAUTY. SIX .AT A h The introduction of the Durant 6-11 definitely sets a new value standard in the six-cylinder field. No car in its price-class combines so many features^.. •>. Long Wheel Base. * . Power... Speed.. . Braking Control ;.. Riding Comfort, together with distinctive appearance. The 6-11 is. on display to-day. You will be surprised at the price and the performance, too. Ask your dealer for a demonstration. BUILT BY A CANADIAN COMPANY CONTROLLED BY CANADIAN CAPITAL DURANT MOTORS of CANADA, LIMITED TORONTO (LEASIDE) CANADA z 1 FRANK TAYLOR, EXETER «we school moneys tor $193 Q $8,- 784.04. At one o’clock In the afternoon the Connail became organised as a Court of Revision on the Eacrett. Municipal Drain when the following appeals were .disposed of: A. J. Todd, assessed only 68 ,ac-- res; J. McGregor, appeal dismissed, W. R. Dougalj appeal dismissed; D. Shirray allow $9.00 for ditch already constructed and deduct this amount from allowance made to R(. Eacrett. Assess only 40 acres on Wi lot 14. con. 2; Alex Munn appeal dismissed; Wesley Coleman assess only 14 ac­ res on iSWi lot 15, con, 4; F. Cor­ bett assess only 14 aicres on S>J 14, con. 4; J, &. P- Pephale appeal dis­ missed. That appeals re Eacrett Drain be diposed as mentioned hereinbefore and reductions made to be added to Township assessment and that Court re this Drain be^closed. The Council then took up the ap- peals on the Alexander Drain as' a Court of Revision when the follow­ ing appeals were disposed of: Alex Crearar appeal dismissed; J. E, Jarrott appeal dismissed; O. Gei­ ger appeal dismissed; G. E. Thom­ son appeal dismissed; A. Ricker ap­ peal dismissed; J. M« Richardson,ap­ peal dismissed; A, Reichert appeal dismissed; J. Cochrane, appeal dis­ missed; R. H. Dick appeal dismiss­ ed; Sarah Petty and James Petty appeal dismissed; W. F. Alexander appeal dismissed, That appeals re Alexander Drain be disposed of as mentioned above and that the Court of Revision be closed. The Council then resumed its re-; gular sitting when the following re­ solutions were passed: That by-law No. 10, 1931 provid­ ing for the construction of the Eac­ rett Municipal Drain and the bor­ rowing of the funds to complete the work be read the third time and finally passed, t That By-law No. II, 1931 provid­ ing for the construction of the Al­ exander Municipal Drain and the borrowing of the funds to complete: the work) be read three times and finally passed. That the council adjourn to meet again on .Monday,’May 4th, 1931, 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon. A. F. Hess. Clerk 25 YEARS AGO Miss Gertie Harvey has taken a position as typewriter q.t this branch of the> Sovereign Banfo Mrs. Wm. Godwin entertained some friends on Monday evening jn honor of her daughter Mrs, Currie. Mrs. Wm, Dearing sprained her left wrist on Monday owing to a tall caused by eatlching her foot on a wire, Mr, Daniel Hartleib has purchas­ ed the home on. Andrew Street from Mrs. Geo. Eacrett, The large plate iglass on the left pt the entrance to Mr, Geo. Manson’s shoe store was broken on Thursday, Mr. C. T, Currelly, a former Exe­ ter boy, now exploring in Egypt, has discovered a statute of the goddess Hather |n the temple of 'Thebes. On Sunday morning about ten o'clock a portion of the flooring of the loft -of Messrs, Treble & Baker’s livery stable gave way while Ernest Flynn was throwing down straw, precipitating him and a large quan­ tity of straw In falling his tact with the muscle about two inclies, making nasty wound, ' The residence of Mr. Jas. Bag- shaw, Stephen, narrowly escaped being burned; to the ground on Mon­ day afternoon. The chimney burn­ ed out and a spark -caught the roof. Mr. Bagshaw and some neighbors were soon on the sicene and. after hard worlfl extinguished! the blaze. Mr. Robt. Sanders has just receiv­ ed from a friend in the Yukon Dis­ trict a pair of Indian muoklucks, Mr. W. A. Gregory, of Brantford, was in town on Thursday visiting his parents. Mr, Gregory, leaves shortly for North Battleford. Sask.,t to go into-real estate, business with his brother John A. Gregory. to the floor beneath, left arm came in con- prong penetrated the a at 50 YEARS AGO There rain on On Tuesday of last week, Mr. J. ;M’cDonell was sworn in magistrate in and for the county of Huron. .His name now is John McDonell, Esq. The Exeter Lacrosse Club recent­ ly organized have -a chance to dis­ tinguish themselves as Seaforth has been rash enough to send the boys a challenge to meet them on the .2 4 th of .May. ■On Saturday morning, as Mr. T. Dearing was driving with his son around the corner on to Main street the horse went a little too fast and threw Mr. .Dearing out near the crossing. No bones were broken but he was badly shaken up. The merchants and other business men of Exeter have at last decided to do as the business men of other towns do, viz’ close their places of business at 7 o’clock every evening. Saturdays excepted from April 25 to October 25th. One day last week Mr. A. Dyer and Mr. E. Howard of the Exeter planing mill went into a small ad­ dition which has been put to the mill for the purpose of drying lum­ ber by steam. By 'some means the door fell when they were in. impris­ oning them in a closed room filled with suffocating steam from the lumber. They finally succeeded in getting a pry under the door and freed themselves but not . until they were well-nigh exhausted. Mr. John Hunkdn, of Usborne, has already .ploughed and seeded a field of spring wheat. _ 1 of -about four drops. was a very slight fall Monday—- i / I Sty; Exrtrr ffi Eatablhhed 1873 and Published twj- Thursday mor*laiff«. At Fxefer, Qntarlp SUBSCRIPTION—42.00 per J**® ft advance. RATES—-Fariq or Real Ratal* .M sale 50c. each' insertion for/ ttrft four insertions, 25c, each quent insertion. Miscellaneous ft* titles, To Rent* Wanted* Loifc off Found 10c, per line of alx worftk ” ” per . Rftk 50c. 8c, per line. X* Reading notices Card of Thanks vertlsiug 12 and _ Memorial, with one verso extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weakft Newspaper Association. , ■ .0 fcplai Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Mt Money to Loan, Investment! Insurance Safe-Deposit Vault for use •*> Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HBNSAUK HONORARY DEGREE CONFERRED , The Convocation of Vitetor|a Col­ lege, Toronto, for Theological stu­ dents was held on Tuesday, April 21st when Rev. J. E. Hogg, B.A., of Wesley-Willis United' Ghurch, Clin­ ton, had conferred upon him the Degree of Doctor of Divinity. He had one arm upon the wheel Quite joyful was. his iride, The other arm was wrapped around The “Sweetie” by his side. ■Copper yelled, “Use both, your hands,” In a voice that carried far. “I can’t,” that lovihg swain replied “I have to steer the car.” #1 I I » w k »» OVER THESE STATIONS 1 9-10: CJCB, jCFCY. CFNB, I CFBO, CHRC. CKAC. CNRO, 1 CFLC. CKGW, CROC, CJGC I CFCH, CKPR, CKCK, CJCA, I CKLC, (CNRV, CFCT. I S-9t CKY, CKX. CJGX, CJKW. I 10-11: CHNS, CFQC. I '■11-12: WJR. I . Guest Artists I England’s Music Hall Aces I Muriel George and Butcher I General Motors Concert I Orchestra Malcolm * Gooden Piano Duo' d Guest Speaker I The G.M. Carets commanded by T,uigi RomaneUl “Little Theatre” Players The All-Canadian Singers GM-5 7)dw797ei SPRING!« nr •Sweet and low, sweet and low,•Sweet and low, sweet and low, The gentle breezes of Spring doth blow, A call to the birds, ’tis the break of day ' The flocks to the fields, the lambs t6 their play. ' ? pweet and low, -sweet and low, / With its tune o‘f mirth and joy they go, Brings frolicking boys and girls on the ruil, For the skipping ropes and marbles for fun. Sweet and low, sweet and low,. With gentle rains the grass, will grow, The bursting bud doth grace the tree With promise of fruit, for you and me. Bweet' and low, sweet and low, The gentle breezes call me to go The daffodil or ” __2. On glen oi* vale beside the creels bell to seek sweet and low,Sweet and low, The murmur of falling waters flow , The call of»the Ocean comes loud again, To the snowflake, on mountain, bill and. plain. Sweet and low, sweet and low, The voice of God calls me, you know To honor His promise once again To plough by field and sow my grain. v Sweet and low, sweet and low, The boft warm breath of the sun’s bright glow, Call to the buds and blossoms again Springtime is here and sure to remain. Written by Mr. W, F. Abbott CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday ... 11—...1.....' ' -■ Dr. G. S’. Atkinson, L.D.S.*D.D.Kr * dental surgeon . Office opposite new Post Office Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 34w .House - Closed Wednesday Afternoon® Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S^D.DJL DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon Dr. D. A. ANDERSON * DENTIST formerly of Exeter has located at 205 Wortley Road* London, where he will practice Dentistry Phone: Metcalf 4290 DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario ■ Vet«rf.»MT College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO1 Office in the old McDoneU "Bam» Behind Jones & May-Store. EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA* VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETlSJf ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY ' PRICES REASONABLE' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING IM OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Honor Graduate Carey jonea* Aftk tion School. Special course takftl tn Registered Live Stock (all breed*!' Merchandise, Real Estate, Farw Sales, Etc. Rates In keeping With? prevailing prices. Satisfaction shred, write OsCar Klopp, Zurich? or phdne 18-93, Zurich, Ont, CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc,*, (Tor.K O.L.S., Registered Professional 'En­ gineer tod Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering institute o® Canada, Office, Seaforth, Ontario. ji.i i.uiumnwuwfaii'—■■■ i ..i11 {, 1 L ^- --- - - ■ - -v Have you renewed your subscrip­ tion to the Exeter Times-Advocateu