HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-23, Page 14 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAH, .NO. | Wednesday, April 29th 8 GROCERIES! of Port .Colhorne Mr. Peter Whitlock, Road. and a of the] Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats We" have just received another shipment of Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Coats. The very reasonable prices are moving them out fast. We will be glad to show them to you. Ladies’ Silk-Knit Slips on Sale at 98c. each 5 dozen Turnbull’s make silk-knit slips, in black, white and colors, small, medium and large sizes. This line we have always sold at $2.00 each. A very fortunate* purchase permits us to place them on sale at only 98c. each. 10 Dozen Children’s ribbed black cotton hose, a good wearing stocking on sale this month at 19c. a pair. BABIES’ BONNETS—-For spring and summer, smart styles have just arrived. > Peanut Butter 14 oz. in a glass barrel 19c; Peanut Butter, a pint sealer..................22c. ; P,. Soap z.. IQ fpr 39c. ’"Canned Tomatoes,size, 2' 1-2 tin 3 for 29c. NEW SHIPMENT OF WALLPAPERS Just received another shipment of Staunton’s Sunworthy Living Room & Bedroom Wallpapers. Beautiful new designs and colors. See them. f Golden Bantam Corn...........2 tins for 25c./ McCormick Sodas per lb. package . . . .15c. Goad . .x.. ....... .3 lbs. for 28c. ? Kolona Coffee . ....... . per lb. 29c. $ THE WOMEN’S AUXILIARY OR TRIVITT aiEMORlAL (HURCHr EXETER. will present “THE W. A. mPERSONATED’* » ,— and —* THEY TELLS THINGS JAPANESE? in the PARISH HALL —. on •— r - GROCERIES! HAM-N-AISE the new delicious sandwich spread, contains boiled ham • . in addition to the usual ingredients of sandwich spreads, very tasty, 29c. jar. JWTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 23rd, 1931 New Simplicity Patterns 15c. each The new Simplicity patterns for Spring and Summer are now in stock You can make three distinctly different styles with each of New Simplio ity patterns. All one price 15c' each. House Furnishings New Linoleums, Congoleu^ms, rugs, window blinds, curtain rods, table oilcloths, shelf oilcloths, curtain nets, etc. at prices that are very reasonable. INLAID LINOLEUM—3 good patterns in stock. LINOLEUM GUESSING CONTEST—Ask us’for a book about particu­ lars. You may win one of the big prizes. Black Cotton Hose at 19c. a pr rt______•ui______________________________________lb.____i_______ _ *____i______ NEW SHIPMENT OF SLIPPERS We expect 'a new shipment of Ladies’ Slippers this week. The very newest in pumps, one straps, etc. both in light colors and straps. Come in and see them. l 2. We have a new teay-pur.Q.^*B»lpnd” put;up especially for us in 1-2 lb; lead packages. A very fine blend in black or mixed per 1-2 lb. package 25c. Try a package and enjoy good tea at a lower price. j 32 £ I." EXETER COUNCIL Monday, April 20, 1931 A regular meeting of the M'unicip- al Council was held, in the Town Hall, Absent Councillor Bierling. The minutes of the meeting held on April 6,th were read, and approved. Circulars were laid on the table, A letter was read from S, F. Law- ra&on & Co. Ltd., London, regarding supply of Dow Flake Calcium Chlor­ ide, Filed. Letter from the office of Civil En­ gineer, ,S. W> Archibald, Seaforth, advising that to this -date the in­ spector of Legal Offices had not vis­ ited Goderi/ch and that the1 registry of the- compiled plans' of the Village had not been effected. 1-Ie enclosed his account for the same amounting to $975,00 and asked foi’ a payment of $500.00 on the account. v Per motion of Rivers-Grieve: That thg. sum of $’500-00 be paid as desir­ ed subject to the approval and ac­ ceptance- of the plans by the inspect­ or and County Officials. Carried. ’ . The Clerk was instructed, to ord­ er a car of Salvay Calcium Chloride through County Engineer Patterson. Delivery June 1st of 35 tons. The following aqcounts were read and’ordered paid; The Dominion Road Machinery Co., Goderich, blades for road drag $15.- 15; The Wickwire Press, supplies & printing $11.50; The Bell Telephone Co., Norry phone rent $6.25; Wm. Johns, team labor $2.50; John Par­ sons, labor $1.25; Edward Coombes, labor $2.25; C. T. Brooks, insurance $5.00. Cemetery Aiccotmts—William Smith, labor $26.00; John L. Kydd, labor $26.00; Samuel Sweet,, labor account of 1930, $47.60. Passed- on motion of Rivers and Rowcliffe. Carried. • Adjournment by Rivers. Jos. Senior, Clerk PIED IN MONTREAL A former resident of Exeter in the person of Elizabeth Whitlock, widow fof the late John T, Manning, died on April I4th at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Jamie* son, 35.34 Marlowe Ave., Montreal. J)Irs. Manning’*'was in her eightieth year. .She was- born at Pickering/ Ontario, and shortly afterwards ac­ companied her parents Mr. and. Mrs. Silas} Whitlock, to Us'borne town­ ship where her early life was spent. In 1876 she was married to John T. Manning second son of the late Richard Manning, They lived in and around Exeter, until 1904 when they moved to Crystal City, Man. ’Mirs. Manning was bereaved of her husband in 1920. since which time she resided with hep- daughter in Winnipeg and. Montreal, In addi­ tion to her daughter, Mrs. Manning, is survived by her sister Mrs. Mary Sagert, brother Thames UNDERWENT OPERATION Miss Bertha Andrew undenveuff an operation in St. Josephs Hospit­ al, London, on Thursday of laM week foi* appendicitis and her' many friends will ’be glad, to know that she is getting along as well as can be expected. Commencing at 8 p.m. “The W. A. Impersonated” has two scenes and sixteen characters “Ikey Tells of Things Japanese” i»- a story and tableaux with fourteea.- children in three scenes. Come and see the Japanese chil­ dren in their original way of living! * and see how the W. A. has grown. Admission, Adults 25c. CbiJdren 15 c- f ST May We offer our customers a $2.10 value for $1.50 JOHNSON’S FLOOR DUSTER ........................>......... $1.50 1-2 PINT JOHNSON’S LIQUID WAX...............................60c. -* SUGGESTIONS - GARDEN RAKES............................................... 75c. to $1.25 GARDEN SPADES............................ 75c. to $1.25 GARDEN SHOVELS ....'.......................................SOc. to $1.35 GARDEN TROWELS .......................... 15c. and 25c. GRASS CUTTERS.......................................... $1.50 to $2.00 PRUNERS ................................. $1.00 to $2.50 ROYAL PURPLE GARDEN SEEDS ........... 6 for 25 c. LAWN MOWERS FROM ..............?........ $5.85 to $14.00 GARDEN HOSE IN 50 FOOT LENGTHS x SEE THE NEW ELECTRIC STOVES ' * SEE OUR IVORY AND GREEN ENAMELWARE V I / TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities. to 27 BIRTHS PYjW—m Usborne, on Saturday, • April 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Ern- ‘ est J, Pym, a daughter, (Lois Irene). •EHIPCHASE—In Exetdr, on Thurs­ day, April 16th, to M£. and Mrs. Chipchase', a son, * • GUNNING—In Whalen on Saturday, April 18th, Miss Lucy Gunning. MANNING—In Montreal, on Tues­ day, April -14 th, Elizabeth Whit­ lock, widow of tile late John • Manning, formerly of Exeter, her 80th year. c. in DEATHS 1HLL*—In Stephen, on Wednesday, April 22»d, Grace Westcott, widow of the late James Hill in her 84th year. Funeral, private, Friday afternoon with interment in the Exetor cemetery, CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. William Brook wish to extend their sincere to the relatives, friends and ahd SISTER PASSES Mrs, James Hern received the sad news otthe- death of her sister, Miss Lucy Gunning, which oiccurred at the home of her sister, Mrs. George ' Millson, near Whalen, on Saturday. The deceased woman had been ill most of the winter'1 and death came as a relief to her suffering. She is survived by one brother and three sisters, Arthur, of Granton; Mrs. D. Parkinson, St. Marys; Mrs. George Millson, Whalen and., Mrs. Jas. Hern, Exeter. She Was buried in the Zion cemetery on Monday afternoon.' -A service was conducted at the home of her sister, Mrs. Millson, at 2 p.m. GRADUATE OF EXETER H. S. WINS HIGH HONORS’ / ■ Tha following is taken from" the London Free Press and refers to Mr. Walter Johns', elest son of Mr ’ and Mrs. Chas. Johns, of Elimvilie “Walter Johns who obtained • his Baccaleauseate degree in honour classics from the University of W'est- ren Ontario, has been appointed to Charles TS. Barnett fellowship at Cornell University, Dean K. P. R. Neville announced ‘today. , V The student who won the $500 ■-■prize' with free tuition at the Ameri­ can School was gold medalist in Greek and Latin at Western last year. He obtained his secondary school education at the Exeter High School, completing, his honor mat- iciijation in Greek and Latin. Dur­ ing his work at Western he was prominently connected with student activities, being a member of the debating team. He was a member of the cast of the French play in his sophomore year, and the convo­ cation 'play in his junior year and in 1930 associated* with the glee club. At present he is attending the graduate class in Toronto and a tea­ ching assistant at the University of Toronto. The Bennett fellowship is open to graduates of Canadian as Well as American Universities. GEORGE ECCLESTON * PASSES SUDDENLY AVen-known Grand Bend Resident Dies on Way to Attend Sister’s Fiuieral. George Elccleston, for* th© past 15 years owner of the Grand Bend sum­ mer resort park diejl suddenly Mon­ day afternoon at Bristow, Okla., while motoring to London to attend the funeral of his- sister, Mrs. Alice Grosser, who died- at h^r home in Leamington, on Sunday, as the re­ sult of a stroke two weeks ago. The funeral of Mrs. Crosser Was to be conducted Tuesday, but arrange­ ments have been altered with the-i death of Mr. Eccleston, and it is pro- pdsed to hold combined funeral ser-1 vices tor brother and sister. 4 A resident of London for 40 years Mr. Eccleston had been in former years one of its most prominent cit-: izens. He was for seven years en-‘ gaged, in the grocery business before taking over the Park at Grand Bend. Only a year ago he built a splendid home at Grand Bend. The family had’been accustomed to spending the winter 'months in the south. Born in Rigetown, he was the son of the late William and Victoria Ec­ cleston, and came to; London? aS ,a., boy. tie was a member of the "st. John’s Masonic Lodge, A.F. & A.M.,. and was also associated, with the Shriners. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Ida May Eccleston, who was accom­ panying her husband to London at the time of his death; one daugh­ ter, Miss Ella, and. a sister, Mrs. Sarah Picketing of Leamington. Permanent Waving a Specialty given by experienced operators at W. J. Hockey’s Barber Shop FRIDAY, MAY 1 "and EVERY 2ND FRIDAY FOLLOWING PermeatoiL Wave La Mona Wave . Le Mur Wave .. $4.00 $5.00 $7.50 Make your appointments withr Mr. W. J. Hockey Operators—Mrs. N. McMartia Miss E. McMartirk EXETER OPERA HOUSE — on — Mrs. Roy Webber, who has been ill in Victoria Hosplrn:, London, for several days was brought to her home on Sunday and will be con­ fined to her bed for a few days long­ er. TUESDAY, APRIL 28 Music by the- WINGHAM VAGABONDS Dancing to commence at S.30 'p.m. Gents 75c.; Dailies 25c. EXETER HOCKEY CLUB RECEPTION A pleasant social event took place Friday of last week at the home of Mrs. D. , A. Gordon when Mrs. Gor­ don, Mirs. E. C. Morse and Sirs. Rw C. Morse received for the- firfct time since coming to Exeter. The three ladies and Mrs. John Sherman, of Kent Bridge,, mother of Mrs. R. C. Morse received in the drawing-room the guests being introduced by Mrs. (Dr.) M. C. Fletcher. Misses Glor­ ia .Morse and Miss Constance Gor­ don attended tlie door. Mrs. Lyle Kellar, of Chatham, and Mrs. Frank entertained the room while of Wallace­ dining-room of Wallace* Tho^ dining room Mr. family thunks neiglibovs for the kindness and sym­ pathy extended, during the illness of their daughter Vivian and their sad bereavement, also for the beau-, tiftil floral tributes and to those who so kindly loaned their carsu Leasoii, of Aylmer guests in the ’ drawing Miss Marion Burgess, burg, invited to the Where Mrs, (Dr.) Mills, burg, poured tea, was in charge of Mil’s, Wm. Purdofti, of London, and she was assisted by Mrs. G. V. McDonald, of Wallace­ burg. Misses, Margaret Martin, Jeanbtte Taman and Marjorie Com­ plin. assisted id* serving. The rooms were gaily decorated with spring blooms of tulips daffodils while the table was attractive with Madeira and cloth, adorned with daffodils yellow tapers. FIRE DESTROYS CLANDEBOYE DWELLING The farm house of Lloyd Linn at Clandeboyo was almost completely destroyed by fire with the exception of the back kitchen on Tuesday morning. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Linn were just leav­ ing their home to visit some friends, when glancing up, they noticed flames shooting out of the roof of the dwelling. Practically all of the household effects were saved- bfefore the entire structure was’ destroyed. ■ Valuable aid was given by the Lu­ can, fire brigade,- which kep;t the flames a why from a big^lbarn, to­ ward which they were being blown by a high wind which was prevail­ ing at the time. No definite cause can be given for , the outbreak, which started in the^ attic, as there was not any fire in the stove.; ' The house, of brick construction was of fully modern design, valued at $5,000, of which there was in­ surance to the extent of $2,1500. Mr. Linn at the present time is re­ cuperating from a serious which he underwent some Nothing But The Best! .■■■"■.. 1 ' ■’ PERMANENT WAVES $15.00 SHELTON PERMOLETE FOR $7.50 AND ONE FREE FINGER WAVE AND SHAMPOO GIVEN WITHIN ONE MONTH MARCELLING, FINGER WAVING, WATER WAVING AND SHAMPOOING Try our new Magic Glow Beauty Stick and'Cold Cream. ■ Powder. Cali or phone 245 for appointments, L. STACKHOUSE Sunday School ANNIVERSARY operation time ago. HULL in James Street United Church and very fillet and In memoriam ETHERING-TON—In. loving cry* of George Albert Etheringtftn who passed away April 25th, 1927. Gone but not mom* four years ago forgotten. The Family THE LATE MRS, GRACE The death took place In Stephen Township on Wednesday morning of Mrs. Grace Hill, for many years a ’resident of Crediton, in her S4th year. Mrs. Mill’s maiden name was Grace Westcott. .Her husband pre­ deceased her about fifteen years ago She has been ill for some time at the home of Mr. Noble ScdtL Con* ceslon 2, Stephen, from whose home the funeral, private,, will be held on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m, with in­ terment in the Exeter cemetery, Thi deceased is survived by one brother, , Mr. J, % Westcott, of Hamilton, and one sister, Mrs. G. Eastorbrook, of town, on Sunday, April 26th PREACHER—REV. E. W. JEWITT, B. A., KINCARDINE 11 a.m.— “THE CHURCH AND CHILDHOOD” MUSIC BY CHILDREN’S CHOIR . 3 p.m.—MASS MEETING OF SCHOOL. ADDRESS BY MR. JEWITT. PRESENTATION OF SEALS AND DI­ PLOMAS. 7 p.m.—“THE OVERCROWDED LIFE” Mitsid by the choir assisted by Mr. D. A. Gordotij soloist anrf Mr. George Grant, violinist. Come od enjoy these Special services and hear the niessages of this gifted preacher