The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-16, Page 8THUKSDAYt zH'Rll 1«, 1931 THE EXETER TIMO-APV^GATl
< W. Thos. Harvey has had a beau
tiful an ay of crocuses that have been
very attractive the past week. Hun-
dreda of them in various colors have
been blooming around his home.
'The water level of Lake Huron
is the lowest it has been in years.
At Goderich the water registers one
inch lower than in February; 21 &
inches lower than m March last
year and! 19 inches lower than the
average of March for the post 71
James Street Young People pre
sented their play "Paying the Fid
dler" at Crediton on Thursday ev
ening of last week to a splendid* an- ,
(Hence and were served refreshments
at the close by the young people of
Crediton United church under whose
auspices the play was presented. On
Tuesday evening they were at Grand
A meting of the members of the,
Exetei* Horseshoe Club and others
interested will be held on Friday
night April 17th in the basement of
the Public Library at 8 o'clock to
discuss the prospects of and advis
ability of re-organizing for the sea
son of 1931. A .good attendance is
requested. Fred Ellerington, Pres,
A meeting of all interested in ten
nis will be held in the chambers of
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
Friday evening at 8 o'clock to re-or
ganize for the year. •
Exeter Markets
Wheat 65c.
Oats 80c.
Harley, 30c.
Bran $1.15
Shorts $1.10; $30.00 a ton
Low Grade Flour $1.36
Welcome Flour $2*30
Model Flour* $2.50
Manitoba Flour $2.60;
Creamery Butter 36 and 37 c.
Dairy Butter 27 and 28c.
Eggs, extras 18c.
Eggs, firsts 15 c.
Eggs,, seconds lie.
) locals__ '[
Mi's. E. C. Morse, Mrs. R. C. Morsd
and Mrs. D. A. Gordon, will receive
for the first time since coming to
'Exetei' at the home of Mrs D.A.,
Gordon, John St., on Friday, April
17th from three to six o’clock,
Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Ford, and
children, of London, visited in Exe
ter on Sunday.
MV, Gordon Wells has accepted a
position as mechanic with Vanstone
Motors, London.
Mr, Dwight Evans, of Blenheim,
visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
W. T. Acheson on Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Tinney, Hay, visit
ed during the Easter holidays at the
home of her sister Mrs. Wm. Sceli,
at Denfield,
Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. 4,
Miss Lena Coates, 4.L.O.M., Organist
16 a.nh-w-Fuuday school
11 a.m.-^What is the Church"
1st In a series, of sermons on
Church Principles .
7 p.m.—"Toward the Sun-rising"
Thursday, 8 *p.i».—Our mid-week
service in the church,
New Patterns and
Colourings in Wallpapers
The brethren of the I. O. O. F. will
attend divine worship -in the James
St. United church next Sunday ev
ening, April 19th. Brethren are re
quested «to meet at the lodge room at
6.30 p.m. sharp, Visiting, brethren
are cordially invited.
FOUND—In Exeter a brooch with
large turquoise stone surrounded by
pearls, Owner may have same by
paying for advertisement. Apply at
Powell’s Bazaar.
Anyone wanting cattle pasture fo/
season apply to Fred A, Ellerington,
Exeter, Prices reduced this year.
FOR -SALE—Strawberry plants,
3 leading varieties. Apply to W.
F. Abbott.
FOR SALE — Marquis Spring
Wheat,, grade No. 1, 9Qc. a bushel.
-—Apply to Stanley Mitchell, R. R.
No. 1, Hensail, phone 4 on 80, Hen
sail. ltc.
FOR RENT—100 acres grass ,pas-
•ture. Apply W. H. Penhale, phone
197, Exeter.
WANTED—A second-hand baby’s
four-wheeled stroller. . Apply at
Times-Advocate. . ltc.
WANTED—A second-hand coal
oil stove, three or four burner. Ap
ply to W. H. Harness. Itp
commodate two or. three young men.
Mrs. E. Taylor, Andrew Street.
Give your young chicks a good
chance to mature early by starting
them on Hi-Test Starter. Users re
port good results. $3.25 a cwt.We
have rolled oat groats for the small
Ground oat groats are just the
feed to start young pigs on. Come
in and let us supply you wrtli your
poultry and stock feed requirements.
For shingling Greenway United
church by May 1st. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted, sub
ject to approval of tne Board. Foi'
further particulars apply to
L. Ridley, chairmap, Parkhill R.
R. No. 3, phone Dashwood 39rl.
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned up to 3 p.m., May 2nd,
1931,’for the Repair of Branch B
of the Elimville Drain in Usborne
Township requiring the removal of
2180 cubic yards open work. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. Plans and specifications
can be seen at the office of John
Roger, O. L. :S., Mitchell or the
Clerk’s Office, Usborne.
4-16-3tc Henry Strang,
Clerk, Usborne, R, R. 1, Hensail
FARM FOR RENT—75 acres pas
ture farm in Stephen township. Pro
perty of Mrs. Geo. Snell, Exeter.
ING—'Distance no object for reason
able amount of work.—Wm. Brad
shaw, Elimville; 4-2-tfn.
FOR SALE—'Seed barley. Apply
to Hedley May, telephone Exeter
FOR SALE—8 young Shorthorn
Bulls about one year bld and up; al
so a quantity of White Blossom
(Sweet Clover. Apply to William H.
Morlock, Crediton, R. R. No. 2
Place your older with J. S. Dig-
nan &. Son for Invincible1 Wire Fenc
ing and gates. Bring your harrows
in early. 2-19-tf<s.
If you wish to buy or sell a farm
Of house see R, Pickard, Hxethr.
We are in the market for all kinds
of poultry paying the highest jfilces.
Trucks will call. Phone SO, Dash
wood, & Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Czar Harness and
two children, of Pt.' Edward, visited
the fore-part of the week with the
former’s mother in town,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gage and their
daughter Phyllis, of Brantford, vis
ited with their cousins Mr, and Mrs.
Milo Snell, over the week-end.
Lloyd McCauly, fourteen year old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Nevrton McCau
ly, of Brussels, was electrocuted re
cently while climbing an electric
Mr. and.Mrs. Wm. Sceli, of Den-
field and Mrs. Robert Tinney of the
Blind Line, Hay, were Sunday visit
ors at the ladies’ mother Mrs. David
Russell Sr.
Mr, Francis Blatchford, of town,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, of
Usborne’, were in Kintail on Satur
day attending the funeral of the late
Mrs. John .Cowan.
Mr. Edmund Whiting and sister
.Miss* Mary and Miss Lucy Murray, of
Toronto, visited over Easter with
Mr. .and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Miss
Murray remaining on a-visit.
The wedding took place in Toron
to on Saturday of Reta Mae, daugh-.
ter of Mr. and Mi's. Thomas Aylett,
to Guy Thomas Kernick, son of Mr.
and airs. T. J. Kernick, of Toronto,
who are well-known in Exeter as
they have many friends and relatives
in this community.
Mrs. E. Wright was in Exeter on
Tuesday and had her household-ef
fects moyed by-truck to .Strathroy
where she -will make hei1 home -in future with her daughter, Mr. ^nd
Mrs. MiUor. Mrs. Millor accompan
ied Mrs. Wright to town.
The late James McCulloch Ross,
formerly of Lucan and Exeter, one
of the oldest and best known mer
chants in Western Ontario, left an
estate valued at $26,063.28. The
widow receives one third of the es
tate while the remainder is evenly
divided amongst one daughter and
two sons.
Misses Mildred Rowe and Gert
rude Francis returned home Sun
day after spending a week in' New
York, Atlantic City and Washington
They were on a conducted tour in
which there were over eighty in the
party and they visited many of*the
important points cf interest includ
ing the White House. They report
a very enjoyable time.
Mr. Matthias Doyle for the past
twenty years a resident of London
and a former well-known resident
of McGillivray township died at his
home on Friday last in his 80th-
year. His wife predeceased him
four years ago. Surviving are two
sisters and one brother Mrs. Wm.
Rowland and James, of London and
Mrs. Thos. Rowland, of Mt. Carmel.
Mr. F. McGillvray Knowles, noted
Canadian artist, of Toronto; was
united in marriage with Miss Lila
Taylor, a teacher v.r Art at Alma.
Ladies’ College, St. Thomas, and a
daughter of Mr. Robt. Taylof, of
Granton, formerly of Usborne. The
marriage took place in Windsor on
Friday, April 10th. Miss Taylor is
an artist of considerable ability and
for a number of years was a pupil
of Mr. Knowles.
• Mr. Thos. Pryde, D. D. G. M. of,
the 'Masonic District South' Huron'
paid his official visit to Sitratford
Lodge, Stratford, qii Monday even
ing. Mr, Pryde was accompanied by
several of the Brethren from Exeter
The officers of Stratford Lodge ex
emplified the work of the First De
gree aiid afterwards provided re
freshments. Mr. Pryde is receiving
a splendid reception on his official
Visits and is proving a very popular
District Deputy.
The Young People of the Centra
lia United Church presented their
play "The Absent Minded Bride
groom0 to a fair sized and apprecia
tive audience in the Exeter Opera
House on Wednesday evening of last
week. The play was under the au
spices of the Exeter bramch of the
Canadian Legion and was the fourth
time that the young people have pre
sented the play. The performers
took their parts woll* the play be
ing very humorous and the audience
was well entertained. Between the
acts the Rythm boys provided music
and Gerald Godbolt played several
numbers on the mouth oi'gdU these*
numibelrs being well received. At
the close lunch was served, to the
playefs the catering being done by
Grant’s Bakery.
Rev. D. McTavlsh, Pastor
W. R. Gouldipg, A.T.C.’M,
Organist and Choir-Leader.
11 a-m.—'"Blind Guides"
(The Girl Guides will worship
with us.)
3 p.m,*—Sunday School
7 p.m.—-"Life’s Roadside."
The Oddfellows of Exeter and sur
rounding community will be our
guests. We extend a gracious wel
come to these visitors morning and
tNlOTE—Sunday School Anniver
sary April 26th. Rev. E. W, Hewitt'
B. A.* of Kincardine, will be 'the
Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor
Miss Evelyn Huston
Organist and Choir-Leader
11 a,ih.—Rev.- Mr. Moir will preach.
3 p.m.—Church School
7 p.m.-—Song service followed by
the regular service. We expect
this will be Mt. Moir’s last Sun
day with us and we would like
a(l our congregation out on Sun
day evening.
8 o’clock Thursday, Prayer Meeting.
Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th.
Organist,’ Miss MacFaul
Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemisg/
2nd Sunday After Easter .
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11 a.m.—Morning Prayer
Subject—“A Vital Choice”
3 p.m.—Sunday School and Confirmation Class. • * , ■.
7 p.m.—Evensong
Subject—"The Road to Emmaus"
Wednesday, S p.m.-—Confirmation
Class at the Rectory.
Fox Scarfs
— AND— ‘*"
Fur Coats
Display and Sale in Exeter
Friday and Saturday \
APRIL 16 and 17
vMr. Brown, the Expert Furrier
from the factory is personally con
ducting this Fur Display \and sale
and has a complete line.
YOU SAVE 25 TO 35%
Southcott Bros.
Miss Margaret, Taman is confined
bo her home through illness.
Miss’ Ruble Creech spent the
week-end visiting ii^ Stratford.
Miss Grace Chambers is employed
at Powell’-s Variety Store for this,
Mrs. E. Lowry and daughter, Miss
Velma spent the week-end visiting
friends at Brusels.
Miss Vera Rowe and. Master Rowe
Dinney spent a couple of' days in
Toronto last week.
Miss June Coward spent Easter
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Win- «Hodg^rt. *
Mr. Homer Bagshaw is having
the sitting room and hall at the
Central Hotel' re-decorated.
Miss Ruth Wildfong, of Hay, has
been confined to her ’home for a
couple of weeks through illness.
Mr. Gibbs Yelland, of , Windsor
visited with his sister, (Miss -Bessie
Yelland the fore-part of the Week.
Mrs. Manford Belling and son, of
Detroit, are visiting for a week with
her .parents Mr. and. Mrs. A. Francis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Preszcator, of
London, visited the former’s- parents
Mr. and (Mrs, J. Preszcator on Sun-1
Grieve’s Sandwich Shoppe has had
a new and attractive sign placed
out in* front and also Grant’s Bakr
Mrs. C. L. Wilson spent a couple
of days in London last week visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ho'd-
In the recent “In Menioriam’* for
Mrs. Danes the date of her death
was Jrtentioned as January 1st. It
shodld have read January 19th.
Last week it was mentioned that
Mr, and Mrs; Jack Taylor, of South
fiend, Ind,, had called on Mr. and
Mrs. John TaylOf, of town. This
should have read Mr. Jack Taylor,
Mr.1 Edgar Lowry, of Welland,
and Mr. and Mrs, William Lowry,
of London visited at the Central
Hotel on Sunday,
iuovf your picttnvs?^^
r IIS B 1 A u 1 Y I? A sis ’
up the
1 You will surprised what
i a difference a few rolls of _
our New Wall Paper will make in the appear-
> ance of your home. The prices are much low-
> er this season. '
f Beautiful Suufast papers at 25c., 35c.
I ‘ and 40c.
Don’t fail to see our room lots jof
paper at $1.29, $1.48, $1.98 and $2;48
The new patterns- in Congoleums are ready
for you. Bring in the size of the room and get
our prices.
4 Only Congoleum Rugs, Sizes
9x9 Regular price $8.95 to clear at $6.95
9x10 1-2 regular price $10.45 to clear at $8.45
Powell’s Big Sale
a' wonderful display
Following locals were crowded out
ldst week:
Mr. Sim Pollen, of Flint, Mich.,
was home for Easter.
Mrs. Rabethge and babe are visit
ing with relatives at Hanaver, I
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dearing, of Lon- (
don, spent the week-end in town.
hir. and Mrs. Al Ingram, of De
troit, spent Eastei* with relatives.
Miss Emily Frayne, of iStaffa,
spent Easter with relatives, in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith, of
London, visited with relatives .for Easter.
Mr. Adam Case and ?on Peter vis
ited with relatives for the Easter
, Mirs. D. McTavish, John and Ern
est have returned home after spend-'
ing Easter at Ripley. /
Mrs. Norman Staioey, of Willow
Grove, visited last week with her
mother Mrs. B. Harvey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin, of Water
loo, are visiting at the home of the
latter’s* sister Miss E. Bissett.
Ml*, and Mrs. Peter* Robinson and'
son Peter and 'Mr. Jas. McDonald dll
■of Stratford spent the week-end in
Rev. D. McTjavisli gave his popular
lecture "The Luggage of Life’’ at the
Fullarton United church on Monday
evening. ■
’Mi*, and Mrs. Roberts and MisS
Laura Hicks spent s’unday at tlfe
home of ’ Mr. and ’Mrs. Alf. Hicks, :
Mr. and Mrs. Griff and children,’
of Goderich, &j)ont Good Friday with,
Mrs. Griff’s parents Mr. and Mrs.,
Rd. Hunter. »
Mr. P. Pitts, of M'enford, and Miss
Olive Quinton, Wallace Falls, wete
holiday visitors with Rev, H. L. V1V-'
ian and Mivs, Vivian,
Mi*, and Mrs. Griffith and thTCb .■
children, Maurice, Clifford and
Harry, of Toronto, spent Easter at
the home of Mr. Jas. Handfotd.
Miss Katherine Woods and Miss
Anne Forte, iCf London, spent the
Easter holidays with the former’s
parents Mr. and Mrs. T. S, woods, t
W. R. Goulding
A. T. C. M. ”<»
Organist and Choirmaster
James St. United Church
’ Instruction In
Piano Vocal Organ Theory
> Supervisor of Music in Schools
Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192
A. L. C. M.
(Honor Graduate) London, England
Instruction In
Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory
Studio N. Albert Street. Box IGO
Hogarth Hatchery
$15.00 first prize; $10.00 second prize; one hundred of
Purity Flour third prize
.Ask for information and entry form when you buy feed or
We have for sale in baby chicks: Barred Rocks,, White
Wyandottes, Minorcas, White Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants*
Place your order in advance if you do not want to be disapr
pointed. We are sold out till March 30. April orders are
coming in fast Custom hatching 4c. per egg. Phone us and
Reserve spade if you desire same.
Pioneer Chick Mash (starter) $3.25. Chick Feed $2.50;
Cocl Liver Oil $1.25 per gallen; Oyster Shell $1.35 per cwt.^
Grit $1.25 per cwt.; Semi-Solid Buttermilk; Buttermilk Pow
der; Alfalfa Meal; Bone Meal; Charcoal atid Lay Mash.