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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-16, Page 6
/ a THI IWAY, Ari’.JIi 10, l»al THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE i minutes faster to the effiee this meriting and I didn’t speed t 1 I * £ “TZpiFTY minutes from Home? That’s going some!’* **" “Yes—but you can always depend on Pontiac to come through on schedule. It isn’t only speed—- it is easy control and snappy acceleration.” ♦ ♦ ♦ * And that’s the truth about the new Pontiac Six, Driving and riding are restful—and you clip minutes from journeys with safety and comfort. r * - > ■ You may never look under the hood, joy to experience the quiet, smooth powepflow of Pontiac's 60-hor sepo we r engine. Steering and gear-shifting are effortless. And if you care for that sort of thing, you can “stop on a dime”—with Pontiac’s big brakes. We invite you to see the Pontiac Six and to test it. You will be<agreeably surprised at the domplete, luxurious car you can buy at such low prices. Likewise you will be satisfied with the low, time-purchase terms of GMAC and the generous provisions of the General MotorsOwnerServicePolicy, but it’s a [idsndn! CANADA . OH PARADE EVERY FRIDAY V 50 YEARS AGO Th© sale of Mr. Carling’s took place -on Saturday last’ and was largely attended. Every artiteje gold brought a fair price. Mr, Carling Intends giving up farming. The Rev. Mr. Webber was unable to occupy the pulpit in the B, C. church on Sunday last, he being in disposed. His place was filled byi Rev, j. Holmes, morning and- even ing. Yesterday afternoon about three o'clock a, pre broke out in the burns of Mr. Jernes Fanson, about half a mile south of this place, consuming barn and contents. Mr. H- Eilber has been taking the census of the village of Crediton. On Tuesday last as Mr. W. B. Selby accompanied -by his sister, was driving down the London Rbad, the horse became* frightened at some gypsies ne’ar Ml’/ John Manning's and sprang to one side upsetting the buggy and occupants into the ditch. The horse ran away and got as far as Devon before being caught, IM'r. James Balkwill has sold Lpt* 7, concession 9, Usborne, containing 100 acres to Mr. John Delbridge for the sum of $6,500. ’Mr. Balklwill intends leaying the township, hav ing purchased 200 acres op the Base Line, Blanshard, A Lucan correspondent states* that Lucan can boast of m'ore loafer's than any other place in the Domin ion of its size. A large number of people are sick in the village and country around, chiefly with inflam mation, On Saturday there were two- large funerals, that oDMrs. Mor gan and Mrs. Blackwell. Last even ing Mrs. Samuel C. I-Iersey died, and a number more are not expected, to get better. Mr, M. Eacrett, one of, the census enumerators for* Exeter is-yabout through with his work, ' * Miss Taylor, one of the teafchers of the Exeter school is .So ill .she was under the necessity of going to her home in Usborne on 'Monday, effects tn his farm on the Thames Road. M. wank Farquhar, of Hensall, Is engaged with Mr. ®, H< Fish, bart ering. Mr. Hector, of Usborne, bus mov ed into Mr. W. J. Bissett’s house on Huron Street, Mr. Debias Staley lsW week pur chased the residence north of> the power house from Di'r. p. Eaton. Mr, John Evans, of London, visit ed old friends in town on Saturday last and was a pleasant caller at the Advocate office. While here he sold his acre of land on the squth bound ary to Mrs. John Sanders, who re cently purchased his house and lot. Messrs. Adams and George Case this week exchanged’farms both of which are in Hay Township, the former paying a difference of about $2,1QOQ, The annual election of officers for Main Street ^League took place on Tuesday evening when the following were duly elected: Hon’. Pres., Rev, Mr. Godwin; Pres,, Mrs. F. J, Wick wire; Secretary, Miss M. Brook; Treasurer, E. J. Hooper; Cor. Secre tary, Miss A. Howard; Rep, Diet. Ex ecutive, Rev.Wm. Godwin; 1st ylce- pres. Mrs. J. A. Munroe; 2nd vice- pres, Miss H, Follick; 3rd vice-pres., Miss L. Johns; 4t'h yice-pres?, Miss C. Sweet; Organist, Miss M. Horney; Assistant, Bliss E, Follick. Miss Belva Holland after a-visit here left Friday for New York city to take a ypost-graduate course in Manhattan Hospital, Mr. J. T. Westcott left Tuesday for Galt’-where he has secured a sit uation lathing on the New Collegiate building. Mr. Moses Gardiner and son, John left Monday evening, for Winnipeg; The latter will remain here. Mr. Thos. Dayman left Tuesday' evening for Regina. He will be fol lowed later by Mrs; Dayman. Mr, W. G. Bissett sold three of his thorough(bred Minorca chicken to Hon. Thos. Greenway Jastjweek, STEPHEN TAXES NEARLY ALL PAID c The books of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, show that in spite of the general depres sion there remain unpaid the sum of $804,17 or the total tax roll fox* 1&30 <0f $65,480.00. words, over ninety-nine and one, half per cent, of the township’s tax es have been paid/nto the treasury. roll In other CHISELHURST The death occurred recently of Mrs, Thomas Venner at her liome^iii Chiseihurst, in her 75th year. A pioneer of this district, her maiden name was Susan Pussin, Ths de ceased had been seriously ill for about a wpek, Surviving are her aged husband^ three sons, William, Albert and Wesley, all of this dis trict, and two daughters, Mrs. A, Ryckman and Mrs. George Dalrypiple of Tuckersmith. The funeral was held from her home to Staffa ceme tery with Rev. A. Sinclair, of the Hensail United church ojfBiciaiting. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. Ray is moving his household. « . a fine car. T I PRICED FROM $875 at factory Oshewa, Taxes a modern ear, a General Motors Value GENERM, MOTORS Ulric Snell, Exeter “ N) IMPROVE YOUR APPETITE Feeling indifferent to food? Out of sorts? Depressed? Stimulate your digestive tract with. Dr. Carter’s Little Liver Pills. All vegetable. Gentle but thorough. They’ll get rid of body poisons that cause Indigestion, Gas, etc., and give you a new in terest in food. 25c &. -75c red packages < Ask your druggist for? Carters iespills 15 YEARS AGO Hay at $18.00 a ton and gcarjce at that is causing the teamsters some worry right now. Mr. Milo ne-U has purchased, a lot on Huron street from Mrs. Elston and will build thereon. Mr. Percy Gillies Iras rented one oif Mr. W. J. Beer’s new residences and has moved into the same-. . Mr. Norman Hoc’key, who has been barbering in Flora for the past six months spent the pastAveek at his home here. )Mk. Credic Stanlake has disposed of his 75 acre farm on the 2nd con cession. of Stephen -being a part of th.e old Stanlake homstcad. to- Mr. Wm. E. Sanders of town. Mr. Sanders lias decided* to <go- back on.; the farm after a residence here rfbi< a couple of years. Miss Birdie Boyle, was very pleas antly remembered by hev-’girl friends last week on two different occasions. Ofle evening they gathered at the home of Miss Beatrice I-Iowey and presented ^Miss Boyle with -a miscel laneous shower, and. on Wednesday, night with a china shower at the home of the Misses Seldon. . .Mr. T. H. Newell is having the front part of his barn on* M’ain fixed as a .garage. •Mr. S. Beaver, agent for the’ ternational Harvester Co., has gasoline . tractor for farm work 1873 and 18ST Published every 'Thursday at Exeter,^Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—12.00 per yaa* m advance. ■••••• r RATES-—Farm or, Real Estate fa||< sale 50c. each Insertion for ffiwf four insertion*. each ■WM*” quent insertion. Miscellaneous mw* tides, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, eg Found 10c. per line of six Reading notices 10c, per liMk Card , of Thanks 50c, Legal tdh vertiBing 12 and 8c. per Hn*, M Memorial^, with one v*r*U Ef*« extra verse* 25c, each. ' Member of The Canadian WeakhE Newspaper Association* CLINTON PILOT KILLED Frank Q, Murdock, son of Mr. and Mrs. F, G. Murd'ock, of Clinton, was killed when the .plane in which he was giving flying instructions to a student at Sudbury, crashed, to the ground near the shore of Lake Rain- say, a short distance from# Sudbury. Murdock, who was a Great War pilot had been in the employ of the Na tional Air Transport Company since last fall. Smith, the student,»who was in the plane at the time of the crash was severely injured, but is expected to recover. The funeral took place from the home iof his par ents Rev. F- G. Farrlii, of Ontario Street Church in charge. Surviving are his parents, due brother and one sister. Professional Card* -------------- . ■-------' it GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS* SOLICITORS* A*k Money to Loan, Investment* Insurance Safe-Deposit Vault fpr me *f Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HEN8AJLW CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, An*. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office: Carling /Block, Mate EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday Mr, Cliifford Bnoadfdat, of Bruce- field, has sold, his garage to Mr. H. Dalrymple and Mr. J. Cornish, r The All-Gakadian Singers Guest Artist The great French Comedian Dranem General Motors Concert Orchestra Malcolm * Godden Dr. G. S. Atkinson* L.D.S.*D.D«*< DENTAL SURGEON / Office opposite new Post Office Main St., Exeter Telephone* Office 34w Home Closed Wednesday Afternoons ....... -............. rrar.ifian Dr. G. F. Roulston* LD.S..DM DENTIST In- a in his’ show room and an expert gave a demonstration of its use cn Tues day. ‘ ‘ iMr. Samuel Johns, of Elimville, had an unpleasant experience on Tuesday cn the London Road, south, Something happened to frighten the horse and in the piix-up the rig was overturned and a barrel of oil fell on Mr. Johns’’ leg bruising it consid erably. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bagshaw and family went ' to London last week to visit. *" Mr. Bagshaw contemplates going* to British Columbia, " 4f HARPLEY (Crowded out last week) Mrs. Jas. B. Hodgins, who spent the past winter in Toronto lias has returned to her home here. , Miss Helen and Mr. Willis Hay- ter are visiting during the holiday with relatives ill Detroit. Mr. Byron spending the here. Miss O. R. Easter holidays at’her home in Ford** wfch. Miss May Hodgins, of Toronto, is visiting during the holiday at the home of her brother Hodgins. ■’ " (Inteiide'd for last Miss Joan Hodgins, spent last week-end tvith her/ par ents, Mr. hntl Mrs. Jas. E. Hedging. Mrs. M Fihkbienfei* an4 Miss,.Luo- 11a, of Crediton, aro visiting with Mr and Mrs. J. J. Carnlthers, Jr. Mr, Kenneth Hodgms left on Fri day for Sapit Ste Marie going by way of Detroit where lm intends staying a few days, Mr. Carlyle Tay lor, of Grand Bend ticcompanying him that far, ■Mrs. A. Hay ter visited on Thurs day with her daughter Mrs. Clifford Sherritt. Brown,- of Toronto is holidays at his - home Corbett is spending the Mr. Mansel week.) of Detroit, OVER THESE STATIONS 9-10: CJCB, CFCY, CFNB. • CFBO, CIIRC. CKAC. CNRO, CFLC, CKGW, CROC, CJGC, CFCH, CKPR, CKCK, CJCA, CKLC, CNRV, CFCT. 8-9: CKY, CKX, CJGX. CJRW. 10-n.- GUNS, CFQC. 11-12; WTR. Office: ’Carling Blo.ck EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon x Piano Duo Guest Speaker.l-f, i! , . '*-* >4.4- Jx/liR* X.JC ,, , Viscount Cecil'Of Cheimwood The G.M. Cadets' CC’Dimanded l>y Luigi RamdneUi^, ■ Theatre” PLAyeks I Dr. D. A. ANDERSON DENTIST formerly of Exeter has located at 205 Wortley Roadi„ London, where he will practice ^1 Dentistry ' Phone: Metcalf 4290 BRUISES There’s nothing; to equal. Minarri’a. It Stakes ■ hold”. Antiseptic, toothing, healing-. DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario VetertearR College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED W Corner, of Main'.and Ann Street* Office In C. B. Snell’a Blocfc EXETER, ONT. Gives quick relief I ‘JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY ELECTROTHERAPY & ULTRA- VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., . EXETHW USBORNE & .HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President , FRANK McCONNELL Vice-Pres. * ANGI/S SINCLAIR DIRECTORS J. t/ALLISON, ROBT. NORRIS, SIMON DOW, WILLIAM BROCK. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent tor I-Iibert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasure!' Box 295, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Special Sale of Best Grade Nd. 1 XXXXX B/C. Shingles Large Size buiichea $1.20 per bunch A.J. CLATWORTHI Phone li GRANTON. ONTARIO — --------------------!— ----------------- ------------ ------------------ ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES 'A SPECIALTY ' 1 PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION’ GDARANTEEB • Phone 57-13 Dashwood B- R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD * - FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Sat!»facticit Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 189 ’ OSCAR KLOPP Licensed auctioneer Honor Graduate Carey Jone** Auc tion School. Special course tak*^ in Registered Live Stock (aU breeds^ Merchandise, Real Estate, Faring Salep, Etcz Rates in keeping wiDit prevailing prices. Satisfaction as sured, write Oscar Klopp, ZuriclL or phone 18-93, Zurich, ’Ont. y CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, b.a.sc., (Tor.^ O.L.S., Registered Professional Eft* glnoer aftd Laud Surveyor, Associates Member Engineering Institute Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. Hate you renewed your subscrip tion to the Exeter Times-Advocate* s /