The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-16, Page 5x*i Commerce PLINTON, ONTARIO Offers you a Practical, business Trailing that has made it passible far eur scares at students to, obtain and held positions deinandns a high standard of offiency. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, general Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachem Course and Special Courses arranged. You cannot attend a better School, ’ WHY NOT ATTEND THIS? STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME, For particulars write M, A, Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin., Phone 198 B, F, Ward, R-A. Principal DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, HENSALL, ONT, ^Telephone 106 * Main Street HENSALL, Mr. • Wm. Craig spent Monday in Seaforth. Mr. Arnold Bell, of Toronto, spent «a tew days with friends' in town. Miss A. Maxwell, of Whitby, visit- -ted at the home of Mirs. J. W, Peck. Mr. John Tapp spent a, few days recently visiting his son in Montreal. Mr.' J. Ashton, of Seaforth, visit- •ed with friends in townon'IMonday. Mr. Mervyn Brown, of Toronto, ?was li recent visitor at,his home liere, . Mis Nellie Boyle, K. N. spent a few- days last week with friends in -Toronto. , The farmers in this -district are jbu.sy seeding. The land is in good seonditjpn. Mrs. O’Liar, of Brucefield, is vis­ iting at the home of Messrs. Wm- .•and John Craig. ; Miss Lois LVToffat, of Brucefield, spent a few days visiting at the home of Mrs. P. Fisher, Miss Jean Campbell, of Toronto, was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. Thos. Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Tolson, of Seaforth, ispent Sunday at the home, of Mr. -and Mrs. Laird Michie. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Coxsworth, London, visited at the home of Mrs. A. Coxsworth last week. ■ Miss Margaret Slavin has return­ ed? to London after- visiting for a few days at her home here. Mr. Wm, Simpson accompanied i>y his another, of Detroit, spent tlie week-end with friends here. Misses Phyllis -and, Kathleen Case, -QtSt. Catherines, were recent visit­ ors with MrsT. Geo. Hedden. Miss Jean Russell, -of Seaforth, spent the week-end- at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. A, Hodgert. jMVs. C. -Seamon has returned home after spending a couple of weeks vis- ating relatives.jn Kitchener. Seeding has started , in this dis­ trict. Quite a number 'of farmers are mow working on the land. . Mrs. R. Cudm-cre has returned to her home after spending the winter months with relatives in Toronto. Quite a number of our young sports are sucker fishing every ev­ ening and are meeting with every success. Mr. Orville Twitchell is this week Installing another gas tank in front ©f -his garage. It is being set up by jthe Supertest Oil Co. Our local schools re-opened again on Monday after a weeks’ vacation and with Mrs. Geo. Armstrong still 'relieving Miss Ellis with her duties sis teacher. The Oddfellows of the Hensail Lodge intend attending the -service At St. Paul’s Anglican church Sun­ day, May 4th. The Grand Warden nof the London Lodge will conduct the service in the evening? A large crowd attended the sale jon Wednesday afternoon of the farm Mock, and implements of Mr. John ^Shepherd. Mr, -Shtepherd, who sold 3iis farm to'Mr. Wm. Sinclair intends amoving. into town and will occupy bis own house on King Street. A very interesting feature lecture xm '‘Palestine and. its People” was “ giyen in the Carmel Presbyterian church on Monday evening .by Rev. T).r. Inkster of Toronto. A large •crowd was present and Dr. Inkster’s t,address was illustrated by lantern slides. The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Wenner, who died at her home at JChiselliurst Oh Wednesday took place ■on Friday afternoon with interment. In the iStaffa cemetery. The Re-v. Arthur D'.nclair, pastor of the Unit- ■ed church here had charge of the service. The W. M. S. of the Carmel Pres­ byterian church held their regular ■monthly meeting on Thursday after-* moon. The topic was given by Mrs. ■Robt. McLaren and a solo by Mrs. ,jas, Patterson. At the close of the mieeting lunch was served by the Arnold Circle Mission Band. The Young people of the United «iliurch held their meeting on Mon­ day evening with -Mr, C. Blowes in charge.. . After the opening exorcis­ es an instrumtentai >d,uet was £iven by Misses Marion Sinclair and Flor­ ence McDonald, a Vtoifn selection by Wiss Ethel Murdock accompanied by TMiss Greta Latnmie; an instrumen­ tal -by Miss Gladys Lukdr followed by a number of oomnuinity songs, ded by Mr, C. Blowes, after which ■the meeting closed, with the Mizpah •Benediction. The W. M. s, of the United church bold their regular monthly meeting oii Thursday afternoon last with a ®food attendance- of members, After The devotional exercises the minutes m the,, last meeting were read, fol­ lowed by a piano solo by Miss Flossie Eossj a duet by Mrs. M. Drysdale and Miss G. Lammiej a devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. A. Sinclair &iid an Easter story by Mrs, R. L. Coles. Thq visiting committee re­ ported of having visited thirty-four sick and shut-in, after which ar­ rangements were made for a conveii* tion to she held on April 28th, Anniversary'services were held in the Carmel Presbyterian qhurch on Sunday, Large congregations were present. Rev, D. In'kister, of Toronto delivered very fine discourses at both setjvices. In the morning his. sermon was on “‘The- -Morning of Suffering’’ and in the evening “The Transfiguration” The choir gave special music under the leadership of Win! McLaren, In the morning special,parts in the Anthem were by .Ruby McLaren, Mabel Workman, E. Moir and R. Y. McLaren. (Solo Mrs, Jas.-W. Bonthron, solo, Mrs. W. A. McLaren. In the evening a quar­ tette by R, Y. McLaren," Jas. Ben- gough, C. Moir and W. A, McLaren; duet, Mr. and 'Mbs. W. A- McLaren, solo, Mrs. J. W. (Bonthron. Council Meeting’ The regular monthly meeting of the village council was held -on Tues­ day evening with all members pres­ ent. ' The minutes -of the' ’last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Mickle- and Cameron. _/ ,Mr, Orville Twitchell asked permis­ sion to install -another ,gas pump and tank in front of his property on King St, Th’is was granted on mo­ tion of Mickle and Cameron., Mr. W. J. Simpson, of Toronto, was .present and. took up the matter .of Liability Insurance for the village and after some discussion this was left over till the next meeting, The Street Committee reported on the work done- durihg the month. Communications wre read- from Eaton, Clark and Co., Toronto; Cio. Clerk' Holman; Victoria' Hospital; Good Roads Association; Department of Public Health. and the Hurlon Ex­ positor. These were -ordered filed. It was moved by Cameron and se­ conded by Miiikle- that we grant the Stock and Seed Show $25.00. Lost. An amendment by Miqkle and Cameron that we grant.the I-Ien- sall. Stock and Seed .. Show $5,0.00. Amendment Carried/’ The following bills .and accounts were- ordered paid: v Wm. Hildebrandt $1.00; C, Volland $3.20; L. Hedden 60c.; »E. Sheffer $2.60; Bonthron & Drysdale ‘ 93c.; Russell Broderick $3.80; Moore Bros. $2.07; Frank Wickwire $24.; 1D. A. Cantleon $15.50; Fred Bon­ thron $2.65; School Board $1,000.; Hensall Stock & Seed Show $50.; total $.1,10 6.35. Spencer and Cameron that ac­ counts be raid as read. Carried. Mowed* by Cameron and seconded by .Spencer that a new cap be pur­ chased for constable Hudson. Mickle and Con sit t that we n-ow -adjourn.. Carried'. , J J. A. Pattersoii, Clerk Kyle—McClincliey A pretty wedding was solemnized at' Varna, -on Wednesday, April Sth, at 10 a.m. ‘by the Rev. E. A. Poul- ter, when Maibel A. MsLinchey eld­ est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McClinche-y was united in marriage to. David Emerson Kyle, son of the late Thos, Kyle- and Mrs. Kyle, of Clinton. The bride wore a charm­ ing frock of maize georgette and lace with shoes and hose to match, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses- and maiden hair fern. Miss Grace Pepper, of Hensall, acted as bridesmaid and wore a chic frock of French blue georgette and lace, with shoes andUiose to match. Mr. Everett McQlinchey, -brother of the bride acted as groomsman. The groom’s gift to the* bride was a handsome fox .fur, to the brides­ maid a silver pierced sandwich bas­ ket and to the best man a set of ebony brushes. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party mot­ ored to Hotel London where a sump­ tuous lunch was served. Later the young couple left by motor -for Nia­ gara Falls, Detroit and other points. The bride donned fc-r travelling a tailored frock of. eggshell and mid­ night blue canton crepe, also a black silk broadcloth coat with black and white fur trimming, hat, gloves and purse tp match. After their return they will reside in Kippen where (Mt. Kyle has purchased the store formally owned by Mr. Bowey. KHIVA Mfs. J. Hanover, Miss Florence Hanover ahd friend spent the week­ end in Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Lottis Held. Mrs. Hanover is remain­ ing for a couple of weeks. Miss Meda Safaras, of Toronto, 'spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, O. Willett. / iM'iss Thelma Neeb, returned to Detroit on Friday, Miss Eldena Eagleson spent Sun­ day with Miss Ila Mason. Mr; -and Mrs. William Mason spent Sunday with Mr, -and Mrs. George Mason near Grand Rend. Mr; and Mrs, H. Eagleson spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Will- ert. ■THi EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE a CREDITON two Lulu Miss Ella Morlock spent weeks with her slsteL Miss M'ai-lock at Windsor. After spending her faster tlou at her homo here Miss Morlock has returned to resume her duties as teacher of history at the Gordon MacGregor Public School East Windsor. Mr, and Mrs, Wes, Wolfe and, fam­ ily, of Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eilber, Mr, ^nd Mrs. Treitz, t> of Sarnia, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Treitz last week. Rev, W. M. SippelJ, pastor of the Evangelical church is attending Con­ ference this week in Elmira, ’ * School re-opened' on Monday after the. Easter holidays. , -Mr. and /Mrs, Merrier Eilber and family of Detroit, Visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber a few -days last week. Misses Jape and Rachel Wilson of Centpalip,-visited with their niece Mrs. Edwin Beaver this’ week. M’rs, H. Brown and son are visit­ ing in Michigan with -relatives, Mr. Jack M'allott, of Lodon, is spending a few days at the Central Hotel. > The -play entitled “The. Colonel’s Maid” was given at Mt, Carmel last Friday evening by the young people of our town. The play entitled “Paying the Fid­ dler” put -on -by the James Street Y. P. S-. of Exeter, was. much 'enjoyed by a fairly large crowd.' Tlie Young, People's ^Society of the United Church will meet in the basement of the. church on Friday evening. Last Thursday evening about for­ ty neighbours and friends made a surprise party for Mrs. Henry Haist on the occasion of her -birthday. The evening was spent in .games and a lot of very fine instrumental music was played op violin and banjo. The party -concluded with a dainty lunch. A pleasant time was had by all. Rev. Sipi»ell invited to Remain « The finance board of the Evangel­ ical congregation, consisting of the church’s trustees and stewards-, re-, cently met in the Sunday iScho.ol room. H. K. Eilber presided and F. W- M'orlo.ck was secretary. A’ mo­ tion by John Roeszler and Jaco.b ilatz fixed the pastor’s salary the same as the past year. At the close George Finkdieiner, with a few complimentary remarks, moved that Rev. M. Sippell be invit­ ed back as pastldr for the fifth year. Harry Beaver and others stood ready to second this motion. The pastor responded with words of apprecia­ tion for this act of kindness and al­ so for the ha.p,py fellowship that ex­ isted petwteen pastor and pjeople. vana- Lulu by John Roeszler and Jaco.b CREDITON EAST Mi’, and Mrs. Joseph -Brokenshire and two children of Windsor, spent Easter -Sunday' with' Mr, and, Mrs. Eli La-wsdn. Mr. and Mrs. David-Baird And son Jack,;spent Sunday with the/former’s mother, Mrs. John Bail’d, at Grand Bend. ** .Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson visited Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Esli Hey­ wood, north -of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard Wein and son Marvin, of. Sharon, are visiting with Mr. Harry Lewis. Mrs. Harry Lewis who was recent­ ly operated upon in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, is expected home Tuesday. Mrs. M. ,J. Graham and Mr. M. S. Carter and M'r. and Mrs. Kelly all of London spent Sunday with the for­ mer’s -brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anders-oil. Mr .and Mrs. Percy Bowman, of London,, spent Sunday with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau. Mrs. Henry Motz returned home from London on Sunday aftpr visit­ ing her daughters there for a week; .Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and Motztwo children and Mr. Henry spent Sunday in London. HARPLEY Miss Viola Hutchinson is with her aunt Mrs. Ro/bert; Mr, and (M'rs. -Newton' r- visiting Murray. Hayter, Donna and, Glenn spent Sunday with Mr.,and Mrs. Fred McClincliey, Mrs. T. Love and Miss Edith and Master Mervyn Love were • in Lon­ don on Friday. ‘ ■ - * . Mr. and Mt.’^/Edward. Gill’ spent Sunday at ML Win. Love’s, Miss Norah. Welbb visited With his ■aunt Mrs. LlOyd Uayl-or dui’ing‘*the Easter holidays'! ...7 “ . *. ELIMVILLE TREROAY, APRIL Mf W4 CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES .................................... ............... HOUSE-CLEANING TIME IS HERE AGAIN HANDY AMMONIA ...........................4 pacJ&gM fQr P & G OR RED & WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 10 bm for 34c, BULK SOAE FLAKES »•«.*»./#. f #poypd# for 29c. BON AMI, pAKE OR POWDER .............................. \ . wb 140. One sample free with each purchase. CALAY TOILET SOAP, pure and fragrant % a' Mr from Lewis Woods and several boys London visited at Mr. Robt, Woods on -Sunday last, Mr.- and Mrs, Harry Cole have re­ turned from their honeymoon and are getting settled in their now home Best wishes o>f friends are extended to them. Rev. Rutherford, of Woodham, and Rev, L. C. White exchanged pul­ pits last Sunday, Rev Rul'lierford delivered a very interesting address here -on Sunday morning. A’few cases of mumps have oc- cured in the vicinity. Farmers are very busy working oh the land, which is working up in good, condition. , Housecleaning. operations , are keeping the ladies busy these line days. ’ (M'rs. Henry Johns has been suffer­ ing considerably with a gathering on her finger for over a. week. The doctor lanced it which releived her somewhat. Ml and, Mrs, Ewart Pym are mov­ ing to Exeter into Mrs. Hewitt’s house this week. Their neighbours regret their removal, but extend their bost wishes to them. 4 cake* for 25c. Choice PUMPKIN 2 large tins for 23c. Kellogg’s ALL BRAN Large pkg. each }9c. Good Quality TOMATOES 2 large tins for 19c. CARNATION MILK 4 small tins for 23c. No. 1 tin, 2 for 19c. LEMON CHEESE No. 1 jar 25c. Spagetti with Tomato' Sauce Canned APPLES Gal. tin each 25c PEACHES Buffet size per tin JOc, Best Quality ’ KOLONA COFFEE Per lb. 29c. Finest Santa Clara Prunes . . 2 lbs for 19c. Perrin’s Malted Graham Wafer , . pkg. 23c Fresh Dates....................... 3 lbs. for 21c. Sweet Juicy Oranges...........per 4ozen’20c. Large Sweet Grapefruit ..............3 for 25c. Fresh Spinach........................2 lbs. for 25c. HARVEY & HARVEY - EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE We Deliver IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW^ DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON , At office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer and Miss­ es Theada, and Grace Hayter,’ Wind- ,Sor, were visitors over the week-end. •Schlundt Brothel’s are sporting a new Chevrolet Coupe. Mr. Henry Hoffman and Harry m-otoi’ed to Detroit last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt, of In­ gersoll and Mr. and-Mrs, R. Stade of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Stade. Mr. Earl Witmer has accepted a position with J. C. Reid & Co. , Mr. .and Mrs. V. Schatz visite^l friends in Sarnia on Sunday. •• Mr. Mark Brokenshire, of Port Frank, .spoilt"•■Sunday Tn*town.*’ *•■ Rev. A. 'W. Sauer is attending con-' ference in Elmira this week. Mr. J. W. Ortwein,’ Hensall, was a business visitor in town on Wed­ nesday. "Little Doris Willert had the mis­ fortune to fall and sprain the liga­ ments in her leg. . • Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender of Blyth, spent Wednesday in town. -Schools re-opened on Monday with fifteen beginners, Mr. and Mrs, A. ?Oestricher are- attending Conference hs delegates in Elmira this week. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. E. Porter, of Bayfield, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ,Reid. On Thursday evening- the choir of Zion Lutheran church met at the liome of Mr. C. Pfile their director and gave him a pleasant surprise it being the occasion off his birthday. During the evening which was Spent in music and games !Mr. Pfile was presented with a handsome smoking stand after which a dainty lunch was served. The address reads -as follows: Dear Mr. Pfile,— ■ ' We, the members of the choir have gathered here at your home on the occasion of your birthday for ihe purpose of congratulating you 0n having reached another milestone in your life»and of spending, a social ‘.evening together. As our choir leader you have serv­ ed us long and faithfully, 'and as a tpken of our appreciation and grat­ itude for your untiring efforts we ivisli to present you with this small gift not for its value but as a remem­ brance of the many hours we have spent together. ' Wishing you God’s richest blessing wq all join heartily in the hope that you will enjoy many more birthdays mid continue your 'good work with us. ' Signed on belialf of the choir. GREENWAY .Mrs. Ted McPherson aifd children have moved here to .Mr, Russell Pol­ lock’s House for the summer. (Mr. McPherson is teaching in a Techni­ cal School in Toronto. Mrs, Geo,' Luther list last. week.. Mr, and Mrs, W. the week-end in four .grandchildren them after spending the holiday with Mr. G’Ordon Ulens. Mrs. a Visit Mrs. Visited Next -Sunday Rev. S, J. Mathers will speak on the Subject, “Slow but Sure.”»All children of the congre­ gation are urged -to be present at the disclosing of the mystery an- n-ounoedmn Sunday last. Mu| James Geromette has pur­ chased A new driver. The friends of ML Daul Gratton was oh the sick . T, Ulens spent Windsor. Their returned with Sherfitt has returned from in Windsor and Wheatley. Toll and family, of London# with Ma and Mrs. E. Mason. will be pleased to learn he is recov­ ering nicely from liis recent opera­ tion in London, though the debtors gave very little hope last week.. , The play “Chitz Cottage’’ put on by the,A<Y.P.A. of Adelaide in tjie- United Church last Wednesday was well attended and heartily enjoyed. Miss West, a former teacher here, took the leading part splendidly and received a hearty welcome from her friends here. Fanny, the maid, was a fine actress as were all the others. The music and readings -between the acts Were much appreciated, proceeds amounted to $39.00. Mrs. Archie McIntosh, of Huron is visiting relatives here. (Mrs. Wm. McClinchey visited Mrs. Geo. Oliver in St. Marys and Miss Elaine Oliver spent a week with her friends herq. Miss Topping was ill during the holidays and was unable to return to her school on M'onday. We hope Jor a^apeedyo recovery. Miss , Noble and Miss Corbett have returned their The Port duties. to GRAND BEND KIRKTON ■ » Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Fletcher"spent Sunday'with friends at Centralia. ' -fM'r. E- N. Shier is having the in­ side. of his store painted. .'ML R. Ross has torn down the blacksmith shep formerly used by the.late R. Robinson. Mr. Wm. Scott has'moved into the house he purchased from Mrs, Sam.- Kirk by. • If the spring ^veather continues the; farmers will .be busy seeding this‘week. . : Mr;-and "Mrs. Geo. Myers an cl fam­ ily, of Stratford, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Shier. Mrs. Basler, of St. Marys; called on. Mrs. Walter Hazelwood one day this week. -. Mrs. Jas. Stanley, of St. Cather­ ines,' is visiting her jyarents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brintnell. The United church Sunday School have decided to. hold -their. Anniver­ sary-on Sunday, June 21st7'*'?’"'i' l> Mr. Anderson teller in the Bank here has been nursing a sprained an.kle the past week and has been off work. * Miss Emma Mollard who has been spending the winter in Vancouver. California and e'lsewhere returned home last week having enjoyed a ___ good time. # I seeding Mr. Sim Ireland, we understand, state. Miss spent the week-end with, her parents. Miss V. M'oore, who spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert, at returned to her The SHIPKA farmers have commenced and the land is in a fair E. .Sweitzer -from Loudon,has bought the fifty-acre farm from 1 Mr, Robt. Taylor 'On the Blue Wa­ ter Highway known as the Qld Rush I •farm, getting possession at once. | Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie spent Melbourne' has Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovie home here, at Crediton. Little Lola and" Norma La Fond, Mr. Aimer Desjardine and Wil- of Sarnia, spent Easter week at the ford Ravelle spent the week-end in home of Mr, and Mrs. E. Keyes. Detroit. | Mrs. Geo. Shepard and Miss Olive Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oliver 'and Cam- Shepard, of Parkhill, visited with ily of St. Mafys, spent Sunday with relatives last. week. Mr. W. B. Oliver. | The friends of M'rs. Leslie Adams -Mrs. J. Dartzel, of Pt. Huron, who are glad, to know',he is improving after his recent illness. The Young People held their reg­ ular meeting in the church on Mon­ day evening. A debate -was given on the “Value of Machinery” by V. Sharpe and M. Lamport and E. Bak­ er and D. Vincent. Next Sunday a Temperance Pro­ gram will be given in the Sunday School. The Funglore meeting of Dash­ wood 'spent a very enjoyable even­ ing at the home of Mr1, and Mrs. Ed. Lamport on Wednesday evening last. The busine$q was .carried on during the first part of . the .meeting after, which games were played. A dainty lunch was served.’ has been visiting at Mr. William Patterson’s went li-ome Sunday, Miss Verda Pag&, of Ravenswood, who has been spending a week with her mother returned home on Sun­ day. MVS. -Small, of 'Cleveland, is Visit­ ing Mrs. Andrew Desjardine. ML L. Grieve, of Exeter, i^ con­ sidering adding more to his drug­ store making it much bigger. Mrs, N. Ravelie, who spent the winter visiting her daughter in St. Marys and Hespeler returned home last week. Mr. Sim Dewey and. son Sherwood are visiting for a few days at Mr. Arnold Ravelle’s. BUY YOUR FORD HERE i Free Inspection Service at 500, 1000 and 1,500 miles , 4 This includes a Check-up of the battery, generator charging rate, distributor, carburetor adjustment, lights, brakes, shock absorbers, tire inflation and steering gear. The engine oil is also changed land the Chassis lubricated. A check-up of wheel alignment and, spring shackles is in­ cluded as part of the mile inspection. Everything is free except the cost of new oil. * Come in and see all the Newest Ford Cars jOBf* SANDY ELLIOT Rhone M Exete