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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-16, Page 4
THE EXETER TtMBMPVOCAW JAMES ST* W, Al. S. many people are content’ to not paying yon coloured gentle gimme a. mighty Ernest C. Harvey, Insurance Alain Street. Too sit and talk about what their an cestors did and not raise a finger to perpetuate it.—Dr, Henry Darling ton. • ' Work will begin in Alay op the construction -of an ultra modern city in the centre of New York to h-ouse 50,000 people. It will cover a doz? ea,blocks and cost $250,000,000. tKURSDML AX’BILM, WM “O JIB WAY” TRADE MARK Made of Copper-Bearing jpotir One-Minute Wire LOCAL NEWS IMIss Eva McPherson, of Dutton* vU|te4 with Her brother Gortto to’ Mug the week. Miss Kathleen Peed, of Windsor, is 'visiting her grandparents Air* and* SMrs. Wm. Heed. The Planing. Mill of the Exeter dumber co,, has been running ■over time to catch up with their orders. Mr* and Mrs. John Chambers and «adn Wm., of town, and Mr., Edward X3haiikbers, of crediton, were in Chait* liapi'on Saturday, 4MT« Hugh Walper has resumed his -duties as driver of Air, W« T. GiUes- ®le*s. trucl? after being off duty ow ing to illness. Mrs. Luther Reynolds spent a few days in Clinton last week visiting ^vith Miss Manning at the home M the. latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve- and daughter, of Forest, visited over •the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Abbott, Mrs. Ww. Laverty lias been advis- ied by her physician Dr. Dunlop, to take a complete rest owing to the condition of her heart. Mr. Jim Taylor had liiJ tonsils removed, at Dr, Fletcher’s Hospital Tuesday. IDs position at the Cream- -cry is being taken by Mr, Hy. Stan-. Hake. School re-opened Monday follow ing the Eastfer vacation. The Exeter High School students are this week waiting on their Easter examina tions. Mr. A. Buchanan and sou James, a'f Donegal and Mr. and Mrs. Dick sand - daughter, of Britton, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Terry on Sun day. <Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rundle are this week moving to the farm on liighway No. 4, north of Exeter re cently purchased from Mr. R. N. Howe. Mrs* jarrott and daughter, of Kip pen',. visited Friday with Mr, and Mrs, W» IL Johnston and took Mr,: and) Mrs. Johnston back with them on,a visi,t, On Sunday evening in the James St. United church a Quartette was sung by Misses Stella Soutlicott, ’Celia Christie, Mrs. Harry Carey and Meta Salter, The weather during the past week has been ideal an/1 citizens are at work in their gardens and the farm ers are on the land. The season is exceptionally early. Mr, and Airs. E* N* Keddy and Airs, Chas. Avery, of Detroit, spent Sunday at the home of Air, AV. C. Keddy and Miss Lois Keddy return ed home with them. Mr. Wilfred TurnuuR returned to Toronto after spending Easter week with his mother in town. While here lie and his brother, Robert motored/to Detroit on a visit. Traffic Officer Leaver was in town on Sunday afternoon and was checking up On operators* licenses. One young lady was handed a ticket and was requested to procure a li cense. Air. and Airs. A. AV, Anderton, of Clinton, attended the" service in James Street chur ch Sunday even ing. Mr, Anderton was a former orgaiiist and choir leader of Janies Street* * Aliss Alabel Follicle is haying her residence on Alain Street south of Caven Church renovated ‘and is in stalling a bath room, A new gar age is also being erected on the premises. A number from Exeter were in Clinton on Thursday evening at tending the military ball given by the officers of the Huron Regiment, an ’outstanding social event of the season. 'Air. Ed. French, of Toronto, mo tored . up and spent the week-end with liis sister Mr. and Airs. E. A. Rollick. Airs. Hearts, who has. beep visiting here for several weeks re turned to Toronto' with him. Airs. C. Patterson and daughter Mariah Have returned to Detroit af ter visiting for the past week* with the former’s parent’^ Air. and Airs. Rd. Quance. MI*. Patterson came over top them on Sunday, A twelve ton. wooden, vat filled with brine collapsed! and plunged from the top floor t<\the bottom of the building about 36 feet at the Goderich Salt Company’s plant. Workmen who were shifting the tank jumped to safety. ITO CONVENE AT ELMIRA The Evangelical ministers of On tario will meet in annual conference at the i-Elmira Evangelical church, beginning Wednesday, April 15, and concluding the following Alonday, Bishop J* F* Dunlop, D.D., ef Cleve land, Ohio, will preside. Rev. Sippell, of Crediton; Rev. A, W, Sauer, of Dashwood, and Rev, AV, Drier, of Zurich, are the Evangelical ministers of this* immediate district. * The new reduced premium rates combined with the dividends in /the L-Af-C, AVorld’s Greatest Automobile Alutual, makes a saving of $9,150 pr more on last year’s rates, on private ears, Office FOR YOUR BAD DEBTS After vainly trying to collect $40 due him from one or nis customers tlie colored man consulted a lawyer, "What reason," his lawyei’ asked "■does he give for this money." "Boss," said the man anxiously? "he good reason, sah." "Well, what is it? " JFfe done say, Boss, dat he’s been owin’ me dat money so long dat the interest has et it all up, At the meeting pf the James BL W. Al. lS« on. Thursday, April 9th in the absence of the president Airs, C, W. Christie the devotional period was led by Airs, M. Heywood. Mrs, J, T. .Afiners then took charge and presided while the business was dis posed of. Airs, J, •§; Grant and Airs, J, W Down were ejected as delegates to the convention to be held in Hen sail on Alay 28th. A letter: was read from Thames Road Auxiliary accept- the invitation of the James Street ladies to join them in their Alay meeting, An interesting Easter pro gram under the leadership of Mrs. J. S. Grant followed, Special hymns were sung and responsive readings; also a splendid reading "Aly Easter Offering" by -‘Mrs. Rev. Down. A special feature was the address of Mrs. Layton, a member of the Alain St. W, M. S. on her recent trip to southern California and places en route. Airs, Layton in her usual happy manner spoke very enthus iastically of the different churches they were privileged to visit and the various methods of service and es pecially the cordial welcome extend ed tp them from all nationalities, showing the spirit of Christianity and friendliness. A vote of thanks was tendered Airs, Layton for,her splen did address. A duett "The Old Rug ged Cross" by Airs. ,H. Carey -and Aliss Grant with Airs. Goulding. as accompanist was much enjoyed, CAVEN W. Al. S, The Easter thankoffering of. the AV.M.S, of Caven Church was held Tuesday evening at the church. A splendid set of slides on put mission worts in Manchuria and china were shown, Air. Rhodes giving along with them ,some very interesting 'facts on the customs of the people of China. Another interesting part of the program was the presentation of a life membership certificate to Airs. J. A. -Stewart by the AV-M.S. and a junior Ute membership certificate to Elaine stanbury by the Alission Band, Musical numbers were given by the^AIission Band and Aliss Kath leen Strang, ed to $64.i50 served at MAIN ST the W, Ah The fifferiug umuuut- . Refreshments’ were close of the meeting. M. S. S. of the Alain StreetThe W. United church met ip the church parlors on Thursday afternoon with the. president, Airs. Pearce, presid ing. The devotional exercises were taken by Airs. Skinner, The con venor of the program committee, Airs, W. F. Abbott, had a suggest ed temperance”program, having had several leaflets rea« by the differ ent members, after which some busi ness was transacted, Arrangements were made for the annual birthday party which takes place’on Alqy 20, and a quilting party on Wednesday next when it is expected, the quilts will be finished for **tlie bale to be shipped- soon. Airs, Hoskins was appointed, to tpke the treasureship vacated by Airs. W. Ryckman on<ac- count of the continued illness of her mother. Mrs. G. S. Howard, se cretary of Christian Stewardship, read an interesting Easter message. The society’s thankoffering amount ed to over $160 this past year. CENTRALIA Mrs. George Raynham Jr, and fahiily visited for ’a fejw days last week with relatives in Shipka, Air. and Mrs. Thomas 'Parker re cently moved to a farm near Gran ton. IMr. Parker has been employed by Air, Win', Colwill for a number of years. ; The many friends of Air. William Parsons will be gladi to see him, out around again after his lengthy ill ness. Airs. Franklin Conlin is confined to” her house with a broken ankle. She is getting ^along as well as can be expected. Aliss Mae Winter, R. N., and’ Aliss Helen Hicks, R.N., of London,* visit ed last week with Air. and Airs. An drew Hicks'. Air.' and Airs. Rex daughter Alarilyn, spent the week-end Airs. Harry Alills. Air. and (Mrs. Janies Neil have re turned to their home after spending the past week with their soii Hubert in St. Thomas. Aliss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien. Th© Wi AT. S. Presbytery will be held in Henfeail United church April 2 6th» / Alills and their of Wyoming, with Mr. and Will it resist rust? How great is its strength? Is the wire Copper-Bearing and Full Gauge? Is it guaranteed? These are just a few points, of course, but they are vital ones and it is to your advantage to consider them well when buying Farm Fence. “OJIBWAY” Fences are heavily Zinc Insulated to resist rust (the Galvanizing will stand four one-minute immersions by the Preece Test). When erected on Banner Steel Line Posts and National* Expanding Anchor Dirt Set End and Comer Posts, it is as ruggedly strong as a fence- can be. All wire used is Full No. Gauge Copper-Bearing, Galvanized Steel, Ask your dealer about the “OJIBWAY” Guarantee of Service or write direct for information. It’s absolute protection for the purchaser of Farm Fence. • * j • Also manufacturers of Apollo and Apollo Keystone Copper Steel Brands of Galvanized Sheets-—Tin Plates. Canadian Steel Corporation, Limited Mills and Head Office: OJibway, Essex County, ^Ontario Warehouses: Hamilton, Winnipeg and Vancouver Watch for the Zinc Intulated trade-name—It appears In every roll 1<V* -....J-J.— 1 z S n~5 USBORNE COUNCIL on The Municipal council for the cor poration of the townshij) of Usborne met at Elimville on Saturday, April 4th .pursuant to adjournment with all the members present. The. min utes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed on motion of Williams-Westcott. Correspondence—Form of resolu tion forwarded from the United farm ers of Ontario re- reduced charges on railways signed by the. Reeve and Clerk and forwarded to the Minister of Railways on. motion, of Dew-Shier. Westcott-William — That By-law No, '3, 1927 be amended fixing the road Superintendent’s salary at 35c. an hour and that the rate be 30c. an hour. The Court of Revision cm the Branch B. ’repair was held at the ap pointed hour with the members of the court taking the necessary de claration. There being no appeals, the by-law was finally, passed, on mo tion of Westcott-ShieF and that tend ers be called for to complete th© work. CouVt closed. J. T. Hern waited on the council re grant for the improvement and cemetery. Shier- e trustees, have ivation of the upkeep of Zion Dew—That when th completed the renovation cemetery that the township, make a grant -of •$'50.00 *to help ..defray ex penses. Carried. Westcott-Williams—That the sur plus on th© Passmore and -Fletcher drains be 'refunded to the assessed parties with the exception of funds held for farm bridges on each drain, Dew-AVilJiams—Th alt - the follow ing bills be paid viz: Clarence Johns snow work $8.60; Jas. Brooks, ditto $4.80; Garnet Hicks, ditto $1.80; Harold Jeffrey ’ $4,80; Fred Ford ditto $6.80; Gerald Ford ditto $1.60; Maurice Coates ditto $2,80; Ray Francis ditto $3.80; Alvin AlcCurdy ditto L$2.40; Gilbert Duncan ditto $2.40; Alex Duncan ’80c.; Louis Flet cher ditto $2.80; Nelson Roach $1.-* 40; Clayton .Smith $1.00'; Oliver McCurdy $1,10; Edward Johns 1.- 60; William GilfilMn ditto $2.-80; Jno. T. Hern, ditto $3,60; A. Shier, ditto $1.20; Milton McCurdy, snow Work and grader tohgue $2.85; Hy., Ford, superintendence $2.70; Town- Ship |-per Wih chelsea drain $3.50; Usborne & Hibbert Ins. Co., renew-Usborne & Hibbert Ins. Co,. al premium tp. hall $2,25; Wickwire Press by-laws Branch B drain $154 JnO. Hackhoy, Exec. dog tax $2.00; H. H, Brown, salary as assessor $85.00; Dr, J. G. Dunlop, AL O, H. retaining tee $10,00; Jas. Ballantyne, fee annual meeting /re board Of health $3.00; Joshua jJOhhs ditto $3.00; Sam Brock ditto $3,00; Henry Strang ditto $3.00, Cpuncil adjourned to meet Satur day, May 2, 1&8L Henry Strang, Clerk refund 1830 WHALEN Air, Thos. Gunning spent SundaX with Airs. Gunning nt Victoria Hosy. pitah Lcndoji, Airs, Gunning is imwr proving slowly. Aliss. Edna Squire js spending this-' week in Lucan with friends. » Air, and Airs. Jus- Hern, Olivo and Mr. Wellington* Hern, of Exeter*,, spent Sunday evening with Aliss L* Gudning. Air* 'and Airs. F. Squire and fault ily spent Sunday with Air. and Airs, Wm. T'ookey, Lucan, Air. and Mrs, P. Passmore, of the 'Thames Road, spent Sunday. witht M’rs. Alice Gupning. Mr, Arthur Gunning, of Granton* spet Saturday with his sisters, Mrs. Georg© ning. Millson and Aliss Alary Gun*- THAMES ROAD Cora Cooper is under the- Dr, Fletcher. ’ Miss care of Air, John Hodgert was in 'Toron to a few days the past week. '■Aliss Alice Passmore was a visitor with Aliss Verpa '’Scott the past week* Mr, and 'Mrs. Milton J-Iodgert, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Hcdgeyt. Mr. and Airs. Harry Leslie, ‘of Stratford, were Sunday visitors' with. Air. and Airs. Campbell, SAIr.-Wm. Hilburn, of Toronto, is* visiting-^ with Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Stewart, Air. Sam. McCurdy took a trip to Toronto with cattle recently, On Friday evening last while Air* Archie Etherington ^yas in the act. of cranking his car the engine back fired and the crank striking him in the arm 'broke a bone above the wrist. MT. CARMEL School re-opened here on Monday with Sisters Aloysus iSr., Madeline in charge. Rev. F. R, Glavin, of Watford, called on friends here on Sunday. (Mrs, Thomas Rowland attended the funeral <of her brother Air, Mat-- •tliias Doyle of London ion Alonday. Alisses Eileen O'Rourke and Katherine Walker, of Khiva, are visiting friends at Detroit this week, Alisses Winnifred Aladden? Kath-i leen Aloir and friend, of London^, callqd on the former’s . parents Mr. and Airs. Al,. Alqdden on Sunday. Aliss Gertrude 0’tiara R,N., and; Miss Geraldine Regan R.N., of De troit, are spending the Easter vaca tion at the home of Air. C. J. Regan,. ZION 'On Siunday last the -services ip. the church revert to the evening;' having been held in the afternoon. . all winter.’ Rev. Mr. Rutherfofd(, off’ Woodham conducted the services, Aly. and Mrs. Tlios. Brock accom panied by Airs. W. Routley, of Ex eter, visited with their sons Welling ton and Garfield;'oil Tuesday. ’ ' Air .and Mrs. Warren Brock Airs. spent JohnSunday with Air .and Johns. The .auction sale of ___ ____ and 'implements of Airs. H. Kyle on. Wednesday of last week was,largely attended and good prices were re alized. farm stock:. WINCHELSEA Air. R. E. Pboley was in Stratford one day last week on business. Mr. and Mrs.. AV. J. Veal and -Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster were in London on Saturday. Alm» and Airs. Kirk Hutton, of Thames Road visited with Air. and. Mrs.-Geo. Davis one day last week. Miss Lillian Murch, of Elimvilie*. spent last Friday with her aunt Mrs„ W. J. Veal. Air. and Mrs. Geo. Davis visited! with Air. and Mrs. Ed. Alexander on Sunday. • Air. and MrS. Wm. Brooks and fam ily visited with Airs, Fred DeTbridge one day last week. Mr. Clifford Hotham, of Delaware' •has returned to liis home after spending a few day/5 visiting friends in AVinchelsea. ' Air. and Airs. Alf. Collier, of Kirk ton, visited with the latter’S parents- Mr. and Airs. H. Bailey on Sunday. Aliss Inez Creery has returned to Forest to resume her duties ther0- as teacher. ' Airs, Alack Lammond, of Cromarty, visited one day last week with her;' parents Mr, and! Mrs. J, E. Creery, WHALEN The Easter meeting of the Whal— sen AV.M.& was held on Thursday ev ening in the church. It was an open meeting. The members entertained, their husbands and friends. Airs, J. Hazelwood Was’ in the chair. The- meeting, opened with the Doxology, Lord’s Prayer -and hymn 186. Rev.- Mr. Robb lead in prayer. The* re sponsive Easter service was read by Mrs. Will Morley. Mrs. Will Brooks Airs. John Hazelwood and Airs. Hil ton Ogden were appointed as dele gates to attend the Presbyterian-^ |i’B held on April 28th in Hensall. ‘ Two humorous’ readings were given by Miss Bessie Morley,and brought forth many peals of laughter-. A MTssibU Band 'exercise was splendidly given by six girls aqtl four boys entitled. "Wont you walk into my partor/’ Tlife musical numbers were very much enjoyed and, were -as follows: vocal duett, "If I were a Voice" by Air1, and Mrs. Rev, Robb; vocal solOj, "Falce to Face*1 by Mi's. F, Squire; Instrumental selection, "The Old. Rugged Cross” by ATr, and Airs. H. Ogdeh, Aliss Verna Hazelwood' Was the accompanist for tlie evening. Ah interesting reading "My Easter Thdiik'ofterhig” was given by Mrs. Geo, Squire. Hymn 1-^6 anti prayer by Mr. T. Gunning closed the meet* Ing, An excellent lunch was served and a seciat time1 simnt. by alt