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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-16, Page 2
APRIL 16, 1WJ1 THE EXETER" TIMES-ADVOCaTE GREENWAY (Ixitenfleifl for last week.) MUs Lois Brm is suCterlng tw an injury received when she tell last $reek» - Bev. J. Mathers will speak on the. subject nt Conversion next Sun day attqruoQu. Rev. Lewin had a special Easter service in Grace church on Good Frh lay* . . ; Rev, G* Wood, of Parklull, pmch- -eb to a large congregation^ in the tpuited church lust Thursday ©ven- ing at the Preparatory Service. The Tito of Baptism was observed at* the close. The session of the United church •jhave made Mr* A. M. Wilsdh an Hon orary- Rife Member of theirhoard. Murray Luther has hireiWvith Mr. BWbt. Pollock for the summer. A very impressive Easter sendee was held in the United 'church on Bunday, Special music by the choir. A reception service with twenty-five ^candidates joining the church and <lie Communion service combined to smoke it a memorable event in the history of the local church. A large crowd attended Mr. E., Btewardson’s sale last Thursday. Mr. John Ruther, Grand Bend, vis ited his brother Mr. Geo. Ruther last week, Mr. A. Shank is visiting friends in Michigan. Mrs. Shaddock lias recovered from jher reicent illness. Mr. Albert iMIcLincliey hag a. inew -(Chevrolet coupe. Mrs. R. Hotson spent several days in Rondon with Mrs. Fred Mason. Easter visitors in the community: Mr, and Mrs. R, Sheppard, of Ron don, and Mr. I. English, of .Detroit, With Mr. and Mrs. R, English.—Win* •Curts and Miss’/Viola. Curts', of Lon don, with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts. -—'Miss Adell Rovie with Mrs. Law- rence Cnrts.--»-Pawsou wnodhurih o£ Komoka and Byron Brown, of Toron-, to, with their parents.—Mrs, Burn ett, Tommy and Veronica with Mr& A. Mclintosh.—-W. Felte with Mr, and 'Mrs, Ross Battram.-—Mrs, J. W. Sellars, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. J, Carruthers,-—-Mr. ana Mrs. Milton Ruyter with’ Mr. und Mrs. James Rock.—Mrs. w, Armstrong, of Sar nia, with Mrs, ®. Rockburn,—Gordon and Miss Rilftan Ulens, of Wind sor, and Dr. Qourlay, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. mens.-—Miss Ruby Pol lock, Hamilton, with relatives.—<Miss Lorraine Eagleson, Sarnia, with Mr, and Mrs. E. Mason.—Mrs. J, Gardin er, Shipka, with Mr. and Mrs. Bul- loc'b.—Miss Maude Brown, of Mount Brydges, with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown,—Mr, and Mrs. M, Morley and daughters, St. Thomas and Mr, and Mrs. R, Hutchinson, Park hill with .relatives.—and Mrs. Wellwood Gill have moved onto the farm recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Frank Turner.—Mr, and; Mrs. Wm. Hodgins moved to their new home at Corbett on Tuesday and Mr, and Sirs. Robt. Murray moved into the former’s’home on the 21st of Stephen. CROMARTY I (Crowded out'last week) The April Meeting of the W.M.S, met at the home of Mrs. Stewart Robhfson at St'affa -on Thursday last with a good attendance. The, meet ing opened by singing the 87 Psalm and prayer by tlie president Mrs. Rogers. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Richard McGill. The Roll Call topic for the day being a Scripture reference bearing on the Resurrection was very suitably re sponded iby the members. Those having the devotional part were Mrs. Edgar Allen, Mrs. Rogers. A duet was very nicely rendered ’ by Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Quanlce accompan ied by Mrs, D. McKellar on the vio lin after which a few minutes was spent on the . business punt of the meeting. Mrs* Duncan McKellar read some very interesting items from “Glad Tidings1* Mrs. B. G. Mc Kay gave a very acceptable and in teresting Easter message after which hymn 225 was sung followed by ,a very pleasing Eastern theme by Mrs, Thos. Oliver. Mrs. Quance then rendered 'another solo, “Read “file to Calvary”. Mrs, Rogers closed with prayer and the Lord’s prayer was said in unison. Mr, John (Gaunders “and friend, of Detroit, spent a few days visiting with friends in the village. Quite a number* of the farmer’s in the vicinity are making maple syrup 'and report a good run, Mr, and. Mrs. Wilbur Batten, of Winchelsea, spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs. S, A. Miller. Mr, Albert Norman of near Mit chell has rented the farm of Mr, G. G. Wilson and is at present making preparations to move in., t School Reports REPQRT OF S. NO, flj, STHFHBX The following is the percentage eh» toined by/the pupils of S* s* No. 12, Stephen for their Easter examina tions, Sr, iv—Eldora Webb 82;. Olive Walper SI; Iva Baker 74; Ruby Rat- ta 71. Jr. IV—‘Herman Desjardine 73, •Sr. HI—Rloyd Walper 72, Jr. HI—Norris Webb 83; Oryal Farren 62; Rloyd Ratta GL 2nd class—Erwin Bestard SG; Doris Baker 86; Dewis Desjardine 78. 1st class—Irene Desjardine 89; Florence Desjardine, 82; Elva Des jardins 79, * Pr.~—Qrval - Bestard 229. Ervin Rafta 218, Bennie Webb 217, Iyan Desjardine' 209, Number on rol| 19; average at tendance 16. W. A. Kernphan, teacher K%«ryl»o«lT ®li«f <« xpertly ««»<* Silentiy " , with McIjwchuin- BB»jne:si’s. Syncro-llpsfi INVITATION RECEIVED Rev, R. C. McDefmid, minister of Knox Presbyterian church, Goderich, has received a call from the con gregation of fit. Paul’s Presbyterian church, Toronto, t'o: become their minister. Mr, McDermid. will take a little time to consider the appli cation, He has been minister of Knox church for fifteen years. CLEAR IT UP NOW that sore throat, tonsilitis, catarrh, hay fever, colds, whooping-cough, croup, cough and tonsil troubles with Sybilla Spahr’s remedy. Good results quickly. Try it', Exeter and Hensall Druggists. 1^' i z * ■ C.S. WALTERS, Commijsioner off locwnfte Tax HON. E. B. RYCKMAN, K.C., MirWrter of National Revenue DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF $. 8, NO. 4, STEPHEN The following' is the report of S. S. No. 4, Stephen for the month of March. •Sr. IV—• Joe Mftrtene 85; Walter Weber 80. Jr. IV—Dorothy Becker "91; Ger trude Amy 84; Aldene Eagleson 79; Dorothy ©cliroeder 69. Br, III—Ray Morlock 88; Dorothy Amy 87; Ruth Becker 82; Bertha Becker 81; Ralph We’ber 78; Kath leen Wilds 76, Jr. HI—Ila Schoeder 64. -2nd class—Gordon Eagleson 87; Mildred Martejie 83; Henry -Wilds 82; Gerald Wein 79; Bernice Faliner 78; Donald Kestle 69. 1st class—Keith Weber 87; Wal- lafce Beaker 84; 'Norma Schroeder 79; Verna Wein 76; Anthony Mar ten e promoted', ‘ • Pr.—Shirley Schroeder ’70. Margaret McMaster, teacher ' Income Tax Returns 30th All persons residing, employed or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, subject to the following exemptions: (a) $3,000 in the case of a married person or householder,, or any other person who has dependent upon Him any of the following persons:' ? (i) a parent or" grandparent; (ii) a daughter or sister; . (lii) a son or brother under 21 years of age or incap able of self-support on account of mental or physical infirmity* (b) $1,500 in-the caseof other persons, I (c) $5QO for each child under 21 years of age who is- die- pendent upon the taxpayer for support, or if 2'1' years of age or over, is incapable of self-support oil account of • mental or physical infirmity. (d) $500 for each parent, grandparent, brother or sister^ incapable of self-support on account of mental or physi cal infirmity, who is dependent upon the taxpayer for support (unless otherwise provided for in the Act)/ (e) $2,000 for corporations. NOTE—Where the husband and wife each have a. separate income" 1 in excess of $1,500, then each shall receive, not $3;>000 exemption, but $1,500 exemption. Where Forms May be had 1. Any Postmaster, pr 2. Any Inspector of Income Tax at the -offices listed below: CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I., P.O. Building HALIFAX. N.S. 84 Hollis St. ST. JOHN, N.B. New P.O. Building QUEBEC, QUE.,. Customs Building MONTREAL, QUE., Customs Building OTTAWA, ONT., Jackson Building KINGSTON, ONT., Customs Building BELLEVILLE, ONT., 21-29 Campbell Street TORONTO, ONT., 21 Lombard Street HAMILTON, ONT. Lennox Building LONDON, ONT., Carling Block FORT WILLIAM, ONT^ Customs Building Winnipeg, man., Commercial Bldg. REGINA, SASK.. McCall um-HilI Building SASKATOON, SASK., ’ Ross Building PRINCE, ALBERT, SASK., P.O, Building CALGARY, ALTA., Customs Building EDMONTON, ALTA., P.O, Building VANCOUVER, B.C., Winch Building DAWSON, Y.T. THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT FORMS AS FOLLOWS:, ' Form 71 For ©thsr ihan Farmers Form 71A For Farmers and only-, Form 72 For' Corporations Jomt StocSc. Companies. ■RETURNS ARE DUE APRIL 30th, 1931^ f REPORTING INCOME FOR. 1930 Failure to file return renders the taxpayer liable to a penalty of five per centum of the amount of the tax pay able with a maximum penalty of^SOO.OO. Cheques must be macle payable to the Receiver Genera? of Canada, and must have been previously accepted ancl marked by the bank on which drawn. Taxpayers are wattled not to send bills or loose change in envelopes. Always use Cheques, Express Orders, Bank Money Orders, Postal Notes, Postal Money Orders,. etc» As this notice wiO hot appear again, taxpayers will accept this as a final v/arning. File your returns at once.and avoid penalties* The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division z OTTAWA REPORT OF’S. S. NO. 2, HAY The following i$ the report^for the winter term. Perfect attendance is marked with an asterisk. ISr, IV—"Trene Russell 7,'5; *Re0n Triebner 66; *GJaidys O’Brien 54. Jr. IV—Gorden’ Bieber 66; ."'Gor den Triebner 55. Jr. HI—"'Gerald Campbell ’ 76; Carrie Bieber 70; "'Alvin Rowe 60; "'Stuart Triebner 58; "'Roy’Campbell 57; "'Allen Gould 49. .2nd class—*Verda Bieber 72; "'Milford Prouty 69; John Keyes 68. 1st class—"‘Bobbie Keyes 67; "'Rloyd Stanlake 42/ ■ Pr.—Teddy Prouty, "'Lloyd Camp bell, "‘Doreen Campbell, Jean Trieb ner, Donald Case, "'Melvin Grab, "■Helen Rowe. Ruby Munson, Tteacher Report s. s. no. 12, usborne . The following is the School report of S. S. No. 12, Usborne for the 'Eas ter examinations. ‘ Pupils whose names are marked with an asterisk were absence for one or more exam inations. ■ ■ Br. IV—Mary Morley 73; Gladys Squire 60; Lloyd Dobbs 54. Jr. IV—-Dorothy Hazlewood 7'2; Eric Brown 64; Paith Hodgson 60; Mabel Elliott 58. - Sr. Hit—Margaret Hern 73; Merle Squire 73;- Velma Squire 68; Russell Morley 66; "'Harry Dobibs 64. Jr. dll—Jean Morley 72; Andrew Arksey 60; David Hodgson 50; Granton Jones 40. Sr. II—Gerald Hern 72; Jofffeine Jones 35. Promoted, to 2nd class—Jean Og den 89; Maida Morley 81; Biilly Og den 78; Roy Hodgson 70; ""Lorraine, Dobbs. 5.5. Promoted to 1st class—'Norman Brooks- 83; Clare Hazelwood 79; Cecil Squire 77; Joe Laniphier 73; Betty Jones 60. Primer—Bobby Jones. M. Sadler, teacher STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall in . Crediton, on Monday, April 6 th, .A, D..1931, at 1 p.xn. All members of the council were present, The join- utes of the previous meeting 'Were read and adopted. The-.Clerk was instructed, to notify the Contractor for tli^ construction of "The Gaiser Drain’* to have the same completed pursuant- to the Engineer’s report by April 19, 1931, apd if he-fails to do so, the Clerk Shall ask the Engineer in charge to have the contract terminated and the drain constructed according to “the specifications and contract be tween the Contractor and the Coun cil dated November 5th, 1929. The Township Treasurer reported (having received the Tax Pell for 1930 'from the Tax Collector and payment of the balance of Ta^es col lectable. There is a balance <of $300.17 unpaid “taxes. A letter was read from Ciynei A. Flynn, of Lucan, asking $60.00 dam ages as the. result icf his cutter up setting and horse running away this past month on the*road west of the railway near Centralia, The letter Whs ordei-ed to be filed and no ac tion taken as the road was under the ‘County Good, Roads System, The Clerk stated that ho had re ceived a cheque from the Treasurer inf the Township of McGillivray for $2630.05 being a surplus refund of $1467.00, accrued bank Interost ^l^O, and $1141.35 Provincial Aid dug the. Tbwnshlp of Stephen with NO matter liow expert a driver you may her. McLaughlin-Buick’s Silent Syncro-Mesh; transmission enables you to shift gears- more; quickly, more easily and more quietly, for the? gears will not clash. Driving is safer, too, for’ when the need arises you can shift from high, to second gear instantly. As a feature of all' McLaughlin-Buick Straight Eights, the Silent Syncro-Mesh ’ transmission * is making better drivers of fine-car owners—of more than 50* out of every 100 motorists who buy eights in. McLaughlin-Buick’s price range.* y Twenty luxurious models, from $1,290/to *2,900, at factory, Oshawa. The advantages of the GM AC deferred payment plan, and the protection of the General Motors Owner Ser vice Policy are available to every purchaser. •Compiled from available registrations supplied by Might ’ ' Directories Limited. < * Owing to their popularity, the present models of" 1931 ~ McLaughlin-Buick Straight Eights will be continued through out the coming summer and full. / , ' . ■ 5 ' • ' " Straight &igkt by A G E N R A.L MOTORS. VALUE ULRIC SNELL, EXETER TUNE IN FRIDAY NIGHT ON “CANADA ON, PARADE* s . . reference to the Aux Sable River Drain. ' . It was moved, by W. II. Sweitzer and seconded by Mr. H. C. Beavers: “That a By-law be prepared* empow ering and authorizing the Treasurer of the Township of Stephen to depos it the said rebate, (dfter deducting the amount advanced and pai'tt out with interest by \the Municipality), in the Crediton Branch of 'the Cana dian Bank of Commerce and this amount shall be applied by tile Coun cil of this Municipality in payment of the rates imposed By it for the said Drainage Work.” Carried Moved by Mr. H. C. Beaver, sec onded, by Mr. Wesley Dearing: That the following pay sheets and orders be paid: F. J. Wickwire, printing $6.50;.C. G. Morlock, electrical work $J.5.5;; • Albert Gaiser, flo.ur re Dellow $1.60v Pay sheets—Road 6, Henry Schenk $10.50; <5 Alvin C. Baker $7.65; 7 Robert Gower $5.9 0; S W. Schwartz $7;70; 4 George Hirtzel $2.26; 9 Albert Regier $5.78; 1 Nelson Bakei’ $4.20; S. B. Nelson Baker $3.60; 10 William Becker $13.61; 11 \M. Madden $9.41; 15 JOhn Houlalian $1.50; 17 Wesley Isaac $6.05; 18 A. Latta $4.68; 22 Roy HodginS $22.- S0; 3 Lewis Davey $9.95; 21 Wm. Baker $6.0-5; 26 Peter Eisenbach $4.60; 20 William P. Lovie $9.50; 2 William Sanders $lb.52, total $146,215. The Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, May 4til, ,1931, at 1 p.m. Henry Either, Clerk ELIMVILLB (Intended for last week) Mr. ROy Brooks has- been • quite ill, the result oE an infeiotimi after having a wisdom tooth extracted. Mrs. Bruce Cooper is able to sit up a while each day after being con fined to her bed for the past five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and their daughter visited relatives in Brant ford for a few days last week. A large number of hockey" fans in our vicinity have greatly enjoyed lis tening in to the broadcasting of the games bV Mr. Herb Rutherford from CJGC, London, •during the- winter,, the final game being, played Tuesday night. Mrs. *Scott Whaley, of -St. Marys is visitig this week with her sister, Mrs. Ciras. Johns. Her friends here are pleased to know that she is feel ing. some better, Pi'esciitatlOn Mr. and Mrs, Ivor Morgan had a very pleasant ^urptfse on Tuesday eVOnin'g when ’ a number of ladies from James St. Chtirch, Exeter, came to their home and presented Mrs. •Morgan with a lovely quilt: Each^ member of the Young Ladies’ class of which Mrs. .Morgan was a member; while in’ Exeter, made a block an® combined with their best wishes wilB make a keepsake which the recipients will greatly prize. A very pleasant soiciai time was spent needless to> say. The following is the address:] Dear Mrs. Morgan, We, the members of the Young Ladies’ Bible class take this oppor tunity of expressing our good wishes to you for yiour happiness in your new path in life. We have missed] you in our class from Sunday to Sun.*- day, qnd we ask you to accept this .small gift as a token.of the high es* teem' in which you were held among us and' as you look at it, think of the kind hands that worked it, and it will serve as ,a link to bind us to gether. We wish you prosperity and happi ness in your new home and, may God abundantly bless you both. Signed on behalf of the Y, L.t Bible Class of James St. Sunday School; Mrs. Cecil Walker, teacher, Exeter, Ont. FAIR SEX FIGHTS FAT ] WITH WREATEN DIET Enquiries among restauranteure in several Canadian cities suggest that the fair sex lias found a new and better ’ diet to preserve that sylph-like figure'/ Gone is the star vation diet—•the slice oof toast and the glass of water. Instead the mod,— ern miss is slimming on whole wheat —usually in prepared biscuit form—< with milk and fruit added, , The enquiries which1 were madef of restaurant owners by the Cana dian Shredded Wheat Company in cluded the following question: “Ar& whole wheat, foods of all types more, popular with lady Customers that/ five years ago?” The reply was an almost unanimous “YEiS” with tho iider that while breakfast is still the big cereal eating meal, Whole wheaten Items are becoming increas ingly popular at otli4r meals, partic ularly at tea, Asked foi’ reasons for this change many replied that waitresses report* ed to them that 'customers had decid ed that whole/^vheat, fruit and Was a slimming yet nourishing diet. It is thought by the Canadian Shredded Wheat Company that tlife girlies new diet has been inspired partly by .advertising but more cer tainly by continued medical advice through various chaiineis emphasiz ing the complete food value of such a diet without increasing bodily weight,