HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-09, Page 8THURSDAY^ AVRIL Olh, 1Q31 THE BBTER TIMEJi-ADVOCATE Milk Magnesia, 3.3 oz. size; far 8Ge. at COLE'S ONE SALE this week only. Also * other items to choose from. two CENT 317 byOut new serial “Tiger Eye- Ik M. Bower ace of Western story writers, begins this week. Don’t miss the opening chapters# An old time weed bee was held at the home of Mr. Sidney Davis on Mondav afternoon w-en twelve men with six saws made quick work ol a large pile of wood, Mrs. Davis served supper at the close, Mr. Justin Kuhn, of London, visit­ ed with relatives during the week. Mr. Wm. Flynn -returned Sunday after visiting for several weeks in Thedford. His son Tlios. accom­ panied him to Exeder,Mr. and Mrs. Mill Routledge and ■*—- ''**’Maniiltori, spent Itoutledge’s father and with Exeter Markets Wheat 65 c. Oats 30c. parley, 30c. Bran §1.15 Shorts $1.10; §20.00 a top Low Grade Flour $1.2& Welcome Flour §340 Model Flour §2.60 Manitoba Flour §2.70 Creamery Butter, 3 Go. Dairy Butter 27 and 38c, Eggs, extras 17c. Eggs, firsts 14c. Eggs, seconds 11c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, jr. Bernard Rhodes, M. A* Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M,, Organist IQ a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“The unexpected Visitant” ? p.m.—Our evening service is with­ drawn dn favor of the anniversary at Hensall Presbyterian church. The preacher there will he Dr. J. G, Inksater, of Toronto. The mid-week service is with­ drawn. * New Patterns and 4 V _ _______—lw_,--------——-~-Qlocals_ ( two children, of Easter with Mrs. Mr. Wm. Rivers at Zurich, Mr. and family and daughter, Easter Frank Taylor. Mrs. N. Graham and two child­ ren, Jack and Ronald, of Windsor, have been visiting for a couple- of weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs, D. Rowcliffe. Mr. W. J. Beer and Mrs. D. Rus­ sell, of town and Mr .and Mrs. K. Werner, of London, spent Easter with Rev and Mrs. Borden Cunning­ ham, of Millbank. Two young lads Ted Smith, and Bert Dobbs, of London, hiked to town Monday and are spending a few days with the former’s grand­ mother Mrs. P. Frayne’. Mr. Harvey Balk-will and Miss Marshall Kenneth relatives Box and Box and spent Mrs. Mrs. all of Parkhill, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, o-1 J x. r Miss Edith Walter spent Easter vacation in Sarnia. Mrs. H. W. Doerr is visiting with relatives in Toronto. Miss Marjorie Westcott was home from London for Easter. Miss Madeline Dearing, of Lon­ don, spent Easter with her parents. Miss .Emalie Hogarth, teacher at Millbank, is -home.' for the holidays. Miss Eva Pearce is able to be out again following her lengthy illness,. Miss Muriel Hewald, qf London, spent Easter under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinney, of London, visited in town Easter Sun­ day.Miss Winnifred Huston is visiting with her brother Harry in New York. Mr. Wm. Dignan, of Lucen, visit­ ed his father Mr, Jas. Dignan for Easter, Miss -Jean Ross, of St, Thomas, visited with relatives in Exeter over Easter. Miss D. Herbert and Miss B. , Sproul were the- guests of Miss V. JAMES ST UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rex* D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T,C,M, Organist and Choir-Leader . a-m.—“On the Shore” 6 th and last in the series on “.Scenes from the Master’s life’’’ p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“Keeping up the spirit of Lent. 11 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH 11 3 : 7 3 8 OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, pastor Miss Evelyn Hugtpn Qrganist and Choir-Leader Will preach. a..m,—Rev. Mr, Mpir p.m.-—Church School p.m.—Rev. Mr. Moir charge. Wigle, of Kingsville, Mr. Leechman j-Skinner -on Sunday. of Walkerville and Miss Florence Balk.vill, of Windsor, were- of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miners -overjents, Mr. and Mrs± W- J._Carling. Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon son Donald, of Toronto, week-end with Mr. J. R. Mrs. McDonald returned after spending several Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack South Bend, Ind., and .... .......... _ sister Mrs. De Pew, of Windsor, call- ■ ed on Mr. .and Mrs. John Taylor, of daughter Ruby, of Lucan, spent Eas- the Taylor Tire Shop for a few hours on Thursday of last week. John Carling, of London, -is spend­ guests ’ ing the holidays with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W- J. Carling. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Flynn, of Davis and London, spent Eastel' with the form- snpnt fbp er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Flynn. TvZ-nnnpia I Dr- Margaret Strang, of Ayr, spent ’ ''Easter Sunday with her parents Mr. witn them and Mrs> Henry .stran-g, of Uswrne. months in | .Messrs. Edwin and Roydon Haw- kins, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. Taylor, of and Mrs. Geo. Hunter on Good Fri­ tlie latter’s day. ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey and their Brighten Colourings in Wallpapers interior will have z o’clock Thursday afternoon the W. M, 9. will hold their regular meeting. o’clock Thursday our prayer ser­ vice. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 11 7 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Sunday School at three., p.m.*—Evensong. 'Subject; “The King of Kings” ■.-p^iriCjXpkimove your pici ■ Buy ’‘•'I „,SUWORTHY B1 WAIL fA PER its ni a u i v oasis • You will surprised what a difference a few rolls of our New Wall Paper, will make in the appear­ ance of your home. The prices are much low­ er this season. Beautiful Sunfast papers at 25c., 35c. and 40c. Don’t fail to see our room lots of paper at $1.29, $1.48, $1.98 and $2.48 ; r"-----------------— .......................... ,t r*--------- ------------- <The new patterns in Congoleurris a.re ready ' for you. Bring in the size of the room and get ’ our prices. 1 ter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. . Hunter. Miss Geraldine and Master Billie I Burke, of London, spent the holi- i days with Taylor. i Mrs. C. Marion, of Detroit, are visiting with PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR tlie f<?™ier’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. RENT. Write or phone. W. C. Bd. Quance. Pearce, Exeter. House cleaning days are ___ - Have your pillows and blankets dry M. W. Pfaff. cleaned at Forest city Laundry. C. Misses Jean Penhale, Viola Skin-/’ L. Wilson, agent. ; ner an)j .gaiter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ‘H, Shenk, of Cred­ iton on Friday. Miss Evelyn Howard, of the Col­ legiate staff at Listowel, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard. t Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins end GARDEN WORK—All kinds of daughter Ferrol and Mr. and Mrs. one-horse garden work. Apply to McNeil, of Clinton, visited with Mr. W. Fraser. ltp. j After April 15 we will ,be open for grinding three days a week. Mon­ day, Wednesday and Friday. E. Pol­ len, Farquhar. Another profit sharing sale at COLE’S ONE CENT -SALE, April 9 10th and 11th. Mr. Harry West, pf Sarnia, spent Good Friday under the parental roof. Mr.' Hugh Creech, of Western Uni­ versity, spent Easter at his home here. Mr. Wm. ' Rd. Quance. , J be out for i Mrs. K. Clarke and daughter. June past week, of Windsor, are visiting the former’s) • Dr. Geo. here, sisters, Miss E. M. Bowey 'and Mrs. spent Good their- grandmother, Mrs. Patterson and daughter & Rivers has been able to auto rides during the 4 Only Gongoleum Rugs, Sizes 9x9 Regular price $8.95 to clear at $6.95 9x10> 1-2 regular price $10.45 to clear at $8.45 SEED OATS FOR SALE—A limit­ed- quantity each of Banner; O.A.C. No. 144 test 40; smut treated last year; well cleaned and delivered for 50'C. Irving C. Stahls, phone 36r32. Crediton. ltp. FOR SALE—-Baby buggy, nearly new. Apply Times-Advocate FOR SALE—A quantity of seed barley and spring Marquis wheat; also Dooley potatoes. Apply Wm. Switzer, Shipka, Phone Crediton 24-r-3. FARM FOR RENT—75 acres pas­ ture farm in Stephen township. Pro­ perty of Mrs. Geo. Snell, Exeter. 4-2-tfc Hind, -of Walkerton, _ _____Friday with his father 1 Mr. J. R. Hind. Mr. Harry Anderson, -of Westen University, spent the week-end at . his home jn Usborne, I .Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd and two children, of Toronto, spent Easter at the home of Mr. L. Day. | Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress -and little son Billy spent the week-end with relatives in Brantford. _____ ____ Mr. H. C. Sweetlove, of the Bank and Mrs. Geo. Hunter on Good Fri- of Commerce staff, spent the Easter day._____________________________holidays at his home in Hamilton. > Mr. Wm. Yule was home from ______ Easter. Bill is well t xpleased with his new job in the city,•patents Mr. and Mrs. John Rollins and sklU motored up daughter SMrley ot London, spent and took his [parents Easter with Mr. and Wm. Kuntz and Miss Flynn. .Mi’, .and Mrs. Robt. | family, of Mt. Brydges ONE CENT' SALE this week only Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Cole’s Drug Store. Buy your needs now at haJf price. r .’'Op- LOST—On Main Street Exeter on Tuesday, March 31st a pair of prun­ ing shears. Finder please leave at . Tiincs-Adv-ocate. TRACTOR PLOWING AND DISC­ ING—‘Distance no object for reason­ able amount of work.—Wm. Brad­ shaw, Eliinville. 4-2-tfn. TO RENT—1$ storey brick house situate on the north, side of Gidley Street. For further particulars ap­ ply to CARLING & MORLEY or to SIMON P. GREB, R. R. Zurich 4-2-2tc. ■ FOR SALE—‘Seed barley, to Hedley May, telephone 175r5. Apply Exeter SALE—A commodious brick oh. the west side of Main Village of Exeter, frame FOR cottage Street, stable, good orchard, about one acre of land; also a frame house on the east side of- William Street and % acre of land, For further particu­ lars apply to Carling & Morley, So­ licitors, Exeter, Ont. 3-25-3tc --------------------—1 I FOR SALE—8 young Shorthorn Bulls about one year old and up; al­ so a quantity of White Blossom Sweet Clover. Apply to William I-I. Morlock, Crediton, IL R. No. 2 * 3-26-4tp Place your order with J. S. Dlg- uan & Son for invincible Wire Fenc- lug and gates., Bring your harrows in early. 2-19-tfc. if you wish to buy or sell a farm or house see R. E. Pickard, Exeter. POULTRY WANTED We ore in the market for all kinds Cf poultry paying the highest prices, Trucks will calk Phone SO, Dash- wood, C. Anderson. NEW SPRING HATS A WONDERFUL DISPLAYMr. Kennbth Stan,bury, of Os­ goods Hall, and Miss Helen Stan- bury, of Toronto, spent the holidays, at their home here. Mr. Harry Jennings, of Western University -and Miss Rose Jennings, of London, visited with their par­ ents over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. James Gould, of Stratford, spent the holidays with- Mr.' and Mrs; H. E. Huston and with relatives at' Sexsmith. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bo'bby,^ of Hamilton, visited Mrs. Lillies parents Mr. and S. Martin over Easter. Mrs, Percy Gillies and two dren Maxine and John, of London, spent Good Friday and Eastpr with Mr. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, I and Miss Dorothy Snell, of St. Thom- xmn-don for as, visited over Easter at the home of the latter’s John '.Snell. Mr. Harold from Windsor Mr. and -Mrs. Dorothy Kuntz to Hamilton for Good Friday. .. . _ Mrg. W. F. May, of Mitchell, has with the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. been ill ‘With’the flu at the home p.faff. cf her son, Mr. Wm* May, and her t Miss Florence West of the Post friends will be glad to know that office $taff has been confined to sbe is improving. her home, for several days with-the Mr. and Mrs. .John Ward and .. family spent Good Friday and Eas-( ' TT , 1 oter visiting with relatives In Lon-’ Mr’ Howard Dignan Science Mas- Ml. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey, don. Edward is remaining for a te-> Port Hope Collegiate,. is | - _■ few days on a visit. I Mr, and Mrs, E. N. Keddy and, here, daughter Lois, of Detroit, spent | Easter at the home of Mr. W. C. K-xldy, of -Usborne. Miss Lois Keddy is remaining for a week. Mr. Stewart Mo-o,rhouse, of the Toronto Radio College and Mr. Clayton Moorhouse, of Western Med­ ical College, were visitors with their parents at ^lie Main St, parsonage for Easter. Corp Burn*? Miss Perla Sanders and Mr. Neil Valdon, of Detroit, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sanders. Miss Perla Sanders and Mr. Valdon sipent Fri­ day with Miss Ella Sanders who underwent an opera lion in Toronto General Hospital recently. Miss Sanders is vetting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Garnet M. Love and spent Easter I t $2.75 with Mrs. chil- The Tegular meeting of the Wo-1 men’s Association of -Main Street United chuu.ch was held Thursday afternoon Of last week, Mrs. Mooney was in charge of the Devotional per­ iod. Mrs. H, W. Doerr, president, then took the chair and conducted the business meeting. Plans were completed for the Apron Tea to be held May 7th. Mrs.' Hearts, of To­ ronto, then favored the ladies with a solo .accompanied on the. piano by Mrs, Moorhouse which was much en­ joyed. ________, - —| ’ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carey spent' | spending the holidays at liis home Easter at the former’s home at God^ here. r I er'ich where Mr. Carey’s mother j family, of the home Jewell. Mrs. B. ronto this A. as a -delegate from the Women's institute. -Mrs. S. Hardy returned borne last week after spending the winter with her daughter Mrs. Webber at Cor­ nell, N. Y. Mr. T. S, Neale, of the Bank Of Montreal, Hamilton, spent Good Fri­ day and Easter visiting in Exeter and Brucefield. - Helen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis is improving af- ( ter being ill for -over a week with ! the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman and ' son Seldon, of Kingston, spent Good Friday and Easter with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon, Mr, Chris. cently sold a colt weighing Dow the id,cal buyer. Mr. -and Mrs.W. E. Bradt and celebrated her 76th birthday. London, spent Easter at Mr. and ( Mrs. Ifeideman and of Mr. and Mrs. James Betty, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Beavers is in To- week attending the 0. E. XVei’n, of Stephen, re- three year-old Belgian 1700 lbs. to Mr. G. j. i up z W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81w . EXETER, ONT. The annual meeting.and election of officers of the Exeter Branch of thfe Canadian Legion was held on Thursday, April 2nd. President U. Wray, of London, together with a number of the brethren were pres­ ent and initiated several new mem* hers and installed the newly elected officers of the Exeter branch as fol­ lows; Pres. G. S. Atkinson; 1st Vico- “ 2nd Vice- &erg* Mr. Pres., A. it Gambrili, __ President, Alexander Easton; eant*at-Arms, Wm. gangster, M. W# Pfaff is secretary-treasurer. Everything in the store is reduced. Bargains on every hand J. W. Powell M. Coxsworth, of London, spent Eas­ ter with ,Mr, and Mrs. E. Heideinan. Mrs. John Snell returned to^ Exe­ ter on Monday after spending the winter with her daughters. Mrs. G. H. McDonald and Mrs. C. H. Smith. Mr. Reg, (Beavers, of Ilderton, a.pent the holidays at his home here, t Reg. is relieving at the'"Port’Stanley branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce for three weeks. -Mr. Robert Gambrill and Miss Margaret Rogers, of Elora, Messrs. Jack Gambrill and Raymond Moore, of Fergus, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gambrill dur­ ing Easter week. Mr. And Mrs. J. W> Batson and Mr. and Mrs. V. Kestle motored to Toronto and spent Good Friday and Easter with Mr. Batson'# parents, They were accompanied to Exeter by Misses Edith and Adeline Batson who will visit here for a week. Mr, Bruce Medd and Miss Eleanor Medd, of the College of Education, Toronto, and Miss Marjorie Medd, of MacDonald’s Hall, Guelph, were home for the holiday. Mr. Medd has been appointed to the staff of the Napanee Collegiate as Agricul* tural .Specialist, duties to start with the fall term. Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Acheson, of St. Thomas, Mrs. Billings, Mr. Chas. Acheson and Miss Phyllis Grey* of London, were Easter visitors at the home, of Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Ache­ son. Miss Grey assisted, the choir of Trivftt Memorial church on Sun­ day and sang a solo that wag much appreciated at the evening service. W. R. Goulding A. 1. 0. M/ Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in piano Vocal Organ Theorj Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT DOROTHY E. GRASSICK A. L. C. M. (Honor Graduate) London, England Instruction in Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory Studio N. Albert Street. Box 160 EXETER, ONTARIO Hogarth Hatchery WE HAVE A CONTEST ON THIS* YEAR— $15.00 first prize; $10.00 Second prize; one hundred of Purity Flour third prize Ask .for information and entry form when you buy feed or < J chicks We have for sale in baby chicks: Barred Rocks, White Wyandottes, Minorcas, White Leghorns^ Jersey Black Giants# Place your order in advance if you do not want to be disap­ pointed. We are sold out till March 30. April orders are coming* in fast. Custom hatching 4c. per egg. Phone us and reserve space if you desire same'. Pioneer Chick Mash (starter) $3.25. Chick Feed $2,50; Cod Liver Oil $1.25 per gallon; Oyster Shell $1.35 per cwt.; Grit $1.25 per cwt.: Semi-Solid Buttermilk; Buttermilk Pow­ der; Alfalfa Meat; Bone Meal; Charcoal and Lay Mash.