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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-09, Page 6
■nwunwiiwiiuim1! THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCaTETliriiSBAY, Al’Ull. Oth, 1001 TjJA Utilization of the by-products of farming is. one of the solutions to successful fanning Farmers should utilize the skhnined portion of their crops, as well as the cream. llf| kvjuUJ?lll This finest Orange Pekoe tea costs less than others anJsweeter syrup wy BENSONS FE GOLDEN !■ ■ SWUP - EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORNSnUDP The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited MONTREAL News and Information for The Busy Farmer (furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture) The ■fallacy of holding eggs toy a rise in the market has been fre quently shown, ps these eggs invar iably grade seconds Farmers are urged to market their eggs in..the very best of condition, which natur ally is as soon after laying as pos sible, so that they will get the. bene fit of official grading. Feed to a Finish Farmers who are feeding cattle for beef are asked to note that coii- siderable numbers of half-fat cattle have been brought in by shippers. The market has enough depressing factors to contend with, and shippers are requested in their own interest not to sacrifice half-finished stock and thereby adversely affect the market as a whole. Feed your beef cattle to a finish and get all the mar ket has to offer. A Word to Corn Raisers The oom borer is not the greatest enemy of the corn raisers of West ern Ontario, according to Prof. L. Caesar. The farmer’s own failure to choose seed suited for Canadian con ditions are responsible for quite as much damage as the corn borer. Prof. Caesar points out that United States varieties of corn are for the most part unsuited to growth in Western. Ontario and there is plenty ’of seed corn of the right type available in this part of the country He further declares that corn is planted too quickly in the majority of cases. 'Poor varieties of .seed and too thick plant ing caused more loss to growers in 1930 than the corn borer, he points _____ # Registration of Holsteins Advanced registration work the Holstein breeders has 'been grad ually gaining ground since July la’si when the first of the herd-grading demonstrations took place. Already more than 4,000 cows ’have been classified, and with the opening, of spring a busy season for the inspec tors is predicted. Some- of the leading counties with herds1 graded include: Leeds, 33; Oxford 18; Glengarry 18; Greenville 21; Haldimand 34; Perth 23; Prtri'ce” Edward 17; York 13;.Waterloo 1 ; Quebec 32. In Leeds County of 457 cows grad ed, 442 were classified good or bet ter; /Oxford, 299 out of 302; Perth, 20 8 -out of 235; Waterloo, 185 out of 186; Grenville, 242 out of 25 6; Haldimand, §55 out of 261; York, 188 out of 195; Glengarry, 191 -out of 197 and Quebec, 306 out of 312. It will thus be observed that the number of cows and heifers qualify ing as “fair” or “poor” has been proportionately small. with Muy Seeds Early recent years’ the tendency has to put off the buying of seed spring is- actually in sight. been until Formerly the peak of the purchas,- in'g season was early in March, with many farmers laying in supplies of mid-winter. Now the period of most active buying has shifted well on into April. The ’ purchase of seed, the foundation upon which all agriculture rests, is too important an item to be left to the last min utes. Ground is drying out ifast in all localities and only a little warm er weather is needed to make con ditions right for sowing. A rush buying of seeds is against both ■farmers’ and .seedsmen’s interests, as naturally a large volume of busi ness cannot be handled so satisfact orily in a few days as if spread over a week or two. The buyer has not the same opportunity to consider quality and proper ’ varieties and there is the risk of Ideal supplies running short. Also there is a temptation to accept inferior un tested seed which invariably results in low crops and dirty ifields. The •Sale is prohibited for seeding pur poses of anything that does not come up 'to the rigid standards laid down by the Seeds Act. Buyers are warned against any seed that has not been government-tested and approved. Weekly Crop Report - Alfalfa and clovers1 are in a bet ter condition now than they were in 1930 according to the weekly re port of agricultural representatives. At the same time eggs have reached their lowest value in years. The maple syrup harvest, it is said will Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Render and Mr. and Mrs. Arichie, Bender return ed last week from a motor trip to Montreal. While there Mr, Archie Render recured a position as travel ler for a firm, who manufacturers ladies wear and Will Operate in Western Ontario. (Blyth Standard.) School Reports ...... U'H,,,. Number on roll H'l average' at-t tendance 15.5. . O. R. Corbett, teacher not be up to the standard -of recent seasons. In Bruce falj wheat and (clovers are still -covered with snow and the farmers find the feed situation 'ex ceptionally good, Less seed grain will ‘be purchased in Glengarry this sea san than in recent years. Low egg prices have stimulated Grenville farmers to cull” their flocks. Milk production here is 25 per cent, high er than last winter. Halt-Op reports fall wheat and clovers as coming out of the winter in fairly .satisfac tory condition. In Leeds there is- iconsiderable activity h's regards live stock and a number of cheese fac tories have opened^ Wheat and clovers in Lincoln are in better shape than in 1930 while several growers have already planted early pears. Norfolk reports an increase in flue-cured tobacco acreage to 20,- 000 'acr.es. The new seed cleaning plant in Ontario is being given much patronage with a good demand for the certified' product. Renfrew farm ers 'have disposed of between 10,- 000 and 12,000 bushels of mixed car lots of seed barley at fair prices. Spring, cultivation has started in the Welland district in the vegetable sections. Pure seed for mixing is very scarce in Wellington, the re port blaming this factor for poor yields. Quack Grass Control .Spring tillage or late fall is not a satisfactory means stroying quack or couch 'grass, cording to one authority wlio has given three years’ observation to the work and who declares unqualifiedly that, .summer is distinctly the most dependable season for destroying quack grass by tillage. The degree of control is in direct .proportion t'o the thoroughness of tillage, timeli ness of the operation and favorable ness of weather conditions. Ordin ary cultivation isi not effective in control. An occasional and half hearted stirring of the soil .stimu lates 'the weed's growth. The. one way disk plow has been found very effective in quick grass elimination and has "a low operating cost. tillage of de- >, ac- A Valuable Booklet Prepared in the hope that it create a keener appreciation of first- class beef on the part of ‘Canadian consumers, a booklet on “Beef—• ’ How 'to Choose and Qo.okl .It,” ..has. been issued by the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. The book let covers in a brief but clear man ner such subjects as the food value of beef, selection and care, and the relationship -of the higher-priced to ' the lower-priced cuts. M,ore than half the booklet is ’devoted to "prac tical suggestions -on how best? to cook beef and the last few pages contain many excellent recipes. Beef grading and its value in protecting the consumer and Stimulating the .producer are thoroughly explained and the booklet should prove help ful to Canadian housewives and re tail meat merchants. Copies can be obtained from either the provincial or federal department of Agriculture or at yor local agricultural office. will Fighting Rural Fires For several years a determined fight a'gainst rural fires ha's been carried on by the Ontario fire mar shal, E. P. Heaton, and his assist ants. "The 'barn losses in late sum mer and fall he blames largely on spontaneous combustion, the result of Storing green and damp hay in tile mows. For general protection the- fire marshall recommends more care in the handling and storing of gasoline. This, he would plaice at a safe distance from # inflammable material and would store in rod tins, so it could not be mistaken for anything else. Many rural fires he blames on poorly constructed chim neys. These, should be built right to the ground floor,,for the mdsonry is liable to crack and allow explos ive (gasses to leak out. Long pipes leading to the chimney are con demned, and also the careless lead- o£ -these pipes through partitions. He would place properly insulated ‘sleeves in the partitions. He. urges adoption of community fire-fighting apparatus or arrangements -with the nearest town or village so that the apparatus would be at the ’call of For this work he recoin? equipped with apparatus' and u several farmers, mended a light truck chemical small extinguishers. iSeveral organi zations have alrbady ibeen formed where a score or more farmers have joined in purchasiin|g( (fire-Jfigliting equipment and transportation* The truck is stored at a strategic place and is summoned by telephone Wink at small' faults—remember thou hast great ones..—Franklin REPORT BLACKBPSH S S, 11, STEPHEN The following is the report of S. No. 11, Blackbush for the month. Pupils whose names are Tied- B—Shirley Manure 889; GRANR RENJ) SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of the Grand Bend .school, room one, for March, Total 400, Sr* II—Freda Lovie 357; Alvin Stattou 334; Bunton Green 329; D, Hamilton 328; Alan Walper 311; Joypq Ross 302; Ella Mousseau 196 absent, Jr, II—Irene Periso 368; Donald Turnbull 351; Lois Wanner 257, 1st class senior—Graham Mason 368; Carleton Manor© '361; Emer son Desjardine. 333; Maurice Tieder ma n 327; Carrie Gratton 323; Car man Ireland 322. 1st class, junior—-Winnil'red erman 340. Pr, Eloise Gill 30,8. Pr, A-—Henry Tiederman. kE. IM, Taylor, teacher 1 Followng is the marks obtained by the pupils of room two of the Grand Bend School for the month of March- * Fifth 'class—Janet Turnbull 93; Beatrice Green 91; Anna Taylor 90; Lillian Webb 89; Mary patter- son 84; Elva Turnbull 82; Reta Pfaff 81; Della Gratton 79. Sr. IV—Mae Patterson 350;, Rug- ie Desjardine 342; Fay Hamilton 334; Erwin Holt 329. Jr. IV-—Carman Lovie 357; Bruce Ireland 3'55; Phyllis Gill 327; Irene Ravelle 289; Stanley Gill 27 6; Mel vin Periso 288; Pearl Wanner 269; Ward Pfaff 248; Wilbur Lovie 222; Absent’ from one examination Irene Ravelle, Stanley Qlll. Sr. Ill — Eileen Gratton 352; lleen Welb’b 322; Joyce Pfaff 309; Percy Atkinson 285; Helen Walper 2 67; Absent from one examination Helen Walper. Jr. Ill, total ,350—Iva Lovie 305; Everett 'Desjarine 257; Willis Gill 222; J. Holt 162; Lome Wanner 81; Absent from one examination Jack '.Holt. J. Kelso, teacher REPORT EDEN S. S. NO. 4 Sr. IV—Irene Sweet 77, Arnold Ford 75; Dorothy Kers]ak'e 69; Beu lah iSkinner 68; Bob Reid '58. Br. Ill—Everard Miller 75; Elsie Reid 67; Allen Buswell -59; Carroll Quinton 55. Jr. Ill—Harold Kerslake 71; B. Whiting 56; Melville Buswell 4'7. Sir. II—Fred Luxton 82; Tom Rav- eney 74; Marie Buswell 62; Alma Skinner ’5i8. Jr. II—Gretta Webber 75; Ford 48; Stanley Whiting. (315. Sr. Pr.—Donald Essery 70. Jr. Pr.—Donald Whiting S. ot March, marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more examinations. ter, iv—Clara Dietrich 81; Hazel Disjardine 69; Hugh Morenz/60. Jr, IV—'Thelma Vin'cent 54; Eu* gene Dietrich 48. Sr. Ill—Veva Adams 71; Verna Disjardine 69; Bruce Gardner 68; Ila Mason 67; Trellis Disjardine 62; Ernest French >57. * Jr. Ill—Merle Dietrich 76; Lester" Disjardine 52*; Louis Dietrich 49; Roy Morenz 45*; Ira Vincent 40*. 2nd 'class—Rita Dietrich 73; Ei' leen Disjardine. 64; Henry Ziler 62;’ Lome Devine 5 6; Earl Gardner 42; Elva Adams 35. 1st class—Earl Dietrich 6(5; Syl*- via Vincent 46*; Viola Vincent 46. Pr.—Tresia Ziler 62; Aldene Preeter '5 8*; Evelyn French 36; V.- Vincent 21. Number on roll 30; average at*- tendance 27. L, M. Snell, tea’clier Elda Devine 68;., * Mr. the past winter in Stratford^' returned to Zurich. very pleasane evening' was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • . . - 8?> Elwyn "Kerslake 78; Hazel ‘Buswell 73/ Elsie Gourlay, teacher REPORT S. S. NO. 5, USBORNE The following is the report for the month of March for S. S. No. 5, Us- borne. iSr) IV—Belva Fisher 72.1; Ray Frayne 66.8; Earl Heywood 66.1; John Gregus 6O.<5; Dalton Heywood 5 0.8, A Sr. III—Ray Perkins 71.6; Earl Frayne 66; Ivan Webber 65.5; Or ville Webber 62; Eldon Heywood 51.1. Jr. III- Webfoer 70.1; Paul Helen Westcott 57.2; 57; Jack Frayne 50; wood^ip.?. ■2nd iclass—'Stanley Gordon Kleinfeldt 66.8; 61.6. 1st class—‘Lloyd Webber 85; Ray mond Heywood 56; rshirlpy * Gregus 45. Promoted to 1st class—Pauline Godibolt. Number on the roll 24; average attendance 23. ’ A. R. Dodds, teacher ZURICH Cal, Williams, who has beep’ in Toronto for some time has re*- turned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Drier, of Kin cardine, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido. Mr. Ivan Yungbluf, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger and Miss Margaret Schilbe, spent the week-end in Kit'-* chener. 'Mr, Albert Hendrick, of the Blue Water Highway, who has been tab-t ing treatments in the .London IIos* pital has recovered sufficiently to return to his home. Mr, and Mrs. iSeth Amans, who spent I have A spent Mehno Baechler when their children and grandchildren gathered together to celebrate Mrs. Baechler’s seventy* fifth birthday Mr. JJphriam Ginger* ich read an address and Miss Ger trude Baechler presented her with a beautiful pair of blankets and a pah; of towels. Mr. - and Mrs. Orville Steinback„ of London, were week-end visitors with their parents in town. Mrs. Hy. Steinbach, who spent- two weeks at London has returned to her home in Zurich.' Mr. and Mrs, Irvin D. Smith, of Hamilton, r\vel%J"re’ce’nt visitors'rtat the home of * the former’s brother Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. Ernest Drane, who has beep in Detroit / for the past few years has returned to this district and has engaged with Mr. Lome Manson foq the summer season. .Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ehnes, of De troit, were week-end. visitors at the Williams home. Mr. T. L. Wurm, of Toronto, made a 'business call in the village ■ last week/ •Ivan Penkins 76; Leeland Gregus 61.5; Ferrol Fisher Laverne Hey- Frayne 67J5; Iva Fisher EASTER REPORT FOR S. S. NO. 10 STEPHEN Sr. IV—Edith Love 8'5.1; Edison Pollock 72.4; Nora Webb 71.4; Stan ley Hartle 65.3; Ellen Hicks 63.4. Jr. IV—Pearl Carruthers Mervyn Love 67.8. Sr. * Cecil 54.3. 2nd Ill—Ruth Carruthers Hartle 64.5; *Doris class—-Ruth Love 633; ft 6.84; 67.3; Hicks Emer son Lovie '5 35; *Ruby Hicks 521; ■"Elda. Brown 3 3 87 *Camei'on Mc Gregor 274. '1st class—Helen MjcGregor 255. ter. pr.—-Willa Carruthers 253. An asterisk in front of name to indicate absence from One or more examination. PROVINCES TO BE RELIEVED OF OLD AGE. PENSION Legislation to w implement pre* election promises will be introduc ed this session by the Benpett gov ernment. Definite nobice is given, that national old age pensions will become a reality. Federal assistance- will be provided for technical edu-- cation, and for highway construction and remedial legislation to aid agri- cuture will be introduced. ' It is expected that a minimum sum of-$4,000,000'a year will be voted 1 foi’ highways and technical educa tion. Federal assumption of old age pensions }n their entirety will re lieve provinces and municipalities of more than fifteen millions a year in taxation and will bring the federal outlay for pensions to approximately $30,000,000 a year. The Maritime’ provinces and Quebec, which have not enjoyed pensions under the pres ent act, will be brought under the new legislation. When the new act iff really functioning on a national basis, it’ is believed the cost will run to forty millions a yeak; but that wilt' not be until 1932 for it will take at least twelve months to create mach inery and deal with applications in the provinces which have not hither to had old age pensions. / Bow ties are all right but a four- in-hand protects the shirt betted when you have sbup. a Mrs. Susan E^an is still confined t-o her bed und’fer the doctors care, with Mrs, Frank McCarty as nufsd. She' is improving her many friends will be glad to know. (Lucan News.) I Would get such ........... __ ______ my stomach. After trying different medk cines I decided to take Milburn’s Lmow- Liver Pills, arid I wot wonderful relief i®. a Very short time.’’ For sale at all drug and goner or mailed direct on receipt of The T. Milburn Cb., Ltd., Tor< CONSTIPATION Caused Pains Across Her Stomach Mrs. K. Lisay, Ilannori, Ont, Writes:— “I suffered terribly, Tor years, Iron Constipation and my bowels would nol move for two or three days at a time. Ii; was very hard for me to do my work m , I would jejet such terrible pains acrow' ‘J—' trying different imedU cines I decided to take Milburn’s Lax/n-