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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-09, Page 5
ww THEEreTER TIMESADVQCATE TIIURSDAY, APRIL W1 DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, HEN,SALL. QNT. ^Telephone 100 Main Street HENSALL Housecleaning is the order of the Uay. Mr. Arthur Dick spent a day re- fpentjy in Guelph. Miss Gladys Luker spent a. day yecpntly in. London, •Mrs, Norman C-ook and children spent Saturday in Exeter. Mr. Harry Joynt was a holiday visitor at his home here, 1 ^Miss Hazel Coxworth spent the Upliday at her home here. Miss Marie Bell, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. " Mr, Wm, Reynolds, of Tillsonburg is visiting with his sisters here, Mr. Claude Blojves spent the holi days with 'his parents in Mitchell. Mr. Lester Fisher, of Windsor, epent the week-end at his home here , Bobbie* and Ruth Hess are visit ing this week with friends in Blake, Miss Eileen McAllister spei it & days with her .sister in Hillsgreen. Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon don spent the holidays at her home Here. Miss Edith McEwen, of Kiticlxen- er spent the week-end at her home Here, Mt. and Mrs. Thos. Balmer spent the xveek-end with friends in Wind sor. Mrs. John-'Passmore and daught er Gladys spent a fexv days in Ham ilton. Mr. Frank Smale, of Detroit spent the holiday with Mr. andi Mi's, Geo. fimale. Miss Doreen Farquhar spent the week-end at her home in Stanley Township. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat, of Bruce- field, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. JP. Fisher. . . Mis’s Margaret Slavin has return ed home after visiting with friends Sa London, Mr.’ Donald McKinnon has accept ed a position selling icars for Jack McDonnell. Mr. Harold Scrutcn, of Port Dover spent the week-end at his home here. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Lome Scott, of Tor- ■-onto were holiday visitors with Xi’iends in town. On Monday evening D. Inkster will give a lecture on “Palestine .and its People.” Mrs; (Dr.) Collyei* wa’s Visited over the holidays by hex* two broth ers from London. Mr. E, Drummond, is improving His meat and grocery store by paint ing the interior. Mrs. Leslie Knight, of Fruitland [Spent the week-end visiting, with re latives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hodgert were visited by relatives from <Strat- tord over the holiday. Mr. Alonzo Ortwein spent- the lioliday with’ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John" W. 'Ortwein. * ............Mr. Edgai’ Stewart, of Toronto, was a (holiday visitor .a.t the home of Mt. and Mrs. D. Foss. ’ Mrs. F. (Sears, of Fordwicl| was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. #ud Mrs. D. Huntley. Mr. Orville Twitdhell is improving the appearance' of his garage by having it nicely painted. Mr. Harry . Harmon has returned to town and has resumed his old position with Cook Bros.. Mr. Thos. Drummond, of Toron to, is visiting at the: home of, Mr. ®nd Mrs. Earl Drummond. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, of Toronto, spent the holidays visiting sat tile home of .his mother. Mrs. John Murdock and Mr. Fred. Simmons <and gon Jack spent Mon day with Mrs. John H’ Petty. ■; Mrs. Robt. Cameron is in Varna this week attending the funeral of Sier father the late Alex Foster. Mr. Albert Smith, of London, spent the week-end, at the home of his parents, MT. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Stratford spent.the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. !and Mrs. Geo. Brown. Mrs. R. Nickleson, of Wyoming, spent a. few days recently at the ixome of Misses Emma and Mary .Johnston. Mr. Allan Soldon, of Hamilton, spent the holiday at his home here. Mr. Jas. Bontlxron spent Wfednes- :tlay ill London. Mrs. J. Stewart and d'aughtei’s, Misses Mary and, Nora iStewart, of Seaforth, spoilt Monday visiting friends in town. Mrs. John Dinsdale, Mrs; Fred Simmons and son Jack returned Ji-ome after spending the winter anontlis in California. Misses Elva Bolton, ,ot Kitchener ( Victoria, of Toronto! Doris and Nor-- ma of London, spent the week-end .at their home here. • | _ Quite a niinwer irom here attend- special for best *ed the reception given in lxon'our of out. LMr. and. Mrs. Robt. ] Mr, and Mrs. Bertram North spent of Chevrolet cars on display and a few days this week' visiting friends ’ in Woodstock. Mr, Wm. Geiger, of London, is spending the Easter holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geig" er. Easter Sunday was observed in our local -churches on Sunday last. Special sermons were delivered and special music by th© choirs, In the United chunali the- pastor, Rev. A-, Sinclair occupied t'he pulpit and, in the morning a solo was given by Mr. s, Rannie, “An. Easter Message” and special parts in the anthem by Mrs. Clarke and Mrs, S. Rannie. In the evening a sextette by Mesdames F, Welsh, M. Drysdale, G- Lammie, and G, Pless and Messrs, gherritt and Carlisle. A quartette by Mrs, Hed den and Mrs. Sinclair and Messrs, Goodwin and Passmore., Special parts in the anthem by Mrs, Hedden and Miss Q, Lammie. In the morn ing holy communion was observed. In the -Carmel Presbyterian church Rev, W. M, Kannawan, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit and in the morn ing a male quartette was given by Messrs. R. Y. McLaren, O. Taylor, W. A, McLaren ’ and C. Moir and special parts in the -anthem by.Mrs. J. Mfclllroy. In the evening a quart ette -by Mrs. J. Paterscftx, Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Messrs. R. y. McLaren and Jas. Bingougli. In the St. Pauls Anglican church the pulpit was occupied by rector, Rev. M, Parker and in morning I-Ioly Communion, was served. Owon Geiger & Son Awarded $7,350 Damages Against Scottish Company Acting as local master of the su preme court, Judge Joseph Wearing has set $7,250.95 as the amount of damages suffered by Owen Geiger & Son. of Hensail, Ont,, as the result of an alleged br.each of agreement by J. D. M'a/cDonald, Limited, Dun dee, Scotland. The Hensall firm is suing the .Scottish manufacturers for this amount and the case will be taken before a court jn Dundee, Scotland. » Geiger & Son claim that over $7,- 000 is owing them under an agree ment for the sale of broken flax straw. They alleged that the de fendant company contracted to buy 300 tons of green flax tow at $60 a ton, and that they refused to ac cept the full amount as specified in the contract. The afction had been listed for trial at the last assize count London, but was undefended., For that reason the reference was made to Judge Wearing, as local master, to set the damages and Gladman & St'anbury, acting fur the Hensall firm, will now arrange to have the case tried in Scotland. Conic Bros, the Hudson-Dssex and Chrysler, and Plymouth. Messrs/ Harry Harmon, Norman Cool; had charge of the cook Bros, display and Mr* Passmore for PassmoreA -Sons, . Amongst others we noticed in town for the show were County Cleric Holman and Constable White sides, of Goderich; Geo. Elliott, N- W. Trewartha and John Jacobs, of Clinton; John Govenlock, of Seaforth Robt. McMillan anj Tims. McMillan of Seaforth Bayfield Neeb. liott, David. McNaughton, ’.1; Reeve Rader, of 'Hay; of stephen and William of Centralia. DASHWOOD of A. El- tlie the ob- The Hensail. Spring Show . The South ‘Huron Spring Show held here on Tuesday afternoon was well, attended, a large crowd being present. The day was bright and warm and everyone enjoyed tlie show. . There was a fine class of hoi’ses and cattle shown and. in particular the cattle both jn number and qual ity being above the average of other years. There was some splendid horses shown, both in heavy draft and general purpose, teams and a number ~ " McLaren ster and pionship ricultural, i__ _ „ age. The judges in this class had difficulty in giving their decision. Following is the prize list: Horses Aged Clyde stallion, R. Murdock, Peter Kilp.atrick. Aged Percheron stallion, J. W. Elliott. Aged Stan dard stallion, W. L. Fralser. Heavv Draft—Mare,,in foal, R. J. Scott, D. Fotheringham & Sons, Wm. Thomp son. Gelding or filly foaled in .1928 —Wm. Patrick. ' Gelding or filly foaled in 1929, A. W.. Etherington,. M. Tinney. Gelding or filly foaled in 1930—D. Fotheringham A. W. Eterington. Draft team, Jas. Scott, E. J. Willert. Agricultural, mare, foal D. Fotheringham & Sons, W. S. Broadfoot, M. Tinney. Gelding or filly foaled, in 1928—W. Charters & Sons, Geo. Thompson, R. Tinney. Gelding or filly foaled in 1929—-D. Fotheringham^ & Sons, W.jCharters. Team- ■ ■■ — Moir. _____ _ ____ E. J. Willert', W. E. Keyes. Road ster, guire. _ _ Laron, Manning Bros, (carriage foal, A. B. jdch. •pionship for best draft or Agricul tural mare or gelding, R* J. Scott, Jarvis Scott, Jarvis Scott, R. J. •Scott. Best 3 horses from apy one Township, Jarvis Soott, R. J. Scott. Specials Owen Geiger for best draft stal lion, Robt, Murdock, best draft mare, ! Boyle, for best i Ross Chapman. cup foi* the best | W. L. Fraser, of good drivers. Robert took'first for a single road- there was a splendid chain-' given for best draft or ag- mare or gelding of anyjf -R. U, Scott. ThoS. Butts, Dr. Carriage, Single carriage— CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES SPECIAL—CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP 2 tins for 19c. #NOT QVJER SIX TINS TO A ‘CUSTOMER RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS................... 4 pkp», for FREE WITH E*ACH PURCHASE OF 4 pkgs,, 1 Urge 10c, scribMer. [ finest SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. for 23c, Dr, H. H. Cowen, L.D.SM D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office oyer the Post Office, In Zurich, last three days of weak. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Witzel, of To ronto, spent Easter with his- mother Mrs. Witzel,—Mr,- and Mrs, H, Elsie and daughter Thelma are visiting in Sarnia.—Miss Grace Kellerman, of Toronto, is spending Easter holidays with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. Kellerman.—Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and'family, of Detroit and. Mr, and Mrs. Ervin -Mclsaac and family, of Windsor spent Easter with their parents ji'r. and, Mrs. P. Mclsaac and other relatives.—Mr. and Mrs. Heim Pfile, of Detroit, are visiting the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pfile.—Miss Myrta Hoff man, of Kitchener, spent Easter holidays with her parents.—(Miss Rose Zimmer andt Sammy Moon, of Detroit, are visiting at her home here.—Mr, F. Waison, of Detroit, spent Good Friday with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Snell.—-Mr, and Mrs? William Stadelbauer and fam ily and Miss Clara Kraft, of London, xvere visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P, Kraft on Good Friday.1—Miss Emma Tiernan, of London, spent the week- and with relatives.—‘Miss Grace Guenther, of Stratford, spent the week-end iwith her brother Mr. and Mrs. E- Guenther.—Miss Nelda Fas- sold, of London, is visiting at her home here.—Mr. and, Mrs. William Smith and Miss Verda Baker, of London spent Easter with their par ents.—Miss Verna Kraft, of London, is visiting her mother Mrs. T. Kraft. ■—Miss Anna Tieman returned, to Guelph on Monday where 'she at tends McDonald, Hall.—Miss Sophia Stire, of London, spent Sunday with her parents.—Mr. Lome Tieman, who attends medical senool in Lon don spent Easter holidays with his parents.—Mr. Leonard Birk/ Guelph, Is holidaying at his home' here.— Mr, Ira Tiernan, of Hamilton and Eugene of London spent Easter holi days with their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman.—-Mr. and, Mrs, Og den, of Exeter, were -Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.— Mr, and, Mrs. AUemang .and. family, of Almira, spent Monday evening in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oes tricher, of Chicago, spent the week end with liis parents.—Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble, of Sarnia, are spending a few days with Mrs. Finkbeiner and - Catherine.—(Mrs. Wright, of } London,' is visiting her parents.— Mrs. F, Guenther has returned home after spending .several days in? De troit.—Miss Lylyan Martin under went an’Operation for tonsils and adenoids oh Thursday in Dr, Tay lor’s hospital.—Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bierling spent Easter with their daughter Mrs. White in Lockport, N. Y.—Mr* Fred’ White and son Geo. returned Kwith them and spent a. few days in "‘'this vicinity.—An Easter cantata entitled “Christ Victorious” -was given by the choii’ or Calvary Evangelical church assisted by the Sunday. School orchestra on Sunday evening. „The solo parts were taken by Misses Catherine Finkbeiner and Gertrudq Hoffman, Messrs. M. W, Schenk-and Geo. Link. The offer ing which was received is to go to the choir treasury. The sacred program rendered by their respective parents. FANCY DRIED PEACHES Per lb. 19c< LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS 2 tins for 19c. Choice DRIED APRICOTS Per lb. 23c. BEST QUALITY RICE . 2 lbs. for 15c. Hall’s SANDWICH Chicken Per tin 15c. ffllll ALYMER SWEETENED APPLESAUCE No. 2 tins.................................,. 2 for 25c,- FINEST CALIFORNIA PEACHES No. 2 tins ..........................,..........each 23c. roadster team, Weston Ma- Single- roadster, Robert Mc- Roadster or B. Bell. Cliam- O, Klopp, fox’ R. J. Scott. D. lady driver, Mrs. Dr. Dougal’s silver light horse in line. Commercial Hotel gentlemen’s turn- o___ __ ___ __ | McLaren. Best fitted l„Mr. and Mrs. Robt McGkegor at horse R. J. Scott. Judges-Heavy Watson’s Hall Kippen on Wednesday Hoi’ses, W. J. poxigiass, Caledonia; evening Light horses. Saul Putman, Owen . a v, Sound.Mr; and Mrs. James Green, of Exeter; Mr. amd Mrs. Wm. Hey, of Zu-1 U’ich and Mr, and Mrs. S. Green, of <3rand Bend spent Tuesday at the Home <of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Consitt. Sunday visitors at the home of JVIr. Wm. McLaren were Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunkin, of Thames Road, Mr, sand, Mrs. W. Venner( of Chiselhurst .and Mr. and Mrs, Lome McNaught- -jon, of. Cromarty. The Carmel Presbyterian church inre holding their anniversary ser vices on Sunday, April 12 when ReV. ^r. GibSon Inkster of Toronto will jpreaclx at both services and special annsic will be given by the -choii’. Miss Mattie Ellis who underwent an operation in the Clinton Hospit al is recovering nicely and' left this ■week for Goderich where she will ®pend a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. iL Meow. Her many friends Jxopb for a speedy recovery^ Robt. Saul Putman, Owen .Cattle calved Roy Pepper Shorthorns in 19 29-—Oestricher Heifer-—R. N. ___, ___ _ , Hereford®— Bull—-Howard Wright, John McGreg or, Young Bull—W. IS. O’Neil & 2nd. CoW—John Hirtze.1, Howard Wright, Heifer under 2 years old—5V.. S. O’Neil, Howard Wright, Butchoi', steer or heifer—Oestricher Bfos„ H; Kaercker, Junies C. Smillie. Baby Beef—Andrew Bell, oestricher Bros. Herb Kercker, Best Dairy COW— John Ingram. Dr. Collyer’s silver cup for the best Shorthorn female, R, N. Pejck. John Passmore & Sons special for best bull, W. S. O’Neil.Hfirry smith, judge Mr. J. Klein, of Brussels was in town Show day and entertained the crowd with his violin playing and Singing. 1 A. great deal of interest was shown in the automobile display put on by Cook Bros, and J. Passmore,& Sons. Mi% Passmore having several lines Bull Bros., Peck, Oestricher Bros, the (choir and male quartette of Zion Lutheran Church on Monday even ing nvas well attended-, the auditor ium of the church being well-nigh filled to capacity. The program consisted ofj twenty-nine numbers, seven of these 'being anthems by the choir, one by the male chorus, four organ selections, one two-part chor us fby the Sunday School and two hymns by the congregation. . These anthems were taken from various sources, a number of them being arias of cantatas, and were grouped as follows: Part one, The Journey to Jerusalem; Part two, Gethsemane; Part three, The Cross on Calvary; Part Four, Resurrection, Glory and Joy on the Third Day; Part Five, “Beyond the Gates.” The audience appreciated the quality and the ap propriateness of selections and not ed with satisfaction the progress made and the ability attained by the choir/under the able leadership of Mr. Clayton Pfile. The collection amounted to $34.90 and was turned' over* to the treasurer of the choir, The choir has a membership -of 22. The Male Chorus 10, these two choirs together with the Male Quar tette are organized as one society tinder the same leadership and ,of- ficals. as foloiws: Louis H. Rader, president; Clayton Pfile, choir direc tor; Miss Edith Walper, organist; and assistant director; Reynold Mill er, ian, the ter, „ . . ,Rev.-and Mrs. W. Ness, Fred. Rader, Harry Fred Wein, ._r, organist; _______ _____ _ Reynold Mill- sec-treas.t Mrs. C. Pfile, librar- The following are patrons of choir, Hy. Becker, Robert, Hay- Martih Laub, Edward Maier Resteineyer, Mrs. C.‘ Stade, Sclilundt, Casper Walper Louis H. Rader. « H. LUMLEY Roy ■Ryckmaii, druggist Michigan, spent Easter vaca- ofMr Flint, tiOn with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Grant Ryckniain Miss Bella Brintnell, of Stratford, and Miss Mae, of Sarnia, were home last week-end to visit their father, who still, continues unite ill. Master Jacltie Simmons, little son of the late Fred Simmons is visiting his aunt Mrs. W- Kerslake having just returned from Santa Barbara, Cal., where l\d and his mother and grandmother Mrs. Dinsdale spent the winter, Hawe’s Floor Wax.......... Good Five String Broom Red & White Matches . . Best Strawberry Jam . . . Old Dutch Cleanser . . . . Ib. tin 41c. . each 29c. . . . . 3 for 25c. 40 oz. jar 43c. . . . . each 11c. Hawe’s Lemon Oil...........large bottle 23c. Nugget Shoe Polish ....... 2 tins for 23c, Oxydol............... large pkg. each 21c. Club House Olives................30 oz. jar 39c. Best Raspberry Jam...........40 oz, jar 43c. De Luxe Jelly Powders ....... 5 for 25c. FRESH “FRUITS AND VEGETABLES —ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, BANANAS, PINEAPPLES, LETTUCE, CELERY, SPINACH, RADISH, GREEN ONIONS, CARROTS, PARSNIPS, CABBAGE, ETC. HARVEY & HARVEY CREDITON * AUCTION SALE OF REAL ES TATE—Property of the late Freder ick Wuerth, Crediton on Saturday, April 18th at 2 P-m- being lot four, “Davis” survey containing two acres of land moxe or less and a portion of lot 1 “Bakers” survey 25. feet by 13$ feet 8 inches. There is a frame dwelling, a bank stable- and a metal clad building on the the premises be sides an orchard, good well and gar den. 4-9-2tc. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fahrner and family and Mrs. Christian Fahrner were in Kitchener on Sunday visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fahrner. of Ford City vacation with Mrs. Edward and with Hey and son . Miss Lulu Morlock, is spending her Easter her parents, Mr. and M'Qyldftk, , Mi\ and Mrs. Lloyd Frederick,were in Zurich on Sunday .Mis® Gertrude Haist, of Goderich visited for a few days with her par ents Mr. .and Mrs. Christian Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Braun and children, of Forest, spent Sunday with the latter’s, mother, Mrs. Lydia Braun. Mrs. Wiggley and daughter Marie of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hey on Good Friday. Mrs. Mary Wenzel returned home last week having spent the past few months with her daughters in De troit. Messrs Lester Mclsaac and Elgin Woodall spent the week-end with Motz, Mrs. Motz returning to Lon don with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Horney daughter, Irma, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Motz, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kuhn, spent the Easter holidays with the for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson attend ed the golden wedding of the lat ter’s 'sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Par sons, in Exeter on Monday. Miss Lottie Waghorn, of London, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waghorn. Miss Melinda Edwards, of Lon don spent Easter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hedden and family, of Loudon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sims. Mr. and Mrs’ 'Sam (Sims and child ren spent Easter with "the latter’s mother, Mrs. John Baird at Grand Bend. Mrs. Harry Lewis was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital on Tuseday where she underwent an operation. The operation was succcessful and she is. as well as can be expected. Mrs. William Spencer and two daughters, of St. Thomas, and Mrs, Mills, of Centralia, . spent Friday with Mr. nd Mrs. Wilson Anderson. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. W. 'J. Veal spent Sunday visiting with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Elford.Mr. Clifford Hoth'am, of Delaware spent the week-end, with, his uncle Mr. Geo, Davis. Misses Jean, and Grace Hockings and Master Gordon Hockings, of Monroe, spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. R, E. Pooley. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis and fam ily and Mr. C. Hothanx visited' with Mr. and Mrs. A. E". Pym on. Sunday. Miss Jessie Brooks, R. N. visited over the holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Delbridge. Mr. F. C. Davis is spending the holidays with his daughters in Sea forth. Mr. .and Mrs. Newton Clarke and family visited with friends at Saints- bury on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, of i Detroit and Mr. and Mrs.- V. Kes,tie and daughter, of Exeter, were Sun day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke. Mr. Emmerson Hamilton, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is tak ing three weeks vacation. We are very glad to report that water has been obtained in the well sunk -by Mr. Jerenx. Brophey on the Community Field to be used for the skating rink. It was necessary to go only a few feet deeper. Mr. Brophey is moving his -outfit to Grand Bend this week. Miss Addileen Gaiser, principal of our school and Trustee Joseph Fink- biener are attending the O. E. A. Convention in Toronto this week. Misses Lydia ’ and Matilda Oes tricher, of Windsor, Mr. and. Mrs. French, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and family, of Zurich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oestricher.^ A special EasfbA- program of musi'c, readings and recitations was given in the Sunday School rooms of the United church last Sunday morning. A large crowd was in at tendance Jo hear the well rendered numbers given by the tiny t-ots aS well as the larger scholars. 1On Monday evening Die Lire Wires' Class of the Evangelical ,S. S. held their annual meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist. The newly elected officers are: pres., Arthur Haist; Vice/pres,, Gerald Smith; Secretary, Eugene Beaver; Assistant Secretary, Clarence Fahn* er; Treasurer, Harold Wolfe. The meeting concluded with games and contests after which the hostess pro-* vided a dainty lunch. CREDITON EAST and Mrs. David Baird and Mrs. Marner spent .andMr son, Jaeli Sunday In Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Heatherly, of London, spent Sunday with the lat ter's .parents, Mis and Mrs. Henry KHIVA We are glad to report that Miss Alma Ratz returned home last week from St. Joseph’s hospital and is getting along nicely. Miss Thelma Neeb, of Detroit, is spending her Eastei* holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert spent Easter with the latter’s lxxother, Mrs. G. Sararas. Miss M. holidays at Mr. and Seaforth with Mr ....... ..... .......... ......... .Miss Hilda Neeb is spending her Easter holidays wifh;hei’ .sister, Mrs. McDonald, of the Thames Road. Knight is spending her her home near Strathroy Mrs., Sam Gotfchalk, ^ol’ are spending a few days and Mrs. Wm. Stade. G. GRAND BEND . KIRKTON Miss Ella Tinning is spending her holidays at her home in Carlingford ■ and Miss Nina. Johnson, teacher of S. -S. No. 3, is gone to her home jn Auburn. Mr. Borden Dillon, of Woodstock, renewed acquaintances here oix Fri day. Harold Tuft, of Toronto, is spend ing the holidays with his mother Mrs. S. Tuft. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roy, of Avon- ton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bibby. Miss, Helen Brethour, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Brethour. ■Miss Mildred Doupe, of London, spent the week-end -with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doupe. Mrs. William Clarke, of Winclxel- sea, spent Friday with hei’ daughter Mrs. Emerson Gunning. Rev. Mr. Bell gave an Eastei4 mes sage on Sunday morning aftei’ ‘which the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered. The choir sang Easter music. Dr. Jack- Jose and Mrs. Jose, of St. Marys were Suhday visitors with Mrs. C. Jose. Mrs. Ira Marshall spent a few days the past week with her parents in Granton. Mr. -and Mrs. Don Webb, of Lans ing, Mich., visited their parents here over the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. S. Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Pollock and Mr. S.‘Pollock, Mr.s. D. Webb’s father returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Mollard and Miss Mary Yeo, of Sarnia,, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HOlt over the week-end. The .’camp grounds took on a little summer-tinie appearance with a few lights dotted around in several cot tages, Miss Gertrude Lovie, Of London, spent several days with her parents last week returning Saturday. Miss Cora 'Oliver, of London, spent Good Friday at her home here. • Mr. L. Tuttel and Miss Mary La fond, of Detroit, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild for a few days. Mr, Leslie Ireland spent a few days in Toronto last week reluming Mon day. A large crowd attended the Easter morning services at the United church and nine new members unit ed with the ohnrch, Mr. Morris Brenner has sold an- otliex’ lot to some people from Mt, Clemens, Mloli.» and. they intend to build a new summer home on it, -Mr, Wnsley Nickles, of Kippen, Is moving to the Bend this week With his family and is working fox* Mr, Dave Wabb for a couiiia of months. MT. CARMEL Rev. Fr. Hall accompanied by his brother, Oswald, of London, spent Sunday with their parent, Mr. T. J» Hall. Miss Clara Glavin, of London, is spending the holidays at her home here. Misses Kathleen Morrissey, Evelyn and Marie Regan, Elda and Alice Dederich, of London spent Easter at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Denomme and son Donald, of Detroit, spent the- week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ragier. Mr. Wm. Barry, of London, is a visitor at the home of Jeremiah Barry. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Parkhill, accompanied- ter’s sister, Mrs. McConnell, of Lon don, called ou their O’Brien on Mr, Mat on friends last Week.. Mrs. R. the week-end with her cousin O’Rourke and other relatives .Miss L. Ziler, of Zurich, Sunday with friends this neigh** bouthood. Ills brother, Rowlaud, of by the lat- Sunday. Doyle, of in this sister, Mrs. M. Loudon, called neighbourhood Yule, of Belgrave.spent Mrs. here, spent Hava your renewed your subscrfp. tlon to the Tinxes-Advocate?