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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-26, Page 7
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE thursjuf, march Mil, -... .^.,1,,;,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,.^,., Way School Lesson REVIEW; JESUS THE WORLD’S SAVIOR; PREPARATIONS AND PREPARATION Sunday, March 29 Golden Text Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy ■ Glhost . , , who went about doing good, and healing all that were op pressed of the devil; for God was jvith Him, (Acts 10; 38.) There are 24 chapters' in Luke’s Gospel, and the first quarter’s les ions in the six months’ study have taken ps through 12 ‘chapters, ex actly half of the Gospel, There is such a wealth of .material in these 1'2 chapters that one can choose a review-study in a variety of ways equally rich and profitable. A review ought not to be merely a repetition Of a study one lyas already had, but a. new view of the same material. For example, the deity of Christ .as set forth in these 12 chapters is a rewarding study, It is brought •but in such ways as the following. John the Baptist’s father was told, ■before John’s birth, that his son was ■divinely called “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17). Mary was told .that her Son would have no human father, but should be the Son of God, and “be called the •Son of the Highest.” (1:30-35). Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, called Mary, “the mother of sny Lord.” (1;43). At John’s birth, his father Zac harias prophesied by inspiration that the child should “be called the pro phet of the Highest,” to “go before the face of the Lord to prepare His •jways” (1:76). Other passages declaring the deity of Christ' are: 1:73, 2:11, 2:26-32, 2:49,3:4, 6; 3:16, 3:22, 4:34, 4:41, 5;8, 5:24, 6:5, 7:20-23, 7:48, 8:28, 9:20, 21; 9:26, 9:35, 10:227 11:20, 12:8, 12:40. Again, the miracles of the first -twelve chapters may be studied for •the purpose of ascertaining the special reason 'and lesson in each of •these. ■ing.; • The' >13). The 35). Zacharias’s dunfbness and restor ed speech (1:20, 1:64). The appearance of the angel and heavenly hosts, to the shepherds (2: ,$-15). Simeon’s revelation (2:2 543 2). The heavenly voice at Christ’s 'baptism (3:22). Our Lord’s miraculous escape at, Nazareth (4:29, 30). Cure of demoniac at Capernaum -(4:33135). Simon's wife mother healed (4:3S, Such miracles' are the follow- birth of John the Baptist (1: birth of Jesus Christ (1:26- For over 39 years physicians have recognized ANGIER’S EMULSION .and used it to relieve Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Grippe,* and catarrhal inflections of trie respiratory and •digestive organs. ANGIER’S EMULSION is more than a cough remedy because, while it allays the cough, loosens the phlegm, relieves the soreness of the throat and chest—it also has a soothing beneficial effect on the stomaeh and ' digestion and keeps the bowels regular. ALL THIS IN ONE MEDICINE that is pleasant to take ,and that has an invigorating and tonic influence upon the entire .general health. Angier’s agrees perfectly with deli- .<catc and sensitive stomachs and is equally useful for adults and -children. Ang'er’s helps all of the distressing and wearing conditions associated with heavy Colds, Bronchitis, etc., and thereby Wards off possible serious aftpr-effects. A British Doctor writes:—”/ con sider ANGIER’S EMULSION is one of the finest tonics and strength builders obtainable^ and have always had ' great faith in it (Signed). 39). A great muUitde healed (4:40, 41 The miraculous draught of fishes (5:4-9). A leper healed (5:12, 13). The paralytic healed (5:13-25). Healing, of the map with the with ered hand (6:6-10). Diseased .and (6:17, 18), Many healed by (6:19). The centurian’s1 (7:2-10). The widow’s son dead. (7:11-15), The storm stilled The Gadarene demoniac healed (8:26-3'3i), A woman healed by touching Christ’s garment (8; Jairus's daughter 55). The five thousand demon-possessed touching Christ servant healed raised from the (8:22-21) 43-48). healed (8:41- blind leading the blind houses built on the rock earth (6:47-49). creditor and two debtors EDITORIAL YES SIR Little wins in business- Bigger gains in sight Knock Old Man Depression- Higher than a kite. The official groundhog is hopeful that spring Is here. * * 4•. » V ft « *L Mr, Bennett and Mr. King piny take it easy now, Mitch is back, $** ft ft * (5: (6: and (7: fed (9:10-17). The transfiguration (9:27-35). The epileptic demoniac healed (9: 38-42). The seventy work miracles (10:9- 17). The dumb demoniac healed (11: 14). Th© teacher might’ ask; the class to mention from memory all the par ables in the quarter’s lessons they can recall, and then check up -from the- following list: The garment and the bottles 36-39). ' The 39). The on the The 41-50). The sower (8:4-15), The lighted candle (8:16, 17). The Good Samaritan (10:30-37). The importunate friend (11:5-10), The fatherhood (11:11-13). The lighted candle (11:33-36). The rich fool (12:16-34),. Parables' io'f the second coming (12:35-48). iStilil other parable-teachings will be found in the quarter’s lessons; sometimes a miracle', while historical fact,.is also a parable, as ulous draught of fishes; ental teachings are given form, as in 5:34, 3'5). Dr. Gaebelein’s magazine. Our Hope, in its February issue, gives a list of 5 8 events and circumstances reported only by Luke, and. not by Matthew, Mark or John.. Of these, 28 are in the first twelve chapters of Luke. It would make .an inter esting bit of research for the class to find them for themselves. the mirac- and" incid in parable • v wIndorsed by the Medical Profession " 50 YEARS AGO Mr. John Gill, better known as Constable Gill has Been appointed bailiff of the fifth and eleventh di vision courts,. Exeter apd„ ML Sam. Brown bailiff for Crediton, vice MT. J. D. Ellis, Hensall. Mr. Gill will attend to his duties. Mr, John Sherritt was engaged .in moving Mr. George Wren’s house near ’Chiselhurst but owing to the amount of snow on the roads he was unable to work the rollers a-nd at length had to tear it to pieces and draw it on sleighs. Mr. T. Bissett this morning ship ped -a number of horses from Lucan station, tended The Wilkie property on William Street' has been purchased by Mr. Passmore, of Usborne, who intends to give up farming in the course of some months and come to Exeter to live. Mr. David Miller, resident of Exeter past, leaves for where he intends veterinary surgeon, On Friday last, Martin’s team were standing in the yard at the L. H. & B. station they took fright at tile wood-sawing ma chine., and ran into a big pile of wood. Mr, W. B. Sellery has been im proving the interior of his store by putting in >a new floor. From the Toronto papers we learn that Mr. Geo. 'Samwell, of Exeter, was registered at the American Ho tel in that city where he is; making spring purchases. Mr. Keeler has moved his shoe maker’s business; from Centralia to town where. he will have a wider field. They were fine animals in fer street cars. who bas been a for some time Hensall to-day practising as a while Mr. 1’. , >» 15 YEARS AGO •Mr. John Charlton, who has been suffering from an attack of pneu monia. is recovering. Harry Bissett has been laid off duty the result of an accident to liis right arm caused by a fall. Bo a whole lot of • liquid,, a liquid asset? !> And now for the and its well ventilated the farm-er’s barley is likely to become * ft ft ft ft »$ good old crown. • ♦ » straw hat with its straggly brim ♦ ♦* * When it comes to a first class brand doff our hats to the Prince of Wales. • » * ft #* of Empire advertising, we •** On St. Patrick’s Day might have been worse! * it the snow covered every field. Well it The snow might have been covering us. >:« » ft ft ft ?:< Borne Marches put on month', but this March has 4= their best weather at the first of the kept itsrft * * finest days for the last weeks. * * ♦ optimist weFor a simon pure garden seeds beside a neighbour who keeps ens. commend the man who plants a robust’ flock of chick- z ft #ft IS $❖ It is rumoured that the municipal groundhog favourable spring. the Chamber with a view of to Commerce is grooming securing an early and ft ft ft ft After all, there is a very real relation and what’ one has. on producing or on earning it, •»< • between what one does If one would have garden “sass” he may count Didn’t those knolls look good as they showed up through the snow? And then have you poked among the leaves to see' the green things getting ready for flowers? ft J? Co ngra t u la t io ns, Messrs, of you me-also’s nor echoes, from you the better for the • *« McMillan and Medd. You're neither You’re men. The oftener we hear commonwealth. 9 * • ♦ • McKenzie King spoke Bennett followed him with up and get married one of for four hours the other day. R. B. a spiel lasting for two hours. They'll ■ these days and then! * * When a married man’s day’s work is done there is no place that suits him quite so well as his own home'—unless he has some real obligation to discharge to church or state. * * ft ft ■ ft ft ft i? The snow Ifas made a'fine get-away. Every drop of moisture has had the finest opportunity in the world to sink into the ground Still, rains are badly needed. Come to think of it, we have not had a really satisfactory rain since last spring. Folk with roving propensities tell us that the swamps and woods are singularly from the wetness that tells of creeks tancl flowing wells as drouth of summer comes on. But, then, we have not had equinoxial storms and April showers are ahead of us. free the the J FELT TIRED OUT ALL DAY COULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT Mrs. Aldamond Lalonde, 2481 St. James St., Mon treal, Que., writes:—“After a spell of the grippe I Was left very nervous, and felt drowsy and tired out all day, and eould not sleep at night. I Was also troubled with my heart and did not feel at all like working, “I was told about Milbum’s Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking four boxes I was completely relieved of my trouble, and can recommend your Pills to everyone.” Sold at all drug and general stores, of mailed direct Oh receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto/ Ont. WHO’LL WIN IT? And now they’re seriously pocket handkerchief-—not for the in the interests of public health, some handkerchiefs to labatory kerchiefs dangerously germ laden ive description. The inventor of handkerchief who knows how to take care of himself has a fortune in. the offing. the ,discussing the abolition of convenience of the small boy .but Competent men wno submitted examination report those hand- beyond all possibilities of effect 's satisfactory substitute for the Mr. S. M. Sanders moved Monday into his new home purchased from Mrs. R. H. Collins, Mr, Richard Snell last week pur chased Mr, Geo, Heaman’s residence on Albert Street. Harry Carling dislocated his left wrist Monday as the result of fall ing off a beam in the- woodshed of the school. The frame residence on Ann St. occupied by Mrs. Piper and owned by the late James Moir, was sold by public auction on Saturday, the pur chaser being Mr. John Piper. Mr. Janies Beverley has moved his household effects to town. He will reside on Gidley Street in the house recently vacated by M'r. Al bert Pym, who has moved into the house vacated by Mr. P. Gardiner. Though the day was very stormy the weekly shoot of the Exeter Gun club at blue rocks took place on Thursday afternoon. The following is the score out of a possible ten birds: T. Carling 5, D. Hartleib 6, S. Fitton 5, R. N. Oreecll 5, William Johns 5, Chester Stanlake 7, John Triebner 1. Mr. D. Urquhart, of Hensall, who has been buying grain on the Exeter; market through the agency of Mr. D. Mack, has withdrawn from the business. ■ Messrs, Carling Bws. have secur ed the services of Mr. Ernest Bus well, of town and Melville Hoskins, of Kirkiton, for their dry goods and grocery departments respectively. Among those going on the excur sion to the West on Monday were the following: Henry Dearing, w. C. Welsh, Rd. Welsh, W. H. Penhale and W- C. Caiim Mr. W. H. Passmore last • week moved to town from Thames Road and is comfortably settled in the home he purchased south of Main Street Church. The stock sale of Mr, Samuel Brock, of Elimville, on Friday, last brought ovei' $3750.00. Mr. Ernest Davis naS purchased a .lot from Mr. W. J. Beer near the Station Road and will build a house thereon. Mr, John Shute1, of Usborne, who had his hip broken last week when his sleigh was. upset is doing very nicely. Hogs last week; touched the high est price jn the history of hog buy ing in Ereter when buyers paid $10. a hundred for large shipments. Mr, I. Armstrong paid out, in one day, $7,381. ’Mrs. Ann Mitchell is slowly re covery from a severe attack of rheu matism. Mr. A. J, Ford is moving with his family to the farm he recently pur chased jn Hay Township. Mr. James; Lawson on Monday purchased the north half of Mr, Geo. Bedford’s store, and we understand Will fit it up as. a jewellery store and telephone office, Mr. and Mrs, H. J, White and family Heave in a >few days, Mr. White going at once to Moncton, N. B., to take up his duties in that branch of the Bank of Commerce( while Mrs. White and family will spend some weeks with “her parents in Toronto, Mr. Thos. Hawkins, who has been in Colemine, Quebec, for some time, returned to town last Friday. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. John Willis <*t the Si-d eon. or Stephen has rented his farm to Mr» Luther of near Alisa Ctalg. ■ St. Marys Presbyterian church has extended an invitation to Rev. John Riddell, of Millbank’, to become their pastor, Bince the resignation, of Rev. R. C. Rogers they have been without a regular minister. CLINTON, ONTARIO gMctjxwl ot Commem Offers you a Practical Business Training that has. made it possible for our scores of students to obtain and hold positions demandng a high standard of offiency, COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. You cannot attend a better School. WHY NOT ATTEND THIS? STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME. Mr A. Stone, Com, Specialist, Vice-Prin„ ' Phone 198 For particulars write B. Fr Ward, B.A. Principal EDWARDSBURG / PRICED FROM MOS 5 at factory . . . Taxes Extra 6VU- ...... A GENERAL CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited MONTREAL - - MOTORS VALUE grades . . and prove its added power We have a new Oldsmobile at our show rooms waiting for you to inspect... to drive ... to test! Enjoy a new motoring experience behind the wheel of the finest Oldsmobile in the long successful history of this car. Throttle down as you reach a steep hill. Glance at the speedometer. Then, as you top the crest, notice how Oldsmobile’s speed has increased. Here is the acid test of performance ... and the one that best proves the added power of the new Oldsmobile. Come in today. Make this experiment and judge for yourself the exceptional value of this new' Oldsmobile ... at its new, lower prices. ---------=■“.... NEW SILENT SYNCRO- MESH TRANSMISSION permits smooth, silent shift from first to second to high . .. snd beck to second. AUTOMATIC MANIFOLD HEAT CONTROL worms up engine quickly end gives it improved performance st bll speeds. NEW EASY STARTING starter when engsgedtauto- maticslly opens throttle to proper starting position. MOTORS DOWN-DRAFT CARBURETOR WITH NON.FLOOD CHOKE gives increased power, higher speed, faster acceleration, and greater smoothness. INSULATED FISHER BODIES are warmer in winter, cooler In summer, and exceptionally quiet. NEW QUIET SECOND GEAR assures smooth, swift accelera tion rivalling high gear per formance in quietness. ♦ Dr. Wood’s Norway Pfine Syrup Could Not Sleep for a Terrible, Tickling CouglE Mrs. Gordon J. Roy, S.W. Port, Mouton, N.F!., write«i-~* “I halt h terrible, tickling cough, and nt night could Poft get to deep for hours for it.4 I read about Dr. Wood’# Norway Pine Syfup and decided to get a bottle, and I Can truthfully Bay it did me a wonderful lot of good. “I have three children abd I give them 1he Syrup just ae soon, as I see them getting ft, pold or cough, as I alwaya keep it on hand both for the children arid myself.” A Price, 35 cents a bottle; large, family size, 55 fcenfcjj at all drug and general stores; put up only by The T. MiLt bum Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.