HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-26, Page 6THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCaTETHfBSDAY, MAUCH 2C!b, 10311 "How do you get him to chew his food?" “I give him Shredded Wheat and it’s so crisp he has Co chew it—the more he chews it the better he likes it apd the more nutriment he gets out of it. Many children bolt down their food without chewing — that means imperfect diges­ tion, poor teeth and un­ healthy gums. Shredded Wheat with milk makes a perfect food for grow­ ing children, and it’s perfectly delicious with bananas or stewed fruit.” THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. SH DDED WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT To Every Business Woman $50 a Month for LifeI Every woman who is earning her own living should provide a surplus so that she may secure independence in later life. JThe need ... the ambition, to enjoy retirement free from want and depen­ dence means that .a woman must save and invest wisely during her earning years. Advancing age and declining earning •power will hold no terrors for you if you snake certain of the following; Every month of every year a Confed­ eration Life Association Cheque in the mail for a definite, non - fluctuating amount. A monthly income as long as yon live, |K\Mi free from risk of investment loss and unaffected by business or any other conditions. A guaranteed, continuous income ban­ ishing all thought of future care ... all worry, all fear, all chance of beingdn that dependent class which is now the lot of so 'many women in later life. The Confederation Life -plan is the safest, surest plan for building a perman­ ent income. You can face the future with serene confidence if you decide iVOJF not to leave the matter to chance, but to avail yourself of the certainty provided by a monthly cheque for $50. Mail the coupon NOW for full information. Confederation Life Association Toronto, Canada Without obligation, send me full information of your plan to provide “$S0 a Month ... to Every Business Woman.” Liame (Mrs. or Miss)............ —.....................................................................~............ Address.-........................................ .................................................................-............. V V *1 V v a I 192 9 MCLAUGHLIN BUICK SEDAN This attractive McLaughlin Buick four-door sedan is ideal for family use, Its roomy Fisher body scats five persons comfortably. Its powerful, valve-in-head engine has been thoroughly reconditioned to provide 50,000 miles of dependable transportation. Re­ duced for immediate sale. 1927 PONTIAC COACH— Original Duco finish, clean upholstery, tires that show little wear. Ready to give faultless service for thefusands of miles. $1,000.00 Easy Terms Arranged $275.00 1928 FORD ROADSTER—You can’t afford to pass this bargain b.V. This serviceable little ear offers cheap reliable transportation for many months. .Special Spring Clearance Sale price, only $300.00 1927 ESSEX SEDAN—This popular six-cylinder automobile has many at­ tractive features. .Tires, upholstery motor ami finish are all in good shape. .Buy it to-day for only $325.00 LAXA-LlVER JPILLsJjJUlric Snell, Exeter Fries 25c a vial L iSL Marys tax xhto for this year will he 49 wills. Tills is a rise of two mills owing to the heavy ex­ penditure for repairs to Victoria Bridge. A. & 1‘- STORE OPENS A branch of the Atlantic and Pa­ cific Stores was opened in St, Marys recently. This store will’ employ five clerks and two- managers and they will handle groceries and meat. SIWR COTTAGES ENTERED A number of summer cottages near Goderich have been bnoheii in­ to recently and in most cases sever­ al articles stolen, Lawrence Yule was arrested and admitted several of the thefts. DIED SUDDENLY The death occurred suddenly in Goderich townslhiii of Elmer Banting Woods, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woods, in his eighteenth year Deceased had been ill with the flu for only a few days rand he passed away quite unexpectedly. Surviving to mourn’*his loss are his parents and two sisters. CELEBRATE 80th BIRTHDAY Mr. William Elgie and Mt, Wil­ liam Wilson, of Seaforth, recently celebrated their 80th birthdays at the home of Mr. Elgie. A birthday dinner was served to- the guests present, All of Mr. and Mrs. Elgie’s family were present for the occasion there being two sons and two daugh­ ters, Dr. Tehyi Hsieh, Chinese states­ man ,and orator, who last year tra­ velled with Canadian Chautauqua, and who now resides in Boston, has been ordered by his physician to (abandon the public platform. He has twice collapsed while lecturing due to oveisstrained heart. Those who heard him last year when .in Exeter, will regret to learn of his illness and hope that he may again be able bo take up his work. Ontario tamers annually lose hundreds of dollars from parasites in sheep and hogs. Dr. L. S, Stev­ enson has made a .special study of this problem and has written, sever­ al bulletins, copies of which can be obtained from your local Depart­ ment of Agriculture. Commercial fertilizers when ap­ plied to various crops in conjunc­ tion with good farming methods give big returns, "Phosphates increase yields of almost all crops on almost all types of soils, Potash pays es­ pecially on the sandy soils. Nitro­ gen for most farm crops should, as far as possible, 'be obtained from growing legumes. Free Seed On© of the great vital forces re­ sponsible for success tn lagidculture is good seed, declares the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Un­ ion, in announcing that it is pre­ pared this year to distribute to farmers free of charge, into every township, county and district of On­ tario, .selected seed of the best vari­ eties of field crops. Any farmer can obtain a list giving the details of this seed distribution for test purposes from this local agricultur­ al representative. Included dn the list are seeds for grain crops, root crops, forage, fodder, silage and hay crops, culinary crops, fertilizer ex­ periments and a number of miscel­ laneous experiments. Renewed War on corn Borer The need for renewed warfare on the corn borer was emphasized at the anuual convention of corn bor­ er inspectors of Western Ontario at London, when Prof, L. 'Caesar, pro­ vincial entomologist, led the discus­ sion and issued instructions to the inspectors. Large corn producing counties of Western Ontario are fac­ ed with the possibility of another serious corn borer epidemic as a result of the prolonged drought. Un­ less much stubble plowing is done by farmers and inspectors give care­ ful surveillance, serious damage to corn, fields may result. The new situation is unusual because of the pronounced drought last summer. Corn stubble became dry. The corn borer did not find the dry stubble to his liking and instead of spendr in.g the winter in the stalk about an inch above the ground, as usual, it Went deeper into the root,. In the past many* farmers have simply cut the corn level with the ground, 'thus avoiding plowing the stubble under. This plan would not be effective under the new condition and a cam­ paign is being started to have all stubble^ plowed under before the middle of May, despite the manner in which the corn was cut. Better seed pays big dividends in crop improvement. Production may •be increased from 10 to 14 pounds per bushel and from 10 to' 14 bush­ els per acre by sowing only 'large plump seed. The farmer will find it a paying proposition to .get the oil'd fanning mill out of the store­ house, fit it' up properly with some screens and make a genuine clean- up of seed this spring. Interesting Swine Course Despite a heavy snowstorm which made roads almost impassable, ap­ proximately sixty young men were in attendance at the special swine course held under auspices of the Council of Canadian Meat Packers and Provincial and Federal Depart­ ments of Agriculture at Montreal packing plants on March, 9th, 10th, and 11th. It was voted the most successful course yet held in East­ ern Ontario. The program consist­ ed of lectures and demonstrations on types of live hogs and dressed carcasses and animaT parasites, as well as competitions in the judging and grading of live hogs and dress­ ed carcasses. The following coun­ ties were represented in the gather­ ing: Carleton,. Glengarry, Grenville, Dundas, Renfrew, Lanark, Lennox and Addington, Prescott and Rus­ sell, Leeds and Frontenac. 55c a Bushel For Barley Resulting from a conference in the office of the Minister of Agricul­ ture, the Canadian Malting Com­ pany Ltd., is offering to pay a^min­ LEG FRACTURED Miss Marjorie McEwan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McE'Wian, of Stanley township happened with a peculiar accident when .returning home from school one. evening. Mar­ jorie and her cousin Stewart Mc­ Ewen were each riding a horse ow­ ing to the condition of the roads, as it was the best means of transpor­ tation, when (Stewart’s horse was passing Marjorie’s it kicked up his heels and . struck her, breaking her leg and lacerating it severely. * While MT. Lillie, of London, was in the act of turning his car around on one of the streets in Lucan Mr. Guenther, of Dashwood, passed in his truck headed for London. Mr. Lillie’s car .struck the back end of the truck slightly damaging the truck and breaking the bumper and one headlight on the car. HERE’S YOUR CHANCE Without risk to you. try Sybilla Spahr’s remedy for tonsilitis, quinsy, cough, bronchitis, colds, sore throat' and tonsil diseases, every bottle guaranteed. 'Try it. Exeter and Hensall Druggists. News and Information for The Busy Farmer (Furnished by the Ontario Departirent pt Agriculture) imum price of 55c a bushel for 0u-; tario barley, on ana after Septem­ ber leu 1931j delivered at Mont­ real. The company will accept 1»- 000,009 bushels of barley at that price, providing it is sound and clean and reasonably free from other grains and weighing 48. pounds to, the bushel, This is equivalent of the grain grade known as "Three Extra" and in a normal year should be easily -obtained by. the • average farmer in Ontario. Barley has long been regarded by many farm­ ers as a cash crop in the counties of Essex, Kent, Middlesex Elgin apd Perth, and it is hoped this announce­ ment will .give new confidence to these growers. A Montreal price of 55c. would mean f, o. b. prices ap­ proximately as follows: Main line, Chatham and surrounding points^ 40c,; off lines, side lines or radial lines in same territory, 37c,; Cen­ tral Ontario points, 42c,; Eastern. Ontario and op to Montreal, 46c. These prices apply only to carlot shipments. This offer is 20c to 25c per bushel better than present prices on the Montreal market and should grealy encourage barley pro­ duction in those counties where the crop is well and favorably known. An Advisory Committee Immediately after the present le­ gislative session, the Government will appoint an advisory board to aid Hon, Tlios. L. Kennedy, Minis­ ter of Agriculture in the adminis­ tration of departmental affairs apd in .solving present-day farm products It will probably comprise tnree mem­ bers—one representative from the dairying industry; a second from the cattle, hog and sheep industries and a third from the poultry raising, interests. It will be absolutely nop- politioa'l in composition and scope. The members will receive fair 're­ muneration for their time, as well as travelling expenses, Weekly Crcp Report There is a general feeling through­ out the province that' the recent heavy snowstorm has been of ines- tihable value, according to the weekly report of agricultural re­ presentatives in various counties. Fields are well covered and prophets are most optimistic regarding the condition of wheat and clover stands. Orchards in Dundas have been receiving attention with some pruning already done. In Fronten­ ac the number of sows farrowing this year shows an increase of about 100 per cent, over last spring. Ex­ cepting for the .syrup industry, few preparations have been made tor spring work in Glengarry. Increased interest in certified seed is manifest in Grenville. Tn spite of bad roads, the soils and crops meetings in Hal- dimand are being very well attend­ ed. Farmers in Huron are indicat­ ing increased interest in better seed and fanning mills are being put in shape for screening work. In Middle­ sex, orchard pruning work has been general, while breeding stations at Welland report heavy ' orders for good quality hatching eggs. . New High Quality Reed Farmer’s feeders and poultrymen will be interested in the production of a new high quality feed for poul­ try, swine and young livestock. This feed, called Oat Groats, is made by taking the hulls off oats thus great­ ly reducing the, fibre, increasing the protein and lowering the cost of the food nutrients by a saving in freight. Although there is some variation in the chemical analysis the average sample shows about 17 % protein and from 2^% to 3% fibre. Oat Groats are fairly high in fat also containing about 8% of this valuable nutrient'. For young calves, young pigs and all ages of poultry, this feed will prove valuable in assist­ ing rapid growth and general vigor because of the high protein and low fibre content. The price of this pro­ duct is very low when the feed val­ ue is compared to other feeds, By 'buying this seed in carlot quantities and using Canadian Bar­ ley to replace corn, tne cost of pro­ duction of poultry and livestock prducts' can be subgcautially reduc­ ed. Farmers and poultrymen are advised to get in touch with theit feed dealers regarding these pro­ ducts. BAD BILIOUS SPELLS MILBURN’S EVERY TWO WEEKS Mrs. John McIntyre, Oxbow, Sask., writcis For years I had bad bilious spells, and they would come on me about every two weeks. -I tried lots of different medicines Until I found out about Mil­ bum’s Laxa-Liver Pills and they proved to be just tho remedy I required. I have not had even one spell in the last four years." For sale at all drug And general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T, Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Head Office, Farquhar, Opt. K President FRANK McCONNELU- Vice-Pres. ANGUS SINCLAIR DIRECTORS j J. T. ALLISON, ROBT. NORRIS, SIMON DOW, WILLIAM BROCK. t AGENTS f JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent foi’ Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 295, Exeter, Ontario . GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter ’ KILL .that COUGH ! No matter how bad the cough nor how stubborn the cold you can break it up quickly with FLU-REM The surest safeguard against lost time in all case of coughs^ colds, sore throat and influenza* QUICK RELIEF •‘All that the name implies9*, price 75 cents « BROWNING’S DRUGSTORE ] Exeter, Ontario Special Sale of Best Grade No. 1 XXXXX B. C. Shingles Large Size bunches $1.20 per bunch 4. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 j GRANTON. ONTARIO ' ZURICH MT. and Mrs. Elmer F. Klopp an^ daughter Viola motored to- Toronto? and Elmira recently. Mr. Elmer Thiel has moved front Blake into their new home they jpufr chased from Mr. Con. .Siemon. ’ The Late L. N. Denonune Hi After an illness of nearly fou^ months Louis N. Denomme passed; away at his home at St, Joseph March 12th. He was 64 years o!4 and had lived on the Sauble Liti^ all his life. Four sons and on^- daughtei- survive; Solomon and Leto Denomme, of Windsor; MaxmiliaiL of Detroit; Filbert" and Eugenie, afc home. ------------------------ * NEW CONTRACT 1 Mr. H. B. Manning, manager of the Sherlock-Manning Co., Clintore and Mr. H. W. Gould, mechanical foreman, were at' East Templeton", Mass., recently where they succeed­ ed in securing a contract for manti-- facture the "Parta Bowl” bowling: sets for the Hedstrom Union Co. of that city. These are to he used iw connection with miniature golf courses. REPORT S S. NO. .14, HAY | The following is the report of SI S. No. 14, Hay for the months January and February. Sr. IV—Beatrice Willert 67.7;? VCra Ropp 64.2, Shirley KoehleS' 63. • Sr,—Bert Thomson 78.3; Doris Alexander 69; Elgin Johnson 62. Jr. Ill—Alfred Ropp 73.1; Jerry Johnson 67; Margaret MacGregoaJ 62.7; Archie MacGregor 53.5; Beu* son Dick 37.7. 2nd class—Irma Ferguson 74.7?; Stuart Dick 46.8. Sr. I—Harold Willert 83, Blanch© Thomson 75.3. Pr.—-Ina Ropp, Harold" Koehler* Allan Cretan Highest mark obtained in Agri­ culture, Vera Ropp 99; Geography,. Bert Thomson 99; History, Jerty- Johnson 95; Arithmetic. HaroM Willert 96. O. J. Finnigan, teacher -