HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-26, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SHINGLES! Special prices for March and April * XXXXX K a SHINGLES The Best Grade of Shingles $1.15 a Bunch 3 bunches to square ALSO ANOTHER XXXXX SHINGLE at $1.00 a bunch 3 bunches to square These prices are for cash only. A, Spencer & Son HENSALL OR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, HENSALL, ONT. ^Telephone 106 Main Street HENSALL Mrs. Victoi' Voe is on tli© sick list this week. Mr, ancl Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday in Clinton. Mr. Leonard Dart is sporting aj new Ford roadster. i Mrs. Jas, Vincent .spent the week-j md at her home .in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, S.L. Peppier spent sa day in London last week. Mr. Alex McIntyre is visiting with Xriexxds in Toronto this week. Mr. John Carmichael was’ a recent visitor with friends in Toronto Miss Ethel Murdock was a recent ’visitor with friends in Toronto. Mr. Roy Pfaff, of Straforj spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Lee Wilson spent Wednesday •visiting with friends in town. Mrs. Joseph Murdock visited with '.friends in Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A L. Case spent' Saturday in London with friends. Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt spent a flay recently with friends in London. Mr .and Mrs. Roy Weber spent ■Sunday visiting friends in Clinton. Mr, Milton Ortwein’, of London spent the week-end at his home here Mr. and Mrs. Mark; Drysdale spent Sunday visiting friends in Kitchen­ er. * Ma-, and Mrs Joseph Hudson were Sunday visitors with friends in Clin­ ton. Mrs. Butcher, of Stanley, spent the week-end with Mrs. N. Saunder- cock. Mrs. John Zxxefle returned from 1St. Thomas after a few weeks' visi^ there. Messrs' Donald McKinnon and Jack McDonnell spent Saturday in .-London. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peck are both lying seriously ill at their home here. Mr Lloyd Davis, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home Of Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mrs. Talbot, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Collyer: Miss Hattie McQueen , of New- York, Is visiting for 4 few days with friends in town, Mr. and Mrs Harry Meow, of God­ erich, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mattie Ellis. Mr. Scott Welsh is assisting Mr. Jbynt in the men’s department dur­ ing his spring sales. The Rennie .Seed Co. are also, get­ ting their sets out and are employ­ ing several hands. Miss G. Marks, of Brucefield spent :a few days last week at the home ©f Mrs. R. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phile have moved to the farm they recently .purchased from Dr; Moir. Mrs. Thos. Appleton, little daugh­ ter and son Aldon intend moving to ILondon shortly to reside. Mr. A. L. Case is marking improve­ ments to the interior or hid dwelling •on Richmond Street, south. Misses Margaret Hoggarth and Xlelia Christie spent the week-end ’with Miss Lula McDonald. Mr. Wm. Simpson accompanied by Jxis mother of Detroit, spent the week-end with friends here Mr .and Mrs. Eric Kennedy, of ’Windsor spent the week-end at the Jiorne of Mr. and Mrs. O. Geiger. Mrs. Thos. Berry has returned 'home after spending the winter months with her sons at Windsor. ' Mr. and Mrs.$ Ernest Harris, of Ailsa Craig, spent a few days at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. George Fee. Special Easter services will be lield in our local churches on Easter ^Sunday and special music by the Choirs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klatchford aspent Friday in Exetey attending ihe funeral of the late Mrs, Francis BlatchfOi’d. The Young People of the United church are. busy preparing for a play which will take place in the near future. The ladies of the Carmel Presby­ terian church held a quilting bee on Friday afternoon with quite a large, ■number present, Messrs, Jack and Charles McHonell attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dr. Browning of Exeter on Bun­ day afternoon. Mr, Harry Harmon former sales­ man for Cook Bros. 1ms secured a ■position at Brantford and has left for that city, Mr, Herb HoggM’tli, of Imuflon, spent Tuesday i’n town visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrifa Jas. Hoggarth. The snow an the roadsi in town is pretty well all gone hut some of the township roads are still in bad shape for ears, Mr. Jas, Priest who has been care­ taker of the Hensall Union Cemetery has resigned and his place is taken fay Harry Bnxith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abbott are moving’to London this week where Mr. Abbott has secured a position at Kingsmill’s store. Mr. Frank Farquhar home this week and is ering aftex’ his recent St. Joseph’s Hospital, The . Hensall Spring Show of horses and cattle will be held here, on Tuesday afternoon April 7th. A good prize list is being ‘offered. Mrs. Hobkirk and daughter Miss Margaret Hobkirk attended t'he fun-, qrai of the late Mrs, John Hunkin at Exeter on Tuesday afternoon. .Dr. A. Moir has rented one of lxis farms northwest of the village to Mr., Rochus Faber, who has been in Dr. Moir’s employ fox* a number of years. 'Miss Carrie Bailantyne had the misfortune, last week to slip break­ ing a bone in hex* foot, Her many friends hope fox* a speedy recovery. Miss Mattie Ellis was taken to Clinton Hospital on Sunday evening to undergo an operation. Her many friends* hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs, Robt. Bonthron who has been living in one T. C, Joynt’s apartments during*the winter has moved to. hex* own home on King Street. Mr. James A. Foster, mechanic at Cook Brothers garage is confined to his home this week with an injured knee which he received while at work last week. Large -crowds attended the spring opening in the ladies department at Mr. T. C. Joynt’s store where a splendid display of ladies coats and and millinery are shown. Steele Briggs Co. have a of men at work this week out the onion sets that have in their ware-houses is expected nicely recov- operation in London. Show The minister’s car was placed in the garage and he proceeded on his way north by train. The W, M. S. of th© United church held, their annual birthday party in the basement of the church on FrL day evening with a large crowd pre­ sent, The meeting being/ in charge of Mrs, A. Sinclair, The program consisted of a violin duet fay Misses Ethel Murdock and Greta Lamxnie; vocal duet, Bobby Hess and Ronald Parker; solo, W O, Goodwin, trio Misses Olive Brock, Katheryne Drys­ dale and Minnie gangster; duet by Mrs, M« Hedden and Mrs. G, Hess; after which Miss. Consi'tt, gave an address on her visit to the passion Play at Oberamergau. A dainty lunch was served at the close* of the program, The proceeds amounting to $58.75. MIJBBg8SBS8Ll'-.W!W-'l'.<UW88t Illlllllliiiiliiiiiiiuiiiiiiliilllillllllllll)'. CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES W TRY THE NEW ORANGE CRUSH AT HARVEY’S SPECIAL—LIFEBUOY SOAP SPECIAL—P. & G, SOAP .,, 3 cakes for 19c. I ■ft dresses- The number getting been stored here. The onion sets have kept well, very few having grown. ■Mr. C. Faber who has been living on the Robt. Stewart farm has rent­ ed from the John Bell estate" the farm on the third concession of Hay,- south of the Zurich road. Dr. Moir’s Hospital and Sanitor- ium is to receive an annual .grant under the will of the late Mr. McKay who died at Goderich a few .weeks! ago. This bequest is given as long as Dr. Moil’ conducts a hospital. The Superfest Oil Company, of London are building a garage and oil station on the lot they recently purchased from the W. Pfaff' estate The garage and oil station will be run by Messrs Joseph and Casey Hudson. Miss Greta Gould, of Formosa, visited last week at the home oL’ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonnell. Miss Gould who has been on furlough is a trained nurse and has been able to do missionary work combined with hex* duties .as. nurse The Boss & Brazier Co., of Lon­ don, have secured the contract for building the cement road between Exetey and Centralia. The firm 'have, a number of men in the vil- ’ lage at present to open up the grav­ el pit east of Hensall and machinery fit. Services in the United were largely attended on last, with the Rev. Arthur having charge of both Special parts in the anthem were taken by Miss Florence Welsh and Miss G. Lammie in the morning and in the evening by Mrs. M. Drysdale and Miss G. Lammie and a duet by Mrs. M. Hedden and Mr W. 0. Good­ win entitled “God is Love.’’ Mr. John Shepherd has sold his farm, two miles east of the village /to his neighbor Mr. Wm, iSlavin for a good figure. Mr. Shepherd in­ tends holding an auction, sale of his farm .stock and implements next week and we understand he is com­ ing to Hensall to reside. Mr. Sla­ vin who purchased the farm has now nearly 400 acres, of splendid land in Tuckersmith Township. The Young People of the United church held their monthly meeting on Monday evening. Aftex’ the open-, ing exercises a reading, was given by Miss Gladys Luker followed by/a selection by the orchestra. An inter­ esting number was a debate on “The Irish does more for Britian than the Scotch” the' affirmative winning by one point. Those on the affirmative side, wore Harold Slierr-ltt and Ray Paterson and on the* negative side Mildred -Smillie and Howard Hemp­ hill. The judges being Blowes, Mr, Campbell Broadfoot Next the program will Mrs. M. Hedden, While returning on Thursday evening last M'r, Frank Wickwire who had been in town on business collided with another car while turning at the ix^tiersectioh of South Richmond St, to the Lon­ don Road, The other cat’ was driv­ en by a minister from Chatham, with hiiii were two students from the Ex­ eter High School to whom he had given a ride on their way to Bruce- field. The fender of Mr. Wickwire’s car was smashed and the Chatham car was badly wrecked but none of the occupants were seriously injured Mxuin-Applcyarcl A quiet but J>retty -wedding took place at Trinity Anglician church, Alymer, on Monday of last' week, when Edith Mary A’Ppleyard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Appleyard, of Aylmer, became .the bride of Clarence Bari* Munn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Munn, of Hen-' sail. Rev. F. H, Hardy, rector of Trinity Church, officiated, in the presence of only the immediate re­ latives and friends. The couple were attended by Mr .and Mrs, R. Appleyard, brother and sister-in-law of the bride. The bride was pretty in a gown of royal blue, trimmed with black fox fur, and wore hat and shoes to match. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs, Munn left oix a trip to Toronto and points East and upon their return will x’eside in Aylmer where the groom conducts fa hardware business. \ CREDITON The Worker’s Council of the Evangelical Sunday -School met at the parisonage last Thursday even­ ing, nominated a slate of officers, and transacted other business ixx connection with the Sunday School. A social half ‘hour was .spent. The election took place Sunday forenoon and resulted as follows: iSupt., Av- thui* Amy; Assistant, Chester Ma- wninney; Secretary, Alviix Finkbein- er; Treasurer, Ezra Faist. The Dorcas Sunday School class recently held theix* annual electioix and the following were chosen: Pres., Mrs. Clayton Sims; Vice-Pres. Mrs. Albert Gaiser; Secretary Miss Mabel Falxner; Assist. Secretary, Mrs. Herb Young, Treasurer, Clara Gaiser; pianist, Mrs. xnery Fa liner; chori ter, M/rs, don Morlock. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be celebrated next Sunday at the Evangelical Church at both morning and evening services. Mem­ bers and friends of the Church are cordially invited to attend. The candidates for church membership will also be welcomed at their first Sacrament. Mr. H. K. Eilber attended the Di­ rectors’ Meeting of the Hay Town­ ship Farmers’ Insurance Co. in Zu­ rich last Saturday. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Eil'ber's health is. improving although he is still oblig­ ed to remain at home. Spring must be around the cor­ ner. Robins are here. . Wild geese have been seen flying north and the ice lias* disappeared from the river. The ‘roads are still in a 'rough con­ dition but the roadmen are working at them every day so it is to be hop­ ed that travelling can be done with­ out going through the rough exper­ iences of the past, month. Many, feel that the County Good Roads Commitee made a mistake in not giving attention to the County roads before they did. Surely our wintex* roads need attention just as much as in the- .sunimei’ time. T'he many friends of Dorothy Falx- ner will be pleased to to learn that she is recovering from her recent illness. Mrs. Siriipson, of London, has been visiting Ixer brother this week. Communion service in the United church evening. The* orchestra of the Evangelical Church furnished the music at a play given in Centralia United church last Friday evening. xf Messrs. Clifford Hill and William H? (Sniftlx are engaged to work on the highway to be paved between Centralia., and Exeter. At present they are moving the machinery to Skinner's pit. A number of the farmers of the vicinity mot March 21st and Crediton Farmers’ lowing officers were elected. Presi­ dent William. Oestricher; Vice-Pres., Hrirry Beaver; Secretary-Treasurer, and live stock sliipper, Chester Ma- wliinney. The next meeting will be held oh April 7tlx at 8.-30 p.m.. . Ajfaody wishing to join please; bear this date in mind. Anyone having livestock to ship please get in touch with the secre- tavy-treas. . Miss Em- Gor- get the church Sunday iSinclair services. Messrs. C. and Miss Monday evening bo in charge of home to Exeter Dr. Misener will be held next Sunday on Saturday night reorganized the Club. The fol- CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Stewart KuhnMr Kitchener, spent the week-end the former’s parents Mr. and Harry Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs, Roland Mota I, 'O.f With Mrs, aiid ... 10 bars for 35c. 5 large tins for 25c. each 14c, BIG FIVE CLEANSER............... BON AMI, CAKE OR POWDER RED PITTED CHERRIES IN HEAVY SYRUP......................2 tins for 27c. GEORGIAN BAY APPLES IN GALLON TINS.................................each 25c. NICE LARGE PRUNES ................................................................ 2 lbs. for 19c, SEEDLESS RAISINS, FINEST QUALITY...................................2 lbs. for 23c. GOOD RED SALMON, LARGE TIN .............................................. each 25c. CHALLENGE CORNSTARCH.....................................................2 pkgs, for 15c. SAFETY ROLL CAN OPENERS (ASK TO SEE THEM) ........... each 15c. PURE LARD, ONE POUND PRINTS ................... 2 for 25c. A * + + * PEANUT BUTTER ,,. GOLDEN WAX BEANS RED & WHITE SOUPS ESSEX NO. 4 PEAS .,, . 2 f<?r 21c. . 3 for 23c. REX COFFEE-—FRESHLY GROUND................... Per lb. 49c. CANDY SPECIAL—SATURDAY ONLY—BEST MAPLE BUDS, lb. 34c. / '.. . ..................................... ............... ..............- — . —-— — - — - FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—ORANGES, LEMONS, GRAPE­ FRUIT, LETTUCE, CELERY, RADISH, GREEN ONIONS, COOKING ONIONS, SPINACH, PARSNIPS, CARROTS, CABBAGE, ETC. HARVEY & HARVEY - El ‘‘WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE” IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllillllllllllilH Phone 102 fllllllllllllllllllllllllll daughter Shirley spent a few days the past week with Mr, and Mrs. W. I-Ieatherley in London. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Motz spent Sunday in Goderich Mr. and Mrs.,. David Baird and Mrs. J. Baird spent a few days the past week visiting relatives in Sar­ nia, tjhe. latter remaining for a visit. The Owl Club held a dance and Euciire party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sara Baynham on Tuesday ev­ ening in honor of Mrs. Baynliam’s birthday. On- Friday evening of the past week the Owl Club held a dance and euchre party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bullock. A very jolly time was spent till the wee small hours of the morning. Mr. -and Mrs, Joseph Bullock and daughter Helen attended the Gold­ en Wedding of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Bullock in Greenway on Monday. Mrs.- Elmer Weido, who’ has been confined to her bed for some time is able to be out around a little^ again, • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein son Marvin, of Sharon, spent a days the past week with Mr. Mrs,-. Harry Lewis. - tured and he was seriously injured and passed away Monday. The ac­ count of the accident appears in an­ other column. Mr. A. Gollen and Billie Baitram our enterprising sugar makers, port a record run of sap The members of this congratulated M,r. and Bullock who celebrated en Wedding Anniversary further details will be week, .Mrs. Shefifler, of Detroit, is visit­ ing her mother, Mrs. H. Eggart who is ill. re- this season, community Mrs. Thos. their Gold- on Monday given next DASHWOOD I fir and few and under the direction of Mrs. H. Young THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE and Mrs. H. Eilber, present In-Laws and Outlaws” ■A comedy iix three acts — in — Town Hall, CREDITON on Friday Eve., Mar. 27 Admission Adults 33c. Children 23c. Special Reserved Seat^ 50e. Proceeds for Community Purposes GREENWAY Miss olive Prance, of Winclielsea, visited- with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock last week. We anticipate a splendid immi­ gration to this community when the public’ realizes how famous we are for Golden Weddings. ' Mr. Lawrence Curtis motored to London on Saturday. Miss V'iola Curtis returned with him and visit­ ed hex’ parents over the* week-end.The Y.F.S-. of the United church invite yoxt ------- — evening on Friday, March debate will be the special on the program. The oyster supper at the Mr. E. Hodgins under the of the L. O. L. ening was a splendid success. Mr., and Mrs. Robert Belling en­ tertained the young people last Wed­ nesday evening. Mrs. Waltham and Mrs. R. Eagle- son, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mi's. E. Mason. Mr, Fred Mason, of London, was here last Friday helping care for his father-in-law who continues very ill. When Mr. Mason was returning to London on Saturday his car over- to attend /their social .7tll. A number .home of auspices ,, 219, last Friday ev- Dr. H^H^GdW^t^DiSr/lXDlSr DENTAL subgeon At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, Id Zurich, last three days of week. Messrs. R. Goetz and Geo. Mern- er spent Friday in Goderich. Mrs. S. Smith, of Stratford, is visiting hex* parents Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Kleinstiver a few weeks. Aix Eastei’ Cantata entitled, “Christ Victorious’’ will be given in the Evangelical church on Easter Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stacie, of Zurich, spent Sunday with the former’s nxother Mrs. Stade. Mr.. and Mrs. S. Adams, of Lon­ don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Confirmation services will be conducted in the Lutheran church on Sunday, March 29th morning and evening. Mr.’ and Mrs. Joe Davis, of Exe­ ter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mrs. I. Beaver, of Exeter, visited in this vicinity last week. ’ Mr. Harry Hoffman, Clayton Pfile and Rufus Turnbull, of Grand ■bend, who are menxbei^S of the Hu­ ron ic Mate Chorus attended the big supper at Thames Road church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ische, of New Hamburg ited hex' sister Mrs. Bakei' a days last week. Mrs. Jacob Schroeder spent vis- few the week-end with hex’ daughter in New Hamburg. Miss M. AllenianV Spent the week- ent with hex’ parents ixx Elmira. Mr. at his ELIMVILLE Mrs. Herbert Henderson and son George returned home on Monday after spending a' week with her father Mr. McDonald near Staffs. About thirty-five members, of the Adult Bible Class met at the church on Thursday evening of last week and enjoyed progressive c'rokinole for a few hours. The first run of sap has been very good and several farmers are very busy working at syrup making. ■Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus, of Chis­ elhurst, were callers in the neigh­ borhood last Friday. Mr. Silas Johns, who has spent a few weeks with his daughter. returned with them. Mrs. Ross Taylor" and son .Ken­ neth, of Crediton, are visiting at Mr. Isaac Gower’s. The Mission Band are preparing to give an entertainment in the church on "Good Friday evening, Api'p 3rd. Messrs. Garnet Johns and Frank­ lin Skinnei' were in London last Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Johns, Mrs. Ivoi’ Mor­ gan and Mr. Kenneth Johns spent Tuesday in Goderich with friends. Miss Agnes Logan returned to Mr. Robt. Woods last week) after spending several weeks in. Exeter recuperating from an operation for appendicitis. Her many frjends Here are very pleased to see her make such a quick recovery. The W.M.S*. met at tiie parsonage last Wednesday and spent a pleas­ ant and busy afternoon. One quilt was tied While others served at patches for another. Afterwards the regular meeting was. held with Mrs. Ewart Pym in charge oif the meet­ ing which opened in the usual way. The lesson was read from 1st Col- osians. Twenty members were pre­ sent and .responded to the Roll Cal! by a verse- on “Love”. .Several items of business were brought up .and' discussed. Mrs. Everett Skinnei' read the Devotional- Leaflet, “Lead’ us riot into temptation”. Other leaflets dealing with missionaries in Japan were read by Mrs. Ewart Pym, Mrs. Sherwood Bixxck-, Mrs. F. Delbridge, Mrs H. Foi-d and Mrs. A. Pym. Mrs. Rev. White closed with prayer. G. Keeler spent the week-end home in Mitchell. SHIPKA regular meeting of the Ladiest The Aid will be held at the home of Mrs, Albert Braille on April 1st. A special Easter program is being prepared in the Sunday School for Easter -Sunday, Miss Beatrice Baynham Jias gone to Windsor where she intends to re­ main for some time. Mr. Leslie Adams spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. E. : Sharpe and Mrs John Monday in Sarnia. At time of writing Adali’ is very low. • Mrs. Robt. Richtar to her home in -Sarnia after spend­ ing a week here and Miss Ila Sweit­ zer returned home with her. Mrs. Frank Adams spent the past week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Patterson, of Pott Blake, * I- KIRKTON We are glad to see Mrs. ,S. Batten home agapx after spending the win­ tex* with hex’ friends. There has 'been a good run of sap’ the’ past week. Many of the villag­ ers have' the maples in trout of their places tapped and are treat­ ing th eh* close friends to maple syrup. Russell Brock is carrying his arm in a sling oWjng to an accident he received oxx the ice. Miss L. Hackney, of the Baseline, is visiting with Mrs. S. McHaffy. The spring like weather lias made the roads bad for travelling places the *roads ate bare and other places they will have to ploughed out. Mr, and Mrs. Ira Marshall Miss Thelma Marshall visited Sunday with friends in Granton. Mr. Samuel Shier, of St. Marys, is visiting wjth his son Stewart Shier. Keys, Mr. V. i Sharpe spent Mrs. Robert has returned Some in be xnd on L. j Have your renewed your subscript lion to the Times-Advocate7 j