HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-26, Page 1ESTABLISHED 187?EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 26th, im FIFTY* JWW YEAR ,NO. YOUR NEW GLOVES Fashion Craft Suits EASTER NECKWEAR—Beautiful new tie scarfs in plaids, stripes, in Georgette and Crepe, an assortment of colors. Collar and Cuff Sets in the latest shades and designs. f Silkj Kid, Slip on Chamoisette :$1.00, $1.35, $1.5® a pair Men’s Suits, Spring Coats and Hats COATS- Priced at $11.00, $15.00 up to $23.00 MADE IN GUARDS MODEL, BELTED STYLES OR PLAIN BACK PRICES TO SUIT ALL. LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. Buy Staunton’s Semi-Trimmed Wallpapers ^lUced’atMfi’dni . 10cA to'5Qb» 1-qIL up -yoUi1’ home With a few x’olls of new wallpaper. Prices are lower" this year. Phone and have our sample books^sent Up. .NAVY STRIPES—FANCY WORSTEDS—TWEEDS PRICED AT $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 up to $25.00 ALSO SPECIAL MEASURE SUITS PRICED AT $24.50. LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S NEW SPRING COATS IN ALL THE NEW CLOTHS AND COLORS. COAT FASHIONS FOR 1931 STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF VARIED SLEEVE TRIMMINGS, BELTS AND SCARF COLLARS AND SILK CREPE LININGS. SPECIAL FOR THE EASTER OUTFIT—In Super Silk service weight, ,regular $2.00 for $1.69. People who have worn this hose know the value at the sale price. SPECIAL IN HEMSTITCHED SHEETS A clearing price from the mill, ex­ tra heavy quality, 80x100, $3.95 a pr. ’<C5*5! Spring Boys’ and Juvenile Suits .Made with elastic top golf pants and elastic around the knee. You can get,a large range of colors from us in boys’ suits. .Come,in and look them over. PRICED AT $7.00 UP TO $15.00. COUNTY CLERK RATTED County Clerk- Geo, W, Holman, of Goderich, was presented with a fine new that on Thursday last by the Court House people, the occasion being his birthday, but which one Mr. Holman kept as a secret. The occasion was a. surprise to the gen­ ial county clerk. CONTRACT AWARDED The contract has been let Department of Highways for the 5.05 miles on ‘highway south of Exeter to Messrs. Boss & Brazier, of London, This strip will' complete tbe pavement on highway No. 4 and will give- a paved road from London to Goderich. Brazier -are now making nients to commence work soon as conditions permit. by the paving No. 4, FAST WOOD-CUTTING Boss & arrdnge- just as We have heard of old timers who were experts on the end of a saw, in the old days when there was m,ore .wood to cut than there is at present but we doubt if any of them could set up a record much faster than what 'was done on Saturday last by Messrs. Fred Hogarth and S. » N, Scott in Mr. E. J, Shapton’k bush. They cut a cord and a half of four foot wood out of a tree in minutes. ATTEMPTED ROBBERY forty Around three o’clock Saturday morning some one attempted to en­ ter the store of Southcott Bros, and were- frustrated in the attempt. Mrs. Skelton w!ho resides in the apart­ ments over the store and who had just returned to her home on Fri­ day heard a noise and getting up to investigate she switched on the lights anti ’the burglar who was at­ tempting to enter one of the windows became frightened and tened away. WEIGH THE LOADS ON THE ROADS reai' has- Exe-Traffic Officer Lever was in ter on Friday last checking up on the loads carried by the trucks hic’h- are required to carry only loads at this season of the- year-. Lever carries in his car a neat iratus. which, fits into a -.-.case much larger .than a suitcase, a of scales for weighing tbe loads of trucks right on the road. This apparatus which has been in use for some time- has just now been intro­ duced into this county. ACTIOX DISMISSED GRAND BEND MAN RESULT OF CRASH Injured in a motor car crash near Ailsa Craig on No. 7 highway on Saturday, Fred Mason, Rectory St., London died at 6 p.m, Monday at Victoria Hospital. His spine was fractured. Gordon O, Turnbull, former mayor of Parkhill, driver of th© car, claimed by the police to have caused the wrecking of Mason’s ‘car, was arrested Monday on a charge of criminal negligence, and is out on $5,000 bail', According to the police the Mason car was proceeding along No. 7 high­ way toward London, Mason driving and. Sam Gratton, of Talbot Street, 'London as a passenger. The ear driven by Mr. Turnhull was pro­ ceeding behind that of Mason and as the London car had passed through a snowdrift, attempted to pass. It is believed that the driv­ er of the Parkhill machine cut too sharply in front of Mason’s car strik­ ing the left front wheel of the ma­ chine, The Mason car plunged in­ to the ditch and rolled over twice. Gratton was thrown clear and es­ caped serious injury, but Mason was jammed in his machine. Fred Mason was a native of Grand Bend, born there 5’7 years ago. He* had been a resident of London for the past eight years, being an em­ ployee of the Putherboug'h Con­ struction Company. He was an at­ tendant at Gospel Hall in the city, Surviving, -besides his wffer Mrk Annie Mason, formerly Miss Annie ’ Gratton, are three, daughters, M'rk. Robert Springett, Hyde Park; Miss Mildred and Miss Freda, at home, two sons, Orval and Raymond,, at home, also ,a- granddaughter, Miss Helen Springett. FORMER DIES r DEATH OF MRS. J. BROWNING The death of Mrs. ing, wife of Dr. J. w. BIRTHDAY I'ARTY A birthday Wty for Miss NormA Wilsop, seven-year- -old daughter of" Mr, and Mrs, C, Lr Wilson, was held! at their homo Tuesday when nhonf twenty boys and' girls were roynlly entertained with games and amuse** ments followed by refreshments. <rrf , Saturday, March 21st whs th# first day of spring. A Sacred Pageant “The Challenge of the Cross’7 Will be given &• James St. United Ghurclfc A wonderful and solig- to members of — on mescage in pantonifps* be presented by th® the James St. Missions Circle. A WELC03IE IS EXTENDED TO ALL ‘Treasures of Britiaii* IN MOVING PICTURES TOWN HALL, EXETER on Tuesday, March 31st Under the auspices of the A.Y.P.A. of Trivitt Memorial ChurchJ. W. Brown- W. Browning, one of Ontario’s oldest practicing physicians and who came to Exeter in 1868, occurred shortly after S o’clock Thursday of last week. Mrs. Browning had not' enjoyed 'the best of health for some time. About 10 days previous to her death she was stricken with influenza and made favorable progress until complica­ tions set in. Mrs. Browning was born, in Exe­ ter, daughter of. the -late Mehir Donell and Dorothy Balkwill Donell. Besides her husband, is survived’ by three sons, Dr Harry Browning, of Exeter and P. H. Browning, of Exeter; Earl F. Browning, of Peterboro and three daughters, Mrs. G. A. Hawkins, of Exeter; Mrs. ZO, H. Becker, of New Hamburg and Mrs. J. Mahaffey, of Red Deer, Sask. She also by three- sisters-, McDonell, of Exeter; Dickson, b^'Goderich; Benett, of Saskatoon, Sask., and two brothers, J. E. McDonell, of London and, Charles A. McDonell, of Hen- sal J ^!hQ funeral (private) was held from the family reuscence on ‘Sun­ day at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. J. W. Down owing to the illness of Rev. C. J, Moorhouse, of the Main. St. United Church. Among those present from a distance were. Mrs. A. E. Bennett and daughter Mrs. Greta Kelly, of ■ Saskatoon, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Browning, of Pe­ terborough; Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Becker, of New Hamburg; Mrs. F. W. McDonell,'Mr. and Mrs. L. A|len, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bingham of Pt. Huron; Mr. and MrsXJhas. McDonell, of Hensail; Mr. J. E. Mc- Donell, of London; Mrs, L. I-I. Dick­ son and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Adams,- Mrs. J. M. Adams and Mrs. W. FI. Levett, of London; Mr. and Mrs. F. Sparling, of St, Marys; Mr. Brooks Ptiddicombe and Mr. Robt. Puddi- com.be, of New Hamburg; Miss Xeta Bawden, of Clinton. at 8 p.m. Views of Bonnie Scotland, Rural England, London and views of th& ship- .and St. Lawrence river.' Silver Collection LEGION — ‘BIGGER & BETTER THAN EVER” OLD AND NEW TIME DANCING Will be held in the EXETER OPERA HOUSE is survived Miss Susan Mrs. L. H. Mrs-. A. E. Judgment has been handed out by His Honor Judge Rdss, of St, Thom­ as in the action tried there in Jan­ uary brought by Drs. Lawrence and McKillop, of St. Thomas against Mr. Lewis Aidworth, of Exeter. The plaintiffs, after Mrs. Aidworth had left her husband, gave her medical and surgical attention without first advising him and apparently on her* own credit but after her death in the hospital sued Mr’. Aidworth for a large account. The claim was contested on the ground that a hus­ band is not responsible for his wife’s debts- after she has deserted him without legal cause. His Honor dismissed the claim. H. C. Camer­ on, of St. Thomas, was Counsel for the Plaintiffs and J. G. Stanbury, of Exeter, was Counsel for Mr. worth. on Thursday, March 26th In aid of the Exeter Branch of the "Canadian Legion Music supplied by the Romph Orchestra, of Parkhill Dancing from 9.00 to 2.30 Card Tables Provided Admission, Gents 50c, tax included LADIES PLEASE PROVIDE LUNCH' THE LATE MISS ELLIOT Another of the aged residents of Exeter passed away at her home on Wednesday, March 18th in the per­ son of Miss Marian Elliot, eldest daughter of the late B. V. Elliot- in her 83rd year. T'he deceased had been a resident, of Exeter for over 70 years. Her mother prede­ ceased her sixteen years ago. The deceased js survived by four broth­ ers and two sisters: Ernest of Ex­ eter, Fred of Haileybury, John of' Vancouver; and Herbert, of Yorli- ton, Sask.; and Misses Annie and Edith of town. -She was a member of the Trivitt Memorial church. The funeral, private,-was -held Saturday afternoon from her late residence, to the Exeter cemetbry conducted by R^v. E. L. Vivian. ................. 20c. $1.25 to $2.00 . 75c. to $2.00 . 49 for 10c. .. 50 to 75c. .'i..............98c. .... 98c. .... 15c. t for 39c. .... 20c. . 25 and 50c. . Per lb. 59c. Per'lb. 45c. . Per lb. 65c. Per lb. 75c. Per lb. 75c. 15 c. 25c. ‘ MOP STICKS.................. O’CEDAR MOPS ........... DUSTING MOPS ........... CLOTHES PINS............. WASH BOARDS ........... WASH TUBS, NO. 2 WASH BOILERS........... CARPET BEATERS ... CLOTHES LINES........... WALL PAPER CLEANER .. , O’CEDAR POLISH............. EVER-READY WAX......... WAVERLEY WAX ........... PRINCE OF WALES WAX JOHNSON’S WAX . CHAN WAX ’ ...........‘ STAIR TREADS 7x .. STAIR TREADS, with rubber nosfolg SEE OUR IVORY AND GREEN ENAMELWARE Aid- A New Service To Housekeepers i DEATH After three OF MRS. JOHN HUNKIN STRUCK BY AUTO AND THROWN FROM BUGGY the es- TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 BURIED IN EXETERSISTER PASSES Mrs. J. N. Perkins left Monday ■for London to attend the funeral of Xker 0ett, lett. ’Sier Delaware, following Siess. She- one li old sister, the late Mary Jane Hew* widow of the- late Joseph HeW* Mrs. Hewlett home, Lot 18 died Sunday at Concession 3, a lengthy ill- hen 87 th year.She was in is survived by five sons and daughter. The funeral was Tuesday to Oakland cemetery. , The remains of the late Mrs. Clara J. Dyer, widow of the late Edwin E. Dyer, were brought.to Exeter Wed­ nesday for interment in the Exeter cemetery -beside those of her late husband who predeceased her about six months. The{ deceased is vived by three sisters and two thcrs, Mrs. D. Davis, Exeter; Edith Walter of Brantford and ■Carrie Dyer, of Toronto; Daniel Dyer of -Syracuse, N. Y.» and Charles Dyer, of Tornillo. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer left Exeter at the time- of the Verity Plow Co. moved to Brantford. sur- brO- Mrs. Miss The ladies of Caven church hold a successful cooking sale in Grigg’s station dry noon and •amounte'd store on Saturday after- evening The proceeds to $25.00. I M.’S, Hector Taylor is confined to I her h.:mo through illness. an ilness extending about mouths Mrs. John Hunkin' passed away at her home in Exeter on Saturday afternoon at the age of 47 years, 11 months and 28 days1 Mrs. Hunkin’s maiden name was El- mina Mary Ellis Cann, bejng a daughter of the late Thos. Cann. She was horn on the sixth, concess­ ion of Usborne, north of the Thames Road church and silent all her life in this community. Besides her be­ reaved husband sh^/fs survived by three daughters anfr* Lewis Davey,, oUstep Miss Gladys, Vt Londi Robena at home, Mr. S. J. V Cann, of Exeter funeral took place -from the- home on Tuesday afternoon conducted by , Rev Rev. duet and in the Exeter cemetery., bearers were Messrs. Wm Orville Cann, Roland Williams, N. Hu nk fn Cahn; ed the funeral from a distance were Mr and Mrs. George R. Ferguson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford, of London, Mr and Mrs. Thos. gusou, of Seaforth; and Mr -Mrs. ‘Howard Knoll, of Clinton, one son; Mrs. itephen township;- London, Elmer and also one brother. The D. McTavish and J. B. Rhodes. An was sung by Mr Mrs Geo. Williams, assisted by appropriate . McTavish Interment The pall- Passmore Jas. Anderson, Carman Amongst those who attend- Per- and Mr. John Ford, caretaker of Exeter cemetery, had a narrow cape Friday evening of last week when t'he buggy in which he was riding was struck from the rear by a motorist driving at a fast rate of speed. Mr. Ford was driving north on Main, street and was going down the hill north of Caven church when the speeding -car ran into him, Mr. Fond was thrown a distance of sev­ eral feet and the buggy was practic­ ally demolished. The horse ran for several rods and was captured. Mr. Ford received several lacerations to big forehead while tile muscles of his baoki and shoulclor were badly bruised. Fortunately no bones were broken. I-Ie" office of Dr. juries were which struck I American cai’ and after striking the I buggy the driver of the’ear lost con­ trol and the car climbed a four foot embankment in front of Mrs. Willis’ home and then going down the em­ bankment became lodged in a snow’ bank in the ditch and had to be as­ sisted out, As there were no eye­ witnesses to the accident the driver of the stalled car stated that he was meeting the buggy and another car and in an effort to avoid hitting either of them took to the ditch While the car that had hit Mr.- Ford sped away. Unfortunately the num­ ber of the American car was mU taken. —go—«—Miu ■ Mr Chas. Genttner, wno has been in t'he employ of.Mr. H, C. Rivers butcher, has secured a position in London and expects to move to that city shortly. t was removed to the Dunlop where his in­ attended to. The car Mr. Ford was a large I When your Silverware gets tar­ nished just wrap it up in a basket . and bring it to S. B. Taylor, Jeweller and- we will clean it up for y-ou with quick service at very moderate cost and -save you a half day of house cleaning. • S. B. Taylor JEWELLER, EXETER PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE AND BOX SOCIAL 5 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF L. O. L. 924, EXETER — IN THE — OPERA HOUSE, EXETER, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st EUCHRE TO START AT 8 p.m. SHARP LIBERAL PRIZES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN See Prize for Fanciest Box: in W. E. Middletdn’s south window This is the First Euchre and Box Social held in Exeter for some titnd. Come and bring a friend. Ladies please provide boxesGents 35 cents b*. E ■