HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-19, Page 8THURSDAY* MARCH 19th, 1031 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATB A New Service To Housekeepers When your silverware gets tar- nishecl just wrap it up in a basket and bring it to 8- B. Taylor, Jeweller* and we will clean at up for you. with <j,ulek service at very moderate east and save you a half day of house cleaning, 4 S. B. Taylor JEWELLER, EXETER Exeter Markets Wheat 65c. Oats 34c. Barley, 30c. Bran $1.15 . • ■ Shorts $1.10; $20,00. a ton Low G-ra.de Flour $145 Welcome Flour $2.40 Model Flour $2.60 aianitoba Flour $2.70 Creamery Butter, 36c. Dairy Butter 26 and 27c, Eggs, extras ISC. Eggs, firsts 15c. Eggs, seconds 1.2c. locals _ [ ' The Ladies of Caven church -are holding’-a sale of home-cooking Sat. March 21st at Grigg’s Stationery, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ref. J. Bernard Rhodes, M, A, Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.-—“Talk or Action” 7 p.m.—“The Intention of his Soul* Thursday at 8 .m. our mid-w^ek service in the church. Mars Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 20th and 21st ‘The Girl Said No’ Another Haines- Mirthquake with an all star cast William Haines, King of Laughs Polly Moran & Marie Dressier the comedy team Leila Hyanes & Francis Bushman Mickey Mouse Cartoon Grantland Rice Sport Reel COMING AT AN EARLY DATE CHARLIE CHAPLIN -in — ‘CITY LIGHTS J Gentlemen's Suits cleaned for $1.00. from March 18th to 28th.—C, L. Wilson, agent. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. MbTayish, Pastor W- R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—Rev. .James Anthony, ai.A., of Thames Road. Subject: “An Opportunity and- a1 Peril.” p.m,—Special Catechumen Class, p.m.-—Rev. James Anthony, M.A. Subject; “A Testing.” 11 3 7 This is Chaplin’s first picture in three years. A comedy romance in pantomine. It is- heralded ias the sensation of the day. PHIL-CO RADIO—We have two Mr. James Morley is in Toronto this week .on business. .Mrs*. J. iS Grant has been visiting for several days in Glencoe Mr. Wnr. Brock, of Zion, is con­ fined- 'to his- bed through illness. Mrs. T. G. Crech spent Sunday Mrs. T. G. Creech spent Sunday Stratford. Mr. Ted Wethey, of London, visit­ ed with his father in town over the week-end. Mr. Thos. Willis-, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his wi’fe and family in town. Mrs. Rd. Murphy returned last week after visiting for a,month in Wyoming and Sarnia. Mrs. Alsip, and son Lee, of Toron­ to, are visiting with the former’s aunt, Mrs. A. S. Davis. Sirs. Frank Rice, of Brantford, is visiting for a week with hei’ parents Mr. and airs. Thos. Jones. airs-. W. W. Taman .spent week-end in Sarnia visiting with sister airs. W. T. Goodison. the her LIAUXU-------VV12 umu HIV.- machines that have been slightly Mrs. W. F. Abbott and daughter i j ... ___m_____________________ ‘__IX/Tt- n rlused as demonstrators. Big reduc­ tions, Long easy terms.—SANDY ELLIOT, Ford and Philco. FOR SALE—A number of Here­ ford bull calves, pure bred, from 9 months up; also a quantity of Mar­ quis Spring Wheat. Apply to John Hirtzel, R. R. No. 1, Crediton. FOR -SALE—Colossal white man­ gel seed, government test 100 per cent germination. Wm. Brickwood, Hay P. O, 3-19-3tp. FOR SALE—Small seed $1.00 -a bushel. .* Apply EL R. R, 3, Exeter. peas at J.. Fym, ltc. The, “L. M. C., World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual” has returned, to policyholders for the past 18 con­ secutive years 25 % or more of an­ nual, premium.—Ernest C. Harvey, Insurance office Main Street., FOR SALE— Good strong wagon, for single or double, as new.—W. F. Abbott. farm Good Eleanor are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve in Forest. Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, spent' the week-end- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mr. Wm. Somerville, who been seriously ill at his rooms in the Snell Block is improving nicely. Mrs. Wm. Westcott, of Seaforth, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook;, of town. Mrs. Walters returned to Brant­ ford, Tuesday after visiting fo.r over a week with Davis. Mrs. J. W. been seriously week is still in a very critical con­ dition. Mrs. Jas. McIntyre, who -recently underwent an operation for append­ icitis in St. Joseph’s don, returned to her day last. Mr. Mat Doyle, o,E her sister, Browning, ill during has has Hospital, Lon- liome on Fri- Showing a wonderful range of clothes in grey and blues blue or brown stripes tweeds in a wide variety of patterns ' These are made to your order and are exceptional values. Let : us take your order for Easter. Suit $22.00; Suit with extra i pants $27.00.___________ ■______ SILK BLOOMERS 3 dozen only Silk Bloomers in maize, nile, while, orchid and peach. This is an extra special at per pair 59c. 300 YARDS OF PRINTS These are mill ends and range in length from 1 to 4 yards. Some are worth 35c. a yard. Yow will do well to secure some of these at The hulless oats have arrived. Just the feed for young pigs and chick­ ens. Give them a trial. They'are. like porridge meal when rolled. ! We carry a full stock of Oil Cake, Meat Scraps, Bone Meal, Tankage, Oyster Shell, Grit, Lay Mash, Calf Meal, Bran, Shorts, Low Grade and' real Flour for bread. Manitoba’s Best Fleur will win you.—-HARVEY. BROS. Mr. Mat Doyle, o,f London, form­ erly of McGillivray Twp., who many years as been buyer for Harris Abbiator, has resigned position. Mr. Clyde Heywood, who for past three years has Mr. L. V. Hogarth’s farm, for the his the been renting conces­ sion 3, Stephen, has this week mov- on the Water- Mr. and Spring time is the time to buy us­ ed cars. A splendid selection to choose from at the Ford Garage.— Sandy Elliot. Place your order with J. S. Dig- nan & Son for Invincible Wire Fenc­ ing and gates. Bring your harrows in early. 2-19-tfc. If you wish to buy or sell a farm or house,see R. E. Pickard, Exeter. --• r.L.:. .. . , POULTRY' WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices. Trucks will call. Phone 30, Dash­ wood, C. Anderson. ... ......— __ ______ __ j Mrs. Fre'd Green, of Exeter'North is seriously il-1 at her home. Miss Logan, who. has been recup­ erating from a recent operation fdr appendicitis' at Dr. Fletcher’s pital, is expected, to return to home ill U-slborne this week. “ The HuTOilia Male Chorus broadcast two numbers from .CJGC “ London on Monday evening March 30th during the Monday Night Club Hour, commencing at 11 p.m. hos- her will of a MISSION BAND TEA < The Busy Bee Mission Band Caven Presbyterian church held very successful tea on Thursday af- .. ternoon of last week under the lead­ ership of Mrs, Rhodes. A delight­ ful program was put on by the chil­ dren and. thoroughly enjoyed by their grown-up friends who attend­ ed in considerable numbers, Miss , Betty Baynham and Miss Pliiilippa Harness gave clever recitations and Master Richard Stanbury in costume sang “Jesus Love Me” In the Chin­ ese language. Mrs. Rhodes told a story in her usual charming manner. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader Rev. F. W- Storey a returned Missionary from Central America will occupy the pulpit. 3 p.m.—Oui* church school, 7.30 Thursday Prayer service which is being looked after by the Session. ed into Mr. Smith’s house Lake Road. Mrs. Etta H. Lapum, of town, N. Y., who visited with Mrs. J. T. Miners during the past, week, left on Monday to spend a few days with relatives in fore returning home. Mrs. W. D. Sanders for Detroit, where her Wareing is undergoing Toronto be- left Monday mother Mrs. an operation for inward goitre at Highland Hospital on Wednesday, ers will remain with her. Mr, Ted Taman, who with the Canadian Bank mere© at Arkona, is holidayin. three weeks at ,hjg home here. Ml’S-. Park San- been Com- g for .He has received word 'that he is to re- *pbrt at -Forest following his holidays, Mrs. St. Thomas, of Lindsay, was in Exeter over the week-end visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Hennes­ sey. Mrs. St. Thomas brought her grandson, Master Jack ' Hennessey, homo after visiting for a few weeks, Workmen have been clearing off what -was left of the ice on the pave­ ment through the business. part of the, Main St, The dust has been blowings in places. Outside of town the cutters and sleiglis are running On the concessions. Mrs. E, L. Vivian returned to the Trivitt Memorial Rectory after visit­ ing for some timein Woodstock where her sister Miss Hilda Quinton Underwent an operation, in the hos­ pital there. Her sister and her mother Mrs. W. Quinton, of Walter’s Fall’s returned to Exeter with them, Mr. Wm. Rivers, who has been ill in Di*. Fletcher’s Hospital for sever­ al weeks returned to' his home on Thursday last. Mt. Rivers was taken ill while visiting in Buffalo last November. From Buffalo he came to Hamilton to visit with his daughter Mrs. !J. .. Routledge and while in Hamilton was taken to the hospital and was later brought to Exeter, His daughter, Mrs. Chas. Way/of St; Thomas, is at present caring for lita, has of PER YARD 20c. . NEW CHINTZ 5 only new patterns splendid for Com­ forters, Curtains and Draperies. Good col­ ors and patterns PER YARD 25c. TWO YARD WIDE SHEETING You will need some of this now and bleach it during- the frosty weather. The lowest price we have had in years VERY SPECIAL AT PER YARD 45c. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul CIioir-Leader, Sir. Middlemiss . i 5th Sunday iii Lent —Morning Prayer* •Subject:. “The Man Jesus Would Not Answer.” 3 11 a.m.- 7 p.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class p.m.—Evensong •Subject: ‘The Message to Ephesus’ Don’t forget the big dance in.the Opera House on Thursday night EXETER COUNCIL Monday, March 16, 1931 A regular meeting of the Municip­ al Council was held in the Town Hall with all members present. The minutes of the meeting held March 2nd were read and approved. A circular lettei* from the office; of the A. E. Wilson Co., Ltd.,' Tor­ onto. Asking for' the names of the officials under bond and the amounts of each. Ordered filed. The following accounts were read and -ordered paid: Russell Moore, la­ bor $1.00; Thos. Elliott, labor 50c.; James Haggit, labor $1.00; Norman McDonald labor $1.00; Fred Bloom­ field, .snowplowing $7.00; William Johns, ditto $5.00; W. T. Gillespie, cartage, fire dept. 35c.; W. J. Beer, supplies mis. $3.35; Southcott Bros, supplies charity, Moore $2.5 0; Sid­ ney Davis, supplies $1.40, Haggit $1.40, $4.20;-Jones & May, ity Moore $2.97, Brooks 5 6c., $6/35; supplies charity Haggit 92c., Brooks $2.43, $3.35; Grant’s Bakery, sup­ plies, charity Brooks 32c.; C. L. Wil­ son, supplies,'charity, Brooks $1.71; H. Bierling, supplies, charity, Stire $14.25; H- C. Rivers, meat, charity, Moore GOc., Stire $1.00, Brooks 40c., $2.00. Passed on motion of Rowcliffe and Rivers and carried. Adjournment. Jos. -Senior, Clerk ” charity Moore Brooks. $1.40, supplies, char- Haggit $2.82, Frank Coates, i New Coats for Misses and Women New numbers are being added each week. The prices too are much lower than other years. We are showing some love­ ly numbers in tweeds that are very reasonably priced. Come in and look them over. BOYS’ ALL WOOL JERSEY SUITS These are lovely little suits for boys for Spring. They are all wool and come in 2-3-4 year sizes PRICED AT $1.50 MEN’S ALL WOOL CHEVIOT COAT A nice fine weight, all wool Men’s Sweater Coats good for this season of the year. Sizes 36 to '44. GOOD VALUE AT EACH $2.50 Grocery Specials for ONE Week Only Fine Table Salt, bulk.........10 lbs. for 25c. Corn Syrup, regular 7c. for ....................5c. Alymer Tomatoes, large tin............... 11c. Pineaple Sliced in Syrup...........2 for 25c. Large Jar Sweet Mixed Pickles.........48c, Large tin Canned Apples .......... 25c. Good Table Carrots 10 lbs. for 25c. Good Oatmeal......................7 lbs. for 25c. Raspberry jam ................ 40 oz. jar 43c. Strawberry Jam .‘..................40 oz. jar 43c.' Try our own Blend Tea, special .... 42c. Southcott Bros Flowers for Easter —Lilies in Pots —Carnations —Tulips —-Daffodils —'Sweet Peas —Roses. Let us have your order early. Prices will be lower Reduction Sale on all store merchandise Powell’s Variety Store ■nmnackraxxMmncaKacMn air. John Taylor, of- the Tire Shop, who has been ill past week, is still confined bed but is improving. Mr. Thos, Pryde, D. D G. South Huron District A. F. & A. ai. will pay his official visit to Clinton Lodge, Clanton, on Friday evening of this week. Taylor for the to his M., of- 5 Tuesday was St. Patilulo’s Day and the- Shamrock was in evidence. Miss Ella Shapton is confined to h.ei' bed with the flu but is improv­ ing. Master Borden Sanders, who has been ill for sometime, is improving nicely. Misses X[ai’garet Martin and- Mar­ jorie Cbm plin were in Toronto over the week-end. Miss Lillian Ford, of Detroit, is spending this week with her parents Mr. ’and Mrs. W. J Ford. James Street Young People are presenting their play “Paying the Fiddler” this Wednesday evening at Brinsley. Mrs. Alvin Passmore, of the Thames Road, lias been receiving treatment at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital and- is improving. The many friends of Mrs. John Hunkin will, regret to know that she is seriously pneumonia, came home evening. ■ Mr. T. H. a former prominent resident of Exe- ter, has been seriously ill during the past week. will hope to covery. Mr. and have returned! home after visiting in Darlington where they attended the golden wedding anniversary of the former’s; brother, Mr. Louis Par­ sons. They also visited for some time in Os-hawa. TRANSFERRED TO GUELPH Mr. Lloyd Baynham, of the local C. N. R. staff has 'been transferred to the Guelph Junction where he will act as assistant operator. He left for his new duties on Monday. Mr. Baynham came to Exeter thir­ teen years ago and one year later Was united in marriage with Miss Philippa Harness of town. He has been a valued member of the Caven church choir and Sunday School or­ chestra and. was at one time a mem­ ber of the Exeter band. He has just’ recently passed through the chairs of the I.O.O.F. Mrs. Bayn- ham and daughter Betty will -remain in Exeter for a time. The best wishes of many friends will go with them. W. R. GOULOING ill at her home with Miss Gladys from London McCallum, of Hunkin Tuesday London His many friends here hear of his speedy re- Mrs. wamuel Parsons A. T. C. Mt. a Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church ' Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St Bdx 57, Phone 192 EXETER. ONT. DOROTHY E. GRASSICK A. L. C. M. (Honor Graduate) London* England Instruction in Piano* .Violin, Harmony* Theory Studio N. Albert Street. Box 1G0 EXETER* ONTARIO PRICED AT PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. 4 The New Spring Suitings and Topcoatings have arrived Rich, pure wool fabrics, iety . . . tailored to your any of latest plain shoulder two button co; standing. We these fine “Clothes of Quality' by the Berger Tailoring Company. Remember, you can order flowers at the last moment, but how is the time to order your new Easter suit and top­ coat. n wide var- measure in styles—with roped or with one button or ;. The values are out- heartily recommend made “Clothes of Quality sold exclusively by Hogarth Hatchery WE HAVE A CONTEST ON THIS YEAR— $15.00 first prize; $10.00 second prize; one hundred of Purity Flour third prize Ask for information and entry form when you buy feed or chicks I We have for sale in baby chicks: Barred Rocks* White Wyandottes, Minorcas, White Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants. Place your order in advance if you do not went to be disap­ pointed. We are Sold out till March 30. April orders ate coming infast. Custom hatching 4c. per egg* Phone us and reserve space if you desire same. . -• " vu.‘ ,. » ■ ; * * ** * - * Pioneer Chick Mash (starter) $3.25. Chick Feed $2.50; Cod Liver Oil $1.25 per gallon; Oyster Shell $1.35 per cwt; Grit $1.25 per cwt.; Semi-Solid Butter milk; Battermilk Pow­ der; Alfalfa Meal; Bone Meal; Charcoal attd Lay Mash* .■