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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-19, Page 5
Announcement I THE EXETER TIMES»ADVQCATE CREDITON THIWAY, MARCH 10th, 1»3C !W (S' ’ We have taken over the Chevrolet car and truck agency in ^Xensall and will be pleased to give you any information wo can re- / giarding the mechanism of these cars, as my mechanic has just re turned from the factory at Qshawa where he has received instruc- tiq'ns along these lines. , Although we have taken over the Chevrolet agency we wish > to Mate to- the Chrysler and Plymouth car owners that you will re ceive the same consideration and service as before, as we have a large stock- of genuine Chrysler parts on hand. We will also ser vice Chevrolet’ cars in future,. We specialize in honing and fitting new pistons in all makes of cars. We also specialize on hydraulic brake adjustments which requires knowledge and experience; also valve grinding and tappet adjusting, Now is the time to get your engine and valves looked over, It will save you money next summer,< • ' We also keep the leading brands and sizes of tires and acces sories, gas, oil and greases. Passmore & Sons Phone, Day 31 Night 47 SHINGLES! Special prices for March and April XXXXX B. C, SHINGLES y The Best Grade of Shingles $145 a Bunch 3 bunches to square . ALSO ANOTHER XXXXX v SHINGLE at $1.00 a bunch 3 bunches to square TThese prices are for cash only. A. Spencer & HENSALL of Health was held on Tuesday ev ening' all members being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of BHatclvford and Moir, Dr. Moir discussed the medical inspection, of the school children al so the inoculation against d-iptheria. It was moved, by N, Blatchford and seconded by O. Geiger that Dr. Moil* inspect the school children at a suitable date. Mr. Blatchforcl, Health Inspector, reported everything dn a good sani tary condition. It was moved- by N. Blatchford, and seconded by Dr. Moir that Geiger be chairman for 1931. The meeting closed on motion 0. Geiger and Dr. Moir. HENSALL SCHOOL REPORT 0. of -g!"1 ■■-.L..21L1 ■ !’. ■' L-Sgg DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, ' HENSALL, ONT. Telephone 106* Main Street MWMil Il llWil IIHI 11 1 — Mrs. A, -Scruton .spent a day in Dopdon recently. . Mr. Harold Scruton, of Pt. Dover, was home for the week-end. Mrs. Bertram North is confined to her home through illness. Mr. Jack Farquhar spent a few vdays- with friends in Hillsgreen." Mr. and JVIrs, Wm. Foster spent Saturday .visiting friends in Exeter. ■^'Ml Harold Appleton, of Exeter, .spent the- week-end with htis m-other iere. . The many friends of Miss Mattie- Ellis will be’sorry to hear she con tinues . to be very poorly. Mr. Allan McDonell took part in Jjoxing tournament put on in Exeter 4m Saturday evening last. , Mr. and Mrs. Young and family of Ann Ailbor, Mich., were-.visitors at' the home of Mr. Wm. Fee. Mrs. Fred Smallacombe, Guelph, is visiting' her sister, Miss Mattie Ellis, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Kennedy left last wpek for- Toronto aftei* spend ing a few days with friends here. The many friends of Mrs. Andrew Dougall are sorry to hear she is ■confined to her home through ill- mess. Mrs. L. .Simpson returned to’ her liome in Detroit last week after a tew,.weeks visit with , her mother MrsFR. Bonthron. - Mrs. Cox-worth who has been Spending the winter months with her .-daughter, Mrs. A. -Scrunton has- re turned to her home in Petrolia, . The; W. M. S. of the Unit.ed church intend hold-ingi a birthday party in the basement of the church oil Fri day afternoon. An interesting fea- ture will be a talk by Miss. Annie Qonsitt on her visit to the Passion ■Flay while on Iler visit' to Europe. ■, 'Mr. E'dAVar’d Sheffer received word last week of the. death of pis .sister Mrs* Clark, of Sault St.-Matie. Mrs. Dlark was a former resident of Stan* ley and was in her 90th’ year. This is the second death in the family -sfiuring the 14st few weeks, A brother •leaving died about three weeks ago. The Young People- of the United fchurch held their meeting on Mon- -day evening last with -a large atten- .‘flance present. After the devotion- sal exercises an Irish program was given consisting of selections by Mr. Hyde and his Trio; solos, Mr.' L. JSheriit, readings MiSs Elva Shad- 41-ocki and the topic by Mr. Henry JHortOii Which were much enjoyed by call. Word was received in the village, mn Tuesday of the dec th of Mrs. QPPank Blatchford of Exeter early Tuesday morning after an attack of. gmeumohia, Mr. and- Mrs, Blatcli* Tord were, residents of Hensail for Tourteoti years, Mr. Blatchford con- iducting'a blacksmith business here. After leaving here they farmed in Dsboriie for about 28 years -and- for Ihis last; fifteen years have been liv- •Jn Exeter, Messrs. Alexander and Andrew Buchanan were brothers of the deceased. Board of Health .The regular meeting of the Board Report’ of. Heusall Public School for January and February. Room 1, Sr, IV-rNorman Sinclair 82, Dorothy Drummond 74.5; Minnie Sangster 73, Ruth Coles 72.5, Mil- dried Follick 71, Harvey Hudson 69, Irene .Smale 65, Olive Brock 63.a, Annie Huiser 63.5, Ross Mclllroy 63 Kathryn Drysdale 62, Harold Higgins 61. Jr. IV—Annie Carlisle 82, Bill Glenn 71’, Orville Hedden 70.5, Dor othy McQueen 70, George Pearce 68,- Olive Lemmon. 67, Mary Little 64, Margaret Kennings 63, Isobel .Snun- dercock 61, Myrma Hudson 61, Gladys gaundercock 5 8.5, Kenneth Manns 5 8, Harold Bonthron 54. Number bn roll 25; average at tendance 24.25. C. H. Blowes, teacher Room 2, -Sr. Ill—Ronald Peck .79, Loretta Bell 77, Jean Foster 71, Ivan Kipfer 67, Nellie Fee 65, Dorothy Dataris 64, Robert Drysdale 61. Jr. Ill—-Irene Hoskin 77, Herbert Drum mond 74, May Wolf 69, .Margaret Sepherd 69, Kenneth Passmore 63, Mona 'Glenn 62, Edna. Sa,undercock 62, Ruth Bell 61, David Sangster 5 9, Harold Wellard 59, Irma Kipfer 54. Keith Buchanan 31. .Sr. II—-Elva McQueen 84, M'ary C'l-ark 84, Jack Coles 76, Barbara Shepherd 75, Max Hudson 74,’Alice Pfaff 73, Douglas Sangster 70, Russell Hedden 70, L. Brock 64, Herman Wolf 44, M. A. Ellis, teacher ;. Mr. and- Edgar -wuerthi M .Zurich,. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth, Mr, and -Mrs. Everett Haist and daughter, of Zurich, visited on Sun day with the former’s parents Ml and Mrs. Fred Haist; Ml Wellington Haist and Mr, Ev erett .Haist, of Zurich, motored' to Harbour Beach, Mich., last’ Thurs day, Ml and Mrs. Fred Haist re turned home with them on Saturday, We are pleased to report that ML Haist is doing nicely since bls , accident. He will be confined to his home for awhile but hope he will soon be about again, The Young People’s Society -of the United church did not go to James Street, Exeter, Monday evening ow ing to the conditions of the roads but expect to go next Monday. The two weeks of special Lenten -Services held .at the Evangelical church came- to a close Sunday ev ening although Lent continues until Easter. Rev. W, E. Beese, of Tav istock gave efficient service-, four ev enings last week. There were a num ber .of decisions for the Christian life and the Christians themselves somewhat revived. Home religion was very much emphasized and we trust that the Family Altar League has increased in numbers, The en tire services also conveyed the idea that Protestants might apply them selves more earnestly to self-denial and prayer, especially appropriate during the season of commemoration like Lent; Good Friday and Easter. How much superior that is to feast ing, dancing and other ■ (amusements-. May not protestants everywhere rise a little higher in spiritual welfare and church loyalty, The Workers’ Council holds an important’ meeting this week. After the Thursday evening prayer meet ing is dismissed the council will meet at the parsonage. A social half- hour follows the business session. A slate of S. S. officers will be- nom inated and- the -S, g. election follows Sunday morning. The large Dorcas. S. S. class will have their election of officers next Sunday in connection, with their pri vate session. Clinton Morlock has installed a battery charger in the basement of his brother’s shoe .store and is now In- a position to -’charge as high as 16 batteries at one-time-. Jr. II—-Elaine Peck 75, Norma Cook 74, George Sangster 71, Gerald Passmore 6-2, Ray Foster 51, Audrey Twitchell 5<1, Laird Hudson. 49, Billy Higgins 48, Shirley Twitchell 41, * Cecil Kipfer 25. Jr. I—June Saun- dercobk 9.2, .Preston Lemmon 71, Madeline' Landgehem 80, :;,Doris Pearce 66, John -Shepherd 65, Billy Coles 56. Primer (A.)—Jas. Camp bell 87, Carey Joynt 87, Ronald Par ker; 70, »Mary Goodwin 62, *HoWard Love 56, ■‘‘■Carl Datars 42, Howard Smale 40. Primer (B)—Emily Hos kins 82, Raymond Higgins 62, James Clark 56, ’-'Norris McEwan 57, Mar garet .Sangster 51, Bobby Hess 48, **Donald Joynt 43, ’’'Donald Williard 31. * Asterisk's denotes examinations missed’.' ' ' ’ A. E. Consitt, teacher hymn. Hymn. Powe, Hymn. ‘Fruits Af- The monthly meeting of the AV. M. S. was held in the basement of the church* on March 10th. The de votional exercises were led' by Mrs. E.’ Wilson, opening with a Mrs. E. Wilson led in prayer. Papers were- read by Mrs H Mrs. R. Smith, Miss Davey. The talk oh the study bo'ok of Christian Mission? in Japan ter singing th© Doxology the meet ing was closed with prayer -by Mrs. H. Heil. The Society observed the World’s Day of Prayer. They held a com bined meeting with the Y. P. 8. The different sections of program was led with Mrs.. Robb first leader. Other leaders were Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. J. Essery, Mrs. Skelton, Mrs’. Beniwardem Miss Davey. Prayers were offered by several members of the society there was a good attend ance at this meeting, ? Mrs. Bruce- Mitchell* who 1ms been confined to her home through illness with the flu for several weeks is somewhat improved. liilarious 5ll THE,WOMEN’S INSTITUTE under the direction of Mrs. H. Young and Mrs. H. Eilbet; present • • A comedy in three ’acts — in — Town Hall, CREDITON on Friday Eve., Mar. 27 Adinissicdi Adults 35c. Children 25e. Special Reserved Seats 50c. Proceeds for Community Purposes Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days o£ week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last throe days of week. Mr. and Mrs,' E. Bender, of Blyth, visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V. Schatz for a few days. Mrs. Godkin, who was c-alled home owing to th© serious -illness of her mother Mrs, Baker returned to her home- in Vancouver on Monday. Miss Selma Radei* underwent an operation for tonsils on Friday. Rev. A. W, -Sauer is spending ffew days in Rodney this week, ‘Mr. H. M, Willerl is moving into Mr. P. Mclsaac’s- house this week, ‘ Messrs. Addison Tiernan ahd Ver non Schatz' spent Tuesday in London on business. a Holt spent who winter has re of chain RED & WHITE stores.IB Imm wW W w ■ ■ I' -w fcw will . ff—— i..i j|i.iii|>l> GET YOUR COAL OIL AT HARVEY’S, Red & White Store, per gallon 20c. HANDY AMMONIA MOTHER’S BABY SOAP 2 pkgs, for 15c. 3 cakps fqr l^c. -- —.—_— --------------- -------■: .— -------------- CASCADE, FANCY PINK SALMON ............................ , 2 tins for 25p, McCORMICK’3 WAXTITE 5ODAS in Jb, package .2 for ?9p. PERRIN’S ECONOMY COOKIES, very nice . per lb. 18c. QXYDOL, LARGE PKG, 21c, each CROWN TEA per lb. 39$. Best CREAMERY BUTTER per lb, 34c. READY-CUT MACARONI 2 lbs. for 15c,- JEWEL SHORTENING 2 lbs. for 25c, J NICE FRESH DATES 3 lbs* for 21c. De Luxe JELLY POWDERS 5 for 25c.SESt GOLD MEDAL SWEET MIXED PICKLES......... GOLD MEDAL JAM, Raspberry or Strawberry KOLONA COFFEE, freshly ground, .................... :■ Red & White Naptha Soap .. 10 bars 37c. : Gold Spray Cheese............. per lb. 29c. .. . 30 oz. jar 43c. , .40 oz. jar 41c. .... .per lb. 29c. I Sweet Juicy Oranges . , Nice Juicy Grapefruit, , per doz, 20c. .. 4 for 25c. CANDY SPECIAL, Saturday only, best assorted chocolates .... per lb. 39c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—-ORANGES, BANANAS, GRAPEFRUIT, LETTUCE, CELERY, RADISHES, GREEN ONIONS, COOKING ONIONS, SPINACH, PARSNIPS, CARROTS, CABBAGE, TURNIPS, ETC. —i HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 Ill EXETER, ONT. ‘WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE” We Deliver illII!iiiliTS WHALEN Mrs. Parkinson has returned to • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holt' and daugh ter Enid and Mrs. J. W. the week-end in Sarnia. Miss- Maibel Turnbull, been in Sarnia for the turned home last week. Mr. and Mrs-. Delbert' Jones, London, paid .a visit to their cottage on Sunday, Miss Bulah Holt* who had been in Windsor since- last August, re turned home on Sunday. Mrs. W« P. Lovie is spending a Week visiting friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oliver Spent Sunday nyith Mrs. Ellen Desjardins. Mr. and Mrs. John Mousseau and Ella returned home Saturday a two weeks’1 visit in Exeter Hensail. Miss Marjorie Patterson has to work ill Sarnia for a tew months. after and gone A wise husband makes his wife do what she wants td do; Mr. Wm. Murray has engaged with Mr. Nelson Coultis for this year Mr. Sam Bowers with Mt, Franklin Skinner and Mr. -Syd. Murray with Mr, Sherwood Brock. Communion service was held last -Sunday at the morning! service The members of the choir were very pleasantly entertained at the parsonage- last Friday evening. Miss Ina Ford w-as confined t’o the house last week suffering from an infected tooth. Mrs. Nelson Brock, of Stephen, js .in attendance upon Mrs. Bruce hooper. We are pleased to report that spe is gradually improving. ’* • Mr. and Mrs. White, of Goderich, visited recently at the parsonage with the former’s brother and wife' • Re.v., and Mrs. L. C. White. * Mrs. Westbn Horne spent a week with her mother Mrs. Whiteford in Exeter. , ... The St. Marys road is again open for mo-tor traffic. Some of the. con cessions are passable -also,’ KIRKTON Mrs. S, McHai’tfy had the misfor tune to fall and hurt her ankle. We 1 her home in St. Marys, having spen$ hope to see her around again soon. ;j several days with hei* sisters, Mrs. At a meeting of the directors of Millson and Miss Lucy Gunning. the Kirkton Horticultural Society! Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter, held in Kirkton on Tuesday, March 'spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. F. 10th it was decided that if any or j Squire. the churches in the district served an(^ Mrs. Nelson Squire, of by this society wished to- beautify (Farquhar spent Tuesday with Mr. their grounds they could on appli- .and Mrs. E. Squire. cation to the- society receive a grant | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker were vis- of shrubs up t-o the value of $5.00 itors on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. providing that the church would buy j-Thos. Gunning. from the .-Society or elsewhere of 'an |; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, Ml equal value to the grant made. The and Mrs. Geo. Squire and family al- Society will also donate 2 shrubs to ’’so Ml and Mrs. F. Squire and fam- any of the schools in the district Jiy spent Saturday at the home 'of who care to apply for same. The Nelson Squire, Farquhar. membership of the kirkton Society; The Misses Elva and ,Reta,.Mor* is showing a steady growth. The .jey. spent Tuesday with their friends premium lists are nearly all receiv- .Evelyn and Alula Parkinson. ed and it is hoped that the first o£( Miss Evelyn Pariinson is s,p.end. the spring orders will be .sent, away ,jng a Week with her aunt Mrs. Har- .in a few days. It looks a§, if the very Parkinson of life Sth ’line of | society were going to have a very .-gianshard ’busy season, <J' Mrs. Geo. Squire spent Friday ■with- Mrs. Orville Gann of Thames Road, MisS Florence Brock, of Zion, is Miss Beatrice Baynham who has spending a few days with her aunt, been away for two months has re- Mrs, Th-os. Gunning who has been, turned home to visit with her fath- confined .to her bed. [' Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates, of near Exeter spent Tuesday with Mr. and- Mrs. F. Squire. : Mrs Delbrid.g'e of Winchelsea, was visiting at the home of her brother, Brooks, the* pa’st week. Brooks, of Detroit'^ his father, Mr. Wm., SHIPKA Congratulations are due Mr. and ’ ei.( Mr. ip. Baynham. Mrs.'Robt. Robinson whd .celebrated their sixty-fourth anniversary ■ of their wedding on Friday last Mar. -13th. Not many couples are privi leged t-o. enjoy so many years married life. THAMES ROAD of ofThe regular monthly meeting the W. M. S. was held at the. home of Mrs. (Rev.) Anthony on Friday afternoon, March 13th with a good attendance. The meeting was open ed by singing hymn 399 followed by the scripture lesson read by the president Mrs. John Gann and prayer by Miss Helen Monteith. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and approved and the roll Call which was answered by a verse of scripture. -Some items of busi ness- were transacted. * Two letters from the past president Mrs. Robert Kydd were rehd^ thanking the so ciety for their gift to her also- to the flower committee for. their kind ly visit' and gift of wult. Mrs. Alli- "sOii and hei* group then took’ charge of the meeting. The following’ladies ghve very interesting short papers. ‘Mrs. Rhode on Missions; Mrs. Wise man on A Recreation Holiday; Miss Monteith and Mrs. Thompson a i short dialogue also papers by Miss Robinson and Mrs. Morgan, After singing hymn number 494 the meet ing was- closed by all repeating the Lord’s Prayer, followed by hour over teacups. a happy Thames at the The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup per will be held in the United Church -on anarch 29th. .Last day in grame ed the Mrs. Sunday was Temperance the Siunday School. A pro- was. given and several sign- Pledge. Wm. Mason, Gerald amd Ila. of Dashwood, visited friends in l^ie, community on Sunday last. Mrs. Robt. Richtar, of Sarnia, Was. called home last Thursday ‘owing to the illness of her mother Mrs? J. Gower, who is confined to her bed with pleurisy. Her uvien-ds hope she may soon be well again. Mrs. Hotson, who has been confin ed to her ibed for the past week is improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mellon and. fam- ily, of Detroit, called at th© home of Mr. A. Finkbeiner last Saturday. \ The last reports” 'of* • Miss • Alma- Ratz? wh.o i$ in .St; Joseph Hospital ; a$ Mr. Wm Mr. Maurice is visiting with Brooks. ■ ' Mr. And Mrs. day in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. . d Mi'A-'h. days with ham. F. Squire spent Mon-* Squire spent’ a cpuple of Mrs, A. Hern, of Wood- i WHALEN W. M. S. state that -she is getting ' along well as qan be expected. * GREENWAY has Mr. F. Gratton, who has spent the winter with his daughter Mrs.' J. Hotson has -been very seri-onsly ill for a week with heart trouble. All the members of his family have been visiting him. Miss D. Mason and Miss Topping spent the week-end in London. Mrs. H. Carruthers, of Sarnia been visiting Mrs,-.- a, Gollen. The members of this community extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Mellen Sr., who- cele brated their golden anniversary last Saturday. There was a family gath ering in honor of the event.. We are pleased to report Mr. Jas. Luther quite recovered from the ill health he suffered during the early part of the winter. Last' Sunday at the close of the church school in the United church The Mission Circle of the Road United -Church met homo of Miss Alma Etherington on Saturday, March 14. The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by the devotional exorcises, taken by Miss Jessie Montioth. After tile minutes of last meeting were read and the Treasurer’s report was given, Mrs. ‘F. Seers took charge- of the meeting Mrs. Anthony very ably gave the topic for the day, followed by a solo by Miss Marjorie Etherlngton, Two!Rev, S. J. Maters presented, cortifi- Contests were enjoyed by all and the i cates to Mrs. E. Stewardson and Miss, closing hymn was sung after which I Lois Brown and Manuel Curls who all repea,tod the Mizpah Bon ediction 1 successfully passed the examinations A dainty lunch was then served by j held on the Teacher Training Course the committee in charge. TheiMarch meeting of the Whalen- W. M. S. was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John-’ Hodgson, with 28 members and 3 visitors present. Mrs. Frank Gun ning'was j.n the chair. The meet ing opened with, hymh; 182 and pray er by Mrs.‘ Will Hodgson, Mrs. A., {Gunning and Mrs. Harvey Squire.- Mrs. John Hazelwood read the Scripture Lesson. The devotional leaflet “Thine is the kingdom, the power and’tlie'glory, for ever-and ever. Amen” was read by Mrs. W. Hodgson. The following heralds re sponded; Japan, Edna Squire; China Bertha Batten; India, Ruth Morley; Africa, Elsie Gunning; Temperance Mrs. M. Gunning; Home Missions, Mrs. M. Johnson. Interesting read ings were read by Miss Will Brooke “If Ye Keep in Memory”; Mrs. W*' Morley, “The Joy of Sacrifice”?’ Mrs, to-ry. Mrs. ing. time George Squire, “Mite Box His-* *’ Hymn 186 and prayer by* J. Hazelewood closed the meet'-* Tea was served and a social; was spent. Goderich has collected $1*6,384.Id in arrears of taxes since December 15 th, leaving a balance of arrears at $26,-659.59. I) j recently. Congratulations. HERE IT IS AGAIN Sybilla’s Spahr’s remedy tor treat ing every form of cough, colds,- throat and tonsil diseases, good re sults oi' money, back. Try his won- dorfnl remedy. Exeter and Honsall Druggists, *