The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-12, Page 4..4•11mi• TAMMY, 11Mc1 12, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE • r • S FIINqLES: WE. ARC EXPECTING A CAR LOAD OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. SHINGLES TO ARRIVE SHORTLY, AND ARE OFFERING A VERY AT, TRACTIVE PRICE ON THESE IF TAKEN OFF THE CAR, IF YOU CONTEMPLATE DOING ANY SHINQUNG THIS SPRING WE CAN sAvg YOU SOME MONEY AND GIVE YOU A REAL GRADE OF SHINGLES. WE BUY ONLY FROM THE LARGER MILLS ON THE COAST AND CONSEQUENTLY GET A BETTER GRADING THAN FROM SOME OF THE OTHER MILLS, THESE SHINGLES ARE ALL TAKEN FROM NUMBER ONE SHINGLE LOGS AND ARE ALL HAND INSPECTED TWICE BEFORE BEING PACKED, THEREBY ASSURING YOU 100 per" cent. EDGE GRAIN, 100 per cent, CLEAR and 100 per cent. HEART. GET IN TOUCH WITH US BEFORE YOU'BUY AS WE FEEL WE CAN SAVE YOU ,MONEY. Exeter Lumber Company, Ltd. PHONE 48 #0tA0-1AAAAOWNOVVVVVV4,940404MMARAnney4nr. IINONIP• ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock en- tertained. a large number of friends teat Friday night. The evening was pent in social converse and (lane - Quite a number a neighbors gath- .ered at Mr. Nelson Coultis last Tharsday afternoon and. cut up quite supply of wood for him. .Mr. Lewis•Woods, of Loudon, spent several days recently visiting with Itis father Mr. Rl'obt. Woods; also arenewing acquaintances in the neigh- torhood. Mr. Walter Lidston enjoyed a few kolidays last week and has since engaged. with Mr. Wesley Johns tor "kis second year. The heavy snowfall of Saturday has given new life to• the sleighing and tied up motor traffic forusome days. No doubt about the truth of the old adage re ground -hog day this year anyway, as we are .certainly Slaving our six weeks more of win- ter but it has been a fine one as *egards weather at least. since become a bride, and a resident of our neighborhood. Miss Perkins. was showed. to a seat of honr in the parlor while Mrs. John Brock play- ed Lohnegrin's Bridal Chorus, after which little Misses Ethelene and Ei- lene Johns drew in a wagon loaded dawn with niany articles useful and ornamental and presented. them to Miss Perkins while there were many More piled conveniently near her 'chair. Mrs. (Rev.) White then spoke a few words of welcome and explanation to the birde-elect after which Miss Perkins read thenamea attached to'each gift and they were passed around the room. After the inspection was completed Miss Pei kills in is very neat little speech thanked the donors for their thoughtfulness and generosity also expressing surnrise at what had taken place, The remainder of the evening was silent in social chat and singing also 'disposing of a de- licious lunch. This is the third shower this winter in4this neighbor- hood, we wonder who will be the next. There are several rumors. On Tuesday evening of last week alr. and Mrs. Richard Johns were kost and hostess to about forty reople, mostly of the fair sex, mem- lers of the Mission •Circle and im- anediate neighbors, when they inet to tender a miscellaneous shower to ZIlss .Elizabeth Perkins, who has_ Mrs. Bruce Cooper who has been under the doctor's care for several weeks has ;been ordered by him to bake her bed for a few .weeks rest'. Her many friends sincerely hope that she will be much improved by the rest and that it will restore lier to her usual health again. Mr. Fred Johns, of Birr, visited at his 'home over the week -end. • 41, Dr. Wood's Noritay PItie Syrup Pneumonia Left Her With a Terrible Cough Mrs. A. W. POwer, 581 Sane St., Tormit9, Ont., write "Eight years itgo I had a very serious i1Iness 1 bad e bad attack of pleurisy and pneumonia and Wats Six month in bed. This illness left nie with a terrible cough, X tried several cough medicines, but they did not stem te have ally effeet. Ona day ray inother brought me hornet bottle of Dr. Wood's Nortvity Pino Syrup, and after X had taken several more 1 noticed nky •0„ough gradually leaving ina, Since that time if ever my husband and children, or myself, have bad colds 1 always get 'Dr, Price 35 beats bottle; large family size, 65 cents int dI divg and general storm. Quite a number of the tamers around here attended. the IConfer'-. ence and Demonstration held aly the Ford Motor Co. in Exeter on Tues- day. Mr. Garnet Wilson visited in Lon- don recently with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Ogden. About sixty of . young people from Kirlaton -visited our local Y. P. S. last Monday •evening and proyid- ed a splendid program tatter Which games were played and lunch serv- ed. A good social evening was en- joyed by all present. a A very quiet wedding was sol- emnized at the parsonage on Mon- day when Miss Elizabeth Perkins became the bride of Mr. Ivor Mor- .gan. Theceremony was performed by Rev. L. D. White. They were attended by the latter'a brotherhi- law and sister Mr. and 'Mrs. Leon- ard Harris, of Farquhar. The bride was becomingly attired in a lovely dress of rose-biege georgette. A. re- ception was held at the home of Mr. and IVIrS. Harris in the evening when a dainty wedding dinner was served. Mrs. Morgan has been in this coun- try about a year and a half While Mr. Morgan has been out here four -years. Both came from England, They have taken up their residence. this week in Mr. Clarice Snell's house recently vaoated by Mi. „Chas. Upshall. MO Morgan has engaged, to work for Mr. Chas, Johns. Their many friends extend to them their best wishes. GRAND BEND Mr. Eddie Gill and Mr. Joe Baker spent Sunday hi •Sarnia. Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Manore en- tertained the Owl .Club to a very enjoyable time. The funeral of Bessie Statton, lit- tle daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Statton, ct Sarnia, was held here on Tuesday .last. . Mr. Merton Dewey and his mother Mrs. Wm. DeWey and daughter Kath- lene and ter husband of Northern Ontario, visited for a few days here last week. ,Mr. Leh Tuttel and Miss Mary Lofland, of Detroit, spent the week with' Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild. An east wind caused the fisher- men a little excitement when the ice left veryclose to shore. They had to launch a row -boat and cross the span of water to get on the ice again and get their nets, Nearly all of the nets were saved. Miss Edith Lovie is spending a few days with her aunt MrS. 3. W. Holt. IMr. and Mrs. :gathers, of London, visited at the home of Mr. Cyrus Green on Tnesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Disjardine Are Visiting friends in Chatham for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. W. B Oliver return- ed home Sunday after a. month or so in St. Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Chileton; of •Kitehen- er, are spending a few days With Mr. and MrS. Rini& Ravelle, ; Xt. and Mrs. Prime BOsSenberrY, of Forest called en friends on,Sat- urday on their way to attend the funeral•of his uncle Mr. ;Joe Rau, of Drysdale; which was held Monday morning last at 10 .otclock, in!. and Mrs, John Moussou and little daughter are 'visiting friends in Exeter, Hensall and Kippen. Miss Irene 0111, Who spent a 'Week • It London with her sister returned home on Sunday, . 3Virs. Stebbins, who underwent an operation In a London HoSpitat re- turned home Friday and is doing tine according to the; last report, Mr. Peter Eisenbaeh has his sem mill twining every day and expects to complete the cut in Mardi, the earliest forr quite a OW Yeara. SUCCESSPUli DIMEONSTRATION A very successful power farming, conference with moving pictures Was held Tuesday at the Ford G'arae and In the afternoon at Mail 'Theatre, The theatre'w.44 filled and some very Interesting pictures that .delightec3. those present were thrown upon the screen, DIED J CAlapowsu, Word has been received in Exeter that .another former residenA had Passed •away at Las on Thursday, February 26th in the person Of Mary LoUisn Thomas, wi- dow of the late John E. Clarke. Her death .was due to pneumonia, Mr. Clarke et one time conducted a gen- eral store in Exeter in the building. now owned. by S. Martin &.Son, About thirty years .ego they left for Winnipeg where they resided. for a number of years inter moving to, California. The deceased. died. at: the home of .her younger •datughter Mrs. McGee, She 14 survived by one son and two gliters, DeWm.• Clarke, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Mc- Gee, all rof California, USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal .Council of the Township tot Usborne met at the. Township Hall, Elimville, on March 7th, 1931 in its regular meeting. All the mentbers were present. • The minutes of the •ineeting of February 7th were read and approv- ed on motion of Shier -Dew. Correspondence—Acknowledgements from Thos. McMillan, M.P. and HoF. R. J. Manion of petition forwarded re C. N. R. Directorate, •County Engineer's letter re Coun- ty portion' of Municipal Drains. Westcott-Shier: That the 'correction be; made. to the County. Carried. • Notice from Provincial Highway Department of the amount, viz: 14186.74r due the Township for the grant oi Expenditure on Highways. Westoott:Williams: That Henry Ford's wages for 1931 he 30e. an hour for time employed as Township Rd. Superintendent. The Dourt of Revision an the Scott Drain No. 2 Assessment was called, the members each subscrib- ing to the necessary 'declaration. No. appeals having been received, the By-law No. 3, 1931 Was finally passed •on motion of Williams -Dew and the Court closed. The Branch B Drain Report •was read, considered at the .stated hour and provisionally adopted on motion of Williams-Westeott. That a By- law be printed and served on the assessed parties and that a.Coureof Revision for the assessment be held on April 4th, 1931 at 3 p.m. Dew-Shier—That the Township of piddulph be notified . to forward. the Biddulph assessment on the Ellinville Drain. Carried. The Treasurer's Report, receipts, Fullarton Twp. portion of Usborne- Fullarton Bdy. Acct. $82.95; High - Way Grant on Rod Expenditure $4186.71; •County portion Municipal Drain $59.28; .Casit received froia ratepayers. for crushed stone $12.48. Bills by Williams-Westcott: 'Wickwire Press, By-laws Scott Drain No. 2, $•8.00;' T. Roy Patter- son, County Engineer, correction on Municipal Drain account $4.66; The Times -Advocate, balance Municipal Printing for 1930 $64.25; Times - Advocate, Municipal Supplies from Man. World $51.90; Win. Essery, refund error on dog tax $2.00; W. L. SWitzer, Treasurer, Blanshard Twp., Vaborne share Anderson Dr. No. 2 repair $28.60; Clinton .9weet, Secretary -Treasurer, S. S. No. 4, Levy $110.00; Luther Reynolds, se- tretary=Treasurer S. B. No. 1, Levy $100.00. 'Carried Council adjourned to meet on Sat- urday, April 4t, 1931, at 1 Pam Henry Strang, Clerk. ZION. ' The regular monthly meeting of the "MM.& was held at the home of the president Mrs. Melville Hein on Thursday afternoon March 5th, with a good atten.dance. The first vice- president, (Rev.) Mrs, White had charge of the meeting. The meet- ing was opened .by singing the Dox- ology followed -1,tith the Lord's pray- er in unison. After singing hymn 4 Rev. 'Mr. White led in'prayer. The Scripture lesson, Gal. ,Chap. 9 vers. 2-9-14 were read bY Miss D. Brock, Duett by„Misses Hazel and Myrtle Earl and the minutes of the last meeting were read and. approved. Some items of blisiness were trans- acted. A letter from Mrs. Herman Kyle was read thanking the auxil- iary for flowers sent at the time •of her -recent bereavement also for a card of 'isympathy—A letter Of thanks from Mies Vivian Brook 'was read thanking the auxiliary for the flowers sent her •during her illness. The heralds for (japan; 'tome, and chlint are asked to report at the next meeting. The devotional leaf - Int, "Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory" was read by. Mrs. Warren troelt. The singing of lignin 186 was •fellowed by a number or sentence prayers, /lie, study. leafleta were taken by the leader, Mrs. White; first speaker Mrs. Hato Old Hero; second .speaker, 1Virs. W, Prock; third: speaker, Um J. Johns; fourth, Miss Myrtle. Earl. A,fter! singing 1tyinit 368 the Meeting was closed by repeating the Mizpah bane; diction, Ci.,4EARING AUCTION SALE' CHOICE HORSES, -GATT LE AND DITCKWHEAT on Lot 11, TownlIne Fullerton .ain.d Rlanshard, 1.14 miles. north of And- erson, of TITURSPAY, DTARPII 19tli Sbi montlis:' 'credit WM, STEPIIDNS, Proprietor. MoNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers cROMARTY The,..afarch meeting of the W.M,S, was 'held on Thursday last at the home Of Mrs. Archie Luxton, Statta, with a large attendanCe. Mrs. Thos. Oliver presiding. The meeting open- ed by singing 11=11;5199 and prayer by the president, The roll call top- ic for the -day being a selection from the Psalms. The. scripture reading for the day was given by lifts. Wm. McLaren, The devotional part was taken by Mrs. Jas. 'Scott and Mrs. Duncan MCKellar.'71VIrs-Richard Mc - `Gill read the portion of the ,Study Book for the day, A. very interesting Paper, "Choice of Subject" was read by aVIrs. 'Stewart Robertson being part of the life work of David Liv- ingstone in 'Africa especially in the younger part of his married life; also a selectionfrom the ,Glad Tid- ings- by Mrs. .Quance giving a fine description of the work of the Ce- celia Jeffery %School, a few minutes was devoted to the business part of the society- after iwhich the meeting was closed by singing hymn 606 and the Lord's prayer in unison.. Mrs, Rev. Rogers, is at present visiting at the home of her parents aarte.MAsryp.r. ejnding a couple of -weeks os. Spears and daughter Ada iting with Mr. ,Speare's son Lorne at Harriston. Mrs. W‘eltzmani of Niagara, is at -present with her mother and father Mr. and Mra.•Donald McKellar. Mrs. McKellar not being well for ..sOrne time,f Messrs. Thos. and Jack Hoggarth shipped twenty head of tfine fat cattle .on Friday averaging at the rate of fifteen hundred apiece; al- so a half dozen fine head' were ship= ped by the Butler boys also averag- ing aboat the seine weight. • KHIVA We are sorry to report that Miss Alnia -Ratz, who is in St. Joseph's hospital is not progressing as well as her many •friends 'would like to see. Mrs: J. Hanover entertaineda few, of her friends to a quilting bee last Friday. Mr. and. Mrs. Sean Thompson,. of Kippen, visited last Wednesday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neel): Miss M. Knight spent the weekend at.her home near •Strathroy. Mrs. G. McDonald of the Thames Read spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. • Miss„ Tena McCann and „Master C. McCann is visiting in Detroit at the 'present time. Report of the Khiva. SchcOl. Following is the Ehiva School re- port for the month. of February: - Sr, IV—Monica Dietrich 74; Jean Willert 73.3; idene Flyun 60.5. 3r. IV,—Reta Ratz 67.9; Hilda Neeb 61.1; Laura Regier 56.8; Er- vin Ratz 54.7; Gladys Kenney 43.1; Kenneth Mason 40.7. Sr. HI—Eva Glanville 58.2; Vi- ehael 'McGee 55.1; Marie Regier 51.9. jr. III—Leona McCann 70.9; Lu- cille Dietrich 49,3; Abigail Flynn 47.1; Sydney Neeb 46.5; Pearl Ken- ney 43.2; Grace Willert 41.7. ' 2nd class—Marie Ziler 6'3.2; Jean Kenney 60,1; StephenGlanville 59".1 Dora Glanville 58.8; Jerome Regier 57.7; Evelyn Mason 54.5; Harvey Neeb 47.1; Gertrude Ratz 42.4. lst—Mary Davey 76,8; Ward Neeb 71.7; Roy Kenney 64; Helen Schenk 61:2; Fred Glanville 53; El - ;deli Davey 42.6. * Pr. Sr.—Joe McCann 81.5; 'Leo Riegier 69.2; Charles Dinney 62.2. jr. Pr.—Lawrence Floyd 78.2. Number on roll 38; -average at- tendance 36.1. A. M. Knight, teacher EDEN SCHOOL REPORT The ;following is the report of S. S. No. 4, lIsborne. Sr. IV—Irene ;Sweet 82; Arnold Ford 76; Dorothy Kerslake 72; Beu- lah. Skinner 62; n6b Roam), Sr, III—Everard Miller 76, Allen tusvell 67, Elsie Reid 61, "Oarrol Quinton 54. Jr. III—Harold Kerslake 81, D. Whiting 62, Melville Rumen 43. Sr. Liotton 88, Marie Buswell 76, *Toni Raveney 68, Al - put Skinner 60. (Jr. II—*Wilite Prawn 76, Gretta Webber 74, Iteg. pord 57, ;Stanley Whiting 86. Si'. Pr. Donald Emery 80. Pr—DonaId 'Whiting 85, Hazel BusWeli 80, Elwyn Kerslake 70. * Means that the pupil has inlased One er more examinations. Elsie Gentlity, Teacher, AUCTION SALE mustaior.40 vairoms 'rue, undersigned b4i received .14,4.* •structions to sell by public anctient• on Andrew .Street, Exeter, QX.4. $..3.13:11P4X0 MB(iU 21, 1931 at 1,30 .o'clock the following velti,-„. able .nousehold 3 ;bedroom suites, iprings and. mattresses; 2 extension tables; rug:, 10 by 18- feet; 2',sideboards, 2 bed rome carpets, 6 chairs, perforate.d. bottoms, 6 kitchen chairs, 4 rocking:, chairs, 2 easy -chairs, 2 centre tableSp, book case, pictures, eoalheat-. er, wood heater, range„ coal 4:0,r 'wood; . .eight-day clock„ •coal oil heater, 3 - burner -coal oil ,stove with even;. lounge, wardrabe, sewing machine,. Raymond; carpet sweeper, eroltinole., board, washing machine, lawn MOwt. er, top buggy, set single. 'harne$S,.. cutter,. buffalo robe, buggy Tug, two. horse blankets, garden tools, ear4 Penter tools and other articles too' numerous to mention. TEPAIS OF SALt —CASH ' Executors of the Estate of the late Robert Kerslake, Frank Taylor Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE ,• • FARM STOCK AND IMPLIOIENTS: The undersigned has received ino. .struetions to sell by public auetlon,. at Lot 5, (on. 14, McGillivray Twp.. 4:01.1 . THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1931. at 1 o'cloela sharp the following; HORSES --4 grey horses; .greY,• mare; hay mare. 0.A.TTLE—Cow; yearling steer yearling heifer; calf. POULTRY -40 hens, ' IMPLEMENTS—Cream separator;' buggy," rubber tire; cutterwagon,, -fertilizer drill, disc, sleigh, harrow, - gang plow, set single harness, set team harness. 3 tons hay, straw. TERMS • $10.00 and' under, cash; over that. amount six anonths credit will tre. given on furnishing. tapproved Joint notes with a 'discount of 5 per cent. per 'annum off for eash. J. F. McCarthy, Estate Frank Taylor, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re THOMAS McOURDY. late of the- Tewnship of Hibbert, in the Dom. ty Of''Perthl Fariae:, deceased. •CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav- ing claims against tne estate of the said deceased are required to send/ full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, on or before:- the 21st day of March, 1931, after which date the Executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said estate, haying regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been, given. Dated this 11th 'day of March 1931. CARL G & MORLEY, Exeter' Solicitors for Executors. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all .creditors and others ha-ving claims against the estate of HER -- MAN 'KYLE, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron,. Farmer, who died On the twenty-- sixth day af February.A. D., 19311, are required to forward' their claims duly 'proven to the undersigned on or before the thirtieth day •of March: A. D., 1931. . AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutrix Will proCeed to distribute the. estate having wegard 'only to the- ncloatiliene,sOf 'which she' then shall have' • DATED AT EXETER, Ontario,. this seventh day of -March, A. D.,. 1931. GLADMAN & ISTANBURY • Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executrix - NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOT/CE /S HEREBY GIVEN that,. all creditors and .others having claims against the estate of ELIZA. JANE SHErsErtD,4 late of the Tewno. ship of 'Tuckersmith, in the Countt Of Huron, Married Woman, who, died on the twelfth day of February. A.D.; 1930, are- required to forward claims dilly proven to the tin- dersigned an or before the twenty. - third day of March A.D., 1981, AND NobricE IS FURTHER GIV-. EN' that after the said date the Exe- entors will proceed to distribute the. estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall haVe. notice. DATED at Exwrmt, Ont, thtt4. third day of IVrarelt A,D., 1981. OLADUA.N & STANDURY Exeter and Kensall Executors' Soliciteni• Distance will WA quite a bit OZ enchantment to winter. Veit Ivlio don't pay aS they go- hail- tt hard Limo .Monr. • it1 • 4 ,1 • I tt Value far above, the Price" ti 1 l'- 4 I , i ' „,..------ -4 '.-- '''''. : ./ '''''-:, " ..,`--1-*-N•-•--,a-1-...._.,/ t iori 1.,///////stk THE NEW FORD TUDOR Tms new Ford Tudor Sedan brings you irant or need in a motor comfort, speed, power, ease reliability and long life: Its smart performance make it a rvalue Cali or telqhone for demonstration: SANDY ELLIOT "The Home of the Ford" Phone 64, _v,.,.. -;•A •4,,17.' ama0- ' . ,., SEDAN you everything car—beauty, safety, of control, economy, style and good far above the price.' • ......44,,,,cr.. e."... ,, .....iim=pmen.m... • 41, Dr. Wood's Noritay PItie Syrup Pneumonia Left Her With a Terrible Cough Mrs. A. W. POwer, 581 Sane St., Tormit9, Ont., write "Eight years itgo I had a very serious i1Iness 1 bad e bad attack of pleurisy and pneumonia and Wats Six month in bed. This illness left nie with a terrible cough, X tried several cough medicines, but they did not stem te have ally effeet. Ona day ray inother brought me hornet bottle of Dr. Wood's Nortvity Pino Syrup, and after X had taken several more 1 noticed nky •0„ough gradually leaving ina, Since that time if ever my husband and children, or myself, have bad colds 1 always get 'Dr, Price 35 beats bottle; large family size, 65 cents int dI divg and general storm. Quite a number of the tamers around here attended. the IConfer'-. ence and Demonstration held aly the Ford Motor Co. in Exeter on Tues- day. Mr. Garnet Wilson visited in Lon- don recently with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Ogden. About sixty of . young people from Kirlaton -visited our local Y. P. S. last Monday •evening and proyid- ed a splendid program tatter Which games were played and lunch serv- ed. A good social evening was en- joyed by all present. a A very quiet wedding was sol- emnized at the parsonage on Mon- day when Miss Elizabeth Perkins became the bride of Mr. Ivor Mor- .gan. Theceremony was performed by Rev. L. D. White. They were attended by the latter'a brotherhi- law and sister Mr. and 'Mrs. Leon- ard Harris, of Farquhar. The bride was becomingly attired in a lovely dress of rose-biege georgette. A. re- ception was held at the home of Mr. and IVIrS. Harris in the evening when a dainty wedding dinner was served. Mrs. Morgan has been in this coun- try about a year and a half While Mr. Morgan has been out here four -years. Both came from England, They have taken up their residence. this week in Mr. Clarice Snell's house recently vaoated by Mi. „Chas. Upshall. MO Morgan has engaged, to work for Mr. Chas, Johns. Their many friends extend to them their best wishes. GRAND BEND Mr. Eddie Gill and Mr. Joe Baker spent Sunday hi •Sarnia. Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Manore en- tertained the Owl .Club to a very enjoyable time. The funeral of Bessie Statton, lit- tle daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Statton, ct Sarnia, was held here on Tuesday .last. . Mr. Merton Dewey and his mother Mrs. Wm. DeWey and daughter Kath- lene and ter husband of Northern Ontario, visited for a few days here last week. ,Mr. Leh Tuttel and Miss Mary Lofland, of Detroit, spent the week with' Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild. An east wind caused the fisher- men a little excitement when the ice left veryclose to shore. They had to launch a row -boat and cross the span of water to get on the ice again and get their nets, Nearly all of the nets were saved. Miss Edith Lovie is spending a few days with her aunt MrS. 3. W. Holt. IMr. and Mrs. :gathers, of London, visited at the home of Mr. Cyrus Green on Tnesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Disjardine Are Visiting friends in Chatham for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. W. B Oliver return- ed home Sunday after a. month or so in St. Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Chileton; of •Kitehen- er, are spending a few days With Mr. and MrS. Rini& Ravelle, ; Xt. and Mrs. Prime BOsSenberrY, of Forest called en friends on,Sat- urday on their way to attend the funeral•of his uncle Mr. ;Joe Rau, of Drysdale; which was held Monday morning last at 10 .otclock, in!. and Mrs, John Moussou and little daughter are 'visiting friends in Exeter, Hensall and Kippen. Miss Irene 0111, Who spent a 'Week • It London with her sister returned home on Sunday, . 3Virs. Stebbins, who underwent an operation In a London HoSpitat re- turned home Friday and is doing tine according to the; last report, Mr. Peter Eisenbaeh has his sem mill twining every day and expects to complete the cut in Mardi, the earliest forr quite a OW Yeara. SUCCESSPUli DIMEONSTRATION A very successful power farming, conference with moving pictures Was held Tuesday at the Ford G'arae and In the afternoon at Mail 'Theatre, The theatre'w.44 filled and some very Interesting pictures that .delightec3. those present were thrown upon the screen, DIED J CAlapowsu, Word has been received in Exeter that .another former residenA had Passed •away at Las on Thursday, February 26th in the person Of Mary LoUisn Thomas, wi- dow of the late John E. Clarke. Her death .was due to pneumonia, Mr. Clarke et one time conducted a gen- eral store in Exeter in the building. now owned. by S. Martin &.Son, About thirty years .ego they left for Winnipeg where they resided. for a number of years inter moving to, California. The deceased. died. at: the home of .her younger •datughter Mrs. McGee, She 14 survived by one son and two gliters, DeWm.• Clarke, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Mc- Gee, all rof California, USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal .Council of the Township tot Usborne met at the. Township Hall, Elimville, on March 7th, 1931 in its regular meeting. All the mentbers were present. • The minutes of the •ineeting of February 7th were read and approv- ed on motion of Shier -Dew. Correspondence—Acknowledgements from Thos. McMillan, M.P. and HoF. R. J. Manion of petition forwarded re C. N. R. Directorate, •County Engineer's letter re Coun- ty portion' of Municipal Drains. Westcott-Shier: That the 'correction be; made. to the County. Carried. • Notice from Provincial Highway Department of the amount, viz: 14186.74r due the Township for the grant oi Expenditure on Highways. Westoott:Williams: That Henry Ford's wages for 1931 he 30e. an hour for time employed as Township Rd. Superintendent. The Dourt of Revision an the Scott Drain No. 2 Assessment was called, the members each subscrib- ing to the necessary 'declaration. No. appeals having been received, the By-law No. 3, 1931 Was finally passed •on motion of Williams -Dew and the Court closed. The Branch B Drain Report •was read, considered at the .stated hour and provisionally adopted on motion of Williams-Westeott. That a By- law be printed and served on the assessed parties and that a.Coureof Revision for the assessment be held on April 4th, 1931 at 3 p.m. Dew-Shier—That the Township of piddulph be notified . to forward. the Biddulph assessment on the Ellinville Drain. Carried. The Treasurer's Report, receipts, Fullarton Twp. portion of Usborne- Fullarton Bdy. Acct. $82.95; High - Way Grant on Rod Expenditure $4186.71; •County portion Municipal Drain $59.28; .Casit received froia ratepayers. for crushed stone $12.48. Bills by Williams-Westcott: 'Wickwire Press, By-laws Scott Drain No. 2, $•8.00;' T. Roy Patter- son, County Engineer, correction on Municipal Drain account $4.66; The Times -Advocate, balance Municipal Printing for 1930 $64.25; Times - Advocate, Municipal Supplies from Man. World $51.90; Win. Essery, refund error on dog tax $2.00; W. L. SWitzer, Treasurer, Blanshard Twp., Vaborne share Anderson Dr. No. 2 repair $28.60; Clinton .9weet, Secretary -Treasurer, S. S. No. 4, Levy $110.00; Luther Reynolds, se- tretary=Treasurer S. B. No. 1, Levy $100.00. 'Carried Council adjourned to meet on Sat- urday, April 4t, 1931, at 1 Pam Henry Strang, Clerk. ZION. ' The regular monthly meeting of the "MM.& was held at the home of the president Mrs. Melville Hein on Thursday afternoon March 5th, with a good atten.dance. The first vice- president, (Rev.) Mrs, White had charge of the meeting. The meet- ing was opened .by singing the Dox- ology followed -1,tith the Lord's pray- er in unison. After singing hymn 4 Rev. 'Mr. White led in'prayer. The Scripture lesson, Gal. ,Chap. 9 vers. 2-9-14 were read bY Miss D. Brock, Duett by„Misses Hazel and Myrtle Earl and the minutes of the last meeting were read and. approved. Some items of blisiness were trans- acted. A letter from Mrs. Herman Kyle was read thanking the auxil- iary for flowers sent at the time •of her -recent bereavement also for a card of 'isympathy—A letter Of thanks from Mies Vivian Brook 'was read thanking the auxiliary for the flowers sent her •during her illness. The heralds for (japan; 'tome, and chlint are asked to report at the next meeting. The devotional leaf - Int, "Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory" was read by. Mrs. Warren troelt. The singing of lignin 186 was •fellowed by a number or sentence prayers, /lie, study. leafleta were taken by the leader, Mrs. White; first speaker Mrs. Hato Old Hero; second .speaker, 1Virs. W, Prock; third: speaker, Um J. Johns; fourth, Miss Myrtle. Earl. A,fter! singing 1tyinit 368 the Meeting was closed by repeating the Mizpah bane; diction, Ci.,4EARING AUCTION SALE' CHOICE HORSES, -GATT LE AND DITCKWHEAT on Lot 11, TownlIne Fullerton .ain.d Rlanshard, 1.14 miles. north of And- erson, of TITURSPAY, DTARPII 19tli Sbi montlis:' 'credit WM, STEPIIDNS, Proprietor. MoNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers cROMARTY The,..afarch meeting of the W.M,S, was 'held on Thursday last at the home Of Mrs. Archie Luxton, Statta, with a large attendanCe. Mrs. Thos. Oliver presiding. The meeting open- ed by singing 11=11;5199 and prayer by the president, The roll call top- ic for the -day being a selection from the Psalms. The. scripture reading for the day was given by lifts. Wm. McLaren, The devotional part was taken by Mrs. Jas. 'Scott and Mrs. Duncan MCKellar.'71VIrs-Richard Mc - `Gill read the portion of the ,Study Book for the day, A. very interesting Paper, "Choice of Subject" was read by aVIrs. 'Stewart Robertson being part of the life work of David Liv- ingstone in 'Africa especially in the younger part of his married life; also a selectionfrom the ,Glad Tid- ings- by Mrs. .Quance giving a fine description of the work of the Ce- celia Jeffery %School, a few minutes was devoted to the business part of the society- after iwhich the meeting was closed by singing hymn 606 and the Lord's prayer in unison.. Mrs, Rev. Rogers, is at present visiting at the home of her parents aarte.MAsryp.r. ejnding a couple of -weeks os. Spears and daughter Ada iting with Mr. ,Speare's son Lorne at Harriston. Mrs. W‘eltzmani of Niagara, is at -present with her mother and father Mr. and Mra.•Donald McKellar. Mrs. McKellar not being well for ..sOrne time,f Messrs. Thos. and Jack Hoggarth shipped twenty head of tfine fat cattle .on Friday averaging at the rate of fifteen hundred apiece; al- so a half dozen fine head' were ship= ped by the Butler boys also averag- ing aboat the seine weight. • KHIVA We are sorry to report that Miss Alnia -Ratz, who is in St. Joseph's hospital is not progressing as well as her many •friends 'would like to see. Mrs: J. Hanover entertaineda few, of her friends to a quilting bee last Friday. Mr. and. Mrs. Sean Thompson,. of Kippen, visited last Wednesday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neel): Miss M. Knight spent the weekend at.her home near •Strathroy. Mrs. G. McDonald of the Thames Read spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. • Miss„ Tena McCann and „Master C. McCann is visiting in Detroit at the 'present time. Report of the Khiva. SchcOl. Following is the Ehiva School re- port for the month. of February: - Sr, IV—Monica Dietrich 74; Jean Willert 73.3; idene Flyun 60.5. 3r. IV,—Reta Ratz 67.9; Hilda Neeb 61.1; Laura Regier 56.8; Er- vin Ratz 54.7; Gladys Kenney 43.1; Kenneth Mason 40.7. Sr. HI—Eva Glanville 58.2; Vi- ehael 'McGee 55.1; Marie Regier 51.9. jr. III—Leona McCann 70.9; Lu- cille Dietrich 49,3; Abigail Flynn 47.1; Sydney Neeb 46.5; Pearl Ken- ney 43.2; Grace Willert 41.7. ' 2nd class—Marie Ziler 6'3.2; Jean Kenney 60,1; StephenGlanville 59".1 Dora Glanville 58.8; Jerome Regier 57.7; Evelyn Mason 54.5; Harvey Neeb 47.1; Gertrude Ratz 42.4. lst—Mary Davey 76,8; Ward Neeb 71.7; Roy Kenney 64; Helen Schenk 61:2; Fred Glanville 53; El - ;deli Davey 42.6. * Pr. Sr.—Joe McCann 81.5; 'Leo Riegier 69.2; Charles Dinney 62.2. jr. Pr.—Lawrence Floyd 78.2. Number on roll 38; -average at- tendance 36.1. A. M. Knight, teacher EDEN SCHOOL REPORT The ;following is the report of S. S. No. 4, lIsborne. Sr. IV—Irene ;Sweet 82; Arnold Ford 76; Dorothy Kerslake 72; Beu- lah. Skinner 62; n6b Roam), Sr, III—Everard Miller 76, Allen tusvell 67, Elsie Reid 61, "Oarrol Quinton 54. Jr. III—Harold Kerslake 81, D. Whiting 62, Melville Rumen 43. Sr. Liotton 88, Marie Buswell 76, *Toni Raveney 68, Al - put Skinner 60. (Jr. II—*Wilite Prawn 76, Gretta Webber 74, Iteg. pord 57, ;Stanley Whiting 86. Si'. Pr. Donald Emery 80. Pr—DonaId 'Whiting 85, Hazel BusWeli 80, Elwyn Kerslake 70. * Means that the pupil has inlased One er more examinations. Elsie Gentlity, Teacher, AUCTION SALE mustaior.40 vairoms 'rue, undersigned b4i received .14,4.* •structions to sell by public anctient• on Andrew .Street, Exeter, QX.4. $..3.13:11P4X0 MB(iU 21, 1931 at 1,30 .o'clock the following velti,-„. able .nousehold 3 ;bedroom suites, iprings and. mattresses; 2 extension tables; rug:, 10 by 18- feet; 2',sideboards, 2 bed rome carpets, 6 chairs, perforate.d. bottoms, 6 kitchen chairs, 4 rocking:, chairs, 2 easy -chairs, 2 centre tableSp, book case, pictures, eoalheat-. er, wood heater, range„ coal 4:0,r 'wood; . .eight-day clock„ •coal oil heater, 3 - burner -coal oil ,stove with even;. lounge, wardrabe, sewing machine,. Raymond; carpet sweeper, eroltinole., board, washing machine, lawn MOwt. er, top buggy, set single. 'harne$S,.. cutter,. buffalo robe, buggy Tug, two. horse blankets, garden tools, ear4 Penter tools and other articles too' numerous to mention. TEPAIS OF SALt —CASH ' Executors of the Estate of the late Robert Kerslake, Frank Taylor Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE ,• • FARM STOCK AND IMPLIOIENTS: The undersigned has received ino. .struetions to sell by public auetlon,. at Lot 5, (on. 14, McGillivray Twp.. 4:01.1 . THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1931. at 1 o'cloela sharp the following; HORSES --4 grey horses; .greY,• mare; hay mare. 0.A.TTLE—Cow; yearling steer yearling heifer; calf. POULTRY -40 hens, ' IMPLEMENTS—Cream separator;' buggy," rubber tire; cutterwagon,, -fertilizer drill, disc, sleigh, harrow, - gang plow, set single harness, set team harness. 3 tons hay, straw. TERMS • $10.00 and' under, cash; over that. amount six anonths credit will tre. given on furnishing. tapproved Joint notes with a 'discount of 5 per cent. per 'annum off for eash. J. F. McCarthy, Estate Frank Taylor, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re THOMAS McOURDY. late of the- Tewnship of Hibbert, in the Dom. ty Of''Perthl Fariae:, deceased. •CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav- ing claims against tne estate of the said deceased are required to send/ full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, on or before:- the 21st day of March, 1931, after which date the Executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said estate, haying regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been, given. Dated this 11th 'day of March 1931. CARL G & MORLEY, Exeter' Solicitors for Executors. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all .creditors and others ha-ving claims against the estate of HER -- MAN 'KYLE, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron,. Farmer, who died On the twenty-- sixth day af February.A. D., 19311, are required to forward' their claims duly 'proven to the undersigned on or before the thirtieth day •of March: A. D., 1931. . AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutrix Will proCeed to distribute the. estate having wegard 'only to the- ncloatiliene,sOf 'which she' then shall have' • DATED AT EXETER, Ontario,. this seventh day of -March, A. D.,. 1931. GLADMAN & ISTANBURY • Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executrix - NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOT/CE /S HEREBY GIVEN that,. all creditors and .others having claims against the estate of ELIZA. JANE SHErsErtD,4 late of the Tewno. ship of 'Tuckersmith, in the Countt Of Huron, Married Woman, who, died on the twelfth day of February. A.D.; 1930, are- required to forward claims dilly proven to the tin- dersigned an or before the twenty. - third day of March A.D., 1981, AND NobricE IS FURTHER GIV-. EN' that after the said date the Exe- entors will proceed to distribute the. estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall haVe. notice. DATED at Exwrmt, Ont, thtt4. third day of IVrarelt A,D., 1981. OLADUA.N & STANDURY Exeter and Kensall Executors' Soliciteni• Distance will WA quite a bit OZ enchantment to winter. Veit Ivlio don't pay aS they go- hail- tt hard Limo .Monr. • it1 • 4 ,1 • I