HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-12, Page 1n „ P'fS "ABLISIiAD a,$7$ EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12th, 1931. 'I T r-rzFT PAR, NO. 2674 1 *.v.wwwww~§^^0A0AAAAAANA.. Ladies'aud hisses' Spring Coats Complete showing of women's coats for Spacing, including in addi- tion to all the .regular sizes, a good selection of 0. S. sizes. Misses and girls' coats in a great variety of *styles and at prices for .everyone. The coats are made with very attractive collars of silver, muskrat, mole and galadene. We invite you toinspect our range of coats and compare ours prices, Linoleuxns, Congoleum Rugs, etc. New stock of Linoleufns just ,received. You will be pleased with the, new bright patterns. Youcan almost shut your eyes and select them, the colors and designs are so good. Our stock of Congoleum and Linoleum Rubs is also very attractive. Come in and see them. We will be pleased to shoe them. Also a nice selection of Axminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs. A .Special in Silk Hosiery A pure silk, full-fashioned, seven strand Silk Hose in all the new Spring Shades at per pair $1.00. Silk and Wool Cashmere. Hose, regular 85c. and $1.00 for 59c. a pair. RE MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, SPECIAL $3.25 per air; OTHERS AT $3.75 BOYS' BEST HEAVY RUBBER BOOTS, Regular $3.25 on sale at $2.95 Black or colored rubbers for women. Keep the children's feet .dry get them a new pair of rubbers. It's bad bu'siness to go with wet feet, and very expensive. BIG B WORK SHIRTS1 GULAR PRICE $1,50, at $L25 ea. 1 SMOCKS & OVERALLS AT $1.50 Faor stripe, 'regular $1.95 for $1.50 ea. st colors, blue, grey, .khaki, etc. MEN'S BLUE. OVERCOATS AT' $15. Greatest value ever: Save on your newt year's overcoat; also other colors at $15.00. MEN'S SPRING SUITS Finest Selection Ready-mades and Made-to-tneasure $24.50 Special Values 1 pkg. Quick Tapioca Pudding 1 pkg. Chocolate Cake Icing 1 Cake Pan Gold Soap 1Ib. 14ik4do'Tea lack 1 All for c 19. 5 for 25c, or rrsixed with one Soup Plate for •••• 49c. in Groceries .. Good Quality Cocoa Poor Mat ... ▪ 69c. Fresh Broken Walnuts per Ib. 40c. Harvey's` Weatlet, per. sack ...... 20c. Sweet juicy Oranges, per dozen 20c. Dad's Cookies, per• dozen •.. 23c. Canned 'Apples, gallon tins, pet" tin '▪ 25c., Local Carrots, per 6 quart basket 20c. Listen in on the A'lymer Musical' Menu at. 7.30 p.m. on Marcl , 46th ,,and March 23rd over stations CKAC, CKNC, CKOC, CJGC sponsored by Canadian Canners, Limited. s Phone 32 jo es &lilay, Phone 32 AAA#4*~~~400yookow~a r,r Stock .:Reducing Sale '' WE HAVE .JUST COMPLETED STOCK -TAKING AND MUST MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING GOODS LOOK OVER THESE SPECIALS All Scotch Grey Graniteware at less than present cost.. • We are discontinuing this line. SPECIAL PRICE ON ALL ALUMINUM WARE Men's' Lined Mitts at cost price and less. Galvanized Coal Hods to clear at :.. 69c. Black Iron Coal Hods to clear. at. 38c. A Real Good Food Chopper at only 98c. 1 pint size Thermos Bottle only . 39c. No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs only ' 98c. No. 9 Galvanized Wash Boilers only 98c. Champion Poultry Tonic, regular. $1.00 for ..... , 50e. Champion Poultry Tonic, regular 50c., for 25c. Just arrived 1931 Royal Purple Seeds ....' 6 pkgs. for 25c. MANY 'OTHER SPECIAL VALUES GET YOUR SAP PANS MADE' EARLY . TRAQUAIR LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 1 . MARRIAGES -'SIC)JlGAN-•--PEITI i;IIv"S---At the tinit- t�d •Church a parsonage, Ilhnville, • on Monday, March 2th, Elizabeth Penicins, formerly of Exeter and V:;tnth Wales, to Mr, Ivor Morgan, brother, of Mrs, Leonard TlarriS, of, tisbor, rie, by Il,ev, L. C. White. DEATHS .SPACEMAN -At his sate :residence •1 0'1 High Park Ave., Toronto, Mr. Sohn Dixon ,,1Meh'1nan, sort of Mr. 371d ltiir=., Iu, ,L Specimen, ifor111- rely of r'!:etez, in his 51st y6sr. 1I�iN�,'•- ',i %enter ::n Satltr'c1:1',.•, :ti'enet i, ;infix, Mary ,Tann Sims, belayed .ter;: of 't' ii11a1n Flynn, in her 78th yeeee CLAItTUi At Los Angeles, Calif., on'Thursday, February 26th, Mary �Loulsa Thomas, widotiy of the late Jelin P. C1larke,,.formerly of Ex- eter. IN "1110101 111A31 W'ILMS-In loving nlemery.of Dor- en, little claughtel' of Mr. and Mr,,. John N. 'Willis, Who tried two years ago, March 0, 1920. cod hes taken hotne our darling, I'"a^i d ter bed among His flowers; " I .>tt : the me ',le lent as, , .. ? ..tre leme titan our'.. 1'?::'eed 1'rt e .. bred, F ai.i1t1:', eed terother. FRACTURED THREE RU3g• .' , We: K. J: 'Sims had the misfor- tube to stumble and fall Friday ev- ening of last weeks with the result that she.had three ribs fractured, • IN ME1LOR•Ltlt In loving memory of SOLOMON HARDY who entered into rest on 3fa.rkt ].nth, 1928 Greatly loved, sincerely mourned by ' Wife and Family BOARD OF EDUCATION A. meeting of the Board of Educa- tion Was held In the Publie Library on Monday eveuing,'11Iarch 9th with all members present, Business was submitted and app proved las follows: Per chair', Minutes of previous bmeeting. e Principal Wethee reported that during .February, total High. Same attendance was 163; Treating sys- tem much improved; •satisfactory Mira drill had been held; mutes or 'Scholarship winners had been re- ceived, and preparations for Com- n1encentent were being made. Prleelpal Howard reported Pub- lie ,School attendance for February 247; P,S, Inspector wae present at 'the school for three day+t3; work was 'Progressing favorably; also splendid work was being doge in regard, to music, , inspector's report was read and Was discussed by the etembers, The :three repore.s were adopted and. ' i1 - ed• on motion of Messrs, Dearing and ;Penhale. - Truaart •officer te--'1ook-after spec- iaily mentioned :anon -attendant' pu- pils. . , Re delegate to Easter session .of. A. E. 'A. No action Oaken. Per F. J. Delbridge and W. A. Turnbull payment of following ac- counts: Jones & May, supplies $1..30; The , Times Ptg. Co„ supplies $.3.30; The Grigg Stationery Co. $13.61; F. J. Wickwire .$21,00. , , Adjournment by D.elbridge, K. MacFaul, Secretary EXETE.R.MAN LN TROUBLE , , Mucla .publicity has been given in .the Daily press to the arrest of Mr. Charles, Godbolt of Exeter charged with an alleged; assault on Mr. John Barry an aged farmer living alone :with his son neer Centralia and along with these reports are many 'rumors that are entirely without foundation. Friends who know Mr. Godbolt will find it difficult to cred- it the story as it appeared In the press. The alleged assoult'is said to have taken place late Tuesday af- ternoon and that same night' two officers from London were in Exeter end ,placed Mr:. Godbolt ender or,-. rest. He was taken to London where he appeared before Magistrate Zap,fe in the county Police Court and he was remanded for a week, betel- he aterhe was-releaeld on bail of $5,000, two securities of $2500 each being posted. It was reported ' that Mr. Godbolt had entered the home of Mr. Barry, who was ill in bed 'a,t the time and without event cause, had brutally assaulted the aged man and that several ribs were fractur ed•. The „following day Mr. Barry was removed to St. Joseph's Hospit- al in . London under the direction of Dr. W. E. Weekes 'but we under- stated, that his removal to the hos- pital was not `so much. on account of the injuries he received but in order that he alight receive the Proper care and attention neces- sary because of his illness. No bores were broken Mr. Maurice Long who ryas with err; Godbolt in London on the day the assault was said to have taken place was placed under arrest on Thursday on a, liquor charge. He was also remanded ifor a week and is now out on bail. • TICE LATH MIiS.\FLYNN , The death took place in. Exeter on CARD O1 THANKS Saturday last of Mrs. William Flynn resident of this co 'Mr. Garnet Johns wishes to thank an esteemed resident who so kindly remembered vanity who had been ailing for a Couple of wee him with. flowers and letters while the home of her he was a patient 15.1 the Victoria hos ueice, :lire: WmWaring, Anti .St. pital at London Mrs. Flynn's maiden: name was ;Mary Jane ;dims. S,he was in her- 78th er78th year. The deceased, was born ' IN \iEMORrAM en Stephen tp. and with the exception. of about1••,;seven years silent in Bid - In most affectionate memory of dulph tp she lived all her life en our beloved husband and daddy, the Town •Line between Stephen and Charles IL Sanders, who was called McGillivray, In November last she by death on March 14, 1029. with her husband moved fo Exeter to reside and she was in fairl3r good Helcl in co'tnstant remembrance bee health up 'init.il the time 01 her re - his wife and sons, ' cent illness. Fifty-nine years ago she was united'in marriage with her now bereaved husband. She is stile vived by her two daughters and 'tVTLLT;1tP---lti loving memory of nine sous, :Sir:;, \Vni. Rollins, of our , dear wife and mother, Me- ` Crediton; Mrs. N. Corbett, oE.Brilis- Tiede, witch. God called Bonne two ley; Thomas, of Forest; Andrew, of years ago to -day, March 13, 1329., Thedford; Job and Gordon, of Lon - f don; George, of Clendeboye; James, Two year's ago', clear mother, + Jo504)11 and John, of Crediton; laud We last: saw your loving face; ' t Garnet, of Exeter; •also four sisters In this world there is 110 other, That cart, ever 1111 your place. The happy 1101115 the once enjoyed, ' How sweet their ineniory still; But death luta left a vacant place, ' This weld_ can Clever fill. 'Tis s'tv(+O': to know we'll nu'iet :ir'sin,. Where troublee aro 110 more, And that the cite we loved eo well Hee Ste: gone e+1 L['tire 1but 011 eyeotmt of the highway he- Chri: t i•1' ll clu; i 11!0.t h: