The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-26, Page 8,i,rr-orivm.Trormo"frINVIWIRWIRTPqr
gditer Tilnes-,Advote
As the writer .Q .the letter in last
wef1,SSUe o rQtyang paper We un-
eMployllient relier Welt, we wish tp
aslt whether the Reeve of Exeter has
during the, neat week made any in -
quirk.* et the unelnploYed n4en
tOWn .so that hp may have his ringer
Q1 the pnise Of the .situation When
the 'County COunCli Peeks, We.
Would o ask the, same question of
the Reeves or our .adjoining town -
A. Citizen
The Werld.'S Day or Prayer was
observed in the .Trivitt 7,11emorial
Parish Hall on Friday afternoon and
evening by the ladies. of the various.:
organizations of the churches of Ex-
eter and was well attended, The ser-
vice included the singing of sev-
eral hymns, consecration Scripture
reePOnee and, responsive reading and
prayers of thanksgiving, for the
Zing and Empire,. for- a crusade or
righteousness, the youtb and the
church in all areas of life. Among
those offering prayers were Mrs, S,.
Skinner, Miss J. Murray, Mrs.C, W.
Christie, Mrs. G, F, Atkinson, Miss
-jeckell, Mrs. 3, T, ;Miners, Mrs,
Walters, Miss E. Bissett and Cat.•
Jordan, In the evening the girls .or
the community had a similiar meet-
ing in the same place.
The members of the Exeter Carne-
gie library held their annual meet-
ing recently in the reading room and
received reports showing the circul-
ation of books during the past year
to have been unusually large. Mrs.
Henry Gidley was re -appointed lib-
rarian at the same saiary and the
following officers and 4comirattees
were appointed for the year: Chair -
nm, Thomas Pryde; secretary, H.
E. Huston; •book committee, H. E.
Huston, James Weekes, G. S. How-
ard; magazine committee, T. Pryde,
H. E. Huston, J, A. Stewart; build-
ing and grounds committee, Reeve
B. M. Prowls, G. •S, Howard, W. S.
Howey; •insurance,. f,11. E. Huston
and W. S. Rowey.
Master Borden Sanders, who has'
been .confined to his bed for severa1.
weeks has been advised to remain
for several weeks longer. Dr. Mc-
Gregor, of London,was up in.. con-
sultation with Dr. Pletcher on. Mon-
day evening.
We have ordered a car of Oat
Grouts "(hulless oats). This is the
feed for young pigs, calves and
chickens. We expect it in • .soon:
Call and see the sample we have.—
Prudent men are saving 25% of
their annual automobile Insurance
premium through the L -M -G, The
World's Greatest Automobile Mut-
ual. 'Ernest C. Harvey, Insurance
Exeter Markets
Wheat Sup,
Oats 34c.
RarleY, 3-0c.
.2'horts, 411-101, 00.00. a ton.
14onr. .Grade Flour' $1.20
Welcome /lour 32,30,
rodel Flattr 3."2:70
ara.111tOba Pour $2.80 •
Creamery putter,. 36c.
Dairy Rutter, 3445e.
Eggs, extras M.
gg§,. Firsts, 180.
Eggs, seconds, ltio,
Hogs. .37.25
Station KAVN
. This els just a reminder that we
hole to entertain • you at Cavell
church on 'Thursday. at 8 p.m. All
school children 250. Adults 350.
Light refreshments. seived.
- -• •
Mrs. H. C. Carey will be "at home"
on the. first ,and third Wednesday
of each month,
Have your curtains, pillows, com-
forters and blankets, dry cleaned.
C. L. Wilson, agent for Forest City.
Mrs, Nelson Kestle, who has been
ill for some time, is slowly improv-
Mrs. I. ,Tarrett, of Kippen, visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs. W, H.
Mrs. St . Thomas, of Lindsay is
visiting with. her daughter, Mr. and
,Leo. Hennessey.
Mrs. Jas. Potnroy was in town
on Saturday visiting with her father
Mr. W. D. Sanders.
Mr. F. A. May, whp has .been ill
for the past contle of weeks is mak-
ing, 'splendid redovery. '
Mr. and Mr,s, Gordon Wells are
visiting for a few days with friends
in Windsor.
)1r. and Mr, Douglas Woods, of
London, spent the week -end visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis
Mrs. J. N. Hill has returned home
after visiting for some time 'with
her sons in Hamilton and Toronto.
MISS Stella Southcott visited for
a few days this week with her bro-
ther, Rev. R. E. and Mrs..Southcott
at Morpeth.
Airs. Alsip and little son, of Tor-
onto, are expected to arrive this
Week to visit for a time with Mrs.
A. S. Davis,
Mr. Albert Schwalm,* of Humbolt,
Sask., Is visiting with :his sister, Mrs.
Wm. Pfaff, of :town, and also his
mother at Zurich.
Mr. Wm. Rivers, who was recent-
ly brought to Exeter from a Remit -
Office, .Main Street', .„ ton hospital, is improving nicely at
Dr. Fletcher's hospital..
FARM TO RENT -114 miles a: Mrs. Wm. Welsh, of the London
w. of Henson being Lot 19, Con, 3 Road, north, is confined to her bed
Hay tp., about .37 acres ofP-s-ur- A € A
and has been ordered ,by her physic -
and never failing spring, creek run- Ian to take several weeks rest.
ning through the farm. Apply John .
•Mrs. Frank Irwin and son Grant,
Bell estate, Exeter, Ont, 26-2-2tw
LOST—Auto Tire Chain on Lon-
don Road, between Exeter and Cen-
tralia. Finder please leave at the
Tfirnes-Acilvo ca te. Reward,
of Putman, are visiting with the
former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Davis. Mr. Davis has not been well
of late.
Mrs. :(Rey.) E. L. Vivian is in
Woodstock visiting her sister, Miss
Quinton, who on Monday underwent
• FOR SALE—A glood 6 -year-old
Durham cow due to calve. Clyde
an operation in the Woodstock Gen-
ReywoOd, phone 1Sr31 Crediton. eral Hospital.
FOR SALE—Choice g York
sow, ate March 15th. Apply Nor-
man Rleinfeld, R. R. No: 1, Crom-
` Arty, Phone Dublin 14r8. . ltp.
home for the past week suffering
HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE— from hiceoughs. His daughter, Miss
Miss Helen Dignan has returned
home after visiting with her broth-
er; Mr. Howard Dignan, of Port
Hope. She also visited with friends
in Toronto' and Onelph,
Mr. Ed. Short has been 111 at his
Valuable property, storey and a half
brick house on Gidley St., one•acre
of land adjoining house. Apply to
Carling, & Morley, Exeter; 2-19-3tc
• VCR SALE—A number of Here-
ford bull calves, pure bred, from 9
months up. Apply to John Hirtzel,
R. R. No. 1, Crediton.
WANTED—Lioaxi of $3,000: on
first mortgage on well improved
100 acre farm in the ToWnship of
Usborne, Por further partiOnlars
apply to CAI & MORLEYi So-
licitorS, Exeter. tfn
- VCR SALE—Brick house with
eight roomS and over one acre of
land on William Street. Woodshed,
e hard and soft water, stable, frult
trees. Apply. at Times-Advetate,
FARM POE SALE—Choiee 100 -
acre fent With good buildings, North
Thames Road, convenient to market,
School and church. Fbr further par -
'Mingo apply to •Poiling & Morley,.
ilarristers &c., Exeter, Ont,
12-1 8,tfc
yoti. Wish to buy or sell a rarnt.
Or house see R. 111, Pickard, Exeter:
We are in the Market for alt kinds
of poultry 1)61114 the htgheet prices.
Trucks will can, Phone 30, tash-
Wbod C. AnderaMi.
Place your Order with 'S„ S. I)Ig-
tab, et Sen. for Xnviticiblo Wire Fenc-
O't Bernard. Molest Aft
MJs 1444. COOPS, 4,T4,041.., •OrgAniat
4.14,—andaY .S0140
11 '4.m.—"The Excellence of tlx‘e Or-.
7 »n.,--"Selr-Disclosure of God."
ThursdaY, the midweek service is:
Fern Short, of London, has been vis-
iting with him 'daring the week.
Mrs. Geo. Snell has teased her re-
sidence on Andrew- Sweet to Morse
brothersof the Exeter Lumber Co:,
Mt's. Snell in turn has purchased the
.resid.ence of the late Robt. Kerslake
also of Andrew Street.
The Wong's Cafe has been redec-
orated and now presents a very ,at-
tractive appearance. A new lino-
leum has been laid on the hoar and
the woodwork has beet painted and
Rey. C. J. Moorhouse ts confined
to his home through illness. The
service in Main Street church on
Sunday morning was taken very ac-
teptably by Mr. W, a, Johnston
and in the evening by Rev. James
Anthony of Thames Road,
The engagement Is announted. of
Miss Alberta Veinier, of IdOn011i,
formerly of Melrose, Ontario, to Mr„
Elmer LaWson, only sin of Mr. JC,s
and the late Mre. Lawson, Crediton,
the Marriage to take, place early in
A number of hot:Amy fans Vete
th Stratford, Thursday evening to
'Witness the first round of the Wind-
sor -Stratford 3r, 0.H,A. Monday
evening a number went to tendert
to see the play-off when Stratford
won with a one -goal lead,
1\fts. Clef, of Toronto, Vvho ;has
been. in Exeter owing to the illness
of her thether Mrs. Passmore, at the
keine of Mr. and ItYck-
niali, was herself confined ,to her
bed for a few days with the flu, The
Ing and .gateti. Bring your harrows condition, of Mr % PaSSniere it lin-
early, PrOiribg
WAN D, )1eTavialo, Pastor
W. B. Goulding, A...T.Q,M.
Organist and Choir -Leader
11 a,r0,--"In the Wilderness," Wirst
in a series on' Scenes from the
Master's Lite,
3 p,m.—Sundal :Scheel.
7 pari,—A Man With .A. Measuring
Rev.. 0, J. moorneuse., raster
Miss Evelyn Huston
Organist and, Choir -Leader
11 a.m.—Rev, Arthur Sinclair will
3 p.m -04r church. school.
7 p.m. --Rev. Jas. Anthony of ithe
Tharnea. Road will preach.
Prayer meeting Thursday at
7.30 p,m.
The Women's Association wish to
remind their friends of their.annual
Pancake "At Home" on March 5th.
Rector, Rev. E. L, Vivian, L. Th. -
Organist, Miss 11tacFaull
Choir -Leader,. Ur. Middleniiss
2nd Sunday In. .Lent
11.- aan.----Morning Prayer $.5. Holy
Subject: "Divine. Forgiveness"
3 p:m.—Sunday School and Rector's
Bible Class
7 .p.m.—Evensong
Subject: "The. Glory of the Lord"
Mr. Percy 'Vahey, a government
inspector of poultry, has taken a
position with the Hogarth Baby
Chick Hatchery and will take, over
his new duties next week. 111r. Va-
hey conies. to Exeter from London
where he had charge of the Ontario
Ilatchery. He will have chargi of.
the field work and will render sr=
vice ,to the Chick) customers Of the
Hogarth Hatchery. The Hogarth
Hatchery are now well under way
andhave taken off three hatches.
They now have 11,000 eggs in the
incubators which have a capacity of
one hnudred, thousand. There is a
fairly brisk demand for chicks al-
though not quite, up to last year.
Thet season, however,: early and
the prospects fairly good. The price
is dOwn a few cents. Mr.. Valley
has rented part of Mr. Ward's resi-
dence on Blain St.
Miss Catherine Weeds, of London
Spent the week -end her parents
Mr. and. Mrs. T. S. Weds
Mr. H. Steinberg, of the Canadian
Bank' of Commerce staff* has return-
ed after spending three -weeks holi-
days in New Harablirg.
Messrs. I. R. Carling, James Mor-
ley, W. D. Sanders and Paul Coat-
es- were in !Soderich Wednesday af-
ternoon attending the funeral df the
late Judge Lewis,
Miss. Eva Pearce, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Nt,, C. Pearce who has beeli
111 for several days was taken to thp
hospital in London on Wednesday
for obServatiOn. • . ••
Mrs. R. Hoskins is in Brantford,
attending a church wedding of a
friend, Miss Cowherd. Mrs. Hos-
kine will also visit in Galt before
Miss Eileen liodgins, o London;
and her :sister Pauline were operat-
ed on for the removal of their ton-
sils on Monday in Dr. Harry trown-
ing's surgery,
About 10 dozen in this assortment nearly all sizes in the
lot. They are a clean up of all our odd lines. Shirts AS high as
$2,50 io this sale. Take your pick $1.29 or 3 for $3.75
5 doz. Smocks and Overalls
Take advantage of this new price, A
splendid made garment made from good
quality blue denim.
Priced at per garment $1.49
42 in. Pillow Cotton.
Our finest quality pillow cotton, 42 in.
wide, fine even finish and good weight. Get
your requirements at this special price
Special Price per yd. 45c,
. 10:dozen Stamped Mats
Showing all, of the newest patterns being used
this season. They come in four sizes and you will
like thenew patterns.
40c., 65c., 75c., . 85c.
Circle Bar Pure Silk Hose ,
One of the best values in Ladies' Silk
Hose that we know of.; In all the newest
shades. Otir regular $1.50 hose now being
At per pair $1.25
36 in. Broadcloths
In all the best selling shades. A wonder-
ful cloth for quilts, slips and numerous
pther purposes. Regular 25c, value.
Special at per yd. 20c.
72 inch Unbleached Sheeting
A wonderful quality :of unbleachedsheeting 72
inches wide. Good strong weave cotton that washes
easily and will bleach nicely.
Very Special at per yd. 48c.
Wallpapers! Wallpapers!
Good room lots' at 98c., $1.48, and $1.98.
The. Logie Mission Band of Main
Street United Church, met on Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week .in
the schoolroom of th4 ehurch. .The
president, Miss; Marion Powell; pre-
sided.. .Miss Ruth • Pearce took
charge of the collection .and Miss
Eileen Andrew of the' fees. Elea.xior
Abbott gave a recitation, Thelma
Hockey sang a solo, Clifford Quante
played three selections on the jew's
harp and Violet Gambrill and Kath-
leen Kestle played 'a piano duett.
Miss Gambrill .also read the story of
the Chinese 'baby. The attendance
was twenty girls and eleven boys.
After making arrangements for the
next meeting this very. enthusiastic
session was :closed by repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison. This little
band .of ""-.1,-vorkers, are all. children
under the teen age, and the leader,
EVIiss Murray should be Compliment-
ed in the manner • in 'which she is
training these children to take their
places, in the affairs of* life
Mr. Jas. Prancis spent the week-
end at his home in Dr:gnt.
• Mr. Harvey Pollen, of the Chevro,
let Garage, returned from Oshawa
Saturday Where he had been taking
n Short course at the General Motors
plant. •
Miss Maxine •Gillies, of London,
spent the past weektend visiting
Mrs. Agnes 13, Gillies and Mr, and
Mrs. E. C. Harvey. Mrs. Gillies ac -
compelled her 'back to Spend a few
days in tendon.
.Now is the tin* t� order'Y�ur New
Spiaint Suit:
We are offering a big ,discount
, during theislack season.
The new suitings are now in
and it will. be worth, your wihile
to place your order, at once.
The February meeting q James
St. W. WS, was held in the church
parlours on Thursday, February the
19th. A good number twas in „at-
tendance. The meeting opened by
the 'singing of two familiar hymns.
Busines8 was transacted presideo
,over by the preident Mrs. C. Christie
The devotional perfect was taken by
A. L.C. M.
.(Honor Graduate) London, Blights&
instractie,ti in
Piano, Violin, Harmony, Them";
Studio N. Albert Street. Box 166
• Mrs. C. Walker, who read the scrip-
Lure lesson and led in the prayer BROKEN AUTOMOBILE
following. -The program was taken GLASS REPLACED QUICKLV
by Mrs, AinY's "grOup and `wa.s ably
conducted bY Mrs. Ainy, After the WHILE YOU WAIT
singing of a hymn Mrs, 3. Johns led
We are planning for yow Clover and Timothy Seed re-
quirements with the best stock we have had in many years.
We wish to announce that ALL SEEDS will be sold this
year on a STRICTLY CASH basis. We can make no provis-
ion for time sales. This has been made necessary by the
general financial conditions trw prevailing.
We appreciate your patronage At all times and will be
glad to quote prices and discuss your requirements.
in prayer and Mrs. M. L. Deaver G. A. ITAVVICINS
road the deiotional leaflet; leafletS,
fron the study book, "Religions /11.'Ole 29
Exeter, Ont.,
fluences in Japan" were read by
metnberS Of the group. Mrs. Stone
read a good paper on. Temperance
and Mrs. 3, S. Grant gave an inter-
esting table on Christian Steward*
ship. .11/lise,A, Handfard a member
of the Mitsioji Circle also read a
splendid and Carefully prepared
paper on Christian SteWardship
which was very inapirliig, IV/Iss
Hunter, also a moniker of the Mis-
sion Circle rendered s very pleasing
piano solo. The assistance of the
mothers of the ilk/Melon Circle, was
much -tippreefated, The Meeting
was closed by the president. . Quite a lot of snow has disan-
peered during th.e past 'Week dntr
Mavis yaw. rehowoci your tui)torip.isonie of the sideronds tro
tion to the TihieS-AdVbeate? tor Motor traftlet
W. R. 0ouLtliNo.
A. T.
.Organist and Choirmaster
dimes kit. itiiiittO cibnrth
Piano Itoeiti Organ TheOit
SuPettiOtit of Ilusic in .Schoota.
•StUditi, Main St, Box 57, AMMO ,19$
rintliTtitt ONT'