HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-26, Page 5w .r
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X20 Oil,"
I elcPhone 100 Main Street
Mr. Fred Corbett spent Tuesday
3i} LPndoir,.
Miss Hilda 1fip•bins, spent Sunday
at her 11o111e in Rru'ceiieid.
Miss e Irene Paters is •confined to.
tier home, through illness,
Mr.,. Chas. McDonnell is confined
• to Iris home with .a severe cold.
Mrs, Robert niggle.% is again, very
pearly and is confined to .her home„
1Virs. Roy McLaren entertained a
number of friends on Tuesday even -
Mr, William Sdmison, of Detroit,
:spent the week -end, with. friends
Miss Merle Carlyle, of St. Marys,
'spent the week -end at her ] orae
nressr's Jolin Corbett and Ray
ganimie :spent Sunday with London.
Mr, and Mrs, Herman Dayman
.spent ,Sunday visiting friends in
E xeter.
Mr. Ben Eider intends taking .a'
,course in aviation at the Leaden
Air port,
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Dayman of.
Bxeter were visitors with Mrs. John
.Murdoch on Sunday,
Miss Eleanor Fisher returned home
lasts weski :after a few days visit at
Mr. Harold Scruton, of Port
3 over, spent the week -end at his
1horne here.
31,/rs, Lou Simpson, of Detroit, is
visiting for a couple of weeks with
friends here,
Mr. Richard Welsh one of our old
east residents is lying seriously i11 at
its home here.
Mrs. Frantic Bean was taken to a
o• ndon Hosp'ital last week to under-,
go ,an operation.
Mr. Alan McDonell left last week
for Toronto where he intends taking
course in aviation.
X4'Irs. Wm. •Consitt 'is visiting for
a few days with leer son Mr. James
Smith, o1 'Kincardine.
11tiss Jean Russel spent a few days
'recently visiting at the home of Mr.
John Taylor, of Tuckersmitli.
Mr. George Howard, of Exeter,
,spent Saturday visiting at the home
of his brother, Mr. H, Howard.
Mrs. Leslie •Sullens and Mrs. L.
'Miller, of Chicago, are visiting - at
the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hud-
Mrs. James Simpson received
word last .week of the death of her
brother, Mr. Robert Laing, of the
Mt•; and Mrs.' Laird ;Mickle, Miss
.Florence Welsh :, Mr.. Scott. Welsh,
and 1VIrs. Dr. Talbot. spent Tuesday
in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Archie Hiodgert and
family, of Chiselhurst are this week
anavin;g into 1VIr.. Geiger's house' on
Oxford St.
Messrs. Robt. •Caldwell, Harry Ab-
bott and Robert Buchanan were in
•aGoderich last week as jurymen for
the Spring Assizes.
Mr. Thos. Parlmer has greatly
durproved the appearance 1of 'his
;grocery store by painting and dee-
-orating the interior. I
The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Rowcliffe, of the London Rd;
.died at Mrs. Paterson'•s Hospital of
I,S.unda.y aged 2 days.
•Messrs. G. C. Petty, Wm. Dougal,
:and T. Hodson attended a special
uneeting of the I.O.O.F. on Thursday
.evening last in !Clinton.
111r.. J. W. Ortwein was in London
last week attending •a banquet given
'tor the Dominion Life. ' Insurance
Agents in the London District.
:Mils. Dr. Reid who spent a week
Visiting at the home of her parents
sWr•.., and Mrs. Edward Sheffer has
returned to her home in Port Row-
to Ml''.
team 'belonging
Sherry ran away in town on Monday
.afternoon causing a lot of eacitnient
'The" team. was ,caught by Jack
;'Drummond. i "
Services in the United church or
Sunday last were well attended.
'Tire' llev, A. Sinclair occupying itis
,own pnlpit..Jn the evening the spec-
dal parts in • the anthem was taken
a'by Misses • Florence Welsh and L.
Laramie'. •• '
The Canadian Chau'taitqua intend,
;putrng .oii their .first performance (1.f weeks with 1'tr:and Mrs. Fred
Mere. on ,Saturday, February 28th the
Pcf ;popular play, "Turn to the Right" Peistivarden.
held, The two presidents, Mrs. C.
A. McDonell and Mr*. Dlnsil Edwards
presided, Members from both .or-
ganizations took part in the pro -
grant. (Special numbers consisting
Of :a paper 'by Mrs•. troy McLaren,
a•solo by Mrs. W. A. McLaren and
an instrumental by Miss Flossie
-Mr. Jack: Ingram had one hand
burned and, was burned ,about the
face when some gasoline fumes a be*
came, ignited around a tractor he.
was using. The :gasoline having run
otrt aM'r. Ingram. 1tad used sone epal-
oil for filling the tank and thihking
it safe "struck a match when the 41111 -
es blazed up with the above aI'esuit,
The Arnold Mission •Circle ,of the
Presbyterian ehurch field its meet-
ing on Thursday evening. A read-
ing was given by Mrs. Itoy McLaren
and the story was taken lw Mrs. V.
Redden followed by a reading by
Janet 14r4ntyr"e after . wlr'icln the
'meeting closed, with the M,izpah Ben-
ediction, Atter the meeting games
and contest's were indulged hi and
a dainty lunch was. served.
The Young People, of the United
church held their regular• .meeting
on. Monday evening with •Miss Nora
Follick in charge of the program.
After the opening exercises the fol -
owing program was given; lnstru-
Mental, Miss Marian Sinclair and
Miss L Douglas and a selection by
Messrs. Fred Hess and John Pass-
more; readings, Miss M. Alis, miss
Doreen Farquhar and Miss Ruth
Coles; 'spies, Mr. Goodwin and Mr.
131awes and a women's quartette by
Mrs, M, Redden, Mrs. 11r. Drysc1i,le„
Mrs. A. Sinclair and Mrs. T. Hess.
The topic was given by Mr, Failick.
Business Transfer
Mr. John E. !McDonnell last Week
disposed of his garage business and
Stock to a. Mr. Boe, of London, Mr.
Boe is here taking stock and has
rented teems over Mr. Hemphill'•s
Drug store and will move here as
soon as possible, Some years ago.
the McDonnell Bros. opened their
garage here on King Street and
worked up a splendid business ern-
ploying several mechanics in the re-
pair' department. They also sold
the 'Chevrolet and 'Olds'nobile carr.
The name of McDonell Bros., for a
good many years has been part of
the business life of HensalI. First
starting here iii the hardware, fur-
niture und•ertalcing and coal busi-
'nese which they successfully ,con,
ducted, Both James' Bonthron and
Mark Drysdale well known first of
Bonthron and Drysdale were .employ-
ed by the McDonnell Bros. and learn-
ed the business from diets. The
new owner of the garage business
Mr. Boe comes to Hensall well rec-
ommended and will no do:ubt do
1..01e Late Mrs,. Peart
One sof the Pioneer residents of
this°•distridt passed away on Thurs-
day night in the person of Mrs.
Thomas, Peart, whose maiden naive
was Hannah Moore, daughter of .the
late John Mooi:e. The deceased
woman was in her 82nd year and
was a native of Hibbert Township.
She had bean in failing health for
several years but since New Year's
day her decline had • been narked,
finally succumbing to pneumonia.
Mrs. Peart was very active for
her years. She had a , remarkably
bright intellect and was a good
worker. ,Her husband, Thos. Peart,
predeceased her by ten years. Sur-
viving her are two Sons. Frank at
home in .Hensail and William of
Iron Mountain,. Mich., and a datigh-
ter, Mrs. David 'McHarg, London.
The funeral was held from her•
home here on .Saturday afternoon
and ' was quite largely ) attended,
many coining' from quite a distance
to pay their last tribute 61 respect
to one who ,Was quite highly es-
teemed and who had been a resi-
dent for over 45 years, The service
was .conducted by the Rev. A. Sin-
clair of the United Church acrd the
pall bearers 'were all relatives and
former neighbors when the deceas-
ed resided in Hibbert Township. The
'remains were interred in theCtaffa ,r
cemetery. Much ,sympathy is felt
for the •bare ved sons and daughter,
Mr. Arthur Mack, ck, of Sty' MaryS,•
has been visiting for the past couple
twill be put On by the. Peerless Play- . .Miss Latta Knight spent a foiv
'ers, 'A'fternoon programs will ,bb days last week visiting with relatives
mut Non as well as' evening on Mon-.
.day, Tuesday and Wednesday ev-.
anirtg, The series of concerts will be
cconcluded• with the popular (play,
Whole Town Is Talking."
.Among those who attended • the
fttneral of the late Mrs. Thomas
!3'eart that canis from a distance were
'Mr. and 112rs. Collyer, of Buffalo,
Mr, Mr, atrd Mrs, Pridhani, of Fullerton;
Mr, Peart and Miss Myrtle Peart, of
AStaffn; 14Mrs. Green, of London; Mrs.
Jelly and Mi. attd Mrs. David Me -
.Karg, of London; MIss Maude. Cham-
%ars, of Clinton: iMisa Pridiiar, of,p
gaieter and i1Mr. diad Airs. W. p'rertcii IYIciss Helen"Melo, R, N: of tend.
ItI d avis. atilt Mrs. Chair. Cooper, of don, is visiting with her patents,.
l a toren, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew H1dks,
The annual World's Day orf Pray- Don't forget the oyster su,piser in
,er was observed by a *tinfoil Meeting tho basement of the cliitrcii on Fri -
ant the itieniiisers of the' W.M.S. of the day .evening, f'"ebr•uary' 27th larder
looted Chttrch and the Carmel Pres -the auspices• of the Wonhen's Assoc-
byte'r9an clititch in .the "United church fallow, Admission 40c. and 25c,
in London.
bliss Evelyn Clarice spent the
week -end at her Monte in Gaderick.
Mr, Harold Fisher •silent the
week -end at his home in Exeter. .
Mrs. JUila Seandtett and Idaughter
Corinne, of ' BelgraVe, are visiting
with the fernier"s sister,'Mrs. Arth-
ur Brooks.
1VMr, Thomas Willie who has been
confined to his home for' the past
few months owing tQ illness is able
to be out 'again.
Mr, Fred Penwaraden is confined
to his home•with alt 'atteek, of :Infin-
Miss Wealthy Schroeder; of Len
an, spent the week -panel with her
Parente Mr, and Mrs, ;Chuan. Schroe-
der, •
Mrs. W, J, Mallett and daughter'
Dorothy, of London, spent a few
days vitt her sister Mrs. Edward
Mr, NV, Welber. Riad the misfor-
tune of ;step'ping ors• a nail while
working in the•bush. A11 his friends
wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. Lester Maclsaac and Mr. ,H..
.Meyer,.' of Detroit .anti Misa Helen
Mcisaac .spent' Sunday with M. "and
Mrs,. D. Melange.
Mr, and Airs, Wiilia'rn 11. 'Smith
and Mr, and Mrs. .Crifford 1-Ii11 ate
visiting with relatives. in Pigeon,
Michigan, and vicinity,
Miss .Esther Eilber., of Detroit,•
visited with her parents alt. and
Mrs, H, F. Either en Sunday,
We are pleased to report that
Doris, youngest daughter sof, Mr, and
Mrs. William .Schwartz is improv-
ing from her recent attack of pneu-
Mr, and Mrs. Wm.Smith are at-
tending the Voellker■C'oote wedding
at Pigeon, Mich..
liaise Marguerite 'Lampert, of De*
troit, is visiting with her parents,
Mr`, and Mrs.. Samtnei Lamport:
Tine Young People's Society of the
United church met last Friday ev-
ening in the basement of the ,church,
Mr, M. W. Telfer gave an interest-
ing address on "The Bank and. the.
Public." There was a good attend-'
ance and all enjoyed the evening,
The Women's Association of the.
United:Church is havingan oyster
supper on Monday evening, March
6th. Watch .for further announce-
The Young People's Society, of the
James Street United Church, Exe-
ter, are putting on their play "Pay-
ing the Fiddler" in the Town Hall,
on . Tuesday, April 7th, under the
auspices of the Young People's So-
ciety of the United church.
The Christian Endeavour meeting
at the Evangelical church Friday ev-
ening, February, was in charge of
Clara Merle*. Ruby Finkbeiner
gave a paper on Lincoln's religion.
Charley Hoffman sang a solo; Clara
•Gaiser gave a paper on the origin
of Valentine Day; Alma and Laving'
Snith contributed a piano duett. At
the close' all participated in a num-
ber of Valentine'games.
About forty young people from
the Evangelical Christian Endeavor
and 'visiting friends drove to . the
home of Mr. and Mr Jack (Smith
with two sleighs recently. 1VIr4 Er-
win Finkbeiner who is' at the head
of the social committee was chair-
man of the evening, and conducted a
sing -song to open the program; a
.piano duett '•by-Addileon Gaiser and
Ruby Finiebeiner, huriiorous news.
paper of items in and about Credit-
on was given by M. Sippell, vocal
solo by Freeman •iVforlock; reading
by Eldon Snaith; the last musical
number was a chorus lead by Agnes
Latnliort and accompanied with uke-
eleles played by Gertrude Beaver
and. Dorothy Fanner. A number of
contests were put across by Alma
and Laving Smith. At 12 o'clock a
bounteous lunch was served consist-
ing of sandwiches, coffee, tcrearn
Puffs, ice • cream and •home -rade
candy. Addileen Gaiser tendered a
hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and
Mrs. Smith and their daughter for
the kind invitation to spend a pleas-
ant social evening in tneir home. All
reached home without -any mishap.
Sleighs were driven by Harold Fah-
ner and 'Eldon lSnnith.
A brief lantern .service will be
held Thursday evening in the Evan-
gelical church beginning at 7.80.
Two weeks .of protracted meeting
will be held at the Evangelical
church beginning with next :Sunday
evening, 'Rev. J. P..Haucli will be
with us for Thursday evening.
Alan Injured
Here Monday Afternocin
The following item was taken
from the Harbour Beach Times with
refere nee the •rseent
Frederick Haist..
Another case where it is folly to
step .out bett0een tw cars without
looking 'both ways .cane to pass• here•
Monday afternoon when ]'red Haist
07,101 Crediton, Ontario, was knock-
ed :down to the pavement and ser-
iottsly injured by a passing ntotor-
'Tli.e accident happened at,the side
of the Huron ,County State Bank
btti'lding about four o'clock, Mfr.
Heist was taken into the bank and
given medical attention, then taken
to the Harbour Beach hospital when
it was seen that he was badly in-
41 It is said the inoteriet, Who stop-
ped lits 'tat, Caine ascii and then
went on when. he ea* the mart Was
being taken sate of, lives in Ubly.
Ula to Wednesday afternoon the po-
lice authorities irad done Nothing to
apprehend the ydung ninit
ripest arriving at the hospital it
was found that Mr, Heist had re-
ceived '.a. broken leg and nose, as
well as having a hole' punched
his slcu'lY aboire an eye.
Xe is resting easy and will be in
the laical hospital abo:tt three weeks
before ne will Well onou h to be
l be 1
w g
removed tb his home, Crediton,
which is about' forty niile5• north-
west of ;London,
Mr. Heist wars annong a °,party.
.▪ 1111111,
!x!!!11 !!! ! .' 1 II I I
.. ,. ! 111 ! ! !! ! ! 11 !!! ! ! ! !! ! 1 ! '! f A " I ! 1 I' !! •
1. !_.l !!!!. ! !l .... . .1.. . . 1. h 1. .. l..! ! ..! ! I! I ! ! !
`. i. .ii i I i Iii . i :.I Ml I .L _ ! !!! .! !!!!.1(_ l Illi!!! !!.!!
PURE 'CANE SUGAR , , , , .. ,.
I, It
..,,, ,, ,,, 10 Rounds for 55c..
No. 5 tins each 33c.
2 `lbs, for 25c.
Finest Northern Caught
Pink ,Salmon packed
No.. 1 tall tins,.2 for 29c.
2 lbs, for 25c,
Try a pounid of
only 29c.
*For ,For your Washing Machine
Fine White
fn bulk 3 lbs. for 29c.
ESSEX NO. 4 PEAS, NO. 2 TINS ,. .. , , , , , , , .. ,
AYLMER TOMATOES, LARGE TINS .... , , , , , . .
, , , , Per :lb. 15c.
„ for 25c,
,....,.2for 15c.
• , , 12c, each
,..... 14c. each
.. Per lb 24c.
Libby Sauerkraut
De Lux Jelly Powders
Aylmer Tomato ,Catsup
Large Juicy Oranges .
.. . 2 tin; for 25c. Best Quality Lemons , ... .. 4 for 10c::
5 for 25c. Fresh Juicy Grapefruit 4 for 25c.
, per bottle 19c. . Pineapple Marmalade , .. , , per jar 43c..
, . , .. Per doz. 39c. Gold Medal Peanut Butter .. , . per lb. 19c.
C -
brother, Levi Heist, in Elkton. Two
auto loads of the people had stop-
ped here for a few minutes and 'Ur.
Haist started. to get • in one of the
Ours and then decided to get in on
the other side of the machine and
started around the rear of the car
when he 'was, knocked down.
It is said the driver of the Uibly
car was conning from the north on
Huron Avenue and was in a hurry
to get past the green light on the
Corner before it turned to red.
Mr, Heist has retired from active
business and during his working
life was the .operator and owner of
a brick and tile yard in Crediton.
"73fr,"Oscar Pfaff, of near St. lVlarya
spent several days last week with
his" parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr. Harry Lewis returned home
frost): 'Toronto on Friday after tak-
ing treatments there for the past
five weeks. His Band is somewhat
Mr, Charles Anderson, .of Exeter
and Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Centralia
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes, of
near Exeter,, spent Monday with the
latter',s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
son. Anderson.
Mr. :Sant Sims held a successful
wood bee on Tuesday:
.Mr, and Mrs. ,Stuart Kuhn, of
Kitchener, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhn.
Mir. Hairy Kuhn is confined to his
Monte through illness,
.Word was received this week of
the death of Mrs. Peter Scott, wife,
of 'the former pastor of Cromarty
Scott. It is 31
years since Mr. Scott's pastorate in
Cromarty: 11ir. Scott's ministry cov-
ered a period of almost forty years
He was held in the *ugliest esteem
by both congregations as. Roy's
Clnlrcih was connected with Cromar-
ty, during his pastorate: He was.
often spoken of as the "grand old
man" and many of his, texts and his
briiliantl and kindly sermons will
long be remembered by his congrega-
tions. " Mrs. Scott, we understand,
had reached her eightieth year.' Mr.
Scott died at Paisley where they re-
tired after. leaving Cromarty. They
had One daughter Nellie, who is deft
to mourn the loss of her pother,
Mr. Scott dying not long atter leav-
ing Croniarty.
;Mt. John Sanders, tt Detroit, who.
spent the winter with IIi•. McCulloch
in the village left last week for De-
.Mrs,•ilittalice returned Bothe atter
'spending two 'weeks visiting het
Mother Mrs. Allen, lit Exeter.
The young farmers of Cromarty
and ;Staffs •held an "At Horne" in
the Town Hall at Staffitl it most
'enjoyable 'tithe was spent, '
'Rev. Mrs. McKay and family,. of
Walkerton, are at present spending
a few.eelal with Mrs, 1Scott, Mr,
ay having ucc6pted a call to
Primed Albert. ,Mrs. McKay will
,ape r
1'd s e brei 'weeks with her mother
before joining her husband in the
'Maybe A'dati was created first'
don Friday afteriio•tfri last and a veil. Slipper will be served 'itt 6 1?.nt, fol- front the Canadian town On their so as to give Bins a clunite to say.
dridetestin•g, and 1iellpfiil greeting was lowed by a progrartn, luny to attend the ftinerai of his soiiaetlting,
1VIr", and Mrs. Bruce Eagleson vis-
ited on .Sunday with ;his parents Mr.
and. Mrs. Wm. Eagleson.
We extend' !our sympathies to the
relatives of the late Mr. Geo. Lovie.
The choir 'of Grace church, Green-
way, held . a t very successful choirs
practice and sbcial evening at the
home of Mr. Wm. Hayter on Tues-
day evening. .
IM•r. and Mrs. Edward Gill and
Eddie'spent •Su d y at Mr. '4Villialn.
Mrs. Win. Hodgins had the mis-
fortune to fall and hurt her wrist.,
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Morley spent
Thursday with. Mr- and Mrs. Ernest
Foster. . •
Mr.. and Mrs. Arnold Hern were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire spent.
Wednesday at the home, of Delbert
Friends of Miss Lucy Gunning
will regret to know that her condit-
ion has not improved.
The Y. P. S. •will .Peet on Thurs-
day evening. The meeting. will be.
in charge of Miss Sadler.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire and
Mr. and • Mis, Orville Cann, • of
Thames Road spent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire.
Mrs. (Rev.) White and children
returned home from a visit with the
former's mother, Mrs. Jackson in
Wiiidsor, last Wednesday. Mr.
White also visited his mother and
sister in Chatham the beginning of
last week; and all .returned together,.
Mr., Chas. Upshall has commenced
moving his effects to his farnn, re-
cently purchased on the Base Line.
-Mrs. Chas, Johns, returned home
last Friday after visiting in St. Marys
for over•a week.
'Messrs,' Garnet and Kenneth JRhns
spent Saturday ' in London where
they visited Air. Ro1bt. Cann in Vic-
toria Hospital. Mr, Cann recently
underwent an operation for append
.iritis and, is recovering rapidly..
Mr. Silas Johns and Mr. Garnet
Johns went to Mr. Wm. Pybus' near
Chiselliurs•t on Tuesday where the
former will . visit for a 1ew- weeks
'with his .daughter.
The NV. M. St held -their ntenthly
meeting. on February 20th, • the
World's Day of,. Prayer, at the home
of Mrs: Frank Brock, Winchelsea.
There were twenty-two members
and one visitor present. Roll call
was, responded to by a verse on.
prayer. Mrs. (Rev.) White, presi-
dent presided over the first part of
the meeting when the business was
discussed. It was decided to adopt
the Travelling Basket and Birthday
Box as.;a means of raising money
this• year. ,IMIrs. Wellington Skinner
played a piano solo and Mrs, Ed.
Johns sang "My Mother's Prayer"
which were both much enjoyed. Mrs.
Chas. God;bolt took charge, of the
latter part of the meeting and the
Day of Prayer program from the iMiss
Sionary Monthly was followed out.
On Friday evening of this week
they play "Spite Fence" will be put
on In the church in the interests of
the W.M.S. See advertisement iix
another column.
Value f above
• the rice
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THIS new Ford Tudor Sedan brings you everything
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reliability and long life: Its smart style and good
performance make it a Pealue far 'above the price.'
Cell Or telephouc Ent demoastratioa.
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Phone 64,