HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-26, Page 4ItIPRIVASPATI 107LB1illt.r" cur 201 104 THE EXETER 'TIMES -ADVOCATE nnouncement! HAVING TAKEN OVER THE BUSINESS, OF THE ROSS -TAYLOR .CO, HERE WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE. THAT WE. ARE IN A POSITION TO. TAKE E� ARE QF YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN LINE OF BUILDING T K C . MATERIALS, WE WILL HAVE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INSPECTION, SAMPLES OF .ALL GRADES IN HARDWOOD FLOORING, SHOWING YOU JUST ;WHAT THE.FI:NISHED FLOOR WILL LOOK LIKE, NOTHING IS MORE ATTRACTIVE OR MORE SANITARY THAN. A NICE HARDWOOD FLOOR IN A HOME. • SEE US ABOUT THE COST OF THIS WORK AND FIGURE IT A$ AN ITEM OF NECESSITY IN THIS YEA.R'S REPAIR WORK. ti '"WE WILL BE GLAD TO FURNISH ESTIMATES ON COSTS OF ANY WORK YOU HAVE IN VIEW FREE OF CHARGE. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REPAIR. Exeter Lumber Company, Ltd. PHONE 48 4GREENWAY COUPLE CELEBRATE ,$5th. ANNIVERSARY OF 11'ETDI\G On Saturday; February 21st an event of unusual interest took place in our community when Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McPherson celebrated the fifty-fifth anniversary of their marriage.. To add to the unique .event was the fact that their young- est daugher Adali and her husband, Kr. Elgin Webb, of Grand Bend,' were celebrating their tenth anniver sary the same day, roll particulars nert week. Mr. Robert Cann, of Usborne, was taken to St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on Wednesday of last week where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. He is getting along fine. tt -- FOUR DAY /- • Chautauqua CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUA FESTIVAL TO BE 'HELD • — IN THE OPERA HOUSE,. EXETER Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday March 2, 3,4, 5 Chautauqua last year in Exeter proved an unqualified success. Musical programs and addresses were of the highest order, bringing the world's best in music, drama; lithrature and entertainment. The program this year is of unsurpassed merit and is meeting with a splendid reception, Chautauqua is of real educational value to the community as well as entertaining and deserves the. hearty sup- port of the community. DAILY PROGRAM M E MONDAY, MARCH 2nd •EVENING— Popular Broadway Play—"Turn to the Right" The Peerless Players "Turnto the Right" has been universally successful, and will be staged by a brilliant group of players under the personal direction of Duckworth. Allison. TUESDAY, MARCH 3rd AFTERNOON— s Unusual Specialties Lowell. Patton Artists EVENING— ++ Grand Concert Lowell Patton Artists Lowell Patton, musical director of the Canadian Chautauquas, has appeared in •concert in the principal cities of Europe, Australia, • New Zealand, Tasmania, United States and Canada. The return of Fenwick Newell, gifted Canadian tenor, to the land of his birth will be appreciated by audiences everywhere. Gloria Robinson, the third member of this company, sings the mese exacting operatic arias with ease. This combination of superb artists will present two programs of outstanding merit and variety which will long 'be remembered in • musical programs. 'WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th • AFTERNOON— Gala Entertainment-- "Tie Elias 'Fal bttiritza :Serenaders" The Elias Tamburitza •Serenaders, of Inge-Slavia, appear in their native costumes, presenting an original programovhich com- bines their music, sbng and story with the standard, . popular and classical numbers so dear to those who speak the Englisch language. EVENING— Musical Evening • • "Tamburitta ,Serenaders" Lecture—"The Peaceful Pastures of Palestine" Julius Caesar Nayplte Julius Caesar Nayphe is a pian as amazing as his lecture Is unusual, Born hi Damascus, the ancient seat of Culture, reared in Palestine at Caesarea Phillippi, Julius Caesar Nayphe has both the blood and the temperament of the far east, also its life and its learning. His lecture is eltogeher unique, 'entertaining, and edit - cation], TEt F.SnAY, . 'MARCH i'th EVENING-- Popular Coniedy Suecess- "The •Whole' Town's Talking" The Canadian Prayers A veritable storm of mirth. All single adtuission, tickets 75e„ .children 26e. SEASON' TICKETS Adults 82.00; Children (thciuding IL S. 'Students) $1.00. Tax ianCluded Afternoon programs at 3.30; Evening at 8 •p.m, TICKETS ARE 1314( SFE1tiPlBLE IN OWNEIt'-S IMMEDIATE ►IAT rAMILY ONLY EXTRA. LAN SER SEATS TICKETS I+1b1l ENTIRE' PIIOGRA.M 50e. OF liAtt,. `OPENS 'SATURDAY AT- IIOWE 'S olit'osTORE,• Reserve Seat Ticket holders must be in their seats by 8,15 Thin, 1.. ;t KIRKTON Mr, Geo. McRa'i,dy, of London, ' is visiting liis mother Mrs, McHardy. 1\ir. Geo. Sherman Is renewing .ac- quaintauces Here. • lVlr. Silas Shier intends holding an auction sale on "Tuesday, Mareji 10th. Full parti•culaI s will be pub- lished in next weeks s issue. Friday was observed as a day" of prayer in St. Paul's church when •the W. M. S. of the United church met with the W. Ili'. S. of 1St. Paul's church, GRAND BEND Mrs: I. Stebbins, who has been ill with an attack ,of appendicitis, was taken to the hospital Sunday for an operation. Wo hope for a speedy recovery. The fishermen are mot having very good ice to fish on so the catch is not very good. There passed away a, life long resident of the Mollard line in the person of Geo. Lovie, last' Tuesday. Mr. Lovie who. has been sick for .a number of years was in bis 72nd ymourn his loss, ar. .die l eaves to m ou i e a loving wife, two sons, William and John, of the A?ollard line and four daughters, 1Vi'rs. Alex Hudson, of McGillivray and Mrs. L. Curts, M Gillivray. Mrs. T. Hayter, of Detre t, and Miss Della, of London; also one brother Air. W. P. Lovie of the. Mal- lard line and one sister Mrs. Peter McGregor of the same place. The funeral was oonducted by Rev. S. J. Blathers to Grand Bend cemetery. SHIPKA The regular meeting of the La- dies' Aid. will be held on Wednes- day, March 4th et the home of Mrs. William Ratz. The Y. P. S. of the United, +clairrch are giving a'€ play on Tuesday even- ing March 3rd. We are pleased to report Miss Alma Batt, 'who went through an operation for eye trouble hi St. (Jo- seph's Hospital, London, last week is doing nicely. KHIVA 1Ve are glad to report that Miss Alma Betz, who underwent an op- eration last week in •St. Joseph's H'oePital is ,getting along fine and will be able to return' home this week. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Neeb :spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. G. McDonald, Thames Road. Miss Marguerite [night spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr, Art Willert. r• Mise, Esther Neeb returned last week .from Victoria Hospital,. Lon- don and is getting along as 'well as can be expected. Mr, Wm. Witzel ;spent a few days last week with hi9 daughter Mrs. H. -Pfaff, Woodham. Mr. and !Mrs. J. Rath spent Satur- day in London. STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. O. W. •Reed are vis- iting in Hamilton and Galt. This cetnauunity Wes shocked th38 Morning to. hear of the sudden death of Mr. Robt. Reims. Janes Miller, of Lot 11, con.. 8, Hilbert, after an ' illness of two Weeks, passed away on Thursday In bis seventy-fifth. year. The late Mr. Miller was born in Hibbert and had lived ea the same farm all his life, Ile had a wide circle of 'friends' and lie was well thought ot 1»' all of his acquaintances. Desides'his widow, two sons and�an a da hter are left ug to mourit his. Toss. The funeral took pined on Saturday afternoon at half -past two o"'elook from the fam- Ily home to Staffs .Cemetery tot in- meeting web nailed to hear the re- JOIE WORKMAN, . Proprietor tertnente ports of the two delegates that were CEO'. IL ELLIOTT, A.tictlodieer D,DASHWQOD. D. H. Hx,Cowen, 10-04-1 RENTAL suRQJQoN At .oftice in Hartieib Meek, Dashm wood, first three• days of week :and ,t otilce (Mr- the. Post Office,. in Zurwicb, lax .three dale .of week. Mr. Q. Keeler,. 'Miss 1!i', Allentang :and Miss A. Hoffman. spent last 'Sat-. urday in London, Mr. A. Gaiser and. Mr.. l-. Kellerman spent a few days lit Toronto last week, Miss M.j'rta Hoffman, o1 Kitchen- er, spent the week -end with her pares tS. Miss Snell, of I.ondesboro spent the week -.end with her sister In Bhrck+busl, Mrs. Chas,. Steinhagen is visiting her daughter in Exeter. Mr:. I. Restemeyer Sr„ is in a very critical 'condition suffering from stroke. , (hits. V, Schatz is spending this week with her parents 1vl'r, and 'Mrs. E. Bender in Blytli. THAMES ROAD • Mrs. Benson Tuckey, of Exeter, was a visitor last week for a fear days with her sister Mrs, Pollen. Miss ,Seers, of Lonclon,t was at Week -end visitor with "her parents. Miss Marjorie Stewart spent.• the week -end visiting with Miss Patsy Martin, of Exeter. Miss B. Collings was home for the week -end, So brainy is going to have peace for a time. The local minirods hay- ;ing "decided to oil their guns and give .thein a rest: The. bag on Fat- nrday was not as' large as on form- er hunts. iilir. Jack Simpson Stas been busy the past week removing the barn on the corner • lot, formerly belong- ing to the late l4IrS, Hazelwood. ' It makes quite an open spot in the burg now. • Mr. Robt. Cann is in Victoria Hospital, London, having undergone an operation for appendicitis, We are glad to hear he is getting along nicely et present. W.M.S. Honored Past, President The Thames Road W.M.S. held its ;regular monthly meeting on Friday, February 20th, in the basement of the church. (Mrs. J. Cann, the pres- ident occupiedthe chair. The meet- ing was Opened -by singing 'hymn 496 and repeating the 'Lord's Prayer in unison. A few items of business were ,discussed and following this the program of the World. Day of Prayer was taken up. Mrs. J. Al- lison assisted the president in the leadership 'of the service ,with. Mrs. P Whitlock, Mrs. W. Thohipson, 11ligs, E. 1Vtonteith,-Mre,,.N. Wiseanan; l•Ia Dawson, Mts. F. D wso Mrs.J. Selves, Mrs. A. Gardiner, iMlrs. A. Morgan, 1Virs" Coward and .Mrs: J. Anthony tak- ing part in the prayers on the var- ious subjects. The meeting was closed with hymn 540 and the bene- ddGtion. Immediately :after the, meeting, 1Vrrs. J. Cann, Mrs. 3. Selves and Mrs W. Thompson called at the home of Mrs. R. I ydd, our past president; who continues in i11 health and pre- sented , her with a fernery and'fern on berelf of the Members' of the so- ciety, Following is the address: Our dear Mrs. Lydd,- •On this,meeting day of our Mis- sionary Society, we thought it a fit- ting time to convey to you some- thing of ,our, Sincere regard for: your- self and your work in ,our society.. As our past president for eo many years we have all appreciated the a'oility with which you held the of- fiae, we have accepted the time and strength which you so freely gave to us; also the kind hospitality which you 'so generously offered' many times.. to our society. Many times. you would have hesitated had 'it not been for the noble cause you were working for, because we are all too prone not to show our appreciation by kind words but now Mrs. ICydd we' felt we could not let •this occa- siert pass without a token from the society to show •our love' for you and our appreciation of your work atnoaig • us. This occasion is 'not saddened by' parting with you but -rather gladdened by the thought that your smile and kind word will' be present at our meetings and your ready advice will be given to uS from a stock of experience which Yonhave gleaned -month by month. We. hope this happy ,occasion and. small remembrance conveys to you our heartfelt wishes for good health to enjoy teeny years in ac- tive work among us. Signed, Mrs, .1. Cairn, President, 'Mt% It Wisetnart, Secretary. + (Crowded out last week) 'Arr. Park, of Statfa, was a visitor With Mr, and 'Sirs. Jas, Ballantyne on the Eotindary on Thursday. air, 3, T. Allison had the misfor- tune to get trampledby a cow on Sattirdayf Airs. Robert "Kydd le still cot4thed to her horde. Mr. Wart. /Odd is visiting a few days with Mrs. Stanley Coward FCDLAIIITOINT IIOBTIC't LTtRAL SOCIETY A. litibli+e' meeting of the society was held on t~ridoy night, 1 ebruary 20th itr the Euiittrton (•Toll. T,lte sent to the -Ontario Horticultural Sio ciety •couveiition Meld at Toronto an February 12th .and 1i3tmt, There were, quite a nitntber present. An Address was given by Rey. Mr. Thay- ner and a couple of musical nuns, bears. A pianoforte duett by Aliases Stacey and Arloe •Brace and a vocal duet by Terre. Felling and lM!rs. Mar- ria. ,After this the report .of the first day at.tihe ,cenvenion was given by Ur, Frank Collings followed by a .guitar solo lay Mrs., R, 'Menzies. The -second day of the convention was given by ivrr.. A. Cole. A plane • solo was .then given by Mrs, Knott, of !Carlingford and a few remarks from the chairman closed the meet- ing, which was followed by light re-. Treatments alid a social Mme. The: above society has a very fine list of premiums this, year. Every. mem- ber receiving the Canadian Horticul-' turalist Magazine for_ one year and the choice of either of the follow- Jug list: No,, 1, 2 Iris; 2. Phlox; 1 Roe• Bush; 6 Gladiolus, No. 2, 2 Gloxina; 2 Tuberoats Be- gonia, double; 1 Clematis.; 1 Phila- delphius or Moak Orange. AUCTION SALE IU1 ,STOCK,• IMPLEMENTS 'AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned nas been in- structed hi' sell by public .auction, on Lot 2(f, Hay Township, (Half mile west of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, + ,DRfTARY • 27th 19131 at 1.00 o'clock sharp the fol- lowing valuable 'property CATTLE -2 milking cows, 5 yrs, old; yearling cattle, 2 steers and 3 heifers; 2 fall steer calves. PIGS --Brood sole bred a month; 11 •stockers, 3 months old. IMPLEMEN'PS—McCormick Wild- er, 6 ft. cut; McCormick• mower 5 ft. cut; Noxon drill, 1,0 hoe; McCor- mick 13 -tooth cultivator, wide points and narrow; 2 -furrow, Wilkerson gang plow Fleury walking plow; 4 - section diamond, harrows; Mhssey Harris «Tow dawn manure spreader, nearly new; road cart, 16 ft. hay a'ack, liay tedder, Bain wagon, nearly new; Clinton fanning mill and . sieves;; 2000 ib. scales, (bag truck, . gasoline engine, Maxwell reaper, cutter, bob sleigh, 2 top buggies, wagon box, pig rack, gra- vel box, root pulpor, ;cutting box, wheel 'barrow, scalding barrel, large meat 'barrel, iron kettle, grass seen Sower, shot gun, logging chains, drain scoop, set ,clouble hariaess, set of single harness, Anker Holt cream separator,,, wliiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, hoes and other ar- ticles too numerous a.to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Daisy churn, cider barrel, butter print, 'butter dieh and spoon, lounge, D e - troit vapor" coal ;oil stove, three burner. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder as the proprietor leas sold his ,farm. TERIM;S OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 .months'" credit will •be given on furnishing approv- ed joint notes with a discount Of 4 per cent. straight off for cash on credit amounts. ' ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer: ADDIE TIEMAN, Clerk, HENRY M. WILLERT, Proprietor • AUCTION SALE of� IDIPLEMENTS, HARNESS AND }IQ!UIPMEN T Mr. -John Workman- has instruet- the undersigned to sell by public auction at his Harness shop, Kippen, Ont. on THIi RSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1931 at one o'clock • sharp consisting of the following Set of brass mounted breeching harness, set of webb trace (breeching harness, 3 set of tback band harness;• 1 set of •single harness; 22 1 inch halters; 17 114 inch halters; 1 .doz. whips; 18 curry Combs;' 18 collar Bads.; 9 sets of bells; 5 horse blan- kets; plush rug; 2 wool rugs; 14 sweat pads; 9 long ,straw collars site 20 inch t,cy 23 inch; 4 Tong straw 'collars from ,18 inch to 20 inch all hand made; quantity of lace leather; set of single harness, . second hand; harness sewing machine in good running order; ,Singer sewing ma- chine for light work; knife grinder; smut treating ,machine; .Step ladder, 2 extension ladders, 2 cream separa- tors, new I. H. C,; 1 Viking cream, separator; 2 walking plows; Peter Haanilton seed drill; 5 single har- ness back bands,' 2 dozen chains; breast straps, martingales, snaps, tie ropes, hanie straps,,oroopers, col- lar tops, double lines; single lines, billetts, overdraw checks, breealii:ng strips, spread ....rings and :straps, throat lathes, bridles, bits, tie shanks; and other articles too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve as proliriet or is going into different line of bttsines.s. This Is an •exceptionally good Line of goods and will be sold on tete following terms. All ,suns of $10.001 and under, cash; over that, amount 10 months' creditbe ed will given On i'urnishliag approved joint notes or a discount Of 5% straight allowed for cask tit credit amounts, NOTICE: TO CRREDITORS ' NOTICE lS HERB BY GIVEN that all.creditors and others having. claims .against • the estate of :J01 STEWART SR., late of tile. Town- Ship of Tuckersinitih, iii the County;. of Uuron, Farmer, are required to' forward their claims .duly proven, to the undersigned on di•• 'before the ninth day of Aiarch A,. D., 1931, AND NtQ '1CI7 IS FURTHER EN that after the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute• the estate having regard ouly to the claims- of which lie tihett shall have notice, DATED at Exeter, Out., this six•• teentli day of February A, D., 1931, . MADMAN & STANBIJRX Exeter and Hensall ,Solicitors for Administrator NO'V'ICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. all creditors and others having' claims against the estate of MARY ,STEWART, late Of the Township,of Tuckersmith, In the County of Hu- ron, Widow, are required to for-• ward their claims duly proven to the• undersigned on pr before the ninth day of March AI.D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER (•lIV– EN that after the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distri- bute the estate having regard only to the claims of ..which he then .shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this six- teenth day of February A. D., 1931, , GLADIVIAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Administrator, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and othershaving' claims •against the estate of MARY STEWART, late of the Township of T'uckershni+th, in the County of Hu- ron, Spinister, are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to the - undersigned on or before the ninth. day of March A. D., 1031, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the .Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute•- theestate having regard only to, the claims of which he then shall have, notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this six- teenth day of February A. D., 1931, GTIADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Administrator • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and ,others having claims - against 'the estate of JOSEPHINE~• ELLEN KESTLE, late ot'tii& Village of Exeter, in the County of Huro>ip_ Widow, who . died• on the fifteenth.. day of January, A, D. 1930, are re- quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned or or be-: fore the twenty-third clay of Feb- ruary, A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the: - estate' having regard' only to the claims of which they their shall have - notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 30th. day of January, A. D,, 1931. GLA.DM'AN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors' Solicito4. NOTICE TO CREDIfORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and, others having claims against the estate of JOHN; STEWART .3'R,, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of H,u=- ron, Farmer, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un- dersigned on thr before the ninth day of March A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV»g. EN that after the paicl .date the Ad.• ministrator will proceed to distri- bute the estate having regard only, to the claims of which he theft. shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this six.. teenth day 01 February A. D., 1931.,, ' MADMAN & STANBVRY Exeter and Hensall .. Solicitors for .A cllhiinistratot±- i See us for Goad � Porcl Service wry. dn',the job right ti and we'll have It ready when promised: Let um. inspect your car the next time It needs tdnii g up. Our mechanics are spe- cially trained All labor billed ae:rbw fiat rate. SANDY 111114070 alto Home.. et the 11,'orci • ii t' r)4 fcb-