HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-19, Page 8T.o.[.ikswor, I" d4tut astr 19, *93* THE E U. T i,.Y,R tME!&'I4 DVOCATE Tile Thames Road Fartlrer's 't~lula Gleed a sew snore orders to Make tip 4 car of cedar posts at 30c. each and if we can secure enough orders we can furnish you with the best grade XXXXX l3. ('•. Shingles at $140 a bunch, Anyone neee.iug more cape this !spring should phone their.order- in as we are ordering one more ear, Try and get your grass seed and fer- tilizer otters in by next meeting. 1;[arak 2114. P. Passmore, Sec'y. FOR SALE -Sweet clover seed. Apply to Simon J. Morloch, R. R. No. 2, Creditan. ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE- Valuable property,. storey and .a °half brick house on Gilley St., one acre of land adjoining house. Apply to Carling &. Morley, Exeter. 2-10-2te FOR SALE -200 Sala pails and sp•iles, in any quantity; also 4 sail pans. Apply Jas. Oke, R. 1, Clan.- deboy e. Phone Creditors 30 r 15. ftp. FOR SALE --A number .of Here- ford bull calves, pure bred, from. 9 months up. Apply to John Hirtzel, R.' R. No. 1, Crediton. WANTED -Loan ' of $3,000 on first luortgagge on well improved 100 acre farm in the. Township of Usborne, For further particula.rS apply to CARLING & MORLEY, So- licitors, Exeter. tfn FOR SALE -Pair of light bob- sleighs; also a few spy apples; some No. 1 clover honey and some large pickling onions, Apply W. F. Abbott Exeter. FOR .SALE -Brick house with eight rooms and over one acre of land on William Street. Woodshed, hard and soft water, stable, fruit trees. Apply at Times -Advocate, 1-15-tfc FARM FOR SALE -Choice 100 - acre farm with good buildings, North Thames Road, •convenient to market, school and church. For further par- ticluars apply to Carling & Morley, Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. 12 -18 -tie if you wish to buy or sell a farm or house see R. E. Pickard, Exeter. POULTRY WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices. Trucks will call. Phone 30, Dash- wood, C. Anderson. Lxeter Markets Wheat ..0 c. Oats 200. Barley, 30e. Zarin $1.15. Shorts $1.10; $20.00 a ton Low Grade Flour $1.24 Welconte Flour $2,5Q Model Flour $2.70 ;Manitoba Fleur $2,SQ Creamery Butter,'36e. Dairy Butter, 24-25e, Eggs, Extras, eee. Eggs, Firsts, 130. Eggs, seconds 14e, *logs 57.25. _...7....,,,,,4 Xocafs Air. W. C. Davis visited in Lon- don over the week -end, Airs. W. H. Dearing is spending a few days in London this week, , Mrs. John Ward and son Ross spent the week -end visiting in Lon- don, ondon, Mr, J. G. Dow shipped another load of splendid horses to Montreal last week, . ,1Tr. S. Clarke, of the Bank of Montreal staff, spent Sunday at his home in London. Mr. Gibbs Yeiland, of 'Win'dsor, spent the week -end with his sister, Miss Bessie Yeiland, Mr. J., G. Stanbury was in Toron- to on Monday and Tuesday engaged as Counsel in Court there, 11Ir. F. A.:1Iay, who has been ser iously 111 at his home is making splendid progress towards recovery. 11115rs. Date Lyne, of Toronto, sis- ter 'of Mr. Thos. Dhiney, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dinney for a few weeks. The little Misses Iva and Ila Wil- lis, of town, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Wil- lis, of Centralia. Miss Annie Simmons, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lou- don, is holne for a few days stiffer- ing from a cold. Mr. Wm. Abbott and son Francis were in Toronto last week attend- ing a Beekeeper's convention at the Royal York Hotel.• Mrs. J. G. Inglis, of Kitscoty; Al- ta., formerly Miss Bayne of the Exe- ter H. S. staff, called on old friends in Exeter during the past week. Grocery Specials For the next two weeks we are putting on a special, grocery sale. This will be, your opportunity to save money. 7 Ibs. Oatmeal, Best Western coarse and fine 25c. 2 ib. Seedless Sultana Ra4sins ..23c. 2 Ib. Red Band Seedless Raisins 25c 2 packages Seeded Raisins 25c. Lemons , 4 for 10c. 7 bars P. & G. Scrap 27c. 3 bars Mother's Baby soap 19c. 3 packages Ammonia 220. Lux 9c. a box 3 cans of Essex Peas 25c. 3 cans .Frankford Peas 25c. 2 cans of Huron Corn 25c. 2 cans Yellow. Banton Corn25c. Clark's Pork & Beans .... 10c. a can Cat sup 19c. e. bottle Horse Radish 220. a bottle Cascade Salmon, small 110. Lettuce, Tomatoes, CAVEN ,PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey.. j. lsernard Rhodes, III... A,• Minister A ... 1 WAS, LLeua. Coates, ,f1.L.(7.11L, Organist G. & li:. Salmon, large 1Sc. Red Star Sockeye Salmon, large 33c Red Star Sockeye Salmon . small 18c Quaker Krackles 2 for 25c. Jello Powders 3 for 256. Matches 3 for 25c: 3 pounds Macaroni .•. 25c. Oranges (288's) 23c. a doz. Oranges, large • u9c. a doz. White Petrolatum 170. a bottle Colored Petrolatum ..,13c. a bottle Stainless Sewing Machine Oil 20c. Pure Olive Oil 3 oz. bottle 4.5c. Castor Oil, .... 15 and 255e. a bottle Assorted Cookies 20c. ,a lb. Thin Arrowroot 30c. a lb. 35c. Cookies for 30c. in season. Cabbage THESE PRICES von 2 WEEKS FRANK COA.TES The Exeter Horticultural Societ Premium List for 1931 Closes March 12 3LEMBERS ARE ENTITLED TO TWO CHOICES CHOICE 1 ---SIX. NAMED GLADIOLUS ARABIA (dark red) or CAP'I' BOQUTON (lavender) or TYCKO TANG (salmon pink) or " MRS. LEON DOUGLAS (rose) or ORANGE GLORY CHOICE 2 -ROSE, HYBRID TEA, 'MONTHLY BLOOMING ASPIRANT MARCEL ROUYER. (apricot) EVOILE DE HOLLAND (dark red) MISS AU TIPLITZ (light red) VILLE DE PARIS (yellow) CHOICE 3-CLIYIBING ROSE-?a.u's Scarlet CHOICE 4 I3'ti'7,'TEz13.F'L' .' 13Uwd# CHOICZ 5- CANADIAN norviICULTUllISP 1ifI' rx ii $i.b0 MAIM :1l,ES713ER:� 11IAItM AN X IN FRONT OF ANY TWO Or THE ABOVE •CHOICES. SIGN YOUR, NAIVID AND :RAIL 'Olt HAND TO Tide SECItETAIi! NOT L,ATE11 11tAIV' iM?A13.0I.1 1.2th. THWID WILL BD NO PALL, Pl.#. ivfIUMS. SIGN HERE YY.Y:....YiY.....YYY.YYY. YY..i.. .... YYi YY.YYYY..,Y............... y �ryr ,,�, ADDRI✓17.A7 Y.T...YYY.YY........Yi,Vi.YYY Y..yY1Y�1Yiki YY..YI...YiYY,Y,... %VtrICY 1'r AHDf .7: �i%,. STAa' IVe `i. President Seoretnx .•'1?ressur'etr ALL ProYstr hIs WILL 13VirL D TO It/ZUBE IIS. 10 4.14,--r'anday School 11 a.nt.-"The Well by the 'Gats" 7 p.m. -"Not by. Bread. Alone." Thursday, S p.m„ ,our M M.Week Serviee in the Church. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF GANADA Ray. I), AleTavisb,:•Pastor W. R. Goulding, Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m,-"A ,Life Worthy of the - Lord". ;3 p.m. -Sunday School. 7 'p.nn.-"The gamble of Life" or ",liazarding MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. 3'.:lloorlmuse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.tn, Message to the church at Philadelphia. ' 3 p.m. -Our church .school. 7 p.m.,_.Wisdoni of Soul Winning, Prayer meeting Thursday at 7.30 p.m. TRVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH. Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, 1i. •Th. Organist, !lass MacFaul Choir -Leader, Mr. Middlenriss 1st Sunday in. Lent 11 a.m.-Morning ierayer & Litany "Su'bje2t: "Life Consecrated" 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Rector's Bible Class . 7 p.m. -Evensong Subject: ''.The .Sleets and the Un- seen" . Friday, February 25th, Women's'In- terdenominational Prayer Service in Parisjh Hall at 3 p.m. and Girls' Special Prayer Service at 8 p.m. Induction service Monday evening. The Exeter Women's Institute will hold their annual Story Telling Contest on Tuesday, February 24th at 8 p.m. in the basement of James Street United Church. Parents, of contestants as well as other adults who are iaterestecl in this ; educa- cational feature .are cordially invit- ed to attend. Silver collection. A CALL TO PRAYER OF ALL WOMEN AND MLS n "Ye Shall Be My 'Witnesses" The World. Day of Prayer Ser- vice will (DV) be held in Tr"ivitt Memorial Parish Hall on Friday, February 20th. Women's meeting at 3 p.m.; Girls' meeting at 8 p.m. Offering taken for Inter -Denomina- tional movements. The auditor's report for the Vil- lage of Exeter. for 1930 has .been printed. An abstr'act of the report will be found on another page. Mr. Louis Johns is.,this week mov- ing onto the farm of Mr. John Wil- lis, '3rd con. of Stephen Township from a farm in Usborne township. Much of the snow has melted dur- ing the mild spell of the past week and the water will be welcomed by many of the farmers whose wells have been low. Mr. and Mrs..Geo. Anderson very pleasantly entertained !sone friends on Wednesday evening, Gaines were played, after which a -splendid. lunch was served. 1VIr. 4lfoe Sanders, who is em.ploy- ed with Mr. J. Stanbury, butcher, was off for several days last week through illness. His place was taken by Harold McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Woods are leaving for the 'West on Friday of this week) visiting relatives at Fort William, Murrillo, Winnipeg and Re- gina before returning to Banff. Ice harvest, above .the dam has. been in progress during the past week, and has been icom.pleted. The ice is about 14 inches thick but the sample is not as good as in other years. W. 't'.. Gillespie and soil Bert have stored something like 400 toils a greater, quantity than usual. - itTr, John E.' Dignaii, who has spent the greater part 'of the winter with his daughter, ,Mrs. Brown, .of. Kingsville, has returned to his home in Exeter, air. Dignan states that they have, been enjoying excellent weather in that section and that around Chatham there Is practically no snow and cattle are out in the fields. At Kingsville this winter several thousand wild geese have re- mained making daily trips between. Mr. Jack Miners sanctuary and the lake. The Canadlein Canners contraeted witlx the fartners for several hun- dred acmes of peas and corn on Mort - .day om.dayY 'The acreage Will not be as largo as last year arid the price to tiro farmers is somewhat reduced. We understand that the contracts ,ware all signed before three o'cioelt Monday nfternaon and a number of'. farmers, 'who Mina after that hour. were tenable to secure a contract. More acreage, however, nay be cony'_ trarted for later". . SALE OF MEN'S FINE About 10 dozen in this assortment nearly all sizes inthe lot. They are a clean up of all our odd lines. Shirts as high as $2.50 in this sale. Take your pick $1.29 or ,3 for $3.75 5 doz. Smocks and Overalls Take advantage of this Pew price. A splendid made garment made from good quality blue denim. Priced at per garment Sr149 42 in. Pillow Cotton Our finest, quality pillow cotton, 42 in. wide, fine even finish and good weight. Get your requirements at this slsecrmal price Special Price per yd.. 45c. 10 dozen Stamped Mats Showing all of the newest patterns being used this season. They come in four sizes and you will likethe new patterns. 40c., 65c., 75c., 85c. Circle Bar Pure Silk Hose One of the best ,values in 'Ladies' Sill Hose that we know ofa In all the newest shades. Oer regular $1.50 hose now being sold Atper pair $1.25 36 in. Broadcloths In all .the best selling shades. A wonder- ful cloth for quilts, slips and numerous other purposes. Regular 25c. value. Special at per yd. 20c, 72 inch Unbleached Sheeting . A wonderful quality of unbleached sheeting 72 inches .wide. Good strong weave cotton that washes easily and will bleach nicely. Very Special at per yd. 48c. Wallpapers! .Wallpapers! ALL OUR' NEW SPRING WALL PAPERS HAVE BEEN PLACED IN STOCK. PAPER SUITABLE FOR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOME. THE PRICES ARE MUCH LOWER FOR THIS YEAR. Good room lots at 98c., $1.48, and $1.98. So;thcott ros. • The pancake season is here. Use Harvey Bros. special pancake flour Manitoba's best flour is a cracker- jack for good breaQi. A trial will win you. You can't afford to De wite.out Excel Calf meal for starting calves and little pigs. It supplies the nec- essary feed to get mem over the critical stage. We carry a full stock p1: Oil •Crake MeatScraps, Tankage, Hi -Test Lay Mash, Oyster Shell, Grit, Bone 1Vleal and Hog Mineral. We self,our Min- eral for $.3.00 per cwt. ' HARVEY BROIS The Citizen's Relief ,Cbmznittee are in need, of some warm clothing for women and children and espec- ially a couple of coats for girls 8 and. 10 years old. Please leave at Times -Advocate. • Place your • 'order with J. S. Dig- nan & Son for Invincible Wire Fenc- inig and gates. Bring your harrows in early. 2-19-tfc. LAID TO •REST The funeral of the late Miss Amy I. Sirapton was held from tile' home of her' parents Mr. and !Mrs. James Shapton, I3trron Street on Thursday afternoon of last week and was con ducted by Rev. D. 1TeTavish, assist - by Rev. R. E. ,Southcott, of lVforpeth.. Mr. W. R. Goulding sang a verrap- propriate solo. The floral tributes were very beautiful and were car- ried by ten girl friends of the de- ceased. Among those who attend- ed the funeral from a distariee were Mr. Harry Gould, of Windsor; Miss Mona Gould, of ,Stratford; Mr. Ches- ter Chappel and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chappel, of Dundas. The pall bearers were Messrs. Silas Reed, Bruce Rivers, Chas. Salter, Chas. Fisher, Prank- Shocre and Clarence Down. THAMES ROAD Tho Thames Road atission Circle net at the hotne of Mrs. N. Passmore on Saturday, February 14th. The meeting Was 'opened with a hymn followed by the 'devo- tional exercises taken by Miss Ba- ter, Tho treasurer's report was given and Bien Miss Baxter took the chair. A. lignin 'vas sung and 1111rs.' Fred Sears gave the topic, following withili 1vli'ss ileair Duneaii ,gave a Very interesting reading. A contest was held end tile clositig ltyrnit viral sung, The meeting wits closed by repeat - 'Mg the Mfspalt Benediction anda. dainty lunch wag served. Sedttre your Chautauqua tickets early. Pian of I 11 opens at Howey's Drugstore' ntttr'.y Writing ®AT is -the brder f . our New Spring Suit We are offering a big discount during the slack season. ,The .new suitings are now in and it will"be worth your while to place your order at once. W. W. TAM A YN PHONE 81w EXXETER, nommommummeonmenna UNDERWENT OPERATION Mr. Gordon McDonald, of High- way No. 4, about two miles south of Exeter was accompanied to Victoria Hospital, London, an Monday by Dr. J. H. Browning where lie underwent an opera.tion for spinal tremble. He is getting along nicely, IA very pleasant evening was spent 1 at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Passmore on Monday, February 5th whore about 60 relatives .gather- ed prior to the departure of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Woods for their !some its the west. Tho first part of the evening was spent in euchre tiie ladies' prize be- ing won by Mrs. Robert Duncan and the gentleman's by Mt. l rank Ham- ilton, Lunch was served and tilo remainder of the evening was spent in gild time dancing. The music was supplied by Frank Hamiiilton and Melvin Moir, An early meriting re- treat for home ended the goadatine everybody enjoyed. Secure your Chautauqua; tickets early. Plait of Hall opens et Howey's Drugstore Satuv'y Morhing Mrs. John ganders, ts.1: ChillfWaek, C„ in renewing their subsets -- tion to the Tines -Advocate° says thnt they are still lnterestod hi the paper although the navies of old ?Mends seem to be gradually dropping out. They !sieve enjoyed a lovely winter. Mi. Sanders is keeping well. CENTR•ALIA. BARN F CRNS, CLdJS4NG :3JdVERE. LOSS Loss which, will likely runinto,thousands of dollars was, occasioned •by a fire which destroyed the basic of JY Willard near here bit Wutdnes- day last. A number of implement and an automobile, in addition to a large quantity of flax was destroy- ed. Upon discovery of the blade neighbors worked frantically tit saver a portion of the contents, .but their eaorts were :without .success. The< plain etor of the barn was In Tor- onto at the time. The cattle of the fire le unknown, n LEAGUE I+1VIE'RTAINS On Tuesday evening the alai= Street Young people were entertain- ed by James Street Young People: in. the . church parlors. A ver5r pleasing program was given. " the visiting ..society which was ipeby. tiedi by .singing hymns followed by sever- al short prayers and chanting theF. Lord's Prayer. 'rho .scripture Yeses son was read and commented 'itjioti by Miss Margery Broderick andthe% topic was capably gives on "Citizen- ship" by Mr, Prank it 'GV cifcng. A. stringed duet lily .Misses Mabel Ealy ick and Dorothy Itycknian, piano' duet by Misses Ruth Wildfong and 'Dorothy Gressie.k and a solo lay irisd' Violet Gambrill were well reeeivedY• Mr. 1V O0111ouse r;1•osct this part bt the meeting while "Nearer My Boli to Theo" was played softly on tla0 harp 4111d. guitar. Mr. Clarence Down biers took charge of the sod- 1 part <;f the mectfng tv,itnm 'grtrtttr genie -4 were entere:linto heartily by everyones after Wk all. lunch w5 served. stir