HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-19, Page 5-4
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PR J. A• 1iU' 'AGGAW L I� S ineeli:ersxitith, oast of Ileusall, pit
..,� .. r Thursday mareing+ last, Eliza Jane.
TaY1or, wife et Ma Johu Sheppard
iatroet' In her 57th ,year, Mrs. ,Sheppard
'was a daughter •off the late Mr. and
_. Mrs. James 'Taylor and was born
Hibbert Township. After her
marriage to 1'4r. Sheppard elite +carie
to Tuckersmith and has) resided
there ever since. ,About a year ago
she Was .strickened with .cancer and
despite the best medical care and
nursing passed :away on Thursday.
She leaves to an'dnrn hero loss, be
sides her bereavied 4ausband',I .two
sons, Clarence in the Bank of Mout-
real, Paisley and Harold •at „home
and one sister Mrs, J. D. Wren, of
Toronto and one brother Janes Tay-
lor, of 'reroute. The 'funeral took
place on Saturday .afternoon with
interment in the McTaggart ceme-
tery. Her pastor the Itev. A. Sin-
clair officiating.
'1e1enliono 100 Main
Mr. J. W. White is able to be out
again after his recent illness.
Miss Menthe Mustard spent 11 few
clays in London visiting friends,
.Mr, Chas, Jiales Is able to •be out
egain after his. recent severe illness,
Mrs. Jas. W. B'ortlrron is able to
Ire out again after her recent illness.
Mr. ' VVru, Simpson, of Detroit.
spent the week -end visiting friends
iM3ss Eleanor Fisher is visiting
,for a few days With friends in St}iat-
ford. •
" Miss Margaret Slaviu"'is visiting
.fora few clays with friends in Lon -
Mr. John Welsh is nursing a very
sore hand caused by blood poison-
Miss Alma S+eruton, R.N., of L013.-
ontion, spent the week -end at her home
.Mr. Thos. Welsh is' confined to
dais drone suffering from asevere
void. a•
Quite a'nunrber from here attend.
ed the dance at Iiippen •on Friday
1STr.. and Mrs. James Paterson and
Mrs, Mark Drysdale spent ,Saturday
in Exeter.
• Miss Nora Petty, R.N„ spent Wien -
day visiting at the home of Mrs.
Jelin Murdock..
The next meeting sof the Huron
Presbyterial will be held in Hensall
•on February 28.
Dr, Moir attended .the funeral of
the late Robert McKay, at Goderich
on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Dr. Reicl, of Port Rowan, is
visiting Dor .a f'ew .days at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. E. Sheffer.
Mrs Talbot •af London, spent the
week -end visiting at the home of
bier Slaughter Mrs. (Dr.) Collyer.
Master Harry Armstrong spent
the week -end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo: Armstrong of Hay.
The many friends. of Rev. Mr. Mc-
Elroy are sorry to hear he is con-
fined to his home through illness.
Mrs. Bella Gordon has been con -
dined to her home owing to a.
sprained ankle but is getting along
nicely. •
Miss Mildred Follick entertained
a number ,of her friends on Thurs-
day last. The .occasion being, her
birthday party,
'Mr. Jehnny Farquhar is able to
be out again 'after being confined
to his 'home tor several weeks suf-
fering from a nervous :breakdown.
Mrs. -Sadie Robinson, of Toronto,
who spent .the • past two weeks visit=
iing friends here left Tuesday for
Seafortlt where Jhe will visit for a
few days.
The W. M. S. of the Carmel Pres-
byter'ian church held their meeting
on Thursday afternoon last. A large
• crowd was present and the meeting
-was addressed by Miss iMeEw.an.
Owing to the illness at' Rev. Mr.
Mclllroy the pulpit of the• Carmel
Presbyterian church was .ocoupied
by lir. Henry Strang. Clerk of the
'Township of. Osborne, on Sunday
morning. No service was held in
the evening. •
At the United church' on Sunday
the Rev. A. ,Sinclair occupied his
own pulpit at both services. A 'fea-
ture of the day was a women's choir
-who lead the singing. Mrs. Dr.
Reid, of fort Rowan, sang a solo
at both services.
Mr. Richard Welsh is lying ser-
iously ill at his 'home on King St.
Mr. Welsh is one ,of the oldest resi-
dents of Hensall and up until late-
ly has been active for his years. His
:granddaughter,•Miss Nellie Boyle, R.
'd. is nursing him.
The Welfare. of Youth Club of the
:Carmel. Presbyterian church field
their meeting on Monday evening.
An English program of duets by
Mr. Jini Mustard and Mies Manche
Mustard' and readings by Miss Jean
McQueen were givers atter which .a
social horn' was spent.
A large crowd attended the play
given by the Dramatic Club of St.
Paul's Anglican Church entitled
"'Step on it, ,Stan" in the Town Hall.
Every member. of the caste took
their part splendidly and the play
"was greatly enjoyed by all present.
The young people put ori the play 'in
,Staffa on 'Tuesday evening.
The Young People of the United
;church held their meeting on Moii-
alay evening in the form of a Valen-
tine Soct"al. The church was beau-
• tifuily decorated by Miss Margaret
Johnston and the program was in
charge of_ Mrs. , M Heiden. After
the devotional exercises a musical
selection was given by Messrs. Hess
and Passrnore;,followed by a reading
by. Bobby Hess. An instrumental
'was given by Miss Mildred .Smillie
and a reading by Miss M. Elis fol-
lowed by a violin .selection by Mr.
Stott Welsh and. solo Mr. Sherritt,
'Mrs. Verne Redden .gave a' reading.
which was One of her own composi-
tions after which a quartette was
given by +Messrs. 1Sh.erritt, Goodwin,
Follicle tied Passmore. The tapiC
Wag given by Mr. Murray ,Carnpbell
"followed by a re.adieg ley Mrs. A.
McDonald and a selection by Messrs.
Passiitiore and Hess, At the close
of the' program a dainty lunch was
iserved and games and contests 'were
' Indulged in.
Death of Mrs, John Sheppard
''there' passed sway at her Koine
Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney, Mrs. Lou-
isa ,Schwartz, Lawrence Schwartz,
Mr, Henry Hoist, Mr, John Hoist,
Mr. Fred Hoist, Mr, Christian Hoist,
Mr, Win, 1VToriock and. Earl Hoist
left on Monday morning for Elkton
aMIchigan, to attend the funeral of
the, late Levi Hoist, .who was a or -
neer Crediton boy.
Word has been received that Mr,
Fred Heist who was on his way to
Mitten is seriously hurt about the
head and knee, He. was .kinocked
down by a ,passing/ niot'orist near
Harbour Beach. He is at present in
Harbour Beach Hospital, Mrs. F.
Hoist, Mr. Wellington Hoist, Mrs,
Gordon Morlock and Mr. Everett
Haist left for Michigan Tuesday
=riling. We hope Por a speedy re
cover', '
The Trustees of the Crediton.
Public 'School have been ineornied
by the Inspector that the govern-
ment will pay theist by way of grant
the annual ,Debenture which `is to
be paid each year r amounting to
$210.7'6 .for five years. These de-
bentures were issued to pay for the
installation of toilets in the school.
The ratepayers of the section will
be pleased. to learn of this extra
grant. The government will also
pay oneehalf of the expense incur-
r'ed.in •olbtaining sufficient water for
the se'liool, if the Trustees decide
to' take any action in that'regard.
On account of the nrilcl weather
those' who had in blind t'0 operate
a skating rink have given the -job. up
in disgust. It is unfortunate that
their efforts were without result.
They worked hard but were unable
to get a bottom thick enough' in the
start. Hiape " they will have better
results next time.
Mrs. Harry Kuhn was brought
fr•oin the Hospital, in London after
having gone ,through an operation
successfully. ,We hope _she will soon
regain her health.
• Miss Alma Ratz we's taken to the
Hospital in• London on Monday for
an •operation 021 .her eye. We hope
she will ,soon be better.
Mr. George Strasser is confined
to his home ,through illness. We
hope he .will soon be back to his
duties as baker,
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Association of the
United 'Church was held in the base-
ment on February 12th with the
president Mrs. F. W. Clark in the
chair. After the 'devotional: .exer-
cises and the reports from ttie var-
i•o•us committees a .short business
session took place. The society in-
tend holding an oyster supper on
March 6th ht the basement of the
church. A membership and attend=
ance contest is being held with Mrs.
J. Woodall and 81i's. F. Kerr as the
captains. 19 members answered to
the roll call and two visitors. Mrs.
Woodiallels side also reported four
new members."' After the business
session a dainty lunch was served
by 1VIrs. J. Woodall, ?Ire. M. Telfer
and Mrs. T. Yearley.
Secure your Chautauqua tickets
early. Plan or Hall opens at
limey's Drugstore ,Saturday morn-
Mr, and Mvs. Roland Mote and
two• children end Mrs. Henry Metz
and Mrs. 'Wm. Metz spent Sunday in
London with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mrs Harry Lewis spent a few days
last week With Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Wein near Sharon.
Mrs. E. Lawson visited last week
with liar brother tend sister, Mr.
and Mrs. tell Heywood, north of
Miss'Lu1a Kerr, of Vendee, spent
the weelt-end with her parents, Mr•
and Mrs. Fred. Kerr.
IMr. and Mrs, Fred Kerr enter
Wiled .a few of their' friends: on
Monday eight to a supper and after
wards euchre was 'indulged In. A
very jolly time was spent,
Tlie farmers living en the fourth
'concession let S'teplren held their
Weekly party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Derr en Friday night
last, After ;ertchr'e and bridge was
played tt lunch was served and all.
enjoyed dancing until the wee sine'
boors• of the morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Pali -Heywood spent
Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Ell Law-
Ivfr. Eli Lawson sold a valuable
horse oft Monday to 11ir. Pre.sztator.,
Mr. Sam Payriitanr spent a few
' '1,ltt.'RSJ),417. PE1131W113W 19, 1e.I31t s -
days recently with 14s brother .at
Garnet Itau returned to lies'.
Roane. iii Flint, M1gliigan •ou Tuesday
last .after enjoying €t few weeks vis-
iting with his parents, Mr. And Airs.'
Chris. Raaa.
Mrs. .Joseplr I#uiiocb and daugh-
ter, Helen 'has returned Monte after
visiting with Vile foriner's parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Ike Gower, of Elim-
Mr. Garnet .Johns. 'who under-
went an operation tor appendicitis
in Victoria Hospital, London, two
weeks., ego was able to return lioine
last Saturay. Rev, White and Mr.
Will Johns br'oug'ht Mini home in
Mr, Will John's car to Exeter and
from there he was able to ride home
.this cutter standing the trip. well,
',Phe Live Oak Mission Circle held
a 'Valentine Social in the church last
Friday evening. The members were
almost 'all present and a splendid
prografn Was given lasting about
two flours, A delicious lunch was
served and ably dealt with by a11.
Mrs, Chas. Johns •Ie visiting her
sister Mrs S. Whaley. in St Marys
this week. •
Miss eAgnet Logan who has been
keeping house for Mr, Albert Woods
for some years was taken very ill
with appendicitis last week. She was
taken to Dr. Fletcher's Hospital and
operated on. Wednesday night. Ale
though a serious case she, is now
making a splendid recovery,
Mrs. Herbert Henderson who lags
been confined to her home since the
New Year witl'i ,facial trouble is
again able to be out.
The World's, Day of Prayer will
be recognized . by the W.M.S. of this
church and a meeting will be held
at the home et Mrs, Fsank Brock
at Winchelsea. A special 'program
will be carried out ana all members
and any others who can ere cords
ially invited tes be present on Friday
February 20th at 2 pen. •
The Manville Hockey team play-
ed Kirkton last Wodnesday night
winning in a score of 2-0. On Satur-
day nigilit the played Kirkton Sts.
'lie score resulting 3-1 in favour of
The Women's Association of Cen-
tralia United Church will serve an
oyster supper in the basement of the.
church on Friday evening Feb. 27,
supper commencing at 6 p.m. follow-
ed by a program. Admission 40c.
and 25c.
Miss G. Francis, of Exeter, spent
I the weekeend with ,Miss L. Knight.
' Misses Ila and Iva Willis., of Ex-
eter, spent a few days with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. Thus
Friday February 20th has been
set aside as the "World's Day of
Prayer," The service of this Church
will be held in the basement o,f the
church on Friday evening comenc-
ing at 8 o'clock.
h1'r. and Mrs. N. Pollard, of..
Greenway spent Tuesday with their
sou 'Me, John Pollard.
The monthly meeting of the W.
M. S. was held in the basement of
the church on Tuesday, Febrhar•y
loth. The president was in charge
of the meeting. Hymn 378 was us-
ed for opening the ,meeting after
which Mrs. A. McFalls led in prayer
hymn, with Mrs.H. Powe leading in
prayer. The Devotional leaflet,
"Lead us not into temptation," was
read by Mrs, E. Wilson. • Other pap-
ers 'were read by Mrs. Thompson,
Miss F. Davey, Miss, Harvey, Mrs.
J. Essery, Mrs. R. Smith. Hymn. It
was moved and. carried that we
have a quilting on Tuesday after-
noon, February 17th. The captains
carte forward and •drew names fr'oni
an envelope for groups. It was also
suggested that the captains. Come
prepared to report at the next meet -
ins how groups wish to raise the
money.. After singing the Doxology
,the president closed the meeting.
Mr. J M, Glenn and brother Geo.
attended the funeral of their aunt
in Brussels on Saturday last the late
Mrs. Samuel Crawford. LYIrs. Craw-
ford lived her early life in this
neighborhood being a detigj1ter of
the late John Glenn Sr She was
the •eldest and the last to survive of
a !family of 'six three brothers and
two sisters William, James and John
Glenn; Mrs. Wm, Horton and Mrs.
Thos. McKay, all who' died a num-
ber of years ago. she was a Te -
markable intelligent old lady and re-
tained nearly all her facilities until
.she reached her 97th year. Her
family of ten, eight daughters and
two sons survive her Wept one
daughter, Mrs, Hillis, of Detroit,
wo died about two months ago.
.Miss Bell Brintntill, of Stratford,
was here over the week -end. lie
Caine to visit her father who con
tinues quite ill.
Mr. Allan El1ere and sister Grace,
of Ingersoll, visited at Bro;adfoot's
on ,Sunday last.
Mr. Joseph Speare and. Miss
Spear% culled on friends on Monday
Miss 'Vivian Brooks, who has been
ill Is .now able to it up.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnston,
of Whalen, spent Sunday with the
bailer's brother ldari.
g'11 i 11111111111111111 I 11 I 1 II III 111111 Ill li i111111 i11111,111111111111III11011111111III11Iii1111.1111iMIli
l 111 ilillliilllllli1111f1�llll l Ill Ill li � Ill 1 I l l I
M▪ Mus
M▪ own
FINEST SULTANA Fresh. Molasses
2 lbs, for 23c 2 lbs, for 23ce
NW. and real tasty
Per lb.. 19c.
QUALITY PEACHES, IN HEAVY SYRUP P , ., .., . , , , , .2 .tins. for 33c,
RED & WHITE NAPTHA SOAP . , , , , ,. , ... , .... 10 bars for :35c.
' Choice Quality
Per Ib, 23c,
Large Bottle
19c, each •
Large Tin'
2 for 19c.
Finest Santa Clara
3 lbs, for '2$c,
• 2 lbs. for 25c.
Fiye String'
49c. each
MOTHERS 'BABY SOAP , 3 for 16c.
CROWN BRAND TEA ... , .. per Ib. 39c.
CHOICE TOMATOES, Red and White, . .
.. per tin 1Oc.
per bottle 19c.
SWEET JUICY ORANGES .. per doz. 23
ESSEX NO. 4 PEAS 3 tins for 23c.
CHOICE CORN 2 tins for 23c,
, . , No. 2 tin 16c.
REAL FRESH DATES :.. 3 lbs. for 23c.
One of the greatest attractlons
here this winter' is the open air
skating rink. The ice has been good
and several hockey games have been
played. The young people •from all
around the community have come
to enjoy this out door clean sport.
The hockey teams that have takien
part are Woedhain, Whalen, Elim -
vine, Fullerton, Motherwell, Kirk -
ton and Salm and some great hock-
ey has been played.
. On Friday .night a Carnival was
held in aid of the Library and al-
though the weather was not too fav -
arable a large crowd was there and
almost eiie hundred costumes of all
kinds and -the spectators enjoyed
themselves. in watching them. The
fifekipte remounted to more than $60
and, the booth was well patronized.
The following were the prize win-
ners: Boys under ten, Roy Shier and
Leon Paul; Girls under ten, Jean
Parker, Marjory Pearson; boys un-
der •10 to 14 years, Harold O'Brien,
Mac. Howe; girls 10 to 14, Marjory
Stewart, H,ar'mina Gasibada; fancy
skating, gents, George Iiem•p, ladies,
Velma Atkinson; fancy dress, gents,
Ivan .Stewart; ladies, Grace Gallop;
comic, • gents, Allen Fletcher, ladies
Nina McNaughton; Best dressed
couple, Golclwin Atkinson, Velma At-
kinson; speed skating, gents; Jack
Smith, ladies, Thelma Marshall; nov-
elty race, Wilbur Williams; young-
est child on skates, 'Marjory Pearson.
Judges, Mrs. Geo. Nairn, .Nesbitt
Russell and R. E. Pooley.
Mr. and Mrs. • Roy Switzer, of
Prospect Hill spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. James Kemp.
Mr. Ilarry Burgin .anti Mr. Will
Urquhart motored to London on
Friday. They found it pretty -hard
going as far as Elginfield.
Mrs Geo. Parkinson and daugh-
ter, Eunice spent a few days last
week with Mrs. Herman Foster, of
Mr. and Mrs. 'Mervin ' Johnson
spent Tuesday in Exeter.
Mi'. and Mrs, T. • Gunning speiit
Monday with. Mr's John Foster, of
gglrs, P. Squire and Shirley spent
Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. N.
Miss Jessie Brooles, R N. is atten-
ding Mrs. Chas. Dobbs .near Cent-
Tlie Y. P. S. meeting was held
in. the Basement of the 'church on
Thursday evening, Mr. M•ervtir
J•olinson was in the chair. A. hymn
was sung followed by 'prayer by
1VIr two; Squire. Scripture Lesson
was rad by Mrs. Ogden. The meet-
ing was then handed over to Miss
Verna Hazlewood, social president,
who called on Roy Hodgson for a
recitation and a duet by Jean Mor-
ley end Jean Ogden. Both numibers
were enjoyed by all. Everyone then
took part In a progressive crokin-
Ole, Prizes were given to Mrs. Geo.
Squire, Mrs. Wilson i1I1rley anis El-
va Morley, also Mr. Geo. Squire,
Harvey French and Win. :Duffield.
after whish all .joined in God save
lire ICing,
Mr•s, C. W. M311sin, of Lttean,
Spent Tuesday with Mrs. Francis
Cf' IA.t EN W.M.S.
.The regular rnontitI3 meeting of
the Whalen W.M.S, was. held on
Thursday .afternoon at the hoine of
flits. Joint Hazelwood. Miro. Will
Morley, 1st Vice-Prestent had charge
of the meeting. The meeting open-
ed .with the Doxology, ' hymn 204
and :prayer by two of the members,
The $scripture lesson (Matt, 18:19-20
1 John 3-7) was read by Mrs. Hil-
ton. Ogden. • Parse Harvey )Squire
react the devotional •lea#let, "Lead
us not into temptation." A lovely
piano ,solo was given by Miss Verna
Hazelwood and was much enjoyed
by all.
The suggestive prograin leaflets
were read subject was: "Fruits, of
Christian Mission in Japan.•' Leader
Mrs. Geo. Squires; 1st •speaker,Mrs.
Will Hodgson; 2nd speaker, Ms's. E.
Squire; 3rd speaker, Mrs. John Hod-
gson; 4th speaker, Miss Bessie More
ley. •
Several responses to watchtower
were given: Japan; °Miss E. •Squire;.
Temperance,. Mrs. M. Gunning;
China„ lefiss Bertha Batten; System-
atic Giving, Mrs. A. Gunning; hymn
404 and prayer by Mrs. A. Gunning
closed the meeting. Tea was serve
ed and a pleasant social time spent
by all.
Oyster supper in the United church
on February 25th also splendid pro-
gram by local talent .assisted by Rev.
S. J. e athers, who will speak on his
experiences in Newfoundland, admis-
sion 50 and 25c.
Mr. Frank Turner tweed his most
valuable cow lying dead in the
stable •one morning recently.
Mrs. Sherritt has gone to visit her
daughter eIrs, .Poore, of Windsor,
for a Sew weeks. •
The men of the United church
held "a very successful wood bee on
Thursday last. IM'r. Russell Pollock
unfortunately lost his wrist watch
at the swamp.,
Mr. Lawrence Pollock put in his
season's ice supply .last week.
The ladies of the community ere
,aged to attend the World's• Day of
Prayer on Friday, February 20th at
2 pen. in the United church.
Rev. S. J. 'blathers, M.A., conclud-
ed his series of sermons on the
Lord's Prayer on Sunday after•no2h.
Large (congregations have enjoyed
the very practical and thought-pro-
voking sermons, Next Sunday his
3ubjest will be "The pr^ower of won-
•Miss Sarah .Hodgins was operated
On for appendicitis last Saturday be
Victoria Hospital, At time of writ-
ing'slie was doing as well as can be
The Harmony class will meet with
the Y. P. S. on Thursday evening
and afterwards hold their election of
The .congregation of Grace church
held a very successful social even
big in the Parish Hall last Mars
Miss .Maude Brower; of Mt, Brydges
was home for the week -end,.
On Monday evening February 9th
the W. M. S. of the 'United church
presented their play entitled "'lrvo
Masters" with a very strong mis-
sionary appeal as well as some hum-
orous .situations. Each member of.
the caste took their part so well that
It would be 'unfair to siirgle out any
one for special praise, Thefirst.
part of the pro:grain of vocal 'and in-
str•iinre,ital music and readings vas
given by members of the Mission
Baird assisted by vat appropriate
reading by Mien Ntiible. All togeth-
ogeth-e • it was avery enjoyable evening.
Proceeds artiottnted to $21,40.
The quarterly Board of Staffa
United Church which met in the
board room have extended au unam-
imous invitation to the Rev: a. N.
Stewart, B. A., B. D. to remain with
them for another year, A'lr. ,S'tewart
accepted the invitation.
The Young People's 'Society held
a progressive crockinole party in the
hall on Monday evening.
We are sorry to report the serious.
illness •of Mr. Janes Miller.
Mrs..Seth Brown visited with her
daughter, Mrs. Harold Jeffrey, near
Mr, !Sant Webb spent .a few days
he Hamilton last week.
The play entitled, "Step on it,
Stan" by the Anglican church of
Helj'snl1 was avell .received..`• , . .
Mrs. Mark Miller, of Detroit, is
visiting relatives here.
Mr. Colin Love entertained a num-
ber of friends last Monday evening.
We 'are glad to hear that Miss S.
Hodgins, who was operated on for
appendicitis on Saturday in Victoria
Hospital, London, is improving.Sunday visitors at Mr, Win. Hay-
ters: Mr. and ,:Mrs. F. L. Hutchinson.
and Jack; Mr. and .Mrs. Newton
Hayter, Donna and Glenn and Miss
Helen Hayter of Crediton.
Mrs. David Eagleson and Miss
Leone visited In London last week.
11Tr. Oscar Greb, of Zurich, visited
with his sister Mrs. Hugh Love dur-
ing the past week,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love and
Junior, of Mt. Brydges, called on
relatives here on Sunday..
Mr. Orval McClin'chey,. of Hensall,
visited on Wednesday at' Mr. Wm,
Hicks'. Mrs. Hicks returning with
hint for a couple of weeks.
Mr. Timothy O'Leary, sof 12th con.
of .McGillivray, received ' the news
last week of the sudden death Of his
uncle, Mr. Michael •O^Leary, of Dee
Miss Josephine Glavin, of Goder-
ieh, is spending a few weeks with
her sister, Mrs. Mat, Regan.
Miss Ellie Houlahan, of Detroit,
is a visitor with her aunt Mrs. Jelin
IMF, Nelson Shenk and two chil-
dren, Gladys and Paul, Spent last
week with friends at Crediton.
We are pleased to •state Mrs. E.
Hall is improving after her serious
(Mr. C. .T'inkbeiner received the
sad news :Sunday •of the death of his.
son Werner, of Bengongh, ,Sisk.;
from brain tumor. The whole com.•
m•unity extends their sympathy in
their sad bereavement.
Miss Alma Ttatz was taken to St.'
Joseph's Hospital, London, ,Sunday
and; operated on for eye trouble,
Her friends 'wish for a tspeecly re-
miss Dditli Ball Is spending a few
weeks in London.
liltra, M'alor Baker is taking care
of her mother Mrs. Praire° .tit Greene
way fora few ids"
The your'ig people of the 'i)'nited
Ohltrcit are patting eft 1r. pie,y ,rib.
February 27th, .Mare particulars