HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-19, Page 4ttXtSilAZ PFI3RVA,I'. ' 18, 190i THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 4 1 �VNM Announcement! HAVING TAKEN OVER THE BUSINESS OF THE ,ROSS -TAYLOR CO, HERE, WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE INA POSITION TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS, WE WILL HAVE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INSPECTION,. SAMPLES OF ALL GRADES IN HARDWOOD FLOORING, SHOWING YOU JUST WHAT THE FINISHED FLOOR WILL LOOK LIKE, NOTHING IS MORE ATTRACTIVE OR MORE SANITARY THAN A NICE HARDWOOD FLOOR IN. A HOME, SEE US ABOUT THE COST OF THIS WORK AND FIGURE IT AS AN ITEM OF NECESSITY IN THIS YEAR'S REPAIR WORK, WE WILL BE GLAD- TO. FURNISH ESTIMATES ON COSTS OF ANY WORK YOU HAVE IN VIEW FREE OF ' CHARGE. ' SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REPAIR, Exeter Lumber Company, Ltds PHONE 48 1 \i . C. T. U. WEEIK OF PRAYER The W.C.T.U. week of prayer is being observed this week with the meeting on Monday at the home • of Miss Murray with twelve ladies pres- .ent. A very helpful •and interest ing meeting was held, Miss Murray 'heir}g in charge. Several hymns With the thought of prayer and con- secration uppermost were sung, Prayers were offered ,by those pres- ent and Mrs. Miners gave a Bible reading. The Clip Sheet, Advan- tages of L. C. A. was taken up and, interesting ,discussions held. The. Present system of . Government sale is a great advantage to the brewers es.• MOIR -- FOUR DAY -- Chautauqua CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUA FESTIVAL TO BE IIELD — IN THE — OPERA H USE, EXETER Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday March 2, 3, 4, 5 Chautauqua last year in Exeter proved an unqualified success. Musical programs and addresses were of the highest order, bringing. the world's best in music, drama, literature and entertainment. The program this year is of unsurpassed merit and is meeting with a splendid" reception. Chautauqua is ot real educational value to the community as well as entertaining and deserves the hearty sup- port of the community. DAILY PROGRAMME MONDAY, MACH 2ntl EVENING— Popular Broadway Play --"Turn to the Right" The Peerless Players "Turn to the Right" has been uiiitierS lly successful, and. will be staged by .a brilliant group of players under the personal direction of Duckworth Allison. TUESDAY, M,.. ECH 3rd AFTERNP ON— Unusual Specialties Lowell. Patton Artists EVENING: -- Grand Concert' Lowell Patton Artists Lowell Patton, musical director of the Canadian Chautauquas, has appeared in 'concert in the principal cities of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, United States and Canada. The return of Fenwick Newell, gifted Canadian tenor, to the land of his birth will be appreciated by audiences everywhere. Gloria Robinson, the third member of this company, sings the most exacting operatic .arias with ease. This combination of superb artists will present two programs of •outstanding merit and variety which will long be remembered ill musical programs. 'WEDNESDAY, MARCH 46. AFTERNOON— Gala Entertainment— "The Elias Tamburitza Serenaders" The Elias Tamburitza Serenaders, of Jugo-Slavia, ,appear in their native Costumes, presenting an original program, which com- bines their music, song and story with the standard, popular and .classical numbers so dear to those who speak the English language, E'tV,ENING* Musical Evening "Tamburitza ,Serenaders" Lecture—"The Peaceful Pastures of Palestine" Julius Caesar Ilayphe Julius Caesar Nayphe is a pian as amazing as his lecture is unusual. Born in Damascus, the ancient seat of culture, reared in Palestine at Caesarea Phillippi, Julius Caesar Nayphe has both the blood and the temperament of the far east, also. its life and its learning, His lecture 1sa1togeh r uniqUe, entertaining, and. edu- catioal. THt .IRSDA ::, MARCH 5th EVENING:—• • Plopular Comedy Success—•"Tjie `Whole Towns Talking" The Canadian Players A veritable storm'of inirtlr. All single admission tickets 15c.; ehtldrer , 25e, SEASON TICKETS .A:ditlte $2.00;. Children (including H. 8, ,Students) 31.00. . TeX included Afternoon programs at 3,30; Evening at 8 p,iii. TICKETS ARE t ANS.X'ER•Al3L,E IN OWNER% 1mSiEJ1TATIO NA -MIX ONLY RESERVED .SEATS TXCIU rS FOR ENTIRE PICOGRAM 50c'. EXTRA, PLAN OF RAM.. OPEN18 SATURDAY AT i OWE1r''S bie GSTOfE. Reserve Seat 'Petrel. holders must be it,' -their .seats by 8.15 p.rn.. ■ and distillers because the Govern - meat establishes and runs the sell- ing agencies ,for the products of their beverages and distilleries with. out' financial risk , or outlay to the manufacturers and at the sanie time saves• the liquor traffic from the disrepute of the old saloon days. Since the adoption of Government sale the value of brewery and dis- tillery stock has .adva`nced by leaps and bounds. Why talk about hard times when the people can afford not only $56,- 000,000 for liquor, but the added cost of combating the steadily mounting crime wave; of increased jail accommodation, of the increas- ing number of abandoned illegiti- mate children, of the destruction of property and most appalling of all, the wanton cutting off of human life at the•hands of drunken drivers. We must also count the loss of useful business of the money spent in liq- uor, the unemployment through the lessened demand for clothing, boots and home comforts that the money would purchase. The warfare against the terrible foe, strong drink, is be- ing carried on in all countries and is worthy the greatest sacrifices Of time and talent, money and effort. The meeting on Tuesday was held in Mrs. Pedlar's home. There were sixteen ladies present and a splen- did service was held. 'Mrs. Amy had charge, several hymns were sung and prayers were offered. A respon- sive reading was led by Mrs. Skin- ner. and 'Mrs. Christie gave a read- ing "Influence of a Mother's Pray- er." A memorial service was very ably'•eonducted by Miss, Murray in honor of our members who have passed on before and in honor of those Who have been in high office in our W. C. T. U., Mrs. May R. Thornley, Mrs. Letitia Yeomans and Mrs. Gordon Wright and this, the 17th of February, being also the thirty-third anniversaryof the death of Miss Francis Willard. The prayer service on Wednesday to be combined witn James Street prayer sleeting, on Thursday with Main Et. prayer meeting and on Fri- day with the world's day of prayer of the W. M. S. the meeting being held' in the Anglican Parish Hall at 3 o'clock, The regular meeting of the W.C. T.U. for this month is taking the form of a parlor meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Down on February 25th. 'Mrs. J. C. Gardin- er, of ,Kirkton, is expected to be with us and .speak. Lunch will he served. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 9 Mr. Wesley Dearing, of Stephen, recently advertised some honey for sale and ein Tuesday calve into our office and expressed himself as well pleased with the result, At the time Mr, Dearing inserted the ad he had about as ton of honey on hand and on Tuesday morning he delivered his last pail and ,could have disposed of more. OLD TIME DANCE will be held in the OPERA HOUSE, EXETER --. on Friday,. February 20th With music supplied by THREE PIECE ORCHESTRA A GOOD TIME IS ASSURED ,Dancing from 9 to 2.30 p.in. Adnniasion t Gents 5Oc: tax included Ladies Please Provide Lunch 1 cOMMVNICATIQN orroR In an ,article which appeared in the Times -Advocate last week Coun- ty Clerk G. W.. -Holman suggests .a way to help the people of Huron County in, the situation caused by hard tinges and unemployment. while the objective is eoniu.endable- we believe that there is room. to question the means 'ray which Mr. Holman would relieve the situation. In the first place the unemploy- ment in the rural sections is not so ,narked in the summer months as it is in the winter, Last summer in this community there, were fete ,men leaking for work. Just what the conning summer will demand is dif- ficult to .predict. Mr. Holman suggests that the work of laying the five ,piles of pavement south of Exeter complet- ing the link in the Highway from London to Godericlt .be delayed for two years :and that toe county spend the • one mill rate estimated would be required to pay the county's share on certain county roads and that ordinary work mien with pick, shov- el and wheelbarrow be employed. Huron county has already. invested considerable money In roadbuilding machinery which has proved. 4 con- siderable factor In- reducing the heavy .cost of roadbuilding, The pick,, shovel and wheelbarrow when it conies. to roadbuilding is out .of date and I would imagine is too ex - Pensive to •c u ider. Imagine put- ting a gang of men with wheelbar- rows at the task of cutting down the Saltford ' hill for example. It would be an endless task and the cost would be tremendous. Why go back to the methods of a half cen- tury ago? In Mr. Holman's article he outlines a, program of between 100 and 150 miles of road to be un- taken in two Years. This would re- quire a small army of men. aird we wonder how far the one mill would go in meeting the expense. On the other hand Practically all of the roads designated by Mr. Hei- man leads to the Blue Water High- way and the Blue Water Highway leads to Goderich. For the past five or sister years while the Provincial Highway has been under construction Exeter has suffered more or loss through the disorganized traffic and has been: locking forward to the time that the Highway might be completed 'and the traffic restored to normalcy. This cannot come too quiokly as far as this community is concerned. This southern end of the County has waited patiently long.enough and its interests should not be fur- ther sacrificed. the3ame At time ewe would trot distinctly oppose the •road improve- ment program outlined by the Coun- ty Clerk if the County Council should deem it wise to proceed with it. - Let additional money be -raised and devoted to this purpose. The in- dividual taxpayer would, we believe, not object to.the difference in the amount of his taxes if devoted' to this worthy cause. But first let the reeves oaf the various municipalities establish offices where men who wish to be so employed next sum mer can register their desire tor such work. Let the amount to• be paid 'per day be stated. However, in planning this program we must . gu;ard; against any obstacle being placed in the way of the -farmer ob- taining labor at wages, that he can afford to pay. We are an agricul- tural community and the interests Of the farmer must above all things be •considered. His interests are •our interests. His prosperity or lack of it means our prosperity or lack of it.- So the County must not put on a program -of public works which would make his path in 19.31 more difficult. Hence the wages offered by the County should not exceed the wage of the average ,farm laborer (board and lodging taken into con- sideration), else the farmer -who needs hired help would . be more 'h:andicapped than ever. After the registration of the mendesiring, em- ployment there would come up the Problem of the transportation ot. these men daily to the scene ,ot their labors, or else- the providing of meals and lodging by the roadside, :Surely a' big problem to be worked out! But first of all let us .have u registration, If a sufficient number .or men register their willingness for the work - we will • be behind the County Council in any project -that they de^ide upon. Your truly A Citizen CLEAR111NG AUCTION' SALE of — T(3'EN'J'Y CHOICE DAIRY COWS TEAM PEROHEEON ,HORSES AND ItOGS — 011 --- Lot 10, East - Mitchell. Itoacl, ' I;lanshai'd Township - 24 miles north of Rannoch, -- on TtESDAY, XERRUA,UY ^•I, 1981 USUAL TERMS FRED RUTHIG &. PAUL ARM- STRONG, Proprietors MCNEXL & NA.IRN, Auctioneers NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors: and others having claims against the estate of JOHN STEWART TR., late of the Township of Tuekersinith, in the County of Hu- ron, Farmer; are required to forward their claims duly provento the un dersigned On or before the ninth day of xVXaroli A. D., 1931', AND NOTICE IS FURTIIEIt GIV- EN that after the saiddate the Ad- ministrator will proceed" to distri- bute 'the estate having regard only to ,• the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED fit Exeter, Ont., this six- teenth day Of February A. D., 1931. GLADMAN & ,STANBUIt.Y Exeter and .Btensali Solicitors for Administrator AUCTION ! AL4 .. F t.ItIV, Meg, 'I3II11Ti,El\Tt AND ICOC.'S*IIOLD EFF] (''.L5 The undersigned. has received in- structions to. tell by public auction, at Lot 10, Con, .ih C7sboa'xle TIH-'RSI)AY, FEI3 WAII3i;' Wit,!). :at 1 o'clock .sharp the following: HORSES --Aged general purpose mare, brood) mare .9 years old elig- ible for registration; filly rising 4 ,years old; gelding rising 2 years; general purpose mare 10 years; one .geld!ing 13 years old. CATTLE—Cow due March 9ath;. cow due March 18th; cow . due 1Viay 11th; 2 good milking cows; farrow cow; cow due April 20th; cow lnilk- iug good; 6 two -year-olds; 5 year)- inrgs; 2 fall calves; !SHEEP -15 Oxford Downs ewes. HOGS—Pure bred Yorkshire ling 16 months old; sow due March 21st sow due 1Vlarclh 30th; z sows due April 4th; sow due April lath; 2 sows due May 1,Oth; • 8 chunks; 21 pigs, 10 weeks old. Feed, --1.0 tons of nixed liay. IMPrLE!MTIN'IS—M.H.. Binder, 7 ft, •eut; M.H. mower 58 Qin, cut; nearly new; M.H. mower, 5. ft. cut; hayloader; side 'delivery rake; sulky rake; spring tooth cultivator, 'tract- or hitch; stiff ,tooth cultivator; 4 - section diamond harrows; 2 -section diamond harrows; disc harrow; 112, H. 8 ft. steel roller; M. H. sulky plow; 2 walking plows; scuffler; 12 roe seed drill; corn cultivator, 2 row; manure spreader, corn binder 111f. H.; 11'1\H, blower; 7 lip. Chap- man gas engine; • M, H. 9 inch grain grinder, ,crusher, DeLaval cream separator; 2 wagons, 2 wagon boxes, 2 stock racks, - hay rack, rolling `rack, sling ropes, gravel box, 2 sets of sleighs, set logging bunks, stone boat, light wagon, 2 buggies,. cutter, fanning mill, set 2,000 lb. Scales, pulper, 36 bags, grinding' stone, bag struck, emery stone, extensiop. lad- der, 2 40 -gal. gas ;drums, 2 25 -gal, gas driin s, 1 10,gal. oil drum, 3 'sets ,dioule harness, dozen horse collars, 50 feet 5 inch endless belt, 20 feet 6. inch • rubber belt, logging chains. 900 feet elm scantling, a quantity of one inch elm lumber; hydro pole, cross -cut saw, Colony )louse, 10x12 feet. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Bed- room suite, toilet set, .2 tables, 2 coudhes, rocker, 2 rag carpets, 2 coal oil lamps, 3dozen sealers, coal oil stove with oven, Hamilton In- cubator, Iii dozen egg capacity; in- cubator 600 egg capacity, gasoline lanip, Aladdin lamp, 2 brooders, 1 Daisy. churn. REAL ESTATE—Farm being lot 17, con 11; one hundred acres all in grass, never failing well, some timber, well fenced, windmill and tank, supply tank, young orchard. This is a good grass farm and will be sold :subject ',to a reserve bid TERMS -10 per cent. down on day of sale, balance can be arrang- ed' on mortgage on day of .sale. • TERMS OF SALE—$10.00 and un- der, cash; over• that amount eight months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approve& joint notes -with 4 per cent. added ' approved' by the Bann 'of Commerce. Fat cattle, cash, MRS. FRED DELBRIDGE. Proprietress B. M. FRANCIS. Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION 'SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned nas been in- structed to sell by public auction, on Lot 20, Any TCivnslrip, Ralf utile )Pest of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY :471:11 19131 at 1.00 o'clock sharp the fol- lowing valuable property:, . CATTLE --2 Milking cows, 5 yrs. old; yearling cattle, 2 steers and 3 heifers; 2 fall steer calves. 'PIGS—Brood sow bred a mc•nth; 11 -stockers, 3 'months old. IMPLEsMENTtS—McCormick bind- er, 6 ft. cut; McCormick mower 5 ft. cut; Nexon drill, 10 hoe; :McCor- mick le -tooth cultivator, wide points and narrow; . 2 -furrow Wilkerson gang plow; Fleury walking plow.; 4 - section diamond harrows.; Massey Harris lots down manure spreader, nearly new; road Cart, 16 ft. hay rack, hay tedd•er, Bain wagon, neatly n w; Clinton fanning mill and .sie1et. 20O,p ]b. :scales, bagtruck, gasoline engine, Maxwell reaper, cutter, bob sleigh, 2 top buggies, wagon box, pig rack, gra- vel box, root pulper, cutting box, wheel barrow, scalding barrel, large Meat barrel, iron 'kettle, glass seen sower,. shot gun, logging • chains, drain scoop, set :doable harness, set Of single harness, Anker Holt cream separator, whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, hoes and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-1)111sy clitirn, cider barrel, butter print, butter dish and spoon, "lounge, De- troit vabor coal oil stoire, three burner, Everything will be sold to the highest bidder as the proprietor has sold his farm. '"•• TER1Ms OF SALE All sulus of $10 and under, .cash; over that amount 8 months' credit Will be :given on furnishing approv- ed joint Notes with a, discount Of 4 per cent, straight off for cash on credit ainouits. ARTI1UR WEBER, Atietioneer ADDIS TIEMAN, Clerk, HENItY 1,1. WILLEM', Proprietor Seeut'e your Chautauqua ticket early, Plan •of I•1411 .opens. ia'wey's Drugstore .Saturday, morn-, Ing, � ' c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE. IS HERE'IlY GIVEN tlxag all creditor's and others haVipg claims,,against the estate of JOI1 SITIIIVART $R., late .of the Towal. ship ,of Tucicersmith, in the ,County] of Huron, Farmer, gra required torr, forward their claims duly proven 'tai the undersigned, on or 'before the ninth day of March A. D.,-123.1, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER EN that after the said .date the 44- mialstrator will proceed to dlstrIbute the .estate having regard, only to. he claims of which he then shall have notice, DATED at Exeter, Ont„ this rix -4 teentll day of February A. D., 1931, GLA-DMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of MARY ;STEWART, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Hu-' ron, Widow, are .required to for ward t]reira clams duly proven to the un•derelgned on or before the ninth. day' of !March A.D„ 1931. AND NOTICD I'SFURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Ads rninistrator will 'proceed to rdistri•4 bute the estate having regard .only; to the claims of which he 'then shalt have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this six- teenth day of February A. D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall. . Solicitors for Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: all creditors and others having claims against the estate of MARY; STEWART, late of the Township oli Tuckersmnth, in the County of IXn� ron, Spinister, are required to' for- ward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on ot before the ninth day of March A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV•• EN that after the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the estate having 'regard only to the. claims of which he then shall have - notice: DATED at Exeter,. Ont., this six. teenth day of February A. D., 1931d GLADMAN & STANBURY ' Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and •others having claims - against the estate of JOSEPHINE ELLEN KESTLE, late of the Village - of Exeter, in the County of Huron,. Widow, who died on the fifteenthdat of January, A. D. 1930, are re- quired to forward their claims duly i&roven to the undersigned, or 'or be- fore the twenty-third day of Feb- ruary, A. D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS' FURTHER GIV- EN'that• atter the said elate the Exe- cutors will proceed to dtatril2ute the - estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have - notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 30th. clay of January, A. D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors' Solicitor*, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims - against the. estate of AN GUS MUR- RAY, late of the Village of Exeter,. in the County of Huron, Gen•tleman,.. Who died on the second day of Jan - nary, A. D., '1929, are required to forward: their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the - twenty -third day of February, A.D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS/FURT'H•ER GIV-- EN that after the said date the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the Claims of which they thele shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 30th. day et January, tA. D., 1931. . GLADMAN -& STANBURY Exeter and Hensall. Executors' :Soliciborne. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that: all creditors -arid other having claims - against the estate of FLORENCE' 1V ABEL McLEAN late of the Town- ship of Usborne, -in tho County or Buren; Married Wonsan, •who died' on the twenty-sixth day of Decernbex- A. D., 1930,' are required to forward! their 'ciaims•'duly proven to the un- dersigned n-dersigne 1 on or before the twenty- third day of Februuary, A. ,D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVE EN that after the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute- the estate having, regard 'billy to the claims bf whieh he then shall haSe nate. DATED at Exeter, Ont,, • this 30,t -b• day of January, A. D., 1931, GLAIWAN & 8TANBtt1 Exeter and Hensall Administrator't Solicihir • r si 1 r til e N,4" i