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til.OLI:14i3AAN't. Z'IqWAR W
The Municipal Council of the:
trownship of Usboh'ne nlet at-. the
Township Hall, I7lheville, on Feb-
ruary 7, 1931, persuant to adjourn-
ment with all the members of Coun-
eell present.
The minutes of the. meeting of
.J'anuaey 12th were read end: approve
• d on motion of Williams-Westcott,
Oarreependence Receipts from
Sick. Children's Hospital, War Mem-
oriel Hospital and Byron •Sanitar-
Sum, eclinowledging donations,:
Good Roads A.seeciation, soliciting
neembership fee, Tabled,
Highway Department of •Ontario,
acknow'ledgin'g a'pp,lication ror
Arent, Also notice of meeting o'r
.Road Superintendants, Noted.
•Conl nunicati.on from United Farin-
'ers of Ontario re C. N. R. Director-
'S11ier Dow: That the follolding
resolution be forwarded to R, J.
Manion, Minister of Raiilways. "Hey -
mg learned from Press reports of
the appointment sof the New Direc-
*orate or the Canadian National
Railways 'consisting of• fifteen menti-
bers, we deplore the fact that there
is not a single representative of Ag-
riculture on tete New Board, al-
tlheug4h many other •interests and
'professions are fully represented, We
' w+ould humbly submit that Agricul-
ture, being of the first importance
:in the Dominion of Canada, should
be represented in the two addition -
members; which it is proposed to
;add to the Board of Directors,"
The Audit•ers' Report was present -
r ed to the Council by Arnold Wise
man, certifying to the correctness of
the accounts and books sof the Treas-
urer and Clerk. '
Dew -Williams -That the Auditors'
Report be adopted and 100 copies
:to be printed: Carried.
The Scott Drain, No. 2 from the
•Towns+hip of Stephen was read and
"To resist and repel colds, influenza,
llronchitis, there is nothing better
,than a course of Angier's Emulsion.
21,;tIts soothing effects and its tonic,
%iinvigorating influence upon all the
+•functions make it unequalled for the
1prevention of colds and catarrhal
;affections. If a cold or *nigh has
already commenced, Angier's is the
best, means of throwing it off and
repairing _the damage caused.
;strengthening and,tonic influence
Alma hcen recommnded by physi-
,cians for. over 39 years as a most
;mseful and reliable medicine for
itthrout, chest and catarrhal afec-
*Its _soothing laxative action' " also
keeps the bowels in the normal
healthy condition that is so essential
:.in the prevention and relief of colds,
..coughs and similar
winter ailments.
'The most palat-
..able of all Emul-
Agrees perfect: y with
delicate, sensitive
sa stonuschS.
65c and $1.20
at , Druggists.
Endorsed by the Medical Profession"
Head Offfce. Farquhar. Ont.
,,iOHN ESSER?, Centralia, Agent fol
1•leborne and Biddulph -
.•;OLIVER R iARRIS, Munro, Agent NJ
iiibbert, Fullerton and Logan
't 4. A. 11JRNBULL
Secretary -Treasurer
Bol 2'95, Exeter, Ontario
8ottcners. Exeter "
colteidered at the :appointed hour.
None of the .assessed parties :being
present, ;after: discussion, it west ,pro,
visionally. ;adapted on motion of
Shier -Williams, that a By-law be
drafted and printed; and served !on
the assessed parties and a Court of
Revision he held on same on Satur,
eleY, 'March 7th .at 2 pan, Carried.
Re Meetctpal printing, that it be
done by the Times-!Aelvo'c.ate at its
former tender. Carried,
Willianls-Westcott-.Phe wages for
Municipal works for 1.93.1, be 40e. 'en'
hour for lean and team and 20c, en
hour for man, Carried.
The report on Branc'lh B of :the
Elimville Drain was received from
Jiro. Rogers,
Westcott-Dew; that due notices be
given assessed parties and that tjle
same be considered at 3 p.m. on Sat
urday, March 7th, ,Carried,
The Clerk reported that he •had
registered during 1930; 39 births,
20 deaths and 13 marriages.
By -Law No, 1, 1931; Re v4 point-
ment of Municipal Officers and fix-
ing salaries for 1931 was read and
passed on motion of Shier Westi;ott,
Westcott-•Dew; that he following
appropriations for highway .upkeep
and improvement be Made for 1931.,
viz: Construction $3,000; machinery
:$4,000; Superintendence .$1,000;
Maintenance and Repair, $10,000;;(
Tota), $18,000, -
By -law No. 2, 1931, Re Highway
expenditure was read and passed on
;notion of Dew -Williams.
• .Treasurer'•s Report, Received from
Department of Public Highways;
Highway No.. 4,, ,Assessment on the
Fletcher Drain $42,00; Twp..of Hib-
bert share .deficiency Stewart Drain
$15.71; Twp. of Blanshard, add on
Elimville Drain Assessment $14,00;
Twp. of Blanshard, Blanshard Bdy.,
Assessment on Pym Drain $2.20;
From Leslie Robinson on tile $2.28.
Williams -Shier: that the following
be paid: -
B.W.F. Beavers, affidavit re Pro-
vincial grant $1,00; The Clerk, re-
gistration of B.M.D. $18.00; Arnold
Wiseman, auditor's fee $12.00; Hy.
Delbridge, ditto $12.00,; Earl John-
ston, refund error dog tax $2.00;
Ewart Pym, ditto, 32.00; Newton
G. Clarke, salary as Treasurer $100.,
Excise, postage, etc. $8.75, total
$108.75; Sam J. Pym, salary as col-
lector $75.00; postage, exchange,
etc., $3.40, total $78,40; • Edward
Coward, land purchase Elimville Dr.
$38.50; Clinton Sweet, Secretary --
Treasurer, Levy •S. S. No. 4, $110.;
Luther Reynolds, Sec'y.-Treasurer,
Levy S. S. No. 1,. $103; Henry Ford-
S•uvperintendance $11.20. •Carried..
Council adjourned tomeet on Sat-
urday, March 7tle,, at 1 p.m,
Henry Strang, Clerk
School Reports
Janet Turnbull 90, Beatrice Gi•een
,88,.Lillian Webb, 87, Anna Taylor
87, Delle Gratton 84, Elva Turnbull
803, Reta Pfaff 80.
Sr. IV, total 5.50 -May 'Paterson
502, R. Desjar•dine 493, Pay Ham-
ilton 488, Erwin Holt 47S.
Jr. IV, total 550 -Bruce Ireland
522, !Stanley Gill 485, Carman Love
478,' Irene Ravelie 430, Ali'. Peariso
415, Ward Pfaff 40,9, Phyllis Gill
.Sr. III, total 550•-•Ilelen Wolper
471, Eileen Gratton,'447, Ilene Webb
440, Joyce Pfaff 433. Absent from
examinations, Percy! Atkinson and
Orville Mollard.
Jr. III, total 550---e. Lovie 480,
Everett Desjar•dine suo, Jack Holt
434, Willis Gill 406, Lorne. Wanner
3. Kelso
. , ROOM I
Sr. II, total 400 -Elia Mousseau
347; Freda Lovie 342, Dickie Ham-
ilton 320, Alan Walker 303, Alvin
Statton 285, Burton Green 278.
Jr. II-Joyoe Ross 343, Irene
Periso 346, Donald Turnbull 322,
Lois Wanner 272.
1st class -Carrie Stratton 372, G.
Mason 363, Carleton Manore 356,
Emerson Desjerdine 354, Maurice
Tiedermann 341, ;Alvin. Wanner 292.
Pie C. -Carman Ireland 385, W.
Tiedortnan 338.
Pr, B. -Shirley 11•Ianores3.61, Eloise
Gill 285.
Pr. A. -Henry Tiederman.
E. M. Taylor, teacher
Foe the post 51 Fears
'TICE +1'. MILIIURN CO., limited
Toronto, Ont.
Was Troubled With
After Every Meal
B. B. B. is the medicine the sufferer
from dytpepsia or indigestion requires
to put the stomach into shape as it
regulates the bowels, promotes perfect
digestion, tones up the stomach, and
restores perfect health to the system.
Mrs, 5, 1), Huggins, Onward, Sash.,
writes.-'tI was troubled with in-
digestion after every meal, and could
hardly stand the pain in my stomach.
A friend advised Burdock Blood Bette %
and after the first bottle I was greatly
relieved. l; have now finished the
third bottle, arid �I can eat any thing 1
like and enjoy my meals without, that
terrible indigestion 1 had suffered after
*Very nteai." ,
Is it wise toy try ihe Attorney -General on the hustings?
.* * * •0 * * * * •
• Profits come from taking no end of pains,
* .Fo s. * s .* * 4y.
Anyway, February is three days shorter than Januahyl
* * • . * .* •
TO the right .sort of roan .every worth while new idea is .a new
Decisive attack is the best strategy in modern enterprise es it
alAvays has been on the battlefield,
• * •. . • • *
The best government is the government "that rules with :modera-
tion and that serves without .meddling."
* * * „ * * * *
.Folk worrying because departmental store catalogues do not
show a satisfactory decline ln prices should visit Exeter stores.
* • * • * * * *
Roger Babson says there never was as xlhuch idle money in the
world as there is today, A good many folks could give such cash
a job of covering the bottom of the flour barrel.
• * * .• * * * •
Plenty of men somewhat vain of their .skill in money matters ,
who make small response to appeals for Christmas cheer or mission- `le
ary funds step an the gas of their enterprise when it comes to in-
vesting in worthless stock,
* or • e • • r •
If government of the people by the people and for the people
is not Ito perish from the earth, war must be made impossible,
causes and occasions of war mist be removed and all grounds for
and incentives to revolution destroyed.
, * • r r: .• .• * *
Here it is past the middle of February. ' -Scores of wfarmers in
this locality are drawing water for their cattle and hog's and poultry
and for domestic purposes, Yet no organized effort is being put
''forward for water control or for securing water supply. And this
in face of the fast that thousands are facing famine conditions be-
cause of water shortage! •
• * , * *' * 4 * *
"The relief which the American Red Cross is giving in the
drought -stricken Central and 'Southern States is not to meet star-
vation, poverty,, or destitution, but to meet sheer famine. The
other terms do not describe aptly the condition of men, women and
children. who have lived for days on turnips, herbs• and roots and
on nuts gathered in the woods.''' And the Ontario people talk of
hard times!
* .' * * n c 4 *
By Grace Ncil. Crowell
So long I have (been guarded by Your Power,
Up many•a tangled path and stony hill,
And now, dear L•o•rd, through this strange darkened hour,
Be .with me still. k'
Bewith me dor the way is long and lonely,
I am bewildered and 1 -can not see,
But Lord, I shall not eiAlefreia, if !only
You walk with me.
If only I can some way keep..recalling
The darkened roads I travelled in the past,
How, after You long guarded me from failing,
Light shone at last.
Then -surely, Lord, I can go forward, knowing
That somewhere on the hills -the light will dawn,
And I shall rea'olt it safely, if in going
You still lead on.
-The .Christian Herald, New York
"THE WHOLE TOWN'S TALKING," hilarious comedy,*
presented by the CANADIAN PLAYERS at' the
Mr. Peter Koehler confined to
his bed through illness.
Air, Albeit Hendricks of the Blue
Water is laid up with an attack of
blood poisoning in his foot eau; -ed
by "stepping on a rusty nail recently.
lir. and Mrs. Theo. ill Adams at --
tended the funeral of Mr. Harry
Mara, of Lomdon, recently.
Mr. and Airs. Theo. Steinbach, of
the Goshen Line recently entertain-
ed a number of relatives and other
Air. Harry Rose had his foot in.
Wed recently when the wheel of
the gas tank passed ever it stretch+
ing the ligaments,
An enjoyable evening was spent
''edently et the hone of Mr. William
Decker, near Zurich, when a sleigh
party went .out to their .hone. Pro-
gressive euchre was played. the.
lucky one !being Mr. Feed illilleti•
and the booby prise went to Mrs. W.
11tee, Frederick lathes Petsscs
• Oit Febileary 8th,. Lear Sophia
Schroeder, relict of the late Frecl"
crick Datars was called to her eter-
nal reward. Mrs, Datars had reach-
ed the age Of 09 years, 3 months
and S days," almost her three score
and telt years, For many years she
was a resident of Hay Township on
a farm with her husband, the late
Frederick Datars who predeceased
her about eight years ago, but the
last few years of his life they were
residents sof Zurich, where they had'
made many warm friends. • For the.
last ,few years (Mrs. Datars had macre
her home with her daughter, Mrs.
Elmore IClo•pp of town. Surviving
her are three children: Mr. Fred
Datars, of Hensall; :Airs. John Me-
Bride of the Blind Line, stay Town-
ship, and Mrs, Elsner P. Klapp, of
Udell. The funeral Was held on
Wednesday from the' home of Mr.
and i1'irs, E. F. Klopp of town to the
Lutheran cemetery for interment,
The Rev, E. T'urkheini pastor of the
Lutheran church, of which the de-
parted was a member, officiating,
• After an •illness of soine three
year's• duration Miss Ada: Louisa
Dawson, daughter of the late Jas.
and Mrs. Dawson, died at the home
of her aunt Miss Margaret Full-
bigg, St. +Marys.Surviving' are one
brother, ar, Archie Dawson, of St,
ill,a.0/men tea Is si
.no.atote.rgojece in :blending
'Fresh front the gardens'
On February 10, the Executive of
W,A7.S, of Huron Presbyterial So-
ciety tenet in Clinton in Wesley -Wil-
lis United .Church._ ;Seventeen meln.-
bers were present With. Mrs, Lane,
the 'president, in the chair. After
the devotional exercises, the minutes
read and adopted, the secretaries
read their reports. Airs. Bremner
reported 19 Baby Bands; Mrs. Scobie
32 Mission Bands, witih Walton i'tav
ing the largesta n'iembership. Mrs.
Davidson reported 10 C,G.I.T. groups
having two new groups. The cor-
responding secretary, Mrs.Andrew,
said we have some 1,528 annual
members. She spoke of one auxil-
iary who took the Blue Book, as a
study book, reviewing the work of
one country each month, She men-
tioned also where they hold their
day of prayer hi the home of an in-
valid. Mrs. Connor, Associate
Helpers' Secretary, marked 'an in-
crease in membership and having
six new secretaries appointed:
The supply -secretary, Mrs. Col-
clough, said she had shipped goods
valued at over $21,oeo. Practically
the saline .supplies will be required.as
last year. The Missionary Monthly
of our W.M.S. Members, . w'
Miss' Lawrence reported 59 press
secretaries. She said Chia work %
one of .the most important depart*'
meets because with us rests the
Power to further the work in any^'
end all •departments, and nothing ex-
ceeds in influence, the :potency of
printed matter.
Mrs. Moorleouse, the treasurer,, re-
ported a total exceeding last year bit'
the sum. of $103,00, Seaf.ofth,
North Side United is the only .auxil-
iary which reached allocation quar-
terly. Mrs. Greer, systematic and 'f i-
pence secretary, said some 50 auxii••
Series are using envelopes for Sysr-
tematie giving; 27 stave adopted M.
s'pec'ial missionary In prayer= $7 have
reached their allocation, 15 use the
budget system, and 41 make- quar-
terly surveys. We feel. that .our Wo-
men are becoming more systematic
ret the matter of studying and in
meeting their financial. obligations -
Miss Maude Howell, a young
teacher of Goderioh, who is .going
out within a couple of weeks to
Trinidad as a missionary teacher,
was remembered by .a suitable gift
from the Presbyterial.
The Presbyterial will convene in
Hensall on Tuesday, April 28, 1931.
secretary, Mrs. Johns, reported 62 The meeting 'was brought to a
auxiliaries and five circles, each close with prayer by Mrs. Lane.
having a secretary, also having an
increase in subscribers. • '
Mrs. Forrester reported 42 Strang-
ers' secretaries, with 123 strangers
visited, and one new Canadian re-
ceiving education. ;Miss Southeott
sent her report of literature sold at
each sectional meeting and Presby-
terial. She regretted of having not
disposed of more Blue Books.
Miss Murray speaking of the tem-
perance work, said it was in its in-
fancy but asked for the co-operation
Ernest Selves, son of Richard
Selves, of Blanshard, was badly in-
jured while grinding feed with an
electric motor recently. A pulley
broke and struck him in the face
inflicting a nasty wound.
You .don't get into. an Austin car
-you put them on.
Well. son ... got/ 've
picked ei qo d Car
YOU will find that people who know substantial
1 value, who demand a high degree of motor car
comfort and performance at reasonable cost, have
always thought highly of Pontiac.
To this fine reputation the 1931 Pontiac adds the
gratifying features of larger size, new beauty, and
many mechanical refinements that increase the
pleasure and comfort of motoring.
Lower prices ... as much as $85 lower than last
year ... make this large, fine car a real General
Motors value. Convenient purchase, out of in,
come, can be arranged through GMAC, General
Motors' own time payment
lowest rates available anywhere.
And as you drive the ecotiomicall
Pontiac, its continued depend-
ability and your complete satis-
faction are assured by the genet-
• ous provisions of General Motors'
written, Owner Service Policy.
plan with the
I'! E W L O W
2 Door Sedan • $875
4DoorScdan• 970
Sport Sedan • 1015*
Sport Coupe • 925*
Coupe • • 875
Cabriolet • 970*
Ali prices at factory, Oshawa. Government Taxes,
Hampers grid Spare Tire Extra. *Six mire wheels.
fender wells and trunk rack included as standar,,;
equipment on sport melds at slight extra cost.
. a fine car, a Modem car, a General Motors value
Uiric Snell ,..
: � �3t
Exeter • Ontario