HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-19, Page 2WIWIS14 BRVU 11),JaL
1.ountv Engineer's Report
'1)110 UBE/Wing is the report of the
00111.1ty Engineer, Mr. Boy Patterson
*lithinitted to the Huron County
enn:ell at its recent seesiou,
County Engineer "
I beg to submit herewith Any re-
vert On the work end- expenditures
.eall the .Count)" Road SyStem during
030. The expenditureS daring the
:rear were kept lew in the hope that
eg.k larger subsidy would be fortheom-
Aug, and but five miles of reconstrue-.
*ion work was done, Lowered eosts
4ef dragging and hauling -were also
Inetrumental in maintaiulug our ex.-
apentliteres at ao low figure, and ,out-
otandieg progress lies been made.
Ten small bridges and culverts:
'Were built, and a .considerable num-
Ler of pipe and the -culverts were
Installed. Nine bridges were re -
floored And'.six were painted', while-
wepairs to the -abutments and piers
1,'ere also made.
:Prominent in the year's work was
Ike- progress made in constructing
fAtumineue surfaces made on our
Weeds. Twelve mile, of this type Of
surface was built, and the results
eare igood. We have on ;our county
reads tWO eXamplea 4 Wein:Mons
sarfeces, that have been -ea,rryi»g
heavy traffic io nu'ei of Years,.
that are the best .exAmples of .such
roe:a that are known to me. This
tYpe of road has, in the past, been•
coeddered as only a temporary ex-.
pedlent„ and no care has. been ,given
generally to its eonstruction and
Maintenanee, but when careful methel
ods are adopted in building ....and
maintaining this type, a remarkable
:goad road is the result. Hear)",
high speed traffic on our gravel
roads creates .a eotitliruous„ heavy
cloud of dust that is injurious to
farm crops, cars, .elothiug, personal
comfort and health, as well es be -
lug A dangerous hazard to traffic.
On many roads. the situation has be-
come so acute as to demand relief,
as soon as it can be .giren. The need
of to -day is for a dustless, all-
weather surface to roads carrying
from 200 to 1,000 vehicles per der
and over. The mileage of this type:
of road is very great, and nearly all
country roads fall within this class.
It would be -economically unsound to
pave all such roads .14th concrete,or some other high cost .surface, as
trice 50c a box
Suffered From Heart Trouble
Became Weak and Run Down
Mrs. Wra. Thotte, Glensancliield, Ont., writes:—
"For a long period. I suffered from heart trouble, and
became very weak and run down. I tried various
remedies, but they did me no good.
"One clay I met a friend and told her of my trouble.
She said she had had heart trouble for two years too,
but after using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for a
short tithe she had been relieved of her trouble, so
got two boxes, and after taking them I was again
feeling fine, and always recommend 11, and N. Pins
to anyone complaining of heart trouble."
Sola at all drug and general stores, or mailed direct
on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont.
te. de Se in this county Weld entail
ail anneal .cest -equal to g per ceet
of the total tiSSeSSIDeut. The Annual
cost ei bitunainoes surface end), as
Ave have constructed n tbla Minty
will be bOut 1-10 as And give
nearly as nue11 service as a high
east pavement to traffic .or the den -
Say specified. Greatly improved
service can thus be given to used
or ,secondary reeds At IOW Vest, and
a eonsiderable Mileage .of this type
The cost or dragging is elimieeted,
and gravelling costs leesened, so that
such reads will not cost a great'
deal MOM than gravel roads. '
Twenty -live miles of road were,
kept .open for wheel traffic during,
the winter o 1029-30, and an :equiv.'
alent amount of work, with snow
plOwe was .distributed Over other
country roadl, In the future, sheuld;
it be decided to keep .openany road
during the winter, the decision'
should be made in the tall and not,
left until 'the now nas become drift-
ed and frozen, as extra work and
cost in then. encountered, Further-
more, it permits of proper prepara-
tions being made, awl theusers of
the road will know that tile Toad
will be open, and be prepared to
make the most use of it.
Nearly all .of our dilaggiug this -
year was done with motorized. ma-
cbinery, and our costs are raaeh
;lower, although more work was. done.
Contributing to these lowered costs
was the flat mouldboard which I de-
signed for using flat elgee on our
machines. Had we used ordinary
edges, and paid the price formerly
paid for them, the cost would hare
been about $2,000 greater. In 1928,
the last year that teamswere in
general use, our ledger showed dreg -
ging expenditures of $25,116.86 ,and
in 1930, the same account showed
'me dry summer made it very air-
ficult to keep the roads in condition,
particuarly the Lake Shore Road,
Which should have been levelled
etting New.
Standards of
rilHE longer you drive the new Chevrolet Six
the more you will appreciate its ruggedness
and reliability. Its increased wheelbase gives
added stability and freedom from vibration.
The frame and axles have been strengthened.
There is a stiffer crankshaft and reinforced
cylinder block. The moulded brake linings
give as much as 25,000 miles of service without
The new Fisher Bodies are not only smarter
and roomier, but are also, of hardwood and'
steel construction . . . the strongest known.
The fine upholstery fabrics are specially
selected for unusual durability. The non -
tarnishing chrome -plated. metal parts, and
gleaming colors will retain their beauty
The new Chevrolet Six is built to give you
years of faithful service. And it sells at new
iow prices!
New Low Prices
The Standard Roadster - $610
The Sport Roadster - 640*
The Phaeton .-- - 655
The Coact- •- - 695
The Standard Coupe- - 695
ghe.Standard Nye-.
Window 'Came - - 720
The Sport Coupe- - 745*
(With Rumble Seat)
The Super Sport Roadster 760
Ile Standard Sedan - 820
The Special Sedan - 840
.*.Six vita :elite's, fender wals
,Cad trunk rack included on Mesa
ahodels as standard equipment al
slight extra cost. •
Al prices a factory, Oshawa,
.Tares, bumpers and spare tire
extra. A complete line of Cont.
oftercial Cars and Trucks front
$470 uP.
Milo SneII, Dealer, Exeterc
'TURN TO THE RIGHT," popular Broadway stmeess, pre-
sented, by the PEERLESS PLAYERS at the CANADIAN
daily throughout a large part of its
length, but 'speaking generally, our
roads were better than ever bfore,
One gravel pit'was purchased dur-
ing the. year, and our gravel plants
operated as usual, 'Our hauling
costs with our .own :trucks were,
about the same as lest year, 8.4c,
Per yard mile, but our contract rate
in some cases ,was reduced to 13e,
per yard mile.
During the year one new power
;grader was purchased and one new
dump truck, as well As some small-
er equipment.
The following tables show some of
our equipment eost for the year:
Truck Vests
Truck, utunher three, gas, oil and
wages $1,224.38; repairs $1,430,00;
Interest $140.40; Depreciation $900;
total $3,694.78; Less value of other
work done $546.50; total $3,148.28;
yard miles hauled 31,443; cost per
yard, mile 100,
Truck number four, gas, oil and
wages 91,554.75; repairs $880.75;
interest $140.40; Depreciation $900;
total $3,475.85; less value of other
work done $518.75; total 92,957.10;
yard miles hauled 39,602; eost per
yard mile 01.45e,
Truck number five, gas oil and
wages $1,629.65; repairs 9212.60;
interest 9155.40; Depreciation $1,-
295.00; total $3,292,65; Less value
of • other work done $152,30; total
$3,139.85; yard miles hauled 40,-
034; 'cost per yard mile 07.8c.
, Power Grader Costs
Grader number one gas, oil and
wages $1,709.21; interest 943.00;
Depreciation. $300.; repairs 182166;
total 92,240.81; miles worked C-
184; eost per mile 36,3.
Grader number two, gas, oil and
wages $1,626.11; interest $72.00;
Depreciatiem $500; repairs 9.27 7.5 7 ;
total $2,475.68; miles worked 5,103;
cost per mile 48.5c.
Grader number three, gas, oil and
wages 92,146,12; interest 9138.60;
Depredation .9800; repairs $107.88;
total 93,192.62; miles worked 5,-
665; cost per mile 56.3e..
In 1929 our eost for these ma-
chine were 68c. per lune.
Tend: Grader Costs, Including
Truck ,grader number one, gas,
oil and wages $1,272.98; `interest
$42.00; Depreciation Nil; repairs
4422.57; total $1,737.55; miles'
'worked 8,467; cost per utile- 20.4C.
Truck grader number two, gas, oil
.and wages 92,433.48; interest $42;
Depreciation Nil; repairs $627.91;
.total $3,103.39; miles worked- 12,-
184; cost per mile 25.5c.
• Truck grader number three, gas,
Oil • and wages $2,e54.15 ; interest
$35.00; Depreciation Nil; repairs
9422.35; total $1,712.00; miles
worked 6,672; cost per mile 25.6c.
During 1931, it is not expected
that the machinery requireMenta will
be very great, but we should pur-
chase .a pressure distributor, and
some drag lines.
The following table ,shows the re -
stilts of the traffic census taken by
the Provincial Highway Department:
County bridges
Purchase .of gravel pita
Deductible receipts 2,059.85
Government subsidys
.should be 0,291,9.
Bond Coostruction
Road No.
21 Oppoiste Lot 26, 'West
Wawanosh •
27 Along Con, 7-9, 2
Inalles • !grading and
31 Westerly on 13 Line
from on. 2, Turn -
berry„ imprownent,
12 Opposite Con, 5-6, Mc-
Rillop, jog improve. -
14 Opposite Con. 10, Ole-
Nillop, tile drein . ..
25 Westerly from. East
• T'n Line, Grey, 1 mile
8 Along Hibbert-Usborne
Bdy„ 2 miles grading
.aed gravelling
1 Village of Exeter, wid-
ening bridge approach
25 Opposite Lot 15, Con.
9, Morris, culvert 'con-
2 Opposite Lot 1, East
Ashfield Twp., culvert.
4 OppoSite Lot 8, Steph-
erfetwp., culvert
7 Opposite Lot 24, Hay
Tp., 'culvert extension
25 Oppositelot•7, Con, 8,
,Colborne, culvert con-
Village of Hensall, 9th of
10 instalments as per
agreement, 1922
Town of Wifigham, 9th of
10 instalmentsas per
agre.ement6 1922
Town of Goderleh', refund
of rates for road im-
provement 1,454.0
County 'bridges not on
designated roads 1,350.5
Road ISigns 209.9
Snow enoes 660.1
SpOr's veln.edY, • It's Ilia:
REST Or treating sore Ittroats„,
omtgl), sbronaltis, bronebton asth,
ma, tonsilIlls and kindred diseases.
Try it It's good, Exeter and Uen--
saU •
Too 001.111•011 Of VW T011111814 of
Hoy mot for the regular monthly
session at the Tewe. Hall, Zurich on
January 31st.. All the members were
present, Tee minutes .or the meet-
ing lield jetivary 12 were adopted as
rend. After disposing 'at it nembeir
of communicetions, the following
resolutious were paesed: That .10 -
laws No. 1 and 2, confirming, ap-•
pointment of township • officials, be
read three timeand 'finally passed.
That the report, plans, etc, of John
Roger, O.L.iS,, relating to the Eac-•
i•ett* Drain and the ,e_lexan•der Drain
be received and that the same will
be read and considered at the meet-
ing of the council .on Monday, March
2nd, at 3 and 4 cr'elock p.m., respec-
tively, That W. J, 'Jarrett, Road
Superintendent, be appointed as a
delegate to attend the Road. Superin-
tendent's 'convention .at Toronto.
That the report of the auditors be:
adopted as presented and that 75
copies be printedfor distribution
among the public. That accounts
covering 'payments on Telephone and,
General Accounts 'be passed as per
vouchers: General Accounts—Wm, 5•,..
Johnston, auditor, 910; N. Rout -
3,292,99 ledge, auditor 910; Municipal World
dog tags and supplies, $34.22, Tele-
phone Accounts—Wm. 5, Johnston
132.90 auditor, 92; K. Routledge, auditor,.
1,055.41 B820;ard°,11tia•er.1°BeltllairmaZhaasield, 91.101110e;11)Cal.
N, Railway, freight 911.13; postage.
re notice annual meeting, 96.75;
Bell Telephone Co., tolls, November
3,994.80 to December 978.79; 4.urich Central
switching, three weeks, $51; North-
ern Electric Co., material, $16.11.
3,116.49 That the following be appointed as
Road .Commissioners for the various
road divisions for the year 1931, and
400.53 that by-laws be prepared for pass-
ing at thti
e next council.meeng conx,
lirmine same: Road No. 1 (a) M.
M. Russell, (b) J. Parke, (c) S. Mc --
Arthur; No. 2, (a) C. Aldworth, (b)
G. Armstrong, (c) W. G. Bell, (d)
S: Ropp; 3 (a) C. Aldworth, (b) .A...
Mousseau, (c) 0. Boehler; 4 (a)
A. Reichert; 5 (a) H. H. Praff, (b)
T. Kyle, (c) J. M. Richardson; 6 (a)
S. Martin, (1)) J. Rennie; 7 (a) Fred'
237.62 J. Haberer; 8 (a) S. Hoffman, (b)•
W. Greater, (c) John Oesch; 9 (a),
R. ,Miller, (b) D. Oswald, (c) Bd..
Erb; 10 (a) Elmore 'Deters, (n) B. -
3. Stire, (c) P. E. Dencmme; 11 (a)
W. Fischer; 12 Max Turnbull; 13 P..
Schade; 14 (a) Matt. Tinney, (b)
P. Mile, (c) E: Hendrick; 15, Jo -0 -
sidh Sararas; 1.6 Wn. Duleinaerne;
17 'Marcel Corriveam; 18, ''(a) T.,..
Dinsmore, (b) A. L. Sreenan; Zurioh
P. V., E. Deters,. Sr.; Dashwood P..
V., ID. Geiser. The council adjourn -
Bridge 'Account.
Road No.
, 7 Srnoldy Hollow Bridge $ 678,73
Over creek opposite
Lot 20, Con. 5, Hay .. 428.51
25 Opposite Lot 26, Con.
9, Morris ....................473.46
12 Opposite Oon. 13, Grey. 444.90
22 Opposite „Lot 54, Grey 751.77
Weeds $ 4,894.22
Ditching 2,657.30
Grading 1,788.35
Dragging 13,733.00
Culverts 2,403.16
Bridges '5,166.05
Resurfacing 82,537.52
Oiling and tarring' 13,734.34
Snow roads 7,688.70
Guard fende 870.24
Calcium chloride 2,722.02
Gravel pit 672.75
Avery Daily Traffic For Two, Weeks
Road Summer
1928 1929 1930
Blue Water Road at Amberley 614 727 817
Lucknow Road at Amberley 390 480 481
Wingham-Listowel Road at •Morrisbank 174 264 214
Brussels -Wroxeter Road at •Morrisbank 190 237 212
Ntinchelsea-Berryland Road at ICirkton 249 '155 273
Russeldale-Elginfield Road at Itirkton 364 487 477
Ring's HighWay at Belgrave 4138-.594 464
Bluewatei' Highway near Grand Bend 659 826 776
Dashwood Road near Grand Bend ....... 9:52 415 869
Ring's Highway rat Brncerield 695 968 642
Bayfield Road at. Brucefield 542 closed 616
Benmiller Road at Pavement 84 151 153
Huron Road at Benmiller Road ' 477 700 724
A study of these figures, and Of
the County Road System es a whole,
will show thet the traffic on the
county roads ivatild produce more
revenue in gas tax than the $68,291.-
9e that the Government will pay le
subsidy in 1930, When the license
foe And the taxes paid in .cities and
elseWhere, are coegidered, it Is ob-
VibUS that too muesli Of the County
road expenditure IS being paid. by
direet taxation of the land.
Expenulituree during 1930 show
as talloWs:—
Road construction ... .816;888.22
Road Maintetianc 2804.20
13rIdge construction ....... V182,37
'Urban municipalities 11,216.00'
Muclittery and tenairs 14,218,04
1928 1929 1930.
: 313 405 494
233 283 286
: 163 194 211
175 207 228
281 "291 269
: 433 456 410
446 461 430
281 302 382
15.1 193 251
600 659 726
: 434 440 493
111 119 168
.541 584 668
Machinery Account.
1 Boo dump truck $ 3,700.00
1 DoinitdonRoad power'
grader .9,145.00
Snow plow wings 438,00
12 scrapers ' „ 150,48
TONS 66.77
Repairs to machinery ,-.., 6,618.69
Salary, County Englater 9 2,2'00.00
Hotel .... 08,77
Automobile expenses 558.18
Clerical assistance 900,00
'Telephone and telegragh 110.81
Geed Romig AeSecietion ' 2.00
Etpensee 'to Colitereete 33.95
StatleinerY ......
ed to meet again on Monday, March.
2nd, at one o'clock p.m.
A. F. Hess, Clerk-,
The Stomach and Liver
Quick Relief for
Indigestion, Flatulence,
Biliousness, Heartburn,
Acidity, Stornach,lu,
Cramp in the Stomach,
Heat and TraveLSicknese.
Price 75 cents
Exeter, Ontario
• .
Wash the painful part well
with warm water; then ruts in
plenty of MinarcPs and
33 you'll feel better
pest.Grade1•16.4 XXXXX:
B. C. Shing1es
Large She 'butiches..
$1620 per 'bunch
phone. vi•