The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-19, Page 1r ii INTABLISHED, 187.8 EXETER, , ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUT. RY 1911, :1931 I Ty-rwT. t, 119.. g 9 9 Figuredand Broadclotlis. Newest patterns and colourings;. in .a wide rano of prices 2,1c, Up t.+ 50c. a yd, Get your house dresses made up early, Buy early while you can get :a . good choice. ' SILK CREPE. DRESSES -Sizes 16 to 38. A new shipment of assorted colors, .priced at $8:95 each. NEW VOILES AND RAYONSN.ew. patterns now in stock, per yard 50c, SILK BLOOMERS AND VESTS --In rosegreen, maize, peach and white, Very special price for one week only at 98c.- a suit. Slips to match at 98c. each. BORDERED, IINEN TABLE CLOTHS -Sizes 52x52 at •98c. each. What About That Winter Overcoat? WE SAVE YOU $10.00 ON A COAT. SELLING BELOW COST MEN'S NAVY OVERCOATS ON SALE AT $15.00 EACH MEN'S PLAIN GREY OVERCOATS ON SALE AT • $10.00 EACH MEN'S COLORED OVERCOATS ON SALE AT' $15.00 EACH SLATER SHOES High Lace -Not . Oxfords i $8.00 VALUES FOR $4.50 PAIR Last call on Heavy Rubbers, Galoshes etc. LEATHER TOP RUBBERS HIGH 15 INCI-i TOPS SIZES 6TO9AT$3.75APAIR . WOMEN'S ZIPPER RUBBER OVERSHOES ON SALE $2.75 A PAIR MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS SIZES 6 TO 11 PER PAIR $2.50 $5.00 AND $6.00 HIGH LACE SHOES FOR MEN ' AT $2.50 PAIR Snag Proof Overalls on Sale at $1.50 a pair Grocery Specials for this week -end EXTRA SPECIAL=GRAPE FRUIT, extra large size, fresh goods 3 for 25c. •-;F-i "R'scettt� s:. .;. f • e h'. Pure Lard, per 20 lb. pail $3.00 per lb. 1.7c. Domestic Shortening..... , Per Ib. 16C. Oyster Shell 15 lbs. for 25c. 2• Peas andal P • ;1; c ,< c � d an 'Corn ail. for- •.:`27c 3 cans ,No. 4 sieve Peas 25c. Prudes (Santa Clara `• - 3 Ibs.'for 25c. ' Peanut Butter pint sealer lb. net weight 25c Phone 32 Mono 32 dl� �in {'n�p`y�. "5V 7 educed prices We have reduced the prices on a large range of Hard- ware and I(it:cheri Supplies. Some of the specials are listed below.. General Purpose Shovels. A snap at 59c. 5 gallon Galvanized Coal Oil Cans , 98c. 1 gallon Galvanized Coal OilCans - 59c. No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs 98c. Cast Iron Frying Pans 89c. White Enamelled Dippers 38c. Food Choppers 98c. White Enamelled Wash Dish 29c. Enamelled Dish Pans ... 59c. Colored Bread Boxes ............. ...•••° 98c. Ivory and Green Potato Pots $1.49 Ivory and Green Pudding Dishes, 2/for .......... , , 49c. Galvani, ed Chamber Pails in Colors; 69c. Colored Cookie 'fins 39c. • Don't -mss these Values. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone .your hardware necessities to 27 CARD o1 'MANES aft. and Mrs. las. Shaptoia said <s;atiily Wish to express their .sincere :thanks to 'the neighbors and friends. -far kiiianess And .5fitypathy express ed during their recent bereavement ,also to those Who loaned cars and to Rev. Mr, McTavish, Ytev. R. I;. °Southcott slid Mr. W. R. Goulding And especially do they wish to ..thank the Many friends Who reinein- 'bored Aniy with cards andy flowers while at home, and in the hospital. Twenty-five tents a. day salved in \Insurance at age 20 will provide an 3iicotiie for life at 65 of $600.00 a year. Ernest C. Harvey, Life thuler- Writer, pffit;e Alain St, BIRTHS IIEN IESS1 -In Exeter on . Wed- nesday, February 4.8th, to Mr. and Mrs: Leo. ITeimessey, a daughter. IN i1LiIORTAiI fat mein'ory of SRL W31. It;. ARMSTRONG wlio passed away four Vara ago ebi'ittu y .2..i`, iO2f Station KA'VN Broadcasting :'The ladies of Cavell .Church are giving ,one of their original enter- tainments ntertainments at their ,church next week,', /Light refreshments served. For exact date :see placards. The Women's Association of Cen- tralia United Church will serve an oyster supper in the basement of the •church. on Friday evening Feb. 27, supper commencing at 6 p.m. follow- ed by a program. Admission 4Oc. and 25c, Tuesday was Shreve Tuesday and Wednesday Ash• Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. • SUCCESSFUL CARNIVAL The Carnival at tate Dome rink Monday evening was a splendid sue - Gess considering the mild weather and soft ice. There was a fair at- tendance and many of the fancy cos- tumes were well gotten up. (The Queen of the ice was Miss Lain Lin Glenfield, The prizes were liberal and the wieners, were as follows: Ladies' fancy costume, Miss Mar- jorie Complin; Girls' fancy eostame; Lorraine A.raaistroaigi; men,'a fancy costume, Calvert iChaail'bers; boy's fancy costume, •Gail Browning; Wren's comic, Charlie ,Complin; girl's coni ic, Mildred Jory; national costume, Marion Powell; .animal eostunte, lid. Anderson. The mile race, open, for a silver tap donated by Chev- rolet .Sales, 1✓xeter, was won by Mr. Harry Bowden, of .Centralia, while Sohn McTavish, of the first form high school, was a close contender closing in over a half lap at the finish with a sport that brought hint on ;the Heels o•f the Winner. John raced In his costume which includ- ed fig pillow • and frock. oat. The Rot's' Tai e Was Wort V Eugene.Beav- er with Bobbys'Ilinney giving .him a good race •for the money, The girls' race was won by 4rarion Wai- ner. 1L T'reylor, of Crediton, won the figure skating. Tho lee ter these events was very heavy, The judges were N. S. Eaton, Albert. rraquaia and Ulric Snell and Silas Reed as announcer. EXETER COUNCII Monday, February 16, 1931 A. regular meeting of the, Muuieip- al Council was held in the Town, Hall, members being all present, The ininutes of the meetingi held February 2nd and, of .a special meet- ing held February Stit were read and approved,, Circulars were laid on the table; Letters were read as follows: - Fronl. the office sof the Exeter Lumber •Oempany Ltd., advising the takingover of the Ross -Taylor 'Co. business. riled, A, letter front the office of the Secretary -Treasurer of the Hospital icor S14. Children Toronto, conveying thanks for the deflation, as made, Filed. •• Letter from H. L, Brittain, Sore- tory-Treasurer of the Ontario Muni- cipal Association regarding supply of bills effecting Municdpal Govern- ment before the Legislature. Piled. A letter from J. A. Ellis, Director of the Bureau of Municipal Affairs, Toronto, regarding assessment' roll and court of revision. Filed. The matter of granting charity was fully discussed. and on motion of Grieve -Rivers; That for the bal- .ance sof the season the requests for charity must be ,niaade to the Com- missioner Mr. John Norry who will investigate and where found neces- sary will order supplies as needed. Carried. The By-law appointing a night watchman to patrol Main Street was read and passed, The Reeve and Clerk to sign and place the seal of the gborporation thereto. Motion by Bierling and Rowcliffe. Carried, The following accounts were read and ordered. paid: Ed. Lowry, meals and bed for tramps 31.00; 'William Johns, snow plowing $11.00; James Dignan, repairs R&B $5.15, T.H.I. 31.50,. total $7,15; Peter 'Coleman, team labor R&B $6,00; R. E. Davis,. team labor R&B $6.00; William La- verty labor Ri:B 34.50; William Waring, labor R&B $3:00; Gordon Hunter, labor R&B 33.00; William Snell, labor R&B $1,25; Norman Mc- Donald, labor R&B SSe.; 'John Ford Jr., .labor R&B 31.38; Gordon Ap- pleton, labo7' R&B S8c.; William Scully Ltd., Montreal, Police 'But- tons 79c.; H. T. Rowe, coal library 393.45; rIrs. Beatrice Christie; coal charity 38.95!; H. `Sterling, supplies charity $18.61;.:a^flutlaCatt`Yros. auli,.• a , plies charity 32.57; Jones & May, supplies charity 315.38; John Norry meals for tramps, $3.10, telephone 55c. 33.65. Cemetery accounts - Wallace Makins, team labor 36.00; Thoodore 'Wolper,. team labor $7.00. Passed on motion of Bierling and Rowcliffe. Carried. • Adjournment by Grieve. Jos. Senior, Clerk, PLAY' WELL :RECEIVED The three act play, "Paying' the Fiddler" under the auspices of the Young People's Society of James St: United Church was presented in the Opera House on Friday evening to a large appreciative audience, It was the first appearance on the stage of most of the artists taking part and they acquitted themselves very cre- ditably. •The acting was particular- ly well done. The play was intro- duced by a short speech from Rev. Mr. McTavish and during the inter- missions Miss Pearl Wood and Mr. W. R. Goulding sang' solos which were encored The caste of charact- er's were as follows: Miss Ruble Creech represented Grandma Castle Silas Reid, her son, Henry Castle, who was striving under •difficulty to provide luxuries for his wife and family; Miss„ Reta Rowe, as Mrs. Castle, Frank' Strange and Utah Clarke, their two children; Miss Ila Hunter played the part of a poor cousin with. Garnet Hicks, as a rich 'young neighbour and Gerald Ford as a policeman. Following the play Mr. McTavish entertained the play- ers to lunch at \Vong's 'Cafe. IIPANC.411E SOCJAl'. A successful pancake social was held, in the parish hall of Trivltt Memorial Church. Tuesday evening, There was a splendid turnout and the ladies provided a liberal serving of tasty •pancakes with lots of :de-, lieious syrup to ,appease 'tire appe- tite. Luring the supper music was provided, NEW 341THODS r' At a recent Supper -Conference of the teachers and officers of Cavell Presbyterian Sunday School, held in the .School, it was decided to make several changes in the interests lot more effective work and greater Ser- vice, A. committee was appointee to draft a comprehensive system of awards which will go into effect en March 1st and it was arranged that each class in turn should be respon- sible for the opening exercises., Last Sunday the Young Men's class under the leaderslaip Of Rev. Mr. Rhodes had charge and a very pleasant fea- ture of their program was a most interesting letter from Dr. Graham, of Formosa, who Was formerly their teacher. INDUCTION* SERVICJ An Induction Service will be held in Trivitt 1.11eanorial church for tate new Rector, Rev. E. L,. Vivian L. Th. on: Monday evening next at '7.30 p°tn. The service will be, conduct- ed by Von, Archdeacon Sage, of London, representing Ws iGrace the Archbishop, Rev. J. N, Mills, of Gederich, will preach. sums OIC'' RUNAWAYS Automobile accidents are this week giving way to a series of run- away accidents. fate Sunday evening a horse and cutter driven by Messrs. H. Den- ham and J. Delbridge and owned by Mr. Wilbur ;Batten, of Usiborne, was run into on the highway about half a mile south 'of Exeter, the horse being severely injured. Mr, W. Ross, of Brucefield, with a com- panion were, driving north with a Ford roadster and .died not observe the horse and cutter until almost>•up with them. 'The driver of the cut- ter states that they were sufficient- ly Doff the road to allow the car to pass but as the car. approached, the driver apparently applied the brakes and the car swerved, the left front light of the car striking the left hind leg of the horse inflicting a a nasty gash which bled profusely and injured the stifle. The horse became fractious but was soon quiet- ened. The light of the car was damaged and the windshield crack- ed in front of the driver, The horse, was brought to • the barn of Dr. E. S. Steiner, where the wounds were dressed. The cutter was also dam - 'aged. Afterwards the boys walk- ed six miles to their homes in *Os- borne. On Monday Constable A, Whitesides was flown from Goderich and met those concerned in the ac- cin On Saturday last .a team of horses belonging to .M .4 Arthui D ,y; coda, a ,,• •of Ureter tvlaflcl >'`�i°�cm+':�g4,2frrlou;ct".ion pea straw from the Canadian Caai-• ners upset -the load ori, Station St., the horses becoming frightened and ran away with the front bob. They left the road and struck a telephone pole, the horses straddling the pole. One o•f,tlie horses fell to the ground. The running away of Mr. Day's team caused another team with a empty sleigh also to run away and both teams were coming down the road together 'as Mr. 'Chas. Ander- son was meeting them with his auto and he had a close call from being run into. Mr. Anderson went to the assistance of the Day tea'ihh while the other team was caught at the Creamery. On Sunday,, evening 'while Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willard were driving to Exeter to attend church the horse they Were driving upset the cutter throwing the occupants out and ran away. Mr. Willard failed to 'locate the horse that evening and early the next morning it was found two and a half miles South of Exeter by MT. Wesley Webber. On Monday at noon a• horse driv- en by Mr. Eli Christie of Stephen, was driven into Exeter, in a cutter and on James St. the horse kick- ed itself free, • breaking the cut- ter. This is the second time the horse has brak.en loose as a week ago it became frightened at a pass- ing truck and overturned the • cut- ter throwing Mr. and, Mrs. Christie out. Miss Rosie Jennings left last week for London where she has secured a position. t*; M'S I -101141.k MASQG01141)11: +About 150 :students and ex -staff dents of the Exeter high School: ap+ tended a masquerade party in the Opera House on Wednesday even' ing of last week ^Gaines lneludin $ miniature golf anal dancing follows ed by refreshments made up .a 'Very; holly evening which was deciared by' all to. be an 'outstanding eueeesa: and" much credit Is. due to' Misses 117:, - FJ•. .Ross, M. Graham, L. Marlott .and A, B'. Braine,. of the High -School staff, The costume prizes were won by Miss .Grace Strange, as Japanese ,girl. and Homer Tinney as an olid woman, •Stewart Clarke was the pianist for the evening. The patronesses were". Mrs, B. W. r, Beavers, airs, Willianp lt1'ay, Mrs. R.,,N. Creech, 111'rs. N, • , -Dare, Mrs. S'tT. W, Taman and Mrs,.. J. H. Browning. Special mentions might be made of the decorations! ,which were' particularly pleasing and attractive following out the Val- canine suggestions, WIN PROVINCIAL HONORS In the recent temperance study course conducted by the .Sundayr Schools throughout Canada, three o7' the contestants from Huron Countyr not „only took prizes .given by the. local Union but obtained such bigb percentages as to win prizes in the - provincial - contest. The names' of these are Miss Margaret Taman ini the senior grade and Gordon Greb in the intermediate grade, both stn-- ents of the Main St. Sunday .Schap)... Miss lilldred Hicks, of Centralia, was a winner in the junior grade;,• We congratulate these young people on the honor they have Conferredt not only upon themselves but upon. their Sunday Scliools and the County' of Huron as well. Secure your Chautauqua ticket's early. Plan of •Hall opens at Howey's Drugstore,Saturday morn- ing. OANCb OF THE SEASON r. . Will be held in, • Opera House, .° Exeter on Wednesday, Feb. 25th In aid of the Exeter Branch of The Canadian Legion ROMPH ORCHESTRA, PARKHILL GENTS 50c. (Tax included) Ladies Please Provide Lunch ]FREE CARD TABLES INCLUDED EVERYONE WELCOME Specializing In Fully equipped radio service for any make of radio. Tubes, B Batteries and Acces. ones. Phonogarph, clock and watch repairing a specialty, to the finest wrist watch. F. Wo Rabethge Jeweller ° 011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OMANI PORNO Mown Rise Hilda Quinton, of ' Wood- i Stock, visited 'with her sister 'gra 1 Vivian at the rectory for a :_ few days last wee1:, hire. L,amibie accompanied Zilleif cttintofi 1'oinh,in- •:, ilig over the week -end end sang 'ri i very t1eCeptabl(� sofas in Tr v tt 'Memorial church oil Sunday at both morning ,and evening services. NOTICE Having disposed ° of our business and having , vacated the premises, the office of the Ross -Taylor Co., Limited, will on and after Fehr: wiry 12th be located in the Wickwire Print Shop. All accounts ate now due and should be settled at, once. ROSS -TAYLOR COMPANY, Lltniitcd •o � .1▪ 110.01 1.10.0010 .▪ 40.0110. madam Ulmer 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t11