The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-12, Page 81X1I E.SDAY, T+'1"rDIIVa RI: Aga 1931
Airs. Wm. May and Mrs. Lill: Ball,
w7f 111iteltell were called to Th eter
Monday aping to the ilinesw of the
former'a son, ;Mr. F. :'t \1 ty
410 -IR ',TQ SIT VP'
Tile condition of Mr. 11. E1worthy
who has been ill in Vietoria Ilospit-
fil,. leendoa , colltiuues tO il?tpreve
and he is now able+ to sit up.
Mre. Chas. Dobbs, of Biddulphi
suffered a paralytic stroke on
Thursday evening of last week and
at present is iu a very critical con-
dition her left side being paralyzed,
Latest reports state that there is a
slight imine venient,
:lir, W11116 Rivers, who jas li e11
ill in the hospital at Hamilton for
several weeks Is improving and will
be .brought to his home today (Wed-
nesday.) Mr. E. R. Hopper with
his ambulance accompanied by Miss
Mary Grant, R.N., left this morning
for Hamilton to bring him home
with them.
Mr. Reg Beavers, of Iiderton,
while playing •a, game of hockey
against Lucan in Ildertoa °on Tues-
day ,of last week had the misfortune
to fall on a skate of Vie of the play-
ers• the end of the skate entering
one of his nostrils and striking the
bone below the eye inflicting a
nasty wound. It required several
stitches to close the wound in the
nose. A half an inch higher and it
would have meant the loss of his
Thames Road Farmers... Club are
now booking orders for cedar posts.
It is requested that all orders be in
as soon as possible. -P. • Passmore,
WANT'ED A second hand cook
stove for basement. Apply Times -
Advocate. ltp.
Watch for the Canadian Legion
Dance during the last week in. Feb-
WANTED -To lease a six -roomed
house with modern improvements..
East side of Exeter preferred. Ap-
ply R. C. ;Norse, phone 240, Exeter.
The Ca mtdian Canners Ltd., will
been contracting for peas and conn
on Monday, February 10th. Prices
peas $40.00 per ton and corn $10.
per ton. 'to.
FOR SALE -Fox hound one year
old, black and tan. Apply Clarence
Pfaff, Dashwood. ftp.
Candy, .tobacco., cigarettes, soft-•
drinks, restaurant, billiard and pool)
Cash and Carry Grocery. - Sydney
Smythe, Market Lane, London.
FOR SALE -A nuniber of Here-
ford bull calves, pure bred, from 9
months up. Apply to John Hirtzel,
R. R. No. 1, Crediton.
EXeter Markets
Wheat 0650..
Oats 30e.
:Shorts a•Loo; $2,.00 .a. ton.
.Low Grade Flour ;$1,.25
Welconne Elgar .$2.50
Model Flour $2.70
ili'anitoba Fleur $2.80
Creamery Butter, 36c.
Dairy Mutter, 34-25c,
Eggs, Extras,. 22c. •
Eggs, Firsts, 13c,
Eggs,. seconds 14a.
Hogs' $5.00
.r-.....1,....nca a •a.
goy. .J'. Bernnrcl Rl!Qdoa, M,.,
'Urs Dena Contest A.D.P M.. Organist
10 a:In,- Suud.ay School.
11"A Divine Discontent"'
7 •len1,---"t7nconscieus Influence,"
Thursday, S p.nt., our Ai:idWeelt
1Service in the Church.
d ocals
The 'Women's Association of Main
Street United church are 'holding a
sale of home-made cooking on Sat-
aturday, February 14th in Mr. Beav-
er's store.
A Pancake Social to be held in;
the Parish Hall ole Shrove Tuesday,
February lith under theauspices
of the W. A. of the Trivitt Mem or- I
ial church. Supper served from 6
to 8. Admission 25 and 15c.
Get your new license now. Forms
free at the Ford Garage. S. Elliot.
For 8 single cord, , 16 inches
body wood, staple or beech. Tenders
to be in by February 20th. Luther,
Reynolds, Hensall, R. R. No. 1, Se-
cretary S. S. No. 1, Usobrne.
Mr. Sam Johns is visiting .in Lon-
don for a few days this week,
Mrs. Samuel Bing is indisposed
at'hcr home and under the doctor's
Mrs. Lydia Switzer is visiting her
daughter :firs, David Lippert, of
spent the
with her
The Thames Road church are ask-
ing for tenders for five•double cord
of two fact wood, beech or 'maple.
Tenders to be in the hands of the
secretary by the 17th day of Febru-
ary 1931. Fred Dawson, Secretary,
Hensall, R. R. 1.
WANTED -Loan of $3,000 •on
first mortgage on well improved
100 acre farm in the Township 0f.
Usborne. For further particulars
apply to CARLING & • MORLEY, So-
licitors, Exeter. tin
FOR SALE -Pair of tight bob-
sleighs; also a few spy apples; some
No. 1 clover honey and some large
pickling onions. Apply W. F. Abbott
PIGS FOR, SALE -25 chunks. Ap-
ply F. L. Preeter, Dashwood, R. R.
No, 2.
FOR SALT: --Brick house with
eight rooms and over one acre of
land on William Street. Woodshed,
hard and soft water, stable, fruit:
orees. Apply at Times -Advocate.
Mrs. Emilia. Taylor
week -end in London
daughter Mrs. Burke:
112r. 'Steinburg, of the Canadian
Bank of Conimerce staff, is holiday-
ing at his home at New Hamburg.
Mr. Frank Creech .of the Times-
Advocate staff, was confined to his
home for several days through ill-
Miss Madeline Dearing and 4M'iss
Muriel Howald, of London, spent the
week -end at their respective homes
Mrs. I. Statham and son Harry,
of Strathroy, are visiting with the
former's parents, 1fr. and Mrs. Dan
11rrs. Steele, of London, end Mrs.
Freeman, .of Stratford, visited with
air. and Mrs. Russell Skinner on
Sunday. •
Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton, of Lucan,
formerly of Exeter was confined to
Dr. Fletcher's Hospital for a few
days through illness. . .
Mrs. H. Perkins and daughter
Nola spent the week -end in London
visiting with the former's sister Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Butler.
• ,airs. Harry Welsh who is confin-
ed to her bed with. a severe attack
of quinsy, with Mrs. McNichol in
attendance, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clarke and
daughter, June have returned to
Windsor after attending the funeral
of Mrs. Clarke's father, the late Al;
fred Bowey. •
Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve, of For-
est, visited with their parents in
town •during the past week. Mi•.
Delve returned horse Saturday, Mrs.
Delve remaining over,
Mrs. Thos. Collingwood has re-
turned hone after visiting for some
time with her daughter Mrs. Roy
Alderson, of Arkona. Mr. and M'rs.
Alderson returned with her on a
Miss Mary McKaig was 'in Hen-
sall for a few days last week owing
to the illness of her aunt Miss Ne -
Well. Mrs. M. Knight, relieved for
Miss McKaig at ,the Bell Telephone
FARM FOR SALE -•Choice .100=
acre firm with good buildings, North
•Thantes Road; convenient to Market,
school and church. Per further par-
tieluars apply to Carling .& Morley,
1tarrlsters &c." .Exeter, Ont. I'
It yeti wish 'to buy Or sell;, a farm
ar house see' ft. E. Pickard. Exeter.
We are in the,fitarket for all kinds
of poultry paying the highest prices.
Ttuelks 1vi11 call. Phone 30, I as'h-
Weed, 'Il.. Anderenn.
Miss Vera Essery is spending a
few days in Toronto looking up the
new styles of millinery for the com-
ing .season. Miss Essery recently took
over- the millinery business of the
late Miss Yellend.
Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor
W. R, Goulding, A.T C:14i.
Organist and Choir -Leader
11 a.m.-"Nothing in my hands i
(A message of true worship.)
3 p,m.-r-Sunday School.
pen. -"A well of your own?
(Mor•.eadvice toyoung people).
Rev. C. J. 11foorliouse, ,Pastor
Miss Evelyn Huston
Organist and Choir -Leader
11 a.m,-The Message to the church
at Sardis.
3 p.m. -Our church. school.
7 pan. -"aur Salvation"
A. song service of old falniliar
7,30 p.m. Thursday, Prayer sleet-
Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th., Rector
,Miss T. )IaeFaul, Organist
Quinquagesima Sunday
11 a.m.-Morning prayer and Holy
Subject: "Diving Love"
3 p.m. -Sunday School and Rector's
Bible Class.
7 p.m. Evensong. Subject: "Tire
Second Coming of Christ" by re
James Street parsonage • was the
scene of a quiet but pretty wed-
ding on Saturday afternoon at three
o'clock when Miss Ella Mae Clarke,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Clarke, of Usborne, was, united in
marriage with Mr. George Edward!
Frayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Prune, also of Usborne. They
were attended :by Miss Blanche
. Clarke, sister of the bride -and f .:
William Walters, of Cromarty. The
bride was dressed in a navy blue
ensemble with hat and accessories
to match. Following the ceremony
a dinner was served at the home of
the bride'•s parents. The happy
young couple will have the best
wishes of many friends.
A quiet .but pretty wedding took
place at Caven Presbyterian Manse
on Wednesday, February 4th, at
2.30 p.m. when Miss:Carrie Blanche
Oke, daughter • of the late Mr. and
Mrs.'William Oke, of Usborne, was
united in marriage to 111'r. Cathbert
Love Wren, of Dungannon, the cere-
mony being performed by the Rev.
J. B. RIvodes. The bride was dress-
ed in a wedding gown of blue georg-
ette. Mr. , and Mrs. Wren left on
the evening train for a short wed -
Miss Addie Green purchased some ding trip, the bride travelling in a
hyacinth bulbs from Mr. Willis : dress of black crepe. A reception
Powell last fall and one, a dark
bre held for the happy couple
blue, has turned out to be a beauty on their return Friday evening at
having five perfect stooks of bloom.' the home of the groom's brother
Can any one beat this. I Mr. Gordon Wren, of Chiselhurst.
A horse attached to the delivery Mr. and Mrs. Wren will reside in
rig of Mr. H, C. Rivers made a live- Dungannon.
ly run down the Main street Satur- 1
day morning scattering baskets and : CAREY--GRANT
parcels along the road in its road
In James Street United church at
dash. No, damage was down.
. "Miss Ina Jaques, Alma Street, high noon en Tuesday, February
entertained last evening apt bridge.,lOtlt Elizabeth (Betty) Ann, eldest
in honor of one of her olassmates `'daughter of 11'r, and Mrs. J. S.
Miss Margaret Joiins, a member of , Grarrt, was united in marriage, to
the 1931 graduating class of Vic-; Mr• Henry Courtney Caiey, young=
toric" Hospital." -(London Adver- est son of Mrs. Nancy Carey, of
riser.) Goderich and the late Wnt. Carey.
•Rev. C. J. Moorhouse; chairman The bride wore a dress of Hula
brown chiffon with shoulder boil -
of the Huron Presbytery attended
the Presbytery meeting at the On- att of spring flowers, a brown felt
hat with touches of ostrich, shoes
ario Street United Church, •Clinton; and Bose .to match, Miss Mary
on Tuesday. Mrs. Moorhouse kud Grant R. N., sister of the bride was
Miss J. Murray ,attended a meeting bridesmaid and wore a. :dress of
of the Presbyterial executive at the Frenoh beige georgette and shoul-
Wesley-Willis church the same the,
der bouquet o spring flowers, a
Mr. ancl Mrs. G, J, Dow and Mrs. ,black straw tailored hat, beige
W'm. Hatter arrived Sunday after shoes and hose to match. The
motoring froth Montreal where tl Y ;groom was attended by Mr. Silas
visited for a number of weeks. They Reed., the Rev, Dunean McTavish;
inotored up Saturday from Toronto pastor of the church officiated. .A)12-
A;fin the storm getting stuck fit the ter the ceremony the bridal party
'drifts several titres• 'between Strat-?repaired to the Central Hotel where
ford and St. ilfarys. • They retnaina' a •surnptuous wedding dinner was
ed in St, Marys over night and rer.Served, The table was prettily
turned ltotne Strnday. , decorated with .pink tulips in silver'
During the severe snow storm on baskets and, pink candles. Guests
Saturday a number of cars 'were from out of town were: Mies Fran -
stalled along the highway and had cele Sutherland, of Glencoe; Mr, IL
to be abandoned. The snow plow MdManus, of Hensall; Mr, Joe'
went through *rt Sunday and open.' Grant, of London; Mr. and 12rs.•
ed up the roads making a single Frank DIM, of G.oderich; Mr, and
trackY In some places along the Mrs. Thomas fticitardsrsn and laugh-,
highway the drifts are exceedingly ter Milian, of •Seaforth. The bride
deep and if another 11ea'Vy ,blow ' ,., n s the 'recipient of many Minter.
conies Meng it to doubtful whether ous n,titl cAOtly gifts. &'or travel.
the showplow would again be, able ling. thil bride wore a hyata blue
tb clean thein otit. The mail -,nen ,,flat crepe tailored dress with egg
were arable' to ntalte their rounds, if crepe bion and accessories, to
In Memoriam
Southcott Bros.
match. After a short honeymoon
trip Mr. and Mrs. Carey will reside
in Exeter. Both the bride and
groom are very popular with the
young people of town and the best
wishes of many friends, with whom
the Tines -Advocate joins, will be
oxtended for their future welfare.
Messrs. E. 0. and R; C. Morse ar-
rived this \v.eek to take over the
planing mill of the Ross -Taylor Co.
Ltd., which they died on Wednesday.•
Mr. David •A. Gordon, of Chatham,
another member of the first will ar-
rive later. They are at present look-
ing for a house with modern con-
veniences and; their ,adivertisement
will be found on another page. We
welcome the new members of the
first to our midst.
During the snow storm Saturday
an automobile driven by Mr. F. M.
Boyle and; another car driven by Mr.
Mr. Case, of Hensall, collided on the
Highway north of Exeter, both cars
being somewhat damaged. ' The
drivers were unable to see the other
car owing to the storm until they
were almost head on. Both cars
swerved out but Mr. Case's car
struck the rear fender of Mr. Boyle's
car, Mr. Boyle's fender being badly
Messrs. Sandy Elliot and William
Passmore were in Windsor Tuesday
bringing home new Ford cars. It
will be two years. February °13th
since Sandy bro.ugh•t his first new
Ford to Exeter. .In 199 he sold
71 new cars and 123 used cars. Last
year he sold 99 new Ford cars, 5
new Fordsontractors, besides 199
used cars. Sandy .seems quite op-
thnistic about the present year al-
though January sales are ebel'ow
(those of last • January. He believes
that future prospects are very good
and that next December will see, a
greater number of Ford cars in
circulation than ever .before.
The Stratford .runior WOSSA teats
defeated the Eiceter players on Pl1-
day to the tune of 3-1, thereby win-
ning the touted.
It was a'protty fair exhibition of
hockey ail the way through, with
the Stratford team having the edgo
most of the game.
3oynt was easily the star for Exe-
ter uotdhing their only goal of the
:game in the first period, when he
.s.oloed down the right boards and
blaze a high one' at Flaherty in the
Stratford not, which lie failed 'to
judge correctly,
Rotor- goal, Stade: defence,
Zwicicer and. Quinn: wings, Joynt,
and f'ryile; centre, Cochrane;; subs,
Crecch. and Mc'ravieut,
vow is the time to order
Your New Spring- Suit
We are offering a big discount
during the slack season.
The new suitings are now in
and ,it will be worth your while
to glace .your order at once. •
free ou o every , ur 1 s are
=preventaible, help stake the country
more prosperous by preventing fires
Ernest C. Harvey, Fire Underwrit-
er. Office Main St.
The .Main Street Mission Circle
Met at the home of Miss Hilda Sims
on. Tuesday evening with nineteen
' girls present. The • meeting was
opened with singing and prayer fol-
lowed by roll call which was answer-
ed by each giving the namos of 12
disables of Jesus. The topic was
very ably given by hiss, Marjorie
Pearce on the life of Arary Reid of
Ohindu--and Miss Dorothy Grassick
iilayed a piano •solo. After the
meeting a Valentiee contest was
held and a social half hour enjoyed.
J. M. Southcott was le Toreitto for
a couple of days last week attend-
ing a convention of the Ontario 0n'd
Quebec Division of the Canadian
Weekly Newspaper Association held
at the Royal 'York Hotel. :IT.embol's
of the Association were guests of
Colonel McLean of the :1tcLeatt Pub-
lishing Company and following a
A. L. C. M. a"
(Honor. Graduate) London, England
Instruction in
Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory;
StudioN. Albert Street. Boa 160
.thione 2i) , Exeter/," Ont:,
A. T. 40.
Organist and Cbbtrmnate,
&canes St. United Church
instruction in
Piano Vocal Organ Maori
splendid buffet luncheon were taken Supervisor of Vi'usi Nin Schools '
u o Main
. St.5
e t a ti• f i t tiBox? Phone
ii i o rns oct o f tilt ort 1t i sVA
n n g
now, died u'p-to-date printing office. n tiETER; DINT
The MVM'oLean Publishing; Company1
has bre .of the most ftp -tet -date
plants of its kind ,on the continent, ' The, :tta ilea's fancily of the 4tiir
equipped with the very lastest ttta rbncession McGillivray entertained[
clilnts for handling the various their friends and neighbor's pn. Pei --
Misses of Work. Tito visit fo thta day evening 1'eh1'ltary r;tk. There
plAce was exceedingly interesting t6 was 125 in attendance and they nit--
t"eport a lona:11ul time.
the country publishers.