HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-12, Page 51
•1 5
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DR. J. A, McTAGGART, l•,. P. 5,
1NS411, ONT..
,'elephone 100 Maio Street
IV1r. And Mrs, 1Vierie Drysdale;
,spent Meniday in Loudon.
pr. Dougal . •ok Petrolia spent a
fenv daya this week in town,
111r. Ben loader spent the Week-.
lend vislting friends iii. 'Stratford. •
Mr, and !11!rs, S. I. Peppier silent
few days with friends in Hanover,
Mr. Murray Campbell spent the
week -end et leis Thome its:Stratford.
Miss 'Nellie Boyle, of London,
spent :the week -arid at her home
Mies Mary rMcIiaig, of Exeter,.
event • the, week -end at nor home
Mrs, Thos. Peart is lying serious-
ly ill at her home North Richmond
Mies Grace Forrest, of London,
was a regent visitor et her Louie
Mr. Chas. Jinks is confined to• his
home with .a serious :attack of Heart
Mr. Fred Deters was et Zurich
,this week owing to the death of
his mother.
11r. Earl West, of Camellers, N.
Y., is visiting at the home of Mrs.
0, M. Holden.
lVIre. M, ''Stewart, of Seaforth, is
visiting at the home of her brother
Mr. Wes Coleman. s-
ieges Helen 14Valper, of Exeter,
spent a .few days at the honme of Mr,
and. Mrs. Russel Broderick,,
Mrs. (Dr.) Collyer entertained
.n number .of friends to a dinner and
%fridge on Tuesday evening:
Mrs, C. Cook very pleasantly en-
tertained a number of her lady
rriends on Monday evening..
Miss Mary Grant, R.N., has re-
turned to her home in Exeter after
nursing a vase here. in Rensall,
The many friends of Mr. Wm.
White will be sorry to hear that he
is confined to his home through ill-
Mr. Archie Hodgert, 'of Chisel-
&urst has rented Mr. Geiger's house
on Oxford St. and intends moving
here shortly.
The many friends •of Mr. Wni.
Foster will be sorry to, hear that he
is confined to his home through Ill-
Master Kieth Buchanan spent the
week -end visiting at the•ome of his
,uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Arms{gong, of Hay Twp.
Mr. Fred Berry who has spent
the winter visiting at the honme of
Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Stewart of 1 1n-
eardine has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs, David McCard, of
London, were .tailed hese .on Fri-
day owing to the serious illness of
:her mother, Mrs. Thos Peart.
Mr. and- errs. R. L. Coles enter-
tained a number of friends ,en
Thursday afternoon anis evening
last the occasion 'being their 15th
.wedding anniversary.
Dr..M•alloy, of, Watford, was, call-
ing on friends in town on Monday.
ler. Malloy was a former resilient of
I3ensali and his many friends were
glad to see him.
Mr. Richard Welsh is confined to
his home through illness. Mr. "Welsh
ds one of the .oldest residents
and his many friends here hope ;for
a speedy recovery.
The Dramatic Club of St. Paul's
Anglcian Church intend putting on
a. play entitled "Step on It Stan"
in the .Town Hall on Friday even-
ing February 13th. This play will•
he put on in Staffa on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 17th.
Services in the United church"
were largely attended. on Sunday
3ast with the Rev. A, Sinclair deliv
ening inspiring sermons... Iu the
evening a.•cluet was given by Misses
Martha Carlyle and Mr, Wilson
•Carli"sle. ' Next Sunday a women's
=choir of some 40 voices will lead the
•service of song.
A good game of hockey was play-
ed on the Zurich rink on Monday
-evening between the Zurich Angels
.and the Hensel]. 1VLillionaires result-
ing in a score of 5-3 tor Zurich. The
:game was a fast one with Drum-
mortc"i, Abbott and Little scoring
.splendid goals. Little an41 Apple-
ton. were the two most outs•tancling
players on the ice.
Miss San Maei%ehnie, repre-
senting the Canadian Chautauqu is
in town making arrangements for
their series of• entertainments put
on the latter end of February. A
meeting was held in the Town Hall
con "Saturday evening when a strong
tel mnittee was •organized, Tile Chau-.
tauqua wa's held here a year ago and
:,strew big crowds and will no doubt
do time Baine this year.
.A large crowd ,attended the skate
leg party put on by the Welfare
Youth's Club of the Carmel Presby-
terian Church on Monday evening
:on oiir local Mk. After a eouplo et
:pours skating the young people re-
tired to the basement of the church'
where, lunch was served and a plea-
sant hour was ,agent in games and
other amusements. The young pee -
pie of the different clturelles were
invited and at peasant tfine was
spent by all.
.iL meeting of the Salmi Trust-
ees, and Ratepayers ,of this ,district
Was held. in the T°owii Hall on
'?Thursday afternoon. Inspector
I3eaeom, of 'West Huron was present
and eeplained the workings of the
new School Act iii regard to Govern
anent grant, Tlie new law will not
affect the grants to the Heusall
school .to.:pay extent :but Will affect
Towxlship Schaal sections sotne, A,
highly ,assessed. Twp. School section
will not reoelve as big a grant as a
lower assessed section..
The W.M.S. of the United cliurcli
field its tnontltily meeting in the
basement .of the church en '.rliurs-
day afternoon last with the presi-
dent Mrs. C. A. McDonell presiding
Following :the opening .exercises Mrs.
WM, Dougall led in prayer. The
Minutes of the last meeting were
read after wilicli an instrumental
was given by Miss F. Foss. A leaf-
let was read by Mrs, Fred Hess fol-
lowed by a duet by Mrs. Agnes Mc-
Donald and Mrs. L. Hedden after
which a reading; was .given by Mrs.
E. 4V lmQueen. The Study was taken
by 1!rs. Drysdale, iVirs, Peck, Miss.
A. Moore, Miss J. Moir .and Mrs. El-
der. It was decided to hold the
annual Day •of Prayer me Friday,
February 20t11 and Mrs. .0. Hoitkirk
and Mrs, W. Foster were appointed
a visiting committee to .call on sick
members or shut-ins.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the rectory of St,
George's An'gilicauChtu'alm, Godkr-
lob, on Saturday, \January 31st,
when Miss Ethel Florence Pepper,
or Howell was united in marriage
to Gordon Hugh Stewart, son et Mrs
and leers. Hugh Stewart of Ashfield,
with the Rev. J, N, I1. Mills officiat-
The bride was becomingly dress-
ed in a gown of gloria 'frost creme
and for ,travelling a Brown coat and
hat t6 match,
After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs,
Stewart returned to their home on
the sixth concession of Ashfield
where they will reside.
The nmany''friends of .Mess E. Kin-
ney, who is one of the teachers of
our .school, were shocked to learn
of the :sudden death of her mother
whielm occurred in London last
Wednesday. We extend to her our
sympathy in this +her hour of be-
reavement. Miss Reta Rowe, of
Exeter has been engaged by the
trustees to take her work this week,
Messrs. Otto Ewald and Edward
Fahner are petting in their ,sum-
mer supply •of ice. The quality ap-
pears to be fair.
A number of our 'hockey fans
went to London on Tuesday
and found the roads in fair
'Fred %Kerr is busily engaged in
drawing logs from Yearley's bush.
Rev. and Mrs. Drier, of Zurich,
visited with friends in town on Men-
The regular monthly meeting =:of°
The Women's Institute 'was 'held in
the Institute Hall on Tuesday even-
ing February 3rd with a good at-
tendanoe of members and some vis-
itore. rMiss Mabel Fahner presided
and opened the, meeting with the
singing of the Institute Ode follow-
ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison.
After the roll call several commun-
ity songs were sung. The regular
business. was ' then transacted, dur-
ing this letters were read by the se-
cretary.,from those who had been
remembered at' Christmas. Mrs.
England also read several letters of
appreciation which she had receiv-
ed from Northern Ontario, where
the Institute had sent boxes of
clothing. Miss Pearl Love gave an
interesting paper on "The Current
Events of 1930" describing one im-
portant event for each month. Next
the Misses Clara Morlock and .Lo-
vina Smith favored the ladies with
a piano duet. Another much ap-
preciated number was, a very excel-
lent paper on "Music" given by
Mrs. Emmery Palmer. !Following
the paper all took pant imi a musical
ct0ntest. .Sieveral musical ,games
were also very much enjoyed. Re-
freshments were then served. The
hostesses for the evening were the
Misses Alma and Lavina Smith,
Miss Addileen Gaiser, Miss E. Kin-
ney and Miss P. Love. A vote of
thanks was extended. to the host -
()sees for the dainty lunch and also
to those who assisted in the even-
ing's program..
The Young People of time United
church spent Friday evening with
the E,L.C.E. i11 the Sunday School
tooth of the evangelical ehurth.
Mfelvin Lampert occupied the ehair
and opened the program by .con-,
tltteting a sing -song; solo by Hetet.
Levis; an instructive paper was
given by tan', Clark .on the "Ne-
gro. Spirituals, These . being the only
real folk; songs in the 'tL,S.A; at the
close of this subject Bernice Lilber
played a number of the leading Ne-
gro Spirituals; Miss M. Jones gave
a reading "The Cattle Thief" by
Pauline ,Toltneen; a, vocal solo by
Miss B. Hill,. The meeting was
then given into the hands of the
Evangelical social oonnnittee, eeliss
A. Geiser kept the spirit of the
meeting at high tide with Ootttests
and games. +Ite.freslunents were
served, ceremonies. closed the pleas-
ant social function. Both pastors
were present, I1. Hagelstein and 11t.
'The anniversary services held at
the Hvangellc.al elturelt closed Mon-
day evening. ,Tho special speaker
Rev. Ile. 1<, Jordan, of Hlgire 111., oc-
eupied the armpit three tinter and
delivered unetious and inspiring
Sarin:011Si .Sunday tlri'o'rning fouled a
gaol :sired congregation, The :cher'
with a few additional ,singers rend
eyed .an anthetlil" end Mrs. Gordon
Morloelt a solo. The eveniu .. set
vice was the ellm= of the a}fltivere
nary. The speaker was in splendid
trim and the !sermon Was instruc-
tive, inspiring .and pathos touched
the hearers now and then. The
•choir sang .their hest in the Anthem.
"0 that I had wings" end the ladies
quartette is to be :complimented too.
Monday evening instead Of a lecture
time speaker was asked to deliver a
.sermon, this brought out as tar larg-
er audieuce than has usually been
known 4011 the Monday evening .of.
the anniversary, Evangelicals qr
time community expresseet themselves
by saying it was one of time best'
anniversary celebrations on record.
Tuesday meriting Rey, Mr. Jordan
returned to Elgin where he,is the.
pester of the largest Evagelical
congregation in that ,conference, In
spring he will "again pursue his
evangelistic prograni. Friends sot She.
United church together with their•
pastor Rev. Hagelstein Joined with
us. in the Sunday evening service..
Dr. H H, Cowen, L.D.S„ D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block:, bash-.
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Offiee, in
Zurich, last three days of week,
Mr.. Henry Schade, of London, is
visiting in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. StIre has re-
turned after a pleasant visit with
their son in Tonawanda.
Miss Sarah Reid, or Bilyfield, vis'-
ited her cousin, Miss Laura MVlae
Reid last week.
Revival services are being con-
ducted in the Evangelical church.
The Fun.galore Club of Daslt.wood
stet ou Monday evening, February
2ncl with Miss Laura 1VLae Reid as
hostess. About 15 were present and.
a most enjoyable time as spent. A
mirth provoking feature of tile ev-
ening was the reading of the teacups
by Mrs. Reid. At tale close the host-
ess served lunoh.
On Monday night an exhibition
game of hockey was played between
Theclford and Dashsvood resulting
in a victory for Dashwood, 4-1.
This was one of the best gaimes ever
played ,on the local ice. On Thurs-
day night this week the Thedfor.ci
boys will play another exhibition
game with the Dashwood team on
the Dashwood ice. A large' eroivd
witnessed the game on Monday
night and everybody was 'well satis-
fied in every way. le you want to
ase a fast game of clean hockey
come out on Thursday night and
Don't forget the moccasin dance
to be held a the rink on •Saueday
night, February 14th. Good music
will be provided for old and new
time>.dancing, At this another game
of broom ball will be payed by
some of our star players. Conte out
and have• a night of real fun and
give the boys wha have undertaken
the responsibility of building and
financing the rink your assistance.
Everybody enjoys a good game of
hockey and the boys are to be con-
gratulated ,on what they have done
for the town.
The annual meeting of the
Thames Road United Church was
held last week Feb 3rd, A good at-
tendance was present. The meeting
was called to order by Rev,. James
Anthony at 2.30. Mr. C. Montieth
was elected chairman anti iVir. Ed-
gar Montieth secretary for the meet-
ing. The church finances were in
very good shape. A vote of thanks
was extended to Rev. J. Anthony
foe 1115 kind help in assisting in re-
pairs en the church, A report was
tlmen given by the past sec'y-treas.,
for the begining of 1929 by Mr. H.
Brown and the report of time year
by Mr. A. Gardiner the present Sec-
Treas. These two'reports were read
and adopted. Mr. 'Elmer Stewart,
Mr, Leslie Robinson and Mr, Fred
Seers were the Stewards elected in
place .of the retiring 3, Messrs, P.
Passmore, O. Cann and J. W. Stew-
On Monday night +:1i9', McLeod,
Agrieuttn'al representative, will ad-
dress the Themes' Road Farmers'
Club, everybody welcome.
Mr. Stewart Campbell, of London
was home for the week -end.
Mrs. Theron Creery, of Detroit.
is visiting with her father, Mr, J.
Mrs. Ed. Coward and Miss Jean,
of Winchelsea spent the week -end
with .Mrs. A. •Smale and 'family;
Mr. and iMes. Ed. Pollen were
week -end visitors with relatives 111
Mr. F. J. Gollings is attending
the horticultural C•onventlon hell
in Toronto this week,
leellarton llorticenturai. Society
A Meeting of the directors was
field. at the 'Moine of the President,
Rev. T. 11iaymner, .ef Fullerton, on
Friday afternoon. There were 7 pre-
sent, Mee. Brown, Secy was linable
to be present awing to the illness
of her stouter Mrs. Curtiss. Mrs.
Zalop was. 'sec.• for the afternoon•
Business on held was the arranging'
for premiums for the conmitlg, year
and will be reported later, a de-
liglitful tea was serV0cl by Mrs.
ThayMer itt the Close„
`.I3Sakr.. 11'DBrn. %11y Its+, lark
_ill i l 1i ail i l 1 1 ! ll 111 i 11111{1111 li i 111111 l 1 illi iii!! 11 11 o 11 i ii i o ll ill
ii i i .ii .i li iiliii.ii.li �l _li. l lli.iiil illi ilii l_i i.ilii iiiill 1 1l iil.i liiiliilil ii l ii i _.=
Ready -Cut
2 lbs, for 15c,
Finest Santa Clara
3 lbs, for 25c,.''
Trio Seeded
2 cgo. for 250.
LOVELY FRESH DATES .......................
'lbs for 25e,
. c. per package
Red & White
No. 2 tins, 2 for 19c,
Per package 23c,
SERVUS JUMBO PEAS, Sweet and Tender . , , , , , , , „ , ..2 .tins for 21c,
Large Package
21c. each
2 packages for 19c.
39c. per tin
LARGE SIZE LAYER FIGS , , , .. , , .. , , . , 2 lbs. for 23c.
Large Tins
18c. or 2 tins for 35c.
No, 10 tins 80c,
Per pound 39c.
Money back it not satisfied
McCormick's Broken Sodas .. per lb. 10c,
De Luxe Jelly Powders , :., .. 5 for '25c.
Essex No. 4 Peas ...... .. 3 tins for 23c.
Servos .cheese , .. , , ' 1-2 lb. box 19c.
Sweet Juicy Oranges Per doz. 23c.
Assorted Cookies . ., , , ,. , , , per lb, 19c.
Choice Apricots per lb. 25c.
Huron Corn , ... , .. , .. , 2 tins for 23c.
rr lllllillllll11111111i1iillll1111111111111111111111111111111111ii11111111111111111111111(i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U111111111N;,j
0▪ .00
O 0.1.111
6,0▪ 1.0
The February meeting of the W.
M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Thos,
Scott on Thursday last, with a good
attendance and the president Mrs,
Rogers presiding. The meeting
opened by singing hymn 127 and
prayer by the president. Mrs. John
Hamilton read tthe portion of the
Study Book allotted for the day.
Mrs, S. A. 1VIiller• having choice of
subject gave a fine paper "Thoughts
for the New Year," The business
part of the meeting was dealt with
for a short time considering the bale
of clothing, quilts, etc, to be sent
,as usual. The meeting closed by
singing hymn '540 and the Lord's
gayer in unison,
A good many in time neighborhood
arra ,t.present laid up, with bad colds
Met is prevalent. A few cases are
under the doctor's care.
Mr. Ralph •Speare, of Harriston is
at present making a short visit at
his hoose in Cromarty.
Miss Alma Parkinson is the guest
of her cousin Mrs. Herman Foster
Dor a fe
w days.
Miss Florence Pullen, nurse -in -
training, .London, spent the week-
end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire spent
Thtu,sday evening with Mr. and
efts. Albert Scott of Farquhar.
Mrs. Win. Morley and Mrs. H.
Squire, visited on Thursday with
Arnold Hern of Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire spent
Thursday at the home of A. IS. Sher-
ritt .on the 8th Line.
The mrontnmy meeting of time W.
M.S. will be held at the home off the
President Mrs. John Hazlewood on
Thursday afternoon iat 2.30. The
first Vice -President Mrs. W. Morley
will have charge of the meeting.
The Y.P.S. will meet on Thurs-
day evening. The meeting will be
in charge of the social president,
M'iss Verna Hazlewood.
Mrs."E. Squire spent Thursday
with her mother Mrs. J. Morley,
Mrs. John Foster, of Granton,
spent a few clays with her sister,
Mrs. 1). A. Johnson.
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of the United church was held
at the parsonage on February 5th
with a very good attendance. The
meeting opened with the president,
Mrs.., L. Harburn in charge. After
the singing of a hymn, which was
followed by prayer by Rev. Stewart.
Mrs, .Archie Jeffery read the min-
utes of the previous meeting. After
the business of the meeting was
trausacted, a solo by Miss Norma
Wilson was enjoyed, A dainty lunch
was served by the hostess.
Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Miss
Jean 'Tuffin, and 1clr. Janes :hiller
are under the doctor`s care. We
wfsil them G. speedy recovery,
Mr. And Mrs, Archie Litston en-
tertained the. people of time village
to a 'Progressive Euchre and dance
on Wednesday everting. The prize
winners were: ladies' Illus. 'George
'Puffin; men's, John Scott; consols-'
tion, Mrs. S. A, Salter, A very en-
joyable evening was sliest by AIl.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Batty, ere Sar-
nia, have been visiting at Mr. Frank
Statton9s and Mr. W. P. Levis's. for
a few days.
Mrs.. .Sol Pollock, who has been
visiting her daughter in Chicago
and her son in Detroit for three
weeks, returned home on Monday.
Mrs. John Holt and 'Miss Enicl
Holt, who have been in Sarnia for
a couple of months, returned home
on Tuesday.
The Owls Club spent aveerY
joyable evening's fun given by Mr.
Joe Ravelle,
Mr. Geo, Lovie continues very 111.
Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Gerolnette, -of
Greenway, visited Mr. ;Stewart
Webb's on Sunday.
The dance in H. Gill's Lakeview
House, put on by the Greenway L.
O. L. was largely attended,
Mrs. R. Webb is on the sick list
but is showing some improvement.
Mr. W. R. Goulding, of Exeter,
starts this week to train the United
church choir.
,Mr. Morris Brenner had a narrow
escape• when his car turned over
when returning from the Dashwood
skating rink. No damages was
done to amountto anything.
y g.
Mr. Robt, Willert of the 14th con.
spent Sunday at Mr. P. Isenbach,
Grand Bend Jack Rabbit Hunters
will hold an oyster supper and dance
on Monday, February 16th. Admis-
sion adults 60c. and children 30c.
Supper at Brenner house and dance
in. Bossenberry's Hall,. Everybody
Mr. William McTaggart, of De-
troit, is here visiting his brother,
Mr. Martin McTaggart 'and other
friends. for a few weeks.
Mr. Donald Brintnell still• contin-
ues quite sick and under the doc-
tors' care.
Miss Margaret Taman, of Exeter
visited- witlm Miss Mary Kerslake
over the week -end.
There is still some cases of mumps
on the boundary.
Mrs. Envier Weide who has been
seriously iii was given it blood
transfusion last week and is some-
what improved.
Mr, Harry Lewis, who has been
taking treatments on his hands in
Toronto spent the week•-encl et his
home here.
Mr, Isaac Situs, of Exeter, visited
for a few days 'with relatives there
the past week.
Mrs. henry Pfaff, Jr, and child-.
ren, of Woodham, spent tate week-
end with iMr. and Mrs. Henry i'f fi.
errs, Harry Kuhn who unttelwent
an operation in London last week
is progressing favourably.%
;ores. Blake Heath and two •child-'
ren, of Windsor is visiting with her
father, Mr. Harry Kellie
Mfr. Harry Kuhn anddaugliler,
Mrs. i3i•eke Heath and Mrs. Charlie
teteszler spent Moltdey with Mrs.
Harry Kuhn in St. Joseph's Hospit-
al, London.
Mr, (!.odic Knight who has been
visiting in the West for .genie time
is now visiting With Mr. and Mrs.
The .,"Old Tirsers" had another Harry I uhn.
very successful party in the hall on sir, and Mrs. H;:olancl Minty and
]ridgy night. A. big crowd was Mr. Henry Metz spent Friday
Itre;ieitt. Lbndon,
Miss Jessie Brook., R. N,, of
Whalen has returned to her borne
after spending the past three weeks
taking care of Mr. Wan, Parsons.
The many friends or Mr. Parsons
will be glad to know that he is get-
ting along nicely,
Mr. Those esoyes has been con-
fined to his home for the past coupe
le of weeks'with an .attack of lum-
Mr. Truman Mills left for Ham-
ilton on Monday after spending the
past week with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Mills.
The Young People's Society held
a Valentine Social in the basement
of the church on Tuesday evening.
Tile evening' was spent in games
and contests atter which lunch was'
Miss Hazel (Smith entertained a
-number of her friends at her home
on Friday evening. The guests ar-
rived in • costume displaying the
hard times, the evening was spent
in games after which the hostess
served a dainty lunch.
The Young People's Society, are.
preparing the play entitled "The
Absent Minded M nded Bri,degro0m,„ which
will be presented in the :auditorium
Of Centralia ,United Church, in the
near future.
Mrs, Fred Bowden and Donna
visited for a few days last week
with Mrs. Geo. Hodgins, Biddulph.
The regular monthly meeting of
time Women's Association was lmeld
in the basement of the church on
Thursday: --••afternoon February 5 tli
at 2.30 p.m. with the, president Mrs.
N. Mitchell in the Altair. The meete
ing was opened by \singing hymn
347 after which Mrs. Arthur Me'
Falls led in prayer. Thee scripture
lesson was read by `1VIrs. Bowden
front Psalm 91 after reports from
various committees a short business
sesio.n took place. The society will
hold an oyster 'supper on February,
26th in the basement of the church..
Mrs. Herman Powe then gave a very,
interesting and inspiring temper.
mice tali, which wan eneeyed by all.
Hymn 153 was sung and Rev. Robb
dismissed the meeting. A dainty:
lunch was'served by Wes. R. Sniitle
Mrs. W. J. ,Smith, Mrs. Shouldice
and Mrs, N. Mitchell.
See us
WE'LL do tthe job right
and we'll have it ready
when proinised:, Let us
inspect your car the next
time it needs tuning up.
Our mechanics are spe.
daily trained. All labor
billed at low flat tate:
Tile Homo of the reee