HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-12, Page 1177 • OIBTA ,ISI E 1873 EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, FEI.UA.RY 12th, 1931 FIFTY-FIFTfi YAA,R, NOag6. 50 LADIES' DRE,':i.E • .--ON. SALE AT • $4..95, $7..9.5, $9.85 Just Arrived • A SHIPMENT QF LADIES' SUITS, .DRESSES AND COATS HAVE ARRIVED FOR SPRING. SATIN BOUND COMFORTERS IN PLAID WOOL REGULAR $7.50 SALE PRICE 495. • WE HAVE A SHIPMENT OF NEW FIGURED DRESS MATERIALS FROM 50c. A YARD TO $1.50 A YARD; ALSO NEW PRINTS AT ALL PRICES. FLANNETTES-IN WHITE AND COLORED, A YARD WIDE REG- ULAR 35c. AND 40c. A YARD FOR 29c. A YARD. Men's'nig h -laced Rubbers ON SALE -12 INCH LEATHER TOP HEAVY RUBBERS, -FOR QUICK SALE $3.75 A PAIR • MEN'S FINE, SHOES AT $2.50 A PAIR 50 pairs Men's fine Shoes, all high shoes, not oxfords, values up to $6.00 at $2.50 a pair... Sizes 6 to 10. See them on our counters. OVERCOATS, SUITS, ETC. Overshoes, Rubber Boots, Mitts, etc. Sale continues on Men's Navy $25. Overcoats for $15.00; colored coats at $15:00. Fur Coats, Leather Coats, SLATER SHOES FOR MEN AT $4.50 A PAIR Men who like the famous SIater. Shoe, one of Canada's best high grade shoe sold regularly at $8.00 a pair on sale at $4.50. No oxfords, all high shoes. WOMEN'S OVERSHOES AT $1.00 A PAIR All new low styles, cotton and wool Jersey cloths, we have most sizes but not all sizes -pair $1.00. Wallpapers! Wallpapers!. . BUY • WALLPAPERS NOW AND ; HAVE THEM HUNG BEFORE ,- T.HE: PAPER- ANGERS:' GET BUSY,-.AVEHAVE A LARGE RANGE OF ,r SUNWORTHY PAPERS; 1:44$O: A, ,FINE RANGE OF . LOW 'PRICE PAPERS AT 10c,,S ND UP. . n Phone 32 . `= Ones �.j a Phone 32 Reduced Prices We have reduced the prices on a large range of Hard- ware and Kitchen Supplies. Some of the specials are listed below. General Purpose Shovels. A snap at 59c. • 5 gallon Galvanized Coal Oil Cans 98c. i gallon Galvanized Coal. Oil Cans 59c. No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs 98c. Cast Iron Frying Pans 89c. White Enamelle&Dippers 38c. Food Choppers • 98c. White Enamelled Wash Dish .. 29c. Enamelled Dish Pans 59c. Colored Bread Boxes • • • • •••• 98c. Ivory and Green Potato Pots $1.49 Ivory and Green Pudding Dishes, 2 for . , . ; 49c. Galvanized Chamber Pails in Colors 69c. Colored Cookie Tins 39c. Don't miss these Values. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 • BIRTHS . 1 a ]LLER-In Zurich ru -January 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 1iel- ler, a daughter; • MARRIAGES Ait.EY-GRANT---At the James Street United church ,on Tuesday, February ;0th, 1)Elizabeth (Betty) Ann, eldest 'daivghte'r of Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Grant, to .Mr. Henry' Courtiiay Carey. youngest son Of Mrs. gouty ' Carey, of Goderich by ltOY. n. M'eTtivish, IVttly *- •OK At Oaveh Presby- teriait Manse on Wednesday, 'Feb, roary tho Atli Miss Carrie Manche (AO, datightor of the late William Oke, of Usbarne, to Mr. Cathbert Love Wren, of Dungannon, by Rev, S. B. Rhodes. FRAYNIJ- 'G'LAEKE -,A.t the Sables Street United. Church • parsona.ge • on 'Saturday, February 7th, Ella Mae Clarke, 'daughter bf Mr. and Mrs. Nelsen 'Clarke, to Mr. George Edward Frayne, soli of Mr. Arid .Mrs, >'rayne, all of "Us - borne, by, Rev. b. iM Tavish. "%, DEATHS StCAPTON-•in St. Jesepii's 1lospit- at, Loddon, on Tuesday„ February 10, 1931, ,Aniy /rent Shipton, ed 28 years, 7 months arid 6 flays HOCKEY MATCH Tuesday, February 17 Juniors and Intermediates Admission 25 and 15c• CHd UTAUQI A COMING MARCH 2, 3, 4, 5 Miss J. MacKechnie was in Exeter Monday and met the committee who are arranging for Chautauqua in Exeter on 'March 2, 3, 4 and 5. Miss MacKeohnie is loud in her praise of the program that is being Put on this season as it is meeting with an enthusiastic, reoeption, eve,:ywtheie. Tickets •are now on sale by memibers of the committee and the, plan .of hall will be opened at Hoavey's • Drugstore on Saturday February 31st. Season. (tickets $2,00; reserved seats for entire program. '50e. extra. � Children's tickets $1.00. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Pryde and two children, Douglas and Bobbie, arrived home Tuesday after an en- Joyable visit of ten weeks in the British Isles. IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING 1VLI+7\IOI2Y MILS. CHRIS. b' IIBNEIL who passed. away 6 years ago Feb. 12th,1023 CARL) mitAXIM The family of the late A. A. Bow- ey wish to express their :sirieere tliattlts to the neighbors and friends ler the kindness and sympathy.ek- tt'itided 'daring their recent bereave- ment ,and Also to those wile kindly offend their ears'. BOARD OF EDUCATION An inaugural meeting of .the Board of Education 'was held at the office of the Secretary on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 4th at 8 o'cit►ckn, tAl1 miem hers present. The oath of office was subscribed to by Thos.' Jones, W. H. Penhale, S. M. Sanders and Mrs, Beavers (town members) and H. T. Rowe (County), Following was the order of busi- ness submitted. Per R. N. Creech and W. H. Dear- ing that Wm. EM;ay be .chairman. Vice -Chairman, W. H, Dearing,' per T. Jones and S. M. Sanders, Secretary -Treasurer, Miss K. Mac- Faul, per S. 1'J 'Sanders and P. J Delbridge. . Library Representative for 1911- 32-33-W. S. Howey, per H. T. Rowe and W. A. Turnbull 'Striking committee: appointed by chairman .to form Committee was W. H. Penhale, F. J. Delbridge and H. T. Rowse, The Committees for the year re- commended and adopted .on motion of R. N. Creech and W. H. Dearing were:- Insurance---w. ere:- Insurance w. A. Turnbull, Mrs. Beavers and F. T...Delbridge. Teacher's Sturdy Courses -,-R. N. Creech, F. J. Delbridge,and H, T. Rowe, W, Jay. Building and grounds -S. M. Sanders, Thos. Jones, W, Ii', Dear- ing and W. H, Penhale. ,Scholarship -H: T. Rowe, W. A. Turnbull, W, H. Dearing and Prin. Wethey. Fuel and Supplies -W. H. Pen- hale, S. M. Sanders and Thos. Jones. Finance -R. N. Creech, W. 1\fay and Mrs. Beavers. The Chairman, or Vice Chair., iSec'y Tress, were empowered to sign cheques necessary for the year's business on motion of F. J. Delbridge and S. M. Sanders. , The H. S. and P. S. Principals' re- ports were read acid adopted. per S. W. Sanders and W. A. Turnbull. Arrangements for the Continence - Brent were left with the Scholarship Committee. ,Following accounts were paid on motion of Messrs Penhale and Turn- bull:- B. W. F. Beavers, supplies, $80.40; Ross Taylor, supplies, .20; Times Office, $15.00; Traquair and Lindemfield; $8.25; British Anteri- eau 011 Co. $6.60; Jones and May, $4.28; Penny Bank, Toronto, $4.05. Meetings are to be held at Lib- rary on second Monday of each month. Adjourned by R. N. Creech. K. .MacFaul, Sec'y. MISS AMY SI-IAPTON PASSES With her life hanging in the bal., ance for several days the spirit of Miss Amy Shapton, finally took its flight to the Great Beyond on Tues- day and Exeter mourns the loss of one of its most esteemed young ladies Miss •Shapton p ssed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she had. been a patient since Jan- uary 13th. She had not been too well for some time and at the New Year was confined to her hone for a rest, • When her condition did not improve she was taken to the hos- pital in London and an operation was performed but it was found that little could be done to spare her life. .From time to time favour- able reports came from her bed- side hopes were raised in her friends that she might yet recover On wntnday she took a turn for the worse and the family were called to her bedside and she gradually grew weaker ,until the end.D The late Miss Shapton for the past ten years had been an. employ- ee with. Southcott Bros., and by her most genial disposition she won a host of friends. She was active in the young people's work of the James street Church, being a mem- 'her of the choir, a past president of the 'Voting People's Society, a teacher in the Primary Department of the Sunday School and a mem- ber of the Mission Circle.. ''rhe +deceased was born on the third co)tcession of Stephen Town- ship being the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jams ,Shapton, of town. Her age was 28 years 7 months. rand 6 days. Besides her bereaved. par- ents. site is suiv1ved by two ,brothers Earl and Wilfred iShapton, both, o+f Stephen, to whom the synipa,thy of the Whole community will be exten- ded in this hour of bereavement. The funeral, Private, will take plate from the residence of her parents' Huron 1St. on Thursday afterttooit. at 2.30, iiiteritlent hi the Exeter Cemetery. :Atalcolnt, the seven months old son of Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Grant Wag taltclt quite :i11 on Saturday last and suffered several convulsions the re - stilt of turpentine poisoning caused frons the odor of the paint follow- ing the redecoration of their new home. Tho little :lad was removed bo tite,honre of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. .t. S. Grant on Sunday, his i'ottditiott being quite' serious during tiro day but he liar since been int- proving nicely, • SIR,. F, A, MAX ILS. .The many friends stf M. Fred A. May, of the firm of ,Jones ,F41 May, regret to know that he Is :confined to his bed through illness,, Arr.:1iay was taken 111 Saatur.day averring and •otr Sunday suffered a hemorrhage and was greatly weakened from the loss of blood, Qn Monday evening Dr. Busby waif up from 1401141031 and With Dr, Fletcher.' .glade a 'blood transfusion, the blood. being given by Mr, J, Hubert .Jones. Following the transfusion Mr. May showed: considerable improvement. Re is now getting along as well as can be expected and his friends will hope1 for his .speedy recovery, TOCELE]32i1Li 1d 90th BIRTHDAY Mrs, John Sanders, of Stephen, mother of Mrs, Geo. Walker, will on Tuesday next celebrate her 90th birthday. Mrs. ;Sanders has for sev- enty years lived on the farmon which site now resides. She enjoys splendid health, goes without eye- glasses and for exercise take a walk a couple .ef times a day, 4 THREE .. MIT PLAY the 1iyingmailer 1.44.4er the ,auspices of the 3ames Young People's 1Geague Will be presented tn. the A Exeter Opera House � ,- ora. •.-- Friday, February 13 Two and a quarter hours of whole -0. some . entertainment. Music bei tween the acts. Curtain rises. at Admission: Reserved Seats 3ay. Rush Seats 25c. • Plan of hall at W..8, C01e'e Drug Store, Tickets now on sale. VALENTINE MASQUERADE CARNIVAL _ at the�.e t EXETER ARENA on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16th SUITABLE CASH PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS:' • Ladies' Fancy Costume Girl's Fancy Costume Gent's Fancy Costume B'oy's Fancy Costume Ladies' Comic Costume Gent's Comic 'Costume Animal Costume ar Character Costume National Costume Girls race under 12 years Boys race under 12 years Best: Kazoo Band TWo• or more bands to compete. Queen o1; the ice Figure Skating Lucky Ticket Judging at 9 p.m. followed by Grand :March Ice, reseryed for;,theee in costume until 9.15. p m. Arena open at '1.30 p.m. Skating until 11 o'clock. ADMISSION: ADULTS 35e.; CHILDREN' 25e. BIG ICE RACES ON WEDNESDAY, PEI3RtAUY 25th Silver Cup, donated by Chevrolet Sales, medals. and prizes ;�.; :..ru ,..,� 3..... .;.5,4..rei �.n ✓c9" .a:•.YFn:. '<.;. ro7 ..=.:s 4r, ,. ,.,_, .. Grocery Specials For the next two weeks we are putting on a special grocery sale. This will be your opportunity to save money. 7 lbs. Oatmeal, Best Western coarse and fide 25c. 2 ib. Seedrbss Sultana Raisins ,.23c. 2 lb. Red. Band Seedless Raisins 25c 2 packages Seeded Raisins 25c. Lemons 4 for 10c. 7 bar's -P. & G. Soap 27c. 3 bars Mother's' Baby soap 19c, 3 packages Ammonia 22c. Lux 9c. a box 3 cans of Essex Peas 25c. 3 cans Frankford Peas 25c. 2 cans of Huron Corn 25c. 2 cans Yellow Bantam Corn 25c. Clark's ]?ork & Beans .... 10c. a can Catsup 19c. a bottle Horse Radish 220. a bottle Cascade Salmon, small 11c. iiimesuom Lettuce, Tomato G. & M. ,Salmon, large , i Se. Red Star Sockeye Salmon, large 33e Red Star Sockeye Salmon small 18e Quaker Krackles 2 tor 25c, Jello Powders 3 for 25e. Matches 3 for. 25c. 3 pounds Macaroni ... 25e. Oranges (288's) 23c. a dos, Oranges, large 39c. a doz. White Petrolatum ' 17c. a bottle Colored Petrolatum 13c. a bottle. Stainless Sewing Machinec 011 20c. Pure Olive Oil S_oz. bottle 45e. Caster 011, 15 and 25.c. a bottle Assorted Cookies 20c. -a. 1b. Thin Arrowroot 30e. a lb. 350. Cookies for ..................... 30e. es, Cabbage in season. • THESE PRICES FOR 2 WEEKS FRANK COATS 1111110 0101110.1 NOTICE Having disposed of our business and having vacated 'the•premises, the Office of the Ross -Taylor Co., Limited, will on and after February 12th be located in the Wickwire Print. Shop. All accounts are new due and should be settled at once. 10▪ 11.1010. Imminr MEMEL ✓ ommol ROSS -TAYLOR COMPANY; Unitedmanse -` .. III I II 11111111lIIIIIIIIIIIlI��1111I11111cr:- �IIIUIII I�III Il I�i�l 111111 IIII II I I I II111�11�11111111111 I I 1 I