HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-05, Page 8FkitlI : R1' .i,. 19ot Mrs. Long,. who, recently underwent an eperatiot. in Victoria }Iosaltttl, Irandon, returned hone Monday. i ltiir. L,cliu ' was ccnftned..to his limo' for a . few days with tonsilitis. i•,i. PVElii+.],1 STROREI Mrs. W. H. Passmore suffered a. paralytic stroke sometime .during the early hours of Tuesday morning at the imine of her slaughter ars. Win. Ryoknian and is confined to her bed Having suffered the loss of her speech. Mr. Win. Ryeknau hale been indispesed for several drys suf- tering from ,the flu, 0/1412c61/001X'3'O CELIcaaRATkl. AT 1=iA "VO,lW 'AND MYTH Represente,tives of the- Orara, Lodges of •South Huron met in the Oddfellows' Hail, Exeter, on Tuesday,. Feb. 3rd for their annual district meeting. The Morning ses- $iell opened at 10.30 with. County Taster Ed. .hole, of Seafortii, pre- siding. As July 12t11 comes on Sun- day South Huron will join with ..Stratford in a celebration on July 11tI1 and with Blyth on July 13tH, The following officers were elected for the ensuing term and were duly installed by Past County Master, Mr. I Herman Powe, of Centralia. County Master M. M. Miller, Clinton; De- puty County Master, Ed. Fattier, of Crediton; Chaplain, E. .M: Dignan, Exeter Rec. Sec'y, H. M, Hanley, Clinton; Fin. w,se'y., M, Schoenals, Clinton; Treas., Geo, Davis, Exeter; First Lecturer, A. T. Harness, Exe- ter; Second Lecturer, G. E. Lamport Exeter; Marshall, E; Webster, Var- na. 'FOR SALE -A number of Here- ford buil calves, pure bred, from 9 months tip. Apply to John Blrtzel, R. R. No. 1, Crediton. Mrs. Fred Delbridge, of 'Usborne, will hold 'an auctions sale of farm, farm stock, and implements. on Feb- ruary 26th. Watch for particulars next week, The regular meeting of the Exeter Branch of the• Canadian Legion will be held in the Club Roomy at eight o'clock on Thursday eveping,• F'eb- ruary 5th. -M. W, Pfaff, Secretary. A Pancake •Social to be held • i•n the Parish Hall on Shrove Tuesday., February 17th' under the .auspices of the W. A. of the Trivitt Memor- ial church. Supper served from 6 to 8. 'Admission 25 and 15c. Get your new license. • now. , Forms free at the Ford Garage. S. Elliot. TENDERS WANTED. The Thames Road church •are ask- ing for tenders for five double cord of two foot wood, beech or maple. Tenders to be In. the hands of the secretary by the 170. day of Febru- ary 1931... Fred Dawson, Secretary, Hensali, R. R. 1. TENDERS WANTED ' Tenders will be received by the 'undersigned for five cords of maple and beech 'hardwood cut 16 inches long, 3 piles to the cord; delivered at the Elimville United church. Tenders to be in' by Wednesday, February 17th. Win. Johns and Newton Clark. ftp NOTICE -A pair of driving gloves has been left at Dr. Fletcher's of- fice where the owner may receive the same by paying for advt. WANTED -Loan. of $3,000 on first mortgage on well improved 100 acre farm in the Township of Uslborne. For further particulars apply to C'ARLING & MORLEY, So- licitors, Exeter. tfn FOR SALE -Pair of light bob- sleighs; .also a few spy apples; some No.- 1 clover honey and some iarge. pickling onions: Apply W. F. Abbott London. WANTED -A. general maid, apply in person. firs. G. S. Atkinson. FOUND -On • Andrew Street a fountain pen, colored. Owii.er may have Lazne by paying for this adver- tisment. Apply at tho Tithes -Advo- cate. AGENT WANTED A good dealer is wanted by the Cockshutt Plow Co. to handle com- plete line dt farm implements in- cluding tractors and threshers, a good proposition to right man. Apply Coelnshutt Plow Co., Brant- ford, Ontario. • 1-29-2tp. • PIGS FOR SALE --,•25 chunks. Ap- ply F. L. Preeter, bashWood, R. R. No. 2. FOIL SALE -*Brick hoose with eight rooms and over one acreof land oil William Street,' Woodshed, hard unci soft water, stable, fruit iteee.s. Apply at Times-Adsrooate. 1-15-tfc • FA1t1 t FOR SALE -Choice 100 - acre farm with good buildings, North Thames ].Load, ebtiVenient to market, School and church. For further par - 4 t#clears apply to Carling Morley, Barriaters 4e. Exeter', Ont. ' 12;1S'=tfe `tf you. wish tO bUY or sell a feral'. Or house ,fele It E. Pickard,. Exeter. POULTRY WANTED' We tate in the market for all kinds of poultry paying: the highest 'prices. rucks Will trill. Plicae 30, Dash. WOO `dr Anderson, THE :EXETER TIMEJ'ADVQVATE, Exeter •Market's 1 Wheat 6 i0.. Oats 20e. Barley, 30e. Bran .$1.15 Shorts $1,05; $30.00 a, ton. Low Grade Flour $1.35 Welcome Flour $2.50 Model Flour $2.70 :Manitoba Flour $2.80 Creamery Buttes', 3.6e.. Dairy Butter, 24-2,5c. Eggs, Extras, g2', Eggs,. Firsts, 1.So. Egg; seconds 14c, %lags $9.00 oals r-+* '.Hiss Grace Creech visited in Lon- don over the week -end, ,1;'ris. John Hunkin is confined to her home through illness. Mr, Peter Robertson, of Stratford, visited in town over the week -end, Miss Vera 1roonea, of London, spent the week -ends at her home Here. Mr. Win. Hatter was confined to his home through illness for a few days last week. firs. C. W. Ford, of London, is confined to her bed, at the home of Mrs. Lampert. Mr. Silas McFalls, of London, vis- ited with relatives in this commun- ity fore few days, Aiiss Helen Dignan is visiting for a couple of weeke with her brother, Mr, Howard Dignan of Port Hope, Messrs, Geo. Beavers and Eugene Howey, of Toronto, spent the week- end with theirrespective parents in town, Mrs. Luther Reynol•dfe, who has been ill for the past three months is now able to sit up for a short time each day. Miss Leila .Stackihouse .spent the week -ends at Guelph and attended the Conversat dance at the iO.iA.C. on Friday evening. Miss lM'ar•garet Johns, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. Johns. Air. Bruce Rivers left Wednesday morning fpr Hamilton to 'visit his father Mr. Win. Rivers who is quite ill in the Hamilton. Hospital. The many friends of Mr, Harry Eleverthy, who.is ill in Victoria Hos- pital, London, '.;will be pleased to know that he continues to improve. Mrs.. Wm. $iuntz, of town. and Miss Dorothy' 'Kuntz, of Windsor, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John BiekteIl, Windsor Ave, London last Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. H. B. Woods, pf Banff, Alberta, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Win. J Passinore and are enjoying their holiday amongst their' many friends and relations. Mr. Cecil' Hodgson, .of Toronto, who has been working for the Har- ris=Abattolr has been transferred to Sudbury and spent a day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Hodgson of Centralia before leaving. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, of Wil- liam and Ann: Streets, entertained a party of ten friends Monday even- ing. The evening was •spent in games after which .the hostess serv- ^d lunch. Mrs. K. Clarke, and daughter Jane, of Windsor, were called to Exeter owing to the illness •of .the '.'ormer's father, 'the late A. Bowey. 4`i'. Clarke attended •the funeral in town on Wednesday. The relief committee appreciate the response to, their appeal last week. A bag of potatoes, some veg- etables and 14 quarts of frutt have been received. Further donations will he Greatly appreciated. Mr. :Garnet Johns, son •of Mr. and Mrs. 'arm. Johns, of i shorn, left Wednesday morning for Victoria Hospital, London, where he will un- dergo an operation for chronic ap•• pendicitie. Dr. Dunlop , accompan- led him. Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Pryde and .two children, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs, John Pryde, of Windsor', who have spent the past two months at their old house in Scotland sailed last Friday for Canada and are expected' Monte the beginning of the next week. The friends.' of Miss Amy Shantou WilI be pleased to know ,that favor- able reports have' beep. coming from her bedside in,• St. Joseph's Hospital In London during the past week. rifts. 'Shapton Who has been in Lon- don with her daughter returned to her lronre Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. J. Passinore accempantedt Mr. and bi.rs. H. B.. Woods to Stratford last week Visit- ing isiting with their aunt, Mrs. B. Robb, afterwards visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston at Clinton accompanied by Miss X. Robb 'of Stratford, return. ing to Exeter on Sunday evening. . Messrs. Ilugh .Creech, of ,Western University and Harry Jetiiiiligv of Huron •College; London, visited at their liotnes here during the week. The 5Lttdeiits at Western have just oonclttd.ed. their mid -winter examin- ations and returned to I.Ondon 'Wed- nesday to ;start the new term. While in toWii M. Jennings! d!eligltted the citilOn5 with the playing ,of the cronies of tl'ie Trivitt chttrclt in Which he takes ;x- great intergst, W, W Taman Is offering big dis' couthts on new shits ordered timing �, tete shack season. ° AEN i'RESBYTFRIANN CHURCH • Rey. 4. Reveal:11 Rhodes, AT,,- 4, Minister ,Miss Jena $ oates% A.x..tJ 1Si[,, Organist 1.0 a.m,----runday School 11 a.1n,---"Sitllt and 'Might." 7 rein. --"A Question of Sralues" Thursday, 8 p.m., our Mid -Week Service la the Church. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Itev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a,iu.-"The barrel of meat that wasted not," A sequel to last 3 p.m. --Sunday 7 p.nz;_.-.."A young ion". Another young, Sund'ay's message School. man and his v,is- message to, the MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. X. Moorhouse, Pastor Aliss Evelyn Huston' Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a,m.-The Master's message to the church at Thyatira, 3 p.m. -Our church school. 7 p.m. -Our evening. service begins with a song service :off old hymns followed by a message. on "The Why of Repentance To -day." Thursday evening prayer service withdrawn. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Tia., Rector . Miss K. MacFat11, Organist Ses 1gesiina• Sunday 11 a.m.-librning PI;ayer 3 pan. -Sunday .School and Bible Class. 7 p.m. -Evensong. On Friday evening February 6th the Laymen will hold an informal meeting in the Parish Hall at .eight o'clock. No motorist expects ,an accident,' but prudent drivers know accidents will happen. E. C. Harvey, Auto- mobile Underwriter. RECEPTION FOR NEW RECTOR, OF TRIVITT CHURCH On Friday evening of last ween the congregation -of Trivitt Memor-, sal church field a reception in the. Parish Hall for their new Rector' Rev. E. L. Vivian L. Th. The ladles' guild served a sumptuous repast ale 6.30 p.m. which was followed by .a splendid program. ale. M. W. Pfaff acted' as chairman andi the following program was given; sole, W. C. Davis accompanied by Airs. N. J, Dore; piano yolo Miss Luella Stan - lake; reading, Miss Tena McCurdy; reading by Miss Bernice Sanders;. solo by Tommy Walter, Mr. M. R. Complin in a very able manner de- livered an address of welcome which was responded tb by M'r. Vivian. Mr.' E. J. Wethey extended a vote of thank to the ladies who furnished the supper. Following they program a social hour was enjoyed during which Mr. and Mrs. Vivian and their little son Elingworth were introduc- ed to the members. of the con•grega , tion. Mr. Vivian conducted his first ser- vice as rector on Sunday last, Large congregations were present both morning and evening and the ser-: mons by Mr. Vivian were much ap- ps eciated. At ,the evening 'service Mr: Arthur Middleinis sang a very pleasing solo. The new rector was born in Eng- land and came to Canada in 1912. Nat long after coining to Canada the Great %Var began and he respond- ed to the call and spent three years in France. After his return to Can ada Af'r. Vivian entered Western. Uni- versity and graduated from that in- stitution in Arts and from Huron College iii theology receiving his de- gree Licentiate of Theology. Fol- lowing his ordination Mr, Vivian's first charge was at Wallace Falls where lie was united in marriage to Miss Quinton. Before coining to Exeter Mr. Vivian was rector of All Saints Chureb, Woodstock and Beachville. He 'was also president of the Ministerial' association and that Association presented l\fr. and ll%rs•,Tivstr wtii a silver service. Mr. Vivi • is also. chaplain in the Cana d cion: ai W. A. Ob' MAIN ST. CURC1t 'ills `omen's ,Association. of Alain street 'United cliurch held their roiithly enieeting in the. parlors ..of the chtti�ele on Thursday, Sanitary 29th., 112is�a E. S. Hogarth having i charge of the ,d:evot'ionn1 exercises after which .Mrs. H. W. Doerr, presi- dent, took eharge of the business meeting. It was .decided that the dsseciatioii would, serve supper to the then of the. church on Wednes- day, a:'ebrttary 4th at 4.30 pan. Pians wore Made to hold a. cooking sale on Saturday, February 14.th al- SO to hold tt pancake social hi the cloud, its It on A2a>"cli:...LTi. G At- e ew Silk Crepe and Georgette ! resses A new shipment has arrived this week; priced :at • 11.95' $12.95, $18.54. Turkish Towels These are slightly soiled from hand- ling at Christmas. These are 50 and 7$c. values.. Reduced for quick selling to 35c, OR 3 FOR $1.00 5 pair of Cotton Plaid Blankets These are large size Blankets in grey, fawn and blue plaids. Regular price per pair $2.75. SPECIAL AT $2.39 Silk Knit Crepe In colors of grey, blue, brown and navy. These. were $2.50 and $3.00 :a yard. Splen- did for children's dresses and slips to CLEAR AT 35c. & 45c. A YARD 10 dozen Men's Grey Top Shirts Made hill and roomy of good quality grey Flannelette, sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2. Regular price $1,25. SPECIAL AT 98c. . New Chintz for Comforters A number of new patterns are here for your inspection, You will like the new designs and colourings. They are 36 in, wide. Priced at per yard 25c. Coloured Prints 4 only patterns to choose from. These are •regular' 25c. lines and are splendid for quilt covering. CLEARING AT PER YARD 15c. 42 x'n. Pillow Cotton This is a special value and is away be- low the regular price. Comes'. in one width only: • SPECIAL AT PER YARD 30c. Pure Linen Toweling A splendid drying linen, 18 inches wide for hand toweling with blue, yellow or green border. 5P. YARDS FOR 98c. •a Coates 200 yd. Cotton Spools About 20 dozen. In white Nos. 12, 16, 20 and 24. Black Nos. 12, 16, 24. These won't last long. Regular price 9c. a spool. 4 FOR 25c. Room Lots of wallpapers For Bedrooms --- Kitchens - Dining Rooms- Living Rooms 98c. $1.29 $1.49 $1.98 Southcott Bros. • MAIN ST. PASTOR. INVITED TO RETURN- The official board of the Main St: p United church fteld.their first meet, ing for the year on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. W. G. Medd was elected Recording Steward and; Mr. G. S. Howard, clerk sof the Session and Mr. W. H. Johnston was made a permanent member of the Board. . Messrs. E. A. Follick, E. M. Dig - lean and Mrs. H. W. Doerr were ap- pointed to represent the Sunday ,School on• the Offietal Board:' A ieommittee consisting ,of Messrs, W. H. Johnston, Geo. 'Layton, J. Cald- weII, W. S. Howey, Miss J. 5. Mur- ray and Mrs. A. Ryckman was, ap- pointed( to look after the M. & M. Fad. A committee was named to promote the organization of a men's association as follows: !M'essrs. G. Mawson, E. 0, Tuckey, W. G. Medd, A. Rycknian and B. W. F. Beavers This committee has arranged a sup- per to be served this Wednesday ev- ening by the Women's A,ssoc'ation when the matter' will be thorongh]y discussed. A unanimous invitation was extended to "Rev, C. J. Moor - house to return as their pastor• for the fifth term. Miss Pope, Deaconess, "Upper Canada Tract Society" i nasion to sailors, soldiers etc. is in town sol- iciting funds, for this worthy cause. Since 1832 this socety i'literdenomin- tttional in character, evangelical in principal, inter -.racial in purpose and, international h1• scope, Mae followed its object with uhdeviatinee loYality. For iiearly• 100 years the Tract So- ciety bas ministered by means• of the printed page, in many languages•, to those iii hospital, in ,prison and in home. It distributes the choiceet christiaii literature and thus helps. in coutiteractleg atheistic and coin- monist tendencies. It has, sent (grat- is) many thoucande of .selected. books to sailors, soldiers, lighthouse keepers, Candnlan mounted police, miners, lumberjacks„ sick cliildretl. etc, It liar for 0a years maintained an otxeizsive mission to tate thou- sands of sailors on the Great Lses; owns and operates tire' Royal Arthur 'Sailors Institute at Port Arthur et the head of take Superior; itlsa ilmttller 1iistitut.Os at Kingston and Toronto. The increased demand for the society to meet the urge of the great need, require an increase& rev- enue, The, .urgent alilreal . which comes to the society is passed .ait and this community will no &inlet give a liberal response ,aa it Inas in: other. years. Now is the time to order Your New Spring Suit We are offering a big discount during the slack season. The new suitings are now in and it will be worth yoiur while to place your order at once. W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. Monday was Candlemas Day. The weather was 'clear and cold with a bright sun ancb the bear had no dif- ficulty in seeing his shadow. While old Bruin goes black to coddle down tor another ,six weeks we can look forward to a spell !of colds weather if the old adage is correct. • TRIir)•:''1 r ,1l. Y. I'. A. A, ]urge' Membership attended the A. Y. 1?.• A. of Trivitt Memorial church to Monday evening. After the business in Which an invitation to visit Caven Presbyterian Young People on the 9th of February, Was accepted, a program taken from the works of Dickens under the capable direction of :Hiss Brain B. A., was given. ,Miss. Bernice Gollinigs read a. short :sketch from "Piekwiek Papers" and a short sketch from the same book was Enacted by Grafton Cochrane, . Charlio Compli.n and Mar- jorle Coinpliti. Mtsses Margaret El- lerington and Bernice Ceilings' and' Ed. Ward read more sketches and Miss Marion Woods gave a paper ott Dickens. 'phesc were followed by a sketch enacted •front another of Dickens' honks by Miss Braili, Miss 'Marion 131asnl.t and W. C. Davis, which was well presented. The meet litg ,was closed with a Mynas and t'ienedic'tion by the new rector Bev, �11x", `'urolith. e. DOROTHY E. GRASSICI' A. L. C. M. • (honor Graduate) London, England Instruction In Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory, I Studio N. Albert Street. Box 160 EXETER, ONTARIO BROKEN .AUTOMOBILE GLASS REPLACED QUICKLY WHILE YOU WAIT G. A. HAWKINS PLorno 29 Exeter, Off• W. R. GOULDING �l. '1'. 0. M. orgai 1st and choirmasttr Jaimes St. B'nited fust► Instruction i>t1 Piano Vocal Organ Theft* Super'vleor of Music- tti Schools Studio, Main St. Box 51, PhO nb 15t la:tFlTElt, ONT ;tilt, TI, T. leotvo was re -appointed a member of the Vixeter :Board of l ctucation ' by the ITnroiz t;onirtyr Connell at' its ;sesaioli last weer.. •