HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-05, Page 7411 I1B., EU . TIMIES4D' TE Time* mend. alt each Of qua ;gets soanethin j worth while, ?dere, +'Geed, tinges are just around the corner.." That's a .t"act, but 'w.here's the corner? iw *.. !fi. !1, * * ,tr ,Tannery of 193I.• has proven a good aet9r when it same .to auplllying this region with .good weather,. •. • • s • at le s. No :doubt. Eve, .had; her little differences with A•daln but she :never was taunted about hie mother's Peeking. * • . e 4 4 .. ?'There are three classes, the optimists, the pessimists and the 'Tioii-to-itists and the greetetit of theee are the hen -to -Meta: • •. .• * * ,• • • What would he the effect an Capadiaa industry if the money .,spent on joy riding were invested in improving business. a . . • • * . . If the professional agitators would only go bade and sit down ;to their knitting the problem of India, would: be ever in 'a week. • .• • • * • • And still the .shortage of farm water persists and still we hear :little of what those in the seats :of the mighty are rdoing in the way .of water control. • • * s. * • * * Fanners are 'finding that their improvements come] high, Those 'who kept their farnis, in good repair when labor and the price or .arnaterials both were expensive'feel the -pinch these days, •' S• • • • • •' 4 , It's rumored that there is to bee strict' looking into the- ad- vertising admitted into Canada in the American magazines. It is .said that the move • is in the'interest of Canadian merchanrdizing. s • e • • • • • • Gum and rifle accidents are occurring. Guns are made to kill. 'They have no sense but discharge atheir terrible, contents under certain well known and controllable conditions. That is a simple .fast that a great many people are ignoring these Nays. No loaded ,firearm should ever be allowed in a Inovinrg vhicle. ''V • • • f • •' '• Higher education is a fine thing. 'Still we wonder what is to ebecome of some .of our young people who are having a lot of money mpent• on therm fitting themselves for jobs that simply do not exist. 'There are a number of stenographers and professional folk stand- ing in bread lines or cutting wood in Salvation Army sheds. * 1 • • * • • • And now cornea the hints from folks dabbing in figures that ,.4, Y 'snore than half the population of the 'hafted States is under twenty- seven years .of. age. What .proportion of these young people are e`capable of earning their own living? It's fortunate for some'•young men that their father was born first. w r♦ PLAYING TO WILT 'Playing to '1n requires character andlgrit. :Fey some time past there has been a good deal or loose talk about "playing the game" as if playing to win and, playingthe game were different things. He.who Telfi plays•th 4;g'an1e. plays to win' Whatever may be sal4„of •epont,,,vei:y;:se ion s;.,regulated effort • • Is called for in business, whether that business Sbe sweeping- the floor, caring for a dairy. heard, :m.ajringe oots'nr running a store. Better)tames will never come'to -Canada merely `because some -tide ,er other happens to turn. Happy chance. will not solve the •unemployment situation. Business depression will not vanish be - ,cause some traveller brings to our store some lucky stone. Magic will not set the wheels of industry ahumming, Playing any .game will not usher in the new normalcy. 1Vorkr, Intelligent haid, work, alpne will save the day. Everyone of us who can work must work 'to win. Our .ancestors Bund themselves in the Canadian , forests.. .with no alternative but to chop their way ,.out with their axes. Individual effort, well aimed _axe ,blows, won them a. t ompetency. The Canadian who at this hour seeks for • 'Tess than victory is, worthy neither of his. ancestors nor of his country, •` ,r * * • * a * SOME PLAIT TALK The following :remarks made before The National Retailers ,Convention held recently in Toronto, by, G. R. ,Stevens, .Canadian -Trade Commissioner to Peru ares worth pondering. •bet Canadians in all walks of life: "For ten years or more Canadians have been leading a care - lees and easy life," he asserted, "believing that in Canada they were living in the best of all possible worlds, flowing With milk ..and honey and unlimted resources, where any unusual effort was unnecessary: 'They have gutted their resources and put nothing back to provide for the future. We have let our industries become the playthings of speculators to such a degree that honesty in busi- ness and industry is almost becoming a rarity instead of the pre- -wailing rule. "We don't know the cost's of production exactly, or other necessary facts Making production, efficient, and don't make any ..effort to find them out, yet we try 'to compete with nations Svhere ,posts and related facs are figured down to the last fraction, We -have never had to work on the basis that some of our competitor • nations have to, and there is nothing than .can proteet us unless we +lean eompete With the other fellow and beat hint on neutral terri Itorry. • "We have .got to ex,amin.e ourselves and our resources and otir industries and'Our Methods, and do something about them, get frown to bedrock, There must be more quality ana real effort and Tess whoopee to business. We must Mop thinking of merchandis- ing tricks or trickrs of the trade, and go to work." • 4111 VOBM 1A 14/0.. !A 1?'1I CO QC LX BH M, 3O Beavers, l ugoiie 9.1 Bierlinge 1'"hyliis; ,,,..,,, 94 .BoCie,* Hazel n reen +, .,.,,,.. 87 Cornpl.in, .Chas. , 79 Dunsford, Florence ..,,,,,, „ 95 Daansford,. •Win. ,,,., .,,, .,,e„ 92 Essery, Beatrice . .,,,,,,, 97 Etherington, Rd.. ,,.., 97 92 Di#xt"on, Elgin ,, , .44 McTavish, John .,,,,... 94 May, Gordon , „ 9.4 A1cFaiis, Ardys ,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,, 85 Mooney, Irene ',,,..... ..,...,.., 88 Afurdock, •A,ucirey ,,.,.:., ,.,. 87 •Schroeder, Gerald 94 Stanbury, Jean ;94 Strange, Grace , , 90 Squire, Violet 97 Taman Jeanette. 97 Telfer, Helen , . ,,.,,,, 94 Tiernan, Ruth.,.,, 99 W'estcott, Allan . 79 - 'Ward, Eidmund , '83 90 Oa'rdiner, not, ,,,, ,,,,,,,NAM, Colwell, Wm 95 56 68 42 69 60 52 93• 66 63 50 63 80 61. 94 67 65 53• 77 73 $5. 60 58 54 44 30 91 60 69. 55. 55.71. 53 89 57 52 43 Si 36 91 59 60 53 CP '33 99 60 50 28 7:' 50' 7.5 63 65r 73 67 13 94 67 68 78 94 3'31 67 50 54 40 38 15i.li 14,b 70 69 61 69 36 93 58 60 70 64 46 91 60 68 '58 75 86 80 60 57 60 • 85 606 85 62 60 50 83 90 ab 96 56 63 61 50 76 59 84 64 68 70 60 9.0 73 88 60' 67 73 90 83 85 93 58 65 79 100 90 89 96. 70 69 77 92 90 , 8.0 98 74 68 60 98 86 ''76 99 64 67 94 100 54 91 57 68 52 65 5L 72 93- 57 60' 05 19 56 36 59 50 55 41 67 85 37 69 6s 83 77 60 70 53 77 56 77' 41 W, Calwill, Phys., 73; pith.. 548; Geom. 62; Gram, 59. FORM 1B ' LA FR Alexander, John 75 56 Appleton; Gordon 71 40 Armstrong, Geraldine .... „ 85 87' Baynham; Chas. 86 81. Brintnell, James .,,..32 Elliott, Hazel , . 73 66 ' Essery, John'70 40 Frayne, Harry , , 74 63 Frayne, ,I,.loy.d ,. 88 "60 Hendrick, Ruth 82 79 Hicks, Dorothy 88' 83 Horner, Jean ........ •,... a93 80 Hunklin, Aimer , -- 09 Johns, Mary • .... 95 85 1VfcFalls, Mrarlye . 95 55 Monteith, Jessie 85 72 Pollard, Greta 78 58 Quinton, Hubert ' 80 52 Quinton, William 71 53 Sims, Dorothy 85 69 Stewart, Mary 80 81, Stone, Gladys . 94 85 Tinney, Homer 68 49 Tinney, John .....,,, ..., 66 65 Welsh, Fern ... 92 69 GH AR 50 60 6a 65 47 52 52 51 63 72 ,ab '67 58 66 45 40 4.0 53 77 63 73 63 61 05 64 61 61 64 06 61 64 68 45 59 64 66 67 89. 67 68 89 Etheringtoai, ,A:lura. ,,,,.,.. ,.,, 72 47 53 .00' 75 ,65 04 51. IGolimgs,. Bernice . ,.,..... 50 65 9:3 71, 57 9A. xHeyweed, ;Hazel. ...... S0 66 60 38 50 00 53. 21 Jans,. Howard .,,,...,., 57 63 63 05 37 90' S4 Kerslake, diary ,.,..,...,,..,..... 85 .63 71 18 68 54 75 14 ii+lein0tiver, Ruth ,.., ,.,,,, 85 56 AU 57 00 52. 77 28 '1artin, Margaret ,....,,,, $0 84 75. 60 60 59..64 35 53 co:Nadi.fier, Heieu ,,.,,,,, 82: 90 75 62 58 56 71. 87 Pilon, Jean...—. ........ 63 83 83 70 70 53 32 X4" Pryde, Ray ,. ,.,..,., 59 59 79 53 57 64 53 ' 42 64 .8*. Kyok.'iaaau, Margaret ., 83 53 59 23 12 80 12 Selden, Wallace ........ ........ 71 .54 69 43 52 50 59. 64 • 54 :93 Snaith, Eldon . .,,. .,,. 50 70 53 51 .58 00 47 68 7:5 49 6$ Snider, Melvin ..... ,. 54 64 ---• — 47 68 41 50, 70 54 Stewart, Florence ,,,. ,, ab 52 83 ab 51. 52 :88 23 Stewart, Ivan ,,,,...., .,.....,, 49 ,69 61 e1i 42 95' 25 Stewart, Lyda ....,.... 81 70 60 55 59 50 38 20, 77 Stone, Adeline 89 69. 84 53' 70 45 59 Taman, Margaret ........ 83 61 80 50 65 69 65' 42 Woodall, Hazel 83 86 86 60,65 48 59 • (x) H. Nadiger Trig. 82, (x) H, dieywood, .313•, History 51. Bernice Eilbsr, I Latin 97. 74 Alexander, Isabel 89 Carnet, Dorothy 77' Christie, Rari31 70, Clarke, Laura 69 Coutes, Jean ., 78 74 69 Creech,,Toseph 89 •Elder, Pearl ,,,, Q•odibolt, Gerald Grab,: Gordon Hirtzel, Harry ,.,, ., Joynt, Kuhn, Margaret ,,,,,, 89 Mustard, Aldie Pearce, Chas. CO GC LI BH AL BO GE AR Pearce, Marjorie Penhrale, Helen Penhale, Margaret •.1, 46 64 FORM .S LA /.0 PA F0 00 00 I41 ilii AT.r -04 7'11 .FR •QH 149 Zd 50 53 66 4.4 50 39 79 10 62 53 53 76 58 50 901 68 60 38 70 71 , 63 82 92 82 64 60 50 58. 30 65 71 86 76 79 60 48 77 90 78 90 46 82 71 70. 70 58 63 .ail 38 45 ab '54 89 ab 89 81 75 68 59 60 74 56 63 61 41. 60 68 49 62 :59 78 63 6.7 43 83 65 68 60 56 75 73 83 99 49 70 79 29 44 4g 64 36 50 42 40 32 541 70 66 76 63 80 77 • 54 56 70 77 94 80 90 80 86. Pfaff, Beryl . , ,,,, 84 66 94 73 81 Sippell, Kenneth ....' 57 45 69 58 45 74 80 $8 Stone, Ruby , 92 97 60' 57 83 90100 98 Strang, Kathleen 84 97 85 87 65 60 76 95 80 Strange, Frank 66 53 ' 56 22. Thomson, Dorothy 75 70 58 73 75 64 43 Russell;' Isabel 88 82 96 78 92 72 48 Wiseman, Kathleen „ 85 75 79 •58 90 64 72 59 54 53 69 00 00 00 .46 53 5 5r 00 55 37 36 47 66 61 44 51 29 62 62 59 55 53 43 FORM IT 58 39 45 ^65 66 77 65' 76 45 38 53 '51 00 25 52 3G• 60 48 54 60 78 80. 59 , 51 5,8 41 48 63 41 38 55 55 55 48 65 51 45 62 52 •69 68 75 48 59 45 27 55 59 55 48 .ab 60 81 67 44 23 27 56 75 44 73 65 46 62 46 60 29 ab ab 25 75 54 10 27 52 631 51 86 72 49 67 14 84 61 47 5.8 55 56 91 36 84 63 28 31 70' 74 •88 37 49 79 68 33 92. 68 60, 28 50 64 78 96 68 66 79 37 40 40 52 39 50 62 43• 24 45. 55 35 45 93 •4.9 46 43 45 63 63 36 781 90 34 79 52 5,0 41 50 40 46 5.6 58 53 50 52 64 64 72 4.8 '67 61 64 65 60 65 '67 60 60 68 sib 68 56 61 50 67 73 67 51 60 64 LA RR 'GR „CO OC LI AR ;GE ZQ PH Aikenhead, Anna 74 63. Anderson, Frances ab ab Amy, Marguerite 72 57 Brooks, Edith 51 64 Caldwell, Doreen 68 69 Coates, Betty ,. X70 64. Dick, Edith 51, Ellerington, Fred 97 95 Ellerington, T'om 58 51, Fraser„ Ruth ,t 76 ab s. ,Ore,b, Wesleyk'; • 75 63. 4 Heywood 'CUM:ad 40 48 Hicks, Donald ab 41 Hodgson, ,Viola 90 — Jones,,Margaret 95 86 Lawson, Orville 76 McMurtrie, Alex ........ 3liller,• Lily 54 50 Mitchell, Florence 95 Mustard, Kathleen 94, 97 Pearce,. Eva - 85 98 Russell, Margaret 80 51 Salter, Helen 96 94 " Simmons, Reba 85 100 Sims, May 68 60 Sippell, Evelyn 70 95 ,Smith, Hazel .. 82 — Snell, Eileen, 78 93 Stansbury, John 50 50 Stanlake, Wm. 87 94 Tinney, Roberta -. 22 \Vestcott, Roylance 52 56 a Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 4Syrup Had To Stay in Bed ► With Bad Coll 'On Chest Airs. J. C. Winters, Janow, Mutt. writtla -"I. have 1 every reason to praise Dr. Wood'i orway Pine Syrup. asit hasdone mea void of good. I hada ` bad Bold on cheat, and had to stay ui bed two weeks, and could: y spealc on account of coughing so Much. 1 tried eve ,rmedieine and ligament bould thine of but I solino relief. My husband read about Dr. Woodl Norany Pine Syrup e. I: decided t t it. nook only one bottle n and I am ready to re4otni end it to any oaie iiith Vold," Price, 35 bend a bottle; large #amity girt 85 tents; at all drug Or general stores; put Up only by T T. Mill burn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.. • alb ab 80 46 61 61 67 74 67 66 63 ab '50 51 00 r5; 27 47 76 75 71 46 ab ab .46 46 59 65 •51 36 00 70 45• 76 00 50 -53 44 53 49 60 30 44 72 77 64 8'3 67 ab 72 51 56 53 44 40 r46 74 44 58 82 68 76 63 85 52 alb ab ab ab ab 55 65 90, 70 58 65 60 52- 63 43 ab ab 86 80 70 35 61 86 75 76 69 43 5 3, ab alb` ab 38 78 94 55 75 42 68 52 14 35 60 65. 50 86 450 53 60 95 S4 56 83 40 58 96 48. 52 85 50 32 ab ab •55 30 50 72 35 65 70 35 60 58 52 51 100 80 64 28 45' ab 31 ab, ab 48 65 51 76 58 28 43 47 52 --ab` ab 55 49 92 68 88 48 54 ab 49 13 50 48 71 28 45 65 48 75 42 ab 58 68 60• 64 68, 53 65 62 58 57 50 65 81 27 60 ab ab 53 52 18 37 15 40 54 58 26 33. 18 35 18 22 ab ab 48 50 34 66' 50 64 47 82 54 53 43 E. Brooks, 1 Alg. 53, 1 Bet. 61; E. Dick B. History 37; 1I, Sones 1 Alg. 85; A. 3 dMurtrie• Bot. 65; Iv..Mitcheil B'. History 48; E. Pearce B. History 52; M. Russell, 3 Can. History 52, M.S. Alg. 92, Phys. 56; E. Snell 1 Alg. 79; J..Stanbury 1 Bot. '70. FORM III , 2L 2F CO 00 1;I AH CH AL GE PH CH Cooper, John. Creech, Ray Dearing, Nfarshall Elliott, Beth Finkbei>ner, Helen ., .. 84 Fraser, Allan .... Heywood, Lille ,,,, ....54 Hicks, Gwendolyn • , 58 Hockey, Kenneth • Horner, Greta .... 83 Hyde, Howard: ,,.. Lawson, Olive McDonald,Lois MacDonald, Marguerite; McInnis, Nona/ ..., 66 40 McKinnon,. Hugh .... ., 63 70 Murdock, Beth ab lab Nadiger, Zeta 76 61 Penhale, Jean ,, 57 57 Rutz, Gordon +...,. 94 Itestemeyer, 'Oneida 76 90 ltyckinan,• Dorothy 60 53 Scott, ,Ellen Mae Skinner, Gerald :... 72 Stade, Harold Stanieake, Norman , Zwicker, Gerald ab 781 /45 43 55: 54 73, 47 78 50 52 58 67 61 ab 39 45 48 51 50 47 60 50 55 63 51 47 59 42 52 56 54 50 58 33 47 45 52 55 GO 66 60 52 44 44 48 71 70 65 41 40 55 34 58 57 45 54 50 63 55, 65 63 52 •5'6 54 50 55 50 50 54 60 40 55 62 68 ab 75 93 46 54 75 48 i73 30 57 29 48 65 56 76 38 ab 55 28 28 60 24 32 52 46 46 39, 20 40 46 54 42 70 87 76 S7 --- 52 90 90 96 60 53 46 82 58 63 20 18 90 44 00 32 42 81 79 15 68 35 65 27 .41 52 35 86 43 61 60 52 17 60 76 77 50 27 20 46 40 3,8 1001 ° 47 46 70 33 44 38 56 80 64 38 60 98 38 34 60 63 53 61 18 85 50 , 3, Cooper, Gram. .34; yool., at. Nora MoInnir',Gram, 69; Lois Mc- Donald, Phys, 60; C4. Rats, ,Phys. 38; B. IX Scott, Grain. 56, Zo'ol. 58, Phys. 43; A. Fraser, 1 Latin 94; G. Rats, 1 Latin 93, 1..mg. 40; 11. Elliott, Phys.l 70. 1' OR5t IV' LA LC FA1':GCO'OCI,IAll ORAL Gt 1'17'0011 Beaver, rdrla ,.,,. 4,r.,...,1110 69 71 80 53 54 65 59 79 78 Christie, Grade .......... y...,,,.. 53 00 48 25 ab ab 65. ab Cochrane', Grafton . ,,,,.. '31 39 78 5,8 55 58 36 82 30 83 Otunnlin, ltrarjoi•fe ........ ..,,.. 11 32 65 65 82 e2 50 `56 Dihriey, llowo..r.... , , . r..... 43 72 , 52 49 52 21 92 60 / Hither, Bernice . ah 63 51 63 64 66 Ellerirxgton, lxargaret ....... 51 53 53 ab 92 14 48 48 63 68 90 80 $2 86 80 J, Coates, A. History 55; G. Greb, A. History 75; C. Pearce, I Art 63; R. Stone, History, 94; K. Strapg, A. History 68. 3 las 0111.1a w,,.,, ,w 875At• tre gi• e 0111 10 ' • l' these prices are certainly low!" DONTIAC'S new prices ... reductions of as much as r $85... are unusually low. They are not price reduc- tions on old models, but Constitute new standards of value for a car of bright new beauty, added comfort and luxurious Fisher Bodies. As ab instance of this added beauty and value, five wire wheels are standard 'equip- ment on all regular models at no extra•cost. Come and see the 1931Pontiac today. Investigate its value,, find out how convenient it is to purchase through GMAC, General Motors' own deferred. payment plan, with the lowest rates available. And learn, too, how your continued satisfac- tion is assured by General Motors Owner Service Policy. N EW L O W P RICES 2 Door Sedan • $875 4 boor Sedan • 970 Sport Sedan • 1015' Sport Coupe • 925• Coupe. • • • 872 Convertible Cabriolet • 970• GEN RAL MOTORS All prices at: factory, Oshawa, Gamma a Taxa, Burnam and Spare Tire Extra. *six wire wheels, fender wells and trunk ruck included as' standard equipmei,$ tm sport math at'aliahi extra wst. PONTIAC • • . a line car, a moderns: car,,,a great value dor lith pa.t Si yeilr. MANUPACT011tb ONLY ell" TtIR T„ M$LCUR$ CO., Lihilted t ti� Ont Her Face Was Covered. With Pimples What is necessary for e11 there' troubled with pimples and other facial blemishes is to put their blood in good condition by banishing all t blood impurities from the system. . MIN Annie Pattric, Ittinnd h ill Alta,, writes:-,-" My fat was covens with pimples And my eyes were a1.. waye deli.. A.to MOfriend told mo d Burdock Blood Bitters, itna nit taking the fust bottle my face W!E improved, and when 1 bid finished the aeeond one 1 could not find 4 pimple on my face, and My coMpleikit W00 'Very much imPtoved "My sister -,in-law hail been taking, B. B. B. for Mediae* and set tilos is no other Medicine AS good for MA trouble: