The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-05, Page 5.. i
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C341170114 ON'.t',ti MO
Offers .you a Practioal Business Training that lues made it po'saibl9
far our scores of students to obtain as}d ltol.d positions demandog
a high st'andard Qf offiency. `t" ,
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, ,General Office, Civil
Service,• lommercial Teachers Courses and Special Courses arranged,
You cannot .attend _a better School.
Icor particulars write
11. A. Stone, I3. F. Ward,
Com.:Speeia'list, vice-I?rin,s ° Principal
Phone 198
Telephone 106 Diehl Street
Miss lliitlilie Gibb visited• friends in
';Wirvgliam on Monday.
Miss Doris Harrison, of Toronto, is
'visiting at her home here,
Mrs, James Vincent spent Tues,.
qday with friends In Clinton.
Dir. and Mrs. Ray McLaren spent
Etinday with friends in ,Seaforth.
14fr. Win, L, McLaren was in Exe-
ter on Tuesday visiting friends.
Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon -
Won, spent the week -end at her home
Miss Minnie Gibb, who -has been Mansell and the topic on "Robert
here for some time, left Tuesday to; Burris" by Miss Margaret McLaren,
It was decided) to hold their skating
party on Monday evening. February
9th. Invitations being extended to
the A. Y. P. A, of .St. Paul's Anglican
church .and the Young People of the
United church. If the weather is
not favorable a social evening will
be held in the church. '
The annual congregational meet-
ing of the United Church was held
on Friday evening with a good at-
tendance, the chair being taken by
Rev. A. Sinclair. The ,nosiness trans-
actions. for the year 1930 were dis-
cussed and: every thing was found
to be in an excellent condition. The
officers were re-elected and twp new
elders were appointed Dr. A. Moir
and Jas. Robertson, At the close
of. the meeting a vote of thanks to
the officers of the church end the
organizations after which (MT. Hy.
Horton was tailed on for an address.
Mr. John Rawcliffe read an address
to Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair while
Mrs. S. Merner, presented them with
a handsome bouquet of roses in a
silver basket. The occasion being
Rev. Sinclair's 6th anniversary, Al-
though completely taken by surprise
Mr. Sinclair• thanked the congrega-
tion after, which a dainty lunch was
serverd by the League. •
,services. A men's choir lead the
singing. At the morning services
a tenet was given by. %'este, Wilson
Carlyle and Murray Campbell and
solo parts in the Anthem by 3'. W,
Ortwein. In the evening a song ser-
vice opened the services; 'Mr. Thos,
Sherritt ;gave a solo and Mr. Owen
Geiger book solo ,parts in one of the
hymns.,On 'Sunday February 15th
will be omen's Day and there will
be a women's choir, .
The Welfare Routh 'Club of the
Carmel Presbyterian cliurcli field
their regular meeting on Monday ev-
ening of last week. Miss Beryl
Pfaff was in charge of the meeting.'
A. scotch ptegrain was given consist-
ing of selos,,Mrs, Vern Hedden "The
Campbells are Coining," 'reading by
lvrr. Win, Sangster and Miss .Sarah
Mr. 'Thos, Cookson, of Windsor,
was a week -end visitor with friends
in town.
Mrs, H, Dayman is having living
apartments fixed) tip at the back sof
1%er store.
Mr. Maurice Boa has returned to
.Windteor after a two weeks visit with
friends here.
Messrs. Jack McDonell and Job
131agan. were Sunday visitors with.
;friends in London,
Mrs, Rosier and son, of Dunfield,
spent Tuesday at the Boone of Mr.
and Mrs. A, L. Case.
,(Miss Jessie Gillespie, el Seaforth,
bas returned home after a pleasant
visit with friends here.
Miss MIP, Whiteman and Miss P.
Tenfold., of Iiippen, were week -end'
yisitors with Hensel! friends.
Mrs. H, Abbott very pleasantly
eentertained a number of her lady
•!riends on Monday afternoon.
Mrs. A. L. Case has, returned home
from the Clinton .Hespital where she
recently underwent an operation.
Mrs. Robinson, ot Detroit, is
pendity,. a few days here in `town
•visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
;d. Sheffer.
Mr. Wm. Simpson, sof Detroit, ac-
companied by his grandmother iirs.
3tobt. Bonthron spent the week -end
with friends Here.
The many 'friends of Mrs. Thos.
'Welsh will be sorry to Bear she is
,confined to her home, through ill-
The many friends of Mrs. Jas.
Paterson well be pleased to hear
that she is recovering nicely after
ler recent operation.
The Dramatic ,Club of St. Paul's
.Anglican church intend putting on
a play entitled, "Step :on it, Stan"
3n the Town Hall on Friday evening,
.'February 13th.
Messrs. Jas. Paterson, J. i T. Ort -
'Wein and` Win, Ctonsitt spent Wed-
nesday at Goder•ich and took in one
oof the sessions of the County Coun-
Messrs. Thos. Hudson, Colin Hud-
;5on and James .. Hoggatth attended
the funeral of their niece the late
Ethel Hoggartli, sof $eaforth, last
Quito a lot ot excitement was
.caused on Main ,Street on Monday
afternoon when a team of Horses
belonging to Mr. Geo. Chambers of
leibbert ran away. In their wild
career around town they ran into
telepone pole getting loose from
the sleigh. Outside of some broken
harness no other damage was done.
'The Ladies' Aid Society of the Car-
Anel Presbyterian church put on a
sleighing party •oil Tuesday evening
after a very enjoyable sleigh ride the
:•crowd returned to the church where
an impromptu progam was put on,
%every one present taking part. • At
the close of the meeting a dainty;
Munch was served.
The Young People of the United
Church held their regular meeting
Orr Monday evening with a good at-
tendance. liresent. After the devo-
tional exercises a solo was given by
Miss Pearl Elder followed :by an
lnatrutnental •by Miss Bella ,Sinale
The topic was given by Misse.4n e
°Censitt on her visit to the ,,Pas9)
?lay 'which she attended while, 'i
31er trip overseas last summer,:
In the Hay Hockey teagtre at iu-
rich on !Thursday nigift Itensall
'eliminated the Bronson Lino Wild -
Tate from a 'play-ofif position by h
:3-S goare. Henstill scored• six reek
In the first period. The :game was
one of the ,roughest played on the
Ice but the honors were about even,
Appieten. Abbott and Ilroclt wore
the pick of the winners and brtrni
,tntind played a good r ame in the
It eta.
Services at the United church en
'Smith,' were of a special eltaracter.
The Rev, Arthur Sinclair, pastor of
the United elitirelt preaching at both
Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the village
council was field on 'Tuesday even-
ing with all the members present.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted ou motion
of Consitt and Mickle.
Their was one application far re-
lief; the party agreeing to pay it
back as soon as he got work; It
was moved by Cameron arad second-
ed by 1M'ickle' that the e,p•plicant be
given one ton of coke as per agree-
The village auditors,'Jos. Hudson
and Pay McArthur •were present
and made their auditors' report for
It was moved; by Spencer and,sec-
ended by Cameron teat the auditors'
report be accepted which was car-
Mr. A. W. 'E.. Hemphill, tax col-
lector was present and reported
$88.09 of unpaid taxes. Moved by
Iiickle and seconded by Oonsitt that
the collector's roll be extended to
March 3, 1931 and after that elate
other steps will be taken to collect
the balance.
A report was received and read
from School Inspector Beac.onr also
from the Ontario Unemployment
Relief Funds.
A number of bills ande andaccounts
were presented and ordered paid
on motion of Spencer and Cameron.
Mickle and Cameron that an order
be made for the School- Board for
$1,000 which was ,carried.
•( ii motion of Cameron and Spenc-
er the Councir then adjourned.
The local Hydro Commission field
their meeting on Monday evening
where a lot of business was trans-
acted. Reeve Geiger was in the
chairand Thos. Welsh as secretary
of the Board. ,
Mr. Donald Br'intnell who leas
boon quite i11 mud under the doctor's
care ie now improving end able to
sit up,
Mrs. John M. Glenn has returned
home after visiting friends for a few
days in Exeter.
i lir. Hobt. McArthur, of Hensen,
spent a few days last week welting
iris daughter, Mrs, McQltteen,
112r, Peter Case, of Exeter? visited
for a few days last week with John
4V1r, Altair ltriller and Mr. •Tote.
13rintnell are both laidup with the
Miss ,Annie McTaggart is now info'
proving and able to sit up a little
each day.
NText Friday evening tim Young.
People of the United church will
spend the evening with the y011ng
People of the Zion Evangelical
There will be no. evetiitne .service
iu the United church next Sunday
evening owing to the Atrniver'sai"y
Services iia the Evangelical Church.
We wish to congratulate tiler hock-
ey 'players salt the spleudid showing
sit the Exeter rink last Fridayeven-
ing. The following were the seems.
of the games gileyede, Deswood and
Exeter 2-1 in favor 'of Das1Lw.00dl
Grand Bend and .Crediton, 1=p in fa-
vor of Crediton; Dasl>iwoocll and Cre-
diton $-1 in favor of Crediton.
We are sorry to •state 'that Mr, n,
Eilber's recovery is .slow, We hope
be will soon be able to resume his
duties at the office,
Mr. Charles Trietz is on the sick
list. We hope for a speedy recov-
On Tuesday aftern•ooi' a number
of girls bad a .quilting bee at the
home of Miss Erma Fanner. In the
evening a number of boys joined the
party which was spent in games and
music, after which a dainty Lunch
was served, The party 'broke up at
a wee hour, All reported a good
The following is the list lot rela-
tines from .out -e1 -town who attended'
the funeral of .tete late Jacob
Schwartz: Mr. and Mrs, H. Themer,
Detroit; Mr. and ,A1'rs, Joe Schw:atz,
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sch.watz,
Detroit; Mr, E. Wurrn, Unionville;
Mr. Freeman Heist, Pelham; Mr.
and Mrs;Otto Brown, Centralia; Mr.
and Mrs. A. Kuntz, Dashwood;; .elev.
R. Ehlers, Pelham.
The third of a series of special
E.I1.C.E, rneeting.was held last F'ri
day and; conducted. devotion. Ruby
Finkbeiner 'read the scripture, Ad-
dileen Geiser gave the subject lot the
evening "What my denomination
means to the world." Musical sel-
ection, cornet and !piano was: given
by Mr, and Mrs, Emmery Faliner..
An interesting talk wits given .by A.
Finlibeiner; piano duet by Lavine •
Smith and Clara Morlock. after which
a list of ten questionsewere answer-
ed by the Leaguers, All responded
to the Roll Call -with their favorite
Last Note of Church Debt Burned
The congregation of the United
Church held their annual meeting
last Thursday evening in the base-
ment 'of the . church. There was a
very good attendance. :AM the de-
partments .showed a healthy condi-
tion, Many of the reports were in-
ter'spersedi with various numbers of
song or, music. The following of-
ficers were elected: Elders Joseph
Woodall and J. W. Lamson; Ste-
wards, R. Hill, William Mawhinney;
Secretary, M. W. Telfer; Treasurer,
M. & M. Funds T. Trevetltick; Secre-
tary -Treasurer of Board of Trustees,
George Mawhinney; Choir/ Leader,
Mls, J. Woodall. Oue of the pleas-
ing features of the evening was the
announcement that the last 'five
hundred +cleollars, of debt on the
church ]lad been paid. The church
was built • nine years age and. the
congregation has struggled nobly, to
clear itself of this financial burden.
Mitch credit is due to the Ladies' Aid
far their toil in helping to lift this
encumbrance. The note was brought
forward 'by Mr. T. Trevethicic and
Pieced: upon a vessel which was held
by the president of the, Ladies' Aid,
Mrs. F. W. Clark. Mr. Geo. Hirt-
zel, the oldest member present was
given the honor sof setting the des=
troying flame to this last vestige of
debt. All present felt greatly reliev-
ed' as this little piece of paper which
signified so much was finally eon-
sumed. At the close of the business
those present enjoyed themselves
playing games; after which the la-
dies served lunch:
The Late Jacob Schwartz
Jacob Eichwartz was born in the
Niagara district of Ontario, August
21, 18 61. ,Soon the fancily of Mi-
chael Schwartz moved to Crediton.
The father died when Jacob was 15
years old, and the heaviest respell,
sibility fell upon his son. In the
course of time he married Miss
Louisa. Heist of Stephen and remain
ed on the farm which halt been pure
chased by his father, the Schni'ai
homestead 'on the Finkbeiner 1114
The following children were born to
them; Melia, wlio is now.the wife of
Mr. H. Themer, of Detroit and Harry
Schwartz en a farm near Centralia;
William and Roy on the Finkbeiner
line the latter is yin the old home-
stead/ at present; Joe, and Earl, :of
Detroit; Lucille, now the wife of Mi',
Alf. Wuerth, of Crediton Old Law-
r'ence at home with the tvldowed
mother wile lives at Crediton. This
pian has been a faithful member of
the • Crediton Evangelical Church for
a number of year care of the class -
leaders and the present year one of
the Steward's, and member of the
church official beard, His death
ec:eurred Wednesday morning, jai -
eery 28, having reached! .dearly 7o
years. The funeral was largely at-
tended a11d held Saturday afternoon
at Evangelical Church conducted by
the pastor W. 1111, Sippell. The choir
and male quartette and Mr. Clayton
Sines added to the coinfort of the ser
vice with appropriate vocal music.
A great number of neighbor's, Mende
and aequallitances visited the hoose
of inotriting witeere the bodyelay in.
7111 I .•t'TMirs FE !;1:411 a :5, 1
X11111111. =
This is a regular 10c,, cake ,and one of the finest soaps .on the market
This Week -End 3 cakes for 16c.
Choice .Golden Bantam Red and White Servos Red -Pitted
2 tins for 2$c. Large tins 2 for 23c: per tin 22c,
RED & WHITE SOAP 10 bars for 36c.
Large Tin.
2 tins for 25c.
Red and White
1/2 lb. tin 21c. each
No.. 10 Tin
per tin 8Oc:
SANTA CIARA PRUNES , , ,. , . , , Good Quality, 3 lbs. for 25c,
Per ib. 19c: _ Per Ib. 25c.
De Luxe Jelly Powders
Big Five Cleanser
Quaker Crackels , ... , ..
Huron Toilet Paper ....
5 for -25c.
• per tin 5c.
peer box 15c.
. , 7 rolls for 25c ,`
3 pkgs. for 25c.
. , . per doz. 23c.
. 5 doz. for 15c.
2 tins for 23c.
per pkg, 5c.
Sweet Juicy Oranges
Clothespins ,,..,,.,
Huron Corn .
Neb Soap Flakes , . .
• •
FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES --Radishes, Carrots, turnips,
Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Celery, Green Onions, Cukes; 'Cabbage, etc.
y , 10 lbs: for 54c.
11▪ 100
O MMil
:ill111111lN1111111111111Ni11111111111111111111111RI1111111111111.1111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 wr
state. ' Exquisite fi'oral display was DASHWOOD
given by the family, relatives axle
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.I'S.
w' 'Il' S. At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
The W. M. S. Day .of Prayer at wood, first three days of week and
the Evangelical church 'preached its at office over the Post Office, In
esirecl aim, In the morning ser- Zurich, last three days ot week.
vice, after the sermon by the pastor
W. M. Sippell an a missionary and
benevolent text, the W.M.S. Ladies'
Quartette sang "Teach Me to Pray."
It was beautifully r.enceered. The
afternoon hour •of prayer was con-
ducted by. Mr. • Art Amy, the Seund'ay
School Supt. Albout thirty women
were present and the service was di-
vided into three sessions of prayer,
for the foreign, for the home and for
the local Missionary activities. Many
offered 'prayer. The evening hour
`of prayer was in charge of the same
degan'ization. The pastor 'occupied
the chair and conducted the open-
ing devotion. The church choir
sang, "He Hath Heard My Voice."
After. the Scripture, the male quar-
tette contributed' "The Garden of
Prayer" and Mrs. Gordon MorloCk,
a contralto -solo, "To Thee I Fly."
Brief address on the work of our
church in Winnipeg, Man.,' and the
two Evangelical churches there Lir,
Clayton Sims gave a tenor .solo,1Phe
Prayer Perfect." Possibly the most
interesting of all was the ,12issionary
play given by 10 members of the
W.M.S. Meet -
The offering.
A chorus by
last number.
W.M.S. entitled, "The
ing at Bownanville,"
was quite satisfactory.
the W. M. S. was the
Mrs. Joseph Bullocks and; daughter
Helen are visiting the former's, par-
ents Mr. and Lei's. Ike Gower, of
Mrs. Elmer Weide returned home
Friday from Dr, Fletcher's Hospital
where she underwent an operation
two weeks ago.
Miss Clara Lewes spent a few days
last week with her cousin Mrs. Mule'
ray Neil near -Centralia.
,Sacrarneiit of the: Lord's ,Supper
was administered .on Sunday in the
United Church.
The Young Peoples Society ave
holding their annual Oratorical Con-
test in the clrtu'eh on February 10th.
The annual meeting et the Bien -
shard Municipal Telephone Company
seems to be 1nal:ing good. They are
keeping the system tip, paying the
way and have a neat stlrpins on
eland. The sane three commission-
ers were elected, Dr. Campbell, Syd-
ney Adamson and Semi. Ratcliffe.
Dr, Campbell presided,
In some parts of Ontario there
is 0, complaint regarding the multi-
tude of Sack rabbits, but not around
I%irlcton, The Tit'kton hunt Club
has 43 members and during the win-
ter they have several drives, So ex-
lrert lire they with their trusty runs
that theme is now a dearth of l'ab-
bit;i lir this district. 'They are now
faced with the problem 'of replacing
thein •end are considering :sending to
Germany for a few pairs with a nape
of replenishing the supply. These
rabbit hunts of the Itir'ktoii and
.Woodham Hunt Club ;arse a feattrr'e
of the winter' Sport in this district
and. the usual bag lot the n1n rods
are from 50 to 60 rabbits,
Mr. .and, Mrs. Leonard Schroeder,
of Windsor, spent a fete days with
the former't parents Lir, and llLrs.
J. Schroeder.
Mr. Leonard Birk,,of Guelph, and
Miss E. Lindenfield, of London,
spent the week -end With rMt'. A.
Birk and Verna.
Miss Louisa Staubus liad the mis-
fortune to slip on the sidewalk on
Saturday evening fracturing her
'The Walther League of Zion Evan-
gelical Lutheran church held their
.monthly business' Meeth g in rhe'
basement .of the church with a good
attendance. There will be Bible
lesson .next Thursday night.
A goodly number of fans attend-
ed the hockey tournament at Exeter
last Friday night. This game was
witnessed by more than a handful
of Dashwood spectators. '
The game on Monday evening re-
sulted in a victory of 6-1 in favor
Miss L. I•ading who was: in the
hospital for an operaton for .appen-
dicitis is hone and'.doing fine.
Mr. George Love is very 111 at pre-
sent with not much change.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey, of St. Joseph,
is visiting with hiss ,sister, Mrs. A.
Mr. P. Edsenbach, who has been
laid up with an injured foot is able
to be .out but still on !sticks.
Mr. Joe Bremer, of London, visit-
ed with his parents on Sunday.
e Quite a number of boys took in
the hockey match in Exeter Friday
night and report a good time and
well worth the trip.
i1'I1', and Mrs. W. B. Oliver have
gone to .St Marys for the 'balance 'of
the winter,
Mr. and " IIrs. Laughton and Mr.
and Mrs. Campbell, • of Parkhill,
spent Sunday at .their cottages stay-
ing for lunch in the cottage the first
of the season.
It pays to buy
DONiT gamble hien you
buy Ford parts. Get the
genuine -the same good, •
parts from which yente
car was originally assent-
bled. Then you are sure
of satisfaction. See us for
the big and little jobs and
for oiling and greasing.
We'll keep your car Like
The 'Hoene of the led
Si'lt»v I Ltivt,
Mrs. Herman Foster is the guest
of her 'pother, I'ri's, George Parkin-
son for a few days.
Mrs. Wm. Tookey and son John'
of Lucaii, spent the week -end with
her mother, Mrs,. Alice Gunning. -
Mr. ands Mrs. Nelseo•li Squires and
family, of Farquhar, •spent Saturday
at the home of Francis Squire.
pers. Arnold Hern, of Woodham,
spent Monday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs: H. Squire.
A three act comfy "Spite Fence"
was presented in this cliurcli by the
Woodham people in atth et the
"T'r'easure .Seekers Class" on 'Tues-
day evening.
The Y. r. S. held their social ev-
ening on Thursday evening, social.,
meeting oiiene& with Mr. Mervin
Johnson in the chair followed by
singing and prayer. The scripture
lesson was'.read by Edna Squire. Sev-
eral business items were 'brought
before the •society. The meeting
was- then handed over to Miss
Verna Hazelwood, "Convenor of • the
Social Department". Miss Dorothy
Hazelwood presented a rn'onologue
"Thanksgiving" which was immense-'
ly enjoyedby all
A.aortest then
fellowedi for ten minutes after which
all enjoyed a "progressive crokinole"
prizes won Dor the highest score
by Miss Bertha Batten and Mr.. Mer-.
vin Johnsoi1. Consolation prize Miss
Ruth Morley and Mr. Frank Gun-
ning. Lunch was served followed!
by "God Save the King,"
The in''l1uetion •o1 the Sunday
School was on Sunday at the after-
noon service. Rev, Robb officiat-
eters, Annie Dicks is visiting her
brother, Mr. Wilson Eagleson in,
The Women's Missionary Society
of the United Church will. present
their play on Monday evening, Feb.
9th. A good program of music and
readings will be given alslo. Don't
miss this special evening, admission
25 and 10.
Death claimed :another one of our
citizens on Saturday last when Mrs.
Janet Shank passed away at the age
of 78. She was a daughter of the
date Mr. John Underwood and widow
of Mr. Henry Shank. Excepting for
a few years resideuee• in Parkhill
she spent her life :in this community
Having during her .last few years
made her hone with her youngest
sen, John, who with his brother,
David rrrotti"rl the loss bf a, loving
mother, Rev. S..T. Mathers cendttct-
ed the fitnera1 'service on Monday
1 afternoon. The bereaved have the
sympathy of the community.
Deep the data of February 25th
free. for the annual oyster supper in
the Fulled Church. Further pardic-
lace later.
Reeve H. telling and deputy Reeve
1). Sheppard attended county mune
cil in London .last week.
Ma's. Wm. Harper, sof Mitchell.
spout ,Sunday with her parents Mr.
and Iris. J'. W. Hackney.
ttr. and Mrs. T. Austin spent It
few days in London last week.
About thirty-five hunter's suet on
Saturday end eaptur.'ed forty-seven
Hits, Jas. Walker .and daughter
Nellie, of Anderson, were visitors
with nir. and Mrs. Hollings, Thursw