HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-05, Page 2TTIVHS11).344 VESTWAAW 411934 THE BUM TIMESADVOCATE fast they like," "Thank goodness for Shredded Wheatt The children just wouldn't eat breakfast and I was so tired of coaxing them. But when they tried the crisp, tasty biscuits, floating in milk and cream, they were delight-• ed. And best of all -Shredded Wheat is ideal for children. Its. just the food to build bone THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY* LTD. ^. SHREDDE WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT ANINI.M11111118911111.11 Huron 'Comity ',Cptincil. Heron County Counell. 'opened .ita January .404$1011 Tuesday Otor. PPe 'Of lest week. This la the Lib, enai year and the selection, of a war, den immediately followed a I.lberaj emicus, and no. Other eeetiegitigna. Were made in open conneil. Reeve Heattle„ of .Seaterth, is the nw avardmit .04 eletien. of Mathew Armstrong, ruener-up to lkfr., Peat!, tie, and seconded by W. J.:, gender - gen, who was also nominated ati possible eliadidete. The new warden was 'introduced. by Reeve Geiger, of Hensall, an ex- * warden, who said be had known Mr. Beattie for a Foot many years, and felt he would till the position etri- clentdy and 'honestly.. On taking the .chair the warden was heartilySP, plauded. Outstanding ' Champion Meet Mr. "Strathmore C. Koba Fairchild," prize bull who has been awarded Reserve All American honors by a committee in the United States appointed by the American Holstein -Friesian Association. In addition he won first prize at the recent Royal Canadian Winter Show in Toronto. Strathmore Mary Koba was Reserve All Amer - ken Junior yearling heifer, 1930. Both animals were bred at the Canadian Pacific Experimental Farm at Strathmore, Alberta. The Strathmore and Tilley farms, oper- ated by the Agricultural Branch. of the Canadian Pacific Railway, made a very remarkable showing at the Toronto show last Novell:thee'. SUL- folk sheep from the Tilleyfarm won every first and second prize and all championships including Champion wether. In Hampshires the flock from Tilley farm won four firats including Grand Champion ewe, - reserve Grand Champion ram and Champion wether. ,Holsteins irom the Strathmore farm won the coveted Haley & Lee trophy for the second time. Altogether the sheep from the Tilley farm and the cattle from Strathmore farm won eighty! • ribbons at the Royal Winter Show, ; Toronto, of which fifty were made up of nineteen Firsts, Waste' Seconds and .eleven Championships; and Reserve Championships. /111M6101010 ..0.*••••••,. , The Tfines-gdyocate ..• Clubbing List The Thnest.AdVocate 82.00 pee year; to United States $2.50. yr. The TilnesaAdvocate and The Toronto Globe $6.76 The Times -Advocate and The Toronto Man and Empire $6.75 The Times-AdVocate iind The Toronto Daily Stir The Tirnes-Adaocate' and 'The London. Free Prean The Titnes-Advocate and The London Advertiser The Vines -Advocate and The Partners' Sun The Titnee,AdVocate and The Farmers' Advocate The Times.Advocate and The Validly Herald & Weekly Star .$3.00 The Times-Adaocate and The Canadian Countryman ;3,95 The Times-A.dvocate and The Saturday Night'$5.50 The Titnes#Advocate and The Saturday lTitening Perst. ' $4,75 The Titnes-AdVoCate and The New Outlook $3.90 The 'nines -Advocate and The Canadian Homes and Gardend $4.65 The "ilithea-Adeocate and MeLeanis litagazihe $8.76 The. Times,Adirocate & Montreal Witnessrenewal $3.85; neva $3#56 The TilemaAdeocate find World 'Wide renewal $4.25; new $3.8_ The Thnes-AdVocate tied Youth's Corapanion• the Thrles.Advoeete and The Toronto Star Weekly $6.75 CLIMBING RATES WIJI OTHER PERIODICALS MAY BE WW APPLICIATIOV $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $3.25 $3.00 1 Asks Co -Operation Warden Beattie expressed regret in ex -Warden Seeker's illness, Mr, Beeker has been ordered to bed by his physicians after having consult-, 0. specialists. He congratulated the new and old members on their elec-. tion and asked them to co-operate for the good of the county. As for the coming year, conditions are none too good. It is the county's duty IQ legislate as, .economically as possible Warden Beattie announced that Mr, Scott, who had left In his will leg, steles to the hosPitan In the county 'had'also ',left a, coneiderable .amount of money, $15,000 or $13,000, to be used for charitable purposes, He ex, pleinod that no one knew of this amount,% until recently disoOvered, and he felt some effort should be made to get in touch with the Ontar- io Government as to the control of this sum, as he felt it was meant for charity within the county. Communications A letter from the .Salvation Army asking for a grant $250 to the Women's and Children's Homes in .1,9ndon,*the same as last year, was filed. The Provincial Department of Highways acknowledged receipt of a cheque in favour of the Provincial Treasurer for $119,416,78, on lac- eount of King's Highway In the 'County of Huron. The Ontario Good Roads Assoc- iationwrote•advising the date of the annual meeting on Wednesday,. 'Thursday and Friday, February 25th 26th and 27th in Toronto and ask- ing the council to send resolutions: relating to administration, finance and" safety, etc. A. letter from the •County Clerk, of Elgin County was, in part, as fel- lows: "That in the opinion of this eoun, ell thp present Constitution of COun- ty C,ouecils as it has existed since 1907 is quite satisfactory and that the changes which are to take effect on January- lat. 1932, will lead to many ,complications; • "That this council memoralize the. Provincial Government to abstain from "bringing the 'proposed' changes In -to. effect and to repeal. the legisla- tion .making.the change." This conc. troafeatietiNas;ireterred totthe. Leg- islatiVe Committee:-• • • • .A.:elettei• ftoiiiL..E. Cardiff, Secre- tary. Huron Plowniet•as Associaticin subinitted the financial statement which showed a balance on hand of $150.27; the association asked for a grant. Referred to the Finance Committee. A letter from the Candaian Insti- tUtien for the blind asking for a grant of $100 was filed. Appointments The council named the following representatives: 3. T. Robertson to Golderieh Collegiate Institute Board; Dr. R. L. Stewart to Wingham High Scheel Board, for a term of three years: H. P. Rowe to Exeter Beard of Education; Frank Fingland to the Clinton Collegiate Institute Board; Me. Miller Procter to Whigham H. School Board for 1931. IMessrs. M. Armstrong and.George W. Holman were appointed to the Criminal Justice Audit Heard for 1931..Alfred Erwin, Hayfield and John Cameron, were appointed Coun- ty auditors for 1931. Reeves Goetz, McNabb, Craigie, McKibben and Keyes were named as a strik'lhg com- mittee, Reeves •James Ballantyne, Sohn McKenzie, R. H. Thompson were appointed to the Good Roads Commission. Reeve 3, W. Craigie, 'vas appointed a Member of -thig Go- derich Hospital Board.' The Clerk was introduced to not- ify the appoiliteb4 to high school hearda of their appointment; also to notify the secretaries of the various hoards of the same Omuta Are Fixed A motion by 3.- W. Craigle, ended bY 3. W. MeICibbon fixing a grant, of $1,000 each to the Goder- 'eh, Clinton, Seatbrth, Winghani and Seen Memorial ositals. Sanforth Was referred to the executive cern- mittee. The council by motion expressed its regret -at the inability through Ill- ness of ex-wardeh Btteker, Brustels, and Reeve Ritchie, of Ahdield, to be preterit ' ,Ilefere adjournment; Mt, IftVitt WaS asked to speak and fn a brief ntldrese congrattgated the 'Warden 4 and the .xneelbers .911 their *lootiou, Politically the. 1931 ectontiilis rather evenly balanced, there .lieleg flaw Liberals And fourteen. con, SerVatiVes, Seme. years aPP; It was agreed at .the warden should he, seleeted alternately .frene these per - ties. ' WecinexdaY aeralei Report -4 of County :officers and standing conitnittees. !Peen:Lied part of the time at the session Wednes- day morning of the County 'Commit George Spotton, MX., for North' Huroe, addressed the council with reference to the administration of the relief measures adopted -to give assistance. He urged. the .co•#oporp., owl of the council to deal with this matter not .as a ebarity but as a duty to thele In need, The relief officer of each municipality could do much by vatting hemea.where help Is need, ed, or apparently needed, and find. .out the recta and report the same. The reeves could look 'intothe homes. :with the relief officer and the re,' lief should be substantial and mediate. Blank forma applica- tions oteild be lett' by Mr. Smitten in requests for assistance. In the discussion following, Mr. Henderson spoke. .regarding the ine, thod of grantsbeing made, Mr. Gamble of Howick spoke., of •mottera 'instanced *in :own twienallin; elerklatifd the etatnient of4t,he.re lief grdiated. The warden assured Mr. Spotton of the appreciation of the oolitic:), and said the council would take the. 'matter, up during this session. A vote of thanks to Mr. Spotton was moved by W. 3. Henderson and fa H, Rader and was adopted enthusiestically. Agricultural Program , alacLeod, Agricultural Repre- sentative, outlined the work for the coming.. season, He 'congratulated the warden and members on their election. The short ,course at‘Gorrie was 'beingcarried:out at .presept and wag Very • successful. The organiza- tion of spray surface shouldbe one of the first things earned out to help our fruit growers this year. The condition of fruit growers was • not satisfactory; early -attention to orchards; ahoidd be takeia'and coId storage was of much importance to induce good prices. Special meet- ings would be arranged throughout the county to' insure good seed for sowing and orchard pruntnig. - • Goderich, on .account of the two railways, would be. an ideal location for a storage .plant, and aformer .taletera -there !wee . being. considered; Provincial' and Demlnion - grants for dOld storage projects were assured.. Stations are being: opened through-. Mit the county where screens could lie :secured by farmers for their fan- ning mills; thus assuring clean aeseli: air. 'MacLeod asked tne •council,to pass a by-la.wdeelaring Huron Coun- ty. "a better bull area" under which the Province grants 20 per cent. of the cost ofpure. bred Sires. The countywas,.asked to provide funds CenartYaSChitlarshinsadt ;the Agri- citilnrral aCellege; Giielph.• .a.# , Parasite demonstrations would be carried on this year, particularly re- garding •:sheep and hogs, and School Fairs would again be a part •of the program for the year. . •- To Continue Reports Dr. J. M. Field, inspector of Pub- lic .Sehools for East Huron, address- ed the council. He said that owing to the Department of Education tak- ing over the work of their !offices, the inspectors were not now under the necessity of reporting to the Co. Council. But both he and inepeetor, Ileaeoni were willing to make a re,' port if it was the wish .of the coun- cil. , The .Province now pays their salaries. It was moved by Mr. Craigie and Mr. Armstrong that the inapectors be aske dto report to .council, and earned. Inspector Beacom of West Heron also spoke: particularly with refer- ence to the present method ,of dis- tribution of ' grants' which Would help towns such as Goderieli and Wingham which had not beenre- ceiving grants but there would not be rim& difference it these towns receiving befere. Mr. Beacom gave examples of the.working out •of the new system. At the conclusion of Mr. Beaceees address, the council adjourned the inoroing session on motion. of 14esSrs. McNabb and Geiger. Afternoon Session The eouneil met in the afternoon. at 2 o'clockt communication was read. from Mit, Ellen Mdzer regard - (fig her pension which was referred Le the Old Age Penin Committee, O. A. Robertson M.L.A., was ask- ed tca address the touncil. Mr, no- bertson aline principally regarding the new act With reference to the Geed Roads Couitnission. He said the new liet wee intended to correct methods itt Many borrirntinitieS Where the ayateto of dieetion of thisi edmiiittee did not work' out eo well as it clots, itt Thiron. The system adopted in Huron was redOgnized being One of the beat and bad always. Welted tyfl, he work and Peet; regarding provhwtal li$gltwayg And 04ou11ty reads gild the teethed of die,' tri)uting the grants wee also touch, ed on, Mr. Robertson Aix thy ,cOntliticut of patients in mil - 1,41 hoapitals and the legislation rez lating to the Seine, • Petition presented A petition was 'preSente4 SIgnia4 by Robert 4', Ooott, Nelson Hill, Wih., G. WiatsPn and SO ethers regardillg placing on the county roada system 4 certain phrtion. of boundary Rim between Colherne and West Wawa - Math from Nile to Robert 1M'edd's about five Miles. A petition ale° regarding keeping roads open this winter from Her" field to Goderigh and from Bruce, flew. to Hayfield, was signed by W: T, Hawkive, Clntoril Nelsen Ball, Clinton; Dicin'•• McKenzie, Mayfield' React; George E. Greellelatle, Goder- ich Township; A. E. ErWin, Hayfield and, about 100 others Along these road a and in towns of Clinton and Goderich, , Roth theie petitions. were retell, - ed to. the .Good Roads Commission. County Road Work Roy Patterson, ,county engineer, reported on the expenditures of the county road system during' 1930, which were kept .low in the hope of a larger subsidy. Ten small bridges. and culverts were built and other repairs made. The oonStruction of bituminous surfaces on the roada was the MIMI- anent progress of. the year's work. •When :careful' tnitthodsare adopted in biiilding ami-..milatainitig this type, a remarkably good road 'le the result. Tiventy-five miles of road were kept open for wheel traffic 'dur- ing the winter of 1929,30, and an equivalent amount of wont with snow plows was distributed over the county'roads. 1030,•Expenditures 'Tho expenditures during 1930 show es follows; Road construction, $15,- 688.92; road maintenance$88,174,, 90; bridge construction, ' $2,782.37.; urban munleipaltnea, $11,275.00; machinery and repairs, $14,218.94; auperintendatice, $5,380,213; county bridges, $1,350.69; purehase of gra- vel pits, $672.75. Motions The warden, was appointed to sign all orders for'1930 not signed by the past warden, on motion df J. M. Ec- kert and M. Armstrong. A. motion of M. Armstrong, sec - ended by George Elliott, that a grant of $100 be made to each Agricultur- al Society holding a Fall Fair and also a grant of $100 be made to each Agricultural Society holding a spring Fair was sent to the Executive Com:- mittee. A. 3, Goldthorpe and ,W. T. Ste - ,Wert Moveil 41* tlieliebniiry road betiveen West' WaWatioili and Col- borne„ commencing at Road No. 25 wet, of Auburn' tORondl.No. 27 at theiNile be taken over liy the County Good ,Roada System -Referred to Good Roads Cenamittee. Moved by Owen Geiger and L: H. Rader that a grant of twenty-five dollars be made to the Hensall Seed Show to he held hi Hensall on Feb- ruarya27th this yar.--.Referred to Mievative:#.Committee.... ,a '' . Appoint Trustee Moved by W. P. Thompson and John M. Eckert that Mr, Harry Ste- wart be appointed -trustee of Sea - forth ,Collegiate Institute -Carried. - Moved by Wilmot Haake and Wm. I. Stewart, that Goderich Township be paid for gravel taken from the township pit at Ben:miller road, - Referred to Good Roads Committee. Moved by Owen Geiger, seconded by J. McNabb, that names of all ap- plicants re Old Age Pension must be handed in through the Reeve of. the Municipality concerned, fully., filled out according to the wording of the Act covering this matter, the com- mittee tot meet at each session of the bounty Council and once between sessions. This motion occasioned a lively discussion and when the vote was taken the meet and nesonder were the only Ones voting in its fa- vor and the motion was declared' lost. The .clerk was instructed to get Copies of the old Age Pension Att to be Wen to each wawa. lotion was Beaten • ,Moved by Owen Geiger and S. Bal- lantyne that the County Couneil do its utirroat to 'reduce the expenditure Of the county to the amount or 20 per :cent. for the year 1981. This Motion was lost. B, IVI, Friends and L. IL Rader moved that the Good .• Roads tem- inissibil make an examination of- the pavement Eith the north and of Dim-, ter, as Same in int a very bad state of repair. This wia referred to the Good Roads Committee. Moved by j. W. Gamble and R. H. Thompson that the Old Age Pension Comtnittee shall Meet every two inenths or as often he the vanish deems itecesSarY,-,Carried, 113etter Roll Area Moved by J. J. Wright, Seeended by William Sweitzer that Huron Co. be declared a 4'hetter bull area," as the proper steps have neeli taken to come tete Meet May 1,:eaCerried. (Cr on another page7 Mit firltr 040100.A004141* 400014001 117$ ltd 10? Published over, 'Morality saartillilio it /Exeter. Ontario OVBSCRIPTION,-11.90 Per 70.01 leiVeliee. RAIES-Ttirm, or Aeat Vitata *01 •al Oe each $401e13014 to tIS10 . Nor insertions 25p, each 000000, fluent 1114011014 MieceliAlisoll.sw wee, To Rent. Wanted, i.90‘ 00 aind 100, per line .ot WasSic Rosoug uottoos .10o, Per Msit* Card of Thanks 400. Legal idle Poetising 12 and tle, per 114,1 !!.4 Memoriam, with one vont, lisp extra verse". $600 .04,40 :Member of Tito COn101111 W001.10 NOW/4We Ameeelet401. Professianal Cards GLADIVIAN & STANBURIII 11).thREISTERS, SOLICITO118. diMot Abney to Loan, Investments MAW Inittance salre.trepoot Vault for use 1111 011 Clients without charge EXETER LONDON Mamie • CARLING ik MORLEY. atrutinsmts, sou)troRik ai*. LOANS, INVESTMENTE... r INSAYIt01911 -; iNtice; •Carling Bieck; ladle' Melee EXETER, ONT. M Lama Mender and Thantesty Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D1014. DENTA14 SURGEON Orrice opposite new Post Office. Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 84w Holum sq Closed Wednesday Afternobrua. Dr: G. F. Roulstoh, L.D.S.p1D.D.110 DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. • Closed Wednesday Afternoon Dr. D. A. ANDERSON 4 DENTIST formerly of Exeter has located at 205 Wortley Road. • London, where he willw•practicet • ReAttatrr Phone: .,111ettelfit48,90'., • DR. E. S.' $TEINER VETERINARY StrItGEON Graduate of the Ontario -Voterinamg College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO' Corner or Main and Ann Streets Office In C. B. Snell's•Blook EXETER, ONT. I • .• •. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC,' • OSTEOPATIIM ELECTRO -THERAPY & UMW. VIOLET TREATMENTS • • _PHONE 70 MAIN ST., • 1111104111118 ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTION For Huron and Middlemen pARK SALES A SPEC/ALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57:48 Daskwood it. R. NO. 1, DASIEWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER, • Far Huron and Middlesex ' FARM SALES ABPECIALTY Priteri Reasonable and SatisfactimM Guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING las almommosommeamiim OSCAR. KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honey Graduate Carey Jones, 'Avow* tion School, Special course take* in Regiatered Live Stook (all breeds* Merehanddse, Real Estate, Pont Sales DM Rates in keeping. Whin brew:fling prices. ' Satisfaction am - Hired, write Coker lUOpp, &afar.' Or phone 18-93, Zurich, Out. CONSULTING ENGINEER s. W. Archibald, 11.A.Se.. (Ttcr-foo G.L.S., Registered Professions/ gineer and. Land turiveyor. Assoclate Ntetaber ZugineerIng institute off Catiada, Office, SeatOrth, Ontario*. Have you renewed your subsoil). - Lion to tits 'Exeter TimeS-Advocatim,