HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-02-05, Page 1110
;MiSTtlBLI$i•IED. 1873
EXETER, QNT,, THURSDAY 1V ;QRNI. NG, , 'EI313.TJARY 5th,, 1931
VI/inter Goock!.. o:n. Sale
10 webs extra .heavy Flannelette and Pyjama Cloths, 36 inches wide i s
stripes and floral designs, regular price 35c,, ayard. Clearing this week at
29c. a yard.:
Three webs extra heavy White English Flannelette, 36 inches wide, on
sale at 25c a yard.
Two webs, 27 inches wide, good quality White Flannelette .on sale at
15c. a yard.
Men's Work Sox, 3 pairs for $1.00
Five dozen men's all wood work sox, good quality to' clear this, week at
35c. per pair or 3 pair for $1.00.
Men's Fleece -Lined Underwear on sale at 79c. a garment.
Stanfield's Red -label Underwear at $1.95.
' Stanfield's .Blue -label Underwear at $2.19. (extra heavy.)
10,000 Rolls of Wallpaper
Now is a good time to have your walls re -papered, before the paper-
hangers are rushed. The spring papers have arrived. The prices are
lower and the selection is large. We have beautiful Sun -Fast papers for
living -rooms .and bed -rooms; also good medium price papers for kitchen and.
bedrooms and a fine range of- 10c and 121/2c papers for rooms you do not
wish to spend much money on. . Most of 'our papers are ready -trimmed,
which makes the work much easier. Also bundle lots of papers of last year's
One Rack Men's Overcoats at $15:00 each
These include some .good colored coats and some 'fine navys. ' Don't let
this February Sale price 'go by if your old coat is getting shabby.
Snag Proof -Overalls
Black or Blue •
ON SALE $1.50 pair
Best clipOed goat fait -coats, .for me n;
to clear at $40 each. All best Coris-
tine make and guaranteed.
MEN'S SUITS $15.00
One.rack.'men's suits goodelection..,
to choose from, PRICED • AT $15.00
each ,
Phone 32 JOLIeS & 1ay Phone 32
Reduced Prices
We have reduced the prices on a large range of Hard-
ware and Kitchen Supplies. .
Some of the specials are listed below. ,
General Purpose Shovels. A snap at . . 59c.
5 gallon Galvanized Coal Oil Cans 98c.
I gallo"n Galvanized Coal Oil Cans 59c.
No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs 98c.
Cast Iron Frying . Pans 89c.
White Enamelled Dippers , . . 36c.
Food Choppers - 98c.
White Enamelled Wash Dish 29c.
Enamelled Dish Pans 59c.
Colored Bread Boxes • : • • •••• 98c.
Ivory and Green Potato Pots- . $1.49
Ivory and Green Pudding Dishes, 2 for 49c.
Galvanized Chamber Pails in Colors 69c.`
Colored Cookie Tins . 39c.
Don't miss these Values.
Phone your hardware necessities to 27
..'Mct,A.ItEN--In, Vai•na on Sunday,
February ls.t to Mr. and; 'Mrs.
:Keith McLaren, a daughter. e
J3..DER-In Hay T'oavnaltip, 011
Tue day, January Mth, to Mr. and
Mra. John Rader, a daughter.
LA11ra m--CREEIt't-At • the rec.
tory, rtirkton, on Marrday, Febru.
ary .211d, Anes' Adeline Cr•eer r,
youngest daughter of :1tr. carol
mtg. J. 17. •Creasy„ of Vshorne, to
Malcolm Latnotrd, soft of Mrs. Ts-
xtholi'e Lainoitcl, of '('roittarty, bi,
110v, R. T. 1\1'. Eultoel,
BOWI;i`-In Exeter on Mender,
February 2rt 1, 198i, Alfred Al-
bert Dewey, tri. his 74t1t year.
SHANK -In Stephen, oil January
3.1st, Janet Underwood, widow of
the late. Henry :Shank, aged 18
CARD 011e T11f tNICS
Through the columns: of the Times.
Advocate we :resin to thaftk •the
friends aai1 neighbours for their
sympathy find assistance M1(1 the use
of then ears f..t the turret -al riccasltin:.
1\",s. J. Schwartz and tait'tily,
One .of the village doctors in mak-
ing a' hurried call Tuesday morning,
with his auto had the misfortune to
skid off of the Toad .and the car
overturned in a ditch. The .doctor
was able to crawl through the up-
per door hone the worse for the mis-
hap and to attend the patient. Lit-
tle damage was done to the ear.
Mrs. L, V. Hogarth, of ]Exeter, and
her. two daughters Betty and Mar-
guerite wi'11 share in the estate of
the late Miss Elizabeth Ellen Bow-
man, of London, at aunt of Mrs.
Hogarth. .hiss Bowanan left at es -
tato valued at $104,000; $61,000 of
which wasleft to charitable inrrtitu-
and public organizations. Mrs, Ho-
idens acid public organizations. Mrs.
Hogarth received $4,000 aid each of
the daughters $1,000
Mrs. - J. S. Grant entertained a
number of ladies on, Wednesday af-
ternoon of this week in honor of the
approaching marriage of her daugh-
ter Betty. Tho rooms were tate- t
fully decorated with pink tulips and
candles. The ladies assisting were
Mrs, (Dr.) Roulston, Mrs. Trarittair,
Mrs. \V. R. Goulding, Mrs. George --
Grant, Miss Florence Walter and •
Miss Mary Grant, R. N.
lit loving luemory• of John vV I
1101111, who passed away, Februa{{y
8th, 1980.
A. precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is still; -
.A: ;)lace is vacant in our Beare,
;Which never can be filled.
i)ift God is good, l~Ie lives us streugtlt
To boar .onr heavy cross,
He is the, only One who knows
Hew bitter is our loss, '
Sadly missed • by Wife. and Family
C:1111) Olin THANI 4
ll'i'onday, February 2, 1931 C1lANGTJS HANDS
A r'cgular meeting of the niunicip- One of the oldest established bud,:
a1 Council was held in the Town Hall..
Absent councillors Rivers and Row-
Cliffe, The minutes of the meeting
prheld J'oveda',nu
ary' 12, were read .and ap-
Circulars were laid, on the table.
Letters were read at follows:
From 13., G. Buckley, Chief Inspec-
;tor of Theatres with .a copy of the
theatres, and public buildings .act,
: asking co-operation of .the council,
approving of applications, locations
and construction of public halls
where Provincial License is being ap-
1Plied. for. The Reeve with 'Commis-
sioner Norr.y will make an inspec-.
tion and report,
A. letter and report of the pro-
ceedings of the tOntario Municipal
Association for 1930, with an appeal
for annual -dues. Filed,
A letter from \Ir. S. Baker, City'
Clerk, London and Secretary of the
'Union of Canadian Municipalities
with a 'request for co-operation and
support. .Filed.
Fire Cnief Weekes addressed. the
council regarding a new supply of
dire hose,. On notion of Bierling
and Grieve instructions were given
the chief to purchase one hundred
and fifty feet and other supplies,
Messrs. Beavers; Jones and Taylor,
a deputation of !business men Wait-
ed on the council expressing a wish.
that a night 'Watchman be secured,
and presenting a signed petition for
certain sums ,as subscribed to help
defray expenses aud- services.. Per
motioneaf Grieve and Bierliiig that a
13y -law be drafted confirmingan ap-
pointment, , defining duties and fix-
ing of salary. Carried. An. applica-
tion was handed in and read to the
council from Mr, Earl Parsons for
the position of night watch. Per
Bierling and Grieve that Mr. Earl
Parsons be engaged as night 'watch
foci a term of three months and to
be renewed at' the option of the coun-
Grants of $10 each were made to
the following institutions: Thel'Ios-
pital for ,Sick Children, Toronto, and
the Children's Shelter at Godericli,r
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid:
Fred Bloomfield, snow plowing.
''8'2x74.5:0.; Rirasai11- :Moore; '• labor
"William Reid, labor 75c,; I}lmer
Reeder, labor 75c.; Reuben McInnis,
labor 75•c.; 'William Johns, snow-
plowing $25.00,; The Grigg Station-
ery Co., books, Library $45.80; Erie
Oil 'Limited, 9 gas and oil, fire dept.
$4.15; Emerson Cornish, bell ring-
ing $8.50; Traquair & .Lindenfield,
supplies of 1930 $3.45; H. Bierling,
supplies charity. $24,04; W. T. Gil-
lespie, draying account, 1930, 330.-
' Cemetery accounts -W. T. Gilles-
pie, draying account of 1930, $18.-
54„ Wm. Smith, labor $4.50; Cecil
Rowe, team labor, dirt $30.00; Ches-
ter Rowe, sand $2.00; Treenail: &
Lindenfield, supplies and labor ac-
count, 1930, $22.55. Passed on mo-
tion. of Bierling and Grieve. Carried.
The auditors report for January
was read and accepted on motion of
Grieve and Bierling.
The 'officers of the Salvation. Army-
rmyasked permission to hold a Tag Day
during the month of May. Granted.
Adjournment by Grieve:
Jos. Senior, Clerk
'The death took place in Exeter
early Monday morning of Alfred Al-`
bert Dewey in his 74th year. Mr.
Davey had been in failing health tor.
some time and has been confined to
his bed for only a few ;weeks. The
deceased wts horn in Bristol, Eng-
land and came to this country as a
young m'aii most of his life having
been spent in thin community. • He
was a brick layer by trade and for
years was one of the bell-ringers of
Trivitt Memorial Church and was
highly esteemed in t:ie communitY.
h'Ir. 13o'wey was' united in to rleadge =' (IIIIIIIIIIIUIHIIIIIlfflfflfl IIIiIIIIlllllllllllllllilIII(IflhIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIuiuIIIIIIIICI(Ili�f
with Elisabeth SlnAgular ivho pc'e.de+
ceased him in 1915. He is survived
by three slaughters, Miss Etta Daae,
at home; Mrs. Kenneth Clarle, of •_
Windsor, anal Mrs. M. `1' Pfaff, ,or .r=
town. Itt is also survived ..by two 1 -r --
sisters Miss Frances Howey, of Pas-
adena, Cal., and Mrs. Norley, of .=
England. The funeral, private, was
held 'Wednesday afternoon conduct-
ed by Rev. Mir. Vivian. with inter -
intuit in the Exeter cemetery.
Mr. iinrold Lightfoot wishes to'.
express his appreciation to the heliil•`
hors and friends for their acts of
kindness and floral tributes while a'
patient 44t Victoria I1141tal.
nesses in Exeter and one that ham
meant much to. the town has chang-
ed 4/ands. The Ross -Taylor , Co.,
Limited, has sold out to three gentle-
men len frons Chatham and Wallace-
burg will) wi11 take, ,over' the plant
on February lith and in future the
business will be known o$ the Exe-
ter Lumber Company, limited, The
new proprietors 'are David .A.. Ger,
don,. hardware merchant and alder-
man of the city of Chatham, and
Edgerton C. and R. Claude ;Morse.
The Ross -Taylor Company has
been one of the thriving' industries
of Exeter. It was established in.
1876 by Messrs, ,Boss Bros. and Da-
vidson and one year later Mr. John
W. Taylor, of town, took the place
of Mr. Davidson, Twenty-five years
agothe company was' reorganized
as a ,joint stock company with Mr..
Taylor as the first president; the
late D. A. Ross, Secretary -Treasurer
and Mr. J., R. Hind. In 1908 when
Mr, Taylor retired Mr. Hind took
over the manageiriertt and has con-
tinued in that. capacity until the
present. For a number of years Mr.
J. G. ,Stanbury has been the presi-
dent of 'the company.
With the names of those already
mentioned should be linked up the
name. of IYfr. A, E. Fuke, who has
been identified . with the company
since its early 'days. To the ability
and integrity of Mr. Fuke has been
due in some 'measure the splendid
success that this company has en-'
joyed. During the past few years
Mr. Fuke, at times, has not enjoyed
the best of health, and he will now
take a well-earned rest. •
Members of the Ross -Taylor Com
parry have served the municipality
in litany capacities. For a number
of years, Mr. John W. Taylor served
on the council and was the reeve of
the town. Mr. Fuke has served the
town well, both on the Council
Beard and the Board of Education.
Mr. John R. Hind was also a mem
ber of the council and for year was
the chairman of the Pt olid Utilities
Commission and much of t]ie et:edit
for •p laeng:.:Exetes's svaterwotkAs.. sys-
.tem and hydro• in its splendid posi-
tion is due to him.' . •
We understand that :the` new pro-
prietors are 'experienced men and
conte to• Exeter very highly spojten
'cot. thei ,404 lir nada,
In another column 'of the Times -
:Advocate under the heading of 25
3ears,ago is a short account of the
Ross -Taylor Company as'appeared in
the, paper at that time.
iF1T-IPIIrTIT YEA; NO; :2961
Mr. Stewart 1xooa:>roose, at Lou'
.don, spent"the week -end with, hit*
parents at the Main St. #'araonage.,
Valentine Supper
- -- will he held in •--••
James Street United Church
rnaer tilt•• rtusirices Of the Yomen'et
Thursday, ' Feb. 5
•C•ommoncing .at 5.30 o'clock
Good program is being provided,
Consisting of numbers from. the Hu-
ronia ;Male Chorus; also a number •
of readings.
Admission 40e. and lac.
Thursday, February 5
at the »WIN llINK, ENMESH,
':l'.t n ALIS -STAR 'TRIM OF THE -
Gams to continence at 8.30
Following is the line-up
• Goal, Strosser, Crediton; lit. de-
fence, IC. Bowden, :Crediting L. de-
fence, R. no velle, Grand fiend;
centre, G. heist, rrredifoir; L, wing,
N;. Hoffmann, Dashwood; 14. wing,
tfcrner, Dashrvoo(1; subs, Merner
Crediton, Wein, Dashwood; Mac-
Donald, Exeter.
From 7.30 to 8.30
• High ,School cirid•.Toiiur Girls
Admission. both 25e. and 15c.
"Peg" • Shaddick referee
cit ---
Tpesday, February 10
"Paying the fiddler"
Will be Presented in the
®perHouse, Exeter
- ON -
Friday, ' February 13th
The 'story of a b,eart worked, over indulgent, husband:; a pimp-
eied wife, son and daughter; a steady going distant relative who
makes her home with the family and, wise oldGrandma who more
thaii 'once helps the family out of difficulties. Thrills there are
aplenty with automobile accidents, arrest of the young son, the col-
lapse of .overwrought father causing general upheaval in. the licme
and the final happy ending with two interesting romances that only
mature after many tense and rather exciting experiences. One of
the most familiar phenomena of modern life aniusiingiy dramatized'.
Two and a quarter hours of wholesome entertainment. lMusic be-
tween acts. Curtain rises, 8.15.
ADMISSION: Reserved Serge 35c.; ,Rush Seals r:ie.
Plan of hall at W. S. Cole's Drug Store. .Tickets now ,ori sale.
OpenSaturday morning 9 a.m.
TO 13A• QtIC7.'' iVlls\t C,S' 1. L1fC'TED
Li73141ItAL L1i ADER,
,order that Mitchell T. Hepburn
newly elected Liberal Leader of On-
tario, niay personally meet and greet
a.s many Western ;Ontario member of
his party ;as 'possible, a big banquet
3s being tendered by tato Liberal or-
i anzations, of London, at the Win- =
ter Gardens on Pricier evening of
this Aveek. Thera 'will be it manlier
of •other' pr°oniinent streakers, It is
expectedthat several trent this coin.
'rtttanity will attend the banquet,
HAVING disposed of our business we wish to
express our appreciation to our customers for
their patronage of the past and we bespeak
for our successors the sante support as you have
given us.
We have fortned very pleasant relations with
our custoiners and as we leave business life it is
with the assurance that the utast pleasant recollec-
tions will remain.
° Thanking you.
We reiiitiain,