The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-15, Page 8TIMISPAY, ,ITANVitUYI5 19n. •
tee. .
Mr. 'Wile J. Nertheete, •cifid
eleited With in u town this
llete J. K. Sims sPent. a few days
laid, week in i,lreeitea welt Jaelt
eire. Jona Goule, of Sexsmitie is
Visiting with. 1Vire. -ea* .'eultheett.
Of town ter feet were,
Miss Katherine Werean, ut Ansa
Craig, silent it tee th e week
with Mr. and Wire. leeeed aliaptoti,
Mee. Geo, eleFalls and lalie re-
turned to their lenue in eiddulph
Monday from IST eselier's aospit,
Mrs. D, v,tho hat. been
.111 during the pat week, is some-
what improvee. 40•X' skeet., Arise
Coning, R.N., is in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman, ;Mrs,
Mooney and dauglitee Irene, ears,
Homey and Mies Berton spent Sat-
urday in Clinton with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, Van Horne, C.N.R. agent,
Who are about your Ford?
The Company who glade it.
The man who sold it.
And you.
Get your service at "T.he Home be given by Rev. R. J. Bowen on
, !of the Ford." -Sandy Elliot. Iron night, January 19th at 8 pen.
in James St, Church ueder the aus- of the Young People's League.
This delightful travelogue is well
worth hearing Admission 25c and
Nllieet. tee.
Barley, ;We.
: Brett e.1,15
Shorts 41.05; .$00.09 a. tent.'
Lew Gree Flour OA .
: Welcome rim $,
MAO Flour ;0,10.
teintlitene Flour .ee..81)
Creamery Ilutter .35c..
Dairy Butter, .1.4-2.00,
Eggs, extras 280.
Eggs, firsts, 24e.
Eggs, seconds .20o,
go,gs .$9.1)Q
„,„,.._,„,....,-. , innio•Ok...”..lriklim,•.
)14,4 -....*--- ..-, • -
• The W. C, T, U. will hold a public
meeting on Tuesday, January 21)th,
at 8 p.m. in James St, Church, Au
excellent. program will be presented
a. feature or which will be the dis-
tribution. of prizes to 'the winners In
the recent Temperance Study course.
Scholare of all the Sunday Schools
in Usborne, Stephen toad Exeter had
the privilege of entering the contest.
Refreshments will :be served at the
close, Silver collection et the door,
A men's chorus under the leader-
ship ef Mt. W. R. Goulding will pro-
vide the program at the Oyster Sup-
per of the elhaxnes Itoad Farmer's
Club Friday evening of this week. !
An interesting illustrated lecture
on a trip through British Columbia,
Alaskan Glaciers, to the Yukon will
The Annual Meeting of the Exeter
Agricultural Society will be held in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday.
January, 20th, at 2 o'clock p.m., for
the purpose of receiving reports,
election of officers and the transact-
ing of any other business in the in-
terests of the Society.
.A. meeting of the Directors will
be held at 1.30 o'clock pan.
F. Enerington, Pres.,
R. G. Seldon, Secretary
The Annual Meeting of the Exe-
ter Horticultural Society will be held
in the Town Hall on Friday evening,
January 16th at eight o'clock for re-
ceiving reports, the election of of-
ficers and the transaction of general
business. J. G. Stanbury, Secretary-
Treas. -8-2tc
. , .
, Mr. Fred Sutheran is • confined to
his bed through illness,
Mrs. Wmehagsahw, who has been
• quite ill is slowly improving.
• Mr. and Mrs. Peart and Miss E.
Peart were in London on Saturday.
Mrs, M. R. Compile and daughter
visited in London during the- week.
Mr. Sydne.y West has been off duty
for a couple -of days through illness;
Mr. Thds. eroulden is again able to.
'be up and around after an illness of
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd and Jean,
• of Toronto, visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs: Jonathan Kydd.
Bliss Alda Squire returned to her
lhome in Woodham.after visiting with
'Mr. and NIA. A. H. Gambrill,
Tho Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in
the Council Chambers, Goderieh, at
two o'clock In the afternoon of Tues-
day, the 27th day of January, 1931.
All aeceuets against tee Coenty and
all. petitiees and other•eomtnnnica-
tions must be in the handsof the
Clerk! not later than Monday ereced-
ing the meeting of Council. Clerk
please send in certificates by mail.
County Clerk
• Grelerich, January 10, 1931. •
Majority rules. Philco is the
world's fastest selling radio. • Hear
the new Philco at "The Home .of the
Ford." or in your own home. Phone.
64. -Sandy Elliot
FOR SALE -A number of young
cattle. Apply td Clyde Heywbod,
phone.18r31. Crediton. 1-15-tre
:Miss Irene Bierling, Sarnia Hos-
pital, spent New Years day with her
Parents Mr. and Bles, H. Therling.
Master Billy Kydd returned after
spending the holidays with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd, Ter-
i onto,
Mr. and, Mrs. Dan Austin and
• daughter Shirley. of Chesley, celled
on relatives In town during the holt-
days. e
Ales Honer and Mr. Jack were yrs-
itors at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Win, Smith; Exeter North during the
holiday season.
Miss Alice Willard returned to De-
troit after spending a few days with
her mother Mrs. Mary Willard, Lon-
don Road north.
Mr. R. McDonald, of the Thames
Road, who has been RI at his home
for sometime is again able to be up
and around the,house. •
Master Borden Sanders last week
underwent an operation fdr the re-
moval of Ms tonsils and has been
ordered to bed by his 'physician for
25e. bays Edison diamond disc re- a three months' rest.
cords this month at Powell',s Bazaar.
• Mr. Philip Heru visited with his
daughters in Birr and London ditr-
Children of the unentployed wilI ing the past week and took in the
be given free haircuts anyday or any- big banquet for Premier Ferguson
on, Wednesday evening last:
time at Harness's Barber Shop.
Honey for Sale -10 pound pail of
clam clover honey 80e. Wesley
Dearing. Phone Crediton 171'14.
FOR SALE -Edison phonograph
and a. number or records, cheap. Ap-
ply at Times -Advocate. •
FOR SALE-Briek house with
eight rooms and over one acre of
land on William Street. Woodshed,
hard and soft water, stable, fruit
trees. Apply at Times-Advetate.
FOR SALE -Some choice young
:Sows. Apply te Chas, Harvey, Exe-
FOR, SALE ---Plano, Schuman, new
cheep for January' eitsh-S. Yelland,
Exeter, 1-1-3tp
PAr..M FOR SALE -Choice 100 -
acre farm with good buildings, North
Thateee Road, convenient to market,
echool and church. For further par -
Mitten apply to Girling es Marley,
Brovisters ere., Exeter, Ott.
Are your hone and pullets laying?
If Oleg are not layhig like you knew
they Should they are likely infested
with intestinal wortna. Wo • find
nearly every neck VC examine ser-
iously infested Treatment Is eheaP,
sheets' and sere. Weirm pills two
dollars por huedred-individual dos-
. IIegarth Bebe CMOs lititeltere
If etre 'wish to heY er tell a farm
Or house see It, Ve Piekard, Exciter.
We are in the Mallet for all kinds
er ilbeitre ying the.highest ineeet,
Trucks will call. 1Mt* 300 Dealt-
Woed, O. Ailderesle,
Rey. 7301MOM WV.0314),
At10$14608 V04000/ •1404144. Organist
1.0 axle -$(11144)7 Se110Q1
11 ane -Holy Complielien
7 pae,-"The Unfenced Life."
Friday at a lent. the preparatorY
The annual meeting of the eberee
will be held on Wednesday evening,
Jaiinale! g1st,
Rey. D, elereViSh, Pastor
W. R, Goulding, Amx.m,
Organist and Ohoir-teader
Preparatory service eonduceed by
Rev. J. W. Dowe,
11 a.m.---"Jesu$ in the Garden"
3 p.m. -Sunday School.
7 pen, -"Jesus on the Cross"
Mrs. Wareing is confined to her
bed at the home of her daughter Mrs.
W. D. Sanders, Miss Harriett Knipe
E., N., of Detroit, arrived Monday ev-1
ening to spend a few days.
Mr. G. J. Dow shipped a car load
of tine heavy draft horses to Mont-
real last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dow,
and Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Hdtter mot-
ored to that city on Saturday.
Mr. Gordon McPherson, .bopkkeep-•
er of the Hogarth Hatchery, has re-
turned again to his duties After
spending his holidays at his' home.
le Dutton and visiting in. Windsor,
St. Themes and Loedon.•,
•'air: Emerson Wright, manageT of
the Cheinway Stores Ltd., had not
been well for, some time following an
attack of the flu and has been or-
dered to bed for a rest.
Little Edith Armstrong, who has
been confined to Victoria Hospital,
Loudon, for several weeks, is some-
velat improved and was brought to
the home of her aunt and uncle Mi.1
and Mrs. Wesley Lamport last week.
Mrs, Bloomfield, Misses Hazel and
Matgizerite Bloomfield, Master Rey
Austin and arise . Geraldine Redden
returned to their homes in London
after spending the holidaywith Mr..
and Mrs'. Jonathan Itydd and otherrelattve, telatliteS. I
Mr. and Mrs, Htfhort Jones, Miss
Mae Jones, Miss Alfie Hatieford,
Were in London., and Were canoe at
the erceallutn felines also Afr, and
Mrs. 13. W. P. Beavers. MiSses Eve.
it and Lilly Hueston, Mrs. Beavers
remaining till Saturday evening
The A0 Y. P. A. of Tretitt Mont -
Oriel Wren will assist Bete Findlay
at tee evening service next Sunday.
The prayers and lessons Will be read
by members ief the' A. Y. P. A, There
will also bebedial mimic. An. lit-.
Vint invitation is extended to the
tingregation to attend this, Seititiere
Rev, 0. J. loorhouse, Pastor
Miss Evelyn Huston
Organist' and Choir -Leader
11 ane -The Church at Ephesus.
Second in the series on the mes-
sage of the First Century church-
es to the churches of today.
3 p.m. -Our. church school.
7 p.m.. -Song Service of old Favor-
ite 1131111,11S. "No Man Cared for
My Soul"
The congregational annual meet-
ing is being held on Thursday night.
Bliss H. M. MacFaul. Organist
Mr.T. J. Finlay in charge
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
11 a.m.-Morning prayer '
3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m. -Evensong, Members of the
A.Y.P.A. will assist with the eer-
viees and in'the choir. Miss Phyl-
lis Gray, of London will sing.
The Annual Congregational Vegry
Meeting will be held on Tuesday ev-
ening January, at 8 o'elock.
Three gold fish with every pur-
chase of 50e. this month. Powell's
Mr. Gordon •Oke, of Ilureadielee
underwent an operation on ISaturiley
last at Dr. Pletcher's Hospital for
an acute attack of appendicitis. He
is et pretent getting .aiopg
Mr. J. Aylmer Christie, ef London,.
son of Me. end Mrs. C. W. Christie,
of .Stephen, accompanied by Mrs.•
Christie, left last .week for OtteTee
Mr. Christie :having. been transforie•
ed• from the London office to take
over the management of the Ottawa;
Branch of the Fuel Saving and Fire
Equiement Company.
Rev. E.L. Vivian, Rector of All
Saints Aeglican„ church, Woodstock,
who is coining to E:s
of the
eter`in February
as (rector Trivia Memorial
church, was presen
a silver t
and as
n of hie
ted with an ad-
dress and ea service by the.
ministers soeiates of the
Woodstock ial Asseciation in
apprecfatio services as pres-
ident. • ,
Me. Vernon Tappenes accepted a
position • with the largest chick
hatchery in Canada in one. of their
branches at Regilm.' He • has been
appeinted to the position of manager
of the incubator' rooms having a cap-
acity of 1,74,000 eggs. He will com-
mence his new duties at once. Mr.
Tapp is a former employee of the
Hogarth Hatchery hero:
.A. successful Week of prayer was
held in the Main Street United church
during the past week. On Monday
evening ehe.eerviee• was in eharge of
Mr, W. G. Medd; Tuesday" evening
meeting Was taken by Mr. le W. F.
Beavers; Wednesday be Mr. W. H.
Johnston; Thursday by Me. G. S. Ho-
ward and Rev. Mr, Mo)rhouse; Fri-
day by Me. •Geo, Mewson. Splendid
addresses were given during the
week and were greatly appreciated..
The new auto license forma aro
here. We will fill ;Ours in, any
tinie. charge..--eSandy
"The Horne of tea Ford".
1 . 4.4141.14.1.1441
We are jr the midst of stock -taking and have several piles of
remnants that will be cleared at bargain prices. It will pay
you to look them Over and save money on this material.
Sizes 8 1-2 to 10. In some of the new,
est shades, values to $1.00.
Special at per pair 59c.
Extra good value in, a good wearing
and washing pure linen.
Special at 5 yards for 98c.
Five dozen Ladiee Heavy Rloorners,
assorted colors.
Special at 59c.
These are mill ends and come in 5 to
10 yard lengths. Worth in the regular way
25c. a yard.
Special at per yard 19c.
Start saving for a new dinner set. We have added to our
Dinnerware a new pattern called "Plaza". This is a beauti-
ful English Porcelain in a. very smart design. Start saving
this pattern and you will be surprised how soon you will have
enough to set a table.
• We are showing a number of new pat-
terns in 1 1-4 yards and I 1-2 yards, 65c.
and 75c.
Showing a range of beautiful new pat-
at per yard 25c.
72 inches wide. A regular 60c. qual-
ity. Get your supply at per yard.
Splendid for school wear in heather
Special each 85c.
• Men's Fleeced Lined Shirts & Drawers
25 dozen Penman's fleeced lined shirts and drawers for men,
in all sizes. These have been reduced for January special at
89c. EACH
• ' T.;;;' •
ars. Coembes, Distriet Commaed-
er of the Girl Guides anti Miss Fres:-
er Captain of the ;Cline:ie.:Girl Guides
were in Exeter Monday evening and
enrolled fifteen of the troops Of the
• leo] Girl Guides including Acting .
Lieutenant, Miss Ruble Creech. On
:Thursday evening.ot last week mem-
bers of the association met at the
hoine of their Captain mess etarion
Woods. for instruction and a social
evening. .A dainty luncheon was
provided. A portion .of the,evening
was spent in vines and prizeswere
woe by Misses Pasty Martin, Eileen.
'Snell, Margaret Tetuan and Mari
Wunant Tnomas •Shute,' eldest son
et the late Thomas and Dorothy
Shute, at one time -well known resi-
dents of Exeter, passed fpeacefully
away at his home, 208 S. Street
Tacoma, Wash., on Dec. 31st, 1930,
after an illnesslasting over four
months. 'The deceased was in his
e,3rd year. He has been a resident
of Tacoma fin the past 46 years and
was well known and highly respected
it was always ready to lend a help-
ing hand in time ot need. In relig-
ion he was a Congregationalist and
in polities a Conservative. 'Ie Is
survived by one son and two daugh:'''
ters, Glen Stark, of Las. Angeles,
Calif., Mrs. Nicholas Rock and 111rs.
Harry Neff, both Of racoma; also
one brother and three sisters, Jantes
I Shute, of Winuipeg;Mes. John
Evans, of Montreal; ,Mte, Bal -
man and errs,. Thos. Oke, of Wind-
sor. Three .grandchildren and , two
groat grandchildren also survive.
Tito remains were laid to rest in
Greenwood cemetery on Saturday.
January 3rd, 1931.
Former members of the Hotta and
School Club Met on SattirdaY
ing at the Library as requestee, The
former officers were re-elected for
1931. It was deckled to donate il25
of their funds to the Chetnber of
Commeree SWIM Claus fund, as ete
tta dentends have been -made to the
committee for help for needy fam-
ilies since ehristmas.
The offiders for the Oren* year
are its follows: Pres., Airs. (Dr.) er,
T. Steaming; let Vice -Pres., Mrs. W.
G. ele,ddi end Viee-Pree, efts, N. 1.
Dore; Itedording 8ec., Mte, V, MN
garth; Cdr. Sec., Miss M. Bess; the
treitauret, Mrs. :Wickwire; Press re -
eerier', Mrs. Pt W. P. Beavers; Con -
Vetter Bee, both., Mrit. IC. Puke; Con.
Welfare; Cora., etre. T t3. Woods
Ceti, Menibership Com, Mrs, X'
HAIN ST. WINS sitrutza)
On Sunday afternoon in Male St:
United chureh, W. It Johnston, Sup
erintendent of Temperate°, gave the
monthly Temperance address an-
nouncing that ifain 'St. Sunday
Scheel had won the shield presented
by the W.C.T.C. for the largest num-
ber of pupils writing in the scientific
Temperance contest In November.
This shield is to be preseated to the
eelibel _next Sunday. Mr, Johnston
delittered Ms address telling the
'attire or Prank Gannett, Of Roches -
tet, N.Y., who is ono of the largest
newspaper publishers in the ilnited
StateS• lie owns the third largest
chain o.t Newspapers ilt that ebentre,
!Lavine seventeen dally pewee melee
his control. 'While In his teens Mr.
Gannett had to leek about Or a job
to .1lay his WIty through high teliOel.
Ine only job ho could secure was that
H• igh Class
Gen ts Furnishings
Big Reductions
Prior to Stock -Taking
Agent. for Jacksons, Cleaners and Dyers.
assietanttender in, an hotel. He
had to worklete and early and soon
had ae. all round, education of the.
busitesi, Mr. Gannett learned two
things first liend about the business,
lie ,says: Verse I never saw it work
any good, I saw liqttor make a lot
of . good..tned bad; but I never saw
it mako any bad men bettor. Booze
under a Manes belt seemed to make
his mind and Werds as unsteady es
hie feet, After watching booze ruin
meti 1 made up my mind that if over
I got a chance 1 would tight it. The
second thing he learned was that the
hotels of that day Sold booze under
resttictiets but these restrictions
i4 lax in their aeministration
that they had very little effect, Now
„linear the Eighteelite ,Ametidnieet
the extent of the busineSi Is greatly
reduced and be says: "Eleven years
.prohibition have furnished such
marked contrast to old saloon dondi-
lions .that (weft the ealones best
friends have' deserted ite
Mr. Gatinet fights the Sale Of booze
:in his seventeen newspapers losing
no opportunity of giving the trade a
black eye and believes in ea doing he
is adding to the assets er his country.
This story was used by the speaker
to Urge upon all tb have a ilfe put -
to fight the eine of intoxicating
drink, as ft beverage 0tha young pee -
:Pict Vero. Orged to cign n pledge a-
gainst; its use. leightteei ;emu wore
ended tO the elteleri. roll, While a
deep Interest Is taken Iti teillperatice
in eery class itt the Seheol, ,
A. L. C. M.
(Honor Graduitte) Loudon, lqngiaati
Instritetion in
Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory
Studio N. Albert Street. Box 1411.
BROKEN Automonum
Phone 29 Exeter, Or.
Organtgt and Chotiiroote,
jamas St. 'United Obtatals
Instruction fl
Pian� Vocak Orgaa the
Supervisor or *este in 'Santoro
Stndl*, Main St. not 57, Phansi 1111),
for sera throat, gainSY, coulgIre.
(iced% cron laryngitis,.
,ttncl tonsil sitter, Use EtbiliaSixt]ir's :
renu'dy, good (Mick tosulta.
Tryit tketer and ilonsati Drag -