HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-15, Page 4*.0, 19s.t
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Royal Purple Concentrate
solves the problem for the farmers
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This Concentrate mixed with your own ground chop
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We also carry a full stock of Royal Purple Poultry Tonic,
Royal Purple Roup Cure, Lice Powder, Zenoleum, Oyster
Shell, Grit, etc.
Furnace Work, Tinsmithing and Plumbing.
Phone your hardware necessities to 27
DAVIS—In. Exeter 'on Saturday, Jan-
nary 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Davis, a daughter Jeannette Louise
TUCKER -1n Exeter on Thursday
January 8th to Mr. and Airs. Al-
bert Tucker, a son, William Ern-
MANSON — At Victoria Memorial
Hospital, Toronto, on Friday, Jan-
uary 2nd, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. 3ianson, of Forest, a son.
(Witham Lawrie.)
MURPHY—In Exeter on Wednesday,
January 7, 1931, Richard H.
Murphy, in his 68th year.
JOSE—In Kirkton, on Friday, Jan-
uary 9th, Dr. Chas. Jose.
IAWKSHAW In London, on. Sun-
day, January 11, Thomas Wesley
Hawkshaw, formerly of Exeter.
,Dir. and Mrs. S. J. Pym, of Us -
"borne, wish to announce the engage-
ment of their second eldest daughter
Lena May to Mr. James B. Kirkland,
of Usborne, the wedding to take
place shortly. . , .
The family of the late Mr. James
Murray wish to express their appre-
elation of the kindness and sympathy
,shown, to them by relatives and
f riends in their late bereavement: '
Mrs. Murphy and aM4ldred desire
to express their sincere thanks to
the many friends and neighbors for
e the many acts of kindness and sym-
pathy extended during the illness and
death of Mr. Murphy, also to the
=arsenic Order; to Rev. Walther Jones.
and for the floral tributes and loan
,ref cars,
The +family of the late Mrs. Flora
' ?McQueen wish to thank their friends
and neighbors for kindness shown
to them in their recent ;bereavement;
also to those who loaned cars:
- BROWN --Ina loving memory of ,Anna
Maria Brown, who died January
15, 1929,
You are gone but not forgotten,
Never shall your memory fade;
:Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger
Around the grave where you are laid.
.Sadly missed by daughter and family
;A.mong the passengers on the 'Ites-
' Lute' of the Hamlburg-American
Line sailing from New York, Jauu"
,ary 8th are Dr. and Mrs. Segel' and
ler. and Mrs, Niles of Lansing, lMieh.
Mrs., Niles was formerly Lydia B.
'Merritt, 'of Granton, Ontario, The
Itesolute is On its Stir World ertifse
andvi 11 visit
t e
v t 3„ eouattries i ci tdin
n a g
,Egypt, the Holy Lancs; India, China,
,Japan, Dutch East 'plies find will
return to New York on May 25th via,
sthe Panama Canal arid Cuba. We
etvitlbe interested in tiient and in
'their trip and wish them bon voyage,
eI4%1Es S9.', W. M. S.
The first meeting of the new year
Wee held in the church Darters on
1iiirsclpy, 1)eeentber 8th, The pro-
gram. being put en by the executive
,of tits 'W,M,f. h"allowing the open-
ing Wen, prayer and scripture los-
fsoit' was lead by Mrs. 3. T. Miners.
'The Iireeident, Mrs. (;. W. Christie.
then took the chair and presided ever
the meeting, Ninnies ,o2 t1n last
streeting; were read inclapproved.
a reasurer's report wee SAti4actory,
showing the successful work done
during the hast years with some sur-
plus to begin the new year. Mrs.
Christie read a letter of appreciation
from Rev. Mr, Brown in recognition
of a bale sent to his district in the.
West during the month of December.
The interesting program convened by
Mrs. J. Batson was as follows: the
devotional leaflet was read by Mrs.
Horney. Mrs. Christie gave a splen-
did reading on; "Industrial Problems
in Japan" from the study book. An
appropriate and pleasing chorus was
Sung by four members of the execu-
titie; a number of good readings
were as follows: 'A New 'Year Psalm'
Mrs. (Rev,) Down, "God Bless You"
Mrs. E,• Coultis; "God's Will to
'*now; Mrs. E. Stone. Hymn 305
was sung 'by the members of the exe-
The meeting closed with a prayer
by the pastor Rev. D. McTavish.
:Following are the list of officers
for 1931:
Pres., airs. C. W. Christie; lst
Vice -Pres., Mrs. J. T. Miners; 2nd
Vice -Pres., Mrs. E. Coultis; Cor. Sec.,
Mrs. M. Heywood; Rec. Sec., Mrs. M.
Horney, Assist., MIrs. E. Stone;
Treas., MIrs. J. W. Down; Pianist,
Mrs. J. Batson; Strangers, See., Mrs.
N. Ogden; Miss. Monthly, See., Miss
E. Shaptoii; 'Supply Sec., Mrs. R.
Skinner and tars. E. Coultis; Tem-
perance Sec,, Mrs. E. Stone; Litera-
ture Sec.,, Mrs. M. Heywood; Chris-
tian Stewardship Sec., MIrs. J. S.
Grant; Assoc. Helpers Sec., Mrs. T.
Rundle; Baby Band Supt., Mrs. J.
M. ,Sioutheott; Press Reporter, Mrs.
J. May.
• The regular monthly meeting of
'the W. ,JT. S. was held at the home of
Mrs. John Cann on Thursday after-
neon, January 8th, with Mrs. James
Anthony in the chair. Following
the opening hymn Miss E. Monteith
lead in prayer. Mrs. P. Whitlock
then read a short article on Temper-
ance. A very pleasing solo was
given by Miss Jean Cann. The main
topic of the afternoon was the study
of Home Missions and was very ably
taken by Mrs. P. Stone. Following
this Mrs. Anthony lead in a very in-
teresting installation service when
each new officer received her duties
for the coming year The meeting
was closed with singing hymn 734
and prayer. Lunch was ;served by
the eonimittee in charge and a soc-
ial half hour spent. The next meet-
ing will he held at the home of the
past -president Mrs. R. Kydd.
• ,Junior Series g .;
Jan, 19th --Exeter at ;Clinton.,
''' Interinediate Series
Jan •,14—Goderich at. Clinton
Jan. 16.�Seaforth.p.t Goderich•
Jan. 20—Goderich at Exeter
/an. 23---Seaforth at Clinton
Jan.. 27—Exeter at Seaforth
Jan. 30—Clinton at Goderich
Fob. 3 ---Clinton at Exeter
--- will be held in the —
— on —.
i► January Thursday,
J nub 15
With music supplied by
Dancing from 0 to 2.30 p.m.
►drdtaiOn: Cents' SOt. taX
I.,Adie,g rent Poe Lnich
FAILS TO x3BEA•1# Tile
In the first intermediate 10.1I,A,
fixture to be played in Exeter Sea
forth .and the local team staged a
strenuous struggle to break the ,tie
In the three ten-minute overtime
periods at the Dome rink Tuesday
evening. At midnight the game was
going strong and lasted until :about
a quarter to ono with both teams
putting every pence into the struggle
and the fans getting more than their
money's worth. The garde was late
In getting started :as some "of the
Seaforth players bad car trouble on
the way over. It was about ten
o'clock when referee .Chick Appell,
of Stratford, faced the puck, but the
game started fast the moment the
puck hit the ice. A few minutes ate
ter the game started Seaforth notch-
ed the first counter, Creech, for
Exeter, immediately retaliated with
a pretty shot after stick -handling
his way through and this was follow -
by the second counter when :Snell
scored off Hap. Wells' rebound. The
three goals were scored in short or-
der but the scoring ended there un,
til about the middle sof the second'
period when Boyle again bulged the
twine for Exeter. Seaforth again
came back with a counter and the.
second period ended 3-2 in Exeter's
favor, The 'visitors had a little edge
over the locals in the second periods•
The game was tied early in the third
period and from then on it was a.
struggle to break the tie. It was
nearly midnight when the three per
cods were over and it was decided'
to play three ten-minute overtime'
periods. The fans who had been
standing around since eight o'clock.
were keen to see the tie broken and
few left the rink until the gameswas„
finished. Appe11 handled ii good
game. There were few. penalties,
although several of the visitors were
hurt in the game.
The line-up:
Seaforth — Goal, M•IcGeogh; de-
fense, Stoneman and Reid; 'wings,
Lane and Holmes; centre Muir; subs
Cluff, Trott and Hart.
Exeter—Goal, Harness; defense,
Wells and MeDonell; Creech 'ands
Boyle; centre, ,Snell; subs, Gascho,
O'Brien and Yungblut.
For the second time this season
the local Juniors handed the' Mite,
chell Juniors a defeat. The game
was played at the local rink on
Thursday night with the local boys
coming out on top with a 2 to 1
score. The game was fast and both
teams put up a, good brand of leech
ey. This was the locals third win
and the• third loss for Mitchell.
good crowd was -on hand and were.;
treated to some real hockey. Exettiv
Wok the lead when Passmore went'
through alone and passed to Boyle
at the goal mouth, who made no
mistake in netting the rubber.. In
the third period Joynt added another.
when he shot and in the act of .clear-
ingethe puck, Casey the goalie, bat-
ted it in. the net. Mitchell scored
their lone tally during this frame„
when a shot deflected 'off Ford's arm
into the net. Ford replaced Welsh
in the nets during the first period,
Welsh being, struck in the face with
the puck and had two' teeth knocked
out. Joy.nt and Passmore played ef-
fective hockey for the winners while
Casey, in goal was the hest perform-
er for the losers.
The line-ups:
Hensall-Exeter—Goal, Welsh; de-
fense, Passmore and Howey; :centre,
Foster; wings, Joynt and Pryde;
subs, Laing, R. Weird and Boyle.
.Mitchell—Goal, Casey; defense,
Howes and. Robertson; centre, Chap-
man, wings Colquhoun and C3lll.iton;
subs. Wright, Moore and C: Robert-
In a closely contested game played
in Dashwood on Friday night the lo-
cal boys defeated the visitors by the
score of 4 to 3. The teams were
evenly matched and the play quite
evenly divided. For Exeter, Sanders
was the star scoring two of the three
counters while Eveland of Dashwood
..apcottated - for two of their tallies.
Cleei1 Laing playing for Exeter had a
tooth broken••off during tire game.
.A. Willard, of Exeter did the referee-
ing. ,
!The line-ups:
Exeter ---Goal, Hockey; defense,
Skinner and Quinn; . centre, Laing;
wings, Willard and Cochrane; subs.
Sanders, McDonald and Cornish. „
Dashwood—Goal, 13aynham; de-
fense, M. Tiernan and Baker; centre,
Eveland; wings, Zlmtuer and E. Tie-
rnan; stt•bs., Mentor, Wein (anti Hoff-
fn a scheduled intermediate O.II,
A. game played at the West rink,.
Goderich on Friday night, Exeter
banded the fast Goderich team a 2
to 0 reverse, ft was the first game
of the season and a capacity house
greeted the two teams, A goodly
number of Exeter supporters were
among the crowd and their presence
was made known throughout. The
tea was very soft and sticky but with.
all of this the game was fast and
exciting. A number" of penalties
were handed out for minor Infrac-
tions of the rules. Exeter gained' a
one goal advantag.o during the se -
end period and were never headed.
Gascho, gigot the break when. wire'
Exeter playing two inert short +anci
ioderi„i, , ,.t t of the fruiting,
he .broke away fast sand with .only one
defense man to beat scored from
,close in. wring .this period harness
in goal for the winners did some
clever goal -tending waren his team,
was playing short-handed. Joynt
'tucked t game awaytray midway heg mdur-
ing the last period hien he scored
on a passout from 'Snell, Burnside,
playing defense for Goderich was the
outstanding matt on that team. He
\vas always dangerous on attack and
only had luck kept him from scoring
on many occasions. 'The winners'
played consistent hockey .and check-
ed 'hard
heck-.ed'hard all the time. Before .the gains
Commenced. the President of the
Mackey club, Il, M. O'Brien made a
brief speech .and Mayor -Elect Chas,
C. Lee faced. off the puck, Walter
Bowman, of New Hamburg, did the
refereeing and kept the game well
under control.
The line ups;
Exeter—Goal, Harness; defense -
O'Brien and Wells; centre, Gascho;
wings, Boyle and 'Yungblut; :Babe.
,Joynt, Snell and Creech,
Goderich—Goal, Doak; defense,
Ilurnside and Murney; centre, Nairn;
wings, Stoddart and McKay; subs,,
.carpenter, Sturdy and Allison.
!Mrs. Jonathan Cooper is visiting.
'her daughter, Mrs, Fred Ford at
Mrs, Len O'Reilly is on the sick
.list at present.
Wedding bells will be ringing in
the neighborhood this week.
The officers for the Young Peoples
.League for this year are as follows:
Press nt, Walter Lidstone; Vice -
President, Lavona Cooper; Secretary
Margaret Johns; Treasurer, Delmar
:Skinner; Organist, Harry Murch;
Asst. Organist, Mrs. Brock; convenor
,Christian Fellowship dept., Ruth
Skinner; convenor of Missionary
dept., Verna Brock; convenor Liter-
ary dept., .Maizie O'Reilly; convenor
Citizenship dept., Kenneth Johns;
convenor Recreation dept., Florence
Bell; advisory members, Helen
Murch, Harold Bell, Ted Packman;
Singing leader, Kenneth Johns.
Shower for Bride -Elect
Another shower "fell on Eilmville
on Tuesday evening at the home of
Miss Florence Herdman when Miss
LenaPym, bride -elect of this week
was generously remembered by her
Many lady friends. About sixty be-
ing present. There were gifts in
great variety ranging in size from
clothespins to a washtub all being
very useful to a new housekeeper.
The rooms were beautifully decorat-
ed with large white bells and pink
and white streamers and a. special
chair for the +bride-to-be was draped
is white where she was liberally
showered with confottieThe evening
Was pent in ntu.sie• and ,contests to
the .amusement of all, after which
lunch was served. Miss Pym has al-
ways .been very popular, .a valued
teacher in the Sunday School, mem-
ber of the •ch.oir, active worker ,to
the. Mission Circle and the best wish-
es of her many friends will attend
her in her wedded life.
> Little Miss Betty White, has been
quite sick this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson vis-
ited pn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Foster, of Winchelsea.
Mies Evelyn Parkinson returned
home on Wednesday from Thorndale
where she spent the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Will-
son, of Lucan.
LI.Tr. and Mrs. F. Gunning spent
Saturday in London.
Miss EdnaSquire is visiting her
sister Mrs. Arnold Hern of Woodham
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Orchard, of
T'herndale were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Parkinson on Wednesday
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire spent Fri-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire
of Thorndale.
The "Treasure Seekers” class held
their annual meeting for the election
of officers and are as follows: teach-
er, M`Ir'.`D. A. 3ohnson;.Assist. teach-
er,' Mrs. Ogden; president, Miss Sad-
ler; 1st, Milne Pullen; Secretary, H.
Hazelwood; Treasurer, Berth
Per. Philip Madge• r was last week
taken i11 at the home of Mrs. Ar'thtit"
Doupe, of Usboree. He was remov-
ed to the home of Mr. George Wil-
liams of town.
Mr H. C. Sweetlove has resumed
Itis position on the staff of the Can-
adian Bank of Commerce after holi-
daying at his home in Ha•tnilton.
Ors. :Russell and Mr. Earl Russell
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rerviri
Werner, of Loncfi, done day last
The Late 1tr .. MYcQueen.
The death tecurr'&1 oft Monday o4
last week of the late Mrs, Flora Mc-
Queen who had been in i11 health for
the past year antl,ia half but had on-
ly ,been in bed for about five weeks
previous to her dee& 1S4ie died in
ire' old 'Mind where she spent the
met of iter life, Her husband, the
late Mr. John McQueen, predeceased
her five years ago. Mrs. McQueen
was a daughter of the late Aloe,
x'ltompsen, who died when she was
quite young, Sho was born on the
coast of Newfoundland, new being in
her '77th year. Site was it member
of the Thames Road United church
and attended regularly while able.
The funeral services were condueted
at her hone on the Usborne bound-
ary on Thursday last by Rev. Jas.
Anthony, of tite Thames Road, who
spoke most .highly of the life of the
deceased. Rev. Mr. Mcllroy, of the
Hensall Presbyterian church, assist-
ed in the services. A quartette from
Thames Road church sang some very
appropriate hymns. The funeral was
largely attended many friends com-
ing from a distance. Mrs. McQueen
was a very, highly respected resident
being of a quiet, reserved disposition
Much sympathy is extended to the
family and relatives in the loss of
one so kind and hospitable in the
community. The deceased Is surviv-
ed by one son, Stewart, on the home-
stead, with whom she lived and two
daughters, Mrs. Hemery, of Renfrew
and MIrs. Bartlett, of Thamesford.
The "pallbearers were J. 111. Glenn,
D. Brintnell,' L. Horton, 3. Broadfoot
W. Kerslake and W. N. Glenn, neigh-
bors of the deceased. The remains
were interred in McTaggart's ceme-
Mr. John Hern Sr,., had tite mis-
fortune to slip and tall out of a hay-
mow breaking several ribs and injur-
ing his shoulder.
A number of our boys are playing
with the Woodham hockey team this
For the next two months services
in the church are being changed
from the evening to 2 o'clock in the
The W.M.S. held their first meet-
ing of the year on Thursday after-
noon January 8th at the honle .of,
Mrs. H. Kyle with a good attendance:
'The president had charge of the
meeting which was opened by sing-
ing the Doxology and repeating the
Watchword.. After singing hymn'
342 prayer was offered by Mrs. Geo.
Wright. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved. ,A
letter of thanks was read by the pres-
ident from Mrs. J. T. Hern for .a
congratulation card sent her by the
W.M.S. After singing •a hymn re-
ports were given by the different se
cretaries of their year's work. The
Presbyterial Treasurer was sent
$156.50, A reading "First Things
First" was given by the president;
Scripture Lesson, Luke, ,11th Chap,
and the devotional leaflet were read
by Rev, Mrs. White; leaflets, on "Iu
dustriai Problems" were read by Mrs.
Melville Hern, Mrs. W. Batten, Mrs.
R. E. Pooley, Mrs. Ephriam Hern and
Mrs. Harold Herne A leaflbt on
Trinidad was read by Mrs. George
Wright. It was decided to hold a
social evening the first Thursday in
March. After singing hymn 224
Rev. Mr. White dismissed the meet-
The January meeting of. the W.
M. S. was held on Friday 'last, at
the Manse. Thle being. a ,Spedial
Day o,f Prn,ye•' Set apart by the Ont-
ario Provincial, there being a good
attendance; Mrs. Jas. Scott acted as
President for tite January' Meeting.
The devotional part was taken by
Mrs. Scott, Mrs, Hill, Mrs, Rodgers.
Sincere and ernest ' prayers were
offered for National as: well as For-
eign Missions, and alt those who
teach and guide the young, as well
as thanksgiving for
favours and
:blessings of the past year, The Roll,
Call topic being verses en prayer•
was very ably and fittingly respond-
ed. The Scripture Lesson for the
clay was taken by Mrs. Donald Me-
1 eller; excellent papers were read
by Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Houghton;
the meeting being interspersed by
well chosen Hymns. The meeting
closed by singing the Doxology and
the Lord's prayer in unison, 7htnch.
was served and a very pleasant half
hole' was spent,
The young people of the congrega-
tion betook themselves to the mottn-
tain'on Tuesday night last and spent
a cottple:af ltottt•s sledding ,town the
mountain after which they Went to
the 11'tansc fora we.ner roast. Al-
together they sptrnt •rt *VOry'enjoyable
The annual meeting of the Ladies
Aid was held on Wednesday, January
7th at the home of Mfrs. Milton Rats.,
The different reports were given,
the treasury showing a balance oilj''
$105.00, after which the election of
officers for •the coming year tool4'
place: President, Mrs, -Jacob Rat:c,j
1st Vice -Pres., Mrs. Milton Ratz; 2nd;'
Vice -Pres., Mrs, Matt, Sweitzer; se.
cretary, Miss Pearl Keys; assist. se.
eretary, ales. A. Finar»erner; cor. sem
eretary„ Mrs. A. Keys; treasurers.
Mrs. Lampert; assist. treasurer, Mrs
E, Keyes; parsonage committee Mat's."
Wm. ,Sweitzer, Mfrs. L. Sc•hroeder;}..
Mrs. F, Adams; Flower. Committee*.
Mrs. Wm. Ratz, Mrs. M. Baker, Mrs.,.
A. Geiser; pianist, Mrs. Roy Rats;1 •
assist'. Mrs. A. Smith; Chaplin, Mee,
Geo. Scott.
The annual congregational meek-
ing, was held in the church on 'r'ues. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, Mr.,
Howard and Miss Olive Sheppard, oq'.
Parkhill, 'spent :Sunday at the bons*.
of Mir. and Mrs. A. Keys.
The Y. P. S. held their regulat
meeting on Tuesday evening at the,^
home of Mr. E. Lamport. A papa
was given by Mr. Wm. Lochner anal`
Miss B. Baynjiam.
late ,of the Viliage of Dasbwoode'
in 'the' Colmar' Or Marini, o]teie,,
'keeper, deceased. s.
Ing claimsagainst the' .estate of fMet•
said deceased are required to sena.
full particulars of such claims to they
undersigned on or berore the 3144
day of January, 1931, after which!,
date the Executers will wilt proceaal:'
to distribute the assets of the said ,
estate, having regard +only to ;thee -
claims of which notice .shall the*.
have been given.
estate are requested to settle theme
indebtedness to said estate with the
undersigned on or before the said4,
31st,. day of. January, 1931.
Dated the 14th day of .January..
1-15-3 tc.
Solictors dor Execntorle-
Re SARAH HAWIUNS, late of tbi3-'
VI11age of Exeter, in the Count./ or
Huron, Widow, deceased.
Ing claims against the estate of the -
said deceased are required to send&.
Pull particulars of such . Claims :tan:•
the undersigned on ., or before ,t!he•; •
10th day of January, 1931,".•atterr
which date the Administrator will•
proceed to . distribute the assets of" •
the said estate, Baying regard ,only'
to 'the claims; of..which notice shalt,
then have, been. given, •. a ,
Dated this .31st, day of December,.
A D., 1930.
Solicitors for Administrator
the Village of. Exeter; in thee
County Of Huron, Gentbenuan, de... -
CREDITORS. and others having.
cliiauts abainst the estate of the saitiP
deceased are .required to send ftllk`'
particulars of such claims to the
undersigned administrators. of the,
said estate on or 'before the 2nd days
of February 1931 after which date'
the' + a,drninlstrators will proceed te•
distribute lite assets at the said es-
tete leaving regard only to t t
claims Of which notice shalt Eitelt
have beets Oven end Will tiot 1be
liable for ally claims not reeeiivedt
at the time of distribution.
THE CANADA ".d.'12.ri4p ("O:tt1'ANV'
Administrators, London, Ont., or
IL V. ;1te lO:Y,•1(.i<1i',
425 Itieinnond St., London
Their Solicitors herein.
Safety, Cleanliness and Quality
Milk, (raw milk,..esPelrially) for human .consumption tenet lee:
classified .trader these specifications, En order to have milk safe it
has to be primarily produced from tubercular free egwa. In a 2'0,-
x'e-cent .official test our entire herd has been 'found to he free from
As to the bacterial content ,of our milk we positively guarantee
it .against all requirements of the law, municipal (if' any) or other-
The quality of our product needs only a trial to convinee you
our :standard is in :a, class of its own.
The most necessary part in one's life is health, Why take any
chances with the most serious menace to civilization, tuberculosis?
We are now placing within reach of everyone a• great safeguard
against this' dread disease. We are prepared to supply you with
MILK and CREAM from our own T. R. tested cows, Insist on villa
Eden, T. B: proof milk,
We take this .opportunity to thank our many friends far their
liberal patronage ,during the past year and extend to all our best
wishes ler the future. v N.
t Villa Eden -Dairy '
BEN S. CASE, Proprietor
of the Thames Road United church
and attended regularly while able.
The funeral services were condueted
at her hone on the Usborne bound-
ary on Thursday last by Rev. Jas.
Anthony, of tite Thames Road, who
spoke most .highly of the life of the
deceased. Rev. Mr. Mcllroy, of the
Hensall Presbyterian church, assist-
ed in the services. A quartette from
Thames Road church sang some very
appropriate hymns. The funeral was
largely attended many friends com-
ing from a distance. Mrs. McQueen
was a very, highly respected resident
being of a quiet, reserved disposition
Much sympathy is extended to the
family and relatives in the loss of
one so kind and hospitable in the
community. The deceased Is surviv-
ed by one son, Stewart, on the home-
stead, with whom she lived and two
daughters, Mrs. Hemery, of Renfrew
and MIrs. Bartlett, of Thamesford.
The "pallbearers were J. 111. Glenn,
D. Brintnell,' L. Horton, 3. Broadfoot
W. Kerslake and W. N. Glenn, neigh-
bors of the deceased. The remains
were interred in McTaggart's ceme-
Mr. John Hern Sr,., had tite mis-
fortune to slip and tall out of a hay-
mow breaking several ribs and injur-
ing his shoulder.
A number of our boys are playing
with the Woodham hockey team this
For the next two months services
in the church are being changed
from the evening to 2 o'clock in the
The W.M.S. held their first meet-
ing of the year on Thursday after-
noon January 8th at the honle .of,
Mrs. H. Kyle with a good attendance:
'The president had charge of the
meeting which was opened by sing-
ing the Doxology and repeating the
Watchword.. After singing hymn'
342 prayer was offered by Mrs. Geo.
Wright. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved. ,A
letter of thanks was read by the pres-
ident from Mrs. J. T. Hern for .a
congratulation card sent her by the
W.M.S. After singing •a hymn re-
ports were given by the different se
cretaries of their year's work. The
Presbyterial Treasurer was sent
$156.50, A reading "First Things
First" was given by the president;
Scripture Lesson, Luke, ,11th Chap,
and the devotional leaflet were read
by Rev, Mrs. White; leaflets, on "Iu
dustriai Problems" were read by Mrs.
Melville Hern, Mrs. W. Batten, Mrs.
R. E. Pooley, Mrs. Ephriam Hern and
Mrs. Harold Herne A leaflbt on
Trinidad was read by Mrs. George
Wright. It was decided to hold a
social evening the first Thursday in
March. After singing hymn 224
Rev. Mr. White dismissed the meet-
The January meeting of. the W.
M. S. was held on Friday 'last, at
the Manse. Thle being. a ,Spedial
Day o,f Prn,ye•' Set apart by the Ont-
ario Provincial, there being a good
attendance; Mrs. Jas. Scott acted as
President for tite January' Meeting.
The devotional part was taken by
Mrs. Scott, Mrs, Hill, Mrs, Rodgers.
Sincere and ernest ' prayers were
offered for National as: well as For-
eign Missions, and alt those who
teach and guide the young, as well
as thanksgiving for
favours and
:blessings of the past year, The Roll,
Call topic being verses en prayer•
was very ably and fittingly respond-
ed. The Scripture Lesson for the
clay was taken by Mrs. Donald Me-
1 eller; excellent papers were read
by Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Houghton;
the meeting being interspersed by
well chosen Hymns. The meeting
closed by singing the Doxology and
the Lord's prayer in unison, 7htnch.
was served and a very pleasant half
hole' was spent,
The young people of the congrega-
tion betook themselves to the mottn-
tain'on Tuesday night last and spent
a cottple:af ltottt•s sledding ,town the
mountain after which they Went to
the 11'tansc fora we.ner roast. Al-
together they sptrnt •rt *VOry'enjoyable
The annual meeting of the Ladies
Aid was held on Wednesday, January
7th at the home of Mfrs. Milton Rats.,
The different reports were given,
the treasury showing a balance oilj''
$105.00, after which the election of
officers for •the coming year tool4'
place: President, Mrs, -Jacob Rat:c,j
1st Vice -Pres., Mrs. Milton Ratz; 2nd;'
Vice -Pres., Mrs, Matt, Sweitzer; se.
cretary, Miss Pearl Keys; assist. se.
eretary, ales. A. Finar»erner; cor. sem
eretary„ Mrs. A. Keys; treasurers.
Mrs. Lampert; assist. treasurer, Mrs
E, Keyes; parsonage committee Mat's."
Wm. ,Sweitzer, Mfrs. L. Sc•hroeder;}..
Mrs. F, Adams; Flower. Committee*.
Mrs. Wm. Ratz, Mrs. M. Baker, Mrs.,.
A. Geiser; pianist, Mrs. Roy Rats;1 •
assist'. Mrs. A. Smith; Chaplin, Mee,
Geo. Scott.
The annual congregational meek-
ing, was held in the church on 'r'ues. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, Mr.,
Howard and Miss Olive Sheppard, oq'.
Parkhill, 'spent :Sunday at the bons*.
of Mir. and Mrs. A. Keys.
The Y. P. S. held their regulat
meeting on Tuesday evening at the,^
home of Mr. E. Lamport. A papa
was given by Mr. Wm. Lochner anal`
Miss B. Baynjiam.
late ,of the Viliage of Dasbwoode'
in 'the' Colmar' Or Marini, o]teie,,
'keeper, deceased. s.
Ing claimsagainst the' .estate of fMet•
said deceased are required to sena.
full particulars of such claims to they
undersigned on or berore the 3144
day of January, 1931, after which!,
date the Executers will wilt proceaal:'
to distribute the assets of the said ,
estate, having regard +only to ;thee -
claims of which notice .shall the*.
have been given.
estate are requested to settle theme
indebtedness to said estate with the
undersigned on or before the said4,
31st,. day of. January, 1931.
Dated the 14th day of .January..
1-15-3 tc.
Solictors dor Execntorle-
Re SARAH HAWIUNS, late of tbi3-'
VI11age of Exeter, in the Count./ or
Huron, Widow, deceased.
Ing claims against the estate of the -
said deceased are required to send&.
Pull particulars of such . Claims :tan:•
the undersigned on ., or before ,t!he•; •
10th day of January, 1931,".•atterr
which date the Administrator will•
proceed to . distribute the assets of" •
the said estate, Baying regard ,only'
to 'the claims; of..which notice shalt,
then have, been. given, •. a ,
Dated this .31st, day of December,.
A D., 1930.
Solicitors for Administrator
the Village of. Exeter; in thee
County Of Huron, Gentbenuan, de... -
CREDITORS. and others having.
cliiauts abainst the estate of the saitiP
deceased are .required to send ftllk`'
particulars of such claims to the
undersigned administrators. of the,
said estate on or 'before the 2nd days
of February 1931 after which date'
the' + a,drninlstrators will proceed te•
distribute lite assets at the said es-
tete leaving regard only to t t
claims Of which notice shalt Eitelt
have beets Oven end Will tiot 1be
liable for ally claims not reeeiivedt
at the time of distribution.
THE CANADA ".d.'12.ri4p ("O:tt1'ANV'
Administrators, London, Ont., or
IL V. ;1te lO:Y,•1(.i<1i',
425 Itieinnond St., London
Their Solicitors herein.