The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-15, Page 1•
$ T4 3.LISHEiD 1873
PaSices '
EAT quoted
S ,
We are overstocked with many lines of winter goods. We wish to turn
these lines into cash so are offering real bargain prices for the next two
weeks. We have only room to mention a few items but there will be
bargains throughout the store.
STANFIELD'S RED LABEL UNDERWEAR_ :For men, heavy rib, reg,
ular price $2.50; January sale price $1.95 a garrnept.
STANFIELD'S BLUE LABEL --Extra heavy, underwear for men, reg.
price $2.75; January Sale Price $2.19 a garment.
Heavy all Wool Ribbed Underwear for men -our $2.00 line for $1.39 gar
Men's Heavy fleeced undershirts 8c drawers January sale 79c, gar.
Boys' heavy fleeced undershirts and drawers January sale 59c. a garment.
Men's fine -ribbed combinations including Stanfield's Turnbull's, etc.,
values up to $4,00 January sale price $2.95 a suit.
Men's Work Shirts, any of our $1.50 lines Janutary sale $1.19 each.
Ladies' pure Silk Hosiery, Puritan Maid, brand our regular $2.00 line
on sale at $1.39 ' per pair.
Ladies' pure Cashmere and Silk and Wool Hosiery on sale at 59c. pair.
Boys' and Girls' heavy ribbed heather and black ss ool hosiery,sizes 8 to
10 1-2, reg, $1.00 for 79c.; sizes 6 to 7 1.2 on sale at 59c. a pair.
Bargains in. Cotton Staples
27 in. white flannelette,. reg. 20c. a yd.; 15c: yd. or 7 yds for $1.00
36-\in.white and coloured" stripe flannelette reg. 25c. for 19c. a yard.
36 in extra heavy white English flannelette on sale at 25c. a yd.
36 in. heavy factory cotton for sheeting etc; this is a real bargain at
15c. a yard. '
Hundreds of yards of pillow cotton, sheeting' also on sale.
MI woollen blankets, beautiftil quality, values up to $11.50 a pair' on
sale at $7.95 a pair, .
All wool plaid bed comforters, satin bound; to clear at $5.95 each.
Beautiful quality prints and broadcloths at 21c. and 25c. a yard
Jnaar saof Overshoes He�vV Rubber
s Felts etc
Best: Goodrich zipper.,. overshoes $4.25. •@
Men's two -buckle overshoes @ $2.49 pair
Men' over -rubbers red soles @ $L00 pair
Boys' 2 -buckle overshoes @ $2.29 youths'
@ $1.95
Women's 3 dome rubber overshoes @ $1.98
Brown or grey zipper, rb•-r.overshoes ;@ "l
.... $2.75
Women's cloth overshoes .to clear; @ $x..49
Women's high black overshoes @ $1.00' .
Men's zipper overshoes ' at cost $3.65 pair
'Misses' and Children's Overshoes, in Bunks, at Bargain Prices
Men.'',. rolled edge. heavy rubbers @ $2.75
Men's $4,.00 rubber boots @ $3.50 a pair
Men's $4.50 rubber boots '@ $3.95 a pair
Men's heavy rubbers, felt tops reg. -$3.50
for $2.75
Men's blue overalls, reg. $1.95 @ $1.50
Boys' $2.50 bloomer pants, all wool @
Men's horsehide mitts @ 98c.; boys' @ 50c
Buy your winter, Overcoat at this sale.
Coats at Cost.
Men's new style overcoats at..... $15.00
Men's leather lined overcoats at $15.00
'Men's navy overcoats at • • $18.00
Men's $35. Barrymore overcoats at $25.00
A few good , overcoats . . at $10.00 '
Boys' odd suit coats each $2.50
Men's suits .... . @ $10 and $15.
Men's Sheep -lined Coats .. .. @ $8.50
Men's 15 -inch high -lace Rubbers .. @ $5.
Goods You'll Need. Now.
- ' Don't Miss This Sale.
• LADIES. DRESSES -Many lines at reduced prices.
DINNER SETS -10 only.97.piece, good patterns regular prices $2'7 January
' sale price $21.50 per set.
Very Special Grocery Values for this Sale Only
"• Cascade Saloon,. •.... 2 large tins for 25e.
Mcl.arens Jelly Pow'ders 5 pkg. for 25c.
Canned Peas 'No. 2 size ... ... _ per tin 7c.
Canned Peas No. 2 size r per case $1.59
Canned Ternatoes No. 2 size per tin . 10c.
P. IA . Soap ... ..: c a a . 10 bars for 37c.
'airset Toilet Soap regi 10c... 6 for 29c.
Euckwheatlet .. . , , , Y . , ; 5' lbs. for 25c.
Pure Clover Honey , . 10 lb. pail $.4c.
Fancy Quality Prunes
Medium size .. . . . . . ... . r .. 3 ib. for 23c.
Medium' size .. , r ,) r r per 25 lb. bots $1.79
Large size ..,Y,.r....Yrrr. 3lb,.for 32c.
Large size per 25 pound box $2.49
...thong :3.2. ..„1170t1(
Phone 32
lliondey, January 12, 1931
Tlxe menicipal couneil elect for
1931 met as per Ontario statutes• at
11 am. in the Town. Hall, took;? and
subscribed t. the oath of .office as
:tgllows; Reeve, Billie M. Francis;
Councillors, Henry Bierling, James
R. ,Grieve, Harper C. Rivers, David
The Reeve announced the presence
-or Rev. Mr. Rhodes, of the Presby-
terien church, whom he 11ad invited
and wile now would .conduct the
opening services. Mr.. Rnodes led in
,scripture reading and prayer, Court-
aillor Rivers moved a vote of thanks
to Air. Rhodes for his. presence and
the part taken. 'The motion was
seeonded by Councillor Grieve and
carried,. The Reeve conveyed the
.alme to Mr. Rhodes who in reply-
eplyspoke very appreciative and congrat-
ulated the members on their return
to office, The Reeve also addressed
the council elect congratulating then
and vishel for a pleasant and har-
monious season's labor together,
claiming that the year of 1930 was •
the most pleasant year he lead ever
experienced in municipal life.
Per Grieve and Rowclifee that the'
peeve with Councillors Rivers and
Bierling be tile Striking Committee.
Before the motion was dealt with it
was decided that the several commit-
tees as appointed in 1930 be again
named 'for 1931. They are as fol-
Finance . -- Councillors Rovireliffe
and Bierling,
Property -Councillors Rivers .and
Roads and Bridges-- •Coxtneillors
Bierling and Grieve,
Cemetery--.-Cohuteillors Grieve and
'The Reeve a member of all com-
mittees. • The first named to be
chairman of said committee.' Ap-
Adjourned to meet at 7.30 p.m.
The adjourned meeting ,of the
municipal council convened at 7.30
p.m. The minutes of the morning
session were read and approved.
Correspondence was read as fol-
A letter from err. S. We Archibald,
surveyor of Seafox'th, relative ,to
completed village plans. Filed.
Letter front the ..t ominion of. Can,
e s ei oral 'nearaieeW.GO.,,.: with aAa,.
view of'securing a portion 6f •tlie ill'-
su med.ute basiness of the municipality.
•- Letter from the office of the Pro-
vincial Weed Inspector drawing at-�,
teiition to certain section oe the act
regarding the appointment of a weed
inspecbor for the municipality. 'On
motion of Bierling and Rivers Colu-
Missioner Norry was appointed,
Circular letter from the office of
the secretary of the Good Roads As-
sociation drawing attention to the
annual meeting in Toronto lteby. 25,
26 and 27. Filed. .
Letter from the County Treasurer
Gordan Young with list of village
property on sale for arrears of taxes.
'The adjourned sale will be held at
Gxlericli in the office of the County
Treasurer on Saturday, Jan. 17th at
1.30 o'clock. The Clerk was in-
strueted to take over the property
known as lot's No. 54, 'i' -u East Carl-
ing, and lots ,leo. 3S, 89, 90 South
Nelson in the name of the munici-
pality and to forward cheque accord=
ingly on notion of Bierling and
'The regular meetings of council
were fixed for the first and third
libndays of each month,
Mr. 3.- A. Stewart was selected to
.serve as 'a member of the Librarri,
Board for the years. 19,31-32-32, on.
motion of Bierling and R.oweliffe.
'Messrs. R. G. Seidon end Thos.
Pryde were named as members of the
'cenletery Board on metiou of Rivers
'Ii'ence Viewers for 1•h31; 1TeserS.
: ferbert Vord, W, .d. Rivers alto J.
'' .Worry were appointed on mottoti of.
Bierlipg and Ilowcliffe.
stir. Edward Treble was appointed
a member of the local Boatkct of
Heaith on Motion of Grieve and
.Mr. Thos. Collingwood was *ap-
ap-pointed truant officer on motion of
Rivers and Roweliffe,
The weigh scales were referred to
Property committee.
T'er Grieve and Ilierlinj that Rich -
ate taunter be aplioineecl assessor for
1931. An aniendlnent by Rivers, no
seconder, that an appointment be de-
►'. (erred until later, The mitten car.
Mr -George Mawsoii was •nlij)ointed
auditor on ?notion of Rivers and
The ,salaries of the•mentbers of the
Council anis public Utilities Commis -
then to ?enrolll es provided in the 13y'
la,W, acid that by-laws inacted in 1934
relating to appointment end the fix-
ing of salaries for the same he taken
as the by -late of 1931; Makin b3
' i1'Carried,
t•.it ers and OterT i g,
'rho teevn;and 'I'reaseror were giv''
alt authority ander 13y-iawv to bore
rose t:he neceyiistery Menlo as heed@t
fat'' 1.981. 'Malan bY. 1itvetS . alio
The clerk to order eight eedplets
of the 11Tenielpn1 'World for Commit
members and officers; also a'cOpy of
the newAssessor's guide lino the
necessary .dog tags ,for the year 1931„
Mr. ,Norry as constable and Street
Coaumissioner was instructed to- pro-
oflre a• uniferrn with cap. Motion :of
Rowcllffe ara l Grieve,
The fo119wing accounts were read
and ordered raid: Wm, Cellingwood,
labor and fireman at library $26.40;
Airs. 13, Christie, coal $46,80; Hy, T.,
Rowe, coal, Town Hall $30,60; char.]
ity $13.55; Thos. Harvey, team labor
$22,70; 13011 Telephone, Norrer shone
rent $6.55; Mrs. A. Cudmeee, gravel
$21.70; Wickwire Press, notices $7.-
50; 1'. U. Commission St, lighting
$158,25; Traquair d'c Lindeufield,
repair at Library $6.'50; ,J. Senior,
registration of births, marriages• and
deaths $14,75; ,Fred Bloomfield for
snow plowing 814.50; Russell 'Poore
Iabor •50c..; Win, Johns, snow plow=
ing ,$13.00, Cemeteey, amulets,
'Melville & Sihnhnons, Iron bare. 31.00.
Passed on motion of Bierling and
Rowellffe. Carried.
Adjournment by l svers,
Jos. Senior, Clerk
On Friday afternoon of last week
the remains of the late Richard H.
Murphy were laid to rest in the Exe-
ter eemetery,the service being under
auspices •of Lebanon Forest Lodge
No. 133, A.F & A.M. of which Mr.
Murphy was .a member. For over
thirty years Mr. Murphy was en es-
teemed business man,of Exeter hav-
ing :represented:, the Massey -Harris
and other implement ficins, Mr;
Murphy passed away on Wednesday
evening after an ,illness of over two
years. He was in his 68th year. The
deceased was born on the 16th con-
cession of Gocler1t,1? Township, a son'
of the late Henry Murphy„. He was
twice married, His- first wife • Ag-
nes Bruce of Clinton, died about
eight years ago, Three years ago
he .vas married to Mrs.. Josie White,
who with his claughter,'3iss. Mildred,
mourn his loss, and to whoni the serene
er a-
pathy of the community is extended.
He is also survived by his niether,'i
Mrs.- H. Murphy, of Clinton; who is
93 years of age; and three brothers.
and four sisters, Thomas, of Goderich;
Bert, of Clinton; W. Il., •of Winnipeg
Mrs. I -I, McCartney and Mrs• Fred
Ford, Clinton; ;sirs. C. Daynent, Of
North Dakota and Mrs, G. C. Leith-
waiie, of Grand Parke, N. 1).• Il
nOlitries the deCeased was .a.:Conserva.
tiv0 aid'Ile•- ttas z netiie InVblii;'4 :
the ''i.'i'ivitt• eMeleft51'iel 'chum's'. A
former rector, Rev. Walter Jones, sof
Ridgetown, conducted the funeral
service • :Members of the Masonic
Order attended in a body and took
Part in the service at the grave. W.
Bro. W. \V, Tainan acted as Marshall
and W. Bro, Howald as Master. The
pall -bearers were Brothers S. Sweet,
M. R. Complin, 13.:11. Francis, W. D.
Sanders, F. Ellerington and A. Mit-
chell. Among those who were pres-
ent at the funeral from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murphy, of
Goderich; Mr. Bert Merphy, Mee and
Airs. H. McCartney, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ford and Harry, 1\ r. and Mrs.
L. Cree, Mr. and Mrs. J, Freeman
and Mr. and Mrs: 'r.•'Morgan, of Clin-
ton; Mr. and .\Irs, Thos. Little, Mrs.
H. Riley and Mr. M. Bruce, of Lon-
desboro; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McNicol
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Par-
sons, of Sarnia; lfr. and. Mis. Wm.
Westlake and Mrs. Louisa Westlake
of Wyoming and:Hiss Horney, of
The reuhaiee of the late Thoands
Wesley Howkshaw were brought to
Exeter Wednesday afternoon from
London and were laid to rest in the
Exec r cemetery. Mr. 1Iawkshaw
pas d away iu London on MIonday.
-lie was a son of the late John Hawk-
shaw, of Exeter, and with his .bro-
thea \Viikiam !operated the old Coin,
noreial I:I0e1 about thirty years ago.
Ise is survived by his widow whose
maiden Immo was Alice r.i!urtlock,
alio one datightecr, My rte, 0f Toron-
to, whot;e husband 'the late Wilt. R.
Loney suffered death from usjhyx-
lation in a' gareg.t about two weeks
ago. The ,shock proved too much :for I-lawkshaw and 1io suffered a
paralytic stroke. 1tr. Flan l Shaw
was in Exeter a few weeks ago at-
tending. the funeral of the late tr.
Rollins. ]'3e is survived by four sis-
tei , Mrs. Fred ileDonelr, Mrs. Chas,
Cryer, Mrs. A. l orthway, all of De-
troit ,andMts. Chas. Livingstone, of,. 'rhe funeral service'itt Es
der was conducted by Rev. 3. I:3.
At' O:1MM
Victor Lutwau, eon Of Xy. 4401.
lrirs, Wm. Lntnlan, received a naa r
.cut and •abrasion over the• right eye
while playing hockey on . aa'tiu'da1r,
morning. •
Mrs, R. N. Rowe had the, misfoP+
Mune to trip and fall at her home aiL
Ilizonday afternoon with the rea;lxlfs
that both, bones were broken at thea
wrist of the right arm.
A nunxber of reports from various:
organizations have been crowded ouir
this week,.
A11 persons interested in :the NO**
ter Horticultural Society are re,
quested to be present at the Annuet
Meeting Friday evening. •
. Miss L, 'i•. .Jeekell was .electedk
president poi` the Huron Presbyterians
presbyterial at the annual meeting
hi Clinton on Tuesday.
Mrs, Norman Hockey was ,called .to
.London Monday evening, her mother.
Mrs. E. Bishop- .being very ,sick. [I:t
Victoria Hospital.
- ;Mr. }Tarry Eiworthy, who. is ser-.
iously ill. in Victoria. Hospital, Lon,
don, suffering from gangerine is
zOruewhat improved at present.
Mr. Roy Taylor, .of Richmond, .Qua
called on his brother i1Tr. Sylvester
13. Taylor on Tuesday and Wednes-
day Of this week. ear. Taylor wan
on his way to visit in Eaton, Color-
Mr. W. S. }Towey is confined for
itis bed, suffering from a Severe at-
tack of influenza. Mr. noway hate.
not been well for a day or two and
his• conidtion became worse Satur-
day evening. Miss Maitland, R. 1sT.;
is in attendance, His condition fa
improving. f
Miss Jean Murray and Rev. D, A.
Moir, of Hamilton, are visiting with
Miss J, S, Murray. Mr. Moir preach-
ed in Main Street United church last
Sunday evening. His theme . was
"The Pre-eminence of Christ in all
Things." Quite' a number , of his>
friends were present from Hensa1I
and town. Mr. ►Noir is retired :and
living in Hamilton.
On Wednesday of last week aa. mes-
sage was • received 1)y Mr, B. W. F.
.Beavers from Mr. Geo. Willis, Of
London, that Mrs. T. H. McCallum
of that ;city, formerly. of Exeter' hast:
passed away, at 1)or, .lac, , 1,1;.Pait1C'
1\ tt1l , treat., The late Ikeis:` a160e1-
luau with her husband and . famiIy
moved to London about sixteen years
ago. She was highly respected iiy.
a large circle of friends, both here;
and at London, also among the =mil-
ers at Grand Bend where they have
spent their summer for the past 39+
years at their cottage. 4'Pinecreft"
where her cheery smile and kindly
welcome will be greatly missed. She
leaves to mourn the. loss of a faith-
ful loving wife and mother; her hus-
band, Mr. T. H..i1IcCalltun, ex ;Reeve,
of Exeter and ex -Supt. 0f Main .Street'
Sunday School; also one son Doctor
Cliuton lt1!e0alluni, of Buffalo. Mr -s_
Geo. Willis, who has resided with
them since nioViitg to London; also•
Miss Elsie, teacher, and Mrs... p.
Kingsbury, of Toronto, .also an only
sister Mrs. Elsie Douglas, who, too,
has bee)] ono of the family circle :for
darty years. There are also two
grandsons. Douglas and Tom Kings-
bury, sons of Mr, and Mrs. E. Kings -
burs', of Toronto. The family 'were
all Home for Christmas and enjoyed
the hone gathering as an unbroken
eircle. On Saturday January .3rii.
Mrs. McCallum took suddenly ill ants.
although every care was given her.,
she rluietly passed away on Wednes-
day morning following. Her funeral
whichwas private, was held on Fri-
day to 'Woodland cemetery. A teent-
er pastor Mr. Kelly assisted Rev.tet.
;Stewart. of Colborne_ Street church.
Ile paid high tribute to tlhe life "of
one. who was loved by all, and said
she had just fallen asleep and would
he waiting to 'Welcome her loved.
:ones over yonder in the other Hoene.
The sympathy of the entire .com-
munity goes out to the family
their sorrow.
Those lies been. a change lir the:
schedule of the evening trains ar-
riving in Exeter, the trains arriving
here about fifteen minutes earlier.
The train from the south is thio et'
4,43 anti fnolit the north at 5.42.
alio Ford coach belonging to .a
Air. Galloway. of Lpirtlott, `tgliir~h veas
foundnit the Thames heath 'Tuesday'
of last week. with tho loot. •stolen
from Jonta & :tfay and O. A, HMV-
IA' •idisy Hardware, has beery returned
to its owner, The ear was stolen 'tri
boiidort •abetit 55.80 i) ur, Monday eV.
ening, the question O.riseil Where
were '(ha geed% trent Sunty until
rf uesda .
Three gold fish with every pur-
chase of 50c. this Month. Powell'et
.-• lift
Dome Rink, Exeter''
Tuesday, January .20th
GMuo called at 8:15 sharp
. rhotitails worn, treated to some remit
shocky ,ou tnesdsry ialg;tt tdi'triirg 'silo
Vvertittie tattle. Como out to soot
the team that the keel* trimmed irit.
'•;rw,ioti ;11 an tut.•.