HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-01, Page 8r• ,•rus»x114.17,174,1W ti• 10PAI4 NEW., , Exeter Markets Miss Ruby ,Crech spent the 1,911-.. dile* lit Leigiens, )-11‘. and i.lfro, 'Waiter Dearing. efs London, spent Christniaa in tewn, 1\14 Pelle% t Flinti Mae' . -event ehrietutati lit his home here. Miss Lula, MoDon.a1(1. o TOrPlit0. visiting at her home,. London Rd., and Mrs. Rebertsen,and NA, .0f Stratiterd„ spent Cliristr4s. in „town. Mr. Jas. McWilliams, of Mitchell. Was a pleasant caller in Exeter en Saturday last. gr. W. FL Sperling and Miss. Hae- .eslwetel, 9f Londeni were vieitors town en SaturaeYS. - Mr. Jolla NeWeernbe, of Stratford, speut Christmas, at the one of W. and Mrs. E. Howald. Mr, and Mr$. Maurice quance. 'end eon. Clifton spent Christmas with err. and Mre. Austin Dflhii of Hensall. Rev. and Mrs,. Belton Cunning , - ham and daughter Betty, of Mile. bank, speet Christmas with relatives here. The many friendseef Mr.' John W. Taylor will be glad to know that he is improving. Mr. Taylor has been quite iU ter a week. Mr. and 'AIM Garnet Ford and family, of Flint, 'Mich, Spent Christ- mas with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Vora. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis and two children Clifton. and Audrey, of London: spent Christmas with rela- tives •of 'both Mr. and Mrs. ]Davis, ' Miss Vera Essery has this week taken over 'the millinery business of the late Miss Yelland. IMiss Ess.ery has been in charge of the business for the past. two seasons. She is at present making some Alterations to the show room. Rev. and Mrs. D. McTavish and faulty -spent Christmas at Ripley end were accampanied home by Mrs. MeTavish's mother Mrs. Coll- ing, who visited at the James Street personale over. the -week-end. , Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs of the Huton County Home on behalf of the inmates wish to thank the Exe- ter's -Women's Ihstitute for a box sent to the Home and which carried with it a lot of Christmas cheer. Mrs. Jacobs states that the inmates of the home had a real loyely Christmas. Special musical numbers were rendered by the choir at the James St. United church on Sunday. At the morning service Miss Reta Rowe sang as solo, "Meeting the New Year" and in the evening Mr. Walter Cuthe'sh sang "God's Will." The musical setting for both numbers was d special composition by the organist \Ir. W. R. Goelding. • The Thamea Road Farmers' Club will hold their Annual Meeting- at the home MS Harry Rhode on Mon- itleer, January 5th at 8 o'clock. Regu- lar meetiugs will be held ell, the first and third Mendays of each month until further notice. lee. The regular . monthly meting of the Exeter Institute. will be hold at the home of Mrs. W. It. Goulding on Tuesday evening, January 6th at 8 p.m. Will the ladies please- re- member this meeting calls for an exchange of quilt patterns. FOR SALE—Piano, Schuman, new cheap for January cash --S. Yelland, Exeter. 1-1-3tp NOTICE ---Wm. Bradshaw, Elim - .wishes all his friends and cus- tomers a bright and prosperous New Year and hopes that they will not be deceived by the foolish letters they have received. Our friend overlook- ed two points of interest, 0n store on the corner and the little church. During the month of January- we have (leaded to give tree haircuts to the children. of the unemployed or those' in poor circumstances dur- ing the hours of 8 to 12 and 1 to 3.30 en Mondays and Wednesdays of dub. Week. Elmore -0. Harness . 12-25-tfc • Dr: Atkinson and Dr. Roulstoft, 'Dentists, of Exeter, desire to en - minute thet their offices ,are closed every Wednesday. atternoona. - • 12-25-tte FOR -SALE—A pure bred Short- horn bull about eleven Months old. Price right for quick sale. Cephas Pym, phone 171e12., Exeter. FOR SALE—Slightly used Elec- trle :Radio, very cheap.—W.J. Beer mrot rCirt SALE Choice 100 - acre farm with good buildings, North Thames Road, convenient to maeket, eeheol and chisreh, For further par- ticlaars apply to Carling te Motley, Barristers ace Exeter, Ont. 12 -18 -tic Are your hens and pullets If they are net laying like yea knew they' slibuld they are likely itifetted 'With Intestinal worths. We find nearly every fleck we extuxiine, see - Reedy infeSted Treatment ie. einiele and elite. Worm Dille two dollars per hundred—individeel dos- es. 1pgarth ilaby Chick hatchery It you wish to buy or ot 8eft6, feels Or hease see It. E. Plekardo Dieter. POULTRY WANTED We lite'lh the Market tot all kitide et poultry paying the highest prices, Truckwill call, Phone 30, bosh.. C. AliderSett, Meat q4c,. .0a-ts 25e. Barley 32.e. Bran. $1-1-4 Blearte 41.05; $20.00 a ton. Low. grade PlenIr $1.25 Welepme. Fleet` $4.50 Model Flour $2,30. Manitoba Flour $A,80 Oreantery. Batter .450, Miry Bntter 2e. ea 300. Eggs, extras. 33e,. 4&g.s, firsts• 44c, Eggs, seconds 21,e. }logs, $10,00 0 °Cowls Mr, E. L. Moir, .of $t, Catherines, event the holiday.a at his home hem.. Miss 'AL L, Hornei, ii.N„ left for. Chicago .01.1 Saturday to resurrieher. duties.. l‘fr, Jas. McDonald,. of Stratford, -le visiting les sister, Mrs, T. G. 'Creech,. . ! Dr. G. C. Hind spent the holidays in, towil with his father, Mr„ j, B. Hind. Mr. Jim Francis spent the Christ- mas holidays at: his .home Bright, Ontario. Mrs. A, Nash, of .Sarnia, spent Christmas with ber daughter Mrs. je W, -Pewell. Mr, .and :Sirs, E, Teckey and WU, of Londoe, •spent the holiday with eeletives, .Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ferguson, of London, spent Christmas with rela- tives in this vielnity. 4 Miss Marguerite Aldworth, of Stratford, fipent Christmas with her parents at Sexsmith. AlSe Aquilla Sheere, of Detroit, is spending the holidays with his mother Mrs., Sheere. Mrs, Geo. MeBain and, son Gor- don, of Buffalo are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Grant. Mr. Maurice ;Senior, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents err, and Mrs. Jos. Sensor. Miss Ruby !Munson, teacher of No. *Hay, is spending the hoitleys .with .b.er parents at Glencoe, Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, event Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson-. .4 Mr. and Mrs. George Pulleyplank spent Christmas, with Mr. and bees, J. W. Skinner, Therndale. "eliss Gertrude Reweliffe, of Lon- don is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Knight. Mrs. J. N. Hill is leaving 'Monday to visit with her .sons in Hamilton and Toronto for seine time. • ' Mr. Albert Johnston, of Toronto, (moist the holiday with his parersts; Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Johnston. 'Miss 'Catherine Woods, of London, spent Christmas 'with her .parents Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods. Mrs. Homey and Miss M. Horton spent Christmas with their aunt, Mrs. Thos. Dickson, of Hensall. Mr. W. G. Turnbull, of Toronto, • is spending the holidays with his' mother elrs. Elizabeth. Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meson and two daughters spent Christmas with Mrs. Mason's parents at Harrietsvillee 'Messrs. Robt. Gambrill, of Elora, and Mr, Jack Gambrill, of Fergus, spent Christmas under the parental roof. Mr. and Ares. A. Wildfong, Miss Ruth and Frank spent Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Northcott's. in Stratford. • Mr.. and Mrs. F. Rice; of Brant- ford, and Miss Ella Jones, of Strat- ford are visiting; with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, L. Butler, 6f London, spent the Christmas holi- daysin and around Exeter and tat _Cromarty Mr. and Mrs. Win, Mee:Sowell and son Ory.al, ,ot Crumlin, spent .Christ- mas with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Win, Vale, Mr. Lenoard,Greb, of Detroit and •Miss Lily Greb, teacher at Cromarty, ere spending the holidays with their tathee Mr. John Orel). s Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bobbie, of Hamilton, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin and other eelatives. Rev. and lire. R.413. Stiutlicott.res turned, Monday after spending the' holidays with the feriner's mother Mrs. 0; A. Southcott. Mr. R. C. Ilissett, of Chatham and end Mrs.. Edwin Irwin, of We terlote spent Christmas ve the home of Miss Ethel IliSsett. Mr. Grant Sanders, of the Radio Corporation of Ainorica, Campden N. J. visited for .a feet days with his father 1 -ti. S. 1)1. Sanders, Mies Martel Hogarth, eVindser, and 'Miss Janie Hogarth, of tenden, spent Chiestmae at their home the loriner remaining for the. vaeation„ Messrs. Ged. IleaVett, of Torento, Reg, Beavers and W. Rigden, of Its elettorl, spent the holiday with the formes parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W.11. Beavers. „.. Mrs, Goodspeed, echool teacher et Pt, Attittne Mid son IlOneld, Whe is attending Albert College% Belleville, are speeding the Holidays at their /male here., ' iVir, and Mrs, Wilered Reblitiittis' and tete daughters Thelme and Ltlels ig, of. DetrOlt, Were Dreetint et the ClirisItthae igittheellegi held -at the hettle O Mrs, V. j, liassniaro., THE EXETER TIIMALOVOCATIK cAVEN. 'PRESBYTERIAN CHURH xiev, Vernard 11.14400, Miss Maister 4ena, ceateeF, Ari 0 4..neseeSiladaY School Divine Order 9 Things," p.nas---!"Plie \Vise Men .and the Star," There 'will be no )eid-weele ser 1. 04 - JAMES ST, 'UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. aecTevish, pastor NST Organist azul °heir -Leader 11 a. ra,—"And they were in the way and Jesus went before thy." 4, p.m.—Sunday Sellool. 7 p. 19311Marathou." • MAIN ST, UNITED' CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouso, Pastor leliss Evelyn Huston Organist aud Choir -Leader 11 a,m—"Behold I stand at the deer and knock" 3 p.ni.—Our church school. We be- gin with the new graded lessons of oer 'United church. 7 p.m.—Opening with a song service. Subject: "The Everlasting Arms" Thursday at 7.30—Prayer Service. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH anis K. M. Maefnul, organist Mr, T. J. Finlay in charge Second Sunday after Christmae 11 a.m,—Morning Prayer 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.—Evensong Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw is confined to her home through illness. • . Miss Nona Chambers, of London. was home tor Christmas. • Miss Emily Frayne, of ,Staffe, spent the Christmas holidays with relatives in Exeter. Mrs. Wm. Kydd, of Usborne,, is critically 'ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. Win. Moodie. • Messrs. Keith and Cecil Ford, of London, spout Christmas with their father Mr. John Ford. Master Murray Madge, of London, is spending the holidays at the home of his uncle Mr. Geo Williams. . Mrs. JL. Howe, and Miss L. Jeckell spent , the holidays With. qui m forer's (laughter at Owen Sound Miss McDonnell haS been confined to her room at the Central Hotel during the past week throegh illness. Mr. Gibbs Yelland. of Windsor, and Mr. Samson Yelland., of Port Perry,. epent the holidays with their sister. agree 3: Hamilton., Miss Agnes Ham - Mere and Mr. Andrew spent Christ- mas in Ilderton with the former's daughter. . Dr. M. C. and Aire. Fetcher and daughter Mary, Mrs. Nightingale and son Mac visited the former's parents. in Strathroy for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. G.. Acheson, of St. Thomas and. chas. Acheson, ot Lon- don, spent Christmes at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mrs. Henderson, who lives south 'of Elimville, was brought to •Dte Fetcher'S Hospital threatened with mastoid trouble but is improving. Christmae was celebrated at the home ‹rf Mr, and Mrs. Chas. 'Kers- lake south or. Exeter,- when some forty relatives iit all were .entertain - co, ' • ' A Christmas service was held hi Trivitt Memorial Church C.hristmas morning being .conducted by 'Mr. T. J. Findlay. Over 75 persons were present. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon atid Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May and family were at Mitchell on Christmas spending the -day with Mrs. May and Mrs. Hall. W. E. Balkwill, who. is learning the. carpenter tarde with his father Mr. W. A. Balkevill wfll leave fleet week for Hamilton where he will take a' two months' coarse at the Technical School.' . and, Mrs. Roy Alderson and little daughter., Leon -a, accompanied by Albert. and Reuben Alderson, of Arkona, spent. Clieistmile with eft. and Mrs. Thos. Colliegwood. Miss Isabel Stanlake, Who spent Christmas' week With Mt. and Mrs. E. Chibino and Mr. and Mrs. M, Raker, Steuffyille and with Dr, and Mrs, 1. S. Chibitte, termite, has res tuella heme. IMr. and Mrs, tise 0, Soldon nnd; son Wallace motored to'Kingston and 'Spent- Christmos with their daughter Mr. ..and Mrle -Ftatilt News Mee; Ila,rty told= ispent, Christmas with theft else. Mr; and Mrs. Aught Dickell and datighter, of London, Mr. Ralph Mc Donald, of Detroit, Misses Dorothy and Ella Kuntz end Mr, Harold kuniz WhidSOI*, were holiday vise Wits Sit the habit of Mr.' and isMrs, Warm Itunts, the- INfatchhorn WOoiett 'Mills a morrievine,, chit, wore destreyed by fire Friday flight at an estittiated loss of $3,5,'000, partly cowered by ins Mira -nee, iiieso mIlTh Were started by the great ‘grandtather of Mr. Tod Wethey and were operated' by Mrs, NtetheY's nudes, .7# -11 New Year's .Greetings • WP take pleasure in thanking you for your patronage during the year just closed and extend t� you our Very Best Wishes for th-e New Year of 1931. r•A: ,•• •,•••.1 est ' r-1 re ••••" r> r-> • Mdy The New Year 'Bring to You Health,' Wealth and Happiness • • R. N. ROWE Ambulance Service Dr. W. Stuart Stanbury, assistant in "Calydor" Hospital, Gravenhurst, and miss Helen Willoughby, R. N., of Toronto are spending -the holiday ae the former's home here. NEW SWEATERS • The new sweaters for the Exeter Intermediate hockey team have ars rived. The colors are green and gold and the players will present 'a very attractive appearanee' when they take the W. C. T. .U'. The ,reguitte meeting of the W..0, T. U. was held in Main. St. church on December 2etit with the president Miss Murray in charge. Mrs, Amy the evangelistic superintendent bad charge- of the .opening. A. Chtietmas hymn and several ;other helpful hymns were sung and prayers were offered, Mrs. Miners -gaye a read- ing, "Seeking God -'s Blessing" and the lesson was taken from Psalms 10 and 127. The roll call was ans- wered by items the Members. had brought to the meeting denderning the Temperance situations •It; was decided that out tlitien helps to' bear our share -of the coming World's Telitperanee Convention to be held ih. Toronto next sublimer. It was Melee td that apublic meeting be held In Jams St.,Chereh. on jahue.ry 20th for the distribution f prizes to the Suday School .Scholars Who took part in the recent 'Tetnperanceo Oxamth� UMW, The dip sleet oh Teinpers lame caseation waS Abe. handled by Miss Sturray, The .churcifi'saYS: Ban+ date and the Mete eage.editetite, but king before 011111.6 Or estate said a Word ithetit ledlitatilig the children In a knowledge ot the evils ot hev.‘, erage alcohol the Women WOES Vales ering 'tho little folk into bands of Ilene to teach Novt1tein we, have • A Happy New Year To Everyone W. W. .TAMAN PHONE EXETER, ONT. an increasing- endeavour- to caery on temperance editeation -in Sunday. Schools, in public schools And In L. T. L.'s „Women obeyed thls 'de- mand long years before It was utters' ed by our leaders in publie life, Nevertheless we weleento •this inalid tor it shows that public elite - ion .te asking for Just Obi` Mild of 'pork. Year by year the amount of alcohol eonettinea in Ca•ada has in-. creased under 'the pteeent system -of Government, sale. At tile same tint° thete.hes been a marked increase of, Crime. Many are dskind Is: there not some connection between these teethe . At the sante tittle there has been a malted Itierease lit the triini- bet of deaths attributed to elsohol- isnt. ()Matto's. prit isepopulation Is steadily advancing far out of proper - thin teeny increase in the provincial population. Increased fecilities for the purchase of inteeientite uhdoubt- (idly has a. direct .conneetion with these facts,. The question has been Asked how meth aleohol eau n. Inetot driver safely take? Affording to the report of the British ;Medical Research Connell the gullet ity ef alcohol 'found In a pit of beer Or :sheet to eilinees 'Of Whiskey eetieeably affeete the ac teen of the .-eyeS 111 geeigiug the die - teed° of -et moving object With twice -that amoittit the effort is Ma& gitat- Sir and Iff seen within n, (twitter of an hoar after drinking the beer er whiskey und lasts ter an hear Mill; half, • DOROTHY E. "GRASSICK . ' A. L. C. -M. ' • (MinorGraduate) London. Englintili . • • - Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory, Studio N. Albert Street. /tint PM EXETER, ONTARIO. Instruction in -' BROKEN AUTOMOBILE GLASS :REPLACED QUICKLY WHILE YOU WAIT = G. A. IlAWICINS „phone 29‘. Exeter. out. . . , W. R. GOULDING • OrganiSt and Choirntastes, jameil St. Visited Cburtlit Instruction in Plano vocal Organ That, Supervisor of Mimic itt Seltonie Studio, Main st, Box 5t Phan* TEi ONT atres, T. Creech end !Item, and Mrs. .Tas.. Mcbonald spent Sunder tr,p London,. l,fr. Thos. TOP. .of Dana, alikate SeVeral slays Visiting with hie fatilee, Mr. Wire Tatip, arid sister Matz,