HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-01, Page 6fl? THURSDAY, JANUAW I, 1031 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 50 YgAFtS AGO On Thursday Mr. James Pichard purchased from Captain Howard six acres pf land near the fair grounds for $700.00. „ Readers of the Times cannot com­ plain that they have not received a fain quantity of news this week. Altogther with the two supplements we have given them eighty-four col­ umns. The supplement contains the repiy hy Sir Charles Tupper to Hon. Dinka. Mr. S. Buckingham, who has been confined to his hquse for two, weeks through illness is getting better 'and will probably soon be around again.; Mr, James Down, who was injur­ ed by a fall down cellar some three weeks ago is still unable to leave th© house, On Tuesday evening the following officers were installed. " “ Lodge I. o, Q. F.: Bro. p. G.; Bro. H. Powell, ft. Crocker, V. Gu Bro. Treas.; Br°, C. Senior, E. Spackman, P, S. The full returns for suited as follows: for ayth, 346; Schnarr, reeve, Baker 23,5; Ratz 359; for Councillors; Eilber 2i51; jjodgins 226; Lewis 117; Mitchell 156; Mor- lock 130'? Ryan 408. I The Christmas tr^e at Elimville on Christmas night was a grand success. The opening address was given by Maggie Hunter in good style. After the tree had been strip­ ped, Miss Annie Martin was asked; to take a chair in front,, when Rev. Mr. Kennedy read an address, it be­ ing accompanied for her by a vai- l uable present given for her services as organist. The presentation was made by Mr.. Fred Godbolt, supt. of the school. in Exeter1 G. Heaman, N. G.; Bro. W. Howard R. S.; Bro. Stgphen re­ Hee ve, Hog- 258; for deptuy Ratz 359; 2i51; 2S YEARS AGO Mr. Wm. -Sweet, Jr., contemplates moving to St. Catherines shortly. Mr. Geo, Horton has moved into the residence he recently purchased on Main Street. IMTs. Anna Heaman still remains very ill at the home of her son Mr. Geo. Heaman, Mr. J. G. Jones moved his house-, hold furniture here this week. He will occupy the rpsidence vacated' by Mr. E. J. Spackman. Mr. Thomas Brooks is suffering from an attack of lumbago but is still performing his duties on the express wagon. *Mr. John C- Gould, of London, is very ill of pneumonia. His father,. Mr. Rd. Gould was called to London on Friday as a consequence. Tha contest in the municipal ah action in Exeter proved te be a very interesting use. The following is the result: for reeve, Bobier, 160; Lev- ett, J34; Tayier. J?8; Councillors Anderson 145; Creech 216; Fuke, 309; _ .Heaman, 286; Treble 277; Trustees: Bawden, 319; Carling, 374; Frayhe, 333; Huston, 223. The municipal election in Step­ hen for the reeveship on Monday was one in which a great deal of interest was centered. The election went a tie and the Returning Officer Mr, Henry Eilber decided in favour of Mr. Willert. The candidates were Mr, Sam (SweitzeV, of iShipka, and Mr. Henry Willert of pashwobd both having 433 votes. Usborne election resulted as fol­ lows: Reeve, Jos. Hawkins, 1329; Councillors; R. Camm, Geo. Andrew J, Ballantyne, F. Ellerington. DASHWOOD SCHOOL REPORT Room III: Gertrude Hoffman 83, Stuart Wolfe 81, Earl Zimmer 7,5, Sr. IV: Phyllis Reid 84, Ella Eve- laud 80, Sheldon Wein 77, Thelma Fisher 74, Hubert Restemeyer 72, Howard Klump 7.0, Evangeline Held 69, Lorna Kraft 68, Ellaretta Wit-, mer 65, Milton Willert 65, Jr. IV: iMaida Wein 85, ■ The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The I The Times-Advocate Clubbing List Times-Advocate 92.00 per year; to United States $2.50. yr. and The Toronto Globe ................. and The Toronto Mail and Empire Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate and The Toronto Daily Star Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Ti mes-Advo cate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate and The London Free Press and The The The The London Advertiser .................. Farmers’ Sun ........................... Farmers’ Advocate ................... Family Herald & Weekly Starand and The Canadian Countryman ............ and The Saturday Night ........................... and The Saturday Evening Post ............ _____________ and The New Outlook ............................. Times-Advocate and The Canadian Homes and Gardens .. Times-Advocate and McLean’s Magazine ........................... Times-Advocate & Montreal Witness, renewal $3.85; new Times-Advocate and World Wide .... renewal $4.25; new Times-Advocate and Youth’s . Companion •......................... Times-Advocate and The Toronto Star Weekly,................ $6.75 $6.75 • $6.75 $6.75’ $6.75 $3.25 $3.00 $3.00* $2.95 $5.50 $4.75 $3190 $4.65 $3.75 $3.50 $3.85 $3.75 $6.75 CLUBBING RATES WITH OTHER PERIODICALS MAY BE ON APPLICATION HAD -■ RURDOCK J Bitters J Her Husband Had Boils on Arms and Legs For the past 51 years MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE T. MILBURN CO., Toronto, Ont. Limited Mrs. Russell'Laird, 454 Bagot St., Kingston, Ont., writes:—“About a year ago my husband was terribly bothered with boils on his arms and legs, and couldn’t get any thing to clear them up for any length of time. He went to doctors, and the medicine they gave him would make them dis­ appear, but they would come back in no time. One day I was reading the newspaper and saw where Burdock Blood Bitters was advertised for this trouble, so decided to try it, and he hadn’t taken much more than one bottle when his skin was all cleared up. We think B. B. B. is a wonderful medicine.” IS YEARS AGO Mr. Geo, Andrew this week pur­ chased. a lot off the Drew estate situated on Elizabeth street and ad­ joining property he recently pur­ chased from Mr. Wes. .Snell, Miss Murray, teacher, unfortun­ ately fell while in London during the holidays and broke her arm, Making it necessary to lay off work for a few weeks; Miss L. Martin is taking her work. Mr. ’Thos. Collingwood, who has for many years 'been engaged with Mr. E. A. Follick as baker has- re­ signed the position which has- since been filled by Mr. .Follick's son, Joe. Mr, Seth Brown has sold his 100 acre fram on the 3rd Con. of Step­ hen, one and. a quarter miles West of Centralia to M'r. Dan Hodgson, for the sum of $8400.00., Possession given on May 1st, At the regular meting of the Can­ adian Order of Foresters the.follow­ ing officers were elected for the en­ suing year: J. S. Harvey;-‘J. W. Powell, F. W. Gladman, R N. Rowe, Chas. Birney, Wm. Harding, Geo. Hill, F. J. Mallett, P. Hern, E. Row- cliffe. At a New Year’s gathering at Mr. John Keyes, William Street, Exeter four generations sat down to the New Year’s turkey. The great grand- mothsr, Mrs. Heaman at the ripe old age of 92 years, Mrs. Jqhn Keyes, her daughter, Mrs.* Ed’. McCormick, and granddaughter Miss Marjory McCormick. A large load of friends laden with baskets gave Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing a very pleasant surprise on Tuesday night .last by presenting themselves at their hojhe to spend the evening the1 occasion^beirig Mrs. Dearing’s birthday. Beta Fassold 83, WiUlani Ness 78, Albert Goet? 77, Harold Kratt 70, Margar­ et Restemeyer 65, Lome Genttner 61, Mervyn Willert 5'5., Carl Maier 48. Gordon Keeler, teacher. Room II; -Sr. Ill: Myrtle Gaiser Murray Wolfe, Paul Ness, Garnet Weiberg, Eileen Willert, Irma Wein, Alvin Willert', Edna Maier, Lloyd Guenther, Leonard Schepk. Jr. HI: Hilda Maier, Douglas Schenk, Ward Kraft, Herbert Ness, Roy Bender, Erma Keller. II: Dorothiwy Kraft, Harry Hay- ter, Jean Moulton, Donald Restemey­ er, Lome Kleinstivey, Lois ■ Gaiser, Leona Fisher and Harold Maier (the same) Fraces Eveland, Verda Rink­ er, Evelyn Baynham, .and Ross Guen­ ther. Jr, II; Willis Mclsaac. Miss M, Allemang, teacher ton, *John Westlake, Raymond Lay- ton, Alice Passmore, I cl.—-Marjorie McDougall, Aimer Passmore,, Gordon Stone. Primer—-Annie iMbrgan, Selves, Helen McQueen, ‘Margayet Glenn, Doreen Layton, J‘. McDougall Beginner, John Critz. No, on roll 24, average attendance I- Mary Thomson, teacher. Helen 23.08. S. of an (S. S, NQ. 11, BUACKBUSH The following is the report of S, 11, Blackbush for the month December, Pupils marked with asterick were absent fo? one or more examinations. iSr. IV—Hazel Disjardine 79, Ida Devijie 76, Clara Deitrich 75, H. Morenz 61, Jr, IV—Thelma Vincent 46, Eug­ ene Dietrich 44, Peai‘1 Wanner 39*. Sr. Ill—Ila Mason 57, Verna Dis- jardine ,54, Ernest French 53, Trellis Disjardine 53, Veya Adams 49. Jr, III—Merle Dietrich 68, Lester Disjardine 61, Louis Dietrich 53, R, Morenz 52, Ira Vincent 32*, Lorne Wanner 15*. II—Henry Ziler 67, 64, Eileen Disjardine 47, rich 4'2*, Lois Wanner Adams 16. I—'Sylvia Vincent 77, tnich 72, Viola Vincent' Wanner 18*. Primers—Evelyn French 88, Ver­ na Vincent 83, ;Tresia Ziler 80, Al- dene Preeter, 64. No. on roll 32/average attendance L. M. Snell, teacher Exeter ®une«-AMuiatt EaUblbhed 1871 and HIT « Published every^Thur*day moral*** at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2-00 p*r yaaft Iff advance. RATES—Farxi or Real Eitato Ml' sale 5 0 c. each insertion for tbf* four insertions, 25 c. each quent Insertion. Mlscellaneoua •»* tides, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, eff Found 10c. per line pf six word** Reading notices 10c, per U*ff> Card of Thanks 50c. Legal vertising 12 and 8c. per line, Iff Memorlam, with, one ver** lldff' extra verse* 25c. pack. Member of The Canadia* Wwklff Newspaper Association. tile School Reports S. S. NO. 2, IIAY The following is the report for fall term. Sr. iV—Irene Russell 7 6, Gladys O’Brien 65, Leon Triejbner 64. Jr. IV—Gorden Bieber 63, Gorden Triebner 50. Jr. Ill—Gerald Campbell 77, C. Bieber 67, Alvin Rowe 65, Roy Cam­ bell 63„ Allen Goijld 59, Stuart' Triebner 59. ■ II—Verda Bieber 75, Milford Prouty 73, John Keyes 69, I—Bobbie Keyes 69,' Lloyd’ Stan- lake 48. • t. Sr. Pr. Lloyd Campbell. Jr. Pr.— Teddy Prouty, Doreen Campbell, Donald Case, Jean Trieb- ner, Melvin Greb, 'Helen Rowe. Perfect Attendance—Gerald Cam­ pbell, Allen Gould, Lloyd Stanlake, Lloyd' Campbell. Ruby Munson, > ' teacher' Room I: Sr. I; Jean Held 97, M. Wein 96, Karen Pederson 9'5, Ruth Willert 95, Mary (Mbulton S9, Carl Wein 85, Milford, Mason 85, Jack McLachlen 80, Helen Baynham 79, George Mathers 76, Lester Schenk 7.5, Walter Ness 56. Pr,: Doris Willert 95, Kenneth Kraft 95, Dorothy Baynham 93, J. Gaiser; 92, Sigrid Pederson 91, Ray Guenther 88, Evelyn McLachlen 79, Reta Mathers 76, Hazel Schenk 51. No. on roll 21, average attend­ ance ,20-25. Alice Hoffman, teacher, Lome peVine Rita 38*, Diet- Elva Earl 61, Die- Alvin 29. WHALEN USBORNE report for the month 78,. Rcff REPORT OF S. S. NO 5, Tlie following is the S. S. No. 5, Usborne for of December. ■Sr. IV: Belva Fisher Frayne 75.3, Earl Heywood 70.8, J. Gregus 56, Dalton Heywood 53.4. Sr. Ill: Ray Perkins 75, Earl Frayne' 6.5.1, Ivan Webber 61.1, O. Webber 5 8.4, Eldon Heywood 53.3. Jr. Ill: Ivan Perkins 78.1, Leland Webber 78.1, Paul Gregus 73.6, F. Fisher 64, Helen Westcott. 54.6 Verne Heywood 52.8, Jack Frayne 48.8. II Cl.: Gordon Kleindfeldt 84, Stanley Frayne 69.2-, Ivan Fisher 6 6 ,>5. I Cl.: Lloyd Webber 69, .Shirley Gregus 60, Roy Heywood 60. Pr. Pauline Godbolt'. Number on roll 24, average atten­ dance 22.^, Alvin R. Dodds, teacher. s. S. No. 12, USBORNE The following is the scohol report for S. S. No. 12, Usborne for the months’...of November and ’ December Pupils whose names‘' lire ’’marked' with an asterick, were absent for one or more of the examinations. Sr. IV—Mary Morley * 78, Gladys Squire 65, Lloyd Dobbs 5 6. Jr. IV—'Dorothy Hazelwood Eric Brown 61, Mabel Elliott ,Ruth Hodgson 60. Sr. Ill—'Margaret Hern 78, Russ­ ell Morley 7'1, Merle Squire 66, Vel­ ma Squire 65, Harry Dobbs 5 6. Jr. Ill—Jean Morley 75, Arksey 67, David Hodgson Jones 39, Sr. Ill—Gerald Hern 68, ine Jones 30. First Class—Jean Hodgson §1, Maida Ogden 70, Lorraine Jones 35.' Pr i mer—N 0 rm an ■Hazelwood, Joe Squire, Bobby Jones. M. Sadler, teacher. Miss Ella Sanders has returned to M'r. Tom Gunnings’s having spent a few days with her parents in Exeter. Miss Alice Passmore, of Thames Road, is spending ,a few days with her grandmother Mrs. A. Gunning. Miss Evelyn Parkinson is spend­ ing a few weeks with her aunt Mrs. J. Stevenson of Thorndale. Miss Edna. Squire has returned to her home after spending several weeks With her aunt Mrs. N. Squire, of Farqphar. f Miss Florence Pollen, (nurse-in­ training) at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent a few days at her home here, .Miiss Bessie Morley is attending Mrs. Ed. French, who had th£ mis­ fortune to break her arm while re­ turning from the Christmas concert given at the School House. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden and family returned home Saturday ev­ ening from Wingham where ”they spent Christmas. t Mr. and Mi’S- Nat Ogden, of Exe­ ter, spent Christmas with Mr. and MVs. F.-C. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson, of Lu- c'an and Mr. and'Mrs. Geo. Mardlin of London Township, spent Christ- mks'- with.Mr...-and Mrs. G. Millson. 85, 60, took May Mrs. Professional Card* ..... . . •' GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investment* Mb4b» Insurance Safe-Deposit vault for uae •( off'' Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENBJUUE CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Mala EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Office ‘opposite' new Post Offle* • Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 34w House S4J Office closed every Wednesday (all day) until further notice. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.DJ5.fD.DJL DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed. Wednesday Afternoon Dr. D. A. ANDERSON DENTIST >fr formerly of Exeter has located at 205 Wortley Road, London, where he will practice Dentistry Phone: Metcalf 4290 the bulk of the market. —Photo by C.N.R. Andrew 49,* G. Joffer- Ogden Morley 81 Dobbs 44, 88, Roy , B. *B. .and Mrs-. Hullett, at the by "Rev. Mr. ceremony the A quiet but pretty wedding place recently of M'iss ’ Vera Riley, youngest' daughter of .Riley and the late Charles Riley of Tuckersmith, to Mr. John F. fjessle- wood eldest son of Mi’ John Hesselwood, of Manse, Egmondville Malcolm. After the happy couple returned to the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Bert Hog­ garth, where a sumptuouos wedding supper was served. The happy couple­ will reside in Hullett'. " DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Vetertaa*Y College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TGI Corner ot Main and Ann 'Street* Office in C. B. Snell's Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD Into the romantic West Indies where once swash­ buckling pirates worked a lucrative, if bloodthirsty, trade goes U hew ploheer of commerce. White bulled steamers of the Canadian National Steam-' ships’ West^ Indies fleet Carry hundreds of passen­ gers every Winter into these enchanted isles, now but a few days! reach from Canada. These yacht­ like vessels promote a growing trade with the West Indies and a'rd especially built for carrying back tropical fruits. 11 TheV take to the Indies flour, but-’ tet, ChCese, rubber goddS and other commodities in which Canada ndw enjoys Brooks, Clare Lamphier, Cecil FORCED TO RETIRE WINCHELSEA SENIOR ROOM Report of ’Winchelsea Senior Room for the months of Novemlber and December. Pupils were examin­ ed in ’all subjects. V—Josephine , M'cElrea 86, Clar­ ence -Prance 82, Lome Elford 82, Vinetta. Routley 80, iMaizie O’Reilly SO, Carman Anderson 80, Elsie Hey­ wood 79, Greta Fletcher 79, Russell Mills 7 8, Olive Johns 77, Lloyd Bell 74, Ralph Cornish 7'3 71, Philip Hern 66, 58. Sr. IV—Gertrude Routley 82, Laura Johns 75, Ronald Elford 71, Gordon Brooks 71. Jr. IV—Gladys Johns 79,. Kenneth Hem 72. Sr. Ill—Lillian Murch S3, Dor­ othy Johns 80, Earl Coultis 76, M. Miners 7'5, Alma Gower 72, Eula Herdman 67, Irwin O’Reilly 61, * Thelma O’Reilly 59, Ethel * Coward 5 8, * Gordon Prance 53. No. ’’on roll 33, average atten­ dance 31. * denotes those who fail- L. McCulloch, teacher , Lloyd Hern Bessie Austin Camm 86, Ella Ford S2, Ruby S. S. NO. .10, USBORNE The folowing is the school report for S. S. No. 10, Usbrone for\ the months of November an’d December. The names are in order of merit. ‘Sr. IV—Harry Stone 58. Jr. IV—Annie McLean, Melvin Glanville, Jeanette Stone, Clara Glanville Jr. Ill—Fred* Selves, Letha Gian- rille, Gerald Glenn, Lome Passmore II C.—Helen Morgan, Dennis Lay- TAR.-ARCH HUTCHINSON, D. D. S., says he regards new Sargon as real triumph of Science. •X ___CHIROPRACTIO, OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO-THERAPY & Ul/ItUb* VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETEK ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD ' FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and SatlsfacffaM Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 189 J. 1prac- Seattle, a large ■account “Up to a few years ago ticed my profession inj Washington whore I had and lucrative practice. On of poor health I was forced, to retire. , “For four years my strength and vitality declined steadily. I trav­ elled from place to place in search, of health hut Worse. “The iSargon pletely restored way it restored my energy and. vit­ ality is nothing’short of remarkable I feel better than for twenty years and attribute my present good health to this great medicine. I regard it as a real triumph of science. Dr. Hutchinson now resides Palo Alto, California. Sold by Wesley S. Howey. OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jone*’ tion School. Special course tateff in Registered Live Stock (all breeds^' Merchandise, - Real Estate, Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping wJUk prevailing prices. Satisfaction M* sured, write -Oscar Klopp, Zurfclta or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. continually Treatment my health. grew ooan- The at CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Tor.Jr O.L.S., Registered Professional En­ gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate- Member Engineering Institute at Canada, Office, Seaforth, Ontario^ Have you renewed your subscript tion to the Exoter Times-Advocate*’