HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-01, Page 5THE EXETERTIMES-ADVOCATE rM M| TiqRSPAY . J4 WWff Ci ©i ©cmmerce ONTARIO . Qttets 'you a practical Business Training that has made it possible for our scores of students to pbtaitf and hold positions demandng a high standard of offiency* ; ' COURSES iStenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacherls Course and Special Courses arranged. You .cannot attend a better School. IVHY -W ATTEND THIS? WINTER TERM?. Regins Monday, January J5, 1931, * t ■t; ll. A. Stone, 4 Com. Specialist, Vice-Pfin., Phone 1Q8 For particulars write B, F. Ward, B.A. Principal OR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D, S, HENSAIiL, ONT- Telephone 106 Main Street the the WftS HENSALL Miss Nellie Carmichael spent Mon­ day in London. Mr. Wm. Consitt visited in Sea-, forth on Monday. Miss Gladys Luker was a recent visitor in- Stratford. Mr. Maurice Boa, of Windsor, is •visiting friends in town. » Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis, visited' ©ver Christmas in Exeter. ' Miss' M. Ortweih of Toronto, .spent ‘Christmas at her home. here. Mr. Laird Joynt of Toronto, -spent the holidays at his-home here. Miss. Victoria Bolton is. spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. Lee Hedden, of Ingersoll, spent the week-end -with friends here. Mr. Lester Fisher is visiting his ©arents Mr. and Mrs. Jomu Fisher. New Year’s Services will be held in the United church on Sunday next. •Miss Thelma Hudson, of ’London, ©pent the holiday at fieT home here. Mr. Murray Campbell is spending the holidays at -his home in Strat­ ford.. . n Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, spent the ^holidays at her home iiere. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin visit­ ed for a few days with friends in London. t,M.iss Viola'. Morrison, of Cinton, is visiting at the home of Mr. Robert 'Morrison. Miss Elva Bolton, of Kitchener, js visiting over the holidays at her home here. Mr. Donald-Hoggarth, of London,’ Is visiting for a few days at his Lome here/ Mr. Donald McKinnon, of London, is visiting for d .-few days with friends here. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Oritwein/ of De­ troit, visited over the holidays with friends here. Mr. Wm. McMattin, .)rof Galt, Is ■visiting at ‘the home of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMartin. Miss Jean Maxwell, of Whitby, vis­ ited" overcthe holiday with her aunt Mr?. (Dr.) Peck. Mr. Roy Smale, of Windsor, is visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs... George .Smale. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott, of Tor­ onto, were holiday visitors with and Mrs-, G. C. Petty. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rennie, Seaforth, spent the holiday at home of Mr. Wm. Dougall. ' Miss Alice Coleman, of Lucan, is visiting for a few days at the home iof Mr. and Mrs. E* Drummond. Mr. Milton Ortwein and son, Loyd of Detroit spent the holidays, at the li-ome of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miss Alice Dougall, of visited over the week-end ■^parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. The., many friends of Miss Ruby iMcLafeii. are sorry to hear she is ■confined to her room through 'ill- aiess. ‘ Mr. Thos. -Drummond and Miss Margaret Drumhiohd are visiting at the home of «Mr. and Mrs. E. Drum- vnond. Mr. Wm. Simpson accompanied by ids sister 'Miss Mae Simpson are vis­ iting over the holidays1. Wth relatives in town. Mirs. John Murdock spent a few •clays visiting at’ the home of hei\ jsiste^-r rMrs. John H. Petty, west of the yiUage.. . Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Barbour, ,of 'St. HyaMnth, Que., were holiday vis­ itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ■ Hogg'arlth, Messrs. Alex Neeb, of Stephen, 3Heiiry Nbeb and ReeVe Rader of Hay •were in town Monday attending aiomliiation meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gram, Mr Ifjram and Miss Ada Gram spent holiday at the home of their parents Mr*, and Mrs. Geo. Gram. Mr* Jas. BengOugh was taken to lhe Clinton Hospital where he un­ derwent' an operation' for appendi­ citis and is now doing as well as can l»e expected. While Miss Margaret Hopkirk whs •jout talcing a walk on Monday even- iiigi dhe had the misfortune to slip and break her ankle. She was tak­ en to-the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth for 'treatment. * The services at the United church ■were largely attended on Sunday of last week. 'The pastor Rev, Arthur Sinclair delivered very inspiring ser- wens at both services. In the morn­ ing a quartelto was rendered by Mrs,, Lee Heddetir" Mrs. Geo* .Messrs. W, 0. Goodwin Passmore, The Sacrament of Lord’s Snipper was observed at morning service. ArrnstrOJig-Buclianan A quiet but pretty wedding solemnized at high noon on Satur­ day at the United church manse when Miss Jessie' Buchanan daughter Of- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Buchanan, of Hensall was united in marriage to Mr. Wm, Armstrong, son ,of Mr. Wm. Armstrong, of Hay Township and Rev. A. Sinclair officiating, The bride was becomingly attired in brown georgette with black seal oOat a,nd hat. to match. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was serv­ ed at the bride’s home. Following a wedding trip to Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong will take up their resi­ dence on the groom’s farm south­ west of Hensall. Mrs, Wm. Buchanan received the sad news, last week of the death of her son William, of, Dauphin, Man. Mr. Buchanan was sick only a few days and passed away on Friday last and will he-well.remembered by the people of Hensall, having spent his boyhood -days here and- having spent several winters heje. He leaves to mourn his loss his mother, Mrs. W. Buchanan, of Hensall; two ,sons Clifford, of Dauphin and Howard, of Chicago; two daughters, Mrs. Gor­ don Cox, of Dauphin and Miss' Irene, of Winnipeg "and three sisters Mrs. James Hope, of Vancouver, Mrs, Ag­ nes -McDonnel, of Hensall and Miss .Margaret, of Toronto and five brothers, Robert, of Alaska; David, ■of California; jack, of Guelph Fred and Peter, of Toronto. and Mr of the Ortwein. Windsor, with her Dougall. the P. the Hess. audf and Johli held ROibert James Laird Soldan. Nomination Meeting ■ A nomination meeting was in the Town Hall on Monday even­ ing from 7-8 o'clock to nominate candidates to .fill thq offices of Reeve, Councillors, public Utilities, High School Trustees with Jas. A. Paterson, village, clerk, as presiding dffiCer,: • ■, ' At the close’ of ’ the; nomination those nominated were as follows; Reeve; Robert Higgins, Owen Gie- ger, John W. Ortwejn, Geo. C. Pet­ ty, Laird Mickle, Tlios. Welsh. Council—-Wm. Consitt’, Cameron, David Roibertson, gangster, Walter .Spencer, Mickle, W. O. Goodwin. School Trustees—H. C. W. O. Goodwin, Alfred Clark Pubic Utilities—-Thos. Welsh, L. Mickle, Alfred Clark. As there was just enough nomin­ ated to fill the position of school trustees Jhose nominated were de­ clared" elected by acclamation. The usual after' meeting was then held with Clerk Patterson as chairman and- the different nominees were called' to the platform. Mr. A. L* Case, Sec’y-Treas of school board, gave a review of the work done by the school’ this last year and also gave the financial statement hav­ ing a surplus of< expenditures. Reeve ^Higgins' and gave a review by the County . Council during the year and also of the Town and Hy­ dro Board and went extensively in the village finances and the village debt. At 'the close of the Reeve’s address, Councillors, .Petty, Consitt, Drtwein and Cameron.spoke and al­ so Mr. Geiger, a nominee for the . reeveship. There was a slight criticism of the work don.e by the council but was mild-compared -with some years showing that -the people were very well satisfied with 1930 council. At the close of dress Reeve Higgis and answered all tvely. The reeve was in great form and made a splendid reply, creating a Very favqurafoe impression oh his audience. The election, if any Will take place On Monday, January 5th. At nine o’clock on Tuesday even­ ting Owen Geiger and John W. Ort- wein- had qualified for the reeveship. For the Council, Laird Mickle, Wm. Consitt, Robert Cameron, gangster, Walter Spencer; Geo. Petty and David Robinson. Fov the School Board, Harry daii, W/«O» Goodwin and Clark. . -- Public Utilities, Thos, ■ Welsh The School Board Trustees elected by acclamation and also Welsh for the .Pitblic Utilities, election for reeve and council lots will be held next Monday. Reeve Hi^glnsMld not qualify as he promis­ ed'the council, two months ago that any of them wished to step up lie would not oppose them and Council­ lor i____i . ‘ Reeve’s chair. $350.00 over the was then called of tile Work done the work of the Giegier’s ad- again called Mr, was criticisms affect'­ Jus. C. Sol- Alfred oepitom Meeting Of the Adult Rible Class The annual .meeting of the Adult Bible Class of the United Church was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Michael. Flnkbeiner, December 29, 1930 with Mrs. jas. Mawhinney as chairman, The meeting opened with singing and prayer after which the election of officers took place which resulted as follows? President i Mrs, R. Hilly 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. A.I King; ?d VJce-pres., Mrs. Geo. Mu- whinney; Sec’y.-Treas., Mrs. A- Rak* er; Assist, Sec’y,, Mrs. J. Mawhin* ney; Mrs. B. Kestle, Mrs. H. Mitchell and jldrS. !/**»* "TA i'X. r r-i* , .X rx r. 1 /Nr,**.* Mrs,’ Mrs, ney;’ Social Com. Mrs. R, Taylor, Mrs, F, W. Clarke, Mrs. T- Yearlpy, Miss Mary Cham- bers; teacher, Mrs. Isaac Hill; Assijs-» tant’ teacher, Miss P. Love, Mrs. F, W. Clark and Mr, J< Mawhlnney. AL ter the election a gliort program was rendered and tl^e highly esteemed J’eaclier Mrs, Hill was presented with a, beautiful silk 'bed spread as a slight token of appreciation olt her services in the past. Although taken completely by surprise ' Mrs. ’ Hill made a fitting reply thanking the class for the gift. Lunch was then served and a social hour spent. Af­ ter thanking Mr- and Mr§. Finkbein- er for their hospitality the meeting was brought to a close. The regular meeting of the W.M,. S. of the United Church will be held pn Friday at 2,30 p.ni, ’A good at­ tendance is requested as this is the last' meeting of the year. Mr, and Mrs. Frencli, of Windsor, spent Christmas with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Oestricher, Misses Ileen, Thelma and Mar­ guerite Lamport, of Detroit, visited, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamport over the Christmas holiday. Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Clark and Laura Clark were in Detroit, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark for over Christmas. •Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and Helen spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. 'L. Hey and Freder­ ick spent Christmas in St. Marys. The following spent Christmas at their respective homes;: ’Miss Esther Eillber, Detroit; Miss Helen Mclsaac, of London and LeSter Mclsaac, of De­ troit; Mr. Milton Finkbeiner, Ham­ ilton; Mr. Royal Haist, Chicago, Mr. Elgin Woodall, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sparling and son, ofy Walkerton visited with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and (Mrs. John F. Smith over the holiday. • ’ Miss E. Grenzebacli, of Kitchener, spent Christmas with Rev. > and Mrs. W. M. Sippell. Mr. and "Mrs. G. E. Wenzel and Miss Mary Yotihg 'were in Lufeart on ' Christmas Day A large number of electors attend­ ed the nomination held at the town­ ship hall on Monday. Mr. Earl Webb, of Monroe, Micli.'; called on his. sister Mrs. Walter Mc­ Pherson on Saturday. ■ Mr. Melvin Wein, of Flint', Mich., 'has returned after ispend'ing his Christmas holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wein. Mr. Royal Haist, from Chicago, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist. Mr. Melvin Edwards spent Christ­ mas with his friend, Mr. Garnet' Wil­ son at Elimville. Crecliton United Church The annual meeting of the Board Management of the United Sun­ day School was held on December 23rd with Rev. Hagelstein presid­ ing. Interesting reports were given by the various classes and commit­ tees also a report by the treasurer, Ed. Chambers showed the schooT had had a very successful, financial year: The results of the*'election • are as follows: Supt., Jas. Mawliinney; As­ sistant, Supts. Woodall; Rec. thick; Envelope Sec. Assist. Sec., ■ I. Hirtzel Look-out Coni,, Mrs, ’J, Lovio* R, Taylor; Devotional Com., IM, Finkbeiper, Mrs. Jones, F. W. Clark, Mr, Geo. Mawhin- , Mrs, R. Swartz, chain red A WHITE storesI 1 wf VV V W * * ■ ■ Im WE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE DURING 1930 AND WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO GIVE YOU QUALITY, SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THROUGH 1931. TRY OUR GOOD FRESH OYSTERS (Select.) Gold Medal PEANUT BUTTER Per lb. 20c. 5 Fancy Queen OLIVES Pint bottle 25c. S NEW DATES S 3 pounds for 25c. ■s Gold Medal s MINCEMEAT SES 2 pounds for 35c. GROWN BRAND SYRUP 5 pound tin 33c. fflW of Chambers, Jos. Mr. T. Treve- R, Finkbeiner; ;■ Treas., Ea, Coombes; Book Librarian, Ed. Lam­ port; Paper Librarian, Edna Beaver; Asst. Paper Librarian, Alma Law- son; Musical ' Supervisor, Hazel Woodall; Cradle Roll Sec., Mrs. I. Hill; Con. Missionary Com., Mrs. Trevethick; Con. Temperance Com., Herb Mitchell; Con. Flower Com., G. MaWhinhey; teachers, Mrs. B. Kestle, assts;, Clara Lewis, Melvin Lamport, Jos. Woodall, Helen Lovie asst., Mrs. A. King; Mr. Herib Mitchell classes yet to appoint teachers officers, *.*,....1,— — /M — Geo Ed. See. M. Finklbeiner; aSSt., The four organized and andAuditors are Rd. Hill Mawliinney. CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Isaac Sims and fam- With Mrs. son the G. Mr fly, of Exeter, spent Christmas the former’s parents Mr. and Jacob Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and- Wilmer spent Christmas with former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wein near Slrarori. Mr*. Herb Truemher of Flint, Miclt. is visiting with , his father Mr. Dan Truemner and sister --Mrs, Aaron Wein. . Miss Lottie Waghorn, of London, spent Sunday with het parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waghorn. Miss,Jean Baynham spent Christ­ mas week- holidaying* with her 'aunt and uncle- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker u *>.*>.« ...... x,*,**— near Grand-Bend. - Or twain is inspiring for the • Mr, and Mrs. Bill Baker and fam­ ily, of Grand Bend, spent Friday are Mr. The Use Old Hickory SMOKED SALT for curing meats FRY'S COCOA Per tin 23c* BLUE RIBBON MATCHES 3 for 25c. GOOD QUALITY PRUNES 2 pounds for 10c. BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tin» for 25c. - PURE CLOVER HONEY No. 5 tin 49c. No. 10 tin 98c. De Luxe JELLY' POWDERS 5 for 25c. Good Quality NO. 4, PEAS 3 tins for 23c. BLUE ROSE RICE 3 pounds for 23c. Goocl Quality TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls for 23c/ FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES—GRAPES, ORANGES ALL SIZES, LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT, BANANAS, CRANBERRIES, LETTUCE, ETC. CELERY; RADISHES, TURNIPS, CARROTS, PARSNIPS, POTATOES, HARVEY & HARVEY EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 “QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE” We Deliver muIII III lir? with Mr. and' Mrs. gam Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and son Jack, of Exeter, and- Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Centralia, spent Christ­ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson An­ derson. ■ Mr, and Mrs. Roland Mot? and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. Jake Mesener near Dashwood. -Mr. and Mrs. Heatherley and their daughter Thelma - and Mrs. Frank Scheming, all of London, spent the Christmas holiday with their parents Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Motz. 1 -Mrs. Hannah Hoffman and son Chas, and Miss Evelyn Heaman vis­ ited Christmas d'ay with Miss Verda Hoffman in Kerwood. ; Mr. John ^Appleton and Mrs. John ■Mathers spent Christmas with rela­ tives near Parkhill. . ? Mr. David Webb and two daugh­ ters of Grand Bend spent Christmas With Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPher­ son, i | Mr. John Mason and Mr. George Thompson, of Shipka, spent' Christ­ mas with Mr. and Mrs.* Walter Mc­ Pherson. ; Mr, Mike Merner is1 visiting with liis wife and son in Stratford. Mr. and Sirs. Stuart Kuhn, of Kit­ chener spent Christinas with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. , Mr. and Mrs. Sturgeon and family *of. Bayfield spent Christmas with Mrs. Sturgeon’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Merner. ' Mr. Gardiner, of near Phrkhill is visiting his sister Mrs. John Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schenk and family of Mount' Carmel, spent Sun­ day-with Mrs. Schenk’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff. 1 DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash- wood, first three daya of week and at office over the PoBt Office, In Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. I. Weltin spent Christmas With his daughter in Kitchener. . Mr. Herb Gaiser, of Detroit, is spending the holidays with his par­ ents. . Miss ’Nelda Fassold, of London, spent Christmas at her home here. Miss Rose Guenther and friend, of Windsor spent Christmas with her paren ts. Miss Verna Kraft, of London, and Miss Elda Kraft,-of Thedford, spent the lioilidays with their mother, Mrs. T, Kraft. Miss Theda Hayter, of Windsor, is visiting with her . parents. Miss Cuninglham and friend Miss Andrews, of Kitchener, spent Christ­ mas with the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morenz. Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble and fam­ ily of Sarnia spent Christmas with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Finkbein- er. Mr. Leonard Birk, of Guelph, is spending the holidays at his home here. / Mr. Wm. Musser, of Detroit, is Spending the holidays with his fam­ ily, Mr. and. Mrs, Ezra Bender, of Biytli, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. V. Schatz. Dr. T. CatL of Regina, is spending the holidays with Mrs. Catt\ and other relatives. Miss Marie Athens, of Stratford, Is the guest of Miss Ruth Kleinstiver Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchen­ er, spent Christmas with her par­ ents. ’’ Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Christ­ mas- with relatives in iiondoii. Mr. and Mrs. W. Schultz, of Wit, scent a few days with Mr. Mrs, LPtiis Rader* De­ an d Mrs. Herb Wein is on the sick list. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. A. Tieman who has been in the hnspital for several weeks has returned home and we are pleased to say much improved. Mr, (. Tieman, of Hamilton, spent Christmas with hi& parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Tieman, Miss Marie Allemang is spending her holidays in her home in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and family of Po.-t Frank spent Christmas with- Mr. Jonas Hartleib. Misses Gladys and Ruth Weber, of London, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber. 'Mr. Mark Brokenshire, of Port Frank was a Sunday visitor in town. Miss Margaret Held who is attend­ ing Normal School in Stratford is spenling her holidays at her home here. Mr. Fred Schlunt received the sad news of the death of his brother1 Charles who was killed ih dn auto­ mobile accident in Pontiac, Mich., on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Nadiger and daughter, Zeta spent' Monday in London. The opening ame of the newly or- • ganged hockey league was played her on Monday evening! between C'reliton and Dashwood. In spite of the stormy weather a large crowd of spectators «witnessed the game. The Dashwood band provided music between periods which was much appreciated. On Friday evening ano:her game will be played on the local rink. We hope a goodly num­ ber Of fans will turn out and the boys. St, Paul’s Anglican Sunday School held their Christmas tree and concert in the basement of the church ton Monday evening December 19th with a large attendance. There was a good program of songs, dia­ logues and recitations. Rev. (Mr, Bulteel acted as chairman. After the program Santa Claus distributed a lot of nice presents from the tree and every one went home happy. IThe annual concert and Christmas' tree of the United Church Sunday School was held, in Aberdeen Hall on Tuesday night. The hall was well filled. Rev. T. A. Bell acted as chairman and the following pro­ gram was given: opening chorus by the school; recitation, Roxie Dotipe; play, “Santa Claus & Co., Ltd.’’; a chorus by Juniors of S. S.; dialogue, “Christmas with the Ruggles”; re­ citations, Elaine Denham; solo, Mrs. Emerson Gunning; drill, Wooden Soldiers; monologue, Verna Kennedy dialogue, Primatuge Proposal; solo, Harold'. Tuft; dialogue, “Reading Uncle Joe’s Will”; drill by girls, 'Mu the good old summer time”; Santa niniis 'Glaus. the are help KIRKTON * .Mr. Clifford Brown is home from the West visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. Mrs. Joseph Doupe is visiting her daughter in Owen Sound. Mr. Ernie Gunning, of Flint, Mich, spent a few days with his brother Mr. Emerson Gunning. Mrs. John Gilfillian, of St. Marys, is. visitlug her son Wm. Gilfillian. 'Messrs, Milton Gregory and Harry Greasoh motbred to Ottawa to see, Harry Gregory who is ill in the hos­ pital there. ‘We are sorry to hear of the illness of Dr. -Jose and hope for him a very speedy recovery. Among those who spent the holi­ days here were Hester Hannah and Harold Tuf'ts, of Toronto; Helen Bre- .tliour and Mildred Doupe, of Lon­ don and Mary Bibiby from Av-onton. Mr. and Mrs. Woodley front -Mit­ chell, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald spent the Christmas holiday at Owen Sound. Mr. Wm. Gardiner is home from the West visiting his mother M'rs. J. C. Gardiner. ( The .beautiful weather roads on Christmas gave a chance to motor and day with their friends. Mr. and, Mrs. Ira Marshall family tv ent to Granton, Mr, Mrs. Roy Francis to Staffa; Mr Mrs. Amos Doupe and william to Gt. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Shier and Lloyd to Stratford. On Friday the day after Christmas .Mi”. Arnos Doupe had the misfortune to have his right shoulder dislocated and one rib fractured. He Was in the act of letting his cattle out for water when one of them knocked Bini in the mhiiger. We hope to see him’around again soon, While drawing straw from a stack on Richard Selves farm at Mt. Flea- sent last week, tvilbuv Williams truck got on fire and before it could be removed the back end was burned off. The stack was also destroyed. STAFFA Rev. and Mrs. Stewart spent Christmas holiday in Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller spending a few days in Stratford Miss Cooper, of Seaforth, is visit­ ing her sister. Mrs. F. A. Hamiby. ' Helen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker is ill with pleuro­ pneumonia, but is improving. Miss Jean Tuffin is visiting her cousin Miss Laurena SiuhT in Strat­ ford. Those spending Christmas- at their respective homes over the holiday were: Miss Anne Speare, Toronto; Messrs. Clarence Norris, Toronto; Howarjl Leary,'• London and Harold O’Brien, Hamilton. A meeting for the purpose of nom­ inating a reeve and council for 1931, was held in the Township hall on Monday afternoon, with the largest attendance for a great many years. Three names appearing , on the nomination papers for reeve, and fifteen names for councillors. Far reeve, the present incumbent, Joseph Nagle also Wm. Morris and James Malcolm. (For councillors, Martin Feeney, Robt. Burchill GeO. Vivian, and John Hackney all memibers of last year’s council with Tom Kay, Frank Allen and Geo. Lannin also qualitfying. With a slate of this quality the township should be well governed for next year. ELIMVILLE Joseph Dobbs, and good the people spend the and and’ and Mr spent Christmas with Sid, Wilson. Mr. Garnet Wilson in London with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Ogden. Miss Jean Ogden, of London, is spending a few days with her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wilson. Mr. Gordon Balihgall, of London* is holidaying for a few days- With his friends, Mr. Garnet Wilson. of Saintsibury, his sister, Mrs* visited 'Sunday 4’ LUCAN and Mrs. J. B. Armitage andMr daughter Myrtle spent Christmas in London with Mrs. Armitage’s broth­ er, Mr. Jas. Ogden. Mr. Jack O. Armitage, of Allan- dale is spending the holidays with liis parents, Mr. ad Mrs. J. B..Arm* Itago. Mr, Jack Armitage spent Christ* mas with his cousins Aleatha and Jean Ogden at* London.