HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-01, Page 4* / ^nUR^PAY, JANVARY Ml
, Nominations
the exetertimes-advocate
{'Continued from page one)
David RoiveUtt’o
Rowcliffe stated that he
•to give the municipality
over from last year. He would ufce
to see the council go hack by acclam
test service he knew and whs.
ashamed of the work the council
idone. Some accused the council of
^pending too much money. One of
<he rate payers stated that they were
trying to fix up the dump ground
tike a garden. The. dump ground
■Jbrns been an eye-sore and an effort
"trad been, made it fix it up, A fence
jjtpr perhaps some fast growing trees
4iad been discussed but for the. pres
ent the ground had only been levell-
W, D. Sanders
Mr, ganders stated1 that, jt was a
^pleasure to see so many of the rate
{payers. out to take an interest in
<hejr affairs. He stated that after
-listening to the previous speakers
one could carry away very little in
formation. One of the speakers had
stated that provision had been made
for payment of the survey, With a
deficit of $918 he could not see
fvhere the provision had been made,
to 1928 the council had a balance of
1559.74 on a 40 mill rate and spent
tiearly $1000 more on roads and
liridges than the present council has'
on a 44 mill rate with an increased
Mr. Sanders referred to an erron
eous statement'. .Some one had ask
ed what had he ever done for the
town. He ' said he was one of the
«ix to own the Canning Factory at
one time and every cent of his mon
ey was still there. The factory paid
out from 50 to 60 thousand dollars
tp farmers and for labor. He doubt
ed if the whole council had as. much
invested and paid out more money
to the citizens. Mr. Sanders had been
In municipal life for thirteen years
and had twenty-four years exper
ience in municipal law. He wanted
Ito know if there was a business man
in Exeter who would dispense with
true and tried clerks for inexper
ienced help. It was not good busi
ness to pick men off the street pro
miscuously to spend fifty or sixty
thousand dollars. Mr. Sanders said
tie was here for the towns inter
ests and not his own pleasure.. Last
year the council was competely or-
iganized but that he was not a party
to any clique. He referred to a cir
cular that had been distributed on a
Saturday preceding the last election
which was erroneous and misleading.'
During his last year in office he had
vacated the ‘chair in- protest to an
expenditure of $3000 and if could
•not be stated that he was a party
to it.
Mr. Sanders also stated that the
^business men of Exeter are in a
^precarious position to-day because of
sa letter that had been sent out to a
certain club. Any citizen of Exeter
can become a member of a club and
that club can deliver coal to the
member in Exeter. The by-law was
aiot worth the paper it was written
iM'r. Sanders also criticized the
•council for undertaking to start dig
ging the ditch on Andrew Street in
February because any man should
Lave known that it wras very difficult
job. It must have cost the ratepay
ers three . of four times what' it
ehould. He also criticized the man
ner in which James Street was fixed
up stating that they had removed
■the foundation of the .road without
^removing the cause. What the
street needed was a drain.
In speaking of the survey Mr.
Sanders stated that we haven’t -been
told what jt is going to cost,
■understood that it
cost between $1800 and $2000.
-St cost $1500 it would be enormous.
The survey had not been compul
sory. It had stood the test for 60
years and there had been no com
plaint from within'the municipality,
to reply to Mr. Sanders Mr. Francis
liad the clerk read a letter from the
Inspector of registrar offices order
ing that a survey be made. They
liad made arrangements with the .en
gineer and he had made the survey
In his spare time and in that way the
■cost woud be less to, the town.
Mr. Sanders spoke of the Christ
ianas tree. He said the council had
led the citizens to- believe that'they
were spending their entire salary
of $175. They had boughtx the
cheapest candy costing from 21 to
3^c. a bag and he would leave it to
Ahe ratepayers to guess the purpose,
Mr. Sanders also took a rap at the
Times-Advocate stating that the
paper had never given him justice in,
its report ‘of his speeches. It was
like the little boy who had gone to
jbcIiOoI for the first time. When he
a-eturned home he was asked how he
liked the' other little boys and he
jsaid he liked them all but Johnny
Jbnos. Wheii asked why lie didn’t
Mike Johnny Jones he stated that it
was because he was
-wouldn’t lick.
If the council of
Allowed to remain
would have been reduced to
and he stated this fearless
tscessful contradiction.
Haul Coates <
Mr, Paul Coates, who was elected
to the Public Utilities by acclama
tion,. thanked the ratepayers for giv
ing him another term, There had
been considerable expense this year
at the dam and power, house but
the ratepayers had not been asked to
pay any of the expenditure.
Win. Ward
Mr, Ward, Chairman of the Pub
lic Utilities, spoke of the splendid
financial position • in which the hy
dro department was situated. There
was $3,000 invested in bonds and
over $3700 in the bank. An appli
cation had been made to the Ontario
Commission for permission to invest
the surplus. k The pump at the pow
er house which had^ been in opera
tion for twenty years had been giv
ing trouble and had been put in
condition and the river above
dam had been cleaned out,
Bfrs, Beavers
Mrs. Beavers, a canditdate for
Board of Education, was the pext
speaker. Mrs. Beavers had always
been interested in the children of
Exeter and she believed therp was a
place on tlie Board that a woman
should fill, ,
S. M. Sanders
Mr, Sanders stated that the Board
of Education had been very careful
of the finances. They had tried to
spend the money for permanent work
and efficiency was the first consid
eration. There 'should- be an in
ventory of the Equipment.
was going to
Win. May
Mrl Wm. May, chairman of
Board of Education, reviewed, the
work of the Board. He stated that'
the report showed clearly where the
money has come from and. how it
had been spent; Fees had been re
ceived from both Middlesex and
Perth for pupils attending from
these counties. The grant received
from the County this year was the
largest Exeter has ever received
bearing out the contention of Mr.
Stanbury and Mr.. Creech in other
years that an efficient school that
attracted pupils from outside could
be run much more' economically than
for Exeter pupils alone,
splendid tribute both to the high
■public school staffs and asked
the co-operation and support
John Taylor
Mr. John Taylor, of the
Tire Shop, a nominee, for the coun
cil, was the next speaker, and he
created a great deal of interest and
received a lot of applause by his re
mark's. |t was stated last year that
he was' in favor of a pool-room. The
pool-room was not arf issue. Other
members of the council had a man
working for them.because they prom
ised him, if elected, a pool-room li
cense and on the other hand they
were working against Taylor stat
ing he was in favor of granting. a
Speaking of the Christmas tree
reminded, him of a story he heard
in church when a lad. The preacher
stated that the way to take a pig to
the slaughter house was* to take
along a pocket-full of peas and scat-
-ter them along the track and the
pig “would • follow. &a;tan did the
same thing with a pocketful of
■ Mr. Taylor- stated that a provin
cial law required that m'ilk vendors
provide milk that contained at least
3.4 per cent, butter fat but that the
council had taken no steps, to en
force that law. Milk that cost 10c.
and tested under 3 per cent, butter
fat wasn’t worth over 6 cents.
Mr. Taylor spoke -of the overhead
expenses in connection with the Hy
dro department and contended that
the expenditures were not equalized
among the hydro users. .
Mr. Senior called upon Mr. Maw-
son, the auditor, to go over the fi
not Mr,
but the
He paid
the only hoy he
1927 had been
the 1930 taxes
36 mills
Of suc-
statement but Mr. W. D.
Objected, stating! that it was
Mawson who was on trial
council, and he wanted to
know what they knew' about it.
ever, Mr. Mawson was called
and explained that there was
misunderstanding between
treasurer’s and the auditor’s report,
The treasurer’s report closed on the
15th of December but the auditor’s
report' published early in the year
contained all tile business of .the year
together with the assets and liabil
ities, M,r. Stanbury Contended that
the auditor’s report should be pub
lished for the information of the
ratepayers and Mr. Francis stated
that if he were re-elected this would
be done.
Reeve Francis in making his reply
stated that he didn’t think
ers had. given credit for a single
thing the council had done,
heard a lot of criticism
Sanders but very little from anyone
else. By undertaking the work on
the Andrew street drain last Febru
ary it had saved the council
coal bills. *
Mr. Sand-
He had
from Mr.
IL W. F* Reavers
SandersMr, Beavers followed Mr
mnd stated that in this year of de
pression the town might well save
the cost of an election. He believed
■the council of 19i3 0 had been con-
wclentlbus in Its work and that not
■one dollar of money had been mis
appropriated, The council this year
imd paid a note for $S0OO standing
Daniel pew» Reuben Sbier* George
Westco-tt, John Swam Refer Moh%
The latter two have withdrawn Jeav*
ing the old council elected by ac
Stephen Township
For' Reeve—(Reuben Gpet?, Wil”
liam Sweitzer.
For Deputy Reeve—Wesley Dear«
Ing, Edward Gill, William Sweitzer-
For Council—Wesley pearing, N.
Scott, H- Beaver, Edward Lamport,
Refer Martene, Edward Shapton, Ed
ward Gill. Noble Scott and Edward
Gill have withdrawn,
Hay Township
For Reeve—H. Rader, w, R- Don-
gall, O. Geiger, E. F. Klopp, A.
■Council—W. R. Dougall, David
Ducharme, A. Mellick, E. Walter, F,
Corbett, W. Alexander, F. Greb,
Stanley Township ' f
In Staney T-ownship the former
Council were unopposed', John Etue,
Fenwick Stewart, Goldie Graham,.
Mervin Hanley. For the Reeveship,
A. T. Keys, the former Reeve, was
nominated, also William Douglas,
The latter is not expected to run..
Blansliard Townsliip
The ratepayers of Banshard Town
ship returned the members of . last’
year’s council by acclamation as fol
lows: ,
Reeve—A. Moiwatt Driver ■ ■
Councillors— iMehton Rea, % Ger-
rance H. Jose, Earl W. Berry> Hu
bert Hodgins.
Fullerton Township
There will be no fight for the
Reeveship of Fullarton Township..
Reeve John Ratz has been given a:
second term.by acclamation. . <
For Council—W. W. Rodgers, W.
C. Hodge, Joseph Jordan, Leslie Wil
liams, Irwin Campbell and Ezra .See-
Trustees—-W. H. Talbpt, E. -4,|
Featherstone, W. J. McLeod, Lewis
Thompson, Harold Brandon, Mur
dock Ross. The first three are the.
member’s of this year’s council.
West Wawanosli
West Wawanosh Township faces
one of the keenest election fights in
years as it was stated that all those
nominated at the election meeting
had qualified as candidates. Nomina
tions for Reeve, William Mole, Wm.
Carr, William Stewart', Jas. Forst
er; council (foui* to be elected)
Thos. Webster, Henry Leishman, J„
McQuillin, Albert Gammie, Cairns
East Wawanosli
Reeve, Robert' Thompson; Coun
cil, J. Campbell, G. Yungblut, C.
Reid, J. Walker. ... J ‘.■''-■■ ■ ‘
Morris Township . ~ '
Reeve, W. Henderson; councillors,
! G. Bridges, H. W. Peeler, J. Brown/
William Watson.
Hallett Township
Reeve, M. Armstrong; Council* J.
Leiper, J. Forbes, R. Lawson,. H.
Reeve, J. R. Cutt; council, Inwin-
Wallace, George White, J. Heffron,
C. Bell; trustees, J. H. R. Elliott; A.
Laylor, E. Munroe; Utility Commis
sion, Byth, B. McKay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell are visit
ing in London and Mt. Brydges.
Mrs. Geo. Snell and Miss Windsor
spent the holidays with friends, in
Mr. and Mr. Truman Elliott, and
family, of London, spent Christmas
with relatives.
• Mr. Wilbur Cluff, • of Toronto,
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Ryclcman.
A dog belonging to Chas. Genttner
was run over by an auto on Main St.
and died Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie, of
■London, spent New Years with the
former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Christie.
Miss Alma Winer, of Strathroy,
arrived Tuesday night to1 spend the
holiday with her parents Mr., and
Mrs. Wm. Winer.
The many friends. Of Mr. Jas. Mor
ley, barriser, regret to know-'that
he lias been spending the Christmas
holidays in Victoria Hospital, Lon
don. He is ht present improving and
expected home any day.
A shadow of gloom was cast
the community On Friday of
week when it was learned that
Samuel McLeah of the 7th con, of
Usborne two miles north of the
Thames Road church had ended her
life, her lifeless body having been
found hanging to a rafter in the
barn by her husband. The deceased
had been in ill heath for a couple of
years. She was forty-two, years' of
age and besides her husband is sur
vived byt. two daughters, coroner
W. 'E. Weekes, of Exeter was called
and after an investigation decided
that an inquest was unnecessary,
The reihains were laid to rest in the
Rogerville cemetery,
UsborHC Township
The ball at Elimville was packed
with people and a great number
unable to get accommodation
had to stand outside the doo:
the Usboime nominations.
Nominations were as follows:
Reeve— James Ballantyne
by acclamation.
Council—-Benjamin Williams, members are utged to be present,
wm? a Visit
friends the
a visitor
Mr, and Mrs. Dan AnM'In return
ed to Chesley and Mr -and Mrs. Tom
Austin accompanied them for a few
Miss Jessie Montieth
or at Motherwell with
past week.
(Miss Grace Anderson
at Sarnia with friends,
,Mr> and Mrs, W. McNichol were
Visitors in Toronto Qhrietmas week
With Mr, and Mrs. Dave McNichol,
Mr, Jack IMadge nnd Miss Jean
Russell of Hensail, were -visitors
during the week with Mr .and Mrs.
Ken McNichol and family,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Rpljen and fam
ily spent Christmas with Mr, and
klrs; Clarence Kestle pf Seaforth.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelspn Hunkin are
Spending a few days with relatives
at Cromarty,
Miss OliVe Hackney, R. N. spent',
Christmas holidays with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackney.
> A large congregation was pres
ent at both Sunday School and
church a program was arranged and
a numiber of the children took part,
which was delightful to hear. A
character piece was given by Mr. J.
Cann’s class, which was interesting,
amongst the little figures were Miss
Jessie Montieth and Miss Marjorie
;Stewart, duet,; Miss (Beth Ballan
tyne, s-olo) Miss Jeanette Stone, and
'Minas1 Glanville-, trio; Master De
mand Squires, solo; Master McWIn
LGardiner gave two selections on the
mouthorgan. After the dismissal by
Rev. Jas. Anthony all attended ser
vice at which the ordination of the
five new elders took place which was
very impressive. They are J. And
erson, Mr. J. Canm Mr. Wm. Moodie,
;Mr. Chas. Montieth and Mr. Arthur
Gardiner. The senior elders are Mr.
■John Allison, Mr. JoTin Duncan, and.
Mr. Peter Whitlock.
Christinas Concert
A very successful Christmas con
cert was given by the pupils of the
Thames Rd. assisted by sdme of the
pupils from Lumley, in the base
ment of the church. A cantatt'a, en-
“The Go-Do-Its” was well given un
der the direction of Mr. Roy Gould-
ing. The many bright numlbers given
reflected great' credit on teacher and
director. At the close of the evening
candy etc. was distributed to all by
Rev. Jas. Anthony in the absence of
Mr. Moodie who was unable
Wm. Rarsoim.
Mr, and Mrs. George Baynham Jr.
and family, Mr, and Mrs. William
Haddock spent Christmas. with Mr.
and Mrs. Raynham at Shipka.
Mr, and Mrs, h. Rhode, of Hen-
sall, Mr, and Mrs. W. Madge, of Hen
sail and; Mrs. Rhode, of Exeter were
Christmas guests with Mr, and Mrs.
Grant Ford,
Mr, and Mrs, Byron Hicks and
family, Mr, and Mrs. Wm- EsSery and
family spent Christmas Day wRh
Mr., and Mrs. John Essery.Mrs. John jlssery is visiting in
London, with her sister Mrs. (Dr.)
.Mr, and Mrs. ,Jos. Wilson, and
daughter, Helen spent Christmas
with the former’s' parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Sid Wilson, at Elimville.
W. M, S, Meeting
'The annual meeting of the W.M.S.
was held in the 'basement of the
church on Tuesday, December the
9th with Mrs, Brooks presiding. The
meeting opened with a hymn after
which Mrs. A. McFalls led in prayer.
The scripture lesson« was read by
Mrs. G, Thompson. Mr,- Robb took
charge' of the meeting for the elec
tion of officers, It was moved, and
carried that all the officers with the
exception of one, who absolutely re
fused to act another year, Miss R,
Wilson as treasurer, to be returned
by acclamation for another year
which was well carried. Mrs. H.
Powe was appointed, treasurer in
Miss Wilson’s place. It was also
moved and carried that we order our
Study Book for .next year. The Sihut-
ins were also remembered by send
ing them a Christmas Card. The pre
senting of Life Membership Certifi
cates, to captains who had worked
so hard this .year. Mrs. 8. Hicks
sang a solo. The meeting was clos
ed by Mrs. .Brooks.
--------------------------- {
the Village of Exeter, in the
County of Hni’ori," Constable, de
to be
•s at
The regular monthly meeting of
thd Ladies’ Aid will be held next
Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the home
of Mi%*Milt. Ratz. The election of
officers will also t^ke place. All
and Mrs. Earl Hodgson,ofMr.
Chatham, Mt. Cecil Hodgson, -of To
ronto, and Mr.* Herman Hodgson, of
Guelph, spent Christmas with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson.
Mr. Lawrence Beckett has. opened
up the blacksmith shop here and will
welcome back all the old. customers.
; y.-.Mr/ Samuel Baskerville, of . Lon
don, is visiting his brother Mr. C.
< Mr. and Mrs. Miles -MbCabe' spent
Christmas at their new home in
Mr. Clarenbe Culbert is visiting his
Sister Mrs. Roy Laughton at Appin.
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Pollard, of
Greenway and Mr. - and. Mrs. Mo-litar
and. family, of Thedford, .spent. Mon
day with Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hicks and
,family, of Flint, IM'ich., are visiting
friends in this vicinity.
'The new parsonage is completed
and Rev. and Mrs. Robb will be in
their new home by New Years’ Day,
This building adds great beauty to
the church property and the people
of the community are to be congrat
ulated in erecting such a fine model
■ Mr. and-Mrs. John Willis and fam
ily, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Smith, of Biddulph, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dav
ey and: Donald, Miss Flossie Davey.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. C. Smith and Mr.
TOm Smith and Mr. Wm. 'Colwill of
this vicinity were Christmas guests
with Mr. an&>M'r:s. Richard Davey.
Miss Helen Hicks spent a couple
of days last week- with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks and’
family spent Christmas with relatives
in Rlytli. .
iMr. and Mrs. Harry Mills- and
Truman spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Rex. Mills in Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Samson MfeFalls and
family, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas
■McFall's aiid. 'Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
McFalls and family of Biddulph
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
John McFalls.
iMr. and Mrs. George Baynham Sr.,
spent - Christmas with their daugh
ter Mrs. M. Mitchell.
Mr. and M'rS. Ewart Powe and
Teddy and Mr. and Mrs. A. Procter
and family spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Brooks.
Mr. Clifton Mitchell, of London,
i's spending the holidays at his home
here. ’
Miss Mary O’Brien and Miss Laura
Kilight, of London, spent the
day. at their homes here.
■ Mf. and Mrs. Robert' Smith
and Mrs. Fred Bowden and Mr
Mrs. Rus, Schroedef and
Spent Christmas with Mr. and <M'rs.
Wm. Bowden,
The Y.P’.S. of the United-' church
packed several good cheer boxes fof
families in neficl in London and mo
tored down with them on Christmas
Eve. The. boxes contained vegetables
cooking, groceries and many useful
articles of clothing.
Mr. Mark Mitchell spent Christ
mas with hl’tl Wil> Ander
son lii Credifbtt.
Mr. Albeft Parsons,, of Ldndon,
spent Christmas with Mt. and Mrs.
ing claims against the. estate of the
said deceased are required to send
full particulars of such claims to
the undersigned on or before the 3rd
day of January, 1931, after which
date the Administratrix will proceed
to distribute . the assets of the said
estate, having ''regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then
have been given.
Dated this 24th day of December,
■Solicitors for Administratrix
Re DANIEL McCURDY, late of
Township of Stephen, in - the
County of Huron, Gentleman, de
iug claims against the estate of the
said deceased are required to send
full particulars of such claims., to
the undersigned on or before,the 3rd
day of January, 1931, after which
date the Trustees will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said es
tate, having regard only to the
claims of .which notice shall have
been given.
Dated this 24 th day of December,
1930. . ‘
» , Exeter,.
Solicitors for Trustees
of the VRlage of Exeter, in the
County of Huron, Milliner, de
ing claims agailist the estate of the
said'- deceased are i;equirdcl to send
full particulars of such claims to
the undersigned on or before the 3rd
day of January, 1931, after which
date the Executor will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said es-
state, having regard' only to the
Claims, of which notice Shall then
have b'een giveh. ' 1
Dated this 24th day of December,
“ Exeter,
Solicitors for Executor
Re ERASTUS RENNIE, late of the
Village of Rensall, in the County
of Huron, Merchant,. deceased.
ing claims against the estate of the
said deceased are required to send
full particulars of stich claims to
the undersigned on or before the 3rd
day of January, 1931, after which’
date the Executrix will proceed to
distribute 'the assets of tile said es
tate; having regard only to the
claims Of Which notice shall then
have been given.
Dated this 24th day of December,
Solicitors for Executrix
of the Village of
Ortuiity of Huron, Widow/ deicas-
Mensa lb In the
Ing claims against the estate of the
..i j. .l..u! ('I!jij'"'1*....! 11 l.lj ..ijji.'
said, deceased are required to send
full particulars of such claims >to
the undersigned on ox* before the 3rd
day. of January, 1931. after which
flate the’Executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said>.ea-,rJ
t,ate< having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then
have been given.
Dated this 24th day of December*
EXoter, .
(Solicitors for Executory
Village of Exeter, in the County o£'
Huron, Widow, deceased,
ing claims against the estate of the
said deceased are required to send
full particulars of such claims to
the undersigned on or before the
10th day of January, 193J, after
which date the Administrator will
proceed to* distribute the assets of
the said estate, having regard paly’
to the claims of which notice shall
then have been given.
Dated this 31st, day of December*
A. D„ 1930,
Solicitors for Administrator-
— of —
■ The undersigned has been" in*-
structed to sell under a certain mort
gage which will be produced op tha
day of the sale on the premises, on.
at 3 p.m,,
The property known as Lot No,
16, on the East side of Main Street,
in the Village of Exeter, McConnell"®'
Survey, containing one-fifth -of an
acre more or fess.
On the property is a comfortable-
one storey frame dwelling and goodf
stable. The site is one' of the most
desirable in Exeter,
At 2 o’clock on the same premises-
there will be a sale of household elP
fects. See small bills.
10 per cent, on the day of sale;
and the balance within 30 day®>
without interest'. Possession ot'
house may be. had at once upon pay-’
ment of purchase price. *
For further particulars and con
ditions of sale apply to
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
Hensail, Solicitors fpr Mortgagee"
— of —
. Effects
The undersigned will sell by pub*-,
lie auction on s
Lot 16, East Side of Main St., Exetem
. immediately north of the TriVitt ,
Memorial Church, on * ?
at 2 p.m. the following articles!
Electric washing machine, exten-r-
sion table, bed, mattress and springs
bedroom set, gasoline stove, brass
kettle and stand, piano .and bench,,
.rocking chair, easy chair, lounge,.
clothes cupboard, books, pictures
and other articles.
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ’
f. e. Willis, Bailiff /•*
— of ---
The undersigned Solicitors have-
been instructed to sell on behalf
Thomas W. Aldington, on
Ijot 18, Concession 11', Hibbert
Township, County of Perth, on
at one o’clock p.m. '
' the following valuable property;
’ Farm Stock 1
black cow 4 yrs. old, full milk-
1 part Jersey pow 4 yrs. old».
milking; ,1 red and white cow,-
at foot, 4 yrs. old; 1 gray cow
7 yrs. old, just freshened; 2{ spring?
calves; 2 bay mares, 9 yrs; old'; 1‘
bay mare, 10 yrs. old; 1 bay horse,.
6 yrs. old; 1 year old black gelding;
1 white sow, due time of sale, 3 yrs.,
old;. 1 red sow just bred, 5 yrs. oldy,
5 pigs, 150 lbs.; 9 chunks.
Fann Implements
1 Frost & W-ood rake, new; one*
roller; 1 Frost & Wood scuffler.; X
Dearing 'binder; 1 Massey mower;.
1 gang plow; 1 walking plow; one'*
disc harrow; 1 cultivator; jset har
rows; Bain wagon; double harness;.
1 sleigh.
Grain and Produce
150 bus. Banner oats for seed;1
200 bus. Victory oats for seed; 70"
bus. mixed grain; 7'5 bus. barley; 15-
tons of hay; quantity of roots Un#'
corn stalks.stalks.
All sums of $25.00 and untie** to
be cash; over that' amount, approved
joint promissory notes may be given
payable eight months after date with ’
interest at 6% .per annum* No1
goods are to be removed from tlm
premises until paid for in ca-sh- or by
accepted security.
Fot further particulars apply to’ ’
.FRANK TAYLOR-d Auctioneer
JOHN PULLEN, in charge
and Exetet, Solicitors for Vendor