HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-01, Page 1fifty-fifth year, no.I^ABWSHED 1873 New Year! it The committee qg/"' EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1st, 1031 New Year Fl 5 (Dnr Nm Jvar’n itosugi? A Happy Acclamations in Exeter & Usborne For Council Jos. DECLINES CALL TO AY1D1ER For Bonrd of Educntio.itNew Year s Greetings S. s *3 B. Af. Francis MARRIAGESBIRTHS lutd too by 1-1. B. At; Francis was first can­ to give an account of his He Stated that tho Titos. Jones, nominated’ by AV. Dearing and Hy. Parsons. Win. .R. Penhale, nominated by Mrs. Roxie Beavers, 1930 nori© municipal- Ho liked Hy. Parsons and Win. H« Dearing. nominated Rev. D. McTav.ish and AV. Johnston. AL »Sandcrs, nominated by J. Perkins and Jas. Grieve. A. Old Councils I'Cturned in Exeter and Usb.e{rnc—Airs. B. W. F. Beavers takes the pace of Eli Coultis on the Board of Education. We take this opportunity to thank our many friends for theirWferal patronage, during the year that has just drawn to ' 'h . a close. We extend to all our very Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous ' • • , • ■ , i 1 We wish to thank our many customers for their patronage during 1930 J - - - - -And wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous 1931. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD .Phone your hardware necessities • to 27 WtCKLE—: k'l ’Mofiday, , ; (and Alrs(, Lai^d '(■Wllllani Laird.) 'T ■" Ir. ■ , IRdduIpb, a son; In Seaforth Hospital, on December 22nd, to Mr. s.on,Mickle, a % WALLS*—At Dn Fletcher’s____„„ ... .... ________ Hos- '< pital, on Tuesday, December 30th, to ML and‘Mrs, Geo. McFatls, Of WELLS—JOHNSTON—At North St. Parsonage, Goderich, on Saturday, December 27th, Miss Helen John-, stop, daughter of Mrs. D. McLeod of Goderich, to Air, Luverne Weils, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wells,. 5 of Exeter, by Rev. Gordon Butt;, ■n* PEAlTlH® \ ■ <jLARKE*->ra Hamilton Goaibtal Hog- pita!, on Tuesday, Deftomber 30th, Mary H. Hill.,- bdoved ^ite of Jas. 'H*. Clarke, of Galt, Ontario.’ 1 h « Rev. D. AfcTavish, pastor of the James Street -United Church, who received a call to become the pastor of tlie Aylmer United Church at tlie next conference year, announced to his congregation, on Sunday that lie had decided not to accept the in­ vitation to Aylmer. DIED IN HAMILTON Mrs. J. T. ClArfce, Galt, died in the General Hospital, Hamilton, Tues­ day morning. She has been in poor health for some time and four weeks ago she underwent a serious opera­ tion from which she has nOt^been1 able to rally. Mrs. Clarke suffered; intensely but was very bright being, conscious until very near the end.j Tho 'deceased spent several weeks, with licr sister, Mrs. J. S. Harvey, of; town, and Mrs. Harvey has been with; her in Hamilton. Tlie funeral, Will! be held in Cobourg. ,| NEW RECTOR FOR TRIV1TT . MEMORIAL CHUllCH | Announcement was made at the Trivi'tt Memorial church on Sunday! that Rev. E. L. Vivian, rector of AU; Saints Church, Woodstock, and Beachville had accepted the invita­ tion to become tho rector of Trivitl, Alemoriai chu-roh succeeding Rev. J. J. Fenton, who roceiity resigned. AIr.( Vivian is a. young man with a1 wife aiid a little son and conies to Exe­ ter highly recommended. He visit­ ed in Exeter shortly before Christ-1 mas and wa'svcry favorably impress-* ed with the situation here. Mr. Viv4' ia'tt will come' to Exeter In February] During tho time the pulpit has beoif vacant the work here has been loOk-i od' after by T. J. Findlay, divinity student from ‘Huron college, who has rendered very efficient service, I ALAjOSt A FIR.K . » Tho firemen had -a run on Satur­ day to .the roisdeimO'Of Mr* Hy* ifli- worthy oil Main Street when an over­ heated furnace pipe caused a tfre in the basement* Fortunately the fito was extinguished without the aid of; tho brigade, , J i CARD OF THINKS s and Mrs. - Luther Reynold^ I Steady all! is the business watchword for the NeW Year, gradually the process -o£ deflation Is going onMn the world of manu­ facturing and of exchange.. Gradually East and West are learning the difference 'between doiim? business and exploiting one’s neigh­bors, a lesson that 'has not\een learned by the majority of the race. Slowly farmers East and West are learning that- farming is something far more than crowding the market with agricultural products. Slowly the race is discovering the difference between thrill-seeking and winning of the joys that satisfy the lieart. Little by little the race is learning that greed and cruelty and the insane lust for power and blind ambition for possession lead only to the ■ broken' heart, The thorough learning of these serious truths is one of the hopeful signs of the times when the 'air is vibrant with expectancy. ‘ Steady all, and courage all—these must be the watchwords' for 1931. The whirlwind of 1929 and of 1930 has almost past. Already the wise and forward-looking are laying the foundations of a new normalcy in every field of human activity, though the elements are as yet too unsettled to permit' the venturing out of any but the bravest1 and the strongest'. 1931 will be a poor year for the timid, the uninformed and the weak-kn6ed. For the courag­ eous and those who are content to lay broad and solid foundations, ‘ it will be a year of splendid opportunity. The ancient virtues of thrift and industry and lowly piety will abundantly exemplify tlieir value. ' ‘ , To all who hope and who sincerely strive for the coming of better days, the Exeter TimesrAdvocate wishes a. Happy New Year, SUDDEN DEATH OF JAMES MURRAY This community was shocked early Wednesday morning when it learned of. the sudden death of Mr. Jame> Murray who passed away during tho night, Mr. Murray had. been in W accustomed health and retired a» Usual Tuesday evening. His sister Miss Jean Murray resided with him on Andrew Street, SANTA CLAUS FUND 'The Santa Claus Fund sponsored by the Exeter Chamber of Commerce* reached the splendid total of $121.2$; but in addition to the casjj contribp-* tioijs there were some splendid do­ nations of clothing, honey, mapl® syrup and other articles that were most acceptable, ladies who had charge of the distri­ bution were able to make the heart® of many glad 'at the Christmas, sea­ son. In addition to the list of con­ tributors already published Wm,’ Ward contributed $l.do. One worthy . contribution came from the scholar®' of S. S. No. 10, Stephen,. Instead'0£ ft’n exchange of presents .among them-’.^ selves they contributed the amount to the Christmas cheer, fund. The total amount has already been report-- ed. The individual subscriptions were as follows:.Edison Pollock 25c.; Ruth Love, 15c,'; Stanley Hartle 15c. Helen McGregor, 15c.; Cecil Hartle; 10,c.; Edith Love h5c.; • Nora AVebl* 15c.; Cameron McGregor 15c.; Rulby and Ellen Hicks 15c,; Doris Hick® 10c.; Mervyn Love 10c.; Emerson! Lovie 1i5jC* ; Elda Brown 25c,; Willa, Ruth and Pearl Carruthers 25c. Q. R. Corbett $2.00. 'There will be no elections in Us- bbrne Township, or Exeter this year as the old members were returned by acclamation. Several names.'were pla.ced, in nomination. but only the required number filed their qualifi­ cation papers. For R$eve Wm. D. Sanders, nominated by S. J. V. Cann and Jas. Green. Ilivlle AL Francis, nominated by JI. C. Rivers and Paul Coates. f. Beavers, .nominated by Al. Beavers and E. AT. Dignan. John. Taylor, nominated by Janies O’Brien 'and W. J. Carling-. Harper C. Rivers, nominated by . A. Balkwill and J. W. Hern. Btenry Bierling, nominated by Chas. Wilson and Jesse Elston. Dayjd Rowcliffe, nominated by P. ■ . Coates and 'AL L. Beavers. James 11. Grieve nominated by^B. AL Francis and W. A. Balkwill. Davis, nominated by W. Balkwill and Jesse Elston. Fey Public Utilities Paul Coates, nominated by B. \ .Francis and J. W. Hern. Elect­ ed by acclamation. There was orily A fair crowd at the nomination meeting at the Town Hall-, Alonday at noon to place in nomination 'candidates' to fill tlie various municipal offices for the coming year. Clerk Jos. Senior was in. the chair and after the nomin­ ation closed the*, meeting was ad­ journed until 7.30 in- the evening. In the evening the hall .was pack­ ed with voters but only a few wo­ men woi'e present. Aj’r. Senior again look tho chair. TJo called on the ROovp, members of the Council and the .retiring members- of the various offices to take a seat on the plat­ form. ML wish to thunk their many friends who so kindly romomhered. Mrs, Reynolds both by flowers and let* tors during her rUccnt illness in: vic­ toria Hospital,,. '< - ■ 1 J*,,,/...' . ukiAAis. N. al ! H. months last year. For several years past (>lie County Council , has made no provision • to take., care of tlie provincial debt, created in the inter­ est of paved roads. This year de-' benfures had been issued .to provide for the debt. The Good Roads Com­ mission had agreed to widen the aproach to the Exeter bridge.'by fill­ ing in five feet. In getting after; the- commission Air. Fraimis had prevail­ ed upon them to increase it to seven feet. The sidewalk which has been in a dangerous condition has been .mo,'ved,'i)ack separate fro mi the TQad... This work was undertakdu by tlie council. The Good Roads Commiss­ ion had also tiled the ditch in front of. the cemetery which in time' will be filled in .with earth and made suitable for parking. Air. Francis referred to the Huron Coitnty Home and paid splendid tri­ bute to the Manager, and Matron, .Mr. and Airs. John Jacobs. The in­ mates are well taken care of and the home is well managed. There are 5 4 ima.tes of the Home receiving tlie -Old Age Pension. The revenue from this together with the profits of the farm make 'tne home self- sustaining. A strip of land adjoin­ ing the Clinton cemetery had/been purchased this year for the burial of inmates unclaimed by friends.' Air. Francis also spoke of the im­ provements to the Court- House at .Goderich and the splendid work be­ ing done at the Children’s Shelter under the supervision of Mr. Ed­ wards. In ‘reviewing the work being done around town Air. Francis spoke of the sewer put- in on Andrew Street,;, the building of the new walk north of -the bridge and Of the survey of the town made Cor the Registrar’s, office. The financial statement shows a debit balance of $918.14 on December 15th but since that time $554 had been paid and the taxes still oustanding amounted to $3,72S. There has been considerable ex­ penses. at tho dam during the year and for a time the towh practically no fire' protection the pumps had been put into Al ditlon at considei'a/be expense. Public Utilities are taking over watci’-works ' dcibunturcs and" muncipality is boing asked to foV fire protection. Mi\ Francis quite pleased with tlie work ----------.— JACK RABBIT DRIVE HALTED . and Guns confiscated On Saturday last a'number of far­ mers from Usborne principally living along the Thames Road were inter­ cepted in a jack rabbit drive and had their guns confiscated because, they did. not have the necesary gun license. The party had 'journeyed to; Staffa in a.large auto truck, where they,, were apprehended by J. H- ’ Hammond,, of London, acting under instructions from the department of Game and Fisheries. The party' was brought to Exeter and a .prelim­ inary hearing was held before Mag-'. Mtfdt.e 'ML ;D-■ Sandju's,.- Their trial will come’ up. again' some ‘time thisp'’ week. Out Of a party of over thirty ■ only two had the necessary license and the rest had their guftS config? cated. The guns which are valued, at,.hundreds of dollars were.taken to London. Once the, guns are seized they become the property of the crown and 'may be advertised and- sold. May complaints have been re­ gistered by the hunters "regarding the attitude taken by the depart-. ment, in view of the fact that thi® section of the country is becoming overridden by the rabbits 'which are are causing great havoc to. the Win­ ter <wheat, fruit ti;ees and slirwbs,.* OFFICER^ INSTALLED . At Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F- & A. Al. on Alonday evening the of­ ficers elect were duly installed by. in­ stalling Master AV. W. Taman ab/y' ■' assisted by Bro. E. M- pignan. officers, arc W.Aito W. Bro. H. IO. Southco.tt; I.P.)AL, W. Bi'-m E. A. «<)- wald; Sr. W., Bro. G. F. Rbulston,; .TV. W., Bro. G. S. AtkinsonSecre­ tary, w. Bro- R. N. Creech; Tinas.,. W. Bro. W. Mr. Taman; Chap., W. Bro. E. AT. Dignan; Sr. D., RrO. Geb. Lawson; Jr. D. Bro. Chas. Salter; L G., Bro. Af. W. Pfaff; S. S.', Bro, W.; E. Aliddleton; J. S., Bro. Wm. Skel­ ton; Tyler, Bro. S. Sweet; following: the business- of the evening refresh­ ments wore served and a. social li&nr was spoilt with short addresses by » liumbor of the bretin-eii, WELLS—-JOHNSTON A nuiet wedding took place at the North Street’ United Church parsob- age, Goderich, on Saturday, Decern? her 27th, when Aliss Helen Johnston, daughter of Airs. D. McLeod, of Goderich, was united in marriage to Air. Laverne Wells, son of Mr. ami Airs. Fred Wells, of Eketor, the 'cere­ mony being1 performd by ReV. Gor­ don Butt. Reeve ed upon stewardship, council had spent a pleasant year and, while there had boon stiff ar­ guments at times, there was a splen­ did -co-operation. Mr. Francis spoke of the loss the town had suffered through the death of Street Com­ missioner W. J. Bissott. Mr. Francis spoke particularly the work of the County Council whom he stated were men capable of looking after the interests of the county- Tlie County Connell this year endeavor­ ed to curtail expenses. The Good Roads Commission had centered their efforts on safe-guarding the roads rather than now work. Nar­ row bridges had boon widened, and sharp turns had been straiglitoned out. The Fensioim less thl'S . • ? ", ’;. A*1 '' «.* past had and con- The tho the pay Was the council has been able to accomplish during; the year. II. C. Rivers Air, Rivers stated that been a trying year and prosperous either for the iity or for the individual, the- work oL’ councillor and found it Interesting and educational and de­ cided to let his name stand for re­ election. Henry BielUng Mr. Biorliilg statod. tli^t the ralo payers knew what tho council had done.' A mniiibdr have kicked about high taxes hint we cannot go - back, twenty-five yeafs to mud' roads and board sidewalks and if the pooplo demand iniptovomont's they tnust pay X JL Grieve ' ’ ■ Mr, GHove stated that /the work of the counc 11 had been outlined by previous speakers^ He thanked’ those who had given him support In the past and was a candidate for re­ election. (Continued on page expenses of the Old Age • committee was $1,000 your than lit was tor six ■■ JUNIOR HOCKEY MATCH - — ill — Dome Rink, Exeter ' on Thursday, January Stli Gam de ailed at 8:15 sharp.‘ •. Mitchell Itcnsah-E^eW The -jfuiiioto '^fe going, strong; anct shb'iild M W' w Mitchell ere#. This is tlie- Wihr that put out of yo-a-L ■■ . * ■■ ’'