HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-20, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1931 HENSALL I f «' )•' / ’ ( ) I V t y iM * a r < V I < f / 4 I » \ < I Church Relation to Political Lief,”( DASHWOODalter which was open discussion. SyeV""8 C'°Sed 0,6 Wlt“ H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. I DENTAL SUltOEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. A special Christmas program will be given in the Evangelical Church on Sunday December 23rd. A can­ tata entitled “O Come All Ye Faith­ful” of song and story will be given by the choir and special music will be rendered by the C. E band of 35 1 memers under the leadership of Rev. W. S. Henrich. Be sure to at­tend this service The annual Christmas .Festival Will be held on Tuesday evening De­ cember 25th. A miscellaneous pro­gram consisting of recitations, solos, duets, etc. will be given by the chil­dren and the Junior Choir. At the close of the program a beautiful pantomine will be given by a num­ber of girls under the direction of Mrs. R. H. Taylor.Miss Eunice Oestricher who un­ derwent an operation for appendi­ citis returned to her home last week . and is improving nicely.Mr. T. Rowntree, of Woodbridge, 1 spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Paul’s T. Hopcroft.Miss Margaret Johnson is assist- church gathered in the basement of, Mr. T. Hopcroft is spending a few ing at the post office during the the church recently in honor of Rev, days in Toronto.Christmas rush. > and Mrs. Parker. Community sing-) Quite a number of relatives ait- Mrs. Bertha Bell has returned aft- mg^was enjoyed and a. violin solo tended the funeral of the late John er a pleasent visit with her son and by Miss Greta Lammie and Miss E,' e Hoffman in London on Saturday, his wife at Ct. Catharines. ) Clark accompanied on the piano; | ‘The annual meeting of the Luth- Mr. and (Mi’s, Harry Abray, of Lon-,Mr- Newton and Mr. H, Miller favor- ’ . — - . _ -----—/> -„*,uu..— ...’ ed with a duet, after which games were played. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Parker were presented with a well filled purse and Mrs. Parker a beautiful boquet of bronze mums. Mr. Parker responded very feelingly and (Mrs. Parker thanked the people in her own able manner. Subscriptions received at the Hen* gall Post Office for all leading Daily and Weekly Papers. Kindly patron­ ise your Postmaster who handles your papers and endeavors to give you good service. Rents of Post Of­ fice Lock Boxes are due and pay­ able in this month and during the first week Of January, Those in ar­ rears please settle G. J. Sutherland 12-20-,3't.c Rev, Mr. Young spent Monday vis­iting with his parents at Nairn,Miss Verda Watson visited over Sunday at her home is Listowel. Mrs. William Shepherd visited with friends in London on Saturday,Mrs. Colin Hudson visited with London relatives over the week-end. Miss Hazel Hudson left last week for Toronto where she has secured a position,Mr. Eldrid Smith, of Western Uni­versity, London, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. C. L. Jinks is spending a week or two visiting with relatives at Windsor.Mr. Harold Higgins is spending this week visiting with relatives at Farquhar. Mrs. Muir, of Saginaw, Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Edward Shaffer. i Council Minutes Decepiber 15, 1934 The last regular meeting of the 19'34 council was this evening at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers with all member^ being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Petty and Shepherd: That the min­utes be adopted as read. C. McDonald appeared in the As­sessment of his son Allan. F. G. Bontliron reported re the collection of taxes as being practical­ly the same as last year to date. Several cases of errors, etc. came up for discussion. Petty and Shepherd: That we in­ struct the Collector to return the taxes of V. Pettit and M, Cooper as uncollectable. Carried. J, Passmore appeared re the Rink Committee of the Chamber of Com­merce. Geo. Hudson reported re the Poll taxes and was instructed to proceed with the collection of same. Communications read from the Deputy Minister of Hospitals re Cald wells also Railway Tax Distribution, J. A. Ellis, re unemployment Relief. Same ordered filed. Presented with 1’iu'se The congregation of St, | ■rt! A iKrrrg QUiristtnaa tn All is (0ur Sdnrrrr ifflialj j Fresh Oysters, Selects................per pt. 49c* Fresh Fillet of Hadjie ..... 2 lbs. for 35c. Smoked Fillets of Haddie per lb. 15c. Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon . . 2 lbs. for 35c Seedless Grapefruit.......................5 for 2$c. Good Quality Spy Apples . . per basket 45c Mixed Christmas Nuts are Now Ready Extra Large Juicy Oranges . . per doz. 49c, Large Oranges...........................per doz, 39c, Medium Oranges per doz. 25c. Jap Oranges ...... .... per box $1,15 Celery Hearts.............................. 2 for 25c. Fresh California Grapes .... 2 lbs for 29c. ' Head Lettuce....................... 2 for 25c. J I > < V * I his wife at St. Catharines.ivi-i. aim uuis, nan / jj.ukxj', ui xjizh- don, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson.Miss Bertha Brittan, of Dublin was a week-end visitor with Mrs. Workman and two daughters.Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of Port Rowan, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Shaffer. . , - - * — ----Mr. Ed. Palozki, of Windsor, I The address was as follows; has opened a repair shop for harness Dear M'r. and Mrs. Parker: shoes and bicycles in the Murdock . 7 r- ~- block. - ---- ---- -x-x---------The Hensall Continuation school of welcoming you, as our minister and public school will close on Fri- and his wife. During many years day, December 21 for the Xmas holi- we have learned to love both of you. days', | Mr. Parker as a faithful ministerMrs. Trott, of Bermuda is visiting and Mrs. Parker as the best kind of xxvx, ..ivl. Lx,* L***l L*.... * ---- • Now you come to us1 in amond and expects to spend Christ- new relationship, that of our minis­ter and his wife. We want you both returned to know that you have our best several j wishes^ May all the greatest bless- i and in your home. We desire to village i assure M,rs. Parker of our very sin- For the Kiddies—Perfect Animal Biscuits............. For the Whole Family—5 lb. Boxes of Chocolates 4 lb* Boxes of Chocolates.......................... per box 10c. each $1.09 each 99c. We the members of St. Paul’s parish wish to 'take this opportunity 5 lb. Boxes of Chocolates and Creams .. eran L. A. of Dashwood was held on the schoolroom of the church. Rev. Luft took the devotional part of the meeting. Four ladies, Mrs. E. Kraft Mrs. R. Mueller, Mrs Theo. Mueller and Mrs. Messner favored with a hymn. The president, Mrs. H.. Wein took the chair for the business part including reports from the commit­tees . Visiting committee appoint­ ed for the month, Mrs. iF. Willert, Mrs. L. Roeder. The p’astor, Rev. T. Luft presided over the nomina­ tion and election of officers and committees for 193i5( The follow­ ing officers and committees were elected: Hon Pres., Mrs. K. Roeder; Pres. Mrs. H Wein; Vice-Pres., Mrs Mathilda Kraft; Sec’y, Mrs. A. Kuntz; Treas., Mrs. L. Restemeyer; Social com., Mrs. J. Schroeder, con­ venor, Mrs. P Fassold, Mrs. F. Schlundt; Entertainment com., Mrs. L,.Roeder, convenor, Mrs Ed. Kraft Mrs. Ed. Walper; organist, Mrs. T. Luft, assist., Mrs. A. Kuntz; corres­pondent, Mrs. J. Schroeder; Work com., Mrs William Kleinstiver, Mrs. iF. Guenther; Librarian sy Mrs. ,T. Luft, Mrs H. Neuchswanger; Aud­ itors, Mrs. R. Mueller, Mrs. Theo. Mueller; parsonage com , Mrs. F. Preeter, Mrs. H. Restemeyer; Linen com., Mrs. Matilda Ktfaft, Mrs. H. Wein. Death of Mr. John E. Hoffman Word was received here on Wed­ nesday last of the death of John E. Hoffman, London. Mr. Hoffman had been in poor health for- the past eight years and on Wednesday ev­ ening he quietly passed away in his During many years | Mr. Parker as a faithful minister here with her sister Mrs. Earl brum- friend. mas here..Mrs. Thos. Dick has home after visiting for --------- . j - , ■ - ------ -----weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Doug-|lnSs that God can bestow be yours las, at Blake. j aud in, your_ home. We desire to All the merchants 'Of the ’.J - -‘-~have their window nicely decorated cere welcome and also we want her for the Holiday season and are doing to know that we intend to stand by a good Christmas business. (our mihiser’s-wife with all the love ' Mr. Earl Dick accompanied by his and loyalty of which we are capable, sister Miss Grace Dick, are spending I We have brought you a little gift; a week vsiting with relatives and it carries with it our very best wish­ friends at Niagara Falls, N.Y. I es for your future and our warmestOn Friday evening, December 21st j affection for you both, and an as- the annual Xmas tree entertainment surance of our continued loyalty, of the United church Sunday school, Signed on behalf of the congrega- ................................ ' ■* -* - tion. G. C. Petty, H, Aldrich, Wardens The address was read by Miss Fee owing to the illness of Mrs. Petty and the presentation was made by Mr. Aldrich, while Mr. Petty pre­sented the bouquet to Mrs. Parker. will be held in the basement of the church.The Annual Xmas tree entertain­ ment of the Carmel Presbyterian church Sunday .school will be held in the church on Thursday evening, December 20th.The St. Paul’s Anglican church Sunday school held their annual Christmas tree entertainment on Wednesday evening, when a splendid program was given.All the children of Hensall and _ ......... ___ __ __ __ _______ __ vicinity are invited to be present to, The Snnday Sch0ol members, teach-'board of elders and at one time was welcome Santa Claus, W1 ers and officers of St. Paul’s Angli- Superintendent of the Sunday School rive in Hensall on Saturday &£ter~. Can church mot in the basement of He leaves to mourn.his loss his wi~ noPa at'3 0 c,l°ck’ ... the church on Wednesday last when dow, two daughters Lily at homeThe Hensall merchants will a. supper was served with Rev. Mr. and (Ora) Mrs. Russell Etekstem, their stores open every evening this aud MrSi parker as guests of honor of London and one brother Henry week as well as Christmas to after which a very merry time was I of Dashwood and one half sister inaccommodate the large crowds 01 spent in games. At the conculsion the Detroit. Funeral services were . w. ,1. ’ ■* . ,. j,------- ----------- CIJIUU lie Ullicu; PL4QQUU w fYl*V lAiAfter the presentation there wae a g£sit year The deceased was born radio program which caused a great jn this community and twenty years d AO I At i-v-» n it Hl m Avlt A d<i ir< t'rr H, V. nil _ - , Ji-.,. > . . -. .«..._deal of merriment. *_ ____ ____ uc muvcu vu was served at the end of the pro- (-bere n0 London, gram* S. S. Honor Pastor and Bride A dainty lunch ag0 be moved to Tavistock and from nn +i,Q ..__He wa3 a member of the, Hyatt Ave. United Church and on honorary member of 'the —--------------- *- ILL ChillJ1A.L L11C UUHVU.Christmas shoppers. ’following address: was. read:Mrs. Norman 'Cook, who recently £>ear apd Mrs. Parker,— underwent an operation in the Clin- -fye, the members, teachers and ton hospital has returned home and Offfcers of fbe Sunday School of St. is impT’oving nicely. Miss Dolly pa,ups Anglican church of Hensail, Hagan, R.N. was attending her. (have gathered in recognition of your The Xmas concert in S. s* 1, recent nuptials. We wish to express Tuckersnnth, will be held on Wed- to you par;<er> our appreciation nesday evenmg, December 19th. A of yOur efforts on behalf of our program consisting of, dialogues^ I scbo,o] you have helned tn make duiiQ, nwnfoo, ucbt*. is being prepared.The Hensail Chamber of Com­merce have a beautiful Christmas ing tree erected in front of the town bee’n i?ui. xvt!l.,ur> we C0UIU lwl utlvts hall, and on Satuiday afternoon at wj6bed for a mOre willing or helpful —------- ~ school. You have helped to makedrills,^ songs, dances and lecitations. 0Ur socjaj contacts and our mutual .... r I studies the benefit which they have proven to be to everyone participat- 4”g. During the years you have been our Rector, we could not have •3 p.m Santa Claus will ai'^v® advisor and we are justly grateful town. The tree will .be laden with y0Ui We welcome you Mrs. Park­gifts, for every child in Hensall and er .n^ our cjr<!ie wjtb ^be m.ost de- district. Aiddresses will be made by iigiitfiil expectation of joy in our local clergymen.. fellowship together. May we be ableThe skating rmk committee of the to iadd something very much valued Chamber of Commerce intends get- y,0;Ur experiences in the future, ting the rink flooded week and The years which you may yet spend if the weather is fit expect to have jn jjensau ,are looked forward to by tbe ice ready for skating next week. | eacb Of U1S and we beg y<ni to acceptOn Sunday Mr. Stewart Bell while - ■- ** -* -* - •’* - driving past. Jos. Hudson’s garage had his car "skid and run into the gas pump, damaging the pump some­ what and spilling about ten gallons of gasoline.The regular meeting of the Chamb­er of Commerce which was to have been held on Friday evening of this week has been cancelled on account of the Xmas entertainment being, held this week. _Mrs. Smit, her son uv*>** k*.***wand daughte Miss Annie Smit, mov­ ed to Delhi last week where they have secured positions. The family moved here from Holland a number j __ wof years ago and were good indust- of Carmel Presbyterian Church of --•3us citizens | Hensall, held their regular meeting "* Special Christmas services will be on Thursday afternoon December 13, „ . ------ - and jn the school room of the church, church next’With Mrs. Basil Edwards presiding. Rev.' Mr. Sinclair and The meeting opened by singing rtev >*V1T. Young will occupy their hymn and Rev. Mr. Young led own nuJnits and Christmas musiic prayer. The scripture lesson will, be furnished by the choirs, . j ■*-'**>- church0 met ^a\ ^tlie‘^honm'oF'MrsJ fowed“ joy, being'the texCword, Mr Workman i-------------honor of her daugher, i*yjuf bride elect of next week. senteFwith T'halF doze“n SherbeH’.Mrs. Rf YrMciLaimn led glasses. ...... hrvalued member of Carmel ailOn Sunday at^tUaul’Fchurch at'senting of a Life .Membership Certif- 11 a.m. Christmas music x will be icate to Mrs. R. Y. McLaren. Mrs. given, and at 7 p.m, L-._- ‘ ” .................... o’clock,*a holy communion oi" Sunday, “bocVmbeFsb'tirRev. Mr J ail of'which were most encouraging. Parker will preach his farewell ser- Hev. Mr. Young vice. Rev. Mr. Parker will take the election of over his new duties as rector of the Anglican church at Morpeth the first Sunday in January,The Welfare Youth Club of Car­ mel Presbyterian church held their regular meeting on Monday evening with a, splendid attendance. The meeting opened with a sing song of hymns, the Scripture lesson was read by Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mr. Geo. Walker led in prayer, minutes of ithe ----.nreviotis meeting were read and ad- Mrs. H. Workman; opted, roll call and collection and I Sbcrotafy, Mrs. Thos. Hudson; Pian- tlie business of the meeting, It l1Vr,’S! |A MrtT.nvO'ri' Aaciiifnni decided to hold a yratch night ser vice ott New Year’s eve. Mr. then introduced the speaker for the! programs for the coming year, evening. L.. ----- -----..... .very interesting address on this small token of our pleasure. M'ay it add to your joy and intimate to you our esteem and good wishes, through the many years of martial happiness which are before you. May it carry with it all those things which form a sound basis for earth­ly happiness and spiritual content. Signed on behalf of the Sunday School by the teachers and officers. , Mr. and Mrs. -Parker were present- Tnim with a beautifu'l silver comport,and they both responded in a very Smit, mov- able and fitting manner. Women’s Missionary Society The Women’s Missionary Society ” — ■ “ —- ’ * *' *—•- ■ - ■>' lious citize“ns ~ I Hensail, held their regular meetingSpecial Christmas services will be on Thursday afternoon December 13, held in both the United church and in the school room of the church, Carmel Presbyterian church next'With Mrs. Basil Edwards presiding. Sunday Rev. Mr. Sinclair and The meeting opened by singing a Rev Mr. Yeung will occupy their hymn and Rev. Mr. Young led in own nuJpfits and Christmas' musiic prayer. The scripture lesson was will be furnished by the choirs, i read by Mrs. W-orkman, from the 1st The choir of Carmel Presbyterian; chapter of James.^The roll call fol-■ '■ " *""rs. i iOWecl, joy, being tae uext vvoru, 'Mr.on Monday” evening ini Young then addressed the Society Miss Olive, ■ giving a Christmas message in a new unuy ux During, and most interesting way The of fer­ tile evening Miss Workman was pre-! Ing was then received after which i i fl _*t —. „■ f*< • X*. • >. ■ iliT TJ il/T/idT I/Sri 1 TV Miss* Workman'has'beVn’a The minute’s'of the previous meet- " ~ ' church ing were read and approved. An in-| teresting event then followed in pre- * Oom 4*i Tin* 6 T ,1 1/T/s m H n 5’a Isit «ii 4- 4 | be icate to Mrs. R. Y. McLaren. Mrs. , Carol service | Workman read the address and Miss and on “Christmas1" morning at 10’ tL C'raig made the presentation . As li’Oiy coiiiniunion service this whs the cinnual meeting the uif“ will be held, everyone welcome, and ferent secretaries gave tneir reports ; then took charge of __ officers, as follows:Hon. Pres., Mrs. Arnold; President, Mrs. Colin Hudson; 1st Vice-presi­dent, Mrs, R. G. McLaren; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. Basil Edwards; 3rd Vice-President, M'rs. John Dallas; Secretary, Mrs. George Walker; Treasurer, Mrs. David Nicol; Supply Sec’y, Miss McGregor; Welcome and Welfare Secretary, Mrs. J, W. Bon- thi’On; Glad Tidings Secretary, Mrs, Davidson; Literature aiid Library, Home Helpers itwasii^t, iMrs/w. (A. McLaren; Assistant „.oht ser- * Pianist, Miss Irene Dators, a com- Mr. Voting ihittee was appointed to plan the uuucu bixo : --zTr.t’, Mr.Mr. Ross McKay, gave a Young then closed the meeting with ■' •“ i “(The prayer. over his new duties as rector of the $1.19 Also a wide range of Gums, Creams, Jellies, Christmas Mixed, Etc. Our line of Fruits, Peels, Pineapple, Nuts, Etc. are highest quality and lowest price. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 EXETER, ONT. “Quality always higher than price.” We Deliver _ __ ; homeRussell Etekstein, held from -the C. L Evans Funeral home on Saturday afternoon with Rev. M C. Parr officiating. Mr. Harry Hoffman, nephew of the de­ceased sang a solo entitled “Cross­ ing the Bar.” The pall bearers were six nephews: Emmery Fahner, Everett Fahner, Ehrl Guenther, Er­ vin Guenther, Harry Hoffman and Everett S Betchen. The floral tri­ butes were numerous and beautiful showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Interment took place in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. CREDITON* Don’t forget the Christmas enter­ tainment to be given in the United Church on Friday evening, Decem­ ber 21st. An excellent program is be­ ing prepared, A miscellaneous pro­ gram consisting of drills, songs, pan­ tomines, etc. and a pageant “The Story Beautiful” will be presented. Sharon School Concert is to be held in Crediton Town Hall, Thurs­ day, December 201th, at 8 o’clock. An operetta entitled “The Go Do It Club’s Christmas” is being present­ ed by the pupils under' the direction of W. R. Goulding. A four-act play entitled ‘Dot the Miner’s Daughter’ is also being given by the people. Everyone come and this program. .Miss Esther Eilber R. N7 troit, is visiting with her Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber. young enjoy of De­parents Wm. H, Wood and son Donald Wood, Dr. Elliott and Mr. Henrlck, of Toronto came up for a jack-rab­bit drive on Saturday having dinner with Mr. Fred Kerr and return­ ing in the evening very much pleas­ ed with their days’,s outing.Mrs, Cliff Hill had the misfortune of slipping and falling down stairs on Saturday. Mrs, Hill was unable to walk for a few days.Miss Hazel Woodall, who is en­gaged as public School teacher in McGillivray was painfully injured on Tuesday evening Of last week. While arranging some Christmas decorations with the trustees she moved a step ladder and a hammer that had been laid on the top of the ladder fell and struck her on the head. Trustee Mr. A, Hodgins and Mr, N. Hodgins rushed her to Park­ hill to the office of Dr. Racey where It, was discovered that an arterj had ly weakened from loss of blood, 4a Ain A A/I 4a .A1 rl 1 f) ed with their days’,s outing. x _ l‘.L„. CLff ILL ___ i'-- --of slipping and falling down stairs on Saturday. LI.c. HUI ..... to walk for a few days. gaged as public School ^teacher jn o:n ^sda'v evening?/"iXt While arranging some 'Cl... decorations with, the trustees that'had been laid on the top of the ladder fell and struck her on the head. Trustee Mr. A, Hodgins and Mr, N. Hodgins rushed her to Park­ hill to the office of Di’. Racey where it was discovered that ah artery had been severed, Although consideraD- ly weakened from loss of blood, Hazel is on duty and is holding her entertainment on Wednesday even­ ing of this week.r-54 - -■*-■* - ■ men s t Association of me'nVpn, Thursday,, December^ ,13th. business and after _......„.....A. members for their loyal support during the past year, vacated the chair and Rev. Mr. Johnson presided for the election of officers, resulting as_follows: Pres. " “ ‘ ~ Mrs. .. ...... — ----Mrs, J. Mawhinney; 3rd Vice-iPres., Mrs E, Chambers; Recording Secre­ tary, Mrs. A. Bdker; ASsfet. Secre­tary and press Sec’y., Mrs. B, Kestle Tretts., Mrs. T, Tfevethlck; Planfste, Mrs. (’Rev.) Johnson and Mrs. (Dr.) Wedneed; 'The annual meeting of the Wo­ men s Association of the United Church was held in the church base­ment on Thursday, December ,13th. Mrs, C. Jones occupied the chair for the regular business and thanking the W. A. members t:.j. .a.:....year, vacated tiie^chair and Rev. Mr. _____ resulting as follows: , Mrs. J. Lovie; 1st vice*Pres., O. Misener; 2nd Vice-Pres., Misener; Auditors, Mrs. C. Zwicker and Mrs. F, Clark. The convenors of the different committees are as fol­ lows: Good cheer, Mrs. I. Hill; Par­sonage, Mrs. F. Kerr; Visiting, Mrs. F. Clark; Managing, Mrs. A. King. Following the election of officers a social time was spent and a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs F Clark and Mrs. J Woodall. Miss Annie Waghorn, of (London,: t.■’ j . ’ .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waghorn. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wein and fam­ily, of near Sharon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein. Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas Baird and daughter Mona, of Grand Bend spent the week-end with relatives here.Mr. Jake Messner, of Dashwood, spent Monday with his sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and 'Mrs. Joseph Bullock spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carruthers entertained their friends and neigh­bors to a progressive euchre party on Saturday evening; five tables be­ ing in play and prizes were won by Annie Waghorn of London and Mrs. W. MacPherson. Death of Nicholas Beaver^ Mr. Nicholas Beaver, an aged and esteemed resident of Stephen Tp., passed away Tuesday in his 85th year following a. stroke which he suffered Friday l|ast. Mr. Beaver was born near Morrison, in Pus- linch Tp., and for the past 60 yeai-s has been a resident of Stephen Tp. He was united in marriage with Fredericks Martin, who predeceased him forty yeans/ He is survived by six sons and one daughter, Wm., of Ottawa; Harry, Herman, Edwin, Clara and Herbert, all of Stephen aud Frederick, of New York. He is also survived by one brother, Henry, of Morrison and two sisters Mrs. Charles Martin, of Hamilton, and Mrs Charles Elmer, of Credi­ ton. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon from his home with interment in the Crediton Ev­ angelical cemetery. Rev. 'Mr. Pletch will be in charge. (Too late for last week.) The store windows are beautiful­ ly decorated for Christmas and are very attractive showing a fine dis­ play for all Christmas shoppers. <On Monday afternoon a party of about forty hunters from Zurich with several visitors from Crediton made a drive on the jack; rabbits in the swamp west of the village. 160‘ rabbits was the total bag brought home by the hunters. .Herbert K. Eilber was in Goder­ ich on Tuesday attending a meeting of the Municipal’s Clerks of the County who had been called to meet the Government official and discuss the amendments to the Old Age Pen­ sion Aict. After January 1st all ap­ plications for the Old Age Pension are to be filled in and completed by the Clerk’s of the different municip­ ality. John Brokenshire, of Atwood, vis­ ited Richard Hill last week. The last council meeting Of the year will be held next Saturday. Nominations for Reeve, Deputy- Reeve, and Councillors will take place on Monday the 31st of this month. No doubt, the Municipal pot will soon begin to boil. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclsaac attend­ ed the funeral of the former’s sistei’ Mrs. Wm. Abel, of Royal Oak, last week. Mr. W. H. Wood, of Toronto, visit­ ed over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. CENTRALIA •Among those who attended the ■funeral of the late John Brown on Tuesday of last week were: Mr. Hy. Hodgins, of McGillivray and Mr. H. Harlton, of Shipka; Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland and Samuel Ped­ lar of Ailsa C'raig and Messrs Jonah and Thomas Kessell of Dashwood. s‘^r?aTent^ i & Mrs. Z. Mcllhargey, of Lucan, vis­ ited with her sister Mrs. C. O’Brien on .Saturday of last week. Miss Florence Mitchell visited with Mr. and lMns. John Blair in Lucan over the, week-end. Mr. Gordon McDonald was pre­ sented with a Rolls razor as a token of remembrance from a number of the young men of the village.On Sunday next Christmas ser­ vices will be held in the church here Special music will be provided by :the choir and the services will be in charge of the pastor Rev. R. N, Ste­ wart.Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith on Sunday. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday, December 11th, with Mrs. A. McFalls in the chair, opening with the use of hymn 512 after which the leader led in prayer. The Scripture lesson found in the second chapter of Luke H16 verses was read by Mrs. Skinner. The de­ votional leaflet was read by Mrs. A. Isaac. Missionary papers were read by Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Mit­ chell and Mrs. Blair A committee was appointed to look after the shut- ins. A letter of thanks was read by Mrs. A. Isaac from Mrs. Stewart. Mr. Stewart took charge of the meeting for election of officers which resulted in a motion being made and seconded that all the old officers of 193 4 be returned for an­ other year. After singing a hymn the meeting was closed with the benediction. SHIPKA Last Sunday was Temperance day in the Sunday School. A talk was given by Mr. Matt. Sweitzer. Mr. Louis Schroeder spent part of last week in Goderich attending the jury. Don’t forget the Christmas enter­ tainment to be given in the United Church on Monday evening, Decem­ ber 24 th, by the children also a play by the Y. P. S. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Tilley on De­cember l'gth. Arthur Gaiser is confined to his home with Mumps. The public school is holding their Christmas concert on Friday, De­cember 21st. The Sunday School on Monday, December 2.4 th. Mr. Milton Ratz had the misfor­ tune to fracture a. rib w.hile work­ ing a't the chopping mill. A meeting of the Executive of the United Church Sunday School met in the church on Wednesday after­noon for the purpose of electing the officers for the coming year.* Rev. J. Johnson was in charge. The of­ficers elected were as follows: Supt. Edward Lamport; Assist., Milton Ratz; Secretary, Verne 'Sharpe; As­ sist., John ,‘Lamport; Treasurer, Mil­ ton Ratz; pianist, Mrs. Milton Ratz Director, Nola Sweitzer, Lorraine Baker, Ruth Lamport; Teachers, Ernest Keyes, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Matt. Sweitzer, Pearl Keyes, Wm. Sweitzer; Assist. Teachers, Jacob Kellerman, Major Baker, Louis Schroeder, Lillian Lovie, Ruth Lam­port,; Supt. Missionary Depart.. P. Keyes; Supt. Temperance Work, M. Sweitzer; Auditors, Verne Sharpe, Matt. Sweitzer. WHEN you're ready to unpack your things . ■ . and the trunk key at you’ve left home . . . KIRKTON A Social Event The “Class that Counts” met at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Jose Wed­nesday night and presented their teacher, Mrs. W. Batten and their assistant teacher, Dr, G. Jose with Christmas gifts, after which a social hour was spent. All reported a good time.Mrs. Ss Batten lias left to spend the winter with her daughter Mrs. Will Hodge.We are very sorry to hear that Maty Hannah was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London, oh Saturday ev­ ening foi* pneumonia.Mr, and Mrs. H. V, Crago, Alex and Ailvin left on .Saturday morning to attend their two cousins* funerals that tvere killed in an ante accident at BWmanviUe, and you've got to have it P.D.Q Tell them so by telephone ... a Long Distance call gets quick action. £ In any kind of d fix, Long Distance is the quickest, easiest way to send a message—and get a reply. You call talk 100 miles dr so for as little as 30 centa. Look in the front of your directory and see the different low rates. b