HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-20, Page 4THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE (Ehrwtuuui (6rrrtiuiu> to AU w During the past year wo have endeavoured to give First- Class service to the public with the utmost in satisfaction. We have appreciated the liberal patronage of the public and hope to merit a continuance of your favor. fi? I . . Christmas Cake and Candy ONLY FRESH AND DELICIOUS FRUITS ARE USED IN OUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Smiles and Chuckles Chocolates in bulk or boxes 5OC a lb- ******** ♦ • & MIDDLETON'S BAKERY CRACKED WHEAT BREAD, SUN WHEAT BREAD, FRUIT LOAVES, ETC. Leave your Christmas order at the Store or with our driver. — WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR PRODUCTS — We will cook your Christmas Fowl and deliver Christmas Morning, Phone 52. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on 'Saturday, the 45th day of December 1934, at 1 p.m. All the members were present. The minutes of 'the previous meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Chester Mawliinney, se­ conded by Edward Lamport: That F. W. Morlock, Collector of Taxes for the year 1934, having returned the Collector’s Roll pursuant to Sec- ’ tion 118 of the Assessment Act and 1 having failed to collect all the taxes for the year 193 4, the said- F, W. Morlock is hereby appointed and au­ thorized to continue the levy and col- . _^2 _;------------ to the I manner and with the power provid- ' ed by law for the general levy and collection of taxes. The said F. W. Morlock shall finally return the Col­lector’s Roll to the Township Treas­ urer not later than the 1st day of February 193'5' as provided by the said section 118 of the said Act, Car.The Clerk read a letter from the Township’is Solicitors: Messrs. Kerr, McNevin and Kerr, acknowledging the receipt of a cheque for $1,000 which is to he paid to Solomon Pol­ lock, pursuant to t-he award of the Arbitrator, Judge Costello, for the expropriation of a road allowance. The account -of Dr. C. C. Misener for attendance of indigent patients, was ordered filed.Moved by Chester Mawhinney, se­ conded by Roy Ratz: That in the event of a Municipal Election being held on Monday, 'the 7th -day of Jan- __ ______ ____L, . uary 193151, a plebiscite shall be 'tak- Funeral from C. L. Miur- en -of an expression of an opinion as ‘ ' to whether or not the electors are in favor of the newly elected coun­ cil passing a resolution allowing the issuance of licenses to sell beer and wine in Standard Hotels in this Mun­ icipality. Carried.Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by Alonzo McCann: That the pay-sheets and orders as read be paid. Carried. The Council adjourned sine die. Herbert K. Eilber, Clerk BIRTHS TILLEY—--In Stephen, on December l'Jth, to Mr. Alf. Tilley a daughter. PEACHEY—-In Stephen Saturday, and Mrs, Township on Sunday, December 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peachey, a son, MARRIAGES BEAVER—DEARINC—At the To One and All We Extend the Season’s Greetings I____II _____—- —- Triv- itt Memorial Rectory, on Wednes­day, December 12th, 1934, Greta Emma youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dearing, of Ste­phen to Mr. Morris R. .M. Beaver, ------ — - W - .son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver f lection of the unpaid taxes m -of Stephen, by Rev. M. A, Hunt. ---------"" GILBERT—-HAUGH—At the Bap­tist parsonage, Clinton, on Satur­ day December 15th, Mabel Haugh, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. John Haugh, Dashwood, to John Frederick -Gilbert, -son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert, -of Stratford, by Rev. G. W Sherman. Why not give a piece of fiirnituire for a Christmas Gift » Nothing More Suitable Ca|l and look through our stock. Prices are all marked down is to suit the timesto suit the times Buy from us and get value for your money. R.2V. Embalmer & Funeral Director ROWE Phone 20w DEATHS BEAVER-—In Step-lien Tp., on Tues-, day, December 18th, Nicholas Beaver, in his 85th year. Funer-' al Thursday at 2 p.m interment • in the Crediton Evangelical ceme­tery. PARKER—In Granton on Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1934, Margaret Ann, be­loved wife of Thomas Parker, and mother of Richard Parker, Cen­ tralia. ___ i ~___ _ "■dy Funeral Home, on Thursday, December 20, at 2 o’clock Inter­ment in St. James’ Cemetery, at 'Clandeboye. ANNOUNCEMENT ■Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kerslake wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Erma, to James M. Marshall, eldest son of Mr. and ‘ Van­ take Mrs. Charles C. Marshall, of couvef B. C., the marriage to place the middle of January. USBORNE COUNCIL IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE ’ Three articles were icLumcu tu:-------• ----- — -r--°their owners last week thr-oniErh the and elected the following staff for ineir owneis last weeK txiiuugp uie VPfll.. Rnnj. ,s -xS-ohH. Aa_ advertisements which the Times-Advocate. A Church Sunday School met at the returned to ‘ home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGreg- • — « ~ 2-1 1— AS- v next year: Supt., Mr. S. Webb; As­ sist., Mr. J. H. McGregor; Secretary,appeared in' lflvrYA ivinn XTX X . U • J.J.. JY1 UkXI C £ V1 f I C LiXI y ,jaige^pipe Ross Brown; Assist., Mary McGregorwrencli was lest by Mr. Chas. Trieb- Treasurer, Dorothy”Belling; Organ- — > J T— * , - - - K | that sist., Muriel‘Steeper; Supt. of Cradle _j 1 ixr m TT-n.-.o. a,,,.. ner and was found by Mrs, John Cox, Huron Street. The time book f„-L was found by Mr. Ed. Howald and returned to it’s owner and the over­ coat was found by Mr. Victoi’ Heywood returned to Mr. R, Skinner. WINCHELSEA bad -chimney fire in Mr. George HENRY FORD STATES we will announce our 1935 V8 and show them on Saturday, December 29th Also it is entirely probable that some of the prices will be lower. We want them lower because we expect to build a million cars next year. Read the whole announcement in the Daily Papers of Monday, December 17th and see the new cars in our show rooms on Saturday, December 29th. ******** SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 Exeter, Ont. It takes a V8 to give V8 performance CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John Brown and Mrs. Armstrong wish to thank the friends and neighbors for the ness shown them in their recent sad bereavement; alis-o to those who so kindly loaned cars and the Rev. R. N. Stewart. Jane many kind- GARD OF THANKS The family of the late Thomas Brock desire to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy ex­tended during their reefent bereave­ ment and especially to the male quar­ tette and Rev. Mr. peters. CARD OF THANKS DIr. and Mrs. M. C. Sleamon to convey their thanks to the friends for their kindness during Mrs. Sleam- on’s illness in Victoria Hospital. wish WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICES Exeter Jan. 8—Salvation Army, Rev. A. Sin­ clair. Jan. 9—James Street, Rev. L. C. Harrison. Jan. 10—Main Street, Rev. E. F. Chandler. Jan. 11—iCaven, Rev. S. R. Johnston Hensail Jan. 8—Carmel, Rev. M. A. Hunt Jan. 9—St. Paul’s, Rev. S. M. Gor­ don. Jan. 10'—United, Rev. R. N. Stewart Kippen, Jan. 9—Rev. A. E. Elliott. Centralia Jan. 8.-—Rev. J. H. Stainton Lucan Jan. 9—-United Church, Rev. W. A. Young. Jan. 10—iChurch of England-—Rev. J. H. Stainton. Ait the regular meeting of the Men’s Union in M'ain Street Church recently the following officers were elected: President, G. W. Layton; vice-president, Chas. Pearce; ■ Secre­tary, G. C. Koch; Assist., Elmore Harness; Treasurer, W. Martin; Exe­ cutive members, K. J. Lampman, A. H. Gambrill, E. Walker, J. Caldwell, Roy Sims, auditor, G S. Howard. The Busy Bees Mission Band of Caven Presbyterian Church held their annual meeting last Thursday. The reports of 'the treasurer and se­cretary showed an increase in giv>> ings and interest, a splendid average attendance of 29 for the year was evidence of the interest taken by the boys and girls Seven nicely dressed dolls have been a part of the girls’ work and thev have been .sent to Dr. Margaret Strang-Savage for Christmas. The following officer^ were elected for the year 1935: Pres Patsy Russell; vice-pres., Bruce Gor­don; secretary, Coquoline Simmons; assist, sec’y., Irene Kydd; treasurer, Richard Stanhury; pianist, Annie Mason in memoriam TIERNEY—In Joving memory of Cora Tierney, who passed . away two years ago, December 21st., 1932. This morning brings sad memories, Of a loved one gone to Test; You will always be remembered By the ones who loved you best. Ever remembered by Husband, little daughter Betty, Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters. The Municipal Council of the Twp. of Usborne met as per statute on Saturday, December 1'5'th at the Tp. Hall with all members present.The minutes of the meeting held December 1st were read and approv­ ed on motion of Shier-Passmore.Re Andryka case, a deputation of the council waited on Joseph And- dyka father re payment of the Hos­ pital bill of his son at St. Joheph’s Hospital -London.He agreed to give an order on -his wages due for one half the expense and his note for the balance for 12 months.Moir-Shier: That the Council agrees to this settlement.Moir-Passmore; That $20.00 be al­ lowed as per sheep valuators award to R. D Hunter for sheep killed by dogs.Westcott-S-hier: That the Reeve and Tr’easurer be empowered to bor­ row sufficient funds for current ex­ penses from the Exeter Branch of the Bank -of Montreal and that a by-law be drafted confirming the sme.Treasurer’s -report, Henry Strang, gravel $24.3i0>; Newton Clark, ditto $9,18; Railway Tax $|10'6.5i6.A number of accounts and - bills were ordered paid.•Council adjourned to meet at close of the n-ominati-on meeting, cember 31st, 19(3i4.Henry Strang, Clerk ist for Sr. Dept., Olive English; (As- Roll, .Mrs. W. T. uiens; Supt. of Home Dept., 'Mrs. D. Sheppard; Tem­ perance -Supt., Mr. I. C. Goodhand;Missionary Supt., Mrs. I.* C. Good­ hand; Associate 'Teachers of Bible C. Mrs. -Sherritt and Mrs. <W. Young; Associate Teachers of Harmony C., Mrs. Frank Steeper and Mrs. McIn­tosh; Teachers, Unity Class, M'ae Wilson and Mrs. English; Adanac, I. Sharpe and Mr. Kirkby; Supt. of Jr. •Dept., Lois Brown and Mrs. E. Curts Teachers, Intermediate boys, Manuel Curts and Kenneth Smith; Interme- dia'te girls B., Mrs. F. Steeper and Mrs. R, Pollock; intermediate girls A., Mrs. Jones and Mrs. MciGregor; Junior boys, Mrs. W. Young and Miss E. Goodhand; primary girls, NormaI Steeper and Mrs, Ross Battram; few, Primary mixed class, Mrs. L. Brophey A Coward’s house on Saturday caused several hundred dollars damage to the interior of the house. Fortunately '■ the fire was noticed by neighbors and the alarm turned in brought help in time to save the building from being completely -destroyed. Quite a lot of clothing and bedding was burnt. I Mrs. Freeman Horn spent a ,___ ............. days the pa.st week with her sister Eveivn"Curts; Beginners, Miss* S. ...................— Young and Thelma Sheppard; -organ­ist Jr. Dept., Ula Ulens and Evelyn. Curts . for the ENTIRE FAMILY THE Remington . . . PORTABLE a TYPEWRITER Make this Christmas one your son and daughter will remember. Give them a Remington Portable Typewriter. Not only will they appreciate itz but it will help them all through life. ::::::::: Ask About Our Monthly Terms Times-Advocate X J South Huron Ministerial Assoc. Opposed to Sunday Funerals The December meeting of the Min­ isterial Association for South Huron met at Elimville Parsonage Monday, afternoon, December 10 th, with a good attendance. Rev. W. A. Young of Hensall, presided. The secretary read a communication from the Cen­ tre Huron Association regarding Sunday funerals which was read as follows:"Resolved that the Ministerial As­ sociation of Centre -Huron go on re­ cor'd as disapproving of -Sunday fun­ erals, except by order of the Medical Health Officer; and that the secre­ tary be instructed to write -and se­ cure the co-operation of other Min­ isterial Associations of Huron Coun­ ty, to secure the adoption of the mo­ tion by all Cemetery Boards of the County.” The members of the South Huron Association were unanimous in fa­ vour of the resolution. It was sug­ gested, however, that inasmuch as a Similar -action was 'taken a short time ago by our -own association when local Cemetery Boarcs reveal­ ed a willingness to co-operate in such a movement, that we do now re-af firm our stand and ask all Boards and all individuals to observe insofar as it is possible this resolution. The Association noted with regret the intended departure from Hensall of Rev. M. B. Parker and asked the secretary, in the absence of Mr. Park­ er, to write him expressing the con­ gratulations Of the brethren -upon his recent marriage, their apprecia­ tion Of his services th the Associa­ tion and their best wishes for his success in. his new parish.Platts were made for week of Prayer services to be nerd from Jan. 7-11.The paper for the day was m charge of Rev. R. N. Stewart who reviewed the recent book of H. V. Morton, the British traveller, entitl­ ed, "In the steps of the Master.” This book, is the moi&t Teceilt on the Holy- land and tells in a vivid way the ex­ periences and __x. .. Morton as he sought to retrace the steps of Jesus in Palestine. The book is interesting not only for the light which it throws on the geography Of the land but for its historical touch­ es and its sincere attempt to inter­ pret many incidents in the life of our Lord in the light of the conditions and local background at the time. At the conclusion, a hearty vote of thanks was extended to Rev. and Mrs. Peters for their hospitality. Rev. a. E« Elliott kindly invited the members to the Main St. Parson­ age for their January meeting, on Monday, Jan. 7th, it having been de­ cided to change the day of meeting from Tuesday to Monday, impressions of Mr, the De­ Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas. Quite a few from this community Were in London the past week. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family -of the late Th-os. Brock, of Zion, in their sad be­ reavement. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance, of Dashwood, spent Saturday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Prance. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray spent one day last week with Mr. James Routly of Woodham. Mrs. Ray Fletcher spent one day last week in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills re­ cently spent a few Crays visiting with relatives in Toronto. Miss Irene Pooley spent the week­ end with Miss Leona Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake Genevieve spent Sunday with and Mrs. Harvey Parkinson of Sth line Blanshard.Mrs. Wes. Burns, of St. Marys, is visiting with her sister Mrs. R. Batten. ELIMVILLE and Mr. the W. HOG PRICES JUMP Calves Shade Stronger on Toronto Cattle Market. Toronto Stock Receipts'Cattle ................................ 2,4(60 Calves ............................... 650-Hogs ................................. 87)0| Sheep and Lambs 1,4201 A late afternoon spurt sent hogs up Pole on the Toronto live stock mar- ke Monday after the division had opened and stayed unsettled during the morning and early afternoon. No others gains were registered, altho’ weighty steers and fed calves were a shade stronger and lambs slightly weaker than last week’s close. Calves and sheep were steady 'throughout the day.Trading on the cattle division was fairly- active, and this, combined with the fairly light run produced a small holdover of 5 00 head. Steers closed at $5.25 to $5.85 though one lot went as high as $6. Butcher cattle rang­ ed from $2,501 for common to $4.25 and $4.i5iG for choice. Butcher cowls went at $2.5-0! to $2.85 for good, while export bulls sold at $2.50 to $3 and bolognas at $2.-215. Fed calves made $7 to $7.2'5, with medium mostly at $5 to 6. A few stacker cattle sold at $2.1510 to $3.10. Hogs clolsed with a 15c advance at $7.50 f.o.b., for bacons, $7.85 off truck and $8.25 off car. Most sales sales went to small buyers. Packers bids during the day were at last Thursday’s levels, with the exception of truck [supplies on which they bid 5 c. higher. Calves closed unchanged ait $7 to $7.50 for choice and at $4 for com­ mon. Some koshers brought $-8, while heavy westerns brought $3 to $3.75. -Good native lambs sold (slowly af­ ter an unsettled opening. Prices set­ tled at $6.75 to $7 with culls, bucks and heavies at $5 to $6. About 400 Weisern lambs sold at $7. Sheep clos­ ed steady at $1 to $3 cwt. The engagement is announced of Lucella Isabdl'le, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. John Hopper, of Wingham, to Hugh P. Carmichael, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Car­ michael, Lobo Township, wedding to be held Saturday, Decetnber 29th. WOODHAM Don’t forget the Christmas The Junior Bible class held their election of officers for 193)5' last Sun­day, the results of which’are as fol­lows-: Pres., -Squire Herdman; Vice- Pres., Audrey Prance; Sec’y., Lome Elf ord; Assist. Sec’y., Roy Hunter; Treas., Jack Delbridge; Assist., Ron­ald Elford; Teachers, Messrs. Win. Routly and Harry Cole.The W. M. S. held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Ed. Johns on Wednesday of last week. The weather being stormy and sev­ eral members indisposed, the attend­ ance was much below the aver-age. Mrs. Will Ferguson was in charge and opened the meeting with the Christmas hymn "It Came on the Midnight Clear” followed by sil­ent prayer and Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son. Christmas scripture lessons were read by Mrs. Geo. Davis, Mrs. Wm. Johns and Mrs. Will Elford. The minutes of the November meet­ing were read and adopted. Thirteen members1 answered the roll call sub­ ject: “A Christmas M’essage,” "Sil­ent Night” was next sung and the Devotional Leaflet ’ "Be of Good Cheer” was read by Mrs. Richard Johns. A reading "The Christmas Legend of the busy housewife was given by Mrs. Chas. Johns. Mrs. Hy. Delbridge read an article on "Sys­ tematic Giving” and airs. Wes. Johns one on “Temperance.” Leaflets deal­ing on early Missionary work in In­ dia were given by Mrs. Elford, Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Murch gave the treas report. Mrs. (Rev.) Peters led in prayer. The meeting closed with the hymn "Blest be the Tie that Binds.” After the close several of the members served a ten cents tea. The Y. P. S. met on Monday even- with the president, Horace Delbridge in the chair. The meeting was open­ ed with hymn 241 and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of 'the last meeting were read and adopted. The minutes of the executive meet­ing were also read and adopted. It was decided to hold a Watch Night services on New Year’s Eve. Allen Johns then took -charge of the wor­ ship period and the Topic "Jes-us’ Evaluation of a Dollar” was given by Lome Elford. Hymn 81 was sung. The -Scripture Lessons were read by Gladys Johns and Lloyd Bell. The Don’t forget the Christmas Tree and Concert in the -Orange Hall on Friday evening, December 2(lst. A ■good program is being prepared.Miss Elizabeth Lovegrove, nurse- in-training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, visited at her home here, last Saturday afternoon.The Misses Nina McNaughton and Netta Shier, of London, were week­ end visitors at the home of their parents here. .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and their daughter Violet were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott on Tuesday evening last. Mr. Raymond Switzer, of St. Marys spent Sunday last at liis parent’s' home here.Miss Blanche Mills spent Sunday last at the home of her sister Mrs. Harold Thompson.Mrs. W. iSwitzer visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Charles Camm.Messrs. Edgai’ Rodd and William Rodd spent last Saturday in London. We are sorry to report Mr. Jas. Swallow quite ill at hts home here. We hope for a speedy recovery.Mr. and Mrs. Wm, R-odd visited on Tuesday evening last at the home of Mr. and M'rs, Albert Scott,(Rev.) Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove talk -on the lesson was read by Gil- and family were entertained at the. bert Johns. Prayer was offered by home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd• Allen Johns.eThe meeting then clds- on Tuesday evening of last week, led with hymn 95 and the Mizpah We are pleased to see Mr. James, benediction. R-outly out again after his recent ill­ ness.Mr and Mrs. James Squire and Violet visited on Friday last at the home of .Mr. and M'rs Ward Hern. JWe are pleased to see Mr. James, ■ i i I GRAND BEND Mr, Morris Tiederman and Mi’- Tiederman, who are -working at Fer­ gus for a few weeks visited at their homes here on Sunday.Mrs. Russell Page is on the sick list at present.Mrs. Henry Becker -and family vis­ ited Mrs. Frank iStatton on Sunday.Mrs. Walter England, who has been confined to her bed for a couple of weeks is slowly Improving. Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Merher, Cred- iton visited Mrs. Dave Sturgeon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Aaron Ireland visit­ ed their daughter Mrs. Furg-us Turn­bull on the Blue Water Highway on Saturday,Mr. Wilbur Lovie, who has been working in (London for the past five weeks returned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parker, of Fer­gus, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holt over the week-ehd. B. Mrs. Henry Becker -and family vis- Mrs. Walter England Township if Usbornc NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that meeting of t.he electors o'f .thea. Township of Usborne will ibe held in .................... ,______ the Township Hall, Usborne, Mon­ in the United Church on Christmas j day, December 31st 'at the hour Of[one o’clock p.m. for .the purpose of be a special Christmas service m the-for nie offices nf Rppvp mnd 4 c.mmTTnifnd Chiirnh also ths usual Whitfl I Keev? and 4 COun- GREENWAY Don’t forget the Christmas concert L. LtoLto Cl......1- Cl-Ll___:Eve, admission 25c. and 10c. __ _____ r.... _..... — Next 'Sunday afternoon there will (making -and receiving nominations United? Church also the usual White1 Gift Service. All members are ask­ ed to remember,The Harmony Class met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts on Sunday evening.Miss Patrick, of otaffa, renewed acquaintances here last week.■We are glad to report that Miss Lois Brown is able to be out again after her recent illness.Mrs. S. W. Webb spent last week in London completing her throat treatment.The Y. JP. S. held their meeting last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, English. Tile meeting was opened ‘with a shoft song period fol­ lowed by the worship service. It being Citizenship night the problem fof thought and discussion was 'How ■does Canada today meet Jesus Stan­ dard for Civilization.” The topic was ably given by Eddie Hartle and an interesting discussion followed, ReV,. Moore gave an outline of the current events which happened throughout the w-orld during the past month. Ivan Sharpe read the lesson, The roll nail was answered by naming a Country belonging to the League of Nations, The hymns foi* the evening were of a patriotic nature. Plans were com­ pleted 'for entertaining the Grand Bend Y. P. S. When they present their play in the United 'Church on Janu­ ary 4 th,The Executive of the United cillors. And further take notice that in the event of more candidates be­ ing proposed than required to be elected, proceeding will be adjourn­ ed until (Monday, January 7th when polls shall be held from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the fol­ lowing places with the undermen­ tioned officers iu charge 'as fixed /by Township By-law viz: Sub Division No. 1, School House No. 4 Eden, D.R.O., J. J. Hunter, Poll Clerk, Jno Luxton; Sub Divis-. ion No, 2, House of Lloyd Stewart, D.R.O., C. B. Allison, Poll Cleirk, Chas. Jeffery; Sub. division NO. 3, House of H. Rowcliffe, D.R.O,, S .W. Dougan, poll Clerk, Wm. Jeffery; Sub Division No. 4, Public Hall, Far­ quhar, D.R.O,, Albert Scott, Poll Clerk, Leonard Harris; Sub Division No. 5, Township Hall, Elimville, D. R. O„ Lloyd Johns, Poll Clerk, Wes­ ton Horne; Sub Division No, 6, House of Alfred Brock, D.R.O., Earl Johnston, Poll Clerk, Ro&s. Hern; Suib Division No, 7, House of Russell Morrissey, D.R.O., Oliver MoCUrdy, Poll Clerk, Wm. Mills. All electors, are hereby requested to take notice land govern themselves accordingly, Henry Strang, Clerk R.R, No.1, Hensall, Dec, 4, 1934