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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-13, Page 4
THURSDAY, reCSJlBHl 13, 1334 THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE ?*=== A •p Christmas Cake and Candy ONLY FRESH ANO DELICIOUS FRUITS ARE USED IN OUR CHRISTMAS CAKE 35c a lb. or 2 lbs. for 65c The Exeter Old Boys and Girls Association Reunion July 27-31, 1935 Good Quality Candies from 12c a lb. up Smiles and Chuckles Chocolates in bulk or boxes 5OC & CRACKED WHEAT BREAD, SUN WHEAT BREAD, FRUIT LOAVES, ETC. Leave your Christmas order at the Store or with our driver. — WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR PRODUCTS — We will cook your Christmas Fowl and deliver Christmas Morning. Phone 52. MIDDLETON'S BAKERY This week the first letter to the Old Boys and Old Girls of Exeter and community, telling them of the Reunion, has been mail ed. Twelve hundred have gone out and the lists are still coming in. They have gone to frozen Alaska and sunny California and Texas to the fertile plains of the Canadian West and to the cactus studded dunes of Mexico, to the British Isles, to India, China and Formosa, to Serbia and to far off Australia and New Zealand as well as to the great dities and smaller settlements of the United States and Canada from Halifax to Vancouver. To The Old Boys and Girls of Exeter and Community: EVERYWHERE To all those who have wandered away from this theiri home of former days-—GREETINGS. W© are planning to welcome .you back to the best little town in Western Ontario in July 193(5. An enhusiastic: Committee is work ing on the plans for a big celebration of your return and, best of all, every man, woman and child is whole-heartedly behind our invita tion. We want to make sure that no one is overlooked, so we are asking you, who receive this letter, to take the trouble to write the Chair man of the Invitation Com., Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, and give him the names and addresses of all your relatives and friends who are form er residents of Exeter district. Make sure that they will meet you here next July by sending us their names. When you hang up your 1935 calendar mark a red circle around July 27th to !3‘lst, and reserve these dates for Exeter Reunion. We hope to make each of these days a red letter day in your life. Meantime, we wish every Old Boy and Girl the season’s best ■good wishes. CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE J3ut we are ready for it with a full line of goods suitable for Christmas Gifts. Call and look through our stock. Prices are all marked down to spit the times Buy from us and get value for your money. Yours sincerely, THE EXETER OLD BOYS AND GIRLS ASSOCIATION J. G. Stanbury Chairman Publicity Committee Embalmer & Funeral Director Phone 20w • ••Special Christmas Sale ... — at — COO K’S Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter We sell for cash and give you good value See our prices before you buy and you will be convinced. Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter THE LEADING GROCER — BIRTHS LOCAL NEWS Victoria Hospital, on December 10th, 1934, to Mrs. Ross Hern, of Us- HERN—In Monday, Mr. an d borne, a daughter, (Frances Wan- ita.) GLAN VILLE—In Usborne, day, December 11th, to ■Mrs. Wilbert Glanville, ter. MARRIAGES on Tues- Mr. and a d a-ugh- LINDENFIELD—WELDS — At the Trivitt Memorial Rectory on Mon day, December 10th, 19'34, Ver dun Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Wells, Exeter, to Lloyd Bolton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ILindenfield, of Exeter, by Rev. M. A. Hunt. DEATHS Usborne, on Wednesday 12th, Thomas Brock, ‘ 3 Funeral from the home of MOTHER DIES Mr. W. C. Cann has received the sad news of the death of his mother Mrs. W. H. Cann, who passed away Tuesday, December 4th, at the home of her daughter (Laura) Mrs. Clar ence Vail, at Assinaboia, Sask. De ceased was in her 85th year. (Mrs. Cann enjoyed good health right up to the end. Most of her life was spent in Exeter leaving here 26 years ago for the West where the family settled on a farm. Her husband predeceased her six years and since that time she has made her home with her son Percy on the farm. This kind, loving mother, faithful to her children leaves to mourn her loss three daughters, Mrs. Vail, of Assina boia; (Cora) Mrs. Forsythe, Melit- ta, Man.; (Minnie) Mrs. Wright, of Winnipeg and four sons Percy, of Willans, Sask.; John, of Biggar, Sask.; Arthur, of Willows; and W. C Cann, of this town; also twenty- two grandchildren. The funeral was held at the Assinaboia c’hurch where the deceased faithful member. Mrs. Cann remembered by her host, of who will remember her life ter. BROCK—In December aged 68 years, 2> months, and days. “ his son, Wellington Brock, Con. 9, on Friday, December 14th at 2 p.m. nterment in Exeter cemetery. BROWN—-In Centralia, on Saturday, December 8th, 19'3 4, John Brown, aged 79 years and 8 months. HATTER,—In- Exeter North, on Wed- nesdayj December 15, 1934, Thom as Joseph Hatter, in his 98th .year. BAGSHAIW—In Toronto, on Friday, December 17th, Fanny H. Bag- sha-w, widow of the late Samuel Bags,h,aw. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lindenfield and Miss Lulu and Mr. and |Mre. W. C. Cann motored to Kippen Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. Linden field’s brother-in-law the late James Johnston. Mr. Chas. Birney, who has been in London Hospital for several weeks returned to his home Thursday and is slowly recuperating. His eon Wm. J. Birney was up from Toronto over the week-end. Four infants received the rite of Baptism at the James St. United church on Sunday morning last. They were Jean IM'arie Taylor; Dorothy Jean Pincombe, Audrey Jean Coates and Robert Jeffery Coates. Mrs. Albert Johnston and son Morley, of Auiburn motored down on Saturday last and spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Har vey and her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Johnston and many other friends and relatives. Winter with its shivering blasts, arrived last week after a season of mild weather. The mercury dropped Saturday night to a new low record for this section at this time of year. Mr-. W. Hatter, dairyman, reports that at four o’clock in the morning the thermomen ter registered 10 de grees below zero. It was with dif ficulty that some of the churches were heated for the morning service. chicken supper was served in the basement, also a sale of varied use ful and ornamental articles was held at the same time the greated part of which was disposed of. Afterwards a miscellaneous program was well ren dered by local talent. Nearly one hundred dollars was realized by the society from the evening’s activities. The Y. P. S. met on Monday even ing. The president opened the meet ing with hymn T33 followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. 'The missionary convenor Lavona Cooper then took, charge of the worship period. Hymn 174 was sung. The topic “Uniting our Forces’ was given by Delmar Skinner. Quiet music was followed by hymn 190. The Scripture lesson I Corinthians 1:10 was read by Ronald Elford. Marjorie Delbridge read the talk on the Lessdn after which Laura Ford led in prayer. Rev. J. R. Peters then took charge of the election of of ficers with the following results: President, Horace Delbridge; vice- president, Delmar 'Skinner; secretary Marjorie Delbridge; treasurer, Ron ald Elford; Organists, Audrey Prance and Lome Elford; C. Fel lowship Convenor, Lavona Cooper; Missionary Convenor, Howard Johns Citizenship Convenor, Allen Johns; Literary Convenor, Margaret Johns; Social Convenor, 'Gilbert Johns; Re creation Convenor, Gladys Johns. The Sunday School classes are busy preparing for a Christmas en tertainment to be given next Wed- neday night, December 19th. 'The officers of the Adult Bible C. for 193'5 are are follows: Teacher, Mr. Wm. Jqhns; President, Mr. Al vin Pym; Vice-President, Miss Dora Harry Davis. Thomas, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock is ill with the flu. Ross Hern is all smiles these days. It’s a baby girl. On Saturday afternoon of last week the Sunshine Workers’ Mission Band held their regular monthly meeting with election of officers which were as follows: Pres,, Mar garet Hern; 1st vice-pres., Laurene Hern; Rec. secretary, Arthur Hern; Treasurer, Gerald Hern; Pianist, L. I-Iern; Mission Band Leader1 for 19/35 Mrs. R. E. Pooley. The annual meeting of the Sunday School was held on Wednesday ev ening at which the election of of ficers were as follows: Supt., James Earl and Ephriam Hern; Secretary- Treasurers, Thomas Hern and Philip Hern; Primary class teachers, Mrs. Melville Hern and Miss Myrtle Earl; Intermediate class teachers, Mrs. J. T. Hern and Mrs. Charles Jaques; Junior Bible class, Mrs. Warren Brock and Mrs. Earl Johnston; Sen ior Bible Class, Mr. R. E. Pooley and Mr. Harold Hern. Pianist’s five girls from the Junior Bible class. GREENWAY On SEE THE NEW — 1935 De Luxe Plymouth NOW ON DISPLAY Heated Storage Overnight or by the Month * Delbridge; Secretary, Mrs. Murch; Treasurer, Mrs, Geo. THAMES ROAD from United was a will be friends in Exe- CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Thomas Hat ter wish to thank the many friends and kind' neighbors for the kindness shown them in their late sorrow; al so to those who so kindly loaned cars and the Rev. Mr. Gordon. The Hatter Family. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of R. W. FUKE who died December 14, 1925. Adto Accessories Make Splendid Christmas Gifts A full line of Heaters, Defrosters, Anti-Freeze, Batteries and Tires HURON GARAGE Phone 155w or 243 STEWART BROS. 4 To the Farmers of Exeter District I am very pleased to announce that I have obtained the McCORMlCK-DEERING INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CONTRACT for Exetei* and vicinity, I plan on giving 100 per cent service both in repairs car ried in stock which will be sold to you at list price, and in re pairing yotir ^machinery at reasonable service eharges. I am now located in the established MeCotmick-Deelring shop in Exetei* arid will appreciate very miich seeing you! next time you are ih town. Make my shop your headquarters while in Exeter* The McCormick-Deering line of Farm Implements, Cream Separators and Tractors are reasonable in price and of the highest possible standard of manufacture, materials and Work manship. Will you give rtie a chance to help with your Farm Equipment Problems? F. W. HUXTABLE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO., EXETER WHITE GIFT SUNDAY White Gift Sunday was observed by the Sunday School of James Street United Church Sunday afternoon. The various classes of the school brought the'ir gifts wrapped1 in white and deposited them at the foot of a 'decorated cross. Many splendid gifts were received together with a. con tribution of over $25.00. The money will be used for purchasing useful articles and these together with a bale of clothing from St. Andrews United Church, London, will 'be for warded to Mr. Don Gladman to he used in connection with his mission work on St, Joseph’s Isle. ■ CAVEN W.M.S. ANNUAL MjEETlNG 'The annual meeting of the W. M. S. of Caven Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday evening. After the President, Mrs, Will Sillery had opened the meeting she called upon Rev. Mr. Gordon to conduct the de votional exercises and preside at the election of officers. Reports were received from the various se cretaries and the treasurer. An in crease iu membership was shown, A very happy feature of the evening Was the 'presentation of a Life Mem-j bership Certificate to Mrs. R. G, Sel don in recognition of her long and faithful work. The following offic ers were elected for 19'35: Hon. Pres Mrs. E. Christie; Pres., Mrs. Will Sillery; 1st Vice-President, -Mns. S, M. Gordon; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs, F. W, Gladman; Treasurer, Mrs. J, Kydd; Secretary, Mrs. W, FUke; As sistant Secretary, Mrs. Ed. Campbell Supply SeO’y., Mrs. C. Cann; Glad Tidings Sec’y., Mrs. J. G. Stanbury; Home Helpers SeO’y., Miss L, M. Jeckell; Mission Band Leader, Mies JhCkell; Pianist, Mrs. Sillery; Liter ature and Library Sec’y., Mrs. Ftike; Welcome and Welfare Com., Miss F. Hatter, Mrs. Seldon, Wm Gladman, and Mrs. Hillis and Miss Jeckell; Se cretary of Com., Mrs, B. TurnbuiL S’C. W. A. ELECT officers regular monthly meeting of Street Women’s Association the The annual meeting of the Thames Road Farmers’ Club will be held on Monday, December 17th, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. Henry Rhode. Election of officers will be held UNANIMOUS INVITATION Rev. W. A. Young, of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensail, ex changed with Rev. S. Moore Gordon at Caven Church on Sunday morn ing. At the close of the service a congregational (meeting was held at which a resolution was unanimously adopted inviting Rev. Mr. 'Gordon to continue as .minister for another year. MAIN The Main was held in the basement of church on 'Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Howey, the president presided. Af ter the opening exercises Mrs. Beav ers read the scripture lesson. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Elliott, took, charge of the election of officers. The Exe cutive for the coming year is as fol lows: Joint presidents, Mrs. W. G, Medd and Mrs. Geo. Jaques; vice- president, |M,rs. W. S. Howey; secre tary, Mrs. R. H. Sayers; Treasurer, Mrsr»W- W. Taman; Parsonage Com., Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Jaques and Mrs. W. Ryckman; Devotional Com., Miss Ho garth, Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Elliott. The /meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction after which the quarter ly tea was served, ON THE AIR The many admirers of Mr. Doug las Stanbury, of New York, baritone, were glad to hear him on Sunday night at 8 o’clock over WLW. He is singing for the next two Sunday eV enings over the same station in a series of Grand Opera selections. Next Sunday will be “Madame But terfly.” MARGARET STRANG AUXILIARY The semi-monthly meeting of tile Margaret Strang Young Women’s Auxiliary of Caven Presbyterian church was held in the parlors of tlid church on Thursday evening last, Supper was served by a committee consisting of Miss Kathleen Strang and Misses jean and Elaine Stan bury after which a short business meeting was conducted. A number of dolls were dressed to be forward ed to one of the deaconesses of the church at Saskatchewan, The Auxil iary will adjourn for the 'Christmas season and meet again on the fitot Thursday in January. Thu officers for 19'3'5 wore elected Us follows: Pres., Miss Alma R, Brown, B.A., Secretary, Miss Jean I. Stanbury; Treasurer, Miss Ethel Kydd. Friday evening Rev. J. B. Moore will conduct the Quarterly Preparatory service in the United Church and on Sunday afternoon the usual Communion Service will be held. All members and adherents are urged to attend both services. Mrs, C. Woodburn sprained her wrist recently and .has been suffer ing considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts enter tained their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. H. 'Curts and all their family to a turkey dinner last Saturday evening in honor of Mr. Curts’ birthday. The members of the community add their congratulations and best wishes for him and his family enjoying many more such gatherings. Miss Nellie Leryis is visiting Mrs. D. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock spent Thursday in London. Mrs. Eldon Steeper is a patient in the hospital. We hope for a speed} recovery. Mrs. J. Hickey, who was recover ing from' a recent illness, is not so well again. Mr. Jas. Geromette has opened his chopping mill tor the season. Mrs. A. Gollen spent last week vis iting friends in Zurich and Grand Bend. Mr. Lloyd Brophey lost a valuable horse last week. Last Thursday evening the young people met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steeper with the Mission ary convenor in c-harge. Bob Bruns wick led in the opening devotion which consisted of the hymn “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult”. The Lord’s prayer inmnison g missionary scripture passage read by Olive Brown; topic, “Young people and Missions” by the president and the hymn “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun.” Thelma Sheppard read ■from J. C. 'Cochrane’s book “Trails and Tales of the Northland”, Evelyn Curts gave a piano solo. The roll was called and answered by naming the places Paul visited on hie Mission ary tours. The meeting closed with the hymn “Take iM;y Life and Let It Be” and the Mizpah benediction. All Mr. Wm. Cann is suffering an attack of quinsey. Mrs. Parker is home from forth Hospital, we are glad to say she is making favorable progress. Mr. Fred Dawson is getting along nicey after his operation in Victoria Hosiptal, London. Several farmers are still quite short of water west of the church. The Aux Sable being near the .farms prove invaluable but necessitates considerable work.' The friends of Mr. William Moody will be glad to hear he is"recovering from a recent heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart and Ivan with Mr. and Mrs. Green have returned after a pleasant .stay in the States with relatives visiting at Flint and Saginaw. This district was well represented at the Winter Show Guelph quite a number were visitors. Mr. and Mrs- Benson Tuckey, of Exeter and Master' R’O'ss and Mrs. E. Hunkin, /Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dol phin, of London, were visitors Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen. The Young Peoples’ Society held their regular meeting in the base ment of the church on Tuesday ev ening December 4th with the presi dent, Mies Thompson in the chair. Scripture reading land explanation was given b,y Mrs. Robt. Kyd'd. (Miss Mary Gardiner had charge of the program. A reading was given by _ __ __ Elizabeth Thompson .followed 'by an' young people are urged to be pres- instrumental by B. Ballantyne. The'—* -1 ---- Topic was taken by Miiss Hazel Thompson . Ro'bt. Cann and Will Allison sang a duett. Mr. Taylor gave a .short talk and the meeting, closed, with a hymn and benediction i Contests and games followed and. Auld Lang 'Syne was sung. The annual meeting of the W.M.S, was held on Thursday at the home of Mts, J. F. Allison with Mrs, Kydd, president in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn and prayer by Mrs. John Cann.'After the roll call and minutes the different depart ments reported on their work, for the year, we are behind in our alloca tion, we find, when the treasurer, Mrs. Rhode reported. Mrs. Whitlock then read a letter to IMrs. J. Cann and Miss Ella Robinson presented her with a Life Membership Certifi cate, Mrs, Cann has always1 been a valuable helper to the Society and takes a deep 'interest in any work pertaining to her Lord’s kingdom. Mrs. Selves then gave a splendid reading “The Heavenly Post-Office” Mrs. A. Morgan favoured with a holo and Miss H, Monteith gave a fine paper entitled helpers, It was vot ed to return all of the officers for the coming year with the exception of the sick' committee when the names of Mrs. Albert Etherihgton and Mrs. Gollings were added. ELIMVILLE The supper and bazaar held under the auspices of the tv. A. in the church last Friday evening was at tended by a large number. The so ciety were much pleased to see so many outsiders present A, bountiful Sea- ent at the last meeting before Christ- imas to be held to-night (Thursday) I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Eng lish. Township of Usborne NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public. Notice is hereby given that meeting of the electors* of ,the ZION Mr. and Mrs, Melville Hern tended the Guelph Winter Fair Visited with the former’s sifter ___ and Mrs. Huesell Peart at Rockwell, Morris Hern and James McKay attended Guelph Winter Fair, Mr, and Mrs. Ephriam Hern Visit ed with Mi*, and Mrs. Myron Culbort at Lucan on Sunday. Mr. 'Thomas Brock is critically ill at the home of his eon Mr, Wellin g- ton Brock, ..... '. . ........ at- and mt. a Township o’f Usborne will ibe (held in the Township Hall, Usborne, Mon day, December 31st at the hour of one o’clock p.m. for .the purpose of making and receiving nominations fol1 the offices of Reeve and 4 Coun cillors. And further take notice that in the event of more candidates be ing proposed than required to be elected, proceeding will be adjourn ed until Monday, January 7th when polls shall be held from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at, the fol lowing places with the undermen tioned officers in charge as fixed hy Township By-law vifc: iSub Division No. 1, School House No. 4 Eden, D.R.O., J. J. Hunter, Poll Clerk, Jno Luxt'on; Sub Divis ion No. 2, House of Lloyd Stewart, D.R.O., C. B. Allison, Poll Clerk, Chas. Jeffery; sub. Division' No. 3, House of H. Rowcliffe, D.R.O., S AV. Dougall, poll Clerk, Wm. Jeffery; Sub Division No. 4, Public Hall, Far quhar, ____r Clerk, Leonard Harris; Sub Division No. 5, Township Hall, ElimvillO, D. R, 0., Lloyd J’o/hns, Poll Clerk, Wes ton Horne; Sub Division No. 6, House of Alfred Brock, D.R.O., Earl Johnston, poll Clerk, Ross Hern; Suh Division Nd, 7, House of Russell Morrissey, D.R.O., Oliver McCurdy, Poll clerk, Wm. Mills. All electors are hereby requested to take notice land govern themselves accordingly. Henry- Strahg, Clerk AJL JtoJ .. HfehaaB tw a i a ft 1 D/R.O., Albert Scott, Poll