HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-06, Page 4THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE i HAND IN THE NAMJES The Invitation Committee fox* the Old Boys and Girls re-union .pf 1935, has been working hard and have some 1500 names and addresses al­ ready. But they do not want anyone overlooked when the first letter of invitation goes out on Monday. If any reader has a list of friends to hand in kindly do so not later (than Saturday evening, Mr. B. AV. F, Beavers is chairman of the Invita- tion committee. Mr.B. To ENFORCE THE LAAAr .'Traffic Officer AV. F.Robinson lias warned a number who have not been observing the law in providing a tail li^hit after dark. The regula­ tions are. to the effect th’af all horse- drawn vehicles must, after dusk and before dawn, carry a light that •cle'arly visible at least 200 feet from This regulation is for the protection of the driver of the ve­ hicle as well as for the motorist. Mr. Robinson lias informed us that future the law will be enforced,. SPLENDID RROGRAM The London Male Choir under the leadership of Mr. George C. Leth­ bridge, provided a splendid musical entertainment in the • James Street United Church on Wednesday even­ ing of 1’ast week. The choir of over eighty voices delighted the large audience with their various numbers and were roundly applauded. They are recognized as the best m'ale choir in the Dominion of Canada .and in competition with other Choirs at musical festivals have never been defeated. (They displayed- great vol­ ume at times. The music was inter­ spersed with readings that were well received. The pastor, Rev. J. Stainton, introduced the choir the audience and the organist, W. R. Goulding, introduced leader Mr. Lethbridge. The enter­ tainment was- under the auspices of the.Women’s Association and at the gHKIstmas WILL SOON BE HERE But we are ready for it with a full line of goods suitable for Christmas Gifts. Call and look through our stock. Prices are all marked down to suit the times the rear. in CARD OF THANKS sincere thanks to all those who assisted in my election and particularly those who used ears in carrying voters to Lets all work together in the best interests of the town during 1935. THOMAS PRYDE CARD OF THANKS I wish the polls. to express my LADIES’ SPECIAL MEN’S SPECIAL TO H. to Mr. the Buy from us and get value for ypur money. close a light lunch wias served to the visitors. An expression of apprecia­ tion was tendered to them. Embalmer & Funeral Director ROWE Phone 20w Thursday, Friday & Saturday Thursday, Friday & Saturday — only — THE ELECTORS OF EXETER SINCERE THANKS FOR YOUR EXPRESSION AND THIS COUPON You will receive a beautiful $1.00 Value Gift Pkg. of Gardenia Face Powder & a bottle of Gardenia Perfuhie Manufacturer’s Introductory offer AND THIS COUPON You will receive 5 Blue Steel Razor Blades 1 tiibe high grade Shaving Cream Styptic Pencil Blade Sharpener 1 1 REGULAR 95c. VALUE W. S. COLE Phone 65 CHEMIST & DRUGGIST “THE REXALL STORE’’Exeter OIF CONFIDENCE G. F ROULSTON CAR!) OF THANKS Permit me to thank the electors especially the women ror the gener­ ous support accorded me in the re­ cent election.' Now .that I am elected I can only repeat wha't I said at the nomination meeting that I will do my .the best 'to further the interests municipality. J. W. MORLEY MANY THANKS THE ELECTORS OF EXETER For the splendid vote and loyal support given me at the polls Monday. TO on H. C. RIVERS BIRTHS McKEEVER—In McGillivray on Fri­ day, November 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKeever, a daugh­ ter. | AVe have a fine .stock of' China, Silverware, Gold and Silver Rings, Pocket Watches, Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets and Bracelets at—<S. Taylor’s. B. CARD OF THANKS wish to thank my friends who voted for me in the municipal elec­ tions. I wish .the new Reeve and Council every success in their work for I MARRIAGES PARKER—DEE — At the United parsonage Centralia, on Saturday, December 1st, Evelyn Lee, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee, to Richard George Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Park­ er, of No. 7 Highway by Rev. R. N. Stewart. j GAMBRILL—GERRIE — At Robin- " son Memorial Church parsonage, London, on Saturday, December 1st, Edna Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gerrie, of Orton, to Jack H. F. Gambrill, of London, younger son of Mr. and Mts. A. H. Gambrill, of Exeter, by Rev. J. 'M. Finlay. CARD OF THANKS The Exeter Branch of the dian Legion washes to thank the Ses­ sions of ithe Presbyterians Churches at Exeter and Hensail, also the clergy, choirs and all others who assisted and attendee for their co­ operation in. making the Remem­ brance Day Services a success; also ’ all those w.ho contributed to the t Poppy Fund. « I i I i i IN MEMORIAM Cana- the coming year. J. AV. BATSON CARD OF THANKS ,J. AVELLINGTON HERN Expresses thanks for the splendid vote of elections confidence extended by for council of il93>5. SINCERE THANKS To it he ittie Christmas JAQUES—In memory of mother and father, Mary Rodd, who died one year ago December 2nd, also Solomon Jaques, who died twenty years ago, March 21, 19(14. many friends who came to vote on Monday. SANDY ELLIOT TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Specials .■ Remembered by sons and daughters. -O Large Raisins with Seeds .. 2 lbs. 21c Best Seedless Raisins .......2 lbs. 23c Ready Cut Peel, mixed..... . 20c. lb. Recleaned Currants ........ 13c. lb. Figs (Cooking) ...............3 lbs. 23c. Large Jar of Jam or Jelly ........ 20c.1 Harry Horne’s B. Powaer ....19c. lb. 7 bars P & G Soap 1 Oxydol ......25c. 4 bars Galay and 1 Face Cloth ..20c. No. 2 tin Tomatoes............. each 5c. All other Christmas Groceries at lowest prices A GUESS with every i50c. purchase until Christmas Eve at 10 o'clock when five prizes will be given away to those guessing the nearest num­ ber of beans in jar. See prizes in window. IN MEMORIAM ’ Grocery FINKBEINER—In fond and loving memory of our dear mother, Magdalene Finkbeiner who went to heaven. 7 years ago, Dec. 8th, 1927, and of our dear Dad, Christian Finkbeiner who went to heaven one year ago, December 12th, 1933. Even death hath a wonderful ■ mis­ sion, Though it robs us -of those we love, It lifts our hearts from our sur­ roundings, To long for that meeting above. No matter how heavy the burden, No matter how great the despair, Doesn’t lieaven seem nearer and dearer? You know our dear “Parents” are there. Cherished memories by sons and daughters. ■■ International Harvester Company ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF F. W. HUXTABLE, of Centralia in the capacity of their LOCAL DEALER FOR EXETER AND COMMUNITY Mr* Huxtable has had previous experience in repairing and selling; McCorrhick-Deerihg Machinery and comes to Exeter well equipped to service their line of equipment. Mr. Huxtable is moving to Exeter shortly and will reside here. At present he is arranging a new stock of repairs and itnplementS in his Exeter shop formerly occupied by Mr. W. J. Smith, now with the Provincial Government. MAIN STREET MISSION CIRCLE The regular monthly meeting of the Main Street Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Evelyn Ho­ ward with a good attendance. Miss Howard took change of the meeting. Miss Hilda Sims gave the topic on the third .chapter of the Study Book and Kathleen Kestle and Thelma fjockey favored 'the Circle with a duet while Merna iSiinfe gave a piano solo. Rev. Mr. Elliott presided over the election of officers which are as follows: President, Miss Evelyn Ho­ ward; 1st' Vice-President, Miss Helen Dignan; 2nd. Vice-President, (Miss O. Lawson; Secretary, Miss Violet Gam­ brill; Assistant Secretary, Miss Ruth Pearce; Miss Miss Miss ship, respondent, Miss Hilda Sims; Assist- Press Correspondent, Miss Marion Powell; Pianist, (M'iss. Eleanor Medd; Assistant Pianist, Miss Merna Sims. CAVEN GUILD A very interesting Missionary meeting of Caven Young People’s Guild was held, on Monday evening. At the beginning of the meeting a sing-song of Christmas Carols was enjoyed. The topic for the evening was the study of .the life of Rev. J. Nesbitt pioneer Missionary of AVest- ern Canada and founder of Prince Albert. This was dealt with, in a very interesting way by Miss Jean iStanbury and articles on the subject of missions were read by Richard Gordon and Alex Strang. Corresponding Secretary, Florence McDonald; Treasurer, Marjorie Medd; Temperance, Ina Jaques; Christian Steward- Miss Dorothy Sims; Press Cor- WOMAN’S AUXILIARY TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH The Woman’s Auxiliary .held their annual meeting on Tuesday evening at the home -of Miss McTaggart. The meeting opened with hymn 318 and- prayers by the President, After the business of the evening was trans­ acted Rev. Mr. Hunt took charge of the meeting and the following of­ ficers were chosen: Honorary Pres., Mrs. M. A. Hunt; President, Mrs. O. S. Winer; 1st Vice-President, Miss N. McTaggart; 2 Vice-President, Mr®. C. Tan ton; Treasurer, Miss Day; Secretary, |M’iss Caroline Secretary-Treasurer of the Helpers, Mrs. H. Jennings; Convenor, Miss N. 'McTaggart; Se­ cretary of Living Messages, Miss A. Aches'dn; Prayer Partner Committee, Mn&. Bier-ling and Miss Rosa Dear­ ing; Buying Committee, Mrs. Middle­ ton, Miss MicITaggart, Mrs. Luxton and. Mrs. Acheson. Rev. Mr. Hunt closed the meeting with the benediction. Refreshments were served by the hostess and a social half-hour was spent. FAMILY CELEBRATION Thursday last being the American Thanksgiving Mr. 'and Mrs. Wesley Redmond and ison Billy and Mrs. Brown, of Syracuse, N.Y., motored over in the latter’s car and visited with Mrs. Redmond’s parents Mr. and Mrs. AV. C. Pearce. They also visited with Mr. Redmond’s mother and sister at Milverton. As Mr. and Mrs. Redmond were unable to here for Christmas Mt. Pearce celebrated Itheir on Saturday serving a dinner .at noon. Miss Pearce, of Toronto, was present for the occasion. In the afternoon Mr. Pearce’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Pearce, of Iona, 'and his sister Mrs. 'Orchard, of Shed-den, to­ gether with Mr. and Mrs. H. IA,. Hor­ ton, of Fingal, motored up and spent a few hours with them. IH’RONDALE’S AV. I. The November meeting of the Hurondale Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Archie Morgan with about forty in-atten­ dance. Remembrance Day was co- memorated «by observing t.he two minute’s 'silence. This was followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The roll call was well answered with “Wife Pre­ servers.” Plans were made for a' Cooking Sale to be field at Traquair & Lindenfield’s Hardware store on December Sth. A circulating library wa;s discussed, action being deferred. Arrangements were made for a. card shower for Mrs. Darrel Parker, a patient in Seaforth Hospital. A pro­ gram was given consisting of a solo by Mrs. Hodgert, report of conven­ tion by Mrs. M. Bechler; solo Mrs. Earl Mitchell; reading “The Engin­ eer’s iStory” by Mrs, F. Down. A so­ cial half hour wais enjoyed close. at the Mary Davis; Little Dorcas Ladies and Gentlemen,— I take this opportunity of thank­ ing the electors of each poll for their support in electing me to the Board of Education. In accepting this re­ sponsibility, I promise to serve to the best of my ability. Yours truly C. V. PICKARD CARD OF THANKS wish to thank the electors who MondayI gave me 'their support on last and elected, me again as a mem­ ber of the Board of Education for 1935 and 1936. I have always stood for child welfare in the school and will still consider the boys and girls ■first. Wishing you a Merry Christmas a Prosperous and Happy New Year. MRS. ROXIE BEAVERS * .Solve your Christmas Gift problem by sending the Times-Advocate for ia year. It will be appreciated for <5)2 weeks, TO THE ELECTORS Kindly accept my sincere tor the splendid vote polled behalf at the pc lie on Monday, hope to merit the confidence placed in thanks on my I me. J. M. SOUTHCOTT USBORNE COUNCIL by be CARD OF THANKS wish to thank the electors splendid support given me at polls on Monday. I will endeavor fori the the ------------------------ .to give my best efforts to the Public Utilities Commission and trust that it will be run as efficiently in the future as it has been in .the past. L. J. PENHAIM CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends who remember­ ed me With flowers, cards and in various ways while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, I also wish to thank those who supported mo with itheif vote and influence at the polls on iMohdhy. PAUL COATES be .and Mrs. Christmas Christmas Marjorie FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE and The municipal Council of the Tp. of Usborne met pursurlant to ad­ journment on December 1st with all members present. The minutes of the meeting of November 3rd were read and approved with the following change. The name o'f Jno. Luxton substituted for that of Thos. Quin­ ton 'as Poll Clerk in Polling (Sub. Di­ vision' 1 on motion .of Westcott- Shi er. Notice from Bank of iMfoh'treal of overdue Seed Grain Notes. Solicitor’s account for the years 1930 to 3 4 inclusive forwarded Glaldman & iStan'bury $17.69. Westcott-Moir-—That the siame paid. Inquiry from the Bell Telephone Co. re school secretary rate on 'tiheir tax notice. Information forwarded Sheep Valuators lalid informiati'on of two, ewes and one lamlb belonging to R. D. Hunter being worried by dogs. Laiid over until December 1)5 meeting. Joshua Johns presented Sanitary Inspectors fee of $4.50i aad Ben’Wil­ liams .Sheep, Valuator’s expenses for 1934, $9.80. Both ordered paid. Treasurer’s Report—Receipts, Co. Equipment grant $9.39; 19l3i3 tatxes $175.0'0/; refund arrears ..of taxes from Co., Treasurer, $36.90. The following accounts were paid viz: R. G. Seldon, Secretlary-Treas., Exeter Agric. Societyx grant $15.00, baby beef competition $15,00, total $30.00; Amos Doupe, Secretary- Treas., of K'irkton Agric, Society $15.00; baiby beef competition $15. total $30.00; J. M. Roberts, County Clerk, Township portion A. Latta Hospital fees $25.3'5; Gl'adman and Stanbury, (solicitors’ fees $17.(69; Jno. Kellett, burying dog $1.0i0; J. Johns, sanitary inspector $4/50; B. Williams, sheep valuator $9.80; Mrs. Mary Kellett, supplies for Twp. Hhll 40c.; Hydro Electric FoWeif Committee arrears hydro rates $63.- 42; Township Postage, $7.13; Court of revisions Voters lists, $5.5i0i; Jas. Ballantyne, salary as reeve $i5|5.00; Geo. WesbcO'tt, salary as Councillor $45.00'; Deter Moir ditto $45.00; ft. Shier, ditto $45.00; Percy FasSmOre ditto $45.00; Henry Strang, salary as Clerk, $250.00; Mary M. Kellett, salary as Caretaker $12,0(0', Council adjourned to meet Satur­ day, December 15th as per statute, at 10 o’clock, a,m. Henry Strlang, Clerk KIRKTON and Mrs. Thos. Scott,Mr. marty, visited with Mrs. M. on Tuesday of last week. •Mrs. Jim Arksey, of London, is visiting friends around the village. Miss Mary Allen, of Cromarty, spent Wednesday of last week with her cousin Mrs. Alex Crago. Mrs. Ira Marshal] visited the week­ end with Mrs. S. N, Shier of Bryan- ston. The Kirkton Sunday School are busy practising for their Christmas concert. Miss V.elma Morley is. visiting her sister Mrs. Russell Brock. We are sorry to .hear that Mary Hannah is confined to her bed. AVe hope she will soon be around again. of Cro- Routly GRAND BEND and Mrs. Melvin Dodds and the have He that In recognition of the long continuous service as organist of the Staffa United Church, the cho'ir met at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. G .G. Wilson and presented her with a beautiful walnut table and console mirror. Mrs. Wil'son has acted in the capacity of organist in this one church for fifty years, having been appointed organist at the age of ten years and upon her recent resigna­ tion the opportunity was taken to acknowledge her service to the choir and church. During those years there have been well over 120' per­ sons w.ho have been .attached to the choir. Miss Audrey Dinnin read the address and Mrs. O.- W. Reed and Miss Edith Tuffin presented the gifts on behalf of the cho'ir. Mrs. Wil­ son made a very fitting reply. Mr. Wilson on behalf of Mrs. Wilson thanked the choir for the beautiful gifts and also gave a very interesting account of the organization of choir and the changes that taken place during these years, spoke of the splendid support had been given her from the mem­ bers of the choir and the church which made it a pleasure to carry on during these years. After enjoying some games the visitors provided a very dainty lunch and all joined heartily in singing “For She’S' a Jolly Good Fellow.” Dear Mrs. Wilson,— We, the members of the choir of the Staffa United 'Church .have gath­ ered this evening to express our ap­ preciation of the faithful service which you have rendered in the posi­ tion of organist of our choral group. Your untiring efforts in tlhe execu­ tion of the duties allotted to) that of­ fice have Ibeen, without doubt, one of the greatest factors in maintaining its standard of efficiency. If it may have seemed at times that co-opera­ tion has been lacking, yo'u have not allowed that lack of co-operation to turn from your tasik which we real­ ize has not been an easy one and has required self-sacrifice and constant devotion of time and talents. (The example that you have set be­ fore us, is one that we can, with pro­ fit, strive to follow. We deeply regret that you are com­ pelled by existing circumstances to surrender those duties which have, we trust, afforded yon a great deal of pleasure. However, we hope that you will be able .to continue to pro­ vide assistance wihilch will be always welcomed. Thus may many more years be added to the years, which have already been spent in the ser­ vice of our church. We believe that there are few who have given a part of so many years in this Way. As a token, ’•fc'ich can only slight­ ly indicate our esteem and approba­ tion, we would beg you to accept this present, We earnestly hope that It will con­ tinue to be a reminder of the best wishes which we extend to , you for the future. In so, doing we call t mind the words of the poet: “Grow old along with me, The best Is yet to be; The last- of life For which the first was made, i Ms. son Jack, of Buffalo, spent the week end with Mt. and Mrs. Frank Gero- mett. Mr, and M£,s. Bert Holt spent the U. S. Thanksgiving in Pt. Huron and Yale, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Green and fam­ ily are visiting for a week or so in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor, of Chisellhurst, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Mousse .on Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Ravelie, Jr., is visit­ ing her daughter in Detroit for a week. The service conducted by the Dashwood Evangelical minister and choir was well received and enjoyed. Mrs. Arthur Baker spent Sunday with Mrs. AVm. Baker. Mr, and Mrs. Fred - Shettler, of Buffalo, spent tllie week-end with |Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen AVebb and Rev. Mr. Moore spent a few days in Toronto last week. The young people’s play “No Ac­ count David” will take place Friday evening. Three of Canada’s leading maga­ zines for one year for one dollar. This is one of the biggest clubbing offers the Times-Advocate has ever made. ' Township of Usborne NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that meeting of the electors of .the to cL _ _ . _ Township -of Usborne will be lheld in the Township Hail, Usborne, Mon­ day, December 31st at the hour of one o’clock p.m, for .the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve and 4 Coun­ cillors. And further take notice that in the eVent of more candidates be­ ing proposed than required to be elected, proceeding will be -adjourn­ ed until (Monday, January 7th when polls shall be held from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at. the fol­ lowing places with the undermen­ tioned officers in- charge as fixed by Township By-law viz: (Sub Division No. 1, School House No. 4 Eden, D.R.O., J. J. Hunter, Poll Clerk, Jno Lukt'on; Sub Divis­ ion No. 2, Ho'use of Lloyd Stewart, D.R.O., C. B. Allison, Poll Cletfk, Chas. Jeffery; Sub. Division! No. 3, House of H. Rowcliffe, D.R.O., S AV. Dougan, Pon Clerk, AVm, Jeffery; Sub Division No. 4, Public Hall, Far­ quhar, D.R.O., Albert Scott, Poll Clerk, Leonard Harris; Sub Division No. 5, Township Hall, Elimville, D. R. O., Lloyd Johns, Poll Clerk, Wes­ ton Horne; Sub Division No. 5, House of Alfred Brock, D.ft.O., Earl Johnston, Poll Clerk, Ross Hern; Sub Division No. 1. House of Russel) Morrissey, H.R.O., Oliver McCurdy, Poll Clerk, Wm. Mills. All electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, „ (Hoiify Strang, 'Cloftk R,R, NojI, Hensall, Dee* 1934