The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-06, Page 1THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6th, 1934ESTABLISHED 1873 SIXTIETH YEAR, NO. 2834Cl PRYDE ELECTED REEVE PARKER—LEE i Complete Showing of I Morley, Roulston, Rivers and Hera to Perm Next Year’s Council I Christmas Merchandise We have an exceptionally fine stock suitable for Christmas gifts, such as Ladies’ Un­ derwear, Silk Pyjamas and Night Gowns, Bath Robes, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Hand-Bags, Etc. also a very fine stock of Ties, Fancy Socks, and all kinds of furnishings for Men and Boys. Men’s Heavy Coat Sweaters on Sale IMen’s Heavy AH Wool Coat Sweaters, including Checks and Jumbo Weaves. Fine for Winter wear. Our regular $3.50 lines pn sale at $2.95 each. Gigantic Flannelette Blankets on sale at $2*15 a pair. * Heavy All 'Wool Blankets, Checks and Plain colors to clear at $6.95 a pair. •'Extra Heavy Night Gown and Pyjama Flannelette, good floral patterns, regular price 35c. per yard on sale at 32c. per yard* Don’t forget our Sale of Ladies*, Misses’ and Girls’ Coats Bargains !Bargains! 25 Girls’ Coats, 4 to 10 year sizes on sale at . .... ! — ........................J ■■■■■■»■ .I,!—■„ 1.1 ■ .1 I ..........I" ....................ML ..................... Men’s Winter Overcoats . $3.95 For a large assortment of Men’s Overcoats, in the very newest styles, at medium prices visit this store at $13, $15, $17, $19 and $20; also good assortment of Boys’ Coats at $3.95 and up. t New Velour Hats Dark Grey, Brown and Blue at $3.50 s Leather Coats Horsehides or Sheep, All Sizes Rubbers - Spats We have a full line of Women’s Brown or 'Black Velvet Overshoes; also lined Rubber Overshoes. Men’s heavy Lumberman’s Rubbers at $1.95 a pair, Men’s Rubber Boots at $2*50 a pair; Men’s Spatsoat $1.00 per pair; also full line of Felt Boots for Winter. Overshoes Rubber Boots Superior Chain Store Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Aylmer White Corn....................per tin 8c. Kellogg’s All Bran, large pkg.................18c. Borden’s Eagle Condensed Milk 18c* 2, 35c. Manyflowers Toilet Soap .... 3 cakes 13c. Calay Soap, face cloth free . . 4 cakes 20c. P. & G. Soap small pkg. Oxydol free 7, 25c Fillet of Hacklie..............................15c. a lb. Huron Toilet Paper....................8 rolls 25c. it Phone 32 Jones & May Phone 32 1 ... HARDWARE NEEDS for Fall and Winter BINGO Only a short time until Christmas—Do your shopping early FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th Canadian Legion Rooms Good Prizes at 8.30. Admission 25c. Elliott, Southcott, Pickard and Mrs. Beavers elected to Board of Edu­ cation. L. J. Penhale to Public Utilities I After one of the mast strenuous campaigns that has been waged, in Exeter for many years for municipal honors practically a new slate has been placed, in office. 'The citizens of Exeter were dissatisfied with the lack of harmony that existed in the council of last year and on Monday selected a new reeve and younger council to carry on the business of the municipality next year. Thomas Pryde was elected Reeve over Wm. D. Sanders, the present Reeve, by the biggest majority ever recorded in Exeter for the reeveship. For the council there were eleven aspirants including only one of last year’s council. As there were only 4 to be elected 7 of .them went down ,to de­ feat. The four elected, were all sup­ porters of Mr. Pryde. For the Board of Education there were three new aspirants and all were elected. Out of the whole slate Mrs, Beavers, the only woman member of the Board of Education, was the only one office. For the Public sicn L. J. Penhale place of Paul Coates. The lattex* is confined to his home through illness having returned. Saturday from hos­ pital in London. With the four ballots, voting was slow and as the vote was exception­ ally large some of the booths were crowded all afternoon with voters waiting for over, an hour before they could secure a ballot. Some of the voters after waiting for a time and unable to gain admittance to booths left without registering their votes. the weather was very disagreeable. At five .o’clock, closing time, at num­ ber one and three wards there were a number outside and in order to get into the booths so as not to be dis­ franchised they were packed in with­ out room to move and it was with difficulty that a person was able to leave the booth after voting. It was six o’clock before all had voted. Late in the afjarnoon a second compart­ ment was fitted up in three of booths to speed up the voting, the south packed so had to be board box. lots took was not until nearly ten o’clock when the full returns were known. The re­ turns were received at the Times-Ad- vocate and a large crowd was on hand to hear the results. . The candidates for the council were J. W, Batson, John Cole, Simon Greb, J. W. Hern, Jas. Morley, H. C. Rivers, Samuel Ross, Dr. Roulston, Silas Stanlake, Edward Stone, F. J. Wickwire. For the Board of Educa­ tion, Mrs. Beavers, A. O. Elliott, Tires, Jones, C. V. Pickard, S. ’ Sanders and J. M. Southcott. The vote was as follows: For Reeve A quiet wedding took place at the United Church parsonage, Centralia, on Saturday evening December first, when Miss Evelyn Lee, second daugh­ ter of (Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee, of McGillivray Township, became the bride of Richard George Parker, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Parker of Highway No. 7. The service was per­ formed >by Rev. R. N. Stewart. The bride was gowned in royal blue with hat to match and carried a bouquet of mauve chrysanthemums. She was attended by her isister, Miss Olive Lee, gowned in "black velvet with hat to match. The .groom was sup­ ported by Mr. Kenneth Hodgins. Af­ ter a short honeymoon Mr, and Mrs. Parker will reside in Centralia. AUTQ ACCIDENT An auto accident occurred on the Main Street Monday morning when a Chevrolet sedan driven by Mr. J. H. Daer, of Auburn, was <run into by a car driven by -Mr. S. Fitton. Mr. Fitton was in the act of turning around at Harvey Bros, mill and was looking to -see if a car was coming from the rear and failed to notice a car coming from the north. His car struck the Auburn car near tihe left front fender damaging it ably. Fortunately no one In the car with Mr. Daer ladies. The occupants of were on their way to London were taken to the city and driven to their home in Auburn by Mr, Fitton. consider- was hurt, were two the car and latex* Poli 1 2 3 4 to be returned 'to Utilities C'ommis- was elected in -the the A wet snow was falling and. the At wasend the ballott box full of ballots that they emptied out into a card- iThe counting of the bal- considerable time and it M. Pryde Sanders . 139 92 . ’203 73 . 178 72 51 39 571 276 DRAWING AT MT. CARMEL A drawing for prizes was held at Mt. Carmel Hall on Wednesday ev­ ening last with the following results Afghan, won by Rev. B. S. Doyle, of Welland, Ont., 100 pounds of flour; Barbara White, Exetev, Ont., color­ ed blanket; Margaret McDonald, 1302 Queen St., Toronto, Ont; Bed Spread, Stephen Mqrrission, Dash­ wood, Ont. 'The drawing was made by (Mr. Wm. Sweitzer, Reeve of the Township of Stephen. On the first draw the flour was won by Rev. J. I. Mitchell, .of Hinsdale, Mass., U.S. Not being able to- send the floar, an­ other draw was made and again the name of Fr. Mitchell came out. On the next draw the result was as above. ATTEMPTED ROBBERY Early Sunday morning t'he doors of the storeroom of the Exeter Rural Hydro at the rear of Dr. J. Ward’s were forced open and night constable W. Wareing coming upon the scene noticed the doors swinging and in­ vestigated, He found that the lock had been forced, a bolt drawn through the door, a nut having been stripped off the bolt on the inside. The discovery was made about 2.30 o’clock and Mr. Robt. Crawford, an employee, was notified. A check-up of the tools revealed that nothing was missing and it is thought that Mr. wareing must have come upon the scene just after entrance had been made to the building and had scared the would-be thieves away. SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE A special musica-l service was held in M'ain St. United Church Sunday evening land a splendid congregation was present to enjoy me service. An anthem was furnished by the choir, J’11 .and a male quartette was sung by “ , Messrs. Jus. Francis, Frank Wild- - , xxwj w... U..XV. Skinner.London, when the Rev. J. M. Finlay jjrSi Qiark and Mr, Frank Elliott, united in marriage Edna M'ai’y, the(.Oj> Brantford, niece and nephew of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gerrie, ;j^ev Elliott, assisted in the ser- of Onton, to Jack H. F. Gambrrll,' vice an(j delighted the audience, youngei’ son of Mr. 'and Mrs. A. H.. j^rs. Clark and iMr. Elliott each sang Gambrill, Exeter. They were attend- two solos and together they Sang two „,•> v.. T™. duet,tiS!i ■Mrg. epark and Rev. Elliott , 1 also sang a duett. The pastor gave anddnight Jxluejvith hat to match^of short' and appropriate address in ,.._x „.xi ........ keeping with the service. He gave an exposition of Charles Wesley’s im­ mortal hymn “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” As a. fitting climax tjo the j “Love Di­ Mrs. Clark and Mr. Elliott "bride- are heard 'regularly each Sunday GAMBRILL—GERRIE The wedding was solemnized ■< Saturday afternoon at Robinson Me-1 morial United Churcn parsonage xn; fong> Harold and Gerald ed by Mr. and Mrs. A. Debeere, Lon­ don. 'The bride wore a dress duetts. silk velvet with grey accessories. Af­ ter a short trip .they will reside in London. Bride-Elect Hoxiored On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Mux'-’ service Mrs. Clark sang ray Knox, of Fergus entertained in vine; honor of 'Miss Edna Gerrie. 1 elect. . and the 'guest of hon.oi’ was present­ ed with many beautiful gifts. Over one hundred neighbors and friends gathered tat the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Gerrie, of Onton, on each commodity consumed the Friday evening November 20th to, tjOUS catering Cafe of the A dainty luncii was served, over the air from Brantford. Town Hall, Exeter, December 7, For a. certain consideration 1934 tfex* Cau- , ....................o __ _ __ __ Exetei' honor their daughter Edna. Aftei* a; Women’s Institute will cater toi this short program the bride-elect was cOmmUnity at a Conundrum Tea and presented with a miscellaneous' . „ , . „ „shower. Lunch whs served and the I Baz‘a,ar* good meal of Conun- remainder of the evening was spent' drums for a few cents. Bazaar opens in cards and dancing. '.at 4 o'clock. Tea served from 4 to 7. a 7* Illustrated Lecture on Co-Operative Marketing in Denmark Tin Roasters from Pie Plates .......... Casseroles ........... Custard Cups ....... Teapots ............... Kitchen Sets ...... <♦!. •I- Percolators Toasters ........$1.25 to $2.06 ......... 00c. to $2.50 ......... 50c. to $1.25 ...... .70c. each ........ $1.45 and up 7}&c. each and up ........ 50c. to $2.25 ..... $1.25 to $1.90 ............ $2.25 each .......................... 89c. ...................... $2.25 ...................... $6.00 ...................... $1.59 ...................... $1.49 .......................... 65c. .......... 30c. and up ................. 35c. 49c. with 5 blades DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11th Shorty Grant and his Band 25c. Admission 25c, Granite Roasters from ......... Aluminum Roasters from ...... Black Pyrex Pyrex Pyrex China Jad'ite Copper Tea Kettles .................. Aluminum Percolators ....... Granite .Percolators (stainless) Electric Electric Irons Electric Swansdown Angel Cake tins ...... ^Storey Christmas Cake tins ....... Cooky Tins in Cream and Green Gillette Razors ............................ Grocery Sets ...............................<....'........................... osc. Feed Your Stock I. X. L. Soluble Minerals .............. $3.00 per cwt. Pocket and Table Cutlery-—All Prices Badminton Birds and Racqu'ets Bazaar and Supper Under the auspices men’s Association1 a Chicken Supper will be held in the Elimville Church on Friday evening, December 7t‘h, aftei’ which a splen­ did mixed programe will be given by the Women’s Missionary Society. Admission: Adults 25c; .Children 15 of the Wo- Bazaar and I* m 1 zl 4 4<a Majority for Pryde, 295. Councillors 1 2 3 4 Total Batson ........ 36 51 54 10 —151 Cole ........... 3,0!211 38 25 —114 Greb .......... 43 •5)1 60'16 —170 Hern ..........llil 1615'81 20 —377 Morley .......161 2<0i0 171 54 —5S6 Rivers ........121 160 13 4 49 —464 Ross .......... 34 •31 30 9 —104 Roulston .....1.63 164 111 27 —465 Stanlake ..... 28 23 39 5 — 95 Stone ......... 60 68 87 40-—215)5 Wickwire .... 26 38 615 22-—1151 Elected,J. Morley 5S6;Dr.Roul- ston 465;H. C.Rivers 464;J. w. Hern 377. Board of Education Beavers, Mrs. 89 138 100 4 6-—373 Elliott ........135 182 170 33-—520' Jones ......... 86 88 84 24-—*2 S 2 Pickard ......141 168 l|3l8 14-—461 Sanders, ... 124 91 99 41-—35.5i Southcott ....126 168 148 35-—477 Elected,A. O.Elliott 520;J. M. - by — W. H. PORTER, Managing Editor of the Farmers’ Advocate Will be given in the TOWN HALL, EXETER on Friday Evening, December 7 th at 8 p.m. Mr. Porter will also speak on the New Canadian Marketing Act, followed by an open forum. First of a series of educational lectures sponsored by local committee. •— —................— ■ ’■ * *........... —K LEAVITT’S THEATRE Now Showing “WITH WILLIAMSON BENEATH THE SEA” Double Feature TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Exhibit at Guelph Mr. Preston Dearing, of Stephen, is this week showing nine of his Dorset Horned sheep at the Guelph Winter Fajr, Mr. Wesley Dearing accompanied him to Guelpth on Mon­ day. Magistrate C. W, Hawkshaw, of London, on Saturday last held his first court in Exeter eince liis lap- pointment as magistrate of this dis­ trict. Three young mon, two from Exeter and one from Hensail, c'ame before him charged with disorderly conduct. They aft pieaded guilty to the charge and each was fined $13.90. The magistrate in address­ ing the boys, stated that he would allow no rowdyism following any of the dances dn Exeter. In the issue of the Times-Advocate last week it was stated that the long standing arbitration started by Mr, Sol. Pollock of Grand Bend, against the Township of Stephen foi‘ payment for the site of the, school section had been terminated by a judgment of His Honor Judge Cos- w.as for the exap- roadway and as was stated tello. (The action pnopria.tion of a for the school site week. it Pays to not last Advertise The fox terrier that was advertised last week as lost was returned to its owner, Mrs. F. Slmmonis, Hen­ sail on Saturday. The dollar bill that was lost on Wednesday after­ noon was found by Mr, John Grob and returned to its owner. Cedar Chests AND NEW FURNITURE Also Furniture remodelled to We take orders for all kinds binet work for kitchens, etc DASHWOOD PLANING order, of ca­ nt the MILL NOTICE I wish to announce that I have taken over the building formerly occupied by Winer Bros, and will oentinue to do general trucking, I have also taken over all accounts ■and these arc now due and should bo settled at once. Phono 91W and 237 —SEVE'RNE WINER Southcott 477; C. V. Pickard 461; Mrs. Beavers 373, Publics Utilities CoSiinilssioit Coates ........122 125 93 12—<352 Penhale .....lOil 141 142 70—454 Majority for Penhale 1’0'2. FORMER EXETER BOY MARRIED IN SASKATOON I If it is a. Diamond Ring she wants for Christmass see our Mock from $12.50' to $150.0—S. B. Taylor, Gould’s Grocery are ladvertisihg an Anniversary Salo this week. See full page 'advt. in tide issue. Mr. Reginald Northoo'tt, son of Mr. Charles Wrthcott and of the late Mrs. Charles Northcott, of Melfort, Sask., was married to Miss Ruby Davidson of Naisberry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John DaVidson, Van­ couver B. C. on October 3ilst. The bride was beautifully dressed In white satin with lace trimmings and bridal veil and carried a bou­ quet of pink and white carnations. The wedding took place at the Pres- bytorial Manse, Rev. Brown officiat­ ing. Mr. and MrS'. 0. G. Lee form­ er friends of the groom signing the register. The young couple will live on 'their farm near iMelfort. All good wishes go with the young couple for a happy married life.A Authentic undersea picture and “FOUND ALIVE” Authentic picture of animal life in the jungle “Jack and the Bean Stalk”Coiui Colored Cartoon; In order to have all school aged children see these pictures She management arc screening a special showing at 7.30 to-niglit Wed­ nesday. Admission for school children 10c. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, December 6th, 7th, Sth “STAND UP AND CHEER” Fox super special production. All stai* cast including Shirley Temple, the child wonder; John Boles, Madge Evans, Warner Bax­ ter, James Dunn, Aunt Jemima and Stopin Fatchit (both c.ilored.) Chorus of 500, 5 bands .of music, 1200 wild animals, Special matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30. Adm. 15 and 25c. Children 12 years and under 10c, Usual Evening Prices Hl L. ■ Wl,■ , r ■■■■-. ■ .In !■ MONDAY, TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY, December 1.0th, 11th, 12th “FOG° Thrilling mystery story at sea with Mary Brian and Reginald Denny COMING—Eddie Cantor in “THE KID FROM SPAIN”