HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-11-29, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TJIVRSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1931
Mrs. n. T. Rowsome, Athens,
Ont., writes, “My baby boy was
troubled with constipation. I gave
him Baby’s Own Tablets as direct
ed . • . Before I had given half the
box the constipation was righted.”
By relieving constipation, Baby's
Own Tablets prevent more serious
ailments developing. Much easier
to take than nauseating laxatives
and perfectly safe for all little folk
from the wee babe to children of
school ago. 25c package.
Feed crops
little being
was cut for
and sweet
half a crop,
and near to
wanted to win the
were an induce-
■of people are to. he
in Canada than in
Another Letter from
Mr. and' Mrs. Ijawrence - Pollock the home of Mr, -and Mrs. I. C. Good-
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock in j hand. Eddie Hartle led in the open- Kerweod last.............. ’ .. .
On Friday
people of the
ed at the home of Mr
Woodburn (nee Evelyn Isaac) and
held a very successful house warm
ing. Sixty-four young folk can have
a lot of fun under such circumstances
and this was no exception to the
rule. During a lull in the merriment
Miss Dorothy Belling read an address
and Mr. Robt. Brunswick presented
life, Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn ex
pressed their gratitude to all for the
gift and their presence there that
The R. p. S. held their regular
meeting last Thursday evenin
and made plans for the Christmas
concert which is to he held Christ
mas Eve, Mrs. J. IL McGregor was
appointed teacher of intermediate
class A and Mrs. Elton Curts assist
ant teacher of class B intermediate.
At the close of the meeting lunch
was served and a social time enjoy
On Wednesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Steeper entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Hutchinson, of Park
hill when the latter couple cele
brated the fifty-second anniversary
of their marriage. Their family was
all present, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hut
chinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Morley,
Mr. Leslie Hutchinson and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Steeper also eight grand
children. Their many friends in this
neighborhood where they spent many
years both before and after
marriage, extend very hearty
gratulations on this event.
The members of the Harmony clas>
held a very enjoyable social even
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Pollock last Tuesday.
Wednesday and ThurS'ing devotions. Gordon Young read
the Scripture Lesson. The latter part
of the program was in charge of tlie
Literary convenor, Thelma Sheppard.
Bob Brunswick read a humorous let
ter which had been written to a
sick person, Thelma gave the topic
“The Need for Quiet Tunes”. The
Misses Hicks favored with a vocal
trio. The roll call was answered by
naming the authorship of certain
books. Plans were made for a special
citizenship program to be held in.
the United Church Sunday evening,
December 9tli, if speakers could be
obtained. The meeting was closed
with the hymn “Oh Love, That Will
Nvt Let Me Go” and the Mizpah
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shmtler and
Mr. Robt, McPherson, of Buffalo
are visiting their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Edmund McPherson,
Mr. S. England and a friend from
Windsor spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. English.
evening the young
United church gather-
and Mrs. L.
ed to grow grain and more wheat.
Of course they
war-—-and prices
No finer class
found anywhere
South west Manitoba and their spirit
is wonderful, but something must be
done to keep them here and so far
our Canadian Government has done
nothing towards reclaiming the land.
Perhaps it is a job too big for the
province or even for the Federal
Government to handle. It may be
International, yet surely it is possible
fur i-ome scheme to be worked out in
tree planting, d'amning creeks or
rivets and bringing parts of the land
back to its c.riginal condition of sod
as nearly as possibde—for our west
ern sunshine makes this a mighty
healthy country to live in. 7
Janet Weir Ransom
year and
to gather their
happy newly-wed couple with a
ome clock un behalf of the
the Y. P. S. and Sunday Schoo]
both have
After a to
in wishing
many years of happy wedded
Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn
served for many
untiful lunch all
the bride and
the Peape Gardens
Interesting’ Letter Lroni Mrs. Sidney
Ransom, of Mountainside, Alan.
The sixteenth of November
more like September, so much
prairie with farm houses and fair-
we hitched up Dobbin and went
wood.'.-y trails several
to Turtle Mountains,
one gets from this
away for many miles
miles al-,
What a ••
over the
their work and hopes are maintained
for better weather for crops next
In Turtle Mountains crops were
fair, wheat running as high as thirty
bushels to the acre but much of it
was considerably less,
were no good, very
threshed, though some
green feed. The hay
clover was more than
] People came from far
1 cut hay in the meadows in the tim
ber reserve, and about two thou
sands head of cattle and! horses were
I brought in from the droughted area
i for pasture.
The native blueberry or Saskatoon
grew in abundance this
many came long distances
On the whole, despite
dry weather the “Bush”
were good; one of our
having in. her garden a .plot of 300
gladioli, in size and variety the fin
est I have ever seen.
A few weeks ago we motored to
Morden, about 115 miles east. Here
is situated a Demnstration farm.
Around Morden the feed crops had
been fairly good and gardens also.
UJut on the prairie to the west of us
'conditions are somewhat similiar to
those in the middle United States.
Several dry years in succession
haveLT, xum ,ked c g>sized barns dotted here and there, la fhn .nh nvo1. n „,r1o
the would-be sports-
deer are becoming
in this district which
i pers completed the job over a
I area. The crop losses would
been much greater but for
bait put out for these pests. Wind's
have caused (soil-drifting in some
places giving the fields a desert-like
appearance, whereas formerly only
an occasional field would blow out
i in the spring and have to be re
seeded. Many fields last spring
were not sown at all.
The great tree planting scheme
! our southern neighbors are planning
will, if it can be successfully carried'
■ out, be of great benefit as a shelter
belt and. no doubt we should derive
considerable benefit from it. Cer
tainly Uncle Sam is doing things
these days. Imagine a strip of trees
one hundred miles miles wide and
a thousand'| miles long, reaching
ifrom Manitoba down to the Pan-
I handle of Texas. This project tak-
I ing ten years to complete will co.-t
‘75,000,000 dollars, ninety per cent,
of which will be paid in. wages to
farmers, more or less expert in the
kind of work involved.
This forest belt is to be made up
of about one hundred strips of trees
each .strip seven rods wide and1 with
the strips about a mile apart. The
, lane] between the strips about a mile
The regular meeting of the Ladio’
Aid will he held December 5th at the
home of Mrs. Thos. Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sheppard, <;f
Parkhill, visited Sunday with rela
tives here.
Mrs. A. Tilley and family spent,
part of last week visiting her sister
Mrs. E. Lamport at Crediton.
Messrs, Win. Sweitzer and Percy
Mollard spent Saturday in Strathruy.
A meeting was held at the close
-of the Sunday School on Sunday to
for a Christmas entertain-
Canadian Dinnerware madeNew
in Canada from Canadian material.
When in Exeter call and see it on
display at S. B. Taylor’s.
one good sized town viz: Boissevain
to the north east, while farther west
on the northern horizon are occas
ional elevator that marks some little
village or siding and Whitwater Lake
now almost dry lies between.
Whitewater Lake whieli 40: years
ago was a sportman’s paradise, so
numerous were the wild! geese in
spring and fall. Some six or seven
year* ago when rains -were abundant
we saw huge flocks of Jack Miner’s
pets flying high over and around
this lake in spring. But Government
police were here and there protect
ing them from
man's gun.
White tailed
more numerous
at one time was the abode of moose,
elk as well as beaver. Unfortunate
the season for deer stalking is leng
thened this year from ten to twenty
days. Hunters are allowed only one
buck but how often d'o they exceed
this limit!
Sport? Unnecessary as there is
enough cheat’ beef in the country—■
and a hunter’s license costs $5. One
of the most fascinating sights is to
see these fine animals standing
beautifully poised ready to dart off
waving their “white flags” at the ( r -— -------x—------- -----
first alarm. It is pleasing to know I aPa.rt. The land between the strips
that a number o;£ farmers in this, remain in private ownership to
district have put up notices forbid
ding hunters to come on the place
in quest of game, which are protect
ed and fed on their land.
On out* drive home today we met
several autos carrying white clad
hunters with their rifles, returning
to town, but glad that we did not
see one carcass, of these beautiful
animals which are as eager to live
and enjoy life as those who are try
ing to kill them.
'Beside (the prairie chicken and
partridge which are natives there
are Hungarian partridges now be
coming. quite common. Another im
ported game bird is the Mongolian
pheasant. How delighted we were to
see recently a male pheasant strut
ting about in all his glorious plu
mage among the tree's and another
rare sight as we drove along a bush
trail was that of a
ruing on a log. lAit
walked off his, log
and disappeared in
of our neighbors had an unusual
experience this 'fall stopping a fight
between a hen partridge and a tur
key each with its brood.
One Sunday afternoon in Septem
ber we visited the Peace Garden site
Here a customs house has been
opened at the International bound
ary on the C. to C. Highway. A short
distance to the south Uncle Sam had
established a camp of workers and
a fine dam across a deep dry ravine
was being erected. No doubt a pretty
lake will be the result, filled with
next spring’s melted snows andl sum
mer rains.
But there will have to be differ
ent weather fi’om what we have had
the last couple of years before we
again have many lakelets and ponds
to reflect the blue of the sky.
The water has been lower in sev
eral of the
one of the
eyst part" of
some unaccountable reason: gone dry
aud.'this dispite the fact thatxa sec
ond growth of timber has now reach
ed a fair size.
This has been a wonderfully fine
fall as up to 'the present itime farm
ers have been able to work on the.
land, and are well ca'ught up with
A play entitled “No Account David”
is being presented at the Grand
Bend United' Church, Friday even
ing, December 7tli.
Mr. and (Mrs. Sol. Pollock visited
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Desjardine on
Mr. and-Mrs. Frank Station ^visit
ed Mr. Felix Wild in Dashwood on
Mr. Ralph Williams, who has been
visiting in Ohio and Detroit return
ed home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Holt visited
in Forest on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry,
of the Imperial Hotel, left last weex
to spend the. winter in California,
motoring and visiting along the way.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turnbull
and family visited friends in Park
hill on Wednesday.
A carload of young people of Lon
don visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Desjardine on Sunday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile, of
Dashwood', spent Sunday with his
brother Mr. Herb Pfile.
partridge drum-
our approach he
quite leisurely
the woods. One
beautiful lakes in Turtle
during this drought and
larger lakes at the high-
this hilly plateau has for
be cropped or grazed.
The Americans hope by this huge
planting 'project to provide work for
large numbers of farmers in areas
brought to the verge or destitution
by successive years of drought. In
the years to. come it will provide
wood and! timber in an area where
there is now a great shortage of both
Perhaps the most important of all
is the aim to lessen the velocity of
the wind, check
crease the catch
Perhaps, too,
Americans hope
effect on the climate which this large
scale planting will have.
There is no doubt that the great
American plateau has undergone a
profound change since it was first
settled. It is no longer a. young
country of unibroken sod with abun
dant ground water which can be tap
ped by shallow wells. The cultivated
soil has lost its resistance to wind1,
erosion and in some places the water
table has been lowered.
It has been proved in Russia and
in other European countries as well'
as in the United States that tree
planting well planned and on suf
ficiently large scale can effectively
check wind erosion.
Droughts are concurrent andlwhen
wind and drought came togethei’ the
soil .is whirled away in clouds, that
this year, the worst of all, have left
traces of havoc wrought all the way
to the Atlantic.
Something must be done. Farmers
who have spent the best years of
their lives establishing homes for
themselves on the prairies find them
selves almost destitute with no. grain
o,r other feed for their stock, nor
money to buy it; and worse still,
no means of providing food or clo,th
ing for their families, and this thro’
no fault of their own.
Recently, we motored thirty miles
over a fine highway with fine farm
homes and good buildings. The fields
were bare of stubble, the only thing
growing on the drifted soil, being
Russian thistle, which is a dry year
annual. A few short years ago. we
saw these same fields thickly dotted
with stooks. Who is to. blame?
This is a difficult question to
answer. In 1915 farmers were ask-
evaporation and in-
of drifting snow,
and in this the
to succeed, is this
Women are Recognizing
A Friend and Benefactor
and1 Mrs. Emerson Gunning,
From girlhood to old ago, through the trying
time of a woman’s Jifof Milburn’s JET. & N, Pills
are becoming recognized, more and more, as their
great friend and benefactor.
To the pale, thin, bloodless cheeks thoy supply
the iron so necessary to mako rich, red blood, and
bring back the glow of health.
To tired, weak, worn out, run down women thoy
help bring back strength and energy, and rovivo
their drooping spirits,
Ask your druggist Or dealer about Milburn’s
H. & N. Pills,
of Kirkton visited with Mr.
Mrs. Wm. Clarke on Friday of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher
Norma spent one day lasit week with
Mr. and Mrs. Mac.
The sympathy of
goes to Mrs. Cecil
death of her
Mrs. George
Harold, of near
days last week
Nelson Clarke.
Miss Mae Coward, of Hensail,
spent the week-end at itlie home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Coward.
Mrs. Freeman Horn had the mis
fortune to fall down the cellar
stairs one day lasit week and suffer
ed a severely sprained arm.
Quite a number from this com
munity attended the chicken supper
at Centralia on Thursday night of
last week.
Hammond, of
the community
Camm in the
father, Mr. John
Frayne and1 son
Exeter, spent a few
with |Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. Hugh D. Taylor, of Thames
Road, preached a splendid mission
ary sermon on Sunday morning to a
good' sized congregation.
The Sunshine Workers Mission
Band will hold an entertainment in
the church on Friday "evening No
vember 30th.
Mr. and Mrs.
son Grant spent
nephew Mr. and'
Mr. and Mrs. . ... __ .
daughters of Kirkton and' Mr. Wil
liam Stephens, of Blanshard, visited
it being the celebration of the lat
ter’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, Mar
garet and Gerald spent Sunday With
Mrs. Hern’s brother Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Kerslake.
Mr. Fred Hern, of Saskatchewan,
has been visiting in the community
for the past week.
Miss Thelma Jaques is at present
employed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Sikinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and
daughter Jean spent Sunday with the
former’s mother Mrs. William Brock
at the home of Mrs. James
Hector Taylor and
Saturday with their
Mrs. Harold Hern.
Orville Rogers and
their sister Mr. and Mrs. Eph-
Hern on Sunday.
Tuesday .of last week Hazel
visited with Margaret Jaques
Mrs. Goodhand presided
regular monthly meeting of
M. S. which was held in the
Church last Wednesday afternoon.
The following mOmbers took part,
Mrs. J. H. McGregor, Mrs. Elton
Curts, Mrs. Frank Steeper, Mrs.
Goodhand, Mrs. Sherritt and Mae
Wilson. Reports were given and bus
iness discussed. A short meeting of
the Woman’s Association followed,
The members of the iS. S. Execut
ive met at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
S. W. Webb last Wednesday night
at the
the W.
Established 1817
31st October, 1934
35, 255,876.00
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits
and Reserves for Dividends ....
This amount represents the shareholders’ interest in the Bank,
over which liabilities to the public take precedence.
Total Liabilities
presentation, in easily understandable form,
of the 'Hank’s
Deposits ......
Payable on demand and after notice.
Notes of the Bank in Circulation
Payable on demand.
Bills Payable
Time drafts issued and outstanding.
Letters of Credit Outstanding
Financial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of customers
(see off-setting amount [x] in "Resources”).
Other Liabilities to the Public . ... ,
Items which do not come under the foregoing headings, in
cluding $9,000,000 advances from the Dominion Government
tinder The Finance Act.
Total Liabilities to the Public . . . . .
To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has
Cash in its Vaults and in the Central Gold Reserves
Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks
-Payable in cash on presentation.
Money on Deposit with Other Banks
Available on demand or at short notice.
Government and Other Bonds and Debentures .
Nw exceeding market value. The greater portion consists
of gilt-edge securities which mature at early dates.
Stocks ........
Railway and Industrial and other stocks. Not exceeding mar
ket value.
Call Loans outside of Canada .....
Secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable securities of
greater value than the loans and representing moneys quickly
available with no disturbing effect on conditions in Canada.
Call Loans in Canada ......
Payable on demand and secured by bonds and stocks of
greater value than the loans.
Bankers’ Acceptances ......
Prime drafts accepted by other banks.
(equal to 71.97% of all Liabilities to the Public)
Other Loans .......
To manufacturers, farmers, merchants and others, on condi
tions consistent with sound banking.
Bank Premises .......
Three properties only are carried in the names of holding
companies; the stock and bonds of these companies are en
tirely owned by the Bank and appear on the books at $1.00
in each case. All other of the Bank's premises, the value of
which largely exceeds $14,500,000, appear under this heading.
Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the
Bank ........
Acquired in the course of the Bank’s business and in process
of being realized upon.
x Customers’ Liability under Letters of Credit
Represents liabilities of customers on account of Letters of
Credit issued by the Bank for their account.
Other Assets not included in the Foregoing
Making Total Assets of .
to meet payment of Liabilities to the Public of
leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Public of
6.522.” 0.56
Profits for the year ended 31st October, 1934, after making appropria
tions to Contingent Reserve Fund, out of which Fund full provision
for Bad and Doubtful Debts has been made
Less Dominion and Provincial Government Taxes
Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders «
Reservation for Bank Premises ....
Balance of Profit and toss Account, 31st October,
Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward
1933 .
4 »
W. A. BOG,
Joint General Managers
(The strength of a bank is determined by its history, its policy, its management Tl
and the extent of its resources. For 117 years the Bank of Montreal has ||»
been in the forefront of Canadian finance. JJ